Tonatiuh Sanchez-Vizuet
- Assistant Professor, Mathematics
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-6098
- Mathematics, Rm. 115
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- tonatiuh@arizona.edu
Tonatiuh Sánchez-Vizuet was born in Mexico City. Heearned a “licenciatura”(roughly equivalent to a master’s degree) in Physics and a master’s degree in Mathematics both from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He then earned a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Delaware.
After his doctoral studies, Sánchez-Vizuet spent four years at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University as a postdoctoral associate. He has been an Assistant Professor of mathematics at the University of Arizona since 2020, where he is also a member of the Graduate Interdisciplinary program in Applied Mathematics. His research interests revolve around the development, analysis, and implementation of numerical methods for the simulation of physical processes. His work has touched the areas of elastic wave propagation, wave scattering, and magnetic equilibrium of plasmas in fusion reactors.
- Ph.D. Applied Mathematics
- University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, United States
- Integral and coupled integral-volume methods for transient problems in wave-structure interaction
- M.S. Mathematics
- National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico
- Numerical solution of the Euler equations for gas dynamics in 3D
- B.S. Physics
- National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico
Work Experience
- The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2020 - Ongoing)
- The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2020 - Ongoing)
- Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (2016 - 2020)
- William Yslas Velez Outstanding faculty advisor
- Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona, Spring 2024
- National system of researchers (membership level 1- renewal)
- National council for science and technology, Mexico. (CONACyT), Summer 2020
- Lathisms Up and coming Hispanic Mathematician
- Lathisms.org, Fall 2018
- National system of researchers (membership level 1-)
- National council for science and technology, Mexico. (CONACyT), Spring 2018
Partial differential equations, numerical methods, statistics, applied mathematics
Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, Computational Physics, Applied Mathematical Analysis
2024-25 Courses
Honors Thesis
MATH 498H (Spring 2025) -
Independent Study
MATH 599 (Spring 2025) -
MATH 491 (Spring 2025) -
Real Anls Several Vari
MATH 425B (Spring 2025) -
Real Anls Several Vari
MATH 525B (Spring 2025) -
Honors Thesis
MATH 498H (Fall 2024) -
Real Analy One Variable
MATH 425A (Fall 2024) -
Real Analy One Variable
MATH 525A (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Directed Research
MATH 492 (Spring 2024) -
Real Analysis
MATH 523B (Spring 2024) -
Directed Research
MATH 492 (Fall 2023) -
Real Analysis
MATH 523A (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Anls Ord Diff Equations
MATH 355 (Spring 2023) -
Directed Research
MATH 492 (Spring 2023) -
Intro to Statistical Computing
DATA 375 (Fall 2022) -
Theory of Statistics
MATH 466 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Intro Statistical Method
DATA 363 (Spring 2022) -
Intro Statistical Method
MATH 363 (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
MATH 599 (Fall 2021) -
Intro Statistical Method
DATA 363 (Fall 2021) -
Intro Statistical Method
MATH 363 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
MATH 263 (Spring 2021) -
Calculus I
MATH 125 (Fall 2020)
Scholarly Contributions
- Elman, H., Liang, J., & Sánchez-Vizuet, T. (2024). Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for the Grad-Shafranov free boundary problem. Computer Physics Communications, 298. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2024.109099More infoThe equilibrium configuration of a plasma in an axially symmetric reactor is described mathematically by a free boundary problem associated with the celebrated Grad-Shafranov equation. The presence of uncertainty in the model parameters introduces the need to quantify the variability in the predictions. This is often done by computing a large number of model solutions on a computational grid for an ensemble of parameter values and then obtaining estimates for the statistical properties of solutions. In this study, we explore the savings that can be obtained using multilevel Monte Carlo methods, which reduce costs by performing the bulk of the computations on a sequence of spatial grids that are coarser than the one that would typically be used for a simple Monte Carlo simulation. We examine this approach using both a set of uniformly refined grids and a set of adaptively refined grids guided by a discrete error estimator. Numerical experiments show that multilevel methods dramatically reduce the cost of simulation, with cost reductions typically on the order of 60 or more and possibly as large as 200. Adaptive griding results in more accurate computation of geometric quantities such as x-points associated with the model.
- Hsiao, G., Wendland, W., & Sánchez-Vizuet, T. (2023). A Boundary-Field Formulation for Elastodynamic Scattering. Journal of Elasticity, 153(1). doi:10.1007/s10659-022-09964-7More infoAn incoming elastodynamic wave impinges on an elastic obstacle is embedded in an infinite elastic medium. The objective of the paper is to examine the subsequent elastic fields scattered by and transmitted into the elastic obstacle. By applying a boundary-field equation method, we are able to formulate a nonlocal boundary problem (NBP) in the Laplace transformed domain, using the field equations inside the obstacle and boundary integral equations in the exterior elastic medium. Existence, uniqueness and stability of the solutions to the NBP are established in Sobolev spaces for two different integral representations. The corresponding results in the time domain are obtained. The stability bounds are translated into time domain estimates that can serve as the starting point for a numerical discretization based on Convolution Quadrature.
- Elman, H. C., Liang, J., & Sanchez-Vizuet, T. (2021). Surrogate Approximation of the Grad-Shafranov Free Boundary Problem via Stochastic Collocation on Sparse Grids. Journal of Computational Physics.
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., Solano, M., & Sanchez, N. (2022). Afternote to Coupling at a distance: convergence analysis and a priori error estimates .. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 22(4), 28. doi:10.1515/cmam-2022-0004
- Solano, M., Sanchez-vizuet, T., & Sanchez, N. (2022). Error Analysis of an Unfitted HDG Method for a Class of Non-linear Elliptic Problems. Journal of Scientific Computing, 90(3). doi:10.1007/s10915-022-01767-1
- Sánchez, N., Sanchez-Vizuet, T., & Solano, M. E. (2021). Error analysis of an unfitted HDG method for a class of non-linear elliptic problems. Journal of Scientific Computing, 90(3), 1-28. doi:10.1007/s10915-022-01767-1
- Elman, H. C., Liang, J., & Sanchez-Vizuet, T. (2021). Surrogate Approximation of the Grad–Shafranov Free Boundary Problem via Stochastic Collocation on Sparse Grids. Journal of Computational Physics, 1--25. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2021.110699
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., & Hsiao, G. C. (2021). Boundary integral formulations for transient linear thermoelasticity with combined- type boundary conditions. SIAM Journal of mathematical analysis, 4(53), 3888–3911. doi:10.1137/20M1372834
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., & Hsiao, G. C. (2021). Time-Dependent Wave-Structure Interaction Revisited: Thermo-piezoelectric Scatterers. Fluids, 6(3). doi:10.3390/fluids6030101
- Sánchez, N., Sánchez-Vizuet, T., & Solano, M. E. (2021). A priori and a posteriori error analysis of an unfitted HDG method for semi-linear elliptic problems. Numerische Mathematik. doi:10.1007/s00211-021-01221-8More infoWe present a priori and a posteriori error analysis of a high orderhybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method applied to a semi-linearelliptic problem posed on a piecewise curved, non polygonal domain. Weapproximate $\Omega$ by a polygonal subdomain $\Omega_h$ and propose an HDGdiscretization, which is shown to be optimal under mild assumptions related tothe non-linear source term and the distance between the boundaries of thepolygonal subdomain $\Omega_h$ and the true domain $\Omega$. Moreover, a localnon-linear post-processing of the scalar unknown is proposed and shown toprovide an additional order of convergence. A reliable and locally efficient aposteriori error estimator that takes into account the error in theapproximation of the boundary data of $\Omega_h$ is also provided.[Journal_ref: ]
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., & Hsiao, G. C. (2020). Time-Domain Boundary Integral Methods in Linear Thermoelasticity. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis.
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., Cerfon, A. J., & Solano, M. E. (2020). Adaptive Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the Grad–Shafranov equation by extension from polygonal subdomains. Computer Physics Communications.
- Hsiao, G. C., Sanchez-vizuet, T., Sayas, F., & Weinacht, R. J. (2019). A time-dependent wave-thermoelastic solid interaction. Ima Journal of Numerical Analysis, 39(2), 924-956. doi:10.1093/imanum/dry016More infoThis paper presents a combined field and boundary integral equation method for solving time-dependent scattering problem of a thermoelastic body immersed in a compressible, inviscid and homogeneous fluid. The approach here is a generalization of the coupling procedure employed by the authors for the treatment of the time-dependent fluid-structure interaction problem. Using an integral representation of the solution in the infinite exterior domain occupied by the fluid, the problem is reduced to one defined only over the finite region occupied by the solid, with nonlocal boundary conditions. The nonlocal boundary problem is analized with Lubich's approach for time-dependent boundary integral equations. Using the Laplace transform in terms of time-domain data existence and uniqueness results are established. Galerkin semi-discretization approximations are derived and error estimates are obtained. A full discretization based on the Convolution Quadrature method is also outlined. Some numerical experiments are also included in order to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the procedure.
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., & Solano, M. E. (2019). A Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin solver for the Grad–Shafranov equation. Computer Physics Communications.
- Brown, T. S., Sanchez-vizuet, T., & Sayas, F. (2018). Evolution of a semidiscrete system modeling the scattering of acoustic waves by a piezoelectric solid. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 52(2), 423-455. doi:10.1051/m2an/2017045More infoWe consider a model problem of the scattering of linear acoustic waves in free homogeneous space by an elastic solid. The stress tensor in the solid combines the effect of a linear dependence of strains with the influence of an existing electric field. The system is closed using Gauss’s law for the associated electric displacement. Well-posedness of the system is studied by its reformulation as a first order in space and time differential system with help of an elliptic lifting operator. We then proceed to studying a semidiscrete formulation, corresponding to an abstract Finite Element discretization in the electric and elastic fields, combined with an abstract Boundary Element approximation of a retarded potential representation of the acoustic field. The results obtained with this approach improve estimates obtained with Laplace domain techniques. While numerical experiments illustrating convergence of a fully discrete version of this problem had already been published, we demonstrate some properties of the full model with some simulations for the two dimensional case.
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., Greengard, L., Gamba, I. M., Sormani, C., Tao, T., & Payne, K. R. (2018). The Mathematics of Cathleen Synge Morawetz. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 65(7), 764-778. doi:10.1090/noti1706
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., Sayas, F., Hsiao, G. C., & Weinacht, R. (2018). A Time-Dependent Wave-Thermoelastic Solid Interaction. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 39(2), 924–956.
- Sanchez-vizuet, T., & Cerfon, A. J. (2018). Pseudo spectral collocation with Maxwell polynomials for kinetic equations with energy diffusion. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60(2), 025018. doi:10.1088/1361-6587/aa963aMore infoWe study the approximation and stability properties of a recently popularized discretization strategy for the speed variable in kinetic equations, based on pseudo-spectral collocation on a grid defined by the zeros of a non-standard family of orthogonal polynomials called Maxwell polynomials. Taking a one-dimensional equation describing energy diffusion due to Fokker–Planck collisions with a Maxwell–Boltzmann background distribution as the test bench for the performance of the scheme, we find that Maxwell based discretizations outperform other commonly used schemes in most situations, often by orders of magnitude. This provides a strong motivation for their use in high-dimensional gyrokinetic simulations. However, we also show that Maxwell based schemes are subject to a non-modal time stepping instability in their most straightforward implementation, so that special care must be given to the discrete representation of the linear operators in order to benefit from the advantages provided by Maxwell polynomials.
- Hsiao, G. C., Sanchez-vizuet, T., & Sayas, F. (2017). Boundary and coupled boundary–finite element methods for transient wave–structure interaction. Ima Journal of Numerical Analysis, 37(1), 237-265. doi:10.1093/imanum/drw009More infoWe propose time-domain boundary integral and coupled boundary integral and variational formulations for acoustic scattering by linearly elastic obstacles. Well posedness along with stability and error bounds with explicit time dependence are established. Full discretization is achieved coupling boundary and finite elements; Convolution Quadrature is used for time evolution in the pure BIE formulation and combined with time stepping in the coupled BEM/FEM scenario. Second order convergence in time is proven for BDF2-CQ and numerical experiments are provided for both BDF2 and Trapezoidal Rule CQ showing second order behavior for the latter as well.
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., & Cerfon, A. (2017). Pseudo spectral collocation with Maxwell polynomials for kinetic equations with energy diffusion. Plasma Physics and Cotrolled Fusion.
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., & Sayas, F. (2017). Symmetric Boundary-Finite Element Discretization of Time Dependent Acoustic Scattering by Elastic Obstacles with Piezoelectric Behavior. Journal of Scientific Computing.
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., Brown, T., & Sayas, F. (2017). Evolution of a semidiscrete system modeling the scattering of acoustic waves by a piezoelectric solid. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis.
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., Sayas, F., Hassell, M., & Tianyu, Q. (2017). A new and improved analysis of the time domain boundary integral operators for the acoustic wave equation. J. Integral Equations Applications.
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., Sayas, F., & Hsiao, G. (2016). Boundary and coupled boundary–finite element methods for transient wave–structure interaction. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis.
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T., Sayas, F., & Dominguez, V. (2015). A fully discrete Calderón calculus for the two-dimensional elastic wave equation. Computers & Mathematics with Applications.
Proceedings Publications
- Askham, T., Ball, J., Cerfon, A., Freidberg, J., Greenwald, M., Imbert-Gérard, L., Kim, E., Landreman, M., Lee, J., Majda, A., Malhotra, D., McFadden, G., O'Neil, M., Parra, F., Qi, D., Rachh, M., Ricketson, L., Sanchez-Vizuet, T., Segal, D., & Wilkening, J. (2022).
High Performance Equilibrium Solvers for Integrated Magnetic Fusion Simulations
. In DOE Technical report.
- Sanchez-Vizuet, T. (2023, October). A high order solver for the Grad-Shafranov free boundary problem. 56th Annual meeting of the Mexican Mathematical Society. San Luis Potosi, Mexico: Mexican Mathematical Society.