Jennifer Church-Duran
- Associate Librarian
- (520) 621-4613
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0055
- jchurchduran@arizona.edu
- M.L.I.S Library and Information Science
- University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, United States
- B.S. Child Development
- California State University - Northridge, Northridge, California, United States
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Church, J., Brown, J., & VanderPol, D. (2001). Walking the Web: Usability Testing of Navigational Pathways at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. In Usability Assessment of Library-Related Web Sites: Methods and Case Studies(pp 109-117). Chicago: LITA.
- Church-Duran, J., & Church-Duran, J. (2017). Distinctive Roles: Engagement, Innovation, and the Liaison Model. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 17(2), 257-271.
- Schuck, B., Wainscott, S. B., Church-Duran, J., & Del, B. D. (2017). Creating a Virtuous Circle of Student Engagement with the Tech Corner. Journal of Library Administration, 57(5), 517-547.
- Church-Duran, J., & Ludwig, D. (2012). Bringing Scenario Planning Home to KU. Research Library Issues: A Bimonthly Report from ARL, CNI, and SPARC, 12-16.
- Ludwig, D., & Church-Duran, J. (2012). Scenario Planning: Developing a Strategic Agenda for Organizational Alignment. Research Library Issues: A Quarterly Report from ARL, CNI, and SPARC, 278.
- Emmett, A., Stratton, J., Peterson, A. T., Church-Duran, J., & Haricombe, L. J. (2011). Toward Open Access: It Takes a Village. Journal of Library Administration, 51(5-6), 557-579.
- Albin, T., & Church-Duran, J. (2008). Queering the Web. College & Research Libraries News, 69(8), 466.
- Ghouse, N., & Church-Duran, J. (2008). And Mentoring for All: The KU Libraries' Experience. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 8(4), 373-386.
- Church, J. (2005). The evolving Information Commons. Library Hi Tech, 23(1), 75-81.
- Church, J., & Felker, K. (2005). Web Team Development. Portal : Libraries and the Academy, 5(4), 545-554.
- Church, J., Vaughan, J., Starkweather, W., & Rankin, K. (2002). The Information Commons at Lied Library. Library Hi Tech, 20(1), 58-70.
- Church, J., Drouin, S., & Rankin, K. (2000). Electronic Resources on Disabilities. College and Research Libraries News, 61, 115–120.
Proceedings Publications
- Church-Duran, J. (2008, November). Making Learning Visible: Integrating and Coordinating Web 2.0 Services with ePortfolio Systems to support authentic outcomes assessment.. In Globalization and the Management of Information Resources Conference.
- Church-Duran, J. (2012, Spring). Learning Environments - 21st Century Library. Living the Future 8. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Libraries.
- Church-Duran, J. (2010, June). Marketing ideas that work in academic libraries.
Poster Presentations
- Church-Duran, J., & Nichols, J. T. (2024, Fall). Exploring the impact of library makerspace use on student self-efficacy and engagement. Library Assessment Conference. Portland, OR: Association of College and Research Libraries.More infoOver the past few decades, makerspaces have developed as important venues for STEM and design education, increasing becoming part of undergraduate programs. These innovative spaces allow instructors and students access to advanced technology and integration of a wide range of projects into the curriculum. Studies indicate that makerspaces offer potential benefits for the students who use them. For example, students who are involved in their campus’s makerspace show less anxiety and more confidence when engaging in design projects or tasks. This may be from gaining hands-on experience with equipment and technology outside of the classroom. However, the impact of makerspaces on student learning and engagement is not yet fully understood. At the University of Arizona Libraries, we aimed to capture what influences students to use these spaces and the overall impact on students’ attitudes towards, and confidence in, using technologies through a mixed-method study.
- Church-Duran, J. (2023, February). Online Education: a review of the marketplace & employer perceptions of quality. (White paper). . University of Arizona.