Irene Alexandraki
- Senior Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
- Professor, Internal Medicine (Clinical Scholar Track)
- (602) 827-2002
- Biosciences Partnership Phx, Rm. 10TH F
- Phoenix, AZ 85004
- ialexandraki@arizona.edu
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Scholarly Contributions
- Alexandraki, I., Osman, N. Y., Kisielewski, M., Nagarur, A., Jenkins, M. O., Jacob, J., Pincavage, A. T., Onumah, C., Levine, D., Ismail, N., & Lai, C. J. (2023).
Reviewing Internal Medicine Clerkship Grading Through a Proequity Lens: Results of a National Survey
. Academic Medicine. doi:10.1097/acm.0000000000005142More infoEquity in assessment and grading has become imperative across medical education. Although strategies to promote equity exist, there may be variable penetrance across institutions. The objectives of this study were to identify strategies internal medicine (IM) clerkship directors (CDs) use to reduce inequities in assessment and grading and explore IM CDs' perceptions of factors that impede or facilitate the implementation of these strategies.From October to December 2021, the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine of the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine conducted its annual survey of IM core CDs at 137 U.S. and U.S. territory-based medical schools. This study is based on 23 questions from the survey about equity in IM clerkship assessment and grading.The survey response rate was 73.0% (100 of 137 medical school CDs). Use of recommended evidence-based strategies to promote equity in clerkship assessment and grading varied among IM clerkships. Only 30 respondents (30.0%) reported that their clerkships had incorporated faculty development on implicit bias for clinical supervisors of students; 31 (31.0%) provided education to faculty on how to write narrative assessments that minimize bias. Forty respondents (40.0%) provided guidance to clerkship graders on how to minimize bias when writing final IM clerkship summaries, and 41 (41.0%) used grading committees to determine IM clerkship grades. Twenty-three CDs (23.0%) received formal education by their institution on how to generate clerkship grades and summaries in a way that minimized bias.This national survey found variability among medical schools in the application of evidence-based strategies to promote equity in assessment and grading within their IM clerkships. Opportunities exist to adopt and optimize proequity grading strategies, including development of programs that address bias in clerkship assessment and grading, reevaluation of the weight of standardized knowledge exam scores on grades, and implementation of grading committees. - Alexandraki, I., Ismail, N., Lai, C. J., Duca, N. S., Ratcliffe, T., Kisielewski, M., & Pincavage, A. T. (2022).
Medical student advising during virtual residency recruitment: results of a national survey of internal medicine clerkship and sub-internship directors
. Medical Education Online, 28(1). doi:10.1080/10872981.2022.2143926More infoThe residency application process is a critical time for medical students. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted changes to the residency recruitment procedures with the conversion of interviews to a virtual format. For medical school advisors guiding students on an all-virtual residency application process brought uncertainty to their advising practices. Thus, this study aimed to identify advising practices during the 2021 virtual application cycle.We administered an IRB-exempt national survey through the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine to 186 internal medicine core/co-/associate/assistant clerkship directors and sub-internship directors representing 140 Liaison Committee on Medical Education-accredited U.S./U.S.-territory-based medical schools in spring 2021. The 23-question survey was designed and pilot-tested by faculty-educators and leaders with expertise in undergraduate medical education. Data analysis included paired t- and z-tests and thematic analysis of open-ended questions.The institutional response rate was 67% (93/140) and individual rate 55% (103/186). Half of the respondents felt prepared/very prepared (40% and 13% respectively) for their advising roles. Compared to pre-pandemic cycles, respondents advised a typical student in the middle-third of their class at their institution to apply to more residency programs (mean 24 programs vs 20, p < 0.001) and accept more interviews (mean 14 interviews vs 12, p < 0.001). Sixty-three percent (64/101) of respondents spent more time on student advising; 51% (51/101) reported more students asked them for informal advice. Fifty-nine percent (60/101) of respondents reported their advisees were able to assess a residency program 'somewhat well;' 31% (31/101) expressed that residency recruitment should remain entirely virtual in the future.The transition to virtual residency recruitment due to COVID-19 prompted advising practices that may have contributed to application inflation and increased advising workload. Future studies should explore longitudinal outcomes of virtual interviews on student success to guide best practices in how to advise students during residency recruitment.
- Alexandraki, I., & Hartmark-Hill, J. R. (2022, December).
“Competency-based Medical Education”
. YRMC Family Medicine Residency Faculty Development Workshop.