Bo Guo
- Associate Professor, Hydrology / Atmospheric Sciences
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Associate Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP
- (520) 626-9971
- John W. Harshbarger Building, Rm. 316C
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- boguo@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, United States
- Fluid Injection and Migration in the Subsurface: Reduced-order Models and Multiscale Modeling Approaches
- M.A. Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, United States
- B.S. Hydraulic Engineering
- Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Work Experience
- Stanford University, Stanford, California (2016 - 2018)
- Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers
- Humboldt Foundation, Winter 2023
- National Science Foundation, Summer 2023
- Doctoral New Investigator Award
- American Chemical Society, Summer 2021
- AGU 2018 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing - Water Resources Research
- American Geophysical Union, Spring 2019
HWRS 504 Numerical Methods for Environmental Transport ProblemsHWRS 505 Vadose Zone HydrologyHWRS 170A1 Earth: Our Watery HomeHWRS495/595 Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences Weekly Colloquium
My research aims to: 1) advance our fundamental understanding of fluid flow and transport processes in porous materials at microscale (i.e., pore scale) by developing computational models that explicitly represent the pore structures and the physical and chemical processes, and 2) then take the microscale understanding and develop predictive computational models at field scale (often involves model reduction via upscaling or multiscale formulations) to address practical engineering problems for energy and environmental systems in the subsurface including contaminant transport in soil and groundwater especially emerging contaminants such as PFAS, shale gas/oil production, and geological CO₂ storage.
2024-25 Courses
HWRS 920 (Spring 2025) -
HWRS 920 (Fall 2024) -
Vadose Zone Hydrology
HWRS 405 (Fall 2024) -
Vadose Zone Hydrology
HWRS 505 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
HWRS 920 (Spring 2024) -
Earth: Our Watery Home
HWRS 170A1 (Spring 2024) -
HWRS 910 (Spring 2024) -
HWRS 920 (Fall 2023) -
Independent Study
HWRS 599 (Fall 2023) -
Independent Study
HWRS 699 (Fall 2023) -
MATH 900 (Fall 2023) -
HWRS 910 (Fall 2023) -
Vadose Zone Hydrology
HWRS 405 (Fall 2023) -
Vadose Zone Hydrology
HWRS 505 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Current Topics: Hydrology/Atmo
HWRS 495A (Spring 2023) -
HWRS 920 (Spring 2023) -
Master's Report
HWRS 909 (Spring 2023) -
Num Mthds for Envrn Trans Prob
HWRS 504 (Spring 2023) -
Topics in Hydrology+Atmo Sci
HWRS 595A (Spring 2023) -
HWRS 920 (Fall 2022) -
Independent Study
HWRS 599 (Fall 2022) -
Vadose Zone Hydrology
HWRS 405 (Fall 2022) -
Vadose Zone Hydrology
HWRS 505 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Current Topics: Hydrology/Atmo
HWRS 495A (Spring 2022) -
HWRS 920 (Spring 2022) -
Earth: Our Watery Home
HWRS 170A1 (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
HWRS 599 (Spring 2022) -
Topics in Hydrology+Atmo Sci
HWRS 595A (Spring 2022) -
HWRS 920 (Fall 2021) -
Independent Study
HWRS 599 (Fall 2021) -
Vadose Zone Hydrology
HWRS 405 (Fall 2021) -
Vadose Zone Hydrology
HWRS 505 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
HWRS 920 (Spring 2021) -
Num Mthds for Envrn Trans Prob
HWRS 504 (Spring 2021) -
HWRS 920 (Fall 2020) -
Independent Study
HWRS 599 (Fall 2020) -
Vadose Zone Hydrology
HWRS 405 (Fall 2020) -
Vadose Zone Hydrology
HWRS 505 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Current Topics: Hydrology/Atmo
HWRS 495A (Spring 2020) -
Earth: Our Watery Home
HWRS 170A1 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
HWRS 599 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
HWRS 699 (Spring 2020) -
Topics in Hydrology+Atmo Sci
HWRS 595A (Spring 2020) -
Current Topics: Hydrology/Atmo
HWRS 495A (Fall 2019) -
Independent Study
HWRS 599 (Fall 2019) -
Independent Study
HWRS 699 (Fall 2019) -
Topics in Hydrology+Atmo Sci
HWRS 595A (Fall 2019) -
Vadose Zone Hydrology
HWRS 505 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Independent Study
HWRS 599 (Spring 2019) -
Num Meth Subsurface Hydr
HWRS 504 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
HWRS 599 (Fall 2018)
Scholarly Contributions
- Brusseau, M. L., & Guo, B. (2023). Revising the EPA dilution-attenuation soil screening model for PFAS. Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters, 4.
- Chen, S., & Guo, B. (2023). Pore-Scale Modeling of PFAS Transport in Water-Unsaturated Porous Media: Air-Water Interfacial Adsorption and Mass-Transfer Processes in Thin Water Films. Water Resources Research, 59(8).
- Zeng, J., & Guo, B. (2023). Reduced Accessible Air-Water Interfacial Area Accelerates PFAS Leaching in Heterogeneous Vadose Zones. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(8).
- Becker, B., Guo, B. o., Buntic, I., Flemisch, B., & Helmig, R. (2022). An Adaptive Hybrid Vertical Equilibrium/Full-Dimensional Model for Compositional Multiphase Flow. Water Resources Research, 58(1), e2021WR030990.
- Brusseau, M. L., & Guo, B. (2022). PFAS concentrations in soil versus soil porewater: Mass distributions and the impact of adsorption at air-water interfaces. Chemosphere, 302, 134938.
- Fang, Y., Zheng, T., Guo, B. o., Zhan, H., Wang, H., Zheng, X., & Walther, M. (2022). Transformation in the Stability of Tide-Induced Upper Saline Plume Driven by Transient External Forcing. Water Resources Research, 58(6), e2021WR031331.
- Guo, B. o., Zeng, J., Brusseau, M. L., & Zhang, Y. (2022). A screening model for quantifying PFAS leaching in the vadose zone and mass discharge to groundwater. Advances in Water Resources, 160, 104102.
- Huang, D., Saleem, H., Guo, B. o., & Brusseau, M. L. (2022). The impact of multiple-component PFAS solutions on fluid-fluid interfacial adsorption and transport of PFOS in unsaturated porous media. Science of The Total Environment, 806, 150595.
- Lyu, Y., Wang, B., Du, X., Guo, B. o., & Brusseau, M. L. (2022). Air-water interfacial adsorption of C4-C10 perfluorocarboxylic acids during transport in unsaturated porous media. Science of the Total Environment, 831, 154905.
- Qin, C., Wang, X., Hefny, M., Zhao, J., Chen, S., & Guo, B. o. (2022). Wetting dynamics of spontaneous imbibition in porous media: From pore scale to darcy scale. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(4), e2021GL097269.
- Brusseau, M. L., & Guo, B. (2021). Air-water interfacial areas relevant for transport of per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances. Water research, 207, 117785.
- Brusseau, M. L., Guo, B., Huang, D., Yan, N., & Lyu, Y. (2021). Ideal versus Nonideal Transport of PFAS in Unsaturated Porous Media. Water research, 202, 117405.
- Canez, T. T., Guo, B. o., McIntosh, J. C., & Brusseau, M. L. (2021). Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Groundwater at a Reclaimed Water Recharge Facility. Science of The Total Environment, 147906.
- Chen, S., Jiang, J., & Guo, B. (2021). A pore-network-based upscaling framework for the nanoconfined phase behavior in shale rocks. Chemical Engineering Journal.
- El, O. A., Guo, B. o., Zhong, H., & Brusseau, M. L. (2021). Testing the validity of the miscible-displacement interfacial tracer method for measuring air-water interfacial area: Independent benchmarking and mathematical modeling. Chemosphere, 263, 128193.
- Guo, B., Zeng, J., Brusseau, M. L., & Zhang, Y. (2021). A screening model for quantifying PFAS leaching in the vadose zone and mass discharge to groundwater. Advances in Water Resources.
- Huang, D., Saleem, H., Guo, B., & Brusseau, M. L. (2021). The impact of multiple-component PFAS solutions on fluid-fluid interfacial adsorption and transport of PFOS in unsaturated porous media. The Science of the total environment, 806(Pt 2), 150595.
- Ji, Y., Yan, N., Brusseau, M. L., Guo, B., Zheng, X., Dai, M., Liu, H., & Li, X. (2021). Impact of a Hydrocarbon Surfactant on the Retention and Transport of Perfluorooctanoic Acid in Saturated and Unsaturated Porous Media. Environmental science & technology, 55(15), 10480-10490.
- Zeng, J., & Guo, B. (2021). Multidimensional simulation of PFAS transport and leaching in the vadose zone: Impact of surfactant-induced flow and subsurface heterogeneities. Advances in Water Resources.
- Zeng, J., Brusseau, M. L., & Guo, B. (2021). Model validation and analyses of parameter sensitivity and uncertainty for modeling long-term retention and leaching of PFAS in the vadose zone. Journal of Hydrology.
- Zheng, T., Guo, B. o., & Shao, H. (2021). A hybrid multiscale framework coupling multilayer dynamic reconstruction and full-dimensional models for CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 600, 126649.
- Brusseau, M. L., Lyu, Y., Yan, N., & Guo, B. (2020). Low-Concentration Tracer Tests to Measure Air-Water Interfacial Area in Porous Media. Chemosphere.
- Guo, B., Zeng, J., & Brusseau, M. L. (2020). A Mathematical Model for the Release, Transport, and Retention of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the Vadose Zone. Water Resources Research.
- Jiang, H., Guo, B., & Brusseau, M. L. (2020). Characterization of the micro-scale surface roughness effect on immiscible fluids and interfacial areas in porous media using the measurements of interfacial partitioning tracer tests. ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, 146.
- Jiang, H., Guo, B., & Brusseau, M. L. (2020). Pore-scale modeling of fluid-fluid interfacial area in variably saturated porous media containing micro-scale surface roughness. Water Resources Research.
- Bandilla, K. W., Guo, B. o., & Celia, M. A. (2019). A guideline for appropriate application of vertically-integrated modeling approaches for geologic carbon storage modeling. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL, 91.
- Guan, K. M., Nazarova, M., Guo, B., Tchelepi, H., Kovscek, A. R., & Creux, P. (2019). Effects of Image Resolution on Sandstone Porosity and Permeability as Obtained from X-Ray Microscopy. Transport in Porous Media, 1--13.
- Guo, B., Mehmani, Y., & Tchelepi, H. (2019). Multiscale formulation for pore-scale compressible Darcy-Stokes flow. Journal of Computational Physics.
- Qin, C., Guo, B., Celia, M., & Wu, R. (2019). Dynamic pore-network modeling of air-water flow through thin porous layers. Chemical Engineering Science.
- Tao, Y., Guo, B., Bandilla, K., & Celia, M. (2019). Vertically-integrated dual-continuum models for CO2 sequestration in fractured reservoirs. Computational Geosciences. doi:10.1007/s10596-018-9805-x
- Becker, B., Guo, B., Bandilla, K., Celia, M. A., Flemisch, B., & Helmig, R. (2018). An Adaptive Multiphysics Model Coupling Vertical Equilibrium and Full Multidimensions for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 54(7), 4347-4360.
- Guo, B., Ma, L., & Tchelepi, H. A. (2018). Image-based micro-continuum model for gas flow in organic-rich shale rock. ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, 122, 70-84.
- Liu, Q., Sun, L., Tang, X., & Guo, B. (2018). Modelling hydraulic fracturing with a point-based approximation for the maximum principal stress criterion. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
Proceedings Publications
- Chen, S., Jiang, J., & Guo, B. (2021). Effect of Pore Geometry and Heterogeneous Surface Wettability on the Nanoconfined Phase Behavior in Nanopore Networks of Shale Rocks. In SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
- Saleem, H., Guo, B., & Gupta, H. V. (2023). A Mathematical Model for Multi-component PFAS Solute Transport in Unsaturated Media. El Dia Del Agua y Atmosphera, Dept. of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Mar 28. Dept. of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson.More infoSaleem H, B Guo and H Gupta (2023), A Mathematical Model for Multi-component PFAS Solute Transport in Unsaturated Media, El Dia Del Agua y Atmosphera, Dept. of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Mar 28.
- Guo, B., Cao, Z., Du, J., Wang, Y., Niu, G., Dontsova, K. M., Hitzelberger, M., Chen, L., Troch, P. A., & Chorover, J. D. (2022, December 2022). Reactive transport modeling of basalt weathering and early soil formation within a highly-controlled, sloping lysimeter.
. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Chicago, IL: American Geophysical Union. - Gupta, H. V., Guo, B., & Saleem, H. (2021). A Mathematical Model for the Transport of Multi-Component PFAS In Unsaturated Porous Media. El Dia Del Agua y Atmosphera, Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Mar 31/April 1. Online: Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Arizona,.More infoSaleem H, B Guo and H Gupta (2021), A Mathematical Model for the Transport of Multi-Component PFAS In Unsaturated Porous Media, presented at El Dia Del Agua y Atmosphera, Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Mar 31/April 1
- Guo, B., Zeng, X., Stepanov, M., & Johnson, G. (2019, October 24). A numerical scheme for saturated flows based on convex optimization. Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences weekly Colloquium. University of Arizona.More infoA talk (by Misha Stepanov) at local (UofA) seminar, namely Colloquium at HAS. Presented the current state of the joint project on new numerical scheme for soil moisture evolution.
Poster Presentations
- Jianwen, D., Guo, B., Niu, G., Dontsova, K. M., Troch, P. A., & Chorover, J. D. (2023, December). H21M-1526: Quantifying the impact of CO2 transport and transient hydrological flow on basalt weathering at the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory.. 2023 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA.