Ali Akoglu
- Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Professor, BIO5 Institute
- (520) 621-2434
- Electrical & Computer Engr, Rm. 356B
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- akoglu@ece.arizona.edu
Ali Akoglu is an Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the BIO5 Institute at the University of Arizona. He is the site-director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), Industry-University Cooperative Research Center on Cloud and Autonomic Computing regarding the design and development of architectures for achieving self-management capabilities across the layers of cloud computing systems, director of the NVIDIA CUDA Teaching Center for promoting the GPU based computing across the UA campus, and the director of the Reconfigurable Computing Laboratory on design and development of adaptive hardware architectures and self-configurable architectures for reusable systems. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Arizona State University in 2005. His research program focuses on high performance computing systems and non-traditional computing architectures with themes that cover: a) development of resource management strategies from multi-processor system-on-chip to cloud computing scale; b) design and development of reconfigurable hardware architectures for reusable systems; c) modeling and simulation of neuromorphic computing architectures; and d) restructuring computationally challenging algorithms for achieving high performance on field programmable gate array (FPGA) and graphics processing unit (GPU) hardware architectures. He has been involved in many crosscutting collaborative projects with the goal of solving the challenges of bridging the gap between the domain scientist, programming environment and emerging highly-parallel hardware architectures. His research projects have been funded by the National Science Foundation, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Office of Naval Research, US Air Force, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratories, Army Battle Command Battle Laboratory, and industry partners such as Nvidia and Raytheon.
- Ph.D. Computer Science
- Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
- Application Specific Reconfigurable Architecture Design Methodology
- B.S. Computer Engineering
- Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Work Experience
- The University of Arizona (2020 - Ongoing)
- The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2013 - 2020)
- The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2005 - 2012)
- Best Paper Award
- IEEE 20th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT), Spring 2021
- Tennessee Valley Chapter (TVC) Innovation Award on “AMAP-based Autonomic Security Operations Center (ASoC)
- 2020 National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), Spring 2021
Adaptive Hardware Systems, Reconfigurable Architectures, Computer Aided Design Tools for Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Scientific Computing
Computer Architecture, Reconfigurable Computing, High Performance Computing
2024-25 Courses
ECE 920 (Spring 2025) -
High-Performance Comput
ECE 569 (Spring 2025) -
ECE 920 (Fall 2024) -
Fund of Computer Organization
ECE 369A (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
ECE 920 (Spring 2024) -
High-Performance Comput
ECE 569 (Spring 2024) -
ECE 920 (Fall 2023) -
Fund of Computer Organization
ECE 369A (Fall 2023) -
Independent Study
APPL 599 (Fall 2023) -
Independent Study
ECE 599 (Fall 2023) -
ECE 900 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
ECE 920 (Spring 2023) -
High-Performance Comput
ECE 569 (Spring 2023) -
ECE 900 (Spring 2023) -
ECE 910 (Spring 2023) -
ECE 920 (Fall 2022) -
Fund of Computer Organization
ECE 369A (Fall 2022) -
Independent Study
ECE 599 (Fall 2022) -
ECE 910 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
ECE 920 (Summer I 2022) -
ECE 593 (Summer I 2022) -
ECE 900 (Summer I 2022) -
ECE 920 (Spring 2022) -
High-Performance Comput
ECE 569 (Spring 2022) -
ECE 900 (Spring 2022) -
ECE 910 (Spring 2022) -
ECE 920 (Fall 2021) -
Fund of Computer Organization
ECE 369A (Fall 2021) -
Independent Study
ECE 599 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
ECE 920 (Spring 2021) -
High-Performance Comput
ECE 569 (Spring 2021) -
ECE 920 (Fall 2020) -
Fund of Computer Organization
ECE 369A (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Directed Research
ECE 492 (Spring 2020) -
ECE 920 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
ECE 699 (Spring 2020) -
ECE 920 (Fall 2019) -
Independent Study
ECE 599 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
ECE 920 (Spring 2019) -
High-Performance Comput
ECE 569 (Spring 2019) -
Directed Research
ECE 492 (Fall 2018) -
ECE 920 (Fall 2018) -
Fund of Computer Organization
ECE 369A (Fall 2018) -
ECE 910 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
ECE 920 (Spring 2018) -
Reconfigurable Computing
ECE 506 (Spring 2018) -
Digital Logic
ECE 274A (Fall 2017) -
ECE 920 (Fall 2017) -
Fund of Computer Organization
ECE 369A (Fall 2017) -
ECE 900 (Fall 2017) -
ECE 910 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Directed Research
ECE 392 (Spring 2017) -
Directed Research
ECE 492 (Spring 2017) -
ECE 920 (Spring 2017) -
High-Performance Comput
ECE 569 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
ECE 599 (Spring 2017) -
ECE 900 (Spring 2017) -
ECE 910 (Spring 2017) -
ECE 920 (Fall 2016) -
Fund of Computer Organization
ECE 369A (Fall 2016) -
ECE 900 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
ECE 920 (Spring 2016) -
Reconfigurable Computing
ECE 506 (Spring 2016) -
ECE 910 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Arda, S. E., Goksoy, A. A., Kumbhare, N., Mack, J., Sartor, A. L., Akoglu, A., Marculescu, R., & Ogras, U. Y. (2020). DS3: A System-Level Domain-Specific System-on-Chip Simulation Framework. arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.09016.
- Kumbhare, N., Akoglu, A., Marathe, A., Hariri, S., & Abdulla, G. (2020). Dynamic power management for value-oriented schedulers in power-constrained HPC system. Parallel Computing, 99, 102686.
- Kumbhare, N., Marathe, A., Akoglu, A., Siegel, H. J., Abdulla, G., & Hariri, S. (2020). A Value-Oriented Job Scheduling Approach for Power-Constrained and Oversubscribed HPC Systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 31(6), 1419--1433.
- Mack, J., Kumbhare, N., Ogras, U. Y., & Akoglu, A. (2020). User-Space Emulation Framework for Domain-Specific SoC Design. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.01636.
- Mack, J., Purdy, R., Rockowitz, K., Inouye, M., Richter, E., Valancius, S., Kumbhare, N., Hassan, M. S., Fair, K., Mixter, J., & Akoglu, A. (2020). RANC: Reconfigurable Architecture for Neuromorphic Computing. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 1--18.
- Marshall, S., Vanhoy, G., Akoglu, A., Bose, T., & Ryu, B. o. (2020). GPGPU Based Parallel Implementation of Spectral Correlation Density Function. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 92(1), 71--93.
- Valancius, S., Richter, E., Purdy, R., Rockowitz, K., Inouye, M., Mack, J., Kumbhare, N., Fair, K., Mixter, J., & Akoglu, A. (2020). FPGA Based Emulation Environment for Neuromorphic Architectures. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.06061.
- Esmaili, E., Akoglu, A., Hariri, S., & Moukabary, T. (2019). Implementation of scalable bidomain-based 3d cardiac simulations on a graphics processing unit cluster. The Journal of Supercomputing, 75(8), 5475--5506.
- Machovec, D., Khemka, B., Kumbhare, N., Pasricha, S., Maciejewski, A. A., Siegel, H. J., Akoglu, A., Koenig, G. A., Hariri, S., Tunc, C., & others, . (2019). Utility-based resource management in an oversubscribed energy-constrained heterogeneous environment executing parallel applications. Parallel Computing, 83, 48--72.
- Richter, E., Valancius, S., McClanahan, J., Mixter, J., & Akoglu, A. (2018). Balancing the learning ability and memory demand of a perceptron-based dynamically trainable neural network. The Journal of Supercomputing, 74(7), 3211--3235.
- Unal, B., Akoglu, A., Ghaffari, F., & Vasi'c, B. (2018). Hardware implementation and performance analysis of resource efficient probabilistic hard decision LDPC decoders. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 65(9), 3074--3084.
- Tunc, C., Kumbhare, N., Akoglu, A., Hariri, S. A., & Machovec, D. (2016). Value of Service Based Task Scheduling for Cloud Computing Systems. IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), 1-11.
- Tunc, C., Machovec, D., Kumbhare, N., Akoglu, A., Hariri, S. A., Khemka, B., & Siegel, H. J. (2017). Value of Service Based Resource Management for Large-Scale Computing Systems. Cluster Computing, 1-18. doi:10.1007/s10586-017-0901-9
- Vincent, B., Buntzman, A., Hopson, B., McEwen, C., Cowell, L., Akoglu, A., Zhang, H., & Frelinger, J. (2016). iWAS-A novel approach to analyzing Next Generation Sequence data for immunology. Cellular Immunology, 299, 6-13. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cellimm.2015.10.012
- Leow, Y. K., Akoglu, A., & Lysecky, S. (2013). An Analytical Model for Evaluating Static Power of Homogeneous FPGA Architectures. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), 6(4), 18.
- Liu, H., Rajavel, S. T., & Akoglu, A. (2013). Integration of Net-Length Factor with Timing-and Routability-Driven Clustering Algorithms. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), 6(3), 12.
- Song, Y., & Akoglu, A. (2013). An adaptive motion estimation architecture for H. 264/AVC. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 73(2), 161--179.
- Benkrid, K., Akoglu, A., Ling, C., Song, Y., Liu, Y., & Tian, X. (2012). High performance biological pairwise sequence alignment: FPGA versus GPU versus cell BE versus GPP. International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, 2012, 7.
- Nimmagadda, V. K., Akoglu, A., Hariri, S., & Moukabary, T. (2012). Cardiac simulation on multi-GPU platform. The Journal of Supercomputing, 59(3), 1360--1378.
- Song, Y., & Akoglu, A. (2012). Bit-by-bit pipelined and hybrid-grained 2d architecture for motion estimation of h. 264/avc. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 68(1), 49--62.
Proceedings Publications
- Luo, C., Hellman, B., Chen, G., Rodriguez, J., Jimenez, D., Perkins, C., Park, J., Akoglu, A., & Takashima, Y. (2020). Reduction of Effective Pixel Pitch of Digital Micromirror Device for Lidar Transmitter and Receiver. In CLEO: Applications and Technology.
- Mack, J., & Akoglu, A. (2020). FPGA Based High-Throughput Real-Time Feature Extraction for Modulation Classification. In 2020 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM).
- Valancius, S., Richter, E., Purdy, R., Rockowitz, K., Inouye, M., Mack, J., Kumbhare, N., Fair, K., Mixter, J., & Akoglu, A. (2020). Implementation of IBM's TrueNorth Chip on a Field Programmable Gate Array. In IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPSâ20), Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW).
- Arda, S. E., Anish, N. K., Goksoy, A. A., Mack, J., Kumbhare, N., Sartor, A. L., Akoglu, A., Marculescu, R., & Ogras, U. Y. (2019). Work-in-Progress: A Simulation Framework for Domain-Specific System-on-Chips. In 2019 International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ ISSS).
- Arda, S. E., NK, A., Goksoy, A. A., Mack, J., Kumbhare, N., Sartor, A. L., Akoglu, A., Marculescu, R., & Ogras, U. Y. (2019). A simulation framework for domain-specific system-on-chips: work-in-progress. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis Companion.
- Kumbhare, N., Marathe, A., Akoglu, A., Hariri, S., & Abdulla, G. (2019). Adaptive Power Reallocation for Value-Oriented Schedulers in Power-Constrained HPC. In 2019 20th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT).
- Richter, E., Raettig, R., Mack, J., Valancius, S., Unal, B., & Akoglu, A. (2019). Accelerated Shadow Detection and Removal Method. In 2019 IEEE/ACS 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA).
- Unal, B., Hassan, M. S., Mack, J., Kumbhare, N., & Akoglu, A. (2019). Design of High Throughput FPGA-Based Testbed for Accelerating Error Characterization of LDPC Codes. In 2019 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig).
- Yazdi, E. T., Limaye, A., Akoglu, A., Adegbija, T., & Buntzman, A. (2019). Bit-wise and Multi-GPU Implementations of the DNA Recombination Algorithm. In 2019 IEEE 26th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC).
- Bidyanta, N., & Akoglu, A. (2018). Real-Time GPU Based Video Segmentation with Depth Information. In 2018 IEEE/ACS 15th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA).
- Marshall, S., Vanhoy, G., Akoglu, A., Bose, T., & Ryu, B. o. (2018). Gpu based quarter spectral correlation density function. In 2018 Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP).
- Soni, A., Leow, Y. K., & Akoglu, A. (2018). Post-Routing Analytical Wirelength Model for Homogeneous FPGA Architectures. In 2018 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig).
- Szep, J., Akoglu, A., Hariri, S., & Moukabary, T. (2018). Two-Level Autonomous Optimizations Based on ML for Cardiac FEM Simulations. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC).
- Ditzler, G., Hariri, S. A., & Akoglu, A. (2017, Spring). High Performance Machine Learning (HPML) Framework to Support DDDAS Decision Support Systems: Design Overview. In 2017 IEEE 2nd International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W), Tucson, AZ, 360-362.
- Esmaili, E., Akoglu, A., Ditzler, G., Hariri, S. A., Szep, J., & Moukabary, T. (2017, September). Autonomic Management of 3D Cardiac Simulations (Best Paper Award). In IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), Tucson, AZ, 1-9.
- Ghaffari, F., Akoglu, A., & Vasic, B. V. (2017, August). Multi-mode Low-latency Software-defined Error Correction for Data Centers (Invited Paper). In 26-th International Conf. Comp. Comm. Networks (ICCCN 2017).
- Ghaffari, F., Unal, B., Akoglu, A., Le, K., Declercq, D., & Vasic, B. V. (2017, December 1-5). Efficient FPGA Implementation of Probabilistic Gallager B LDPC Decoder. In 24th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS).
- Gianelli, S., Richter, E., Jimenez, D., Valdez, H., Adegbija, T., & Akoglu, A. (2017, September). Application-Specific Autonomic Cache Tuning for General Purpose GPUs. In IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), Tucson, AZ, 104-113.
- Kumbhare, N., Tunc, C., Machovec, D., Akoglu, A., Hariri, S. A., & Siegel, H. J. (2017, September). Value-Based Scheduling for Oversubscribed Power-Constrained Homogeneous HPC Systems. In International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), Tucson, USA, 120-130.
- Unal, B., Ghaffari, F., Akoglu, A., & Vasic, B. V. (2017, May). Analysis and Implementation of Resource Efficient Probabilistic LDPC Decoder: Trade-offs Between the Decoding Performance and Hardware Performance. In IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS).
- Yang, M., Djordjevic, I. B., Tunc, C., Hariri, S. A., & Akoglu, A. (2017, December). Integrated Optical Network-On-Chips for Dynamically Composable Data Center. In IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), Bangkok, Thailand, 1-8.
- Gu, S., Yao, L., Tunc, C., Akoglu, A., Hariri, S. A., & Richie, E. (2016, September). An Autonomic Workflow Performance Manager for Weather Research and Forecast Workflows. In IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), 111-114.
- Kumbhare, N., Tunc, C., Hariri, S. A., Djordjevic, I. B., Akoglu, A., & Siegel, H. J. (2016, Nov-Dec). Just In Time Architecture (JITA) for Dynamically Composable Data Centers. In 13th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA, 8 pages.
- Machovec, D., Tunc, C., Kumbhare, N., Khemka, B., Akoglu, A., Hariri, S. A., & Siegel, H. J. (2016, May). Value-Based Resource Management in High-Performance Computing Systems. In 7th Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing (ScienceCloud 2016), The 25th International Symposium on High Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC '16), 19-26.
- Unal, B., & Akoglu, A. (2016, Fall). Resource Efficient Real-Time Processing of Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization. In 26th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 1-8.
- Bidyanta, N., Akoglu, A., Vanhoy, G. M., Hirzallah, M., Bose, T., & Ryu, B. (2015, March). GPU and FPGA Based Architecture Design for Real-time Signal Classification. In In Proceedings of the 2015 Wireless Innovation Forum Conference on Wireless Communications Technologies and Software Defined Radio (WInnComm’15), 70-79.
- Fargo, F., Tunc, C., Al-Nashif, Y., Akoglu, A., & Hariri, S. (2014, September). Autonomic Workload and Resources Management of Cloud Computing Resources. In IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC’14), 101-110.
- Gadfort, P., Dasu, A., Akoglu, A., Leow, Y. K., & Fritze, M. (2014, September). A Power Efficient Reconfigurable System-in-Stack: 3D integration of accelerators, FPGAs, and DRAM. In System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), 2014 27th IEEE International, 11-16.
- Striemer, G., Krovi, H., Akoglu, A., Vincent, B., Hopson, B., Frelinger, J., & Buntzman, A. (2014, May). Overcoming the Limitations Posed by TCR-beta Repertoire Modeling through a GPU-Based In-Silico DNA Recombination Algorithm. In IEEE 28th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 231-240.
- Gupta, P., Akoglu, A., Melde, K., & Roveda, J. (2013). FPGA based single cycle, reconfigurable router for NoC applications. In Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on, 2428--2431.
- Leow, Y. K., & Akoglu, A. (2013). A Hybrid FPGA Model to Estimate On-Chip Crossbar Logic Utilization in SoC Platforms. In Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops \& PhD Forum (IPDPSW), 2013 IEEE 27th International, 239--246.
- Bailey, P. E., Patki, T., Striemer, G. M., Akoglu, A., Lowenthal, D. K., Bradbury, P., Vaughn, M., Wang, L., & Goff, S. (2012). Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis Using a Partitioned Linear Model on a GPU Cluster. In Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops \& PhD Forum (IPDPSW), 2012 IEEE 26th International, 752--760.
- Ch\'avez, R. S., Rajavel, S. T., & Akoglu, A. (2012). WL-Emap: Wirelength prediction based technology mapping for FPGAs. In Programmable Logic (SPL), 2012 VIII Southern Conference on, 1--6.
- Mack, J., Kumbhare, N., & Akoglu, A. (2020, February). Automating Programming and Development of Heterogeneous SoCs with LLVM Tools. Free Open Software Developers European Meeting (FOSDEM). Brussels, Belgium: Free Open Software Developers European Meeting (FOSDEM).
Poster Presentations
- Mack, J., & Akoglu, A. (2020, May). FPGA Based High-Throughput Real-Time Feature Extraction for Modulation Classification. IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM)IEEE.
- Bidyanta, N., & Akoglu, A. (2015, March). RealTime GPU Based Video Segmentation with Depth Information. GPU Technology Conference. San Jose, California.
- Buntzman, A., & Akoglu, A. (2016, September). Grand Challenge: Mapping the Human Immune System. UA News, The Daily Wildcat, AZ PBS. https://uanews.arizona.edu/story/grand-challenge-mapping-human-immune-systemMore infoSeveral other resources picked up this news and adopted:CYVERSE News, Sept. 28, 2016 “Mapping The Human Immune System” http://www.cyverse.org/news/mapping-human-immune-systemThe Daily Wildcat, October 20, 2016, UA collaboration leads to immune system mapping http://www.wildcat.arizona.edu/article/2016/10/ua-collaboration-leads-to-immune-system-mappingAZ PBS, October 25, 2016, Mapping the Human Immune Systemhttp://www.azpbs.org/arizonahorizon/play.php?vidId=9639http://deptmedicine.arizona.edu/news/2016/cyverse-explores-complexities-mapping-human-immune-systemhttp://medicine.arizona.edu/news/2016/grand-challenge-mapping-human-immune-systemhttps://www.technologynetworks.com/tn/news/mapping-the-human-immune-system-200216https://www.laboratoryequipment.com/news/2016/10/grand-challenge-mapping-human-immune-systemhttp://www.futurity.org/genetic-map-immune-system-1262192-2/https://www.technology.org/2016/10/14/supercomputers-improve-cancer-diagnostics/http://uacc.arizona.edu/news/supercomputers-could-improve-cancer-diagnosticshttp://www.scientificcomputing.com/news/2016/10/supercomputers-could-improve-cancer-diagnosticshttps://exceptionmag.com/28932/software-maps-immune-system-in-17-days-not-106-years/