Christina Colosimo
- Assistant Clinical Professor, Surgery - (Clinical Series Track)
- (520) 626-7754
- Arizona Health Sciences Center, Rm. 245063
- ccolosim@arizona.edu
- D.O. Trauma Surgical Critical Care
- Cooper University Hospital, Camden, New Jersey, United States
- D.O. General Surgery
- Sky Ridge Medical Center, Lone Tree, Colorado, United States
- D.O. Osteopathic Medicine
- Midwestern University- Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine, Glendale, Arizona, United States
- M.S. Health Care Policy and Management
- Carnegie-Mellon Univeristy, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, United States
- B.S. Marine Biology
- University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
- A.S. Biology
- Santa Monica College, Los Angeles, California, United States
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2023 - Ongoing)
- Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (2021 - 2023)
- Department of the Navy (2012 - 2016)
- CNA Corporation (2010 - 2021)
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2010 - 2012)
Licensure & Certification
- State Medical License: Arizona, State of Arizona (2022)
- ASSET Instructor Certification, University of Arizona (2021)
- Intuitive Robotics Certification (2021)
- Stop The Bleed Program - Course Instructor, Sky Ridge Medical Center (2017)
- ATLS Instructor, University of Arizona (2021)
- State Medical License: Colorado, State of Colorado (2016)
- State Medical License: New Jersey, New Jersey (2021)
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Akl, M. N., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Anand, T., Hosseinpour, H., Colosimo, C., Nelson, A., Alizai, Q., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). Trauma Laparotomy for the Cirrhotic Patient: An Outcome-Based Analysis. ACUTE CARE SURGERY. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2023.09.008More infoThere is a lack of large-scale data on outcomes of cirrhotic patients undergoing trauma laparotomy. We aimed to compare outcomes of cirrhotic versus noncirrhotic trauma patients undergoing laparotomy.We analyzed 2018 American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program. We included blunt trauma patients (≥18 y) who underwent a laparotomy. Patients who were transferred, dead on arrival, or had penetrating injuries were excluded. Patients were matched in a 1:2 ratio (cirrhotic and noncirrhotic). Outcomes included mortality, complications, failure to rescue, transfusion requirements, and hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) lengths of stay. Multivariable backward stepwise regression analysis was performed.Four hundred and seventy-one patients (cirrhotic, 157; noncirrhotic, 314) were matched. Mean age was 57 ± 15 y, 78% were male, and median injury severity score was 24. Cirrhotic patients had higher rates of mortality (60% versus 30%, P value
- Akl, M., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Anand, T., Hosseinpour, H., Colosimo, C., Nelson, A., Alizai, Q., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L., & Joseph, B. (2024). Trauma Laparotomy for the Cirrhotic Patient: An Outcome-Based Analysis. Journal of Surgical Research, 294. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2023.09.008More infoIntroduction: There is a lack of large-scale data on outcomes of cirrhotic patients undergoing trauma laparotomy. We aimed to compare outcomes of cirrhotic versus noncirrhotic trauma patients undergoing laparotomy. Methods: We analyzed 2018 American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program. We included blunt trauma patients (≥18 y) who underwent a laparotomy. Patients who were transferred, dead on arrival, or had penetrating injuries were excluded. Patients were matched in a 1:2 ratio (cirrhotic and noncirrhotic). Outcomes included mortality, complications, failure to rescue, transfusion requirements, and hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) lengths of stay. Multivariable backward stepwise regression analysis was performed. Results: Four hundred and seventy-one patients (cirrhotic, 157; noncirrhotic, 314) were matched. Mean age was 57 ± 15 y, 78% were male, and median injury severity score was 24. Cirrhotic patients had higher rates of mortality (60% versus 30%, P value
- Alexander, H. D., Bhogadi, S. K., Hejazi, O., Nelson, A., Khurshid, M. H., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Colosimo, C., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). The Synergy Factor: Trauma and Cancer. The Journal of surgical research, 302, 393-397.More infoTrauma and cancer are the leading causes of death in the US. There is a paucity of data describing the impact of cancer on trauma patients. We aimed to determine the influence of cancer on outcomes of trauma patients.
- Alizai, Q., Arif, M., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Spencer, A., Bhogadi, S., Nelson, A., Anand, T., Ditillo, M., & Joseph, B. (2024). Beyond the short-term relief: Outcomes of geriatric rib fracture patients receiving paravertebral nerve blocks and epidural analgesia. Injury, 55(1). doi:10.1016/j.injury.2023.111184More infoBackground: Adequate pain control is a critical component of rib fracture management. Our study aimed to evaluate the in-hospital and post-discharge outcomes of geriatric rib fracture patients who received paravertebral nerve block (PVNB) versus epidural analgesia (EA) on a national level. Methods: We performed a 5-year (2011–15) retrospective analysis of the Nationwide Readmission database. We included all the geriatric (≥65 years) blunt trauma patients with rib fractures who received a paravertebral nerve block (PVNB) or Epidural analgesia (EA) for chest injuries. We excluded patients who were dead on arrival, those with head AIS≥3, spine AIS >0, and those with cognitive impairment. Patients were stratified into two groups (PVNB and EA). A propensity score matching (1:2) was performed, and the two groups were compared. Our outcomes included delirium, hospital length of stay (LOS), 90-day readmissions, 90-day mechanical ventilation, and initial and 90-day mortality. Results: A total of 2,855 geriatric rib fracture patients were identified, out of which 352 (12 %) received PVNB and 2,503 (87 %) received EA. The mean (SD) age was 78 (8) years and 53 % were female. A total of 1,041 patients were matched (PVNB=347, EA=694 patients). The median [IQR] Injury severity score was 9 [3–15], median chest AIS was 3 [2–4], and 70 % had ≥3 rib fractures. The total mortality during index admission was 6 %, 13 % experienced delirium, and the median hospital LOS was 6 [4–10] days. There was no difference in the primary outcomes of the two groups including rates of index admission mortality (PVNB: 5.2% vs. EA:6.3 %, p = 0.548) and delirium (PVNB: 12.4% vs. EA:12.9 %, p = 0.862). We also found no statistically significant difference between these groups in terms of 90-day respiratory complications (p = 1.000), 90-day readmission (p = 0.111), 90-day mortality (p = 0.718), and 90-day need for mechanical ventilation (p = 1.000). Conclusion: The use of PVNB in geriatric trauma patients with multiple rib fractures is associated with comparable in-hospital and post-discharge outcomes relative to EA. PVNB is relatively easy to perform and has a better side effect profile. The use of PVNB as part of rib fracture management protocols warrants further consideration. Level of evidence: III Study type: Therapeutic/Care Management
- Anand, T., Hejazi, O., Conant, M., Joule, D., Lundy, M., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A., Nelson, A., Magnotti, L., & Joseph, B. (2024). Impact of resuscitation adjuncts on postintubation hypotension in patients with isolated traumatic brain injury. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 97(1), 112-118.More infoPostintubation hypotension (PIH) is a risk factor of endotracheal intubation (ETI) after injury. For those with traumatic brain injury (TBI), one episode of hypotension can potentiate that injury. This study aimed to identify the resuscitation adjuncts that may decrease the incidence of PIH in this patient population.
- Bhogadi, S. K., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Magnotti, L. J., Spencer, A. L., Anand, T., Ditillo, M., Alizai, Q., Nelson, A., & Joseph, B. (2024). Pediatric Acute Compartment Syndrome in Long Bone Fractures: Who is at Risk?. The Journal of surgical research, 298, 53-62.More infoThere is a paucity of large-scale data on the factors that suggest an impending or underlying extremity pediatric acute compartment syndrome (ACS). In addition, literature regarding the timing of operative fixation and the risk of ACS is mixed. We aimed to describe the factors associated with pediatric ACS.
- Bhogadi, S. K., Nelson, A., Hosseinpour, H., Anand, T., Hejazi, O., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). Effect of PCC on outcomes of severe traumatic brain injury patients on preinjury anticoagulation. American journal of surgery, 232, 138-141.More infoThis study aims to evaluate effect of 4-factor PCC on outcomes of severe TBI patients on preinjury anticoagulants undergoing craniotomy/craniectomy.
- Colosimo, C., Bhogadi, S. K., Hejazi, O., Nelson, A., Hosseinpour, H., Stewart, C., Spencer, A. L., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). When Every Minute Counts: REBOA Before Surgery Is Independently Associated With a 15-Minute Delay in Time to Definitive Hemorrhage Control. Military medicine, 189(Supplement_3), 262-267.More infoResuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) is a temporizing hemorrhage control intervention, but its inevitable effect on time to operating room (OR) has not been assessed. The aim of our study is to assess the impact of undergoing REBOA before surgery (RBS) on time to definitive hemorrhage control surgery.
- Colosimo, C., Otaibi, B., Bhogadi, S. K., Nelson, A., Spencer, A. L., Anand, T., Stewart, C., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). Obesity is a predictor of abdominal computed tomography imaging in pediatric trauma patients. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.More infoComputed tomography (CT) has helped to reduce the morbidity due to missed injuries. However, CT imaging is associated with radiation exposure and thus has limited indications in pediatric patients. In this study, we aimed to identify the association between obesity and abdominal CT imaging in pediatric trauma patients.
- Culbert, M. H., Bhogadi, S. K., Hosseinpour, H., Colosimo, C., Alizai, Q., Anand, T., Spencer, A. L., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). Predictors of Receiving Mental Health Services in Trauma Patients With Positive Drug Screen. The Journal of surgical research, 298, 7-13.More infoInitial interaction with health care system presents an important opportunity to provide substance use disorder (SUD) rehabilitation in the form of mental health services (MHSs). This study aims to identify predictors of receipt of MHSs among adult trauma patients with SUD and positive drug screen.
- El-Qawaqzeh, K., Anand, T., Alizai, Q., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Spencer, A., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L., Stewart, C., & Joseph, B. (2024). Trauma in the Geriatric and the Super-Geriatric: Should They Be Treated the Same?. Journal of Surgical Research, 293. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2023.09.015More infoIntroduction: There is paucity of studies comparing the characteristics of trauma in geriatrics and super-geriatrics. We aimed to explore the injury characteristics and outcomes of older adult trauma patients on a nationwide scale. Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of 2017-2019 American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program. We included moderate to severely injured (Injury Severity Score >8) older adult (≥65 y) trauma patients. Patients were stratified into geriatric (65 y ≤ Age
- Hosseinpour, H., Anand, T., Hejazi, O., Colosimo, C., Bhogadi, S. K., Spencer, A., Nelson, A., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). The Role of Whole Blood Hemostatic Resuscitation in Bleeding Geriatric Trauma Patients. The Journal of surgical research, 299, 26-33.More infoWhole blood (WB) has recently gained increased popularity as an adjunct to the resuscitation of hemorrhaging civilian trauma patients. We aimed to assess the nationwide outcomes of using WB as an adjunct to component therapy (CT) versus CT alone in resuscitating geriatric trauma patients.
- Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Bhogadi, S. K., Magnotti, L. J., Alizai, Q., Colosimo, C., Hage, K., Ditillo, M., Anand, T., & Joseph, B. (2024). Should We Keep or Transfer Our Severely Injured Geriatric Patients to Higher Levels of Care?. The Journal of surgical research, 300, 15-24.More infoInterfacility transfer to higher levels of care is becoming increasingly common. This study aims to evaluate the association between transfer to higher levels of care and prolonged transfer times with outcomes of severely injured geriatric trauma patients compared to those who are managed definitively at lower-level trauma centers.
- Joseph, B., Hosseinpour, H., Sakran, J., Anand, T., Colosimo, C., Nelson, A., Stewart, C., Spencer, A. L., Zhang, B., & Magnotti, L. J. (2024). Defining the Problem: 53 Years of Firearm Violence Afflicting America's Schools. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 238(4), 671-678.More infoFirearm violence and school shootings remain a significant public health problem. This study aimed to examine how publicly available data from all 50 states might improve our understanding of the situation, firearm type, and demographics surrounding school shootings.
- Khurshid, M. H., Yang, A. R., Hosseinpour, H., Colosimo, C., Hejazi, O., Spencer, A. L., Bhogadi, S. K., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). Final Lifelines: The Implications and Outcomes of Thoracic Damage Control Surgeries. The Journal of surgical research, 301, 385-391.More infoThere is a lack of data on the outcomes of thoracic damage control surgery (TDCS). This study aimed to describe the characteristics and outcomes of patients undergoing TDCS.
- Khurshid, M., Hejazi, O., Spencer, A., Nelson, A., Stewart, C., Colosimo, C., Ditillo, M., Matthews, M., Magnotti, L., & Joseph, B. (2024). A little goes a long way: A comparison of enterolithotomy versus single-stage cholecystectomy in the management of gallstone ileus. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. doi:10.1097/TA.0000000000004497More infoINTRODUCTION Gallstone ileus is an infrequent complication of cholelithiasis with no specific guidelines for its management. This study aims to compare the outcomes of patients with gallstone ileus managed with both enterolithotomy with cholecystectomy (EL-CCY) versus those managed with enterolithotomy (EL) only. METHODS In this retrospective analysis of 2011-2017 Nationwide Readmissions Database, all patients with an index admission diagnosis of gallstone ileus were included. Patients were stratified based on the type of intervention received for gallstone ileus into those who underwent EL-CCY and those who underwent EL alone and compared. Primary outcomes were in-hospital complications (surgical site infections, sepsis, pneumonia, cardiac arrest, deep vein thrombosis, intestinal obstruction) and mortality. Secondary outcomes were hospital length of stay, hospital costs, and readmissions rate and cause of readmissions. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed. RESULTS A total of 1,960 patients were identified. The mean age was 67 years and 67% were female. Two hundred eighty-nine patients (14.7%) were managed with EL-CCY, whereas 1,671 patients (85.3%) underwent EL only. Overall, the readmission rate was 4.8%, whereas mortality was 4.2%. There was no significant difference between groups in terms of index-admission complications (24.8% vs. 21.7%, p = 0.415), mortality (6.2% vs. 3.9%, p = 0.068), rates of readmission (3.5% vs. 5.1%, p = 0.22), and cause of readmission (p > 0.05). Enterolithotomy and cholecystectomy group had significantly longer hospital length of stay (10 vs. 8 days, p < 0.001) and median hospital costs ($70,959 vs. $52,147, p < 0.001). On multivariable logistic regression analysis, female sex was a predictor of undergoing EL-CCY, whereas increasing age and higher grade of all-patient redefined diagnosis-related groups risk of mortality were independently associated with lower odds of undergoing EL-CCY. CONCLUSION Our findings suggest no difference between EL compared with EL-CCY in terms of complications, readmissions, and mortality. However, patients managed with EL-CCY had a longer hospital stay and higher hospital costs compared with EL. Further prospective studies are needed to validate these findings and develop management protocols for gallstone ileus.
- Litmanovich, B., Alizai, Q., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Bhogadi, S. K., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Ditillo, M., & Joseph, B. (2024). Outcomes of Geriatric Burn Patients Presenting to the Trauma Service: How Does Frailty Factor in?. ACUTE CARE SURGERY. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2023.08.049More infoFrailty has been known to negatively affect the outcomes of geriatric trauma patients. However, there is a lack of data on the effect of frailty on the outcomes of geriatric trauma patients with concomitant burn injuries. The aim of our study was to compare the outcomes of frail versus nonfrail geriatric trauma patients with concomitant burn injuries.We performed a retrospective analysis of American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program (2018). We included geriatric (≥65 y) trauma patients who sustained a concomitant burn injury with ≥10% Total Body Surface Area affected. Patients with body region-specific AIS ≥4 were excluded. Patients were stratified into Frail and Nonfrail, using 5-factor modified Frailty Index. Primary outcomes measured were mortality. Secondary outcomes measured were complications, and hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay (LOS). Multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify independent predictors of mortality.A total of 574 patients were identified, of which 172(30%) were Frail. Mean age was 74 ± 7 y and median [interquartile range] ISS was 3[1-10]. Overall, the rate of mortality was 23% and median hospital LOS was 14[3-31]. After controlling for potential confounding factors, frailty was not identified as an independent predictor of mortality (adjusted odds ratio:1.059, P = 0.93) and complications (adjusted odds ratio:1.10, P = 0.73). However, frail patients had longer hospital (β: 5.01, P = 0.002) and ICU LOS (β: 2.12, P < 0.001).Among geriatric trauma patients with concomitant burn injuries, frailty is associated with longer hospital and ICU LOS, and higher rates of thrombotic complications, but not higher mortality or overall complications. Future research should investigate the impact of early assessment of frailty as well as tailored interventions on outcomes in this population.
- Litmanovich, B., Alizai, Q., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Bhogadi, S., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A., Ditillo, M., & Joseph, B. (2024). Outcomes of Geriatric Burn Patients Presenting to the Trauma Service: How Does Frailty Factor in?. Journal of Surgical Research, 293. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2023.08.049More infoIntroduction: Frailty has been known to negatively affect the outcomes of geriatric trauma patients. However, there is a lack of data on the effect of frailty on the outcomes of geriatric trauma patients with concomitant burn injuries. The aim of our study was to compare the outcomes of frail versus nonfrail geriatric trauma patients with concomitant burn injuries. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program (2018). We included geriatric (≥65 y) trauma patients who sustained a concomitant burn injury with ≥10% Total Body Surface Area affected. Patients with body region-specific AIS ≥4 were excluded. Patients were stratified into Frail and Nonfrail, using 5-factor modified Frailty Index. Primary outcomes measured were mortality. Secondary outcomes measured were complications, and hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay (LOS). Multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify independent predictors of mortality. Results: A total of 574 patients were identified, of which 172(30%) were Frail. Mean age was 74 ± 7 y and median [interquartile range] ISS was 3[1-10]. Overall, the rate of mortality was 23% and median hospital LOS was 14[3-31]. After controlling for potential confounding factors, frailty was not identified as an independent predictor of mortality (adjusted odds ratio:1.059, P = 0.93) and complications (adjusted odds ratio:1.10, P = 0.73). However, frail patients had longer hospital (β: 5.01, P = 0.002) and ICU LOS (β: 2.12, P < 0.001). Conclusions: Among geriatric trauma patients with concomitant burn injuries, frailty is associated with longer hospital and ICU LOS, and higher rates of thrombotic complications, but not higher mortality or overall complications. Future research should investigate the impact of early assessment of frailty as well as tailored interventions on outcomes in this population.
- Magnotti, L. J., Bhogadi, S. K., Anand, T., Stewart, C., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Nelson, A., & Joseph, B. (2024). Less Is More: Dissecting Trauma Centers by Procedural Volume. Annals of surgery, 280(4), 667-675.More infoThis study aims to examine the relationship between procedural volume and annual trauma volume (ATV) of ACS Level I trauma centers (TC).
- O'Connor, D., Hejazi, O., Colosimo, C., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Khurshid, M., Nelson, A. C., Joseph, B., Bhogadi, S. K., Anand, T., Spencer, A. L., & Magnotti, L. J. (2024). Role of endovascular management on outcomes in patients with traumatic inferior vena cava injuries. American journal of surgery, 238, 115836.More infoThe aim of this study was to examine the association between the injury mechanism and repair type with outcomes in patients with traumatic inferior vena cava injuries.
- Safdar, M., Colosimo, C., Khurshid, M. H., Spencer, A. L., Hejazi, O., Castanon, L., Hosseinpour, H., Magnotti, L. J., Bhogadi, S. K., & Joseph, B. (2024). Drugs, Delirium, and Trauma: Substance Use and Incidence of Delirium After Traumatic Brain Injury. The Journal of surgical research, 301, 45-53.More infoThere is a paucity of data on the effect of preinjury substance (alcohol, drugs) abuse on the risk of delirium in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). This study aimed to assess the incidence of delirium among patients with blunt TBI in association with different substances.
- Terrani, K. F., Bhogadi, S. K., Hosseinpour, H., Spencer, A. L., Alizai, Q., Colosimo, C., Nelson, A., Castanon, L., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2024). What Is Going on in Our Schools? Review of Injuries Among School Children Across the United States. The Journal of surgical research, 295, 310-317.More infoChildren spend most of their time at school and participate in many activities that have the potential for causing injury. This study aims to describe the nationwide epidemiology of pediatric trauma sustained in school settings in the United States.
- Zambetti, B. R., Nelson, A. C., Hosseinpour, H., Anand, T., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Stewart, C., Bhogadi, S. K., Hejazi, O., Joseph, B., & Magnotti, L. J. (2024). The optimal management of blunt aortic injury in the young. American journal of surgery, 237, 115943.More infoBlunt aortic injury (BAI) is relatively uncommon in the pediatric population. The goal of this study was to examine the management of BAI in both children and adolescents, using a large national dataset.
- Akl, M. N., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Anand, T., Hosseinpour, H., Colosimo, C., Nelson, A., Alizai, Q., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2023). Trauma Laparotomy for the Cirrhotic Patient: An Outcome-Based Analysis. The Journal of surgical research, 294, 128-136.More infoThere is a lack of large-scale data on outcomes of cirrhotic patients undergoing trauma laparotomy. We aimed to compare outcomes of cirrhotic versus noncirrhotic trauma patients undergoing laparotomy.
- Alizai, Q., Anand, T., Bhogadi, S. K., Nelson, A., Hosseinpour, H., Stewart, C., Spencer, A. L., Colosimo, C., Ditillo, M., & Joseph, B. (2023). From surveillance to surgery: The delayed implications of non-operative and operative management of pancreatic injuries. American journal of surgery, 226(5), 682-687.More infoOur study compares the delayed outcomes of operative versus nonoperative management of pancreatic injuries.
- Alizai, Q., Arif, M. S., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Spencer, A. L., Bhogadi, S. K., Nelson, A., Anand, T., Ditillo, M., & Joseph, B. (2023). Beyond the Short-Term Relief: Outcomes of Geriatric Rib Fracture Patients Receiving Paravertebral Nerve Blocks and Epidural Analgesia. Injury. doi:10.1016/j.injury.2023.111184More infoBackground Adequate pain control is a critical component of rib fracture management. Our study aimed to evaluate the in-hospital and post-discharge outcomes of geriatric rib fracture patients who received paravertebral nerve block (PVNB) versus epidural analgesia (EA) on a national level. Methods We performed a 5-year (2011-15) retrospective analysis of the Nationwide Readmission database. We included all the geriatric (≥65 years) blunt trauma patients with rib fractures who received a paravertebral nerve block (PVNB) or Epidural analgesia (EA) for chest injuries. We excluded patients who were dead on arrival, those with head AIS≥3, spine AIS >0, and those with cognitive impairment. Patients were stratified into two groups (PVNB and EA). A propensity score matching (1:2) was performed, and the two groups were compared. Our outcomes included delirium, hospital length of stay (LOS), 90-day readmissions, 90-day mechanical ventilation, and initial and 90-day mortality. Results A total of 2,855 geriatric rib fracture patients were identified, out of which 352 (12%) received PVNB and 2,503 (87%) received EA. The mean (SD) age was 78 (8) years and 53% were female. A total of 1,041 patients were matched (PVNB=347, EA=694 patients). The median [IQR] Injury severity score was 9 [ 3 Bulger EM Arneson MA Mock CN Jurkovich GJ. Rib fractures in the elderly. 50 Landmark Papers every Trauma Surgeon Should Know. CRC Press, 2019: 189-192 Google Scholar , 4 Ziegler DW Agarwal NN. The morbidity and mortality of rib fractures. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 1994; 37: 975-979 Crossref Scopus (474) Google Scholar , 5 Holcomb JB McMullin NR Kozar RA Lygas MH Moore FA. Morbidity from rib fractures increases after age 45. J Am Coll Surg. 2003; 196: 549-555 Crossref PubMed Scopus (268) Google Scholar , 6 Barry R Thompson E. Outcomes after rib fractures in geriatric blunt trauma patients. Am J Surg. 2018; 215: 1020-1023 Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (22) Google Scholar , 7 Davies RG Myles PS Graham J. A comparison of the analgesic efficacy and side-effects of paravertebral vs epidural blockade for thoracotomy—a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Br J Anaesth. 2006; 96: 418-426 Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (551) Google Scholar , 8 Duch P Møller M. Epidural analgesia in patients with traumatic rib fractures: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2015; 59: 698-709 Crossref PubMed Scopus (36) Google Scholar , 9 Zaw AA Murry J Hoang D Chen K Louy C Bloom MB et al. Epidural analgesia after rib fractures. Am Surg. 2015; 81: 950-954 Crossref PubMed Google Scholar , 10 Jensen CD Stark JT Jacobson LL Powers JM Joseph MF Kinsella-Shaw JM et al. Improved outcomes associated with the liberal use of thoracic epidural analgesia in patients with rib fractures. Pain Med. 2017; 18: 1787-1794 PubMed Google Scholar , 11 Kelley KM Burgess J Weireter L Novosel TJ Parks K Aseuga M et al. Early use of a chest trauma protocol in elderly patients with rib fractures improves pulmonary outcomes. Am Surg. 2019; 85: 288-291 Crossref PubMed Google Scholar , 12 Ekpe EE Eyo C. Effect of analgesia on the changes in respiratory parameters in blunt chest injury with multiple rib fractures. Ann. Afr. Med. 2017; 16: 120 Crossref PubMed Scopus (5) Google Scholar , 13 He Z Zhang D Xiao H Zhu Q Xuan Y Su K et al. The ideal methods for the management of rib fractures. J Thoracic Dis. 2019; 11: S1078 Crossref PubMed Scopus (21) Google Scholar , 14 Bulger EM Arneson MA Mock CN Jurkovich GJ. Rib fractures in the elderly. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2000; 48: 1040-1047 Crossref Scopus (541) Google Scholar , 15 Kim M Moore JE. Chest trauma: current recommendations for rib fractures, pneumothorax, and other injuries. Curr Anesthesiol Rep. 2020; 10: 61-68 Crossref PubMed Scopus (27) Google Scholar ], median chest AIS was 3 [ 2 Contol CoD. Public Health and Aging: Trends in Aging — United States and Worldwide. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5206a2.htm Google Scholar , 3 Bulger EM Arneson MA Mock CN Jurkovich GJ. Rib fractures in the elderly. 50 Landmark Papers every Trauma Surgeon Should Know. CRC Press, 2019: 189-192 Google Scholar , 4 Ziegler DW Agarwal NN. The morbidity and mortality of rib fractures. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 1994; 37: 975-979 Crossref Scopus (474) Google Scholar ], and 70% had ≥3 rib fractures. The total mortality during index admission was 6%, 13% experienced delirium, and the median hospital LOS was 6 [ 4 Ziegler DW Agarwal NN. The morbidity and mortality of rib fractures. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 1994; 37: 975-979 Crossref Scopus (474) Google Scholar , 5 Holcomb JB McMullin NR Kozar RA Lygas MH Moore FA. Morbidity from rib fractures increases after age 45. J Am Coll Surg. 2003; 196: 549-555 Crossref PubMed Scopus (268) Google Scholar , 6 Barry R Thompson E. Outcomes after rib fractures in geriatric blunt trauma patients. Am J Surg. 2018; 215: 1020-1023 Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (22) Google Scholar , 7 Davies RG Myles PS Graham J. A comparison of the analgesic efficacy and side-effects of paravertebral vs epidural blockade for thoracotomy—a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Br J Anaesth. 2006; 96: 418-426 Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (551) Google Scholar , 8 Duch P Møller M. Epidural analgesia in patients with traumatic rib fractures: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2015; 59: 698-709 Crossref PubMed Scopus (36) Google Scholar , 9 Zaw AA Murry J Hoang D Chen K Louy C Bloom MB et al. Epidural analgesia after rib fractures. Am Surg. 2015; 81: 950-954 Crossref PubMed Google Scholar , 10 Jensen CD Stark JT Jacobson LL Powers JM Joseph MF Kinsella-Shaw JM et al. Improved outcomes associated with the liberal use of thoracic epidural analgesia in patients with rib fractures. Pain Med. 2017; 18: 1787-1794 PubMed Google Scholar ] days. There was no difference in the primary outcomes of the two groups including rates of index admission mortality (PVNB: 5.2% vs. EA:6.3%, p=0.548) and delirium (PVNB: 12.4% vs. EA:12.9%, p=0.862). We also found no statistically significant difference between these groups in terms of 90-day respiratory complications (p=1.000), 90-day readmission (p=0.111), 90-day mortality (p=0.718), and 90-day need for mechanical ventilation (p=1.000). Conclusion The use of PVNB in geriatric trauma patients with multiple rib fractures is associated with comparable in-hospital and post-discharge outcomes relative to EA. PVNB is relatively easy to perform and has a better side effect profile. The use of PVNB as part of rib fracture management protocols warrants further consideration. Level of Evidence III Study Type Therapeutic/Care Management
- Alizai, Q., Arif, M. S., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Spencer, A. L., Bhogadi, S. K., Nelson, A., Anand, T., Ditillo, M., & Joseph, B. (2023). Beyond the short-term relief: Outcomes of geriatric rib fracture patients receiving paravertebral nerve blocks and epidural analgesia. Injury, 111184.More infoAdequate pain control is a critical component of rib fracture management. Our study aimed to evaluate the in-hospital and post-discharge outcomes of geriatric rib fracture patients who received paravertebral nerve block (PVNB) versus epidural analgesia (EA) on a national level.
- Alizai, Q., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Stewart, C., Bhogadi, S. K., Nelson, A., Spencer, A. L., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., Joseph, B., & , A. F. (2023). It's Not All Black and White: The Effect of Increasing Severity of Frailty on Outcomes of Geriatric Trauma Patients. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.More infoFrailty is associated with poor outcomes in trauma patients. However, the spectrum of physiologic deficits, once a patient is identified as frail, is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the dynamic association between increasing frailty and outcomes among frail geriatric trauma patients.
- Bhogadi, S. K., Alizai, Q., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Stewart, C., Nelson, A., Ditillo, M., Castanon, L., Magnotti, L. J., Joseph, B., , B. M., , A. A., Dultz, L., Black, G., Campbell, M., Berndtson, A. E., Costantini, T., Kerwin, A., Skarupa, D., , Burruss, S., et al. (2023). Not all traumatic brain injury patients on preinjury anticoagulation are the same. American journal of surgery.More infoPrognostic significance of different anticoagulants in TBI patients remains unanswered. We aimed to compare effects of different anticoagulants on outcomes of TBI patients.
- Bhogadi, S. K., Magnotti, L. J., Hosseinpour, H., Anand, T., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Nelson, A., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Friese, R., & Joseph, B. (2023). The final decision among the injured elderly, to stop or to continue? Predictors of withdrawal of life supporting treatment. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 94(6), 778-783.More infoThere is a paucity of data on factors that influence the decision regarding withdrawal of life supporting treatment (WLST) in geriatric trauma patients. We aimed to identify predictors of WLST in geriatric trauma patients.
- Bhogadi, S. K., Stewart, C., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Castanon, L., Spencer, A. L., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2023). Local Antibiotic Therapy for Open Long Bone Fractures: Appropriate Prophylaxis or Unnecessary Exposure for the Orthopedic Trauma Patient?. Military medicine, 188(Supplement_6), 407-411.More infoProphylactic local antibiotic therapy (LAbT) to prevent infection in open long bone fracture (OLBF) patients has been in use for many decades despite lack of definitive evidence confirming a beneficial effect. We aimed to evaluate the effect of LAbT on outcomes of OLBF patients on a nationwide scale.
- Castanon, L., Bhogadi, S. K., Anand, T., Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Gries, L., Ditillo, M., & Joseph, B. (2023). The Association Between the Timing of Initiation of Pharmacologic Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis with Outcomes in Burns Patients. Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association, 44(6), 1311-1315.More infoHospitalized burn patients are at increased risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE). Guidelines regarding thromboprophylaxis in burn patients are unclear. This study aims to compare the outcomes of early versus late thromboprophylaxis initiation in burn patients. In this 3-year analysis of 2017-2019 ACS-TQIP, adult(18-64years) burn patients were identified after applying inclusion/exclusion criteria and stratified based on timing of initiation of VTE prophylaxis: Early(24 hours). Outcomes were deep venous thrombosis(DVT), pulmonary embolism(PE), unplanned return to operating room (OR), unplanned intensive care unit (ICU) admission, post-prophylaxis packed red blood cells (PRBC) transfusion, and mortality. Nine thousand two hundred and seventy-two patients were identified. Overall, median age was 41years, 71.5% were male, and median[IQR] injury severity score was 3[1-8]. 53% had second-degree burns, and 80% had less than 40% of total body surface area affected. Median time to thromboprophylaxis initiation was 11[6-20.6]hours. Overall VTE rate was 0.9% (DVT-0.7%, PE-0.2%). On univariable analysis, early prophylaxis group had lower rates of DVT(0.6% vs 1.1%, P = .025), and PE(0.1% vs 0.6%, P < .001). On multivariable regression, late prophylaxis was associated with 1.8 times higher odds of DVT (aOR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.04-3.11, P = .03), 4.8 times higher odds of PE(aOR = 4.8, 95% CI = 1.9-11.9, P
- Colosimo, C., Ingram, B., Weaver, J., Offner, P., & Yon, J. (2023). Increased Complications of Emergent Surgical Procedures During the First Wave of COVID-19. The Journal of surgical research, 286, 16-22.More infoBased on recommendations by CMS elective surgery was stopped during the first wave of COVID-19. Despite hospitals being open for emergent surgery, there were some studies that showed a decrease in surgical volume.
- Colosimo, C., Sirover, L., Porter, J., & Fox, N. (2023). The Bottom Line: Trauma Center Viability During COVID-19. The Journal of surgical research, 283, 867-871.More infoThe COVID-19 pandemic was a potential threat to the viability of trauma centers and health systems in general. We sought to answer the question of how COVID-19 was associated with patient characteristics as well as trauma center volume, finances, and viability.
- Delgado, A. C., Cornett, B., Choi, Y. J., Colosimo, C., Stahel, V. P., Dziadkowiec, O., & Stahel, P. F. (2023). Investigational medications in 9,638 hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19: lessons from the "fail-and-learn" strategy during the first two waves of the pandemic in 2020. Patient safety in surgery, 17(1), 7.More infoThe early surge of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic introduced a significant clinical challenge due to the high case-fatality rate in absence of evidence-based recommendations. The empirical treatment modalities were relegated to historical expertise from the traditional management of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in conjunction with off-label pharmaceutical agents endorsed under the "emergency use authorization" (EUA) paradigm by regulatory agencies. This study was designed to evaluate the insights from the "fail-and-learn" strategy in 2020 before the availability of COVID-19 vaccines and access to reliable insights from high-quality randomized controlled trials.
- El-Qawaqzeh, K., Anand, T., Alizai, Q., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Spencer, A., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., Stewart, C., & Joseph, B. (2023). Trauma in the Geriatric and the Super-Geriatric: Should They Be Treated the Same?. The Journal of surgical research, 293, 316-326.More infoThere is paucity of studies comparing the characteristics of trauma in geriatrics and super-geriatrics. We aimed to explore the injury characteristics and outcomes of older adult trauma patients on a nationwide scale.
- El-Qawaqzeh, K., Colosimo, C., Bhogadi, S. K., Magnotti, L. J., Hosseinpour, H., Castanon, L., Nelson, A., Ditillo, M., Anand, T., & Joseph, B. (2023). Unequal Treatment? Confronting Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Disparity in Management of Survivors of Violent Suicide Attempt. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 237(1), 68-78.More infoPsychiatric inpatient hospitalization is nearly always indicated for patients with recent suicidal behavior. We aimed to assess the factors associated with receiving mental health services during hospitalization or on discharge among survivors of suicide attempts in trauma centers.
- Hosseinpour, H., Anand, T., Bhogadi, S. K., Colosimo, C., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Spencer, A. L., Castanon, L., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2023). Emergency Department Shock Index Outperforms Prehospital and Delta Shock Indices in Predicting Outcomes of Trauma Patients. The Journal of surgical research, 291, 204-212.More infoMultiple shock indices (SIs), including prehospital, emergency department (ED), and delta (ED SI - Prehospital SI) have been developed to predict outcomes among trauma patients. This study aims to compare the predictive abilities of these SIs for outcomes of polytrauma patients on a national level.
- Hosseinpour, H., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Magnotti, L. J., Bhogadi, S. K., Ghneim, M., Nelson, A., Spencer, A. L., Colosimo, C., Anand, T., Ditillo, M., & Joseph, B. (2023). The unexpected paradox of geriatric traumatic brain injury outcomes: Uncovering racial and ethnic disparities. American journal of surgery, 226(2), 271-277.More infoHealthcare disparities have always challenged surgical care in the US. We aimed to assess the influence of disparities on cerebral monitor placement and outcomes of geriatric TBI patients.
- Hosseinpour, H., Magnotti, L. J., Bhogadi, S. K., Anand, T., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Ditillo, M., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A., Nelson, A., & Joseph, B. (2023). Time to Whole Blood Transfusion in Hemorrhaging Civilian Trauma Patients: There Is Always Room for Improvement. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 237(1), 24-34.More infoWhole blood (WB) is becoming the preferred product for the resuscitation of hemorrhaging trauma patients. However, there is a lack of data on the optimum timing of receiving WB. We aimed to assess the effect of time to WB transfusion on the outcomes of trauma patients.
- Hosseinpour, H., Magnotti, L. J., Bhogadi, S. K., Colosimo, C., El-Qawaqzeh, K., Spencer, A. L., Anand, T., Ditillo, M., Nelson, A., & Joseph, B. (2023). Interfacility transfer of pediatric trauma patients to higher levels of care: The effect of transfer time and level of receiving trauma center. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 95(3), 383-390.More infoInterfacility transfer of pediatric trauma patients to pediatric trauma centers (PTCs) after evaluation in nontertiary centers is associated with improved outcomes. We aimed to assess the outcomes of transferred pediatric patients based on their severity of the injury, transfer time, and level of receiving PTCs.
- Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Bhogadi, S. K., Spencer, A. L., Alizai, Q., Colosimo, C., Anand, T., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2023). Delayed versus early hepatic resection among patients with severe traumatic liver injuries undergoing damage control laparotomy. American journal of surgery.More infoWe aimed to assess the effect of time to hepatic resection on the outcomes of patients with high-grade liver injuries who underwent damage control laparotomy (DCL).
- Iverson, S., Colosimo, C., Cristea, C., Harr, J., & Weaver, J. (2023). Angioembolization to Control Postoperative Bleeding From the Uterine Artery Two Weeks After Hysterectomy. The American Surgeon, 89(6). doi:10.1177/00031348211054069
- Litmanovich, B., Alizai, Q., Stewart, C., Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Bhogadi, S. K., Colosimo, C., Spencer, A. L., Ditillo, M., & Joseph, B. (2023). Outcomes of Geriatric Burn Patients Presenting to the Trauma Service: How Does Frailty Factor in?. The Journal of surgical research, 293, 327-334.More infoFrailty has been known to negatively affect the outcomes of geriatric trauma patients. However, there is a lack of data on the effect of frailty on the outcomes of geriatric trauma patients with concomitant burn injuries. The aim of our study was to compare the outcomes of frail versus nonfrail geriatric trauma patients with concomitant burn injuries.
- Nelson, A. C., Bhogadi, S. K., Hosseinpour, H., Stewart, C., Anand, T., Spencer, A. L., Colosimo, C., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2023). There Is No Such Thing as Too Soon: Long-Term Outcomes of Early Cholecystectomy for Frail Geriatric Patients with Acute Biliary Pancreatitis. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 237(5), 712-718.More infoEarly cholecystectomy (CCY) for acute biliary pancreatitis (ABP) is recommended but there is a paucity of data assessing this approach in frail geriatric patients. This study compares outcomes of frail geriatric ABP patients undergoing index admission CCY vs nonoperative management (NOM) with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).
- Teichman, A. L., Bonne, S., Rattan, R., Dultz, L., Qurashi, F. A., Goldenberg, A., Polite, N., Liveris, A., Freeman, J. J., Colosimo, C., Chang, E., Choron, R. L., Edwards, C., Arabian, S., Haines, K. L., Joseph, D., Murphy, P. B., Schramm, A. T., Jung, H. S., , Lawson, E., et al. (2023). Screening and intervention for intimate partner violence at trauma centers and emergency departments: an evidence-based systematic review from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 8(1), e001041.More infoIntimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious public health issue with a substantial burden on society. Screening and intervention practices vary widely and there are no standard guidelines. Our objective was to review research on current practices for IPV prevention in emergency departments and trauma centers in the USA and provide evidenced-based recommendations.
- Cash, C., Caswell, S., Gratton, A., Colosimo, C., Kubasiak, J., Yon, J., & Mentzer, C. (2022). Age-Related Differences in Injury Patterns and Outcome From Falls From Tree Stands. The American surgeon, 88(5), 1031-1032.More infoFrom 2009 to 2019 there were 77 youth and 1046 adults injured in tree stand-related emergency department visits. There was no statistically significant different in sex or gender. Injury types were similar among groups and were categorized by body part. Despite the above-mentioned insignificant differences between the groups, we did identify several statistically significant findings. Adults that were not Caucasian or African-American were more likely to sustain injuries related to tree stands when compared to their youth counterparts (P-value 0.029). Adult patients were also more likely to sustain trauma to their torso (P-value 0.017). Lastly, adult patients were found to be more likely to require hospitalization in comparison to the youth population (P-value 0.018). Improved education and safety guidelines in the use of tree stands, particularly in individuals in ages 18 and up, would likely lessen the discrepancies between age groups identified in this study.
- Caswell, S. R., Cash, C., Gratton, A., Yon, J., Colosimo, C., Kubasiak, J., & Mentzer, C. J. (2022). Age-Related Injuries From Escalators. The American surgeon, 88(3), 364-367.More infoEscalators and moving stairways are omnipresent in modern life. No study to date has examined nationwide incidence and outcomes associated with injuries directly related to escalator use. The aim of this study was to describe the injury patterns, incidence, and disposition as it pertains to youth compared to adults.
- Colosimo, C., Mann, D. R., Bhuller, S., Opie, D., Beam, Z., Yon, J., Bracken Burns, J., & Conrad-Schnetz, K. (2022). Bridging the Gap: How to Get Osteopathic Residents Into Fellowships. Cureus, 14(8), e27980.More infoIntroduction The fellowship match process is convoluted, with each specialty having its match on its timeline- with some programs having a Post Graduate Year (PGY) 4-year or 5-year match. This study aims to identify tangible recommendations for osteopathic surgery residents to use to improve their applications and, ultimately, the success rate for matching into post-graduate fellowship training. Methods In October 2021, as a part of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons (ACOS) Strategic Planning efforts, the ACOS Resident Student Section sent a questionnaire to the listed email contact for each surgical fellowship program. Fellowship coordinators and program directors were included in the survey. The programs that were included in the study were vascular, thoracic (which included cardiothoracic), surgical critical care, endocrine, hepatobiliary, transplant, pediatric, surgical oncology, breast, minimally invasive, and colorectal surgery. Results Of the 108 programs that answered the survey, 36% of them reported they currently had an osteopathic fellow, and another 29% said they had an osteopathic fellow in the past. 35% of the programs listed that they had never had an osteopathic fellow in their program. In regards to how residents can improve their application for fellowship matches the most common answer was research in the field, they were trying to match into. They wanted to see high scores on the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination (ABSITE) exams. They also noted that they wanted candidates from more well know residency programs, where they knew the residents would have gotten good training. Conclusion We recommend that any potential fellowship applicant focus on the following three areas increase competitiveness for matching into fellowship training: publication in the desired field, increased overall scholarly activity, and increased ABSITE scores.
- Faulkner, J., Carballo, C., Colosimo, C., Gratton, A., Mentzer, C., & Yon, J. (2022). Traumatic Cardiac Arrest in Pediatric Patients: An Analysis of the National Trauma Database 2007-2016. The American surgeon, 88(9), 2252-2254.More infoThe purpose of this study was to identify the population of pediatric patients who arrive without signs of life and describe outcomes using a national database.Patients eighteen and younger with no signs of life were pulled from the National Trauma Database (NTDB) from the years 2007-2016. A total of N = 7503 patients were separated into two cohorts for comparison. Subset analysis was also conducted for patients undergoing a thoracotomy. Statistical analysis was performed on the collected data. Over the 9-year period most patients died in the ED or hospital (95.7%), very few patients were discharged home (1.3%), and ED thoracotomies were performed rarely (9%) with most patients dying (97%).Arrival to the trauma bay without signs of life is associated with a dismal prognosis. Clinical judgment must be carefully applied to choose the small number of patients who would benefit from an aggressive approach.
- Colosimo, C., Bhuller, S., Cornett, B., Dziadkowiec, O., Yon, J., Weaver, J., & Stahel, P. (2021). Perioperative mortality in SARS-CoV-2-positive surgical patients during the first wave of the novel coronavirus pandemic. British Journal of Surgery, 108(5). doi:10.1093/bjs/znab058
- Colosimo, C., Yon, J. R., Fredericks, C., Kingsley, S., Gupta, S., Mentzer, C. J., Bokhari, F., & Poulakidas, S. (2021). Obesity is Not Associated With Need for Skin Grafting After Hidradenitis Excision. The American surgeon, 87(3), 458-462.More infoHidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic, debilitating disease associated with inflammation, recurrent abscesses, and fistulae of skin containing apocrine sweat glands. We hypothesize that the need for skin grafting after vacuum-assisted closure was decreased with increasing body mass index (BMI).
- Colosimo, C., Yon, J., Ballesteros, S., Walsh, N., Talukder, A., Ham, P., Abuzeid, A., & Mentzer, C. (2021). Geospatial relationship of trauma and violent crime: An analysis of violent crime and trauma center utilization. Trauma (United Kingdom), 23(3). doi:10.1177/1460408620950882More infoIntroduction: Descriptive epidemiologic and geographic analysis utilizing geographic information science (GIS) has been used to determine the utilization of trauma systems and to spatially describe patterns of trauma and crime. We examined the relationship between spatial components of criminality and injuries in order to evaluate the optimal trauma center location and determine a correlation between reported violent crime and trauma center utilization. Methods: All adult trauma and violent crime (VC) encounters in a defined area over a single year were included. Geospatial statistics pattern analysis tools of Median Center (MC) and the Average Nearest Neighbor analysis (ANNa) were used to determine if mapped points occurred in complete spatial randomness or were clustered in a significant pattern. Results: ANNa of VC resulted in a z-score of –20.54 and a p-value of
- Ingram, B. M., Colosimo, C. M., Weaver, J. S., Mentzer, C. J., & Yon, J. R. (2021). Reconstruction After Grizzly Bear Attack in Wyoming. The American surgeon, 31348211050579.More infoBear attacks are rare, although global incidents have been increasing. Injury patterns of bear attacks against humans consistently include injuries to the face, head, neck, chest, and upper extremities. Here, we have a brief report of a 59-year-old male hunter who was attacked by a grizzly bear in Wyoming. He sustained multiple lacerations to his face which included an avulsion of his nose and upper lip, as well as extensive associated facial fractures. Additional injuries included soft tissue and bony injuries to the upper extremities. He underwent 53 operations during his first hospitalization, primarily of facial reconstruction, which required nose and upper lip replant to his arm. His course was complicated by pressure ulcers, bacteria, acute kidney injury, and a urinary tract infection. After successful coordinated multidisciplinary care and a prolonged hospitalization, he was ultimately discharged to his home.
- Iverson, S. S., Colosimo, C. M., Cristea, C., Harr, J. N., & Weaver, J. S. (2021). Angioembolization to Control Postoperative Bleeding From the Uterine Artery Two Weeks After Hysterectomy. The American surgeon, 31348211054069.
- Colosimo, C., Fredericks, C., Yon, J. R., Kubasiak, J. C., Bokhari, F., & Poulakidas, S. (2020). Damage control hip disarticulation: two-stage operation with index creation of a large medial flap for the septic hip. Trauma surgery & acute care open, 5(1), e000502.More infoAlthough rarely performed, hip disarticulation (HD) is usually used for the patient with a non-viable leg who is also in extremis. HD was first used for trauma and infection; however, the technique was perfected during the age of hindquarter amputation for osteosarcomas. The operation performed by most surgeons today is still based on the oncological principles of high vessel control and ligation. When this approach has been used in the overwhelmingly infected or mangled extremity, it has resulted in high mortality rates. During the last 20 years, the concept of damage control operation has been embraced by emergency surgeons in all fields. We sought to extrapolate this concept and to apply it to the non-viable lower extremity.
- Colosimo, C., Kelly, J., Coker, J., Bhuller, S., Ballman, E., Baker-Sparr, C., Yon, J., Cornett, B., Dziadkowiec, O., & Weaver, J. (2020). Unscreened: Urgent and Emergent Surgical Outcomes in the Early COVID-19 Pandemic. Cureus, 12(12), e11878.More infoBackground Creating useful recommendations for changes in surgical protocols during the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has been difficult due to a lack of studies based on representative samples. This study evaluates the clinical outcomes and characteristics of patients undergoing urgent or emergent surgeries. Methods This is a multi-center (eight-hospital), retrospective, observational study of urgent and emergent surgical patients from Colorado and Kansas, the United States, in the early stages of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Patient groups were divided based on their coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) status: positive, negative and untested. COVID-19 testing was performed after the surgery if patients were symptomatic. Results The analysis includes 5,547 patients who underwent surgery from March 1, 2020 to May 17, 2020. Seventy-four percent (4,096) were not tested for COVID-19 due to lack of symptoms. Out of the 1,451 tested patients, 1,412 tested negative, and 39 tested positive. Out of all the patients who tested positive, 69.23% were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), whereas 16.72% of untested and 21.25% of the negative patients. The invasive ventilation rate for the patients that tested positive was 46.15%, 4.22% for untested, and 8.85% for patients who tested negative. The mortality rate in the positive group was 7.69%, 1.10% in the untested group, and 1.56% in the positive group. Conclusion Patients who tested positive for COVID-19 had worse clinical outcomes than patients who tested negative and untested. We recommend creating criteria for testing based on patient characteristics and surgical procedure rather than testing all patients awaiting surgery; this would allow us to conserve resources moving forward.
- Colosimo, C., Ismail, N., Schoeff, J., Geiger, C., & Lundy, D. (2018). Rare documented case report of a retroperitoneal hernia as a complication to an anterior retroperitoneal spinal exposure. International journal of surgery case reports, 53, 309-311.More infoAnterior retroperitoneal spinal exposures are widely used today for spinal surgeries. Incisional hernias are a documented complication of anterior spine exposures; however, there are no documented cases of hernias into the dissected retroperitoneal space. We presented this exceptionally rare patient's complication to underscores the critical importance of preserving the peritoneum as a biologic barrier during retroperitoneal spine exposures.
Proceedings Publications
- Alizai, Q., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Stewart, C., Bhogadi, S., Nelson, A., Spencer, A., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L., Joseph, B., Amos, J., Teichman, A., Whitmill, M., Burruss, S., Dunn, J., Najafi, K., Godat, L., Enniss, T., Shoultz, T., , Egodage, T., et al. (2024). It is not all black and white: The effect of increasing severity of frailty on outcomes of geriatric trauma patients. In ACS.More infoBACKGROUND Frailty is associated with poor outcomes in trauma patients. However, the spectrum of physiologic deficits, once a patient is identified as frail, is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the dynamic association between increasing frailty and outcomes among frail geriatric trauma patients. METHODS This is a secondary analysis of the American Association of Surgery for Trauma Frailty Multi-institutional Trial. Patients 65 years or older presenting to one of the 17 trauma centers over 3 years (2019-2022) were included. Frailty was assessed within 24 hours of presentation using the Trauma-Specific Frailty Index (TSFI) questionnaire. Patients were stratified by TSFI score into six groups: nonfrail (
- Bhogadi, S., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Rose, M., Calvillo, A., Anand, T., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L., & Joseph, B. (2023). The undisclosed disclosures: The dollar-outcome relationship in resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta. In ASC.More infoBACKGROUND Despite its rapid evolution, resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) remains a controversial intervention that continues to generate active research. Proper conflict of interest (COI) disclosure helps to ensure that research is conducted objectively, without bias. We aimed to identify the accuracy of COI disclosures in REBOA research. METHODS Literature search was performed using the keyword "REBOA"on PubMed. Studies on REBOA with at least one American author published between 2017 and 2022 were identified. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Open Payments database was used to extract information regarding payments to the authors from the industry. This was compared with the COI section reported in the manuscripts. Conflict of interest disclosure was defined as inaccurate if the authors failed to disclose any amount of money received from the industry. Descriptive statistics were performed. RESULTS We reviewed a total of 524 articles, of which 288 articles met the inclusion criteria. At least one author received payments in 57% (165) of the articles. Overall, 59 authors had a history of payment from the industry. Conflict of interest disclosure was inaccurate in 88% (145) of the articles where the authors received payment. CONCLUSION Conflict of interest reports are highly inaccurate in REBOA studies. There needs to be standardization of reporting of conflicts of interest to avoid potential bias. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Prognostic and Epidemiological; Level IV.
- Bhogadi, S. K., Colosimo, C., Hosseinpour, H., Nelson, A., Rose, M. I., Calvillo, A. R., Anand, T., Ditillo, M., Magnotti, L. J., & Joseph, B. (2023. The undisclosed disclosures: The dollar-outcome relationship in resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta(pp 726-730).More infoDespite its rapid evolution, resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) remains a controversial intervention that continues to generate active research. Proper conflict of interest (COI) disclosure helps to ensure that research is conducted objectively, without bias. We aimed to identify the accuracy of COI disclosures in REBOA research.