Gail Heath
- Associate Professor of Practice
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-6063
- Mines And Metallurgy, Rm. 229
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- gailheath@arizona.edu
Gail Heath has a master’s degree in Geophysical Engineering from the University of Arizona and has worked in research for 25 years. He has a PhD in mining from the University of Arizona. His passion is the work in mine reclamation he has been pursuing to better the state of the art in mine reclamation, that is optimize and insure great results in the environment legacies from pass and present mining activates.
There is a need by both government and private industry for long-term information on earth system behavior. Earth systems of interest include, but are not limited to landfills, waste sites, current and abandoned mining sites, aquifers and volcanoes. The information needed for monitoring will vary from site to site but will include things like: water quality, areal distribution, ion specific contaminates temperature, bacterial types and quantities to name a few. The information need has operational, regulatory and scientific drivers. The integrated use of point source sensors with volumetric near surface geophysical methods when properly combined provide potential of providing highly detailed localized subsurface information on processes and subsurface behavior
- M.S. Geophysical Engineering
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Electrical Resistance Tomography Monitoring of Fluid Flow through Basalt
- Excellence at the Student Interface
- Students in the MGE department, Spring 2022
- Fellowship
- Freeport, Summer 2019
- SME PhD fellowship
- SME, Spring 2019
There is a need by both government and private industry for long-term information on earth system behavior. Earth systems of interest include, but are not limited to landfills, waste sites, current and abandoned mining sites, aquifers and volcanoes. The information needed for monitoring will vary from site to site but will include things like: water quality, areal distribution, ion specific contaminates temperature, bacterial types and quantities to name a few. The information need has operational, regulatory and scientific drivers. The integrated use of point source sensors with volumetric near surface geophysical methods when properly combined provide potential of providing highly detailed localized subsurface information on processes and subsurface behavior
2024-25 Courses
Mine Tailings
MNE 514 (Spring 2025) -
MNE 210 (Spring 2025) -
TSF Design
MNE 417 (Spring 2025) -
TSF Design
MNE 517 (Spring 2025) -
Techn Trnds Min Res Engr
MNE 396A (Spring 2025) -
Applied Earth Sci Meas & Image
MNE 670 (Fall 2024) -
Engr Sustainable Dev
ENGR 422 (Fall 2024) -
Engr Sustainable Dev
MNE 422 (Fall 2024) -
Engr Sustainable Dev
MNE 522 (Fall 2024) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 441 (Fall 2024) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 541 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Mine Tailings
MNE 514 (Spring 2024) -
MNE 210 (Spring 2024) -
TSF Design
MNE 417 (Spring 2024) -
TSF Design
MNE 517 (Spring 2024) -
Techn Trnds Min Res Engr
MNE 396A (Spring 2024) -
Applied Earth Sci Meas & Image
MNE 670 (Fall 2023) -
Directed Research/Mn E
MNE 392 (Fall 2023) -
Engr Sustainable Dev
ENGR 422 (Fall 2023) -
Engr Sustainable Dev
ENGR 522 (Fall 2023) -
Engr Sustainable Dev
MNE 422 (Fall 2023) -
Engr Sustainable Dev
MNE 522 (Fall 2023) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 441 (Fall 2023) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 541 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Independent Study
MNE 599 (Summer I 2023) -
Graduate Seminar
MNE 696A (Spring 2023) -
Mine Tailings
MNE 414 (Spring 2023) -
Mine Tailings
MNE 514 (Spring 2023) -
TSF Design
MNE 417 (Spring 2023) -
TSF Design
MNE 517 (Spring 2023) -
Techn Trnds Min Res Engr
MNE 396A (Spring 2023) -
Applied Earth Sci Meas & Image
MNE 670 (Fall 2022) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 441 (Fall 2022) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 541 (Fall 2022) -
Graduate Seminar
MNE 696A (Fall 2022) -
Special Topics in Mining
MNE 496D (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Acqst+Fin Mineral Prjct
MNE 697G (Spring 2022) -
Graduate Seminar
MNE 696A (Spring 2022) -
Mine Tailings
MNE 414 (Spring 2022) -
Mine Tailings
MNE 514 (Spring 2022) -
TSF Design
MNE 417 (Spring 2022) -
TSF Design
MNE 517 (Spring 2022) -
Techn Trnds Min Res Engr
MNE 396A (Spring 2022) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 441 (Fall 2021) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 541 (Fall 2021) -
Research Seminar
MNE 696A (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
GEN 210 (Spring 2021) -
MNE 210 (Spring 2021) -
Techn Trnds Min Res Engr
MNE 396A (Spring 2021) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 541 (Fall 2020) -
Independent Study
MNE 599 (Fall 2020) -
Intro to Engineering
ENGR 102 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Independent Study
MNE 599 (Spring 2020) -
MNE 210 (Spring 2020) -
Techn Trnds Min Res Engr
MNE 396A (Spring 2020) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 441 (Fall 2019) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 541 (Fall 2019) -
Intro Engr Design
ENGR 102B (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Directed Research/Mn E
MNE 392 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
MNE 599 (Spring 2019) -
GEN 210 (Spring 2019) -
MNE 210 (Spring 2019) -
Techn Trnds Min Res Engr
MNE 396A (Spring 2019) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 441 (Fall 2018) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 541 (Fall 2018) -
MNE 444 (Fall 2018) -
MNE 544 (Fall 2018) -
Intro to Mining Engineering
MNE 205 (Fall 2018) -
Mineral Resourc Engr Tpc
MNE 296A (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Intro to Mining Engineering
MNE 205 (Spring 2018) -
GEN 210 (Spring 2018) -
MNE 210 (Spring 2018) -
Techn Trnds Min Res Engr
MNE 396A (Spring 2018) -
Directed Research
GEOS 492 (Fall 2017) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 441 (Fall 2017) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 541 (Fall 2017) -
Mineral Resourc Engr Tpc
MNE 296A (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Directed Research/Mn E
MNE 392 (Spring 2017) -
Intro to Mining Engineering
MNE 205 (Spring 2017) -
GEN 210 (Spring 2017) -
MNE 210 (Spring 2017) -
Intro to Mining Engineering
MNE 205 (Fall 2016) -
Mineral Resourc Engr Tpc
MNE 296A (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 441 (Spring 2016) -
Env Mngmt+Mine Reclamatn
MNE 541 (Spring 2016) -
GEN 210 (Spring 2016) -
MNE 210 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Heath, G., Versteeg, R., Paul, D., Markiewicz, R., & Wangerud, K. (2003). Electrical resistance tomography system to monitor anacid rock drainage (ARD) waste rock repository. In Advances in geomachanics. Taylor & Francis. doi:10.1201/9781439833483.CH12
- Baker, K., Heath, G., Scott, C., Schafer, A., Bryant, S., Sharma, M., Huh, C., & Choi, S. K. (2008). Advanced Polymer Technology for Containing and Immobilizing Strontium-90 in the Subsurface - 8361. Report.More infoMany Department of Energy (DOE) sites, including Idaho and Hanford, have heavy metals and/or radionuclides (e.g. strontium-90) present that are strongly adsorbed in the vadose zone, but which nevertheless are propagating toward the water table. A key challenge for immobilization of these contaminants is bringing the chosen amendment or remediation technology into contact with the contaminated porous medium, while ensuring that contaminated water and colloids do not escape. This is particularly challenging when the subsurface geology is complex and highly heterogeneous, as is the case at many DOE sites. The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in collaboration with the University of Texas at Austin (UT) has conducted research sponsored through the DOE Office of Environmental Management (EM) Advanced Remediation Technologies Phase I program that successfully demonstrated application of a novel, pH-triggered advanced polymer for creating a physical barrier that prevents heavy metals and radionuclides in vadose zone soil and soil-pore water from migrating to the groundwater. The focus of this paper is on the column and sandbox experiments conducted by researchers at the Idaho National Laboratory in support of the Phase I program objectives. Proof of these concepts provides a technology basis for confining or isolating a volume of contaminated groundwater,more » to be implemented in future investigations at the Vadose Zone Research Park (VZRP) at INL.« less
- Furman, A., Ferre, T. P., Ferre, T. P., & Heath, G. L. (2007). Spatial focusing of electrical resistivity surveys considering geologic and hydrologic layering. Geophysics, 72(2), F65-F73. doi:10.1190/1.2433737More infoElectrical resistivity tomography ERT has shown great promise for monitoring transient hydrologic processes. One advantage of ERT under those conditions is the ability of a user to tailor the spatial sensitivity of an ERT survey through selection of electrode locations and electrode combinations. Recent research has shown that quadripoles can be selected in a manner that improves the independent inversion of ERT data. Our ulti
- Versteeg, R., Wangerud, K., Richardson, A., Rowe, T., & Heath, G. (2006). MANAGING A CAPPED ACID ROCK DRAINAGE (ARD) REPOSITORY USING SEMI-AUTONOMOUS MONITORING AND MODELING 1. Journal of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, 2006(2), 2188-2199. doi:10.21000/jasmr06022188More infoEffective ARD repository management requires ongoing assessment of remedial integrity and operational performance in such a manner that short and long term risks and cost are balanced and optimized. Such management requires actionable information on the behavior of the repository. This information will typically be derived from diverse data (physical, chemical and hydrological), forward and inverse hydrological, geochemical and geophysical models and cost/benefit models. With the increase in volumes of data and complexity of analysis, end users face increasing challenges in obtaining information in a timely and cost effective manner. A web accessible workflow environment for performance monitoring, designed at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), was implemented for a capped ARD repository (the Ruby Gulch Repository) and is part of the Gilt Edge Superfund site in South Dakota. This repository is instrumented with a geophysical, hydrological and environmental sensor network. Data from this network are transmitted automatically every two hours to a server. At the server, the data are automatically parsed in a relational database and analyzed using automatically executing scripts. The resulting information is both transmitted through automated reports and accessible by users through a web application. The combination of near real time reporting and analysis and integration with analysis tools provides for actionable information on short and long term repository behavior. The structure of a web accessible workflow system for performance monitoring is well suited for both managing data, creating information and providing access to information for diverse users.
- Wangerud, K., Wangerud, K., Versteeg, R., Versteeg, R., Heath, G., Heath, G., Markiewicz, R., Markiewicz, R., Richardson, A., & Richardson, A. (2006). INSIGHTS INTO HYDRODYNAMIC AND GEOCHEMICAL PROCESSES IN A VALLEY-FILL ARD WASTE-ROCK REPOSITORY FROM AN AUTONOMOUS MULTI-SENSOR MONITORING SYSTEM. Journal of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, 2006(2), 2262-2281. doi:10.21000/jasmr06022262More infoAcid mine site remediation is a significant problem, both in the U.S and globally. Due to the volume of acid producing rock the only practical solution is minimizing acid production by reducing or eliminating water flow through the rock. Typically, this is achieved through emplacement of a cap over the waste rock. The Ruby Gulch repository at the Gilt Edge Mine NPL Site is such a capped waste rock repository. Eliminating discharge from valley-fill capped waste-rock repositories is difficult and multiple factors can cause continuing oxidation and ARD discharge. Consequently, early in the cap-cover design EPA and the Bureau of Reclamation design-build team recognized the need for a long-term monitoring system which would provide actionable information on the repository performance and behavior. Specifically, the following objectives were defined for a monitoring system: 1) provide information on the integrity and performance of the newly constructed surface cover and diversion system; 2) continuously assess the waste's hydrological and geochemical behavior, such that rational decisions can be made for the operation of this cover and liner system; 3) provide easy and timely information access on system performance to a variety of stakeholders; and 4) generate information and insights which can be used to enhance future cover and monitoring discussions between EPA, the Bureau of Reclamation and DOE Idaho National Laboratory. A longterm monitoring system was designed and integrated into the multi-layered geomembanerock-soil cap-cover over the 65-acre, 450’-high, sulfide waste-rock dump to provide information to meet these objectives. The system consists of tensiometers, lysimeters and thermocouples in four wells, a 523-electrode resistivity system installed below the cap and in the wells, a weather station, and a precision outflow-meter at the toe-discharge of the repository. Continuous data from this system as well as auxiliary manually collected samples are parsed into a web accessible central server. Automated and on demand data processing allows for 2-D, 3-D and 4-D resistivity tomography and user controllable data mining. The philosophy underlying this system is that it should provide both for effective automated and autonomous data collection and for a cost effective way for multiple stakeholders to use this data. ______________________ 1 Paper presented at the 7 th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD), March 26-30, 2006, St. Louis MO. R.I. Barnhisel (ed.) Published by the American Society of Mining and Reclamation (ASMR), 3134 Montavesta Road, Lexington, KY 40502 2 Ken Wangerud is a Remedial Project Manager in the Superfund Remedial Program at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, Denver, CO 80202. Roelof Versteeg is a Senior Advisory Scientist at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID 83415. Gail Heath is a Principal Scientist at the INL, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415. Rich Markiewicz is a scientist at the Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO. Alex Richardson is a scientist at the INL, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83415. 7 th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, 2006 pp 2262-2281 DOI: 10.21000/JASMR06022262
- Versteeg, R., Richardson, A., Heath, G., & Wangerud, K. (2005). Automated Multisensor Monitoring of Environmental Sites: Results From the Ruby Gulch Waste Rock Repository. Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts. doi:10.1190/1.2147875More infoThe last ten years have seen a fundamental shift in geoscience investigations from characterization to monitoring. This shift is present both in environmental applications and in the oil industry. In the environmental sector this change was driven by changes in industrial practices, successful efforts in addressing the most egregrous sites and changes to treatment options which include e.g. in situ engineered treatment and natural attenuation and reactive barriers. In the oil industry, this change is driven by instrumented or smart oil fields. While the goals, costs of and approaches to characterization efforts are generally well defined, the same does not yet apply to monitoring efforts (especially in the environmental sector) even though the need for effective, automated monitoring is well recognized (NAS 2005).
- Labrecque, D. J., Heath, G., Sharpe, R., & Versteeg, R. (2004). Autonomous Monitoring of Fluid Movement Using 3-D Electrical Resistivity Tomography. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 9(3), 167-176. doi:10.4133/jeeg9.3.167More infoThe electrical resistivity tomography method (ERT) is seeing increasing use in long-term monitoring. Applications might include monitoring of advanced remediation methods, vadose zone fluid-flow monitoring, and monitoring below tanks at the Hanford reservation. For this method to be cost effective, future systems will need to be highly automated. This paper compares different strategies for collecting three-dimensional (3-D) data sets. We discuss the critical design aspects of the system and the importance of using integrated hardware for data collection, and software for data interpretation. An autonomous acquisition system was used to monitor a field experiment at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. The system was successful at collecting data that were used to monitor infiltration of water into interbedded sediment and basalt layers. The results showed the advantages of autonomous systems for collecting data, and the need for robust operating systems designed specifically for a...
- Labrecque, D. J., Sharpe, R., Heath, G., & Wood, T. R. (2004). Small-scale electrical resistivity tomography of wet fractured rocks.. Ground water, 42(1), 111-8. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2004.tb02456.xMore infoThis paper describes a series of experiments that tested the ability of the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method to locate correctly wet and dry fractures in a meso-scale model. The goal was to develop a method of monitoring the flow of water through a fractured rock matrix. The model was a four by six array of limestone blocks equipped with 28 stainless steel electrodes. Dry fractures were created by placing pieces of vinyl between one or more blocks. Wet fractures were created by injecting tap water into a joint between blocks. In electrical terms, the dry fractures are resistive and the wet fractures are conductive. The quantities measured by the ERT system are current and voltage around the outside edge of the model. The raw ERT data were translated to resistivity values inside the model using a three-dimensional Occam's inversion routine. This routine was one of the key components of ERT being tested. The model presented several challenges. First, the resistivity of both the blocks and the joints was highly variable. Second, the resistive targets introduced extreme changes the software could not precisely quantify. Third, the abrupt changes inherent in a fracture system were contrary to the smoothly varying changes expected by the Occam's inversion routine. Fourth, the response of the conductive fractures was small compared to the background variability. In general, ERT was able to locate correctly resistive fractures. Problems occurred, however, when the resistive fracture was near the edges of the model or when multiple fractures were close together. In particular, ERT tended to position the fracture closer to the model center than its true location. Conductive fractures yielded much smaller responses than the resistive case. A difference-inversion method was able to correctly locate these targets.
- Mattson, E. D., Versteeg, R., Ankeny, M. D., Heath, G., & Richardson, A. (2004). A Strategy and Case Study Example for Designing and Implementing Environmental Long-Term Monitoring at Legacy Management Sites. Idaho National Laboratory.More infoEnvironmental monitoring objectives of site owners, regulators, consultants, and scientists typically share the common elements of (1) cost management, (2) risk management, and (3) information management (Figure 1). Many site owners focus on minimizing monitoring costs while regulators typically focus on risk and regulatory compliance. Scientists and consultants typically provide information management in the form of spreadsheets with extracted information provided in reports to other users. This common piecemeal approach upon individual focus on elements of the monitoring objectives, rather than the common objective of minimizing cost and risk using site information, results in missed opportunities for cost savings, environmental protection, and improved understanding of site performance.
- Versteeg, R., Heath, G., Kostelnik, K., Moor, K., Richardson, A., Wangerud, K., Mattson, E. D., Harbour, J. L., & Ankeny, M. D. (2004). A structured approach to the use of near-surface geophysics in long-term monitoring. Geophysics, 23(7), 700-703. doi:10.1190/1.1776745More infoThe need to understand and manage earth systems means that information on the temporal and spatial behavior of these systems is needed. The typical approach used in obtaining this information is through long-term monitoring efforts. However, many of these efforts are less than successful. There are several reasons for this:
- Labrecque, D., Sharpe, R., Casale, D., Heath, G., & Svoboda, J. M. (2003). Combined Electrical and Magnetic Resistivity Tomography: Synthetic Model Study and Inverse Modeling. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 8(4), 251-262. doi:10.4133/jeeg8.4.251More infoElectrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), which has seen increasingly wide use for environmental monitoring, uses the measurement of electrical potentials induced by a low-frequency electric current source. An alternative technique, magnetometric resistivity (MMR), measures the magnetic fields created by the same type of low-frequency electric current source used for ERT. Combining these two methods and thus the two types of data, provides an opportunity for producing improved subsurface images in a wider range of environments. This paper discusses the use of a fully three-dimensional inverse routine that combines magnetic and electric field measurements. The algorithm is based on a 3-D finite difference forward algorithm. The magnetic fields are modeled by applying the reciprocity theorem to model the electric fields induced by a coil of unit moment at a frequency of one radian per second. Using this method, allows for an adjoint formulation for calculating sensitivities of both magnetic and electric fiel...
- Ludwig, M. A., Alumbaugh, D. L., Labrecque, D. J., Sharpe, R., & Heath, G. (2003). Comparison of a DC Integral Solution with a 3D EM Solution of the Magnetometric Resistivity Problem.. Exploration Geophysics, 2003(1), 1-6. doi:10.1071/aseg2003_3demab011More infoWe have completed three-dimensional electro-magnetic (EM) modelling to verify the applicability of a direct current (DC) forward modelling solution for interpreting data collected by an experimental electrical resistivity tomography/magnetometric resistivity (ERT/MMR) system. Comparison of the EM solution to the static solution defines the range of environments where the zero frequency solution is applicable. The DC algorithm was determined to apply to a wide range of target resistivities (1´108 ohm-m ? 10 ohm-m) for operating frequencies up to 8kHz. However, magnetically permeable targets result in inaccurate interpretation and inversion results.
- Versteeg, R., Heath, G., Wangerud, K., & Paul, D. (2003). Design And Installation of a Remotely Controllable Autonomous Resistivity Monitoring System At the Gilt Edge Mine Superfund Site, South Dakota. Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1187-1190. doi:10.1190/1.1817491More infoAcid mine site remediation is a significant problem in the U.S and globally. Due to the volume of acid producing rock involved, the only practical solution is minimizing acid production by reducing or eliminating water flow through the rock materials. One method to achieve this is utilizing a capping system. Detailed monitoring information on cap and rock behavior allows for rapid and cost-effective intervention in case of cap failure. A remotely controllable autonomous resistivity monitoring system was integrated in the repository below the geo-membrane cap at the Gilt Edge Mine Superfund site. The structure of this system allows users to have access to raw and processed data in real time. Introduction – Gilt Edge Mine The Gilt Edge mine site is located southeast of the town of Lead in the Northern Black Hills, Lawrence County, South Dakota. Mining operations for gold, copper and tungsten were conducted intermittently by several owners and operators since 1876. Cyanide leaching, mercury amalgamation and zinc precipitation were used to recover gold. About a century ago a series of small mines began dumping metal laden mill tailings into Strawberry and Bear Butte Creeks. In 1986 Brohm Mining Company got a permit to conduct large-scale open pit mining. Under the permit, BMC developed three open pits, a large cyanide heap-leach pad, and a 12 million cubic yard, valley fill, waste rock dump as well as other operations. BMC also did cleanup activities to address some historic tailings off site. Early permit applications had not mentioned acid generating materials, but sulfidic heavy metal laden rock materials were abundant. Mining ceased in 1998. During 1998-1999 BMC had serious financial difficulties and told the State that it could not continue site control. The South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) maintained necessary water treatment operations at the site, using the State’s Regulated Substance Response Fund until August 2000, when operations were turned over to EPA. In February 2000 the governor of South Dakota requested that EPA region 8 propose the site for the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL) and provide emergency response as well as long-term remedial cleanup. The site was proposed in May 2000 and was listed in December 2000. More detail about the site can be found at the EPA Superfund website at http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/giltedge
- Versteeg, R., Sharpe, R., Labrecque, D., & Heath, G. (2003). Autonomous Monitoring Of Fluid Movement Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography. Idaho National Laboratory. doi:10.3997/2214-4609-PDB.190.ELE14
- Zheng, Y., Versteeg, R., Stute, M., Steckler, M., Heath, G., Goodbred, S., Geen, L. V., & Ahmed, K. M. (2003). 3D Mapping Of Geology And Arsenic Using Integrated Geophysical And Geochemical Studies In Bangladesh. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers. doi:10.3997/2214-4609-PDB.190.CON09More infoTwenty 2D resistivity lines and data on the arsenic content in 5000 wells were collected to determine the geological controls on the distribution of groundwater arsenic within a 25 km2 area of Bangladesh. Coupling dense geophysical data with geochemical well data, and visualizing the results in 3D provided for a clear understanding of the relation between geology and arsenic distribution. Different types of geological controls on arsenic were found to exist. In several locations a thick clay layer acts as an aquitard, separating older low arsenic aquifers from the younger surficial aquifers. Within the younger surficial aquifers there is a division between aquifers which are primarily medium/coarse sand and which have low arsenic, aquifers which are primarily silts and clays and which have high arsenic, and aquifers with distributed pockets of sands and silts, in which the sand pockets correlate with low arsenic and the clay and silt pockets correlate with high arsenic.
- Svoboda, J. M., Canan, B., Morrison, J. L., Heath, G., & Labrecque, D. (2002). Advanced Technology For Mapping Subsurface Water Conductivity. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers. doi:10.3997/2214-4609-PDB.191.11ELE8More infoAdvanced Technology for Mapping Subsurface Water Conductivity is a threeyear research program which was funded by the Department of Energy in October 2000. Its objective is to combine Magnetometric Resistivity (MMR) surface magnetic field measurements with Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) borehole potential measurements to calculate subsurface conductivity. The data sets measured by ERT and MMR will be input to a combined ERT/MMR inversion code for the purpose of calculating the subsurface conductivity distribution with increased resolution. This paper presents the results of the work performed during the first year of this project. MMR instrumentation was developed to spatially resolve the surface magnetic field associated with an induced subsurface alternating current low between borehole ERT electrode pairs. It consists of a variable frequency alternating current source and a synchronously detected, spatially resolved vector B-field measurement system. MMR data preprocessing algorithms are complete and include the removal of magnetic fields associated with the surface conductors delivering current to the subsurface structure. A three-dimensional Finite Difference Time Domain forward model that calculates electrical and magnetic fields based on current flow through a medium characterized by conductivity, permeability, and permittivity was also developed. Initial tests have been conducted in the Mud Lake, Idaho sediment beds.
- Versteeg, R., Steckler, M., Stute, M., Zheng, Y., Goodbred, S., Heath, G., Ahmed, K. M., & Geen, L. V. (2002). Using Geophysics to Understand Arsenic Occurrence In Bangladesh Groundwater. Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1610-1613. doi:10.1190/1.1816980More infoThe naturally occurring presence of arsenic in ground water is a growing concern in both developed and third world countries. This problem is particularly acute in West Bengal, India, and Bangladesh where most of the population relies on millions of tubewells that tap into the arsenic-enriched groundwater of the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta and where at least 25 million people drink tubewell water containing 50 microg/L resulting in a host of arsenicrelated diseases.
Proceedings Publications
- Peters, M. P., Werner, J. D., Heath, G., Momayez, M., Tenorio Gutierrez, V. O., & Alsalhi, A. (2021, Spring). Development of a Supervisory System for Monitoring Ventilation and Rock Displacement Data at San Xavier Mine Laboratory. In 2021 SME Annual Meeting & Expo (MineXchange 2021).
- Heath, G., Momayez, M., & Peters, P. (2021, March). Advanced automated monitoring of a Tailings Facility: How coupling geophysics and in-situ sensors can increase safety and provide a cost-effective inside into Tailings Dams.. In Annual Conference of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration.
- Armstrong, T., Heath, G., Smith, C., Scott, C., Jackson, C., Teichert, C., & Casey, S. (2011). Self‐Calibrating Water Quality Monitoring System. In Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2011, 622-624.
- Gilbert, H. K., Braun, J. B., Heath, G., Pace, B. R., & Scott, C. (2009). GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES AT THE POWELL STAGE STATION. In Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2009.More infoWithin the boundaries of the Idaho National Laboratory, an ongoing archaeological investigation of a late 19th century stage station was expanded with the use of Electro-Magnetic and Magnetic geophysical surveying. The station known as the Powell Stage Station was a primary transportation hub on the Snake River Plain, bridging the gap between railroad supply depots in Blackfoot, Idaho and booming mining camps throughout Central Idaho. Initial investigations have shown a strong magnetic signature from a buried road and previously unknown features that were not detected by visual surface surveys. Data gained from this project aids in federally directed cultural resource and land management and use requirements and has contributed additional information for archeological interpretation and cultural resource preservation.
- Scott, C., & Heath, G. (2006). Utility Locating in the DOE Environment. In Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2006, 529-541.More infoSome advances have been made in utility locating in recent years and standards have been recently published to try and categorize the level of information known about the utility in the subsurface. At the same time some characterization about the level of effort or technology in the geophysicist approach to utility locating may be generalized. The DOE environment poses some added difficulties and this presentation covers these issues, costs and the technical approach that has been developed at the INEEL to prevent utility hits and how it fits into the generalized classification of effort.
- Scott, C., Pace, B. R., & Heath, G. (2006). BORROW PIT ISSUES AND LAND MANAGEMENT AT A DOE LAB. In 19th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 140-151.
- Scott, C., Pace, B. R., Mcdaniel, C., & Heath, G. (2006). GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES IN SOUTHERN IDAHO. In 19th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 1354-1365.More infoAt the Idaho National Laboratory and other locations across southern Idaho, geophysical tools are being used to discover, map, and evaluate archaeological sites. A variety of settings are being explored to expand the library of geophysical signatures relevant to archaeology in the region. Current targets of interest include: prehistoric archaeological features in open areas as well as lava tube caves, historical structures and activity areas, and emigrant travel paths. We draw from a comprehensive, state of the art geophysical instrumentation pool to support this work. Equipment and facilities include ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic and magnetic sensors, multiple resistivity instruments, advanced positioning instrumentation, state of the art processing and data analysis software, and laboratory facilities for controlled experiments.
- Scott, C., Schafer, A., Mcelroy, D., Heath, G., & Baker, K. (2006). Subsurface Monitoring Results during the Big Lost River Infiltration within the Vadose Zone Research Park at the Idaho National Laboratory. In 19th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 816-828.
- Svoboda, J. M., Scott, C., & Heath, G. (2006). Vibration Monitoring of Power Distribution Poles. In 19th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 338-345.More infoSome of the most visible and least monitored elements of our national security infrastructure are the poles and towers used for the distribution of our nation’s electrical power. Issues surrounding these elements within the United States include safety such as unauthorized climbing and access, vandalism such as nut/bolt removal or destructive small arms fire, and major vandalism such as the downing of power poles and towers by the cutting of the poles with a chainsaw or torches. The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has an ongoing research program working to develop inexpensive and sensitive sensor platforms for the monitoring and characterization of damage to the power distribution infrastructure. This presentation covers the results from the instrumentation of a variety of power poles and wires with geophone assemblies and the recording of vibration data when power poles were subjected to a variety of stimuli. Initial results indicate that, for the majority of attacks against power poles, the resulting signal can be seen not only on the targeted pole but on sensors several poles away in the distribution network and a distributed sensor system can be used to monitor remote and critical structures.
- Sharpe, R., Ludwig, M. A., Labrecque, D., Heath, G., & Alumbaugh, D. (2004). Synthetic Studies To Determine The Effects Of Anomalous Magnetic Permeability On A New Electrical Resistivity Tomography/Magnetometric Resistivity Survey System. In 17th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 673-686.More infoThree-dimensional model studies are presented to determine the effects of electromagnetic induction and magnetic permeability on magnetometric resistivity measurements, as well as on images resulting from inversion of the data. This involves the use of two different forward modeling algorithms; a full electromagnetic code that includes anomalous magnetic permeability, and a steady-state algorithm that assumes free-space magnetic permeability. To determine the nature of problems caused by electromagnetic induction in the presence of permeable materials, the two synthetic data sets are compared directly, as well as inverted with a steady-state inversion algorithm. Including a magnetically permeable target causes significant changes in the synthetic data and produces noticeable artifacts in the inverted sections, especially at depth. However, despite the presence of artifacts, the images are still dominated by the conductivity, and thus the extent of both conductive and resistive targets are well defined.
- Wangerud, K., Versteeg, R., Scott, C., Paul, D., & Heath, G. (2004). Design And Installation Of A Remotely Controllable Autonomous Resistivity Monitoring System At The Gilt Edge Mine Superfund Site, South Dakota. In 17th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 753-758.
- Labrecque, D. J., Sharpe, R., Heath, G., & Versteeg, R. (2003). Autonomous Monitoring of Fluid Movement Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography. In Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2003.
- Svoboda, J. M., Labrecque, D., Heath, G., & Alumbaugh, D. (2003). Measuring Subsurface Conductivity Using Integrated Ert And Mmr Measurements: Experimental Results. In 16th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 561-561.More infoINEEL scientists developed MMR instrumentation to spatially resolve the surface magnetic field associated with an induced subsurface alternating current low between borehole ERT electrode pairs. The instrumentation consists of a variable frequency alternating current source and a synchronously detected, spatially resolved vector B-field measurement system. In the past year numerical codes were developed for the simulation of MMR data. Comparison of the results of numerical codes against a comprehensive set of field measurements at the Mud Lake, Idaho sediment beds allow for instrumentation and code enhancement as well as initial interpretations of MMR results in terms of subsurface structures.
- Versteeg, R., Sharpe, R., Labrecque, D. J., & Heath, G. (2003). Autonomous Monitoring Of Fluid Movement Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography. In 16th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 560-560.
- Zheng, Y., Versteeg, R., Stute, M., Steckler, M., Heath, G., Goodbred, S., Geen, L. V., & Ahmed, K. M. (2003). 3D Mapping Of Geology And Arsenic Using Integrated Geophysical And Geochemical Studies In Bangladesh. In 16th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 253-270.More infoTwenty 2D resistivity lines and data on the arsenic content in 5000 wells were collected to determine the geological controls on the distribution of groundwater arsenic within a 25 km2 area of Bangladesh. Coupling dense geophysical data with geochemical well data, and visualizing the results in 3D provided for a clear understanding of the relation between geology and arsenic distribution. Different types of geological controls on arsenic were found to exist. In several locations a thick clay layer acts as an aquitard, separating older low arsenic aquifers from the younger surficial aquifers. Within the younger surficial aquifers there is a division between aquifers which are primarily medium/coarse sand and which have low arsenic, aquifers which are primarily silts and clays and which have high arsenic, and aquifers with distributed pockets of sands and silts, in which the sand pockets correlate with low arsenic and the clay and silt pockets correlate with high arsenic.
- Svoboda, J. M., Labrecque, D., Heath, G., & Casale, D. (2002). Combined Electrical And Magnetic Resistivity Tomography: Theory And Inverse Modeling. In 15th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems.More infoElectrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) which has seen increasingly wide use for environmental monitoring uses the measurement of electrical potentials induced by a low-frequency electric current source. An alternative technique, magnetometric resistivity, measures the magnetic fields created by the same type of low-frequency electric current source used for ERT. Combining these two methods and thus the two types of data, provides an opportunity for producing improved subsurface images in a wider range of environments. This paper discusses the development of a fully three-dimensional inverse routine that combines magnetic and electric field measurements. The algorithm is based on a 3-D finite difference forward algorithm. The magnetic fields are modeled by applying the reciprocity theorem to model the electric fields induced by a coil of unit moment at a frequency of one radian per second. Using this method allows for an adjoint formulation for calculating sensitivities of both magnetic and electric fields with respect to changes in the conductivities of individual cells within the finite-difference mesh. In initial model studies, combined MMR/ERT surveys were better able to result 3-D structures than MMR alone.
- Svoboda, J. M., Morrison, J. L., Labrecque, D., Heath, G. L., & Canan, B. (2002). Advanced Technology For Mapping Subsurface Water Conductivity. In 15th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems.More infoAdvanced Technology for Mapping Subsurface Water Conductivity is a threeyear research program which was funded by the Department of Energy in October 2000. Its objective is to combine Magnetometric Resistivity (MMR) surface magnetic field measurements with Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) borehole potential measurements to calculate subsurface conductivity. The data sets measured by ERT and MMR will be input to a combined ERT/MMR inversion code for the purpose of calculating the subsurface conductivity distribution with increased resolution. This paper presents the results of the work performed during the first year of this project. MMR instrumentation was developed to spatially resolve the surface magnetic field associated with an induced subsurface alternating current low between borehole ERT electrode pairs. It consists of a variable frequency alternating current source and a synchronously detected, spatially resolved vector B-field measurement system. MMR data preprocessing algorithms are complete and include the removal of magnetic fields associated with the surface conductors delivering current to the subsurface structure. A three-dimensional Finite Difference Time Domain forward model that calculates electrical and magnetic fields based on current flow through a medium characterized by conductivity, permeability, and permittivity was also developed. Initial tests have been conducted in the Mud Lake, Idaho sediment beds.
- Sowers, H., Schima, S., Labrecque, D., Heath, G., & Bennett, J. (1998). Electrical Resistivity Tomography Monitoring For Process Control In Environmental Remediation. In 11th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, 613-622.
- Peters, M. P., Werner, J. D., Heath, G., Momayez, M., Tenorio Gutierrez, V. O., & Alsalhi, A. (2020, Spring). Development of aSupervisory System for MonitoringVentilation and Rock Displacement Dataat San Xavier Mine Laboratory. 2020 SME Annual Meeting & Expo (MineXchange 2020). Phoenix Convention Center: SME.