Qing Zhang
- Associate Professor, Anthropology
- Associate Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 626-5618
- Emil W. Haury Anth. Bldg., Rm. 306
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- zhangq1@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Linguistics
- Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, United States
- Changing Economy, Changing Markets: A Sociolinguistic Study of Chinese Yuppies
- School of Anthropology Faculty Research Award
- School of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Fall 2022
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Language, Gender and Sexuality
ANTH 303 (Spring 2025) -
Language, Gender and Sexuality
GWS 303 (Spring 2025) -
Language, Gender and Sexuality
LING 303 (Spring 2025) -
ANTH 583 (Spring 2025) -
LING 583 (Spring 2025) -
SLAT 583 (Spring 2025) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Language In Culture
ANTH 476 (Spring 2024) -
Language In Culture
ANTH 576 (Spring 2024) -
Language In Culture
LING 476 (Spring 2024) -
Language In Culture
LING 576 (Spring 2024) -
Language In Culture
SLAT 576 (Spring 2024) -
The Nature Of Language
ANTH 276 (Spring 2024) -
Found Linguistic Anth
ANTH 680 (Fall 2023) -
Gender + Language
ANTH 303 (Fall 2023) -
Gender + Language
GWS 303 (Fall 2023) -
Gender + Language
LING 303 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
ANTH 920 (Spring 2023) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Spring 2023) -
Ling Analysis of Soc Meaning
ANTH 585 (Spring 2023) -
The Nature Of Language
ANTH 276 (Spring 2023) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2022) -
Gender + Language
ANTH 303 (Fall 2022) -
Gender + Language
GWS 303 (Fall 2022) -
Gender + Language
LING 303 (Fall 2022) -
ANTH 583 (Fall 2022) -
LING 583 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
ANTH 920 (Spring 2022) -
Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH 696C (Spring 2022) -
The Nature Of Language
ANTH 276 (Spring 2022) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2021) -
Gender + Language
ANTH 303 (Fall 2021) -
Gender + Language
GWS 303 (Fall 2021) -
Gender + Language
LING 303 (Fall 2021) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Fall 2021) -
ANTH 583 (Fall 2021) -
LING 583 (Fall 2021) -
SLAT 583 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
ANTH 920 (Spring 2021) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
ANTH 920 (Spring 2020) -
Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH 696C (Spring 2020) -
The Nature Of Language
ANTH 276 (Spring 2020) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2019) -
ANTH 583 (Fall 2019) -
LING 583 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
ANTH 920 (Spring 2019) -
Found Linguistic Anth
ANTH 680 (Spring 2019) -
The Nature Of Language
ANTH 276 (Spring 2019) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2018) -
Gender + Language
ANTH 303 (Fall 2018) -
Gender + Language
GWS 303 (Fall 2018) -
Gender + Language
LING 303 (Fall 2018) -
ANTH 583 (Fall 2018) -
COGS 583 (Fall 2018) -
LING 583 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
ANTH 920 (Spring 2018) -
Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH 696C (Spring 2018) -
The Nature Of Language
ANTH 276 (Spring 2018) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2017) -
Found Linguistic Anth
ANTH 680 (Fall 2017) -
Gender + Language
ANTH 303 (Fall 2017) -
Gender + Language
GWS 303 (Fall 2017) -
Gender + Language
LING 303 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
ANTH 920 (Spring 2017) -
ANTH 583 (Spring 2017) -
SLAT 583 (Spring 2017) -
The Nature Of Language
ANTH 276 (Spring 2017) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2016) -
Gender + Language
ANTH 303 (Fall 2016) -
Gender + Language
GWS 303 (Fall 2016) -
Gender + Language
LING 303 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
ANTH 920 (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Spring 2016) -
Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH 696C (Spring 2016) -
The Nature Of Language
ANTH 276 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Zhang, Q. (2018). Undoing Commonness: The Emergence of Cosmopolitan Mandarin in Contemporary China. Routledge.
- Zhang, Q. (2021). Emergence of meaning in sociolinguistic change. In Social Meaning and Linguistic Variation: Theorizing the Third Wave(pp 267-291). Cambridge University Press.
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2012). Language policy and ideology: Greater China. Oxford University Press.More infoZhang, Qing. 2013. Language policy and ideology: Greater China. In Robert Bayley, Richard Cameron, and Ceil Lucas (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Sociolinguistics, 563-586. Oxford: Oxford University Press.;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2012). Variationist sociolinguistics. People's University Press.More infoĺŹ;
- Zhang, Q., & Shin, P. (2020). Language and the construction of difference. In Routledge Handbook of Chinese Culture and Society(pp 99-112). London: Routledge.
- Zhang, Q. (2014). 变异社会语言学 (Variationist sociolinguistics). In 《语言学》(Linguistics)(pp 520-545). Beijing, China: People's University Press.More infoIn Jenny Zhijie Wang and Dongdong Chen (eds.),《čŻč¨€ĺ¦ă€‹ďĽ;
- Zhang, Q. (2013). Language policy and ideology: Greater China. In Oxfor Handbook of Sociolinguistics(pp 563-586). Oxford: Oxford University.More infoIn Robert Bayley, Richard Cameron, and Ceil Lucas (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2012). “Carry shopping through to the end”: Linguistic innovation in a Chinese television program. John Benjamins.More info;Full Citation: “Carry shopping through to the end”: Linguistic innovation in a Chinese television program. In Juan Manuel Hernandez-Campoy and Juan Antonio Cutillas-Espinosa (eds), Style-shifting in public: New perspective on stylistic variation, 205-224. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z., & E, C. (2012). “My turf, I decide”: Linguistic circulation in the emergence of a Chinese youth culture. World Scientific.More info;Your Role: Main author, data collection, data analysis, 90%;Full Citation: “My turf, I decide”: Linguistic circulation in the emergence of a Chinese youth culture. In Jin Liu and Hongyin Tao (eds.), Chinese under globalization: Emerging trends in language use in China, 79-104. Singapore: World Scientific.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2010). A Chinese yuppie in Beijing: Phonological variation and the construction of a new professional identity. Routledge.More infoThis is a reprint of Zhang (2005).;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. 2010. A Chinese yuppie in Beijing: Phonological variation and the construction of a new professional identity. In Miriam Meyerhoff and Erik Schleef (eds.), The Routledge Sociolinguistics Reader, Chapter 4. London; New York: Routledge. ;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z., & Wong, A. (2010). The linguistic construction of the Tongzhi Community. Routledge.More infoThis is a reprint of Wong and Zhang (2001).;Your Role: 50% effort.;Full Citation: Wong, Andrew, and Qing Zhang. 2010. The linguistic construction of the Tongzhi Community. In Bambi Schieffelin and Paul Garrett (eds.), Anthropological Linguistics: Theories and Practices - Critical Concepts in Language Studies, Chapter 76. London; New York: Routledge.;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Faculty member at California State University East Bay.;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2007). Cosmopolitanism and linguistic capital in China: Language, gender and the transition to a globalized market economy in Beijing. Walter de Gruyter.More info;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. “Cosmopolitanism and linguistic capital in China: Language, gender and the transition to a globalized market economy in Beijing.” in Bonnie McElhinny (ed.), Words, Worlds, and Material Girls: Language, Gender, Globalization, 403-422. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. ;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2010). The discursive construction of the social stratification order in reforming China. Journal of Language and Politics.More info;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. 2010. The discursive construction of the social stratification order in reforming China. Journal of Language and Politics 9 (4): 508-527.;
- Zhang, Q. (2010). The discursive construction of the social stratification order in reforming China. Journal of Language and Politics, 9(4), 508-527.
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2008). Changing address forms in China. RASK: International Journal of Speech and Communication.More info;Full Citation: Zhang Qing. 2008. Changing address forms in China. RASK: International Journal of Speech and Communication 28:3-24;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2008). Rhotacization and the â€. Journal of Sociolinguistics.More info;Full Citation: Zhang Qing. 2008. Rhotacization and the 'Beijing Smooth Operator': The social meaning of a linguistic variable. Journal of Sociolinguistics 12:201-22;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2006). Cosmopolitan Mandarin: Linguistic practice of Chinese waiqi professionals. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication.More info;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. 2006. “Cosmopolitan Mandarin: Linguistic practice of Chinese waiqi professionals.” Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 16 (2): 215-235. ;
Proceedings Publications
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2007). Jiang shopping jinxing daodi': Linguistic innovation and social distinction in Chinese television medium.More info;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. 2006. “â€;Electronic: Yes;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2024, June). Sociolinguistic Methods. Invited Talk. Xi'an, China: Xi’an University, Shanxi Normal University, and Xi’an Fanyi University.
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2023, April). Co-operative production: The performance of a MOFA spokesperson persona. . Discourse Lab, Department of Anthropology, University of California Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA, USA: Department of Anthropology, University of California Los Angeles.More infoZhang, Qing. April 2023. Co-operative production: The performance of a MOFA spokesperson persona. Discourse Lab, Department of Anthropology, University of California Los Angeles. (Invited talk)
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2023, August). New Development in Variationist Sociolinguistics. The State Language Commission Advanced Research Training Workshop. Shanghai, China (Talk delivered virtually): State Language Commission and Shanghai International Studies University.More infoZhang, Qing. August 2023. New Development in Variationist Sociolinguistics. The State Language Commission Advanced Research Training Workshop. Shanghai International Studies University, China. (Talk delivered virtually)
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2023, July).
Co-operative production: A multidimensional approach to social meaning
. Invited talk. Beijing, China: School of Foreign Languages, Beijing International Studies University.More infoZhang, Qing. July 2003. Co-operative production: A multidimensional approach to social meaning. School of Foreign Languages, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing, China. (Invited talk) - Zhang, Q. (2021, February). Style and sociolinguistic change: the social and ideological embedding of variation. New Ways of Analyzing Variation-Asia Pacific 6. Singapore: Singapore National University.
- Zhang, Q. (2022, April). Language and social change in China: Undoing commonness through Cosmopolitan Mandarin (part of SLA Distinguished Books Panel). Society for Linguistic Anthropology Conference 2022. Boulder, Colorado..
- Zhang, Q. (2022, April). Style and sociolinguistic change (part of panel on “The whole linguist: Eckert’s relationship to linguistic anthropology”) . Society for Linguistic Anthropology Conference 2022. Boulder, Colorado..
- Zhang, Q. (2022, May). Conceptual tools for the analysis of social meaning. LCR-2022 (International Forum on Language & Culture Research). Xi’an, China (Talk delivered virtually).
- Zhang, Q. (2022, October). Co-construction of meaning in the Performance of A MOFA Spokesperson Persona. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 50. San Jose, California.: Stanford University.
- Zhang, Q. (2022, October). Co-operative production: A multidimensional approach to social meaning. Arizona Linguistics Circle 16. Tucson, Arizona..
- Zhang, Q. (2021, March). Style and sociolinguistic change. Linguistics Colloquium. Virtual: Linguistics Program, Wayne State University..
- Zhang, Q. (2020, October). Sociolinguistic variation and changing cultural frameworks of value. The Second International Forum on Sociolinguistics. Virtual: Association of Chinese Sociolinguistics.
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2012, 2012-02-01). Warring standards: Contestation over indexical order in cosmopolitan Mandarin. Sandrizona. UC San Diego.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2011, 2011-03-01). The enregisterment of a new Mandarin style: An integrated approach to linguistic innovation. Linguistic Anthropology Seminar and East Asia Center Lecture Series. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2011, 2011-10-01). The enregisterment of a new Mandarin style. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 40. Georgetown University, Washington, D.C..More info;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z., & E, C. (2010, 2010-10-01). My turf, I decide": Linguistic circulation in the construction of a Chinese youth culture. First International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourses. UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.More info;Your Role: Main author. Chen-chun E presented the paper.;Refereed: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z., & E, C. (2010, 2010-11-01). “My Turf, I Decide”: Circulating Stances and the Mediation of a Chinese Youth Style.. Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. New Orleans.More info;Your Role: Main author, co-presenter.;Refereed: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2009, 2009-05-01). Language and consumption: Crafting a new Chinese middle-class consumer. Third International Conference on New Discourses of Contemporary China. Tianjin, China.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2009, 2009-06-01). Cosmopolitan Mandarin and the new Chinese middle-class consumer. Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies Department Colloquium. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2008, 2008-04-01). An innovative linguistic style for a new lifestyle: A case study of a Chinese television program. Sociolinguistics Symposium 17. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.More info;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2008, 2008-11-01). An innovative linguistic style in the construction of new social distinction in China. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 37. Houston, Texas.More info;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2008, 2008-11-01). The role of television in the reconfiguration of indexical order. Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. San Francisco, California.More info;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2007, 2007-11-01). Constructing a middle-class audience through a new linguistic style. Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. Washington, D.C..More info;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2006, 2006-04-01). â€. Symposium about Language and Society - Austin. University of Texas at Austin.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2006, 2006-07-01). Bad imitation of Gang-Tai accent' or a new Mandarin style?. International Conference on Chinese and European Sociolinguistics. Mannheim, Germany.More info;Invited: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2006, 2006-10-01). A historical perspective on the study of social meaning. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 35. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.More info;Refereed: Yes;Type of Presentation: Academic Conference;
Poster Presentations
- Zhang, Q., & Alageel, A. (2021, October). Sociolinguistic variation in the construction of personae by a Saudi micro-celebrity. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 49. Virtual: University of Texas at Austin. Austin, Texas..
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2008). Cosmopolitan Mandarin and the new consumer regimens: Language in the construction of new middle class in China.More infoThis paper is to be completed in June 2009.;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. in progress. Cosmopolitan Mandarin and the new consumer regimens: Language in the construction of the new middle class in China. Paper to be submitted to Language and Communication.;Status: Paper in Preparation;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2008). Enregisterment and the contestation of indexical order.More infoThis paper is to be completed in August 2009.;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. in progress. Enregisterment and the contestation of indexical order. Paper to be submitted to Journal of Linguistic Anthropology.;Status: Paper in Preparation;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2008). The discursive construction of the social stratification order in reforming China.More infoThis article is part of a proposed special issue "Discourse and socio-political transformation in China", proposed and edited by Paul Chilton and Hailong Tian. It is being reviewed by the Journal of Language and Politics. ;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. The discursive construction of the social stratification order in reforming China. Under review in special issue "Discourse and socio-political transformation in China." Journal of Language and Politics.;Status: Submitted But Not Yet Accepted;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2009). Cosmopolitan Mandarin and the new consumer regimens: Language in the construction of new middle class in China.More info;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. in progress. Cosmopolitan Mandarin and the new consumer regimens: Language in the construction of new middle class in China. To be submitted to Language and Communication.;Status: Paper in Preparation;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2009). In the summer of 2009, I did two and a half months of fieldwork in Tianjin, China. The first part o.More infoIn the summer of 2009, I did two and a half months of fieldwork in Tianjin, China. The first part of the research was collecting more data for the project on the enregisterment of cosmopolitan Mandarin in China. I recorded a television show titled " New Horizons for Good Food". It is about incorporating traditional Chinese medicine in healthy eating and cooking, hosted by the same speaker that I studied earlier. In the earlier study, she was the host of a trendy TV show on fashion, consumption and a middle-class lifestyle. The data collected from the two programs provide a rare opportunity to compare the linguistic styles of the same speaker. The host used cosmopolitan Mandarin in the earlier show and a conventional style of standard Mandarin in the 2009 program. The goal of the comparison is to demonstrate that the “shifting” of the styles is not merely in response to differences in the shows' intended audience, as some of the earlier sociolinguistic studies have argued. Rather, the different linguistic styles are used to construct two different lifestyles that the shows promote. Anther part of the research was to collect metalinguistic data on the emergent cosmopolitan style of Mandarin. I conducted individual and group interviews on attitudes towards the new style and changes in Standard Mandarin. The second part of the fieldwork was to explore potential population and field sites for my future project on Chinese youth culture. I did preliminary group interviews with middle school and college students and their teachers.
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2009). Language policy, ideology, and attitudes: East Asia.More info;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. in progress. Language policy, ideology, and attitudes: East Asia. In Robert Bayley, Richard Cameron, and Ceil Lucas (eds.), The Oxford Hand book of Sociolinguistics. Oxford.;Status: Paper in Preparation;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2009). “My turf, I decide”: Intertextual series in mediating the emergence of a Chinese youth culture.More info;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing, and Chen-chun E. in progress. “My turf, I decide”: Intertextual series in mediating the emergence of a Chinese youth culture. In Tao Hongyin and Jin Liu (eds.), Chinese under globalization: Emerging trends in language use in China. Singapore: World Scientific.;Status: Paper in Preparation;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2010). Language policy, ideology, and attitudes: East Asia.More info;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. in progress. Language policy, ideology, and attitudes: East Asia. In Robert Bayley, Richard Cameron, and Ceil Lucas (eds.), The Oxford Hand book of Sociolinguistics. Oxford.;Status: Paper in Preparation;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2011). Cosmopolitan Mandarin: Language in the making of new social distinctions in contemporary China.More info;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. in progress. Cosmopolitan Mandarin: Language in the making of new social distinctions in contemporary China. (Book manuscript) ;Status: Paper in Preparation;
- Mcfatter, Q. Z. (2012). Sociolinguistic Variation in China: Undoing Commonness through Cosmopolitan Mandarin.More infobook manuscript.;Full Citation: Zhang, Qing. Sociolinguistic Variation in China: Undoing Commonness through Cosmopolitan Mandarin. Under contract, Routledge.;