Andras Gaspar
- Associate Research Professor, Steward Observatory
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-2494
- Steward Observatory, Rm. 260
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- agaspar@arizona.edu
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Independent Study
ASTR 399 (Spring 2025) -
Exploring Our Universe
ASTR 170B1 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Exploring Our Universe
ASTR 170B1 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Exploring Our Universe
ASTR 170B1 (Spring 2023)
Scholarly Contributions
- Defr{`ere}, D., Hinz, P., Kennedy, G., Stone, J., Rigley, J., Ertel, S., Gaspar, A., Bailey, V., Hoffmann, W., Mennesson, B., Millan-Gabet, R. .., Danchi, W., Absil, O., Arbo, P., Beichman, C., Bonavita, M., Brusa, G., Bryden, G., Downey, E., , Esposito, S., et al. (2021). "The HOSTS Survey: Evidence for an Extended Dust Disk and Constraints on the Presence of Giant Planets in the Habitable Zone of {ensuremath{beta} Leo}". aj, 161(4), 186.
- G{'asp'ar}, A., Rieke, G. H., Guillard, P., Dicken, D., Gastaud, R., Alberts, S., Morrison, J., Ressler, M. E., Argyriou, I., & Glasse, A. (2021). "The Quantum Efficiency and Diffractive Image Artifacts of Si:As IBC mid-IR Detector Arrays at 5-10 {ensuremath{mu}m: Implications for the JWST/MIRI Detectors}". pasp, 133(1019), 014504.
- Rieke, G., Su, K., Melis, C., & G{'asp'ar}, A. (2021). "Extreme Variability of the V488 Persei Debris Disk". apj, 918(2), 71.
- Ertel, S., Defr{`ere}, D., Hinz, P., Mennesson, B., Kennedy, G., Danchi, W., Gelino, C., Hill, J., Hoffmann, W., Mazoyer, J., Rieke, G., Shannon, A., Stapelfeldt, K., Spalding, E., Stone, J., Vaz, A., Weinberger, A., Willems, P., Absil, O., , Arbo, P., et al. (2020). "The HOSTS Survey for Exozodiacal Dust: Observational Results from the Complete Survey". aj, 159(4), 177.
- Gaspar, A., & Rieke, G. (2020). "New HST data and modeling reveal a massive planetesimal collision around Fomalhaut". Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 117(18), 9712-9722.
- Grady, C., Wisniewski, J., Schneider, G., Boccaletti, A., Gaspar, A., Debes, J., Hines, D., Stark, C., Thalmann, C., Lagrange, A. -., Augereau, J. -., Sezestre, E., Milli, J., Henning, T., & Kuchner, M. (2020). "The Eroding Disk of AU Mic". apjl, 889(1), L21.
- Kuchner, M., Henning, T., Milli, J., Sezestre, E., Augereau, J., Thalmann, C., Legrange, A., Stark, C. C., Hines, D. C., Debes, J. H., Gaspar, A., Boccaletti, A., Schneider, G., Wisniewski, J., & Grady, C. A. (2020). The Eroding Disk of AU Mic. Astrophysical Journal, 889, L21. doi:https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ab65bb
- Su, K. Y., Rieke, G. H., Melis, C., Jackson, A. P., Smith, P. S., Meng, H. Y., & G{'asp'ar}, A. (2020). "Mid-infrared Studies of HD 113766 and HD 172555: Assessing Variability in the Terrestrial Zone of Young Exoplanetary Systems". apj, 898(1), 21.
- Gaspar, A., Apai, D., Augereau, J., Ballering, N. P., Beichman, C. A., Boccaletti, A., Booth, M., Bowler, B. P., Bryden, G., Chen, C. H., Currie, T., Danchi, W. C., Debes, J., Defr{`ere}, D., Ertel, S., Jackson, A. P., Kalas, P. G., Kennedy, G. M., Kenworthy, M. A., , Kim, J. S., et al. (2019). Modeling Debris Disk Evolution. baas, 51(3), 69.
- Su, K. Y., Jackson, A. P., G{'asp'ar}, A., Rieke, G. H., Dong, R., Olofsson, J., Kennedy, G., Leinhardt, Z. M., Malhotra, R., Hammer, M., Meng, H. Y., Rujopakarn, W., Rodriguez, J. E., Pepper, J., Reichart, D., James, D., & Stassun, K. G. (2019). Extreme Debris Disk Variability: Exploring the Diverse Outcomes of Large Asteroid Impacts During the Era of Terrestrial Planet Formation. aj, 157(5), 202.
- Thalmann, C., Stark, C. C., Sezestre, E., Milli, J., Lagrange, A., Kuchner, M. J., Hines, D. C., Henning, T. K., Gaspar, A., Debes, J. H., Brown, A., Boccaletti, A., Augereau, J., Lawaon, K. D., Hebb, L., Grady, C. A., Schneider, G., Davenport, J. R., Kowalski, A. F., & Wisniewski, J. P. (2019). High-fidelity Imaging of the Inner AU Mic Debris Disk: Evidence of Differential Wind Sculpting?. Astrophysical Journal, 883, L8. doi:Astrophysical Journal
- Ertel, S., Defr{\`ere}, D., Hinz, P., Mennesson, B., Kennedy, G., Danchi, W., Gelino, C., Hill, J., Hoffmann, W., Rieke, G., Shannon, A., Spalding, E., Stone, J., Vaz, A., Weinberger, A., Willems, P., Absil, O., Arbo, P., Bailey, V., , Beichman, C., et al. (2018). The HOSTS Survey\mdashExozodiacal Dust Measurements for 30 Stars. \aj, 155, 194.
- Jackson, A., Su, K., Dong, R., Rieke, G., & Gaspar, A. (2018). Observing Giant, Planet Forming Impacts in Exoplanetary Systems. LPI Contributions, 2107, 2019.
- Schneider, G., Debes, J., Grady, C., G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Henning, T., Hines, D., Kuchner, M., Perrin, M., & Wisniewski, J. (2018). The HR 4796A Debris System: Discovery of Extensive Exo-ring Dust Material. \aj, 155, 77.
- Su, K., Jackson, A., Dong, R., Rieke, G., & Gaspar, A. (2018). Short-Term Disk Flux Modulations due to the Orbital Evolution of Impact Produced Clouds of Dust in NGC2547-ID8. LPI Contributions, 2107, 2025.
- Ballering, N., Rieke, G., Su, K., & G{\'asp\'ar}, A. (2017). What Sets the Radial Locations of Warm Debris Disks?. \apj, 845, 120.
- Debes, J., Poteet, C., Jang-Condell, H. .., Gaspar, A., Hines, D., Kastner, J., Pueyo, L., Rapson, V., Roberge, A., Schneider, G., & Weinberger, A. (2017). Chasing Shadows: Rotation of the Azimuthal Asymmetry in the TW Hya Disk. \apj, 835, 205.
- Meng, H., Rieke, G., Su, K., & G{\'asp\'ar}, A. (2017). The First 40 Million Years of Circumstellar Disk Evolution: The Signature of Terrestrial Planet Formation. \apj, 836, 34.
- Ballering, N., Su, K., Rieke, G., & G{\'asp\'ar}, A. (2016). A Comprehensive Dust Model Applied to the Resolved Beta Pictoris Debris Disk from Optical to Radio Wavelengths. \apj, 823, 108.
- Balog, Z., Siegler, N., Rieke, G., Kiss, L., Muzerolle, J., Gutermuth, R., Bell, C., Vink{\'o}, J., Su, K., Young, E., & G{\'asp\'ar}, A. (2016). Protoplanetary and Transitional Disks in the Open Stellar Cluster IC 2395. \apj, 832, 87.
- Defr{\`ere}, D., Hinz, P., Mennesson, B., Hoffmann, W., Millan-Gabet, R. .., Skemer, A., Bailey, V., Danchi, W., Downey, E., Durney, O., Grenz, P., Hill, J., McMahon, T., Montoya, M., Spalding, E., Vaz, A., Absil, O., Arbo, P., Bailey, H., , Brusa, G., et al. (2016). Nulling Data Reduction and On-sky Performance of the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer. \apj, 824, 66.
- G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Rieke, G., & Ballering, N. (2016). The Correlation between Metallicity and Debris Disk Mass. \apj, 826, 171.
- Konishi, M., Grady, C., Schneider, G., Shibai, H., McElwain, M., Nesvold, E., Kuchner, M., Carson, J., Debes, J., Gaspar, A., Henning, T., Hines, D., Hinz, P., Jang-Condell, H. .., Moro-Mart{\'{\i}n}, A., Perrin, M., Rodigas, T., Serabyn, E., Silverstone, M., , Stark, C., et al. (2016). Discovery of an Inner Disk Component around HD 141569 A. \apjl, 818, L23.
- Rieke, G., G{\'asp\'ar}, A., & Ballering, N. (2016). Magnetic Grain Trapping and the Hot Excesses around Early-type Stars. \apj, 816, 50.
- Schneider, G., Grady, C., Stark, C., Gaspar, A., Carson, J., Debes, J., Henning, T., Hines, D., Jang-Condell, H. .., Kuchner, M., Perrin, M., Rodigas, T., Tamura, M., & Wisniewski, J. (2016). Deep HST/STIS Visible-light Imaging of Debris Systems around Solar Analog Hosts. \aj, 152, 64.
- Defr{\`ere}, D., Hinz, P., Skemer, A., Kennedy, G., Bailey, V., Hoffmann, W., Mennesson, B., Millan-Gabet, R. .., Danchi, W., Absil, O., Arbo, P., Beichman, C., Brusa, G., Bryden, G., Downey, E., Durney, O., Esposito, S., Gaspar, A., Grenz, P., , Haniff, C., et al. (2015). First-light LBT Nulling Interferometric Observations: Warm Exozodiacal Dust Resolved within a Few AU of $\eta$ Crv. \apj, 799, 42.
- Ballering, N., Rieke, G., & G{\'asp\'ar}, A. (2014). Probing the Terrestrial Regions of Planetary Systems: Warm Debris Disks with Emission Features. \apj, 793, 57.
- G{\'asp\'ar}, A., & Rieke, G. (2014). The Herschel Cold Debris Disks: Confusion with the Extragalactic Background at 160 $\mu$m. \apj, 784, 33.
- Sierchio, J., Rieke, G., Su, K., & G{\'asp\'ar}, A. (2014). The Decay of Debris Disks around Solar-type Stars. \apj, 785, 33.
- G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Rieke, G., & Balog, Z. (2013). The Collisional Evolution of Debris Disks. \apj, 768, 25.
- G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Psaltis, D., Rieke, G., , F. (2012). Modeling Collisional Cascades in Debris Disks: Steep Dust-size Distributions. \apj, 754, 74.
- G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Psaltis, D., {\"Ozel}, F., Rieke, G., & Cooney, A. (2012). Modeling Collisional Cascades in Debris Disks: The Numerical Method. \apj, 749, 14.
- Szalai, T., Vink{\'o}, J., Balog, Z., G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Block, M., & Kiss, L. (2011). Dust formation in the ejecta of the type II-P supernova 2004dj. \aap, 527, A61.
- Krist, J., Stapelfeldt, K., Bryden, G., Rieke, G., Su, K., Chen, C., Beichman, C., Hines, D., Rebull, L., Tanner, A., Trilling, D., Clampin, M., & G{\'asp\'ar}, A. (2010). HST and Spitzer Observations of the HD 207129 Debris Ring. \aj, 140, 1051-1061.
- Balog, Z., Kiss, L., Vink{\'o}, J., Rieke, G., Muzerolle, J., G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Young, E., & Gorlova, N. (2009). Spitzer/IRAC-MIPS Survey of NGC 2451A AND B: Debris Disks at 50-80 Million Years. \apj, 698, 1989-2013.
- G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Rieke, G., Su, K., Balog, Z., Trilling, D., Muzzerole, J., Apai, D., & Kelly, B. (2009). The Low Level of Debris Disk Activity at the Time of the Late Heavy Bombardment: A Spitzer Study of Praesepe. \apj, 697, 1578-1596.
- Mart{\'{\i}nez-Galarza}, J., Kamp, I., Su, K., G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Rieke, G., & Mamajek, E. (2009). Infrared Emission by Dust Around $\lambda$ Bootis Stars: Debris Disks or Thermally Emitting Nebulae?. \apj, 694, 165-173.
- Balog, Z., Rieke, G., Muzerolle, J., Bally, J., Su, K., Misselt, K., & G{\'asp\'ar}, A. (2008). Photoevaporation of Protoplanetary Disks. \apj, 688, 408-417.
- G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Su, K., Rieke, G., Balog, Z., Kamp, I., Mart{\'{\i}nez-Galarza}, J., & Stapelfeldt, K. (2008). Modeling the Infrared Bow Shock at $\delta$ Velorum: Implications for Studies of Debris Disks and $\lambda$ Bo\"otis Stars. \apj, 672, 974-983.
- Kamp, I., Mart{\'{\i}nez-Galarza}, J., Paunzen, E., Su, K., G{\'asp\'ar}, A., & Rieke, G. (2008). $\lambda$ Bootis stars: Current status and new insights from Spitzer. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, 38, 147-156.
- Kun, M., Balog, Z., Mizuno, N., Kawamura, A., G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Kenyon, S., & Fukui, Y. (2008). Lynds 1622: a nearby star-forming cloud projected on Orion B?. \mnras, 391, 84-94.
- Lucas, P., Hoare, M., Longmore, A., Schr{\"oder}, A., Davis, C., Adamson, A., Bandyopadhyay, R., Grijs, R., Smith, M., Gosling, A., Mitchison, S., G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Coe, M., Tamura, M., Parker, Q., Irwin, M., Hambly, N., Bryant, J., Collins, R., , Cross, N., et al. (2008). The UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey. \mnras, 391, 136-163.
- Kun, M., Nikoli{\'c}, S., Johansson, L., Balog, Z., & G{\'asp\'ar}, A. (2006). Low-mass star formation in Lynds 1333. \mnras, 371, 732-738.
- Vink{\'o}, J., Tak{\'ats}, K., S{\'arneczky}, K., Szab{\'o}, G., M{\'esz\'aros}, S., Csorv{\'asi}, R., Szalai, T., G{\'asp\'ar}, A., P{\'al}, A., Csizmadia, S., K{\'osp\'al}, A., R{\'acz}, M., Kun, M., Cs{\'ak}, B., F{\"ur\'esz}, G., DeBond, H., Grunhut, J., Thomson, J., Mochnacki, S., & Koktay, T. (2006). The first year of SN 2004dj in NGC 2403. \mnras, 369, 1780-1796.
- Balog, Z., Kenyon, S., Lada, E., Barsony, M., Vink{\'o}, J., & G{\'aspa\'r}, A. (2004). A Near-Infrared (JHK) Survey of the Vicinity of the H II Region NGC 7538: Evidence for a Young Embedded Cluster. \aj, 128, 2942-2953.
- Gaspar, A., Kiss, L., Derekas, A., Bedding, T., Kaspi, S., Kiss, C., Sarneczky, K., Szabo, G., & Varadi, M. (2004). A Variable Star Survey of the Open Cluster NGC 2126. Communications in Asteroseismology, 145, 70.
- G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Kiss, L., Bedding, T., Derekas, A., Kaspi, S., Kiss, C., S{\'arneczky}, K., Szab{\'o}, G., & V{\'aradi}, M. (2003). The first CCD photometric study of the open cluster NGC 2126. \aap, 410, 879-885.
Proceedings Publications
- Argyriou, I., Rieke, G. H., Ressler, M. E., G{'asp'ar}, A., & Vandenbussche, B. (2020, dec). "Characterization of the optical properties of the buried contact of the JWST MIRI Si: as infrared blocked impurity band detectors". In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11454.
- Gaspar}, A., Rieke, M., Rieke, G., Leisenring, J., Ygouf, M., Beichman, C., Group, J. N., & Group, {. G. (2020, jan). "The JWST Debris Disk Spatially Resolved Imaging GTO Programs". In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #235, 235.
- Kim, D., Arenberg, J., Walker, C. K., Kim, G. H., Apai, D., Choi, H., Milster, T. D., Spires, O., Takashima, Y., Berkson, J., Schneider, G., Esparaza, M., Quach, H., Kim, Y., Fellows, C., Purvin, K., Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., Gaspar, A., , Phan, A., et al. (2020, August 2020). Disruptive space telescope concepts, designs, and developments: OASIS and Nautilus. In Topical Meeting 6 – Frontiers in Optical Metrology (EOS Annual Meeting 2020), 238 (2020), 06001.
- Grady, C., Wisniewski, J., Schneider, G., Boccaletti, A., Gaspar, A., Debes, J., Hines, D., Stark, C., Lagrange, A., Thalmann, C., Augereau, J., Milli, J., Henning, T., Sezestre, E., & Kuchner, M. (2019, jan). The Eroding Disk of the Young M Star AU Mic. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#233, 233.
- Su, K., Jackson, A., Gaspar, A., Dong, R., Rieke, G., Olofsson, J., & Kennedy, G. (2019, jan). Multiple Large Impacts Revealed by Disk Variability in the NGC 2547-ID8 System. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#233, 233.
- Ertel, S., Kennedy, G., Defr{\`ere}, D., Hinz, P., Shannon, A., Mennesson, B., Danchi, W., Gelino, C., Hill, J., Hoffman, W., Rieke, G., Spalding, E., Stone, J., Vaz, A., Weinberger, A., Willems, P., Absil, O., Arbo, P., Bailey, V., , Beichman, C., et al. (2018, jul). The HOSTS survey for exo-zodiacal dust: preliminary results and future prospects. In Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 10698.
- Kuchner, M. J., Sezestre, E., Henning, T., Milli, J., Augereay, J., Thalmann, C., Legrange, A., Stark, C., Hines, D., Debes, J., Gaspar, A., Boccaletti, A., Schneider, G., Grady, C. A., & Wisniewski, J. (2018, July). The Eroding Disk of the Young M Star AU Mic. In The 20th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, 20, 16.
- Beichman, C., Ygouf, M., Gaspar, A., & Team, N. S. (2017, jun). NIRCam Coronagraphic Observations of Disks and Planetary Systems. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#230, 230.
- Meng, H., Rieke, G., Su, K., & Gaspar, A. (2017, jan). The First 40 Million Years of Circumstellar Disk Evolution: The Signature of Terrestrial Planet Formation. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#229, 229.
- Ballering, N., Rieke, G., Su, K., & Gaspar, A. (2016, jan). The Dust Properties of the Beta Pictoris Debris Disk from an Analysis of its Thermal Emission and Scattered Light. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#227, 227.
- Grady, C., Schneider, G., Carson, J., Debes, J., Gaspar, A., Henning, T., Hines, D., Hinz, P., Jang-Condell, H. .., Kuchner, M., Moro-Martin, A. .., Perrin, M., Rodigas, T., Serabyn, G., Silverstone, M., Stark, C., Tamura, M., Weinberger, A., Wisniewski, J., & Konishi, M. (2016, jan). Decoding Debris System Substructures: Imprints of Planets/Planetesimals and Signatures of Extrinsic Influences on Material in Ring-Like Disks. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#227, 227.
- Debes, J., Gaspar, A., Schneider, G., & Proffitt, C. (2015, nov). The HST/STIS BAR5 Occulter: High Contrast in Space at Visible Wavelengths. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts \#47, 47.
- G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Rieke, G., Psaltis, D., {\"Ozel}, F., & Balog, Z. (2014, mar). The Collisional Evolution of Debris Disks. In Search for Life Beyond the Solar System. Exoplanets, Biosignatures \amp Instruments.
- Gaspar, A., Rieke, G., Psaltis, D., & Ozel, F. (2013, jan). Debris Disk Time Evolution - Connecting Observations with Theory. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#221, 221.
- Su, K., Rieke, G., Stapelfeldt, K., Bryden, G., Werner, M., Plavchan, P., Trilling, D., Gaspar, A., & Morales, F. (2010, jan). The Master Sample of Spitzer Debris Disk Measurements. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#215, 42.
- G{\'asp\'ar}, A., Balog, Z., Makai, Z., Vink{\'o}, J., & Kenyon, S. (2005, may). Preliminary Results on Newly Discovered Embedded Clusters. In Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 324.
- Derekas, A., Kiss, L., Bedding, T., G{\'asp\'ar}, A., S{\'arneczky}, K., Szab{\'o}, G., V{\'aradi}, M., Kaspi, S., & Kiss, C. (2004, may). A Variable Star Survey of the Open Cluster NGC 2126. In IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group, 310.
- Schneider, G., Gaspar, A., Debes, J., Gull, T., Hines, D., Apai, D., & Rieke, G. (2019). Enabling Narrow(est) IWA Coronagraphy with STIS BAR5 and BAR10 Occulters.