William Denq
- Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine - (Clinical Scholar Track)
- (520) 626-6312
- AZ Health Sci. Center Library, Rm. 85724
- denq@arizona.edu
- AMES Excellence in Teaching Innovations
- Spring 2021
- Academy of Medical Education Scholars, Spring 2021 (Award Finalist)
- Attending of the Month
- Department of Emergency Medicine, Fall 2020 (Award Finalist)
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Denq, W., Goodman, D., & Delasobera, B. (2024). Adaptive Extreme Sports. In Adaptive Sports Medicine. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-44285-8_30More infoHigh risk, adrenaline, action-these are the hallmarks of an extreme sport. Once thought to be inaccessible, the arena of extreme sports is quickly becoming a cultural norm for adaptive athletes. Increasing media exposure and advancements in technology have allowed recreational participants to be involved in extreme sports in a fun yet protected manner. The goal of this chapter is to provide an educational resource about adaptive extreme sports to physicians and therapists who may be treating these individuals. The chapter will have introductions to each sport and discuss the specialized equipment used, common injuries, and prevention techniques, so that medical providers may educate and manage both the recreational and competitive adaptive athlete.
- Cushman, D. M., Ross, B., Denq, W., Lippman, J., & Cummings, K. (2020). Knee Injuries in Runners. In Clinical Care of the Runner(pp 197--214). Elsevier.
- Denq, W. (2020). Tibia and Fibula. In Sports-related Fractures, Dislocations and Trauma(pp 421--436). Springer.
- Denq, W., & Delasobera, B. E. (2018). Adaptive extreme sports. In Adaptive Sports Medicine(pp 343--355). Springer.
- Denq, W., Tomesch, A. J., Jackson, T., Lane, A. D., & Waterbrook, A. (2024). Development and National Validation of a Musculoskeletal Emergency Medicine Assessment Tool. Cureus, 16(4), e57632.More infoIntroduction Musculoskeletal (MSK) complaints and injuries are the fourth most common primary diagnosis in the emergency department in the United States (US). Despite the prevalence and economic impact on the US healthcare system, new emergency medicine (EM) residency graduates report feeling unprepared to treat MSK complaints. Currently, there are no reported means to assess MSK knowledge in EM resident physicians. The purpose of this study is to develop a validated and peer-reviewed multiple-choice assessment tool focused on MSK knowledge relevant to EM to allow us to better assess the knowledge of resident physicians. Methods A group of EM/Sports Medicine subject-matter experts (SMEs) created an initial list of the most important MSK topics in EM to generate a relevant question bank. The questions were validated by a different group of SMEs using a three-round modified Delphi method to obtain consensus on the importance of each question. Based on these results, the assessment was formed. Results From a list of 99 MSK topics, SMEs developed a final list of 37 MSK topics relevant to EM. Following round one, free-marginal kappa was 0.58, 95% CI [0.50, 0.66], with a moderate overall agreement of 71.95%. Following round two, the calculated free-marginal kappa increased to 0.88, 95% CI [0.83, 0.92], with an overall agreement of 91.79%. Using a five-point Likert scale, a threshold of an average score less than four was used to exclude questions in round three of validation and to create a final 50-question assessment tool. Conclusion Our proposed exam, titled Musculoskeletal Emergency Medicine Assessment Tool (MEAT), was successfully validated by experts in our field. It evaluates clinically important topics and offers a tool for assessing MSK knowledge in EM resident physicians. Future studies are needed to determine the feasibility of administering the tool and to establish a baseline score among different populations within the practicing field of EM.
- Denq, W., & Oshlag, B. (2023). Cardiac Emergency in the Athlete. Clinics in Sports Medicine.
- Denq, W., Tomesch, A. J., Lane, A. D., Thomas, A., McNinch, N. L., & Waterbrook, A. (2023). National Needs Assessment of Emergency Medicine Residencies for Musculoskeletal Knowledge. Cureus, 15(8).
- Moeller, J. L., Zaremski, J. L., Rao, A., Denq, W., Saffel, H. L., Nye, N. S., & Waterbrook, A. L. (2023). Online Sports Medicine Fellowship Education: The Genesis of a National Program and Year-1 Analysis. Current sports medicine reports, 22(1), 36--40.
- Denq, W., Lane, A. D., Tomesch, A., Zagroba, S., Cahir, T. M., Waterbrook, A., & Tomesch, A. J. (2022). Impact of sports medicine and orthopedic surgery rotations on musculoskeletal knowledge in residency: an update and longitudinal study. Cureus, 14(12).
- Chow, Y. C., Waterbrook, A. L., Suffoletto, H. N., Dolbec, K., Myers, R. A., Denq, W., Hwang, C. E., Kiel, J. M., Monseau, A. J., Balcik, B. J., Santelli, J. A., Oshlag, B. L., Hudson, K. B., Delasobera, B. E., Feden, J. P., Davenport, M., Childress, J. M., Desai, N. N., Gould, S. J., & Holschen, J. C. (2021). Recommended Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Model Curriculum for Emergency Medicine Residency Training. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 20(1).
- Denq, W., Fox, J. D., Lane, A., Caballero, B., Godfrey, B., Yim, J., Hughes, K. E., Cahir, T. M., & Waterbrook, A. (2021). Impact of Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery Rotations on Musculoskeletal Knowledge in Residency. Cureus, 13(3).
- Alvarez, S., French, M., Denq, W., & CAQ-SM, M. D. (2020). SplintER Series: Funny Looking Finger.
- Alvarez, S., French, M., Denq, W., & CAQ-SM, M. D. (2020). SplintER Series: Two cases of shoulder pain.
- Chavez, S., Denq, W., & CAQ-SM, M. D. (2020). SplintER Series: Ankle Dislocation| Leg Day# 4.
- Denq, W. (2020). Journal Club: A Toast to a New and Improved Physical Exam Test for the Supraspinatus.
- Denq, W., CAQ-SM, M. D., French, M., & Hopkins, M. (2020). SplintER Series: The Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation.
- Ford, T., Denq, W., & CAQ-SM, M. D. (2020). SplintER Series: A Case of Traumatic Wrist Pain After Fall on Outstretched Hand.
- Huang, V., Denq, W., CAQ-SM, M. D., & French, M. (2020). SplintER Series: A Rare Cause of Traumatic Thumb Pain.
- Negaard, M., Ford, T., Denq, W., & CAQ-SM, M. D. (2020). SplintER Series: A Toddler’s Missed Step.
- Prokopakis, K., Hopkins, M., Denq, W., & CAQ-SM, M. D. (2020). SplintER Series: Hip Pain Following an MVC.
- Smith, A., Denq, W., & CAQ-SM, M. D. (2020). SplintER Series: Complications & Discharge Care Plans With Splints 103.
- Wertheimer, A., Ford, T., Denq, W., & CAQ-SM, M. D. (2020). SplintER Series: A Case of Knee Pain.
- Denq, W., & Cushman, D. M. (2019). Knee Osteoarthritis and Meniscal Injuries in the Runner. Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Reports, 7(3), 237--245.
- Zaver, F., Battaglioli, N., Denq, W., Messman, A., Chung, A., Lin, M., & Liu, E. L. (2018). Identifying Gaps and Launching Resident Wellness Initiatives: The 2017 Resident Wellness Consensus Summit. The western journal of emergency medicine, 19(2), 342-345.More infoBurnout, depression, and suicidality among residents of all specialties have become a critical focus for the medical education community, especially among learners in graduate medical education. In 2017 the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) updated the Common Program Requirements to focus more on resident wellbeing. To address this issue, one working group from the 2017 Resident Wellness Consensus Summit (RWCS) focused on wellness program innovations and initiatives in emergency medicine (EM) residency programs.
- Denq, W. (2023). Fundamentals of Ultrasound: Lower Extremity. AMSSM 2023: 32nd Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.More infoInvited ultrasound faculty for the fundamentals of ultrasound: lower extremity course
- Denq, W. (2023). On-Field and Sideline Management of the Airway. UASM Annual Symposium.More infoPresentation and hands-on lab education for the athletics department for the University of Arizona
- Denq, W. (2023). SIM Olympics: Environmental Medicine Edition. AMSSM 2023: 32nd Annual Meeting.More infoCo-directed, developed content for, and spoke at the SIM Olympics: Environmental Edition. Recruited facilitators, trained facilitators, and developed content for the session. Spoke at the session and invited an international expert on Environmental Medicine to provide further insight.
- Denq, W. (2022). Arthrocentesis Workshop. ACEP 2022.
- Denq, W. (2022). Fundamentals of Ultrasound: Upper Extremity. AMSSM 2022: 31st Annual Meeting. Austin, TX.More infoInvited ultrasound faculty for the fundamentals of ultrasound: upper extremity course
- Denq, W. (2022). Inaugural SIM Olympics: Wilderness Medicine Edition. AMSSM 2022: 31st Annual Meeting.More infoCo-directed and spoke at the Inaugural SIM Olympics: Wilderness Edition. Recruited facilitators, trained facilitators, and developed content for the session. Spoke at the session and invited an international expert on Wilderness Medicine to provide further insight.
- Denq, W. (2022). Sideline Emergencies. Fellows National Lecture Series - AMSSM.
- Denq, W. (2022). Wilderness Medicine. AMSSM 2022: 31st Annual Meeting. Austin, TX.More infoModerator and speaker for the Wilderness Medicine Session, Annual International Conference, AMSSM
- Denq, W. (2023). Environmental Medicine. AMSSM 2023: 32nd Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.More infoCo-chair and speaker for the Environmental Medicine Session, Annual International Conference, AMSSM
- Denq, W., Zagroba, S., Waterbrook, A., Lane, A., & Godfrey, B. (2022). Impact of Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery Rotations on Musculoskeletal Knowledge in Residency. AMSSM 2022: 31st Annual Meeting. Austin, TX.
Poster Presentations
- Denq, W., & Jackson, T. (2022). “I fell out of a truck”: right leg numbness and bloody sputum in a roofer.. AMSSM 2022: 31st Annual Meeting. Austin, TX.
- Denq, W., Danielson, L., Thomas, A., Waterbrook, A., & Lane, A. (2022). Emergency Medicine Residency Musculoskeletal Knowledge Assessment Survey: A Pilot Study. AMSSM 2022: 31st Annual Meeting.
- Denq, W., Jackson, T., Waterbrook, A., & Lane, A. (2022). MEAT: Development of a Validated Musculoskeletal Emergency Medicine Assessment Tool. AMSSM 202: 31st Annual Meeting.
- Tomesh, A., Ticas, D., Barron, K., Denq, W., Lane, A., & Waterbrook, A. L. (2021). Acquisition of MSK Knowledge of Emergency Medicine Residents Compared to Orthopedic Surgery Rotation. AMSSM National Conference.
- Waterbrook, A. L., Lane, A., Denq, W., Barron, K., Ticas, D., & Tomesh, A. (2021). Acquisition of MSK Knowledge of Emergency Medicine Residents Compared to Orthopedic Surgery Rotatio. AMSSM National Conference.
- Bauman, J. E., Gross, N. D., Gooding, W. E., Denq, W., Thomas, S. M., Wang, L., Chiosea, S. I., Hood, B. L., Flint, M. S., Sun, M., & others, . (2013). Neoadjuvant erlotinib, erlotinib-sulindac, or placebo: A randomized, double-blind biomarker modulation study in operable head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)..