John C Palumbo
- Research Scientist, Entomology
- Professor, Entomology
- Professor, Entomology / Insect Science - GIDP
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- University Distinguished Outreach Professor
- Endowed Chair, Integrated Pest Management
- (928) 782-3836
- FORBES, Rm. 410
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0036
- jpalumbo@ag.Arizona.EDU
- Ph.D. Entomology
- Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States
- M.S. Entomology
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- B.S. Entomology
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- John Palumbo Endowed Chair in Integrated Pest Management
- University of Arizona, ALVSCE/CALS, Spring 2020
- Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture Award
- Yuma County Farm Bureau, Fall 2015
- Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension
- Entomological Society of America-National, Fall 2014
- Entomological Society of America - Pacific Branch, Spring 2014
- 2011 Faculty Member of the Year
- Arizona Agriculture "100" Council, Spring 2011
Licensure & Certification
- Pest Control Advisor License, Arizona Department of Agriculture (1991)
Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management
2024-25 Courses
Imp/Desert Cropping Syst
ENTO 300 (Fall 2024)
2022-23 Courses
Imp/Desert Cropping Syst
ENTO 300 (Fall 2022)
2020-21 Courses
Imp/Desert Cropping Syst
ENTO 300 (Fall 2020)
2018-19 Courses
Imp/Desert Cropping Syst
ENTO 300 (Fall 2018)
2016-17 Courses
Imp/Desert Cropping Syst
ENTO 300 (Fall 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Bundy, S., Perring, T., Reed, D., Palumbo, J. C., Grasswitz, T., & Jones, W. A. (2018). Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister). In Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea): Biology, Higher Systematics, Semiochemistry, and Management(p. 820). CRC Press. Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton.More infoEdited by J.E McPherson
- Palumbo, J. C., Perring, T., Millar, J., & Reed, D. (2016). Biology, Ecology and Management of an Invasive Stink Bug, Bagrada hilaris in North America. In Annual Review of Entomology, 2016, Vol 61(pp 453-473). doi:10.1146/annurev-ento-010715-023843
- Hasegawa, D., Hladky, L., Wintermantle, W. M., Putnam, A., Barman, A., Slinsky, S., Palumbo, J. C., & Poudel, B. (2022). First Report of Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus Infecting Lettuce in Arizona and Southern Desert Regions of California. Plant Disease, 106(2), 2 pages, online. doi:10.1094/PDIS-09-21-2118-PDN
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021). Conventional Insecticides for Western Flower Thrips Control on Romaine Lettuce, 2021. Arthropod Management Tests, 14(1), 2. doi:doi.org/10.1093/amt/tsab167
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021). Efficacy of Biopesticides Against Western Flower Thrips on Romaine Lettuce, 2021. Arthropod Management Tests, 14(1), 2. doi:doi.org/10.1093/amt/tsab168
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021). Evaluation of Insesticides for Control of Western Flower Thrips on Romaine Lettuce, 2021. Arthropod Management Tests, 14(1), 2. doi:doi.org/10.1093/amt/tsab166
- Pinkerton, M. G., Thompson, S. M., Hodges, A. C., Leppla, N. C., & Palumbo, J. C. (2020). Laboratory Rearing of Bagrada hilaris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Under Quarantine Conditions in Florida. Florida Entomologist, 103, 401-403. doi:doi.org/10.1653/024.103.0314
- Sherbrooke, S., Carriere, Y., & Palumbo, J. C. (2020). Evaluation of Trap Cropping for Control of Diamondback Moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) in a Broccoli Production System. Journal of Economic Entomology, 113, 1864-1871. doi:doi.org/10.1093/jee/toaa073
- Carriere, Y., Degain, B., Leisner, L., Dutilleul, P., & Palumbo, J. C. (2017). Validation of landscape-based model for whitefly transmission of cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus to fall melons.. J. Economic Entomology, 110, 2002-2009.
- Castle, S. J., Palumbo, J. C., & Merten, P. (2017). Field evaluation of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus transmission by Bemisia tabaci.. Virus Research, 241, 220-227.
- Castle, S., Palumbo, J. C., Mertin, P., Cowden, C., & Prabhaker, N. (2017). Effects Of Foliar And Systemic Insecticides On Whitefly Transmission and Incidence Of Cucurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder Virus. Pest Management Science, 73, 1462-1472. doi:DOI: 10.1002/ps.4478
- Reed, D. A., Ganjisaffar, F. J., Palumbo, J. C., & Perring, T. M. (2017). Effects of Temperatures on Immature Development and Survival of the Invasive Stink Bug, Bagrada hilaris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). J. of Economic Entomology, 110, 2497-2503.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Activity of organically-approved insecticides against bagrada hilaris in a topical contact bioassay, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(L2), 1-2. doi:doi: 10.1093/amt/tsv203
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Bagrada hilaris control with conventional insecticide mixtures, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E29), 1-2.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Bagrada hilaris control with organically-approved insecticides, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E30), 1-2.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Comparison of foliar insecticide alternatives for control of lepidopterous larvae in head lettuce, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E41), 1-2. doi:10.1093/amt/tsv097
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Comparison of soil applications of venom and verimark for whitefly control in fall cantaloupes, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E37), 1-2.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Contact activity of organically-approved insecticides against bagrada hilaris adults, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(L3), 1-2. doi:10.1093/amt/tsv204More infoArthropod Management Tests, 2015, 1–2 doi: 10.1093/amt/tsv204 (L3)
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Control of green peach aphid on green cabbage, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E33), 1-2.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Control of sweetpotato whitefly adults with foliar insecticide alternatives in fall cantaloupes, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E36), 1-2.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Control of sweetpotato whitefly adults with foliar insecticide alternatives in spring cantaloupes, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E38), 1-2. doi:10.1093/amt/tsv094
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Control of sweetpotato whitefly adults with foliar neonicotinoid insecticides in spring cantaloupes, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E39), 1-2. doi:10.1093/amt/tsv095
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Cross-spectrum insect control with foliar insecticides in Broccoli, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E32), 1-2.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Efficacy of Sivanto against green peach on green cabbage, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E34), 1-2.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Evaluation of insecticides for control of western flower thrips on romaine lettuce, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E2), 1-2. doi:10.1093/amt/tsv098
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Evaluation of sequoia and movento for control of western flower thrips on head lettuce, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E40), 1-2. doi:doi: 10.1093/amt/tsv096
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Soil-surface applied insecticides for control of bagrada hilaris In broccoli, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E31), 1-2.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015). Sweetpotato whitefly control with soil insecticides applied through drip chemigation in fall cantaloupes, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests, 40(E35), 1-2.
- Palumbo, J. C., & Carriere, Y. (2015). Association between Bagrada hilaris density and feeding damage in broccoli: Implications for pest management. Plant Health Progress, 16, 158-162. doi:doi:10.1094/PHP-RS-15-0024
- Palumbo, J. C., Prabhaker, N., Reed, D., Perring, T., Castle, S., & Huang, T. (2015). Susceptibility of Bagrada hilaris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) to Insecticides in Laboratory and Greenhouse Bioassays. Journal of Economic Entomology, 108, 672-682. doi:DOI: 10.1093/jee/tov010
- Carriere, Y. -., Nolte, K. D., Marsh, S. E., Degain, B., Hartfield, K. A., Ellers-Kirk, C., Dutilleul, L. P., van Leeuwen, W. J., & Palumbo, J. C. (2014). Assessing Transmission of Crop Diseases by Insect Vectors in a Landscape Context. Journal of Economic Entomology, 107(1), 10.
- Carriere, Y., Degain, B., Hartfield, K. A., Nolte, K. D., Marsh, S. E., Ellers-Kirk, C., Liesner, L., Dutilleul, P., & Palumbo, J. C. (2014). Assessing Transmission Of Crop Diseases By Insect Vectors In A Landscape Context. J. Econ. Entomol., 107(1), 1-10.
- Huang, T., Reed, D. A., Perring, T. M., & Palumbo, J. C. (2014). Feeding damage by Bagrada hilaris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) and impact on growth and chlorophyll content of Brassicaceous plant species. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 8(2), 89-100.More infoAbstract: Bagrada hilaris Burmeister is an invasive species native to the old world and is currently threatening commercial vegetable production in the southwestern USA. A series of no-choice experiments were conducted to investigate multiple plant responses in six Brassica crops to feeding by B. hilaris. Varying numbers of adults were caged onto cotyledon, 2-true leaf, and 4-true leaf-stage plants of broccoli, green cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and radish for a 48-h infestation period. Feeding damage on leaf surfaces, total leaf area, and relative chlorophyll content on plants of each crop were measured before and after the 48-h infestation period. In addition, dry weights and total leaf area for the 4-leaf-stage plants were measured at 21 days post-infestation to estimate the residual impacts on older plants. In all crops tested, feeding damage increased with greater numbers of B. hilaris adults caged on cotyledon and 2-leaf-stage plants. Significantly more feeding damage occurred on the upper (younger) two leaves than on the lower (older) two leaves of the 4-true leaf plants for all host plants suggesting that B. hilaris feeds preferentially on newer leaf tissue. Significant reductions in leaf area, relative chlorophyll content, and dry weight in all crops indicated negative impacts on plant growth by B. hilaris. Moreover, cotyledon and 2-leaf plants were more severely impacted by B. hilaris-induced injury than the 4-leaf plants, and kale appeared to be less sensitive to B. hilaris feeding than the other five Brassicaceous hosts. © 2014 The Author(s).
- Huang, T., Reed, D. A., Perring, T. M., & Palumbo, J. C. (2014). Host Selection Beheavior of Bagrada hilaris on commercial criuciferous hots plants.. Crop Protection, 59, 7-13.
- Huang, T., Reed, D. A., Perring, T. M., & Palumbo, J. C. (2014). Host selection behavior of Bagrada hilaris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) on commercial cruciferous host plants. Crop Protection, 59, 7-13.More infoAbstract: A series of host-choice tests were conducted under greenhouse conditions to evaluate the host selection behavior of the Bagrada bug, Bagrada hilaris on commercial cruciferous seedlings. In addition, a separate choice test was conducted to investigate the selection behavior of B. hilaris adults for broccoli plants of various growth stages: cotyledon, 1-leaf, 2-leaf, and 4-leaf plant stages. In comparing host selection among the commercial seedlings, observations on host attractiveness, host acceptance and host susceptibility of the cruciferous cultivars to B.hilaris adults were measured by recording numbers of adults per plant, the time at which feeding damage was first observed, and the time plant mortality occurred for each cultivar, respectively. Results showed that significantly more adult B.hilaris were attracted to a commercial radish cultivar than all other hosts, followed by red and green cabbage. Measurements of host acceptance varied among the cruciferous cultivars, however in terms of feeding damage, alyssum, arugula and broccoli appeared to be relatively less acceptable hosts for B.hilaris. Similarly, all host plants were susceptible to B.hilaris feeding damage and plant mortality varied among cultivars. In the broccoli growth-stage trials, experiments were designed in a similar fashion except that the experiment was conducted in plastic cages. A greater number of B.hilaris adults were attracted to 4-leaf-stage broccoli than other growth stages, but feeding damage was observed more quickly on cotyledon-stage plants. The implications of these findings for developing alternative pest management approaches for B.hilaris in commercial cruciferous crops are discussed. © 2014 The Authors.
- Huang, T., Reed, D. A., Perring, T. M., & Palumbo, J. C. (2013). Diel activity and behavior of Bagrada hilaris. J. Econ. Entomol, 106, 1726-1738.
- Huang, T., Reed, D. A., Perring, T. M., & Palumbo, J. C. (2013). Diel activity and behavior of bagrada hilaris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) on desert cole crops. Journal of Economic Entomology, 106(4), 1726-1738.More infoPMID: 24020287;Abstract: Patterns of diel activity and behavior of the Bagrada bug, Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), were investigated in a series of field and greenhouse experiments in Yuma, AZ. Adults of B. hilaris were monitored by on-site direct observation on broccoli and cauliflower plants in large-block experimental plots at various intervals throughout consecutive 24-h periods. In the field trials, mean number of B. hilaris adults differed among sampling times, with peak abundance observed consistently between 1300 and 1800 hours. There was a positive correlation between temperature and numbers of B. hilaris adults in all fields, and a negative relationship between humidity and adult numbers in 7 of 12 fields. Significant relationships between temperature and B. hilaris numbers were revealed in regression models for all trials. Slopes were not significantly different among all broccoli blocks or in three of the four cauliflower fields. In greenhouse studies, mating occurred throughout the day but peaked between 1000 and 1600 hours. Females of B. hilaris caused more feeding damage than males on the first true leaf of broccoli, and additional differences in behavior between sexes were observed. Our results suggest that higher temperatures increase field activity and influence the behavior of adult B. hilaris, and temperature is a more reliable indicator to predict the activity of B. hilaris than other environmental parameters measured. The implications of these findings for developing monitoring and management programs for B. hilaris in cruciferous crops are discussed. © 2013 Entomological Society of America.
- Huang, T., Reed, D. A., Perring, T. M., & Palumbo, J. C. (2014). Feeding damage by Bagrada hilaris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) and impact on growth and chlorophyll content of Brassicaceous. Arthropod-Plant Interaction, 8(1).
- Reed, D. A., Palumbo, J. C., Perring, T. M., & May, C. (2013). Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister), a new stink bug attacking cole. J Integ. Pest Mngmt., 3(4).
- Nolte, K., Palumbo, J., & Bealmear, S. (2012). Drip Chemigation of Insecticides as a Pest Management Tool in Vegetable Production.. J. Integ. Pest Mngmt, 3(3).More infodoi.org/10.1603/IPM10022
- Nolte, K., Palumbo, J., & Bealmear, S. (2012). The Relative Physiology and Phenology Of Cucurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder Virus (CYSDV) In Desert Grown Muskmelon (Cucumis melo, var. reticulatus). The Journal of the NACAA, 4.
- Palumbo, J. (2012). APHID CONTROL WITH SIVANTO IN ROMAINE LETTUCE. Arthropod Management Tests, 37.More infodoi: 10.4182/amt.2012.E32
- Palumbo, J. (2012). CONTROL OF BAGRADA HILARIS WITH CONVENTIONAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INSECTICIDES ON BROCCOLI, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37.More infodoi: 10.4182/amt.2012.E8
- Palumbo, J. (2012). CONTROL OF BAGRADA HILARIS WITH INSECTICIDES IN BROCCOLI, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37.More infodoi: 10.4182/amt.2012.E11
- Palumbo, J. (2012). CONTROL OF SWEETPOTATO WHITEFLY ADULTS AND VIRUS INCIDENCE WITH FOLIAR INSECTICIDES ON SPRING MELONS. Arthropod Management Tests, 37.More infodoi: 10.4182/amt.2012.E18
- Palumbo, J. (2012). CONTROL OF SWEETPOTATO WHITEFLY ADULTS WITH NOVEL FOLIAR INSECTICIDES, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37.More infodoi: 10.4182/amt.2012.E10
- Palumbo, J. (2012). CROSS-SPECTRUM INSECT CONTROL WITH VERIMARK IN HEAD LETTUCE, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37.More infodoi: 10.4182/amt.2012.E9
- Palumbo, J. (2012). EVALUATION OF NEONICOTINOID AND PYRETHROID MIXTURES FOR CONTROL OF WHITEFLIES ON BROCCOLI. Arthropod Management Tests, 37.More infodoi: 10.4182/amt.2012.E11
- Palumbo, J. (2012). GREEN PEACH APHID CONTROL ON CABBAGE WITH NOVEL INSECTICIDES, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37.More infodoi: 10.4182/amt.2012.E14
- Palumbo, J. (2012). SOIL-SURFACE APPLIED SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDES FOR CONTROL OF WHITEFLY IN BROCCOLI. Arthropod Management Tests, 37.More infodoi: 10.4182/amt.2012.E12
- Palumbo, J. (2012). SWEETPOTATO WHITEFLY CONTROL WITH CLOSER ON SPRING MELONS, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37.More infodoi: 10.4182/amt.2012.E29
- Palumbo, J. (2012). WESTERN FLOWER THRIPS CONTROL WITH TORAC ON HEAD LETTUCE, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37.More infodoi: 10.4182/amt.2012.E31
- Palumbo, J. C., Crowder, D., Li, ., Ellsworth, ., Naranjo, S., Palumbo, ., Fournier, ., Antilla, ., & Tabashni, . (2012). Large-scale, spatially-explicit test of the refuge strategy for delaying insecticide resistance. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci, 109(3), 775-780.
- Palumbo, J., & Palumbo, J. (2012). WESTERN FLOWER THRIPS CONTROL ON FALL HEAD LETTUCE, 2011. Arthropod Management Tests, 37.More infodoi: 10.4182/amt.2012.E20
- Perring, T., Reed, D., Palumbo, J., Grasswitz, ., Bundy, C., Jones, W., Pappas, M., & Royer, ,. (2012). Bagrada Bug, Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister) Family Pentatomidae. USDA-NIFA, National Pest Alert,.
- Castle, S., & Palumbo, J. (2011). Cantaloupe Insects: Ecology and Control. Encyclopedia of Pest Management, 21.More infodoi.org/10.1081/E-EPM-120041167
- Li, X., Degain, ., Harpold, V., Marcon, P., Nichols, ., Fournier, A. J., Naranjo, ., Palumbo, J., & Ellsworth, P. (2011). Baseline susceptibilities of B- and Q-biotype Bemisia tabaci to anthranilic diamides in Arizona. Pest Mgmt Sci.More infoDOI: 10.1002/ps.2227
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Adult Whitefly Control In Cantaloupes With New Foliar Insecticides. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Control Of Bagrada Hilaris With Foliar Insecticides On Broccoli. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Control Of Sweetpotato Whitefly And Virus Incidence With Foliar And Soil Insecticides On Cantaloupes. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Cross-Spectrum Insect Control With Novel Insecticides On Cantaloupes, 2010. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Evaluation Of Soil Systemic Insecticides For Control Of Bagrada Hilaris On Broccoli. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Evaluation Of Experimental Insecticides Against Bagrada Hilaris On Broccoli, 2010. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Evaluation Of Green Peach Aphid Control On Cabbage With Diamide Insecticides. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Evaluation Of New Insecticides For Control Of Lepidopterous Larvae On Head Lettuce. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Evaluation Of Sulfoxaflor For Whitefly Control In Cantaloupes,. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Foliar And Soil Applied Insecticides For Control Of Beet Armyworm Larvae On Head Lettuce. Arthropod Management Tests, 36, 1-4.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Green Peach Aphid Control On Cabbage With Soil And Foliar Insecticides. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Influence Of Adjuvants And Spray Timing Of Movento On Aphid Contamination And Crop Injury In Baby Spinach. Plant Health Progress.More infodoi:10.1094/PHP-2011-0630-01-RS
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Lettuce Aphid Control On Head Lettuce With Soil And Foliar Insecticides. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Seed Corn Maggot Control With In-Furrow Sprays And Seed Treatments On Cantaloupes. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Sweetpotato Whitefly Control With Novel Foliar Insecticides On Broccoli. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Sweetpotato Whitefly Control With Soil Systemic Insecticides On Broccoli, 2009. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Sweetpotato Whitefly Control With Soil Systemic Insecticides On Broccoli, 2010. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Western Flower Thrips Control With Radiant On Romaine Lettuce, 2010. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Western Flower Thrips Control With Tolfenpyrad On Head Lettuce, Spring 2010. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Palumbo, J. (2011). Whitefly Control In Cantaloupes With Soil Insecticides, 2010. Arthropod Management Tests, 36.
- Castle, S. J., Goodell, P. B., & Palumbo, J. C. (2009). Implementing principles of the integrated control concept 50 years later - Current challenges in IPM for arthropod pests. Pest Management Science, 65(12), 1263-1264.More infoPMID: 19890882;
- Castle, S., Palumbo, J., & Prabhaker, N. (2009). Newer insecticides for plant virus disease management. Virus Research, 141(2), 131-139.More infoPMID: 19152818;Abstract: Effective management of insect and mite vectors of plant pathogens is of crucial importance to minimize vector-borne diseases in crops. Pesticides play an important role in managing vector populations by reducing the number of individuals that can acquire and transmit a virus, thereby potentially lowering disease incidence. Certain insecticides exhibit properties other than lethal toxicity that affect feeding behaviours or otherwise interfere with virus transmission. To evaluate the potential of various treatments against the Bemisia tabaci-transmitted Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV), insecticide field trials were conducted in Yuma, AZ, USA, during spring and autumn growing seasons. Differences in vector-intensity each season led to mixed results, but at least five insecticide treatments showed promise in limiting virus spread during spring 2008. Increasing concern among growers in this region regarding recent epidemics of CYSDV is leading to more intensive use of insecticides that threatens to erupt into unmanageable resistance. Sustainability of insecticides is an important goal of pest management and more specifically resistance management, especially for some of the most notorious vector species such as B. tabaci and Myzus persiscae that are likely to develop resistance.
- Palumbo, J. C., & Castle, S. J. (2009). IPM for fresh-market lettuce production in the desert southwest: The produce paradox. Pest Management Science, 65(12), 1311-1320.More infoPMID: 19842090;Abstract: In the 'Integrated Control Concept', Stern et al. emphasized that, although insecticides are necessary for agricultural production, they should only be used as a last resort and as a complement to biological control. They argued that selective insecticide use should only be attempted after it has been determined that insect control with naturally occurring biotic agents is not capable of preventing economic damage. However, they concluded their seminal paper by emphasizing that integrated control will not work where natural enemies are inadequate or where economic thresholds are too low to rely on biological control. Thus, it is no surprise that insect control in high-value, fresh-market lettuce crops grown in the desert southwest have relied almost exclusively on insecticides to control a complex of mobile, polyphagous pests. Because lettuce and leafy greens are short-season annual crops with little or no tolerance for insect damage or contamination, biological control is generally considered unacceptable. High expectations from consumers for aesthetically appealing produce free of pesticide residues further forces vegetable growers to use chemical control tactics that are not only effective but safe. Consequently, scientists have been developing integrated pest management (IPM) programs for lettuce that are aimed at reducing the economic, occupational and dietary risks associated with chemical controls of the past. Most of these programs have drawn upon the integrated control concept and promote the importance of understanding the agroecosystem, and the need to sample for pest status and use action thresholds forcost-effective insect control. More recently, pest management programs have implemented newly developed, reduced-risk chemistries that are selectively efficacious against key pests. This paper discusses the influence that the integrated control concept, relative to zero-tolerance market standards and other constraints, has had on the adoption of pest management in desert lettuce crops. © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry.
- Castle, S. J., Toscano, N. C., Prabhaker, N., Henneberry, T. J., & Palumbo, J. C. (2002). Field evaluation of different insecticide use strategies as resistance management and control tactics for Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research, 92(6), 449-460.More infoPMID: 17598296;Abstract: Various insecticide use strategies including rotations, sequential use, and mixtures were evaluated experimentally on Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in California and Arizona (USA) cotton fields. Toxicological responses of adult B. tabaci were measured along with preimaginal densities and cotton yields from plots subjected to different insecticide regimens. Weekly monitoring for susceptibility changes over ten consecutive weeks in four different trials failed to detect significant differences between sequential use and rotation regimens, nor in comparison to the control plots. There were, however, significant differences among study-site locations and between study years as well as significant within-season time effects. Relative infestations in insecticide-treated plots expressed as a percentage of preimaginal densities in control plots indicated that better control was obtained by all insecticide treatments in conjunction with higher susceptibility levels observed in the second year. Lower preimaginal densities of B. tabaci were measured in the rotation treatment in comparison to sequential treatments of endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, or amitraz, but all were less effective than sequential treatments of bifenthrin or the mixture of bifenthrin + endosulfan. Cotton lint yields were inversely related to B. tabaci densities, with highest yields in the bifenthrin and mixture plots and lowest yields in the control plots. Suppression of B. tabaci infestations in insecticide-treated plots relative to untreated control plots also improved under conditions of lower B. tabaci pressure. The increases in cotton yield and susceptibility to insecticides seen in the current study support the trend observed in the southwestern USA of improved management of B. tabaci despite continuing intensive use of insecticides.
- Palumbo, J. C., Horowitz, A. R., & Prabhaker, N. (2001). Insecticidal control and resistance management for Bemisia tabaci. Crop Protection, 20(9), 739-765.More infoAbstract: Historically, Bemisia tabaci has been difficult to control with conventional insecticides in agronomic and horticultural production systems. In the past 10 years, new insecticide chemistries have been introduced that provide a diversity of novel modes of action and routes of activity to effectively control whiteflies. The chemistries that have had the most immediate impact on B. tabaci control include the nicotinoids and insect growth regulators (IGRs). The nicotinoids are systemic neurotoxins that target acetylcholine receptors in the insect nervous system. Imidacloprid, the first nicotinoid registered, has been largely responsible for the sustained management of B. tabaci in horticultural production systems worldwide. The non-neurotoxic IGRs, including buprofezin, a chitin synthesis inhibitor, and pyriproxyfen, a juvenile hormone analog, have also played important roles in controlling B. tabaci, particularly on cotton in North America and Israel. Collectively, the novel biochemical attributes and biological activities of these insecticides make them extremely effective. Consequently, intensive use of these products in some production systems has resulted in reduced susceptibility of B. tabaci. Insecticide resistance management strategies based on the structured and restricted use of these new modes of action, and coupled with the use of cultural and biological pest management tactics, presently provides the best model for combating insecticide resistance in B. tabaci. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Palumbo, J. C., Toscano, N. C., Blua, M. J., & Yoshida, H. A. (2000). Impact of Bemisia whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on alfalfa growth, forage yield, and quality. Journal of Economic Entomology, 93(6), 1688-1694.More infoPMID: 11142299;Abstract: A 3-yr project was initiated in 1993 to examine the effects of insecticides and sustained whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring [aka. B. tabaci Gennadius (Strain B)], feeding on alfalfa plant growth and vigor in greenhouse cage studies, and to determine the impact of natural Bemisia whitefly populations on alfalfa forage yields and quality in a large-plot field experiment. Alfalfa plant growth and vigor after exposure to imidacloprid and a mixture of fenpropathrin and acephale insecticides did not differ from untreated plants in the greenhouse. Consequently, foliar and soil applied insecticides were used to manipulate whitefly densities on alfalfa plants to measure whitefly feeding effects on plant growth and forage yield. Heavy whitefly densities on untreated alfalfa plants in the greenhouse resulted in significant reductions in relative growth rates and net assimilation rates as compared with imidacloprid-treated plants that were maintained relatively whitefly-free. Reductions in alfalfa plant growth measured between infested and treated plants were proportional to whitefly densities. Field plot results derived from three crop seasons were relatively consistent with our greenhouse trials. Both experimental approaches clearly showed that alfalfa plants exposed to high densities of whitefly immatures and adults grew at a significantly slower rate and produced less foliage. As a result of reduced growth rates, alfalfa maturity in the naturally infested plots was estimated to be ≈7-10 d behind managed plots. Delays in maturity resulted in significant reductions in forage yields of 13-18% during August-September harvests when whitefly populations reached peak abundance. Whitefly feeding stresses also effected hay quality through the reduction of crude protein content and contamination of foliage with honeydew and sooty mold. The status of the Bemisia whiteflies as an economic pest to alfalfa is clearly evident from these studies, but the damage potential of whiteflies in the southwestern United States appears to be restricted to one or two harvest periods during the summer coinciding with peak adult populations and their dispersal from alternate host crops. © 2000 Entomological Society of America.
- Kerns, D. L., Palumbo, J. C., & Byrne, D. N. (1998). Relative susceptibility of red and green color forms of green peach aphid to insecticides. Southwestern Entomologist, 23(1), 17-24.More infoAbstract: Field populations of green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), were collected from five produce fields near Yuma, Arizona. Three of the fields sampled contained both red and green-colored forms, while the remaining two fields contained only green-colored green peach aphids. Red-colored aphids were consistently more resistant to dimethoate and lambda-cyhalothrin, and usually more resistant to endosulfan than green-colored aphids collected from the same field. Slight differences in susceptibility to imidacloprid suggest that development of resistance is a possibility and justifies close resistance monitoring. Susceptibility to imidacloprid was not influenced by color form. We detected little or no differences in susceptibility to acephate, mevinphos or bifenthrin.
- Kerns, D. L., Palumbo, J. C., & Tellez, T. (1998). Resistance of Field Strains of Beet Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from Arizona and California to Carbamate Insecticides. Journal of Economic Entomology, 91(5), 1038-1043.More infoAbstract: Beet armyworms, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner), were collected from spinach, Spinacia oleracea L., lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., cantaloupe, Cucumis melo L., and alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., and their F1 progeny were evaluated for resistance to methomyl and thiodicarb. No resistance or high levels of resistance were detected to methomyl by using a topical bioassay. Agricultural areas containing a large hectarage of produce crops where methomyl is extensively used throughout most of the year primarily yielded the highest levels of resistance. The highest level of resistance detected came from a strain collected in Imperial County, CA, having a resistance ratio of 552-fold. Low levels of resistance were primarily associated with areas with a small hectarage of produce crops. Detection of high levels of methomyl resistance represents a dramatic shift in susceptibility since 1989. Beet armyworms collected from alfalfa before and after an insecticide application containing methomyl exhibited 101-fold and 450-fold resistance, respectively, suggesting selection for resistance. Beet armyworm strains resistant to methomyl were found cross-resistant to thiodicarb when using a diet incorporation bioassay. However, resistance ratios for thiodicarb never exceeded 5-fold. Similarly, when methomyl was bioassayed using a diet incorporation technique resistance ratios never exceeded 5-fold suggesting that the diet incorporation bioassay may underestimate the severity of resistance or that methomyl resistance may involve cuticular penetration.
- Coates, W., & Palumbo, J. (1997). Deposition, off-target movement, and efficacy of capture™ and thiodan™ applied to cantaloupes using five sprayers. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 13(2), 181-188.More infoAbstract: Five sprayers were tested to assess deposition efficiency, whitefly control, cantaloupe yield, and off-target movement. These were: an Electrostatic Spraying Systems sprayer (with the charging circuit on and off), a Micromax CDA without air assist, a DeGanya (FMC) with air assist, and a conventional twin nozzle system. The ESS-on and FMC had the highest deposition efficiency on the leaf undersides, and the conventional the lowest. Deposition on the leaf undersides decreased as the canopy closed, with the FMC showing lesser decreases than the ESS systems. For the first two application dates, the ESS-on and ESS-off were associated with greater insect control than the CDA or conventional systems. Later in the season no differences were detected. Overall, cantaloupe yields were not significantly different than for the untreated control. The ESS systems, however, were associated with significantly greater yield of no. 12 cantaloupes than the untreated control. Off-target movement was significantly greater for the FMC than any other system, except the conventional.
- Yee, W. L., Toscano, N. C., Palumbo, J. C., Blua, M. J., & Yoshida, H. A. (1997). Seasonal Population Trends of Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on Alfalfa in Southern California and Arizona. Environmental Entomology, 26(2), 241-249.More infoAbstract: The whitefly Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring has been a major pest of crops in the southwestern United States since 1991. However, there has been no published information on whitefly populations on alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., a major crop found through-out this region. In this study, adult and immature Bemisia argentifolii were collected every 2 or 4 wk in 22 commercial fields of alfalfa within localized sites in the Imperial Valley, CA, and in Yuma, AZ, from June 1993 to January 1996. Populations of all stages of whiteflies on alfalfa were low or nonexistent from December to May at both sites. In the Imperial Valley, adult populations increased in June and peaked during September, and decreased from October to November. In Yuma, adult populations peaked during August, and decreased late October to November. Populations of eggs, 1st to 4th instars, late 4th instars, and exuviae at both sites increased in June, July, and August. Compared with densities of eggs and nymphs, densities of exuviae were low on alfalfa. In the Imperial Valley, adult populations were significantly higher in 1993 than in 1995, and in Yuma, adult populations were higher in 1993 than 1994. Greater populations of whiteflies were found in Imperial Valley than in Yuma in 1993 and 1994. Densities of whiteflies of all stages were similar among fields within sites during the season. Eggs were distributed evenly among leaves from top, middle, and bottom strata of plants, whereas nymphs were found mostly on those from the middle and bottom strata. Low percentages of parasitized whitefly nymphs (
- Byrne, D. N., Rathman, R. J., Orum, T. V., & Palumbo, J. C. (1996). Localized migration and dispersal by the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. Oecologia, 105(3), 320-328.More infoAbstract: Laboratory populations of the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, have been shown to consist of both migratory and trivial flying morphs. The behavior of these forms as part of the process of short-range migration was examined under field conditions. Insects were marked in a field of melons using fluorescent dust during two consecutive growing seasons. During the first growing season, passive traps used to collect living whiteflies, were placed along 16 equally spaced transects radiating from the field to a distance of up to 1.0 km. Wind out of the north-east consistently carried migrating whiteflies to traps placed along transects in the southwestern quadrant because cold air drainages dictate wind direction during early morning hours in the desert Southwest. For this reason, during the second season traps were laid out over fallow ground in a rectangular grid extending 2.7 km to the south-west of the marked field. If dispersal was entirely passive, patterns could be described using a diffusion model. Statistical examination of the data, however, demonstrated that the distribution on all days was patchy. Geostatistical techniques were used to describe the observed patchiness. Traps in the immediate vicinity of the marked field caught more whiteflies than the daily median. Large numbers were also collected from near the periphery of the grid. Whiteflies were far less prevalent in the grid's center. As a result, the distribution of captured whiteflies can be described as bimodal. These patterns confirm behavior observed in the laboratory, i.e., a portion of the population are trivial fliers that do not engage in migration and are consequently captured in traps near the field, and a portion initially respond to cues associated with skylight, ignoring cues provided by the ground, and fly for a period of time before landing in distant traps. During both years movement out of the field had an exaggerated directional component on 13 of 14 days.
- Natwick, E. T., Palumbo, J. C., & Engle, C. E. (1996). Effects of imidacloprid on colonization of aphids and silverleaf whitefly and growth, yield and phytotoxicity in cauliflower. Southwestern Entomologist, 21(3), 283-292.More infoAbstract: Imidacloprid transplant drench root plug treatments of cauliflower and imidacloprid treatments proplant in-furrow soil injections were evaluated for their effects on colonization of silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows and Perring, green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus). Whitefly treatments included imidacloprid root plug treatments of 180, 270, and 360 g AI/ha, an in-furrow treatment of 360 g AI/ha, and an untreated control. Aphid treatments included imidacloprid root plug treatments of 90, 180, and 270 g AI/ha, an in-furrow treatment of 360 g AI/ha, and an untreated control. The untreated control plants had significantly greater numbers of apterous aphids and whitefly nymphs than imidacloprid treatments. The imidacloprid in-furrow treatment had significantly fewer whitefly immatures than other treatments on several sampling dates. Phytotoxicity evaluations revealed some leaf tissue necrosis from root plug treatments of imidacloprid during the fall planting. Plant growth was re retarded, harvest was delayed, and yield of kg of marketable heads was lower for the untreated control cauliflower plants due to higher whitefly infestation. Reduced yields due to aphids was not observed in the fall planting.
- Palumbo, J. C., & Coates, W. E. (1996). Air-assisted electrostatic application of pyrethroid and endosulfan mixtures for sweetpotato whitefly (Homoptera: Alerodidae) control and spray deposition in cauliflower. Journal of Economic Entomology, 89(4), 970-980.More infoAbstract: Pyrethroid and endosulfan mixtures applied at full and reduced rates with 3 application methods (air-assisted electrostatic, air-assisted hydraulic, and standard hydraulic sprayers) were evaluated in field studies in 1992 and 1993 for control of sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci strain B (Gennadius), also known as silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows and Perring, and spray deposition on cauliflower. Brassiva oleracea L. Evaluations of sweetpotato whitefly control were based on adult suppression, immature colonization, and cauliflower harvests. Spray deposition and coverage on abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces was measured with a leaf wash technique and water sensitive cards placed on leaves near the terminal and base of plants. Depending on how control was assessed, the air-assisted electrostatic application technique did not consistently improve sweetpotato control when compared with hydraulic application equipment. Based on adult suppression, improved control of whiteflies was achieved with full and reduced rates of the air-assisted electrostatic sprayer following 2 applications in 1992, but percentage of reduction of adults did not differ significantly among the application methods when full rates of insecticide were applied in 1993. Control based on immature colonization indicated that the air-assisted electrostatic sprayer was the only spray method to reduce significantly nymph densities when compared with the control in 1992, but differences in numbers of eggs, nymphs, and enclosed pupal cases varied among application methods and rates of active ingredient in 1993. Comparisons of cauliflower harvest dates indicated that the air-assisted electrostatic sprayer did not provide significantly better control than the other application methods when used at similar rates. Spray deposition with the air-assisted electrostatic application technique was variable throughout these studies with no clear trends being observed. Our results suggest the air-assisted electrostatic sprayer may offer a means to control sweetpotato whitefly with a 50% reduction in insecticide usage.
- Tonhasca Jr., A., Palumbo, J. C., & Byrne, D. N. (1996). Evaluation of the power law and patchiness regressions with regression diagnostics. Journal of Economic Entomology, 89(6), 1477-1484.More infoAbstract: We used regression diagnostics to evaluate the robustness of the least-squares regression method for estimating the power law and patchiness regression parameters for 3 data sets of insect counts, specifically for the Bemisia argentifolii Bellows and Perring and the squash bug, Anasa tristis (De Geer). Extreme values in the independent variable, x, and dependent variable, y, were detected with the leverage term, h(i), and standardized residuals, e(s) respectively. The assumption of homogeneity of variances was evaluated with plots of e(s) against x for all regressions, and significant autocorrelations were tested with the Durbin-Watson statistic. For both techniques, we compared least-squares regression results for all data with regressions obtained after outlier data points were removed. We also calculated power law regressions excluding means (m)
- Palumbo, J. C. (1995). Developmental rate of Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on lettuce as a function of temperature. Southwestern Entomologist, 20(4), 461-465.
- Riley, D. G., & Palumbo, J. C. (1995). Action thresholds for Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in Cantaloupe. Journal of Economic Entomology, 88(6), 1733-1738.
- Riley, D. G., & Palumbo, J. C. (1995). Interaction of silverleaf whitefly (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) with cantaloupe yield. Journal of Economic Entomology, 88(6), 1726-1732.
- Jnr, A. T., Palumbo, J. C., & Byrne, D. N. (1994). Distribution patterns of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in cantaloupe fields in Arizona. Environmental Entomology, 23(4), 949-954.
- Palumbo, J. C., & Kerns, D. L. (1994). Effects of imidacloprid as a soil treatment on colonization of green peach aphid and marketability of lettuce. Southwestern Entomologist, 19(4), 339-346.
- Palumbo, J. C., Jnr, C. M., & Reyes, F. J. (1994). Composition, seasonal abundance, and parasitism of Liriomyza (Diptera: Agromyzidae) species on lettuce in Arizona. Journal of Economic Entomology, 87(4), 1070-1077.
- Tonhasca Jr., A., Palumbo, J. C., & Byrne, D. N. (1994). Aggregation patterns of Bemisia tabaci in response to insecticide applications. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 72(3), 265-272.More infoAbstract: We measured the effect of insecticide applications on the distribution patterns of the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), in fields of cantaloupe, Cucumis melo L., in Yuma, Arizona. Whitefly infestations were measured by counts of adults, eggs, first to mid/fourth instars, and late-fourth instars ('red-eyed') nymphs. Adults were sampled from the entire leaf, and immature stages were counted in a 1-cm2 area of a leaf. The indices b (Power Law), β (Patchiness regression) and Id (Morisita) indicated that all life stages were aggregated, but results for the three indices were not similar for determining the relative aggregation levels between treatments. In general, indices β and Id indicated higher aggregation in insecticide-treated fields, whereas b had mixed results. The Morisita index was sensitive to a few unusually high means among a series of low densities in the treatment plots, what could be attributed to refuges due to failure in the insecticide applications. Despite the usefulness of the Power Law and the Patchiness regression for describing the relationship between spatial or temporal variability and mean densities, we suggest that Id is more appropriate for expression of spatial distribution because it is based on a precise definition of aggregation. © 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Tonhasca Jr., A., Palumbo, J. C., & Byrne, D. N. (1994). Binomial sampling plans for estimating Bemisia tabaci populations in cantaloupes. Researches on Population Ecology, 36(2), 181-186.More infoAbstract: Early season infestations of the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), on cantaloupes, Cucumis melo L., were determined by counts of the number of adults per leaf in fields near Yuma, Arizona. We used these data to develop binomial sampling plans based on the relationship between mean densities of whiteflies per leaf, m, and proportion of leaves infested with more than I whiteflies, P I, according to the empirical model ln m=a′+b′ ln[-ln(1-P I)]. The models were developed for the presence-absence approach (I=0) and for a cutoff value of three whiteflies per leaf (I=3). Four independent data sets were used to evaluate the models. Both methods yielded reliable predictions at low infestation levels, but some of the higher m values were overestimated. As the tentative economic threshold for B. tabaci is three adults per leaf, which corresponds to low P I values, results of the binomial sampling were satisfactory for pest management purposes. © 1994 Society of Population Ecology.
- Cartwright, B., Palumbo, J. C., & Fargo, W. S. (1990). Influence of crop mulches and row covers on the population dynamics of the squash bug (Heteroptera: Coreidae) on summer squash. Journal of Economic Entomology, 83(5), 1988-1993.More infoAbstract: Cucurbita pepo var. melopepo grown in mulched plots had consistently larger Anasa tristis populations than those grown in bare ground. Row covers delayed squash bug colonization but when the covers were removed to allow plant pollination, squash bug colonized quickly. Mulch covers provide a harborage for squash bug adults and nymphs -from Authors
- Palumbo, J. C., Watson, T. F., & Bergman, D. K. (1990). Globemallow, Sphaeralcea spp., as reproductive hosts for the boll weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Arizona. Journal of Economic Entomology, 83(2), 392-397.More infoAbstract: Female Anthonomus grandis that had attained reproductive status on cotton squares consistently failed to oviposit into flower buds of 2 species of Sphaeralcea, whose buds may contain chemical deterrents. Female boll weevils attained reproductive maturity after feeding exclusively on buds of S. emoryi. -from Authors
Proceedings Publications
- Palumbo, J. (2012, January). Interactions between Insects and Weeds in Vegetable Crops. In California Weed Science Society Annual Meeting.More info1/24/2012
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, February). Insecticide Efficacy Research: A 30-Year Perspective. NAICC Annual Meeting. Virtual on-line: National Association of Independent Crop consultants.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Nov). Areawide Monitoring of Diamondback Moth: Implications for IPM and Resistance Management. ESA 2021 Annual Meeting, Member Symposium - Insect Trapping Networks: Using Areawide Trap Data to Improve Pest Management. Virtual recorded presentation-on line: ESA.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, October). Insect Management in Fall Produce. CAPCA Annual Meeting. Virtual on-line: California Association of Pest Control Advisers.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, October). Spinetoram in Leafy Greens Podcast. Spinetoram Podcasts. Podcast recorded in October 2020: VIVAYIC/Corteva.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, October). When in Doubt, Scout. CAPCA Annual Meeting (virtual recorded). Virtual on-line: California Association of Pest Control Advisers.
- Palumbo, J. C., & Richardson, J. T. (2020, October). How Spinosad Successfully Transformed Insect Management in Leafy Vegetables. ESA 2020 Annual Meeting - “From rum stills to cotton gins and head lettuce to head lice: The remarkable development of spinosad for all”, Member symposium,. Virtual on-line: ESA.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, April). New Technology for Insect Managemnt in Produce and Melon Crops. CAPCA Spring Summit. Temecula, CA: CA Pest Contol Association.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, March). Biology and Management of Diamondback Moth. FMC Grower Innovation Meeting. Monterey, CA: FMC.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, March). Inscalis in Desert Cropping Systems. Inscalis National Launch Conferance. Santa Barbara, CA: BASF.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, May). New Insecticides for Desert Vegetable and Melons. AZ Crop Protection Assoc. - Desert Ag Conference. Phoenix, AZ: AZ Crop Protection Assoc..
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, May). Unusual Insects Found on Desert Crops. AZ Crop Protection Assoc. - Desert Ag Conference. Phoenix, AZ: AZ Crop Protection Assoc..
- Dixon, W. A., Dixon, W. A., Carriere, Y., Carriere, Y., Palumbo, J. C., Palumbo, J. C., Fournier, A. J., Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., & Ellsworth, P. C. (2018, November). Proactive Resistance Management: Can We Predict, and Ultimately Delay, Resistance Development in Whiteflies Across the Agricultural Landscape?. IRAC Symposium: Impact of Borders on Managing Insect Resistance Management, Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Aug). Aphid and Whitefly Management in Desert Production Systems. BASF Desert Innovation Symposium. San Diego, CA: BASF.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, July). Aphid Management in Desert Vegetables. Bayer Crop Science Vegetable Symposium. San Diego, CA: Bayer CropScience.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, July). Innovations in Insect Management. Gowan Co. Seminar Series. Yuma, AZ: Gowan Co..
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, May). Update on DBM in Arizona. AzCPA Desert Ag Conference. Phoenix, AZ: AZCPA.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Apr). Features from extension. PBESA - Student and Early Career Professional Employment Fair. Portland, OR: Entomological Society of America-Pacific Branch.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Apr). Stink Bugs and other Heteropteran Pests of Leafy Vegetables in the Southwestern U.S.. 2017 International Heteroptera Symposium. Seaside, CA: University of California, ANR.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Apr). Thrips management on desert lettuce: an historical perspective and future outlook. PBESA - Past, Present, and Future Approaches for Sustainable Thrips Management in a Changing Climate Symposium. Portland, OR: Entomological Society of america-Pacific Branch.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, May). Insecticide Resistance Associated with Diamondback Moth Outbreaks in Arizona. AZCPA, Desert Ag Conference. Chandler, AZ: Arizona Crop Protection Association.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, May). Recent Innovations in Insect Management and Evolution of Insecticide Chemistry. 15th Annaul Hawaii Agricultural Seminar and Tradeshow. Honolulu, HAwaii: CPS and Hawaii Dept of Agric..
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, May). Recent Innovations in Insecticide Chemistry. CAPCA Spring Summit. Temecula, CA: California Association of Pest Control Advisors.
- Richardson, J., & Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Apr). History of alfalfa pest management in the western US: insects, chemicals and the struggle.. PBESA - Advancements and Challenges in Alfalfa and Forage Pest Management: an Historical Perspective Symposium. Portland, OR: Entomological Society of America-Pacific Branch.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Apr). Management of the Bagtrada Big, Bagrada hilaris, on Cole Crops in the Desert Southwest. Pacific Branch, ESA Annual Meeting, Heterpopteran Symposium. Honolulu, Hawaii: Entomological Socitey of America.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Oct). Bagrada Bug: Research Ipdate. Yuma Center Of Excellence for Desert Agric. Annual Board Meeting. Yuma, AZ: Yuma Center Of Excellence for Desert Agric.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Sep). Innovations in Insect Management on Desert Vegetables. 2016 Dow AgroSciences Insecticide Meeting. Las Vegas, NV: Dow AgroSciences.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Feb). Bagrada Bug: Future for Western Vegeteable Growers. Yuma Center Of Excellence for Desert Agric. Annual Board Meeting. Yuma, AZ: Yuma Center Of Excellence for Desert Agric.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Mar). Insecticde Mixtures in Pest-Intensive, High Value Crops: Rationale and Recommendations. 8th International IPM Symposium. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, May). Managin Insect Vectors of Plant Diseases and Disorders. AZCPA, Desert Ag Conference. Chandler, AZ: Arizona Crop Protection Association.
- Palumbo, J. C., & Ellsworth, P. C. (2015, Nov). Whitefly Management in Arizona Vegetables: Are growers relying too much on chemistry?. ESA Annual Meeting, IRAC Symposium. Minneapolis, MN: Entomological Socitey of America.
- Palumbo, J. C., & Perring, T. M. (2015, Dec). History, status, and biology of Bagrada bug in the U.S. and management in desert cropping systems. Bagarad Bug Conference. Salinas, CA: California Certified Organic Farmers / California Department of Food and Agriculture.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Apr). Biology and management of an invasive stink bug, Bagrada hilaris, on desert cole crops.. Pacific Branch - ESA Meeting, Invasive Species Symposium. Tucson, AZ: Entomological Society of America.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Jun). Bagrada bug: An Invasive Threat to US Agriculture. Research Seminar. Gainesville, FL: Florida Dept of Agriculture, Plant Detection Service.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Mar). Sulfoxaflor on Vegetable in the USA. Sulfoxaflor International Conference. Subai, UAE: Dow AgroSciences.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Nov). Sequoia Vegetable Research and IPM Fit. Sequoia Insecticide California Launch Meeting. Monterey, CA: Dow AgroSciences.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Nov). Vegetable Insect Problems in Arizona. Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association’s Annual Conference. Pasco, WA: Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association.
- Palumbo, J. C., & Carriere, Y. (2014, Nov). Considering landscape composition for manageng Bemisia whitefly and CYSDV in Melons in Arizona. ESA Annual Meeting, Ecology and Management of Insect Vectors Symposium. Portland, OR: Entomological Society of America.
- Palumbo, J. C., Palumbo, J. C., Ellsworth, P. C., & Ellsworth, P. C. (2014, Apr). Influence of Cropping System on the Sustainability of Insecticide Efficacy. Pacific Branch- ESA Meeting, Lansdcape Ecology Symposium. Tucson, AZ: Entomological Society of America.
- Ellsworth, P. C., Li, X. -., Dennehy, T. J., Palumbo, J. C., Castle, S., Prabhaker, N., & Nichols, R. L. (2013, May). Is Monitoring Susceptibility of Bemisia tabaci to Insecticides Useful to Management?. First International Whitefly Symposium. Kolymbari, Crete, Greece.More info200 participants
- Ellsworth, P. C., Palumbo, J. C., Carriere, Y. -., Fournier, A. J., & Dixon, W. A. (2013, August). Appropriate Use of Your Data? Mapping Chemical Use Patterns. Arizona Pest Management Center Pesticide Use Database Advisory Committee. Yuma, AZ: Arizona Pest Management Center.More info12 participants
- Ellsworth, P. C., Palumbo, J. C., Carriere, Y. -., Fournier, A. J., & Dixon, W. A. (2013, September). Chemical Use Data & Resistance. Useful?. Late Summer La Paz County Agronomic Workshop. Elks Lodge, Parker, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.More info1 AZ CEU; 30 participants
- Jepson, P., Guzy, M., Dixon, W. A., Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., & Palumbo, J. C. (2013, March). Lettuce IPM Workshop: Better IPM, Better Pesticides, Better Environment for Lettuce Production. Southwest Ag Summit. Arizona Western College, Yuma, AZ: 2013 Southwest Ag Summit.More info50 participants. 2 AZ CEUs
- Jepson, P., Guzy, M., Dixon, W. A., Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., & Palumbo, J. C. (2013, March). Pesticide Use in Arizona Lettuce: Understanding and Reducing Risk. Southwest Ag Summit. Arizona Western College, Yuma, AZ: 2013 Southwest Ag Summit.More info100 participants. 1 AZ CEU, 1 CA CEU, 1 CCA
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Apr). Development of an IPM Program for the Invasive Bagrada Bug in Southwest Desert Vegetable Production Systems.. PBESA Annual Meeting - Invasive Species Symposium. Lake Tahoe, NV: Pacific Branch , Entomological Scoiety of America.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, April). Pest Control in Desert Crops: A Historical Perspective. Brawley Rotary Meeting. Brawley, CA: Brawley Rotary Club.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Aug). Breakthrough Chemistry in Desert Produce Crops. DuPont Vegetable Fieldman Summer Seminar. San Diego, CA: DuPont Crop Protection.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Feb). Development of Sulfoxaflor in Desert Lettuce and Melons. Dow AgriSciences Sulfoxaflor Research Exchange. Monterrey, CA: Dow AgroSciences.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Jun). Closer Vegetable Research for Desert IPM Programs. Closer Insecticide Launch Meeting. San Diego, CA: Dow AgroSciences.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, May). A Historical Perspective on IPM in Desert Crops. Desert Ag Conference. Casa Grande, AZ: Arizona Crop Protection Association.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, May). Progress Report on Bagrada Bugs on Desert Cole Crops. PAPA Annual Meeting. Holtville, CA: Pesticide Applicators Professional Association.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, May). Vegetable IPM Research Update. Desert Ag Conference. Casa Grande, AZ: Arizona Crop Protection Association.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Nov). Closer Vegetable Research and Fit In IPM Programs. Dow AgroSciences Coastal PCA Seminar. Monterrey, CA: Dow AgroSciences.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Nov). Impact of B. hilaris Feeding Damage on Cruciferous Crops in the Desert Southwest. Annual ESA Meeting-Bagrada Bug Symposium. Austin, TX: Entomological Society of America.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Nov). Status of Insect Pests on Leafy Vegetables in Arizona: Economic Impacts and Management. Annual ESA Meeting - Vegetable IPM Symposium. Austin, TX: Entomological Society of America.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Oct). Bagrada Bug: Biology and Management on Desert Cole Crops. CAPCA Annual Conference. Reno, NV: California Assoc. of Pest Crontrol Advisors.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2012). Advances in Insecticide Development for Vegetable Pest Management. 7th Internaltional IPM Symposium. Memphis, TN.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2012). Insects as Vectors of Plant Disease and Disorders. Desert Agri. Conf. Casa Grande, AZ: sponsored by the AZ Crop Protections Assoc.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2012). The Bagrada Bug: A New Invasive Pest. California Seed Asscociation Annaul Meeting,. San Diego, CA.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2012). The Produce Paradox: Yesterday, Today Tommorrow. Invited to Dow Agrisciences Labs. Indianapolis, IN: Dow Agrisciences Labs.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2012). Vegetable Insect Control in the Desert: Recent Trends, Recommendations & New Research. Vegetable and Citrus Consultants Meeting. San Diego, CA.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2012). Weeds & Their Management in Vegetables: Am Entomologist's Perspective. California Weed Science Society Annual Meeting. Sant Barbara, CA.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2011). IPM for Leafy Vegetables in the Desert : The Produce Paradox. Dow Agrosciences PCA Meeting,. Monterey, CA.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2011). Utilization of Insecticide Mixtures in Pest-Intensive Crops: Rationale, Rates and Recommendations. Annual ESA meeting. Reno, NV: IRAC Symposium.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2011). Vegetable Production in the Southwest U.S.: Management, Marketing & Myths. Syngenta Corp, Seminar Series,. Greensbourogh, NC.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2010). The Bagrada Bug: A New Invasive Pest of Desert Vegetables. Desert Ag Conference. Casa Grande, AZ: AZ Crop Protection Assoc.
Poster Presentations
- Ellsworth, P. C., Ellsworth, P. C., Prabhaker, N. P., Prabhaker, N. P., Castle, S. J., Castle, S. J., Brown, L. M., Brown, L. M., Dixon, W. A., Dixon, W. A., Carriere, Y. P., Carriere, Y. P., Palumbo, J. C., Palumbo, J. C., Fournier, A. J., Fournier, A. J., Naomi, P., & Naomi, P. (2018, March). Adoption of Proactive Resistance Management Practices to Control Bemisia Tabaci in Arizona and California. 9th International IPM Symposium. Baltimore, MD: USDA-National Instituted of Food and Agriculture.
- Pier, N., Ellsworth, P. C., Palumbo, J. C., Carriere, Y., Fournier, A. J., Castle, S., Dixon, W., & Brown, L. (2016, Sep). Proactive resistance management of Bemisia tabaci in the cross-commodity systems of Arizona and California. ICE/ESA Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL: ICE/ESA.
- Jegadesan, M., Hull, J., Raju, J. P., Huang, T., Palumbo, J. C., & Fabrick, J. (2013, July). Analysis of 16S bacterial ribosomal RNA to survey bacteria present in Arizona Bagrada hilaris. South Mountain Community College Student Symposium. South Mountain Community College Student Symposium, Pheonix, AZ.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Apr). 10. Insect Management on Spring Melons: Whiteflies (revised April 2021). UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 8, Apr 21, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Apr). 11. Whitefly Management in Spring Melons – 2021. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 8, Apr 21, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Apr). 4 Keys to Effective Aphid Management in Leafy Vegetables. Growing Produce -online. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/4-keys-effective-aphid-management-leafy-vegetables/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Apr). Whitefly Management on Spring Melons. Vegetables West. https://www.vegetableswest.com
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Aug). 17. Insect Management on Desert Produce and Melons: Pests at Stand Establishment (updated Aug 2021). UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 16, Aug 1, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Aug). 18. Bagrada Bug Management Tips – 2021. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 17, Aug 25, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Aug). Home Grown: Field Trials find INSV in summer weeds. KYMA, Yuma TV interview. https://kyma.com/news/home-grown/2021/08/02/home-grown-field-trials-find-insv-in-summer-weeds/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Aug). Tips To Get A Proper Insect Identification. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 69, No 6, Aug 2021. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/how-the-role-of-pest-control-advisor-came-to-be
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Aug). Want a proper Vegetable Insect pest identification? Here’s how to get it. Growing Produce -online. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/want-a-proper-vegetable-insect-pest-identification-heres-how-to-get-it/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Dec). 22. Pest Abundance on Desert Produce and Melon Cops in Fall 2021. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 25, Dec 15, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Feb). 2. Seed Corn Maggot in Spring Melons (Updated Jan 2021). UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 3, Feb 10, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Feb). 3. Lettuce Aphid on Desert Lettuce -2021. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 3, Feb 10, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Feb). 4. Managing Foxglove Aphid on Desert Produce (Updated February 2021). UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 4, Feb 24, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Feb). 5. Aphid Management in Desert Produce Crops – 2021. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 4, Feb 24, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Feb). 6. Thrips Management in Desert Leafy Vegetables – 2021. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 4, Feb 24, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Feb). 7. Corn Earworm in Desert Produce (Update Feb 2021). UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 4, Feb 24, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Feb). Optimize Your Chemigation Program. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 69, No 2, Feb 2021. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/how-the-role-of-pest-control-advisor-came-to-be
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Feb). What you need to know to Optimize your Chemigation Program. Growing Produce -online. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/what-you-need-to-know-about-optimizing-your-chemigation-program/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Jan). 1. 2021 Guidelines for Diamondback Moth Management in Desert Cole Crops. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 1, Jan 13, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, July). 15. 2021 Guidelines for Whitefly / CYSDV Management on Fall Melons. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 14, July 14, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, July). 16. Impact of Diamondback Moth on Desert Cole Crops, 2016-2021. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 15, July 28, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Jun). 13. Cultural Practices Key to Whitefly and Virus Management in Fall Melons (updated June 2021). UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 12, Jun 6, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Jun). 14. Insecticide Usage on Desert Lettuce, 2020-2021. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 13, Jun 30, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Jun). Field Scouting Guide: Diamondback Moth. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 69, No 6, Jun 2021. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/how-the-role-of-pest-control-advisor-came-to-be
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Mar). 8. Western Flower Thrips Management on Desert Produce. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 5, Mar 10, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Mar). 9. Insecticide Modes of Action on Desert Produce Crops. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 6, Mar 24, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Mar). Late season Thrips Management in Lettuce. Vegetables West. https://www.vegetableswest.com
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, May). 12. Weed Interference with Insect Management in Desert Crops (updated May 2021). UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. p, May 5, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, May). Summer Sanitation is important as Ever. Vegetables West. https://www.vegetableswest.com
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Oct). 20. Insecticide Resistance Management for Beet Armyworm, Cabbage Looper and Diamondback Moth in Desert Produce Crops. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 21, Oct 6, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Oct). 21. Rethinking Thrips Management in Desert Lettuce. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 22, Oct 20, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Sep). 19. Lepidopterous Larvae Management in Desert Produce Crops, 2021. UA Veg IPM Updates, Vol 12, No. 19, Sep 22, 2021. http://vegetableipmupdates.arizona.edu/entomology-updates-john-c-palumbo
- Palumbo, J. C. (2021, Sep). Dealing with INSV in Produce, Growing Smarter. Growing Smarter, Fertizona. https://www.fertizona.com/_files/ugd/512e9f_eced7a900fd441bc978d0128e07026dd.pdf
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, May). Impact of Proposed EPA Label Changes in the Desert SW. Vegetables West, Vol 24, No 5, May 2020, p. 12-15. https://vegetableswest.com
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Apr). 6. Liriomyza Leafminer Management on Desert Melons (Updated Mar 2020). UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 7 - Apr 1, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Apr). 7. Impact of Proposed EPA Label Changes on Neonicotinoid Uses on Produce and Melon Crops in the Desert Southwest. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 8 - Apr 15, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Apr). 8. Insect Management on Spring Melons: Whiteflies (Revision),. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 9 - Apr 29, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Apr). 9. Whitefly Control in Spring Melons – 2020,. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 9 - Apr 29, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Aug). 15. Insecticide Usage on Desert Lettuce, 2019-2020. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 16 - Aug 5, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Aug). 16. 2020 Guidelines for Diamondback Moth Management in Desert Cole Crops,. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 17 - Aug 19, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Aug). 17. Diamondback Moth on Desert Cole Crops, 2016-2020,. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 17 - Aug 19, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Dec). 24. Weather Influences Desert Insect Pest (revised December 2020). UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 25 - Dec 9, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Feb). 3. Foxglove Aphids on Desert Produce (Updated February 2020). UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 4 - Feb 19, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Feb). 4. Thrips Management in Desert Leafy Vegetables – 2020. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 4 - Feb 19, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Feb). 5. Corn Earworm Management on Desert Produce (Updates Feb 2020),. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 4 - Feb 19, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Feb). Aphid Management in Leafy Vegetables. Vegetables West, Vol 24, No 2, Feb 2020, p. 14-15. https://vegetableswest.com
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Feb). How the Role of Pest Control Advisor Came to Be.. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 68, No 2, Feb 2020 (on line). https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/how-the-role-of-pest-control-advisor-came-to-be
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Feb). When in Doubt about your Vegetable crop, Scout it out. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 68, No 2, Feb 2020, p. 15-17. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/when-in-doubt-about-your-vegetable-crop-scout-it-out/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Jan). 1. Aphid Management in Desert Produce Crops 2020. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 1- Jan 9, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Jan). 2. Lettuce aphid In Spring Produce. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 2 Jan 22, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, July). 13. Cultural Practices Key to Whitefly and Virus Management in Fall Melons. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 14 - Jul 28 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, July). 14. 2020 Guidelines for Whitefly / CYSDV Management on Fall Melons. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 14 - Jul 28 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, July). Vegetable Production Levels Surged Last Year. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 68, No 7, July 2020, p. 10-11. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/icymi-vegetable-production-levels-surged-last-year/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, July). Weeds are bane of Western Organic Growers. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 68, No 7, July 2020 (on-line). https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/weeds-are-a-bane-of-western-organic-growers/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, June). 11. Ten Years of Bagrada Bug on Desert Cole Crops,. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 12 - Jun 10 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, June). 12. Do Antimicrobial Water Sanitizers Affect Insecticide Efficacy in Desert Produce?. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 13 - Jun 24 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, May). 10. Spider Mites in Melons (Updated May 2020),. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 10 - May 13, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, May). Impact of Proposed EPA Label Changes in the Desert SW. Vegetables West, Vol 24, No 5, May 2020, p. 12-15. https://vegetableswest.com
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Nov). 22. Corn Earworm Management on Desert Produce (Revision).. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 23 - Nov 11, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Nov). A New Way to Control a Deadly Virus in Desert Melons. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 68, No11, Nov 2020, p. 20-22. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/a-new-way-to-control-a-deadly-virus-in-desert-melons/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Oct). 23. Aphid ID Gudie on Desert Lettuce (update October 2020). UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 22 - Oct 28, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Sep). 18. Bagrada Bug Management Tips – 2020,. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 18 - Sep 2, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Sep). 19. Insect Management on Desert Produce and Melons: Pests at Stand Establishment (Updated Aug 2020),. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 18 - Sep 2, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Sep). 20. 20. Lepidopterous Larvae Management in Desert Produce Crops, 2020. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 18 - Sep 2, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Sep). 20. Lepidopterous Larvae Management in Desert Produce. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 19 - Sep 16, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2020, Sep). 21. Insecticide Resistance Management for Beet Armyworm and Diamondback Moth in Desert Produce Crops. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 11, No. 20 - Sep 30, 2020. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Miller, C., & Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). BASF Introduces New Active Ingredient for Aphids, Whiteflies, and Asian Citrus Psyllids. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 67, No, Apr 2019, p. 16-17. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/basf-introduces-new-active-ingredient-for-aphids-whiteflies-and-asian-citrus-psyllids/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Apr). 12. Lettuce Aphid on Late Season Produce.. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 7 -Apr 3, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Apr). 13. Insect Management on Desert Melons: Whiteflies (updated Apr 2019). VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 8 -Apr 17, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Apr). 14. Whitefly Management in Spring Melons – 2019. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 8 -Apr 17, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Aug). 22. Insect Management on Desert Produce and Melons: Pests at Stand Establishment (updated Aug 2019). UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 16, Aug, 7, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Aug). 23. Bagrada Bug Management Tips - 2019.. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 17, Aug 21, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Dec). 30. Pest Abundance on Desert Produce and Melon Cops in Fall 2018.. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10 , No. 25, Dec 11, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Feb). 3. Seed Corn Maggot in Spring Melons 2019. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 3 -Feb 6, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Feb). 4. Biopesticide Efficacy in Desert Produce Crops.. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 4 -Feb 20, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Feb). 5. Relative Efficacy Index (REI) for Biopesticides on Desert Produce.. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 4 -Feb 20, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Jan). 1. Keys to Effective Aphid Management in Leafy Vegetables. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 1- Jan 9, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Jan). 2. New Insecticides for Desert Produce and Melon Crops.. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 2- Jan 23, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, July). 20. Cultural Practices for Whitefly Management in Desert Melons (Updated July 2019).. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 14, July 10, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, July). 21. 2019 Guidelines for Whitefly and CYSDV Management on Fall Melons. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 15, July 24, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Jun). 18. Insecticide Usage in Desert Lettuce, 2018-19. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 12, Jun 12, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Jun). 19. Insect Losses and Management on Desert Lettuce: A 15-year Summary. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 13, Jun 26, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Mar). 10. Diamondback Moth Management in Desert Cole Crops, Spring 2019. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 5 -Mar 6, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Mar). 11. Insecticide Modes of Action on Desert Vegetable Crops (Updated Mar 2019). VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 6 -Mar 20, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Mar). 6. Foxglove Aphids on Desert Produce (revised Mar 2019). VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 5 -Mar 6, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Mar). 7. Aphid Management in Desert Produce Crops - 2019. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 5 -Mar 6, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Mar). 8. Thrips Management in Desert Produce Crops - 2019. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 5 -Mar 6, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Mar). 9. Corn Earworm Management on Desert Produce (Updated Mar 2019). VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 5 -Mar 6, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, May). 15. Spider Mites in Melons. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 9-May 1, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, May). 16. Weed Interference with Insect Management in Desert Crops. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 10-May 15, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, May). 17. Nine Years of Bagrada Bug on Desert Cole Crops.. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 11-May 29, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). 28. Aphid Identification in Desert Produce Crops (Update Nov 2019). VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 23, Nov 13, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). 29. Weather Influences Desert Insect Pests. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 24, Nov 27, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). Diamondback Moth on Arizona Cole Crops. Vegetables West, Vol 23, No 8, Sep/Oct 2019, p. 18-19.. https://vegetableswest.com/2019/09/23/read-september-2019-issue/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). Don’t Forget about Resistance Management. Vegetables West, Vol 23, No 9, Nov/Dec 2019, p. 14-15. https://vegetableswest.com/2019/12/01/read-november-december-2019-issue/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). How Weather Influence Vegetable Insect Pests. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 67, No 9, Sep 2019, p. 16-17. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/how-weather-influences-vegetable-insect-pests/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). Insecticide Usage on Desert Lettuce. Vegetables West, Vol 23, No 7, Jul/Aug 2019, p. 10-13. https://vegetableswest.com/2019/07/07/read-july-august-2019-issue/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). New Insecticides for Desert Produce and Melon Crops. Vegetables West, Vol 23, No 3, Mar 2019, p. 8-9. https://vegetableswest.com/2019/03/19/read-march-2019-issue/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). Vegetable Growers Have New Tools for Aphid Control. Vegetables West, Vol 23, No 3, Mar 2019, p. 12-13. https://vegetableswest.com/2019/03/19/read-march-2019-issue/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). Weeds Shelter Vegetable Insect Pests. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 67, No 4, Apr 2019, p. 16-17. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/weeds-influence-insect-pest-management/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). Weeds can Influence Insect Management. Vegetables West, Vol 23, No 5, May 2019, p. 10-13. https://vegetableswest.com/2019/06/04/read-may-2019-issue/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Oct). 26. Lepidopterous Larvae Management in Desert Produce Crops, 2019. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 20, Oct 2, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Oct). 27. Insecticide Resistance Management for Lepidopterous Larvae in Desert Produce Crops. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 22, Oct 30, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Sep). 24. Diamondback Moth on Desert Cole Crops: Survey Results from 2016-2018.. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 18, Sep 4, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Sep). 25. 2019 Guidelines for Diamondback Moth Management in Fall Cole Crops.. VegIPM Update, Vol. 10, No. 19, Sep 18, 2019. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Petrovic, K., & Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). Field Scouting Guide: Bagrada bug. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 67, No 6, Jun 2019, p. 24-25. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/field-scouting-guide-bagrada-bug/
- Petrovic, K., & Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). Field Scouting Guide: Flea Beetle. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 67, No 9, Sep 2019, p. 18-20. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/field-scouting-guide-flea-beetle/
- Petrovic, K., & Palumbo, J. C. (2019, Nov). Field Scouting Guide: Green Peach Aphid. American Vegetable Grower, Vol 67, No. 7, July 2019, p. 24-25. https://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/field-scouting-guide-green-peach-aphid/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, August). Diamondback Moth on Desert Cole Crops in 2017-18. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 17 – Aug 22, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, August). Insect Management on Desert Produce and Melons: Pests at Stand Establishment (updated Aug 2018). VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 16 – Aug 8, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, December). Pest Abundance on Desert Produce and Melon Crops in Fall 2018. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 25 – Dec 12, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Feb). Aphid Identification in Produce (revised Feb 2018). VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 4 – Feb 21, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Feb). Foxglove Aphids on Desert Produce (revised Feb 2018). VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 4 – Feb 21, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Feb). Insect Management on Desert Produce Crops: Western flower thrips (revised Feb 2018). VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 3 – Feb 7, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Feb). Pre-Season Vegetable Pest Forecast for 2018. American Vegetable Grower. https://www.growingproduce.com/magazine/american-vegetable-grower/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Jan). 4 Keys to Effective Aphid Management in Leafy Vegetables. American Vegetable Grower. https://www.growingproduce.com/magazine/american-vegetable-grower/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Jan). Aphid Management in Desert Produce Crops – 2018. VegIPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 1 – Jan 10, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Jan). Seed Corn Maggot in Spring Melons 2018. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 2 – Jan 24, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, July). 2018 Guidelines for Whitefly and CYSDV Management on Fall Melons. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 14 – Jul 11, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Jun). Insecticide Usage in Desert Lettuce, 2017-18. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 12 – Jun 13, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, June). Cultural practices for Whitefly Management in Desert Melons. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 13 – Jun 27, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, June). Field Scouting Guide: Whitefly. American Vegetable Grower. https://www.growingproduce.com/magazine/american-vegetable-grower/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Mar). Corn Earworm Management on Desert Produce (updated Mar 2018) No. 5 , Mar 7. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 5 – Mar 7, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Mar). Insect Management on Desert Melons: Whiteflies (revised Apr 2018). VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 8 – Apr 18, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Mar). Insecticide Modes of Action on Desert Vegetables. (updated Mar 2018). VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 6 – Mar 21, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Mar). Thrips Management in Desert Leafy Vegetables ‐ 2018. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 5 – Mar 7, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, March). Field Scouting Guide: Thrips. American Vegetable Grower. https://www.growingproduce.com/magazine/american-vegetable-grower/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, May). Impact of Bagrada Bug on Desert Cole Crops: An Eight Year Summary. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 11 – May 30, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, May). Interactions between Insects and Weeds in Desert Crops. (revised May 2018). VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 10 – May 16, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, November). Aphid Identification in Desert Produce Crops. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 23 – Nov 14, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, November). Weather Can Have Major Impacts on Insects. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 24 – Nov 28, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Oct). Desert Vegetable Growers Have a Lot of Insecticide Choices. American Vegetable Grower. https://www.growingproduce.com/magazine/american-vegetable-grower/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, October). Insect Trapping Trends: Six Year Average. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 22 – Oct 31, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, October). Lepidopterous Larvae Management in Desert Produce Crops, 2018. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 20 – Oct 3, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, September). 2018 Guidelines for Diamondback Moth Management in Fall Cole Crops. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 18 – Sep 5, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, September). Bagrada Bug Management Tips for the Low Desert 2018. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 19 – Sep 19, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2018, September). Field Scouting Guide: Beet armyworm. American Vegetable Grower. https://www.growingproduce.com/magazine/american-vegetable-grower/
- Palumbo, J. C., & Palumbo, J. C. (2018, Mar). Spider Mites on Melons. VegIPM Update, Vol. 9, No. 9 – May 2, 2018. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Pier, N., Pena, M. A., Palumbo, J. C., Umeda, K., Gouge, D. H., Ellsworth, P. C., Gibson, C., Fournier, A. J., Pier, N., Pena, M. A., Palumbo, J. C., Umeda, K., Gouge, D. H., Ellsworth, P. C., Gibson, C., Fournier, A. J., Pier, N., Pena, M. A., Palumbo, J. C., , Umeda, K., et al. (2018, March). National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s Crop Protection and Pest Management Program Saves Lives, Dollars and the Environment in Arizona. Arizona Pest Management Center. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/AZPM_Impacts_vf.pdfMore infoImpact Document (authors unattributed)
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Apr). Whitefly Management in Spring Melons - 2017. Veg IPM Update, Vol 7, No. 9, April 19,2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Dec). Pest Abundance on Desert Produce and Melon Cops in 2017. VegIPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 25 – Dec 13, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Feb). Lepidopterous Larvae Management in Desert Produce Crops, 2017. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 4, Feb 21, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Jan). Aphid Management in Desert Produce Crops-2017. VegIPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 2- Jan 25, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Jan). Foxglove Aphids on Desert Produce. VegIPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 2 – Jan 24, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, July). 2017 Guidelines for Whitefly and CYSDV Management on Fall Melons. Veg IPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 14, July 12, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, June). Impact of Diamondback Moth Outbreaks on Arizona Cole Crops in 2016‐17. Veg IPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 13, Jun 28, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Mar). Liriomyza Leafminer Management on Desert Melons. VegIPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 6 – Mar 22. 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Mar). Thrips Management in Desert Leafy Vegetables ‐ 2017. VegIPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 5 ‐ Mar 8, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, May). Impact of Bagrada Bug on Desert Cole Crops:. Veg IPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 10, May 17, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, May). Insecticide Modes of Action on Desert Vegetable Crops. UA Veg IPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 9, May 1, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, May). Insecticide Usage on Desert Lettuce, 2016-17. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 11, May 31, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Nov). Efficacy of Foliar Insecticides Against Diamondback Moth and Whitefly. VegIPM Updates, Vo. 8, No. 23, Nov 15, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Nov). Organic Insecticides for Diamondback Moth Control on Broccoli, Fall 2017. VegIPM Updates, Vo. 8, No. 23, Nov 15, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Oct). Efficacy of Foliar Insecticides Against Diamondback Moth - Fall 2017. VegIPM Updates, Vo. 8, No. 20, Oct 4 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Sep). Bagrada Bug Management Tips – 2017. Veg IPM Update, Vol 8, No. 19, Sep 20 , 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2017, Sep). Guidelines for Diamondback Moth Management in Fall Cole Crops. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 8, No. 18, Sep 6, 2017. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Apr). 2014-15 Insecticide Usage on Arizona Lettuce. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No.8. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Apr). Whitefly Management in Spring Melons - 2016. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No.9. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Aug). Bagrada Bug Management Tips - 2016. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 18. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Dec). Pest Abundance on Desert Produce and Melon Cops in 2016. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 25. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Feb). Corn Earworm Management on Desert Produce. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 4. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Feb). Insect Management on Desert Produce Crops: Western Flower Thrips (2016 update). UA Vegetable IPM Update, Vol. 7, No. 3. https://cals.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/docs/InsectManagementonDesertProduce_Thrips_2016.pdf
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Feb). Lepidopterous Larvae Control Chart 2016. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7, No. 4. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Jan). Aphid Management in Desert Produce Crops – 2016. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7, No. 1. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Jan). Seed Corn Maggot on Spring Melons - 2016. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 2. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, July). 2016 Guidelines For Whitefly / CYSDV Management on Fall Melons. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 15. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, July). Insect Losses and Management on Desert Lettuce: 2004‐2016. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 14. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Jun). Impact of Bagrada Bug on Desert Cole Crops. Western Farm Press. http://www.vegetableswest.com/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, June). Insecticide Usage on Desert Lettuce, 2015-16. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 12. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Mar). Insecticide Modes of Action on Desert Produce and Melon Crops (revised Feb 2016). UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 6. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Mar). Leafminer Management on Desert Vegetables. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 7. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Mar). Western Flower Thrips Control Chart- 2016. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7, No. 5. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, May). Impact of Bagrada Bug Infestations on Desert Cole Crops, 2010-2015. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 11. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, May). Interactions Between Insects & Weeds in Desert Crops. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 10. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, May). Take Control of Your Melon Pests. American Vegetable Grower. http://www.vegetableswest.com/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Nov). Aphid Identification in Desert Lettuce (revised 2016). UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 23. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Oct). Insecticide Resistance Management Guidelines for Lepidopterous Larvae in Lettuce (Revised Sep 2016). UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 22. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2016, Sep). Whitefly Management in Fall Produce - 2016. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 7., No. 19. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Apr). Lettuce Insect Losses and Insecticide Use Summary: 2004-2014.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 7. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Dec). 2015-16 Areawide Insect Trapping Network. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 1-24.. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Dec). Pest Abundance on Desert Produce and Melon Crops in 2015.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 24. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Dec). Prepare For the bagrada bug. American Vegeteable Grower. http://www.growingproduce.com/crop-protection/insect-control/prepare-for-the-bagrada-b
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Dec). Take lettuce pests head on (Interview). American Vegetable Grower. http://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/take-lettuce-pests-head-on/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Feb). Foxglove Aphid on Desert Lettuce Crops. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 3. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Feb). Management on Desert Produce: Corn earworm / Tobacco budworm.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 4. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Feb). New Insecticide Chemistry - Sivanto.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 3. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Feb). Tends in Lettuce Insecticides 2014.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 3. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Jan). Aphid Management in Desert Produce Crops – 2015 Update.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 1. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Jan). Seed Corn Maggot on Spring Melons - 2015 Update.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 2. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Jul). 2015 Guidelines for Whitefly and CYSDV Management on Melons.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 13. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Jul). Evaluation of Clothianidin Seed Treatments for Bagrada Bug Control in Broccoli.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 14. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Mar). Insecticide Modes of Action on Desert Produce and Melon Crops (revised Mar 2015). UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 6. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, May). Impact of Bagrada Bug on Fall Cole Crops, 2010-2014.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 9. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, May). Insecticide Usage Summary in Arizona Lettuce 2015.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 11. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Nov). Impact of Lettuce Planting Date on Aphid Contamination.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 22. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Nov). Management tactics to control cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus. American Vegeatble Grower (Interview). http://www.growingproduce.com/vegetables/management-tactics-to-control-cucurbit-yello
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Nov). What's next for cancelled active ingredient sulfoxaflor?. Western Farm Press. http://westernfarmpress.com/vegetables/whats-next-cancelled-active-ingredient-sulfoxaflor
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Sep). Bagrada Bug Management Tips for the Low Desert (updated Sep 2015). UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 18. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Sep). Latest insecticides improve efficacy against produce pests (interview). Western Farm Press. http://westernfarmpress.com/vegetables/latest-insecticides-improve-efficacy-against-produce-pests?page=3
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Sep). Lepidopterous Larvae Management in Desert Produce Crops, 2015.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 19. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2015, Sep). Whitefly Management in Fall Produce-2015.. UA Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 6., No. 17. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Apr). Lettuce Insect Losses and Insecticide Use Summary: 2004-2013. Vegetable IPM Updates. Vol 5, No 8.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Apr). Winter Weather Conditions for Yuma County, 2013-2014. Vegetable IPM Update, Vol 5, No. 6.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Aug). Whitefly Management in Fall Produce ‐ 2014. Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 5, no. 18.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Control Of Bagrada Hilaris With Experimental Insecticides On Broccoli, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Control Of Bagrada Hilaris With Conventional Insecticides On Broccoli, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Control Of Lepidopterous Larvae With Diamide Insecticides In Broccoli, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://www.entsoc.org/Pubs/Periodicals/AMT
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Control Of Lepidopterous Larvae With Diamide Insecticides In Head Lettuce, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Control Of Sweetpotato Whitefly Adults With Conventional And Experimental Foliar Insecticides In Fall Cantaloupes, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Control Of Sweetpotato Whitefly Adults With Conventional And Experimental Foliar Insecticides In Spring Cantaloupes, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Cross-Spectrum Insect Control With Soil Applied Diamide Insecticides In Head Lettuce, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Efficacy Of Movento Against Western Flower Thrips On Head Lettuce, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Efficacy Of Torac Tank-Mixtures Against Western Flower Thrips On Romaine Lettuce, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Evaluation Of Exirel And Torac For Control Of Western Flower Thrips On Romaine Lettuce, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Evaluation Of Lannate Tank-Mixtures For Control Of Western Flower Thrips On Romaine Lettuce, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Green Peach Aphid Control In Head Lettuce, 2012. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Green Peach Aphid Control With Foliar Insecticides On Cabbage, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). New Insecticides for Desert Produce and Melons. Vegetable IPM Updates Vol 5, no. 25.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Pest Abundance on Desert Produce and Melon Cops in 2014.. Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 5 no., 24.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Dec). Soil Applied Systemic Insecticides For Control Of Sweetpotato Whitefly In Broccoli, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Feb). Foxglove Aphid on Desert Lettuce Crops. Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 5, No 3.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Jan). . Impact of the Bagrada Bug on Desert Cole Crops: A 2010-2012 Survey of PCA and Growers. Vegetables West, Vol. 18, No. 1: 18-20..
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Mar). Thrips Management in Desert Leafy Vegetabels – 2014. Vegetable IPM Update, Vol 5, No 5.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, May). Trends in Insecticide Usage on Arizona Lettuce.. Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 5, no. 11.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, Sep). Bagrada Bug Management Tips – 2014. Vegetable IPM Updates, Vol 5, No. 19.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2014, dec). Control Of Lepidopterous Larvae With Exirel In Head Lettuce, 2013. Arthropod Management Tests. http://amt.oxfordjournals.org/
- Palumbo, J. C., Reed, D., & Perring, T. (2014, Jun). Bagrada Bug- Bagrada hilaris. www.potectingusnow.org.
- Natwick, E., Palumbo, J., & Dara, S. (2013, Fall). Bagrada Bug:A new invasive Stink bug in the Southwestern United States. Univ. Of Calif., Agric. and Nat. Res. Coop. Extn.. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/pestalert /pabagradabug.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol 18, No. 1: 18-20). Impact of the Bagrada Bug on Desert Cole Crops: A 2010—2013 Survey of PCA and Growers, Vegetables West. Vegetable West magazine. http://www.vegetableswest.com/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol 4, No.18). Area wide Incidence of Whiteflies and CYSDV In Fall Melons in Yuma County, 2007-2012.. UA Veg IPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol XVI. No. 5: 36-45). Learning more about Bagrada bug management in cole crops. CAPCA Adviser. . http://capca.com/advisor/October2013/
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol. 4 No. 11). Evaluation of Conventional Insecticides For Control Of Bagrada Hilaris On Broccoli, 2012. UA Veg IPM Update.. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol. 4 No. 15). Whitefly Management in Leafy Vegetables, Cole Crops and Melons - Fall 2013. UAVeg IPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol. 4 No. 19). Lep Larvae Management in Desert Produce Crops, 2013. UA Veg IPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol. 4 No. 7). Insecticide MOA on Desert Produce and Melon Crops. UA Veg IPM. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol. 4, No. 10). Impact of the Bagrada Bug on Desert Cole Crops from 2010 - 2012: A Survey of PCA and Growers. UA Veg IPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol. 4, No. 10.). Impact of Bagrada bug on desert cole crops in 2010– 2012. UA VegIPM Updates. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/archive.html.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol. 4, No. 11). Bagrada Treatment Matrix Table. VegIPM. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol. 4, No. 11). Knockdown and Residual Control of Bagrada Bug with Foliar Insecticides on Broccoli. UA Veg IPM Update.. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol. 4, No. 16). Knockdown And Residual Control Of Bagrada Bug With Foliar Insecticides In Broccoli: 2013 Efficacy Report.. VegIPM Updates. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/archive.html.
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol. 4, No. 25). New Insecticides for Desert Produce and Melons.. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C. (2013, Vol. 4, No. 25). Pest Abundance on Desert Produce and Melons in 2013. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/archive.html
- Palumbo, J. C., Wratten, S., & et, a. l. (2013, Fall). One of my photo images of a baby spinach field was used with permission for the front cover of text book " Ecosysytem Services in Agricultural and Urban Landscapes". Ecosysytem Services in Agricultural and Urban Landscapes. Wiley-Blackwell.More infoISBN 978-1-4051-7008-6
- Huang, T., Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2012, Fall). Insect Biology_Assassin Bug Egg Mass Eclosion. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Huang, T., Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2012, Fall). Insect Biology_Beet Armyworm Egg Eclosion. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insectMore infoExact date: 11/14/2011
- Palumbo, J. (2012, April). Insect Management on Desert Vegetables and Melons: Whiteflies. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 04/18/2012; Volume 3, Issue 8
- Palumbo, J. (2012, April). Interactions between Insects and Weeds in Vegetable Crops. VegIPM Update, Vol. 3, No. 9. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 04/30/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, April). Whitefly Management in Desert Melons-Control Chart. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 3, Number 9. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/docs/Whitefly Control Chart.pdfMore infoExact Date: 04/18/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, August). Bagrada Bug Management Tips for the Low Desert. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 3, No. 17. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 08/22/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, August). IRM Guidelines for Lepidopterous Larvae in Lettuce. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 08/08/2012, Volume 3, Issue 16
- Palumbo, J. (2012, December). Evaluation of New Insecticides in Desert Head Lettuce. Final Report to Arizona Iceberg Lettuce Research Council, Arizona Department of Agriculture. http://agriculture.state.az.us/
- Palumbo, J. (2012, Fall). Insect Management on Desert Produce Crops: Leafminers. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoVolume 3, Issue 21
- Palumbo, J. (2012, February). Aphid Management in Desert Leafy Vegetables and Cole Crops. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 3, Number 3. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 02/08/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, February). Insect Management on Desert Produce Crops: Western Flower Thrips. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 3, Number 4. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 02/22/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, February). Thrips Management in Desert Leafy Vegetables- Control Chart. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 02/22/2012; Volume 3, Issue 4
- Palumbo, J. (2012, January). Historical Trends in Aphid Abundance in Desert Lettuce. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 3, No.25. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 01/09/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, January). Insect Management in Desert Produce Crops: Aphids. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 01/11/2012, Volume 3, Issue 1
- Palumbo, J. (2012, January). Seed Corn Maggot. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 3, Number 2. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 01/25.2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, July). Insect Management on Desert Vegetables and Melons: Pests at Stand Establishment. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 3, No.15. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 07/25/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, July). Whitefly / CYSDV Control Update. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 3, No. 14. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 07/11/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, June). Evaluation of Insecticide Tank-Mixtures as Alternatives to Endosulfan in Spring Melons. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 06/27/2012; Volume 3, Issue 13
- Palumbo, J. (2012, June). Survey of CYSDV on Spring Melon in 2012. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 3, Number 12. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 06/13/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, March). Influence of Weather on Insect Abundance. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 3, Number 6. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 03/21/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, March). Lettuce Aphid on Late Season Produce. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 3, No. 5. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExactDate: 03/07/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, March). Winter Weather Conditions for Yuma County, 2011-2012. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 3, Number 6. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 03/21/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, May). Impact of the Bagrada Bug on Desert Cole Crops: A Survey of PCA/Growers in 2010 and 2011. VegIPM Update, Vol. 3, No. 11. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 05/30/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, May). Insecticide Usage on Arizona Head Lettuce. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 05/16/2012, Volume 3, Issue 10
- Palumbo, J. (2012, November). Aphid Management on Head Lettuce Using Imidacloprid and Foliar Insecticides. VegIPM Update, Vol. 3, No. 23. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 11/14/2012
- Palumbo, J. (2012, November). Pest Abundance on Desert Produce and Melon Crops in 2012. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 11/28/2012; Volume 3, Issue 24
- Palumbo, J. (2012, October). Aphid ID Key. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 10/31/2012; Volume 3, Issue 22
- Palumbo, J. (2012, October). Lepidopterous Larvae Management in Desert Produce Crops - Insecticide Guide. VegIPM Update, Vol 3, No. 20. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 10/03/2012
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2012, Fall). Insect Biology_Surface of Swallowtail Butterfly Wing. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2012, Fall). Insect Management : Aphid Evaluation in Cabbage: How do you sample them?. Veg IPM program. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2012, Fall). Insect Management : Impact of Bagarada bugs on Desert Col Crops in 2010-2011. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2012, Fall). Insect Management : Luigi, The Jungle Bug. Veg IPM program. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2012, Fall). Insect Management : Thrips Sampling in Lettuce. Veg IPM program. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., Palumbo, J., Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2012, Fall). Insect Management : Evaluation of Systemic Insectcides for control of beet armyworm. Veg IPM program. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Palumbo, J. (2011, April). Assessment of Insect Losses and Insecticide Use on Arizona Head Lettuce, 2004-2010. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 04/02/2011; Volume 2, Issue 8
- Palumbo, J. (2011, April). Whitefly Management in Desert Melons-Control Chart. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/docs/Whitefly Control Chart.pdfMore infoVolume 2, Issue 9
- Palumbo, J. (2011, August). Control of Bagrada Bugs with Foliar Insecticides on Desert Broccoli, Fall 2010. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 08/24/2011; Volume 2, Issue 17
- Palumbo, J. (2011, August). Insecticide Resistance Management Guidelines for Beet Armyworm in Lettuce. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 08/03/2011; Volume 2, Issue 16
- Palumbo, J. (2011, August). Knockdown and Residual Control of Bagrada Bugs with Foliar Insecticides: Greenhouse Evaluations. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 2, No.17. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 08/24/2011
- Palumbo, J. (2011, December). Impact of Planting Date on Aphid Infestations and Contamination in Head Lettuce. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 2, Number 24. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/
- Palumbo, J. (2011, December). Insect Management For Desert Lettuce. Final Report to Arizona Iceberg Lettuce Research Council, Arizona Department of Agriculture. http://agriculture.state.az.us/CD&P/IcebergLettuce.htm
- Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). Battling The Bagrada Bug. http://www.growingproduce.com/video/865
- Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). Controlling Whiteflies. http://www.growingproduce.com/video/907
- Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). Insect Management on Desert Produce Crops: Leafminers. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 2, Number 22. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/
- Palumbo, J. (2011, February). Alternatives for Aphids Control in Desert Vegetables.. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoVolume 2, Issue 3
- Palumbo, J. (2011, February). Insect Management in Desert Produce Crops: Aphids. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 2, Number 3. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 02/09/2011
- Palumbo, J. (2011, February). Insect Management on Desert Produce Crops: Western Flower Thrips. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoVolume 2, Issue 4
- Palumbo, J. (2011, February). Thrips Management in Desert Leafy Vegetables- Control Chart. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 2, Number 4. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/
- Palumbo, J. (2011, January). Insecticide Alternatives for Preventative Seed Corn Maggot Control in Spring Melons. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 01/29/2011; Volume 2, Issue 2
- Palumbo, J. (2011, January). Seed Corn Maggot Control With In-Furrow Sprays and Seed Treatments On Cantaloupes.. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 01/29/2011; Volume 2, Issue 2
- Palumbo, J. (2011, January). Seed Corn Maggot. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoVolume 2, Issue 2
- Palumbo, J. (2011, July). Area-wide Incidence of Whiteflies and CYSDV in Desert Melons, 2007-2010. VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 07/13/2011; volume 2, Issue 14
- Palumbo, J. (2011, July). Insect Management on Desert Vegetables and Melons: Pests at Stand Establishment. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoVolume 2, Issue 15
- Palumbo, J. (2011, July). Pest Of The Month: Bagrada Bug. American Vegetable Grower. http://www.growingproduce.com/article/24285/pest-of-the-month-bagrada-bug
- Palumbo, J. (2011, June). 2011 Spring Melon CYSDV Survey. VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 06/15/2011; Volume 2, Issue 12
- Palumbo, J. (2011, June). Assessment of Insect Losses and Insecticide Use on Arizona Spring Melons, 2005-2010. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 06/01/2011; Volume 2, Issue 11
- Palumbo, J. (2011, June). Impact of Bagrada Bug on Desert Cole Crops in 2010. VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact date: 06/29/2011; Volume 2, Issue 13
- Palumbo, J. (2011, March). Seasonal Abundance of Bagrada Bugs on Cole Crops. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/more/insect28.htmlMore infoExact Date: 03/09/2011; Volume 2, Issue 5
- Palumbo, J. (2011, March). Weather and Insects. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 03/23/2011; Volume 2, Issue 6
- Palumbo, J. (2011, May). Pest Of The Month: Whitefly. American Vegetable Grower. http://www.growingproduce.com/article/16384/pest-of-the-month-whitefly
- Palumbo, J. (2011, October). Bagrada Bug Management Tips for the Low Desert. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/
- Palumbo, J. (2011, October). Knockdown and Residual Control of Lepidopterous Larvae on Head Lettuce, Fall 2010. VegIPM Update, Vol. 2, No. 20. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 10/05/2011
- Palumbo, J. (2011, September). Insect Management on Desert Vegetables and Melons: Whiteflies. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoVolume 2, Issue 18
- Palumbo, J. (2011, September). Insecticide Pre-mixtures for Arizona Vegetables and Melons. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 2, Number 19. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 09/19/2011
- Palumbo, J. (2011, September). Lepidopterous Larvae Management in Desert Produce Crops - Insecticide Guide. VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoVolume 2, Issue 20
- Palumbo, J. (2011, September). Whitefly Management in Leafy Vegetables, Cole Crops and Melons. UA VegIPM Updates Vol 2, Number 18. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). Adult Whitefly Sampling with Vacuum. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). Bagrada Bug Research Using Row Covers. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). Bagrada Bug, Bagrada hilaris A New Invasive Pest Part I. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). Bagrada Bug, Bagrada hilaris A New Invasive Pest Part II. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). Bagrada Bug, Bagrada hilaris A New Invasive Pest Part III. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). Can bagrada bugs feed on the seeds and reduce your plant stand?. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). Insect Management : How do Flea Beetles damage cole crops?. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). Insect Management : What level of whitefly pressure can growers and PCAs expect this fall?. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). Insect Management: How quick can a Bagrada Bug adult kill broccoli seedlings?. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Pena, M., & Palumbo, J. (2011, Fall). What is the Bagrada Bug?. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/videos.html#insect
- Palumbo, J. (2010, April). Insecticide Modes of Action on Desert Vegetables. UA VegIPM Update, Vol. 2, No. 7. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 04/06/2011
- Palumbo, J. (2010, Fall). Whitefly Management in Leafy Vegetables, Cole Crops and Melons. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoVolume 2, Issue 18
- Palumbo, J. (2010, March). Summary of Winter Weather Conditions. UA VegIPM Update. http://ag.arizona.edu/crop/vegetables/advisories/More infoExact Date: 03/23/2011; Volume 2, Issue 6