Ashley L Hall
- Area Associate Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
- (928) 978-6752
- Gila County/Ag Ext, Rm. GLOBE
- Payson, AZ 85541
- ashleys3@arizona.edu
- M.S. Rangeland Ecology and Management
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
- Mapping of Sonoran Desert Vegetation Communities. Spatial Distribution Differences of Larrea tridentata Seed Density in Relation to Ambrosia dumosa and Ambrosia deltoidea, San Cristobal Valley, Arizona
- B.S. Rangeland Ecology and Management and Geographic Information Systems
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Work Experience
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2015 - 2016)
- Arizona Western College (2015)
- University of Arizona Cooperative Extension (2012 - 2015)
- Outstanding Team Award for Arizona Livestock Incident Response Team
- College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences, Spring 2024
- Western Region Award - Fact Sheet
- National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Summer 2023
- Western Region Award - Learning Module/Notebook
- National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Summer 2023
- Recognition for Outstanding Service
- Arizona Section, Society for Range Management, Winter 2022
- Professional and Technical Guidance Award
- Arizona Section Society for Range Management, Spring 2022
- 1st Place Award - Search for Excellence in Environmental Quality, Forestry and Natural Resources
- National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Summer 2021
- 3rd Place Award - Extension Education Poster
- National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Summer 2021
- Western Region Award - Video Communication
- National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Summer 2021
- Learning Module; Communications Awards
- National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Spring 2019
- National Finalist - Extension Education Poster
- National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Summer 2018 (Award Finalist)
- Outstanding Young Professional
- Arizona Section Society for Range Management, Fall 2016
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Crimmins, M. A., Brischke, A. S., Hall, A. L., & Mcclaran, M. P. (2022). Ranch-scale Drought Monitoring Tools for Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin.
- Hall, A. L., Dalke, A., Merigan, S., Pfander, J., Noelle, S., & Hutchinson, B. (2022). Rangelands Gateway - Delivering Reliable Rangeland Online Resources. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track.
- Brischke, A. S., Crimmins, M. A., Grace, J., Hall, A. L., & Mcclaran, M. P. (2020). Monitoring Drought in Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track.More infoSubmitted in Dec 2020, accepted and completed in 2021.
- Hall, A. L., & Howery, L. (2021). Using Repeat Photography as a Tool to Monitor Rangelands. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track.
- Howery, L., Hall, A. L., & Noelle, S. (2021). Rangeland Plant Life Forms. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track.
- Brischke, A. S., Crimmins, M. A., Grace, J., Hall, A. L., & Mcclaran, M. P. (2020). The US Drought Monitor. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track.
- Hall, A. L., Gornish, E., & Ruyle, G. (2020). Poisonous Plants on Rangelands. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track.
- Mcclaran, M. P., Hall, A. L., Grace, J., Crimmins, M. A., & Brischke, A. S. (2020). Financial Options for Livestock Producers During Natural Disasters. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track.
- Grace, J. L., Hall, A. L., Brischke, A. S., & Mcreynolds, K. H. (2019). Utilizing Blue Grama Rangelands in Arizona. University of Arizona Fast Track, 5 pages.
- Brischke, A. S., Hall, A. L., & McReynolds, K. H. (2018). Rangeland Monitoring: Understanding Ecological Sites. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track.
- Brischke, A. S., Hall, A. L., & McReynolds, K. H. (2018). Understanding Vegetation Succession with State and Transition Models. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track.
- Hall, A. L., Brischke, A. S., & Hall, J. A. (2018). Rangeland Monitoring Frame & Construction Guide. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track.
- Crimmins, M. A., Mcclaran, M. P., Brugger, J., Hall, A. L., Tolleson, D., & Brischke, A. S. (2017). Rain Gauges for Range Management: Precipitation Monitoring Best Practices Guide. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track.
- Tolleson, D., Brugger, J., Hall, A. L., Mcclaran, M. P., & Crimmins, M. A. (2017). Do-it-yourself Construction Guide: Rugged Accumulation Precipitation Gauge for Remote Monitoring. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track.
Proceedings Publications
- Hall, A. L. (2022, February). Forage Utilization Evaluation Techniques. In “Stockmanship and Stewardship” Producer Symposium.More infoProvided grass and shrub evaluation techniques, hands on utilization assessments with potted plants, participant discussion of what stewardship practices might lead to the degree of utilization observed, what other factors may be involved? How can we use these observations to inform management?
- Hall, A. L. (2022, February). VGS User Group Workshop. In National Society for Range Management Conference.
- Hall, A. L., Despain, D., & Perry, C. (2021, February). VGS User Group Workshop. In National Society for Range Management Conference.More infoDue to the widespread use of VGS and many users being members of Society for Range Management, a workshop is held annually at the National meeting. Symposium organizer and speaker.
- Hall, A. L., Despain, D., Perry, C., Merson, d., & Porter, J. (2021, February). New Frontiers in VGS: VGS 5, VGS Online, and VGS Mobile. In National Society for Range Management Conference.More infoSymposium organizer and moderator
- Grace, J. L., & Hall, A. L. (2020, February). Facilitating Transfer of Knowledge of Range Professionals from One Generation to the Next. In National Society for Range Management Conference.More infoCampfire Conversation Session
- Hall, A. L., & Despain, D. (2020, February). VGS User Group Workshop. In National Society for Range Management Conference.More infoDue to the widespread use of VGS and many users being members of Society for Range Management, a workshop is held annually at the National meeting. This year the workshop will provide presentations that introduce VGS to those who have never used the program but are interested and demonstrations of the new and future versions of VGS. 35 workshop attendees.
- Hall, A. L. (2024, April). Dormant Season Grazing Concerns. Range and Livestock Workshop. Wilcox, Arizona: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L. (2024, May).
Identifying, Collecting, Pressing, and Mounting Plants
. Cerbat Garden Club Meeting. Kingman, AZ: Cerbat Garden Club. - Hall, A. L., Brischke, A., & McReynolds, K. (2024, March). University of Arizona Extension Update. Rangeland Partnership Annual Meeting. Hilo, Hawaii: Rangeland Partnership.
- Hall, A. L. (2023, April). Rangeland Monitoring. 2023 Rangeland Management and Cattle Health Workshop. Tucson, AZ: Southwest Indian Agriculture Association and USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service.
- Hall, A. L. (2023, April). VGS Application Suite: Improving Extension Impacts Through Time-saving Technology. National Extension Technology Community Conference. Tempe, Arizona: National Extension Technology Community.
- Hall, A. L. (2023, December). Cattle in Arizona . Exploring Arizona's 5 C'sMiami Memorial Library.
- Hall, A. L. (2023, May).
Identifying, Collecting, and Pressing Plants
. Kingman Master Gardner Meeting. Kingman, AZ. - Hall, A. L. (2023, September). Collaborative Drought Planning for Livestock Grazing on Southwestern National Forests. Southwest Drought and Learning Network Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Southwest Drought and Learning Network.
- Hall, A. L. (2023, September). Introduction to Rangeland Ecology and Management. Arizona State University ABS 274 Introduction to Wildlife Management. Tempe, Arizona: Arizona State University.
- Hall, A. L. (2023, September). Vegetation Response to Fire and Post-fire Resoration Options. Ranching Today Seminar. Rodeo, New Mexico: Malpai Borderlands Group.
- Hall, A. L., Brischke, A., & McReynolds, K. (2023, April). UArizona Extension Update. Rangeland Partnership Annual Meeting. Manhattan, Kansas: Rangeland Partnership.
- Hall, A. L. (2022, March). Management of Rangelands and Livestock During Drought. 34th Southwest Indian Agriculture Association, Inc. Annual Conference. Chandler, AZ: Southwest Indian Agriculture Association.
- Hall, A. L. (2022, November). Utilization and Rangeland Health. UACE and AZSRM Workshop. Vail, Arizona: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension and Arizona Section, Society for Range Management.
- Hall, A. L., & Brischke, A. S. (2022, May). Third Party Monitoring Programs: Reading the Range and Three Forest Programs. Rangeland Monitoring 101 Workshop. Prescott, Arizona: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L., & Perry, C. (2022, November). Production & Comparative Yield Demonstration . Rangeland Monitoring 101 Workshop Part 2: Field Day. Prescott, Arizona: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L., Brischke, A., & McReynolds, K. (2022, April). UArizona Extension Update. Rangeland Partnership Meeting. Grand Junction: Rangeland Partnership.
- Brischke, A. S., Mcreynolds, K. H., & Hall, A. L. (2021, July). Search for Excellence in Environmental Quality, Forestry & Natural Resources: The Arizona Rangeland Monitoring Program. National Association of County Agriculture Agents Professional Improvement Conference. Virtual: National Association of County Agriculture Agents.
- Hall, A. L. (2021, April). Yellow Bluestem: An Encroaching Invasive Grass. Flagstaff Native Plant Society Meeting. Virtual: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L. (2021, February). Management of Rangelands During Drought and Poisonous Plant Considerations. SWIAA Rural Business Development Grant Webinar. Virtual: Southwest Indian Agricultural Business Promotion and Assistance Program.
- Hall, A. L., McReynolds, K., & Brischke, A. S. (2021, April). Arizona Extension Update. Rangeland Partnership Meeting. Virtual: Rangeland Partnership.
- Hall, A. L. (2020, November). Yellow Bluestem: An Encroaching Invasive Grass. Garden and Country Extension Webinar Series. Virtual: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L., Grace, J., Brischke, A., & Wright, A. (2020, March). Arizona Extension Update. Rangeland Partnership Meeting. Tucson: Rangeland Partnership.More infoMeeting originally scheduled to take place in Tucson the meeting was held virtually. Presentation was prepared and recorded with a voice over by this Agent to be shared with online participants.
- Hall, A. L. (2019, February). Spatial Distribution Differences of Larrea tridentata Seed Density in Relation to Ambrosia dumosa and Ambrosia deltoidea. Arizona Native Plant Society. Tucson: Tucson Chapter of the Arizona Native Plant Society.
- Hall, A. L. (2019, March). Nutritional Content of Forage and Effects of Drought on Nutrition and Rangelands. Range and Livestock Nutrition Workshop Series. Holbrook: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L. (2019, March). Nutritional Content of Forage and Effects of Drought on Nutrition and Rangelands. Range and Livestock Nutrition Workshop Series. Wilcox: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L. (2019, May). Arizona Toxic Plants. Beginning Farmer Rancher Workshop. Stockton Pass/Safford: UA Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L. (2019, May). Considerations for Implementing a Long-Term Trend Monitoring Program. Navajo Bureau of Indian Affairs Rangeland Management Consultation. Gallup, NM: Bureau of Indian Affairs and University of Arizona.
- Hall, A. L. (2019, May). VGS Customization. Region 2 Vegetation GIS Data System Training - San Juan and Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests. Durango, CO: University of Arizona.
- Hall, A. L. (2019, Novemeber). VGS Overview, Customization, and Vegetation Summary Reporting. White Mountain Apache Tribe Land Operations Office VGS Training. Whiteriver, AZ: University of Arizona.
- Hall, A. L. (2019, October). Considerations for Designing a Vegetation Monitoring Program. ABS 384 - Natural Resource Measurements. Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus: Arizona State University.
- Hall, A. L., & Brischke, A. S. (2019, May). Principles and Methods of Measuring Vegetation Utilization. Navajo Bureau of Indian Affairs Rangeland Management Consultation. Gallup, NM: Bureau of Indian Affairs and University of Arizona.
- Hall, A. L. (2018, February). Sustaining Arizona Rangelands Through Vegetation Monitoring. Spring 2018 Seminar Series - Wild Arizona: Current Research on Wildlife and Natural Resource Conservation and Mgmt. Green Valley, Arizona: University of Arizona Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
- Hall, A. L. (2018, July). Developing Resources to Improve Rancher Drought Adaptability in the Southwest. National Association of County Agriculture Agents Conference. Chattanooga, TN: National Association of County Agriculture Agents.
- Hall, A. L. (2018, March). Mineral Content of Forage Grasses. Range Livestock Nutrition Workshop. Holbrook, Arizona: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L. (2018, November). Management of Arizona Rangelands. Fall 2018 Seminar Series - Wild Arizona: Current Research on Wildlife and Natural Resource Conservation and Mgmt. Green Valley, Arizona: University of Arizona Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
- Hall, A. L. (2018, September). Effects of Drought on Rangelands. Drought Management Tools and Resources Workshop. Benson, AZ: UA Cooperative Extension and USDA Risk Management Agency.
- Hall, A. L. (2018, September). Effects of Drought on Rangelands. Drought Management Tools and Resources Workshop. Santa Rosa, AZ: UA Cooperative Extension and USDA Risk Management Agency.
- Hall, A. L. (2017, April). Long Term Trend Monitoring Methods for Arid Environments. Arizona Cooperative Rangeland Monitoring Program - Yuma Monitoring Week. Quartzsite: Arizona Cooperative Rangeland Monitoring Program.
- Hall, A. L. (2017, August). Plant Life Forms. Coconino County Range and Livestock Workshop. Flagstaff, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L. (2017, December). Gila and Pinal County Programming Activities. Arizona Agriculture Extension Association Winter Meeting.
- Hall, A. L. (2017, June). Goals and Objectives of Vegetation Monitoring/Key Area Concept. Bureau of Indian Affairs Western District Rangeland Monitoring Workshop. Tuba City, Arizona: University of Arizona and Bureau of Indian Affairs.
- Hall, A. L. (2017, October). Improving Rancher Adaptability for Drought through Extension Programming. National Association of County Agriculture Agents Western Region Professional Improvement Conference. Albuquerque, NM: NACAA Western Region.
- Hall, A. L. (2017, October). Understanding Rangeland Health Indicators. Cibecue OAO Cattleman's 101 - Course IV. Cibecue, AZ: Little Colorado River Plateau Resource Conservation & Development Council.
- Hall, A. L., & Brischke, A. S. (2017, August). Common Range Plants of Coconino County. Coconino County Range and Livestock Workshop. Flagstaff, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L. (2016, January 2016). Establishing a Rangeland Monitoring Program Using VGS. National Society for Range Management Annual Conference. Corpus Christi, TX: Society for Range Management.More infoThis presentation was completed prior to employment as an Extension Agent; however, the information presented during the presentation involves programs and work that are part of the Agents current position.
Poster Presentations
- Hall, A. L., Mcreynolds, K. H., & Brischke, A. S. (2024, December). Advancing Rangeland Management Through Monitoring Programs and Technology. National Grazing Lands Coalition Conference. Tucson, AZ: National Grazing Lands Coalition.
- Hall, A. L., & Gornish, E. (2022, February). Exploring Grazing Effects on Post-fire Vegetation Recovery Through Time. National Society for Range Management Conference. Albuquerque, NM and Virtual: National Society for Range Management.
- Hall, A. L., Mcreynolds, K. H., & Brischke, A. S. (2021, February). Monitoring Arizona Rangelands: The Benefits of Cooperative Monitoring Programs. National Society for Range Management Conference. Virtual: National Society for Range Management.
- Hall, A. L., Mcreynolds, K. H., & Brischke, A. S. (2021, July). Monitoring Arizona Rangelands: An Evaluation of Cooperative Monitoring Programs. National Association of County Agriculture Agents AM/PIC. Virtual: National Association of County Agriculture Agents.
- Hall, A. L., Mcreynolds, K. H., & Brischke, A. S. (2020, October). An Evaluation of Extension Rangeland Monitoring Programs. Extension In-Service. Virtual: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Lien, A., Howery, L., Hutchinson, B., Hall, A. L., Grace, J. L., Brischke, A. S., McReynolds, K., Conley, J., & Ruyle, G. (2020, Feburary). Public Land Grazing and NEPA: A Multimedia Educational Program for Arizona Cooperative Extension and Beyond. National Society for Range Management Conference. Denver: National Society for Range Management.
- Crimmins, M., McClaran, M., Hall, A. L., Grace, J. L., Brischke, A. S., & Mcreynolds, K. H. (2019, August). Rangeland Precipitation Monitoring Training Program for Ranchers and Land Managers. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension In-Service. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L., & Carstens, R. (2019, August). Ag Daze: Gila County Agricultural Education. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension In-Service. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L., & Despain, D. (2019, January). Long Term Trend Monitoring Methods for Arid Environments. Arizona and New Mexico Joint Society for Range Management Meeting - Managing Rangelands without Borders. Silver City, New Mexico: Arizona Section and New Mexico Section Society for Range Management.
- Hall, A. L., & Perry, C. S. (2019, February). Spatial Interpolation Comparison of Ranch-Scale Rain Gauges to the National Rain Gauge Network. National Society for Range Management Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN: Society for Range Management.
- Hall, A. L., Grace, J. L., Brischke, A. S., Mcclaran, M. P., Wright, A. D., & Cannon, K. G. (2019, August). Livestock Artificial Insemination Clinic. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension In-Service. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L., Grace, J. L., Brischke, A. S., Mcreynolds, K. H., & Schalau, J. W. (2019, August). Arizona State Grass Project. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension In-Service. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L., Perry, C. S., & Despain, D. (2019, February). Vegetation GIS Data System Tutorial Video Series. National Society for Range Management Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN: Society for Range Management.
- Hall, A. L., Perry, C., Despain, D., Merson, D., & Porter, J. (2019, October). Vegetation GIS Data System - Eliminating Paper from Data Collection. University of Arizona IT Summit. Tucson.
- Lien, A., Howery, L., Hutchinson, B., Hall, A. L., Grace, J. L., Brischke, A. S., McReynolds, K., Conley, J., & Ruyle, G. (2019, August). A New Look at the Role of NEPA on Public Land Grazing Issues: A Multimedia Educational Program for Arizona Cooperative Extension (ACE) Audiences.. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension In-Service. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Lien, A., Howery, L., Hutchinson, B., Hall, A. L., Grace, J. L., Brischke, A. S., McReynolds, K., Conley, J., & Ruyle, G. (2019, August). Public Land Grazing and NEPA: A Multimedia Educational Program for Arizona Cooperative Extension and Beyond. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension In-Service. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L., Crimmins, M. A., & Mcclaran, M. P. (2018, August). Integrating Climate Data with Rangeland Monitoring to Improve Ranch-Scale Drought Detection. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension In-Service. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hall, A. L., Crimmins, M. A., & Mcclaran, M. P. (2018, July). Integrating Climate Data with Rangeland Monitoring to Improve Ranch-Scale Drought Detection. National Association of County Agriculture Agents Conference. Chattanooga, TN: National Association of County Agriculture Agents.
- Hall, A. L. (2017, July). Creating Good Stewards of the Land Through Educational Programming. National Association County Agriculture Agents Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: National Association of County Agriculture Agents.
- Hall, A. L., & Perry, C. S. (2017, January). Spatial Interpolation of Annual Rainfall Data for Arizona. National Society for Range Management Annual Conference. St. George, UT: Society for Range Management.
- Hall, A. L., & Perry, C. S. (2017, July). Spatial Interpolation of Annual Rainfall Data for Arizona Grazing Allotments within a National Dataset Gap. National Association County Agriculture Agents Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: National Association County Agriculture Agents Conference.
- Hall, A. L., Crimmins, M. A., Mcclaran, M. P., & Brischke, A. S. (2017, October). Developing Resources to Help Ranchers Plan for Drought in Arizona. National Association of County Agriculture Agents Western Region Professional Improvement Conference. Albuquerque, NM: NACAA Western Region.
Creative Productions
- Hall, A. L., & Perry, C. (2022. Vegetation GIS Data System Video Tutorial Series – VGS Version 5.0. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuKzAJ6lXB5DFrJN83Q7O5otooY4Z51JSMore infoDue to the widespread use of VGS, video tutorials are needed to provide around-the-clock service and support users as they work through basic issues. The series of tutorial videos is divided into brief sections that cover specific help topics and are a maximum of 5 minutes. C. Perry and A. Hall wrote scripts and recorded voiceovers. A. Hall edited and combined the recorded screen shots of VGS to make a cohesive tutorial using Camtasia Software. 34 Videos for VGS Version 5 created: Introduction to VGS 5, How to Install VGS, VGS Layout and Toolbars, Settings Menu, Folder Type, Develop a New Database, Database Download, Server Sync, Using Multiple Devices, Creating a New Site, GPS Module, Sampling Field Input, Editing a Sampling Protocol, Survey Field Input, Tabular View Input, Site and Event Merge, Database Backup, Protocol Import and Export, Plant Species List, Common Name List, Category Name List, Category Input List, Contact Manager, Reporting Options, Data Scope Report, Site Summary Report, Species List Report, Random Generator, Raw Data Export, Sampling Protocol Form Report, Sampling Protocol Method Report, Comparison Report, Survey Protocol Report.
- Hall, A. L., & Brischke, A. (2021. Benefits of Incorporating Technology in Rangeland Management. US Forest Service Range Technology Summit. Virtual: United States Forest Service.More infoA. Brischke recorded the content for his presentation at the virtual USFS Range Technology Summit. A. Hall edited and combined the recorded clips to make a cohesive video using Camtasia.
- Hall, A. L., & Perry, C. (2021. VGS Application Suite: A Timesaving Data Solution for Land Managers. US Forest Service Range Technology Summit. Virtual: United States Forest Service.More infoC. Perry and A.Hall filmed video content and voiceovers. A. Hall edited and combined the recorded clips to make a cohesive video using Camtasia.
- Hall, A. L., McReynolds, K., McCaw, G., & Brischke, A. (2020. Rangeland Monitoring Program. YouTube. Virtual: Landmark Stories and University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.More infohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=kVyZKsWjCqY&feature=emb_logo
- Hall, A. L., & Crimmins, M. (2018. MyRAINgeLog Tutorial Video Series. MyRAINgeLog Support Website. https://info.myraingelog.arizona.edu/videosMore infoVideos Created: An Overview of MyRAINgeLog. 2:24
- Hall, A. L., & Perry, C. (2018. Vegetation GIS Data System Video Tutorial Series – VGS Version 4.0.. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track and YouTubeUniversity of Arizona Cooperative Extension Fast Track System. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-yp3X3SVqZVcLx_R6NgElQMore infoVideos created: Introduction to VGS. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication #AZ1778-A. 3:16. Develop a New Database. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication #AZ1778-B. 2:52. Creating a New Site (Location). Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication #AZ1778-C. 3:47. Creating a New Event. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication #AZ1778-D. 2:04. Restoring a Database. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication #AZ1778-E. 1:46. Layout and Toolbar. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication #AZ1778-F. 5:27. Field Input. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication #AZ1778-G. 3:19. Tabular Input. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication #AZ1778-H. 2:45. Data Scope Report. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication #AZ1778-I. 2:29.Site Summary Report. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication #AZ1778-J. 1:59.
Other Teaching Materials
- Hall, A. L., Fagerlie, D., Arias, J., Pilsk, S., Wesley, V., & Goseyun, T. (2020. San Carlos Apache Tribe Invasive Weeds Poster and Booklet. USDA APHIS PPQ and WSU Extension.More info8 page booklet and poster of invasive species to watch for. The materials will be placed at locations across San Carlos Tribe to educate the public on these invasive species, include information about where to report sightings and information about control measures on private lands.
- Hall, A. L., Howery, L., & Carrillo, E. (2020. Grazing Southwest Grasslands Learning Module. Natural Resource Conservation Service.More infoUpdated Grazing Module for NRCS Staff. Modules were originally created for all NRCS offices around the country and are used both to train NRCS staff as well as provide NRCS staff with the means to give workshops on the topics. Because AZ habitats are different, some of the general information provided in the module was not relevant for AZ NRCS and stakeholders. This module was updated the relevancy of the modules by modifying the existing module to include AZ specific information.
- Hall, A. L. (2025, January).
Enhancing Livestock Genetics through Artificial Insemination
. Rangelands Partnership Newsletter. - Hall, A. L. (2024, April). Why should we be concerned about invasive species on rangelands?. Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2024, January). Dormant Season Nutrition Considerations. Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2023, March). Spring Toxic Plants. Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2022, April). New Range and Livestock University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publications. Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2022, May). Recap: RP Annual Meeting 2022. Rangelands Partnership Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2021, July). Featured Plant: Arizona cottontop (Digitaria californica). Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L., Perry, C., Despain, D., & Dyess, J. (2021, July). VGS Executive Summary. University of Arizona - VGS Development Team.
- Hall, A. L. (2020, December). Drought and Rangelands. Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2020, December). Featured Plant: Eragrostis intermedia (plains lovegrass). Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2020, February). Featured Plant: Hilaria belangeri (curly-mesquite).. Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2020, June). Stinknet - An Invasive Species Quickly Moving Across Arizona. Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L., & Despain, D. (2020, June). Navajo Nation Bureau of Indian Affairs Vegetation Monitoring Protocols, Methods and Ground Rules. VGS Development Team.More infoManual that provides detailed description of Navajo Nation Bureau of Indian Affairs(BIA) monitoring protocols, methods, ground rules, and step by step VGS instructions for use by the BIA Rangeland Management Staff, BIA Range Technicians, BIA Contractors, Ranchers, and other interested parties.
- Hall, A. L., & Grace, J. (2020, June). Campfire Conversation Results: Facilitating Transfer of Knowledge and Experience from One Generation of Range Professionals to the Next. Rangelands Partnership Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2019, June). Reading the Range Manual - Vegetation Monitoring Protocols, Methods and Ground Rules. Gila County Cooperative Extension.More infoManual that provides detailed description of Reading the Range monitoring protocols/methods for use by the US Forest Service Rangeland Management Staff, Fire Ecologists, Range Technicians, Permittees, and other interested parties.
- Hall, A. L., & Crimmins, M. (2019, March). Precipitation Monitoring Part 2: MyRAINgeLog. Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2018, June). Range and Livestock University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Resources. Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2018, September). Natural Resources Conservation Workshop for Arizona Youth - 2018 Camp. Arizona Section Society for Range Management Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L., & Ruyle, G. (2018, June). Measuring Rangeland Forage Utilization. Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2017, August). Precipitation Monitoring Part 1: Best Practices Guide. Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.
- Hall, A. L. (2017, May). Arizona Livestock Incident Response Team Update. Arizona Range and Livestock Newsletter.