Dawn H Gouge
- Professor, Entomology
- Specialist, Entomology
- Professor, BIO5 Institute
- Professor, Entomology / Insect Science - GIDP
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Interim Associate Director, Agriculture & Natural Resources Programs
- (520) 374-6223
- FORBES, Rm. 410
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0036
- dhgouge@ag.arizona.edu
Specialist and Professor – Public Health Entomologist
Dr. Gouge manages an applied research and Extension program focused on pest ecology and reduced-hazard management of medically significant arthropods and commensal rodents. She serves on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as an appointed core member of the Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee, a federal advisory committee providing guidance on pesticide regulatory, policy, and program implementation. Dr. Gouge serves on the National School IPM Steering Committee, which formed to provide a focal point for interactive communication and collaboration of school community stakeholders throughout the U.S.
Integrated Extension and research efforts include IPM implementation programs in low-income housing, public schools, medical facilities, and operational research aimed at improving mosquito, tick, and commensal rodent management, reducing risks posed by vectors. Dr. Gouge supports state and government agencies regarding public health pest issues and provides technical support for industry members including environmental health professionals and pest management professionals.
Dr. Gouge lectures on public health pest ecology and IPM, serves on graduate student committees, and hosts graduate and undergraduate student interns.
- Ph.D. Entomology/Nematology
- University of Reading, Reading, UK, Reading UK
- Biological Control of Sciarid Flies (Diptera: Sciaridae) with Entomopathogenic Nematodes (Nematoda: Rhabditida), Including Reference to Other Diptera.
- B.S. Applied Biology
- University of Wales, UK, Bangor, Wales, UK
Work Experience
- University of Arizona (2018 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona (2016 - 2018)
- University of Arizona (2010 - 2016)
- University of Arizona (2007 - 2010)
- University of Arizona (2000 - 2007)
- Texas A & M University System (1998 - 2000)
- USDA-ARS Western Cotton Research Lab (1995 - 1998)
- 9th International IPM Symposium. Practitioner - International IPM Award of Excellence
- 9th International IPM Symposium - Awards Committee, Spring 2018
- International IPM Award of Excellence
- 9th International IPM Symposium, Fall 2017
- International IPM Excellence Award
- 8th International IPM Symposium Awards Committee, Spring 2015
- International IPM Symposium Awards Committee, Spring 2009
- PESP Gold Tier Shining Star Award
- EPS Office of Pesticide Programs, Spring 2012
- IPM Recognition Award
- IPM Institute of North America, Winter 2009
- Award of Excellence
- Western Extension Directors' Association, Fall 2009
- Environmental Achievement Award
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX, Spring 2006
- Children’s Environmental Health Recognition Awards
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Summer 2005
- Valley Forward, Environmental Excellence Award of Merit
- Valley Forward, Summer 2005
- Integrated Pest Management Awards
- National Foundation for IPM Education, Fall 2002
- Region IX Recognision Award
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Summer 2001
Integrated Pest Management & public health pest ecology
Integrated Pest Management & public health pests
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Rust, M. K., Li, S., Schuch, U. K., Fournier, A. J., Kopec, D. M., Umeda, K., Baker, P. B., Brown, L. M., & Duggal, N. (2015). Handbook on pests of community environments in the desert southwest United States.. Maricopa AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension/Arizona Pest Management Center.More infoUniversity of Arizona Cooperative Extension/Arizona Pest Management Center
- Gouge, D. H. (2024).
Gouge, D. H. 2024. Chapter 22 Home and Garden Pests. In D. I. Shapiro-Ilan and E. Lewis, eds. Entomopathogenic Nematodes as Biocontrol Agents. CABI Publishing. pp. 392-417.
. In Nematodes as Biocontrol Agents(pp 392-417). CABI Publishing.
- Lachapelle, P., Belmont, P., Grasso, M., McCann, R., Gouge, D. H., Husch, J., de Boer, C., Molzbichler, D., & Klain, S. (2024).
Lachapelle, P., Belmont, P., de Boer, C., Gouge, D. H., Grasso, M., Husch, J., Klain, S., McCann, R., and Molzbichler, D. 2024. Academic Capture in the Anthropocene: A Framework to Assess Climate Action in Higher Education. Climatic Change 177, 40. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-024-03696-4.
. Climate Change, 177(40), 26. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-024-03696-4. - Seyedi, S., Harris, V., Kapsetaki, S., Narayanan, S., Saha, D., Compton, Z., Yousefi, R., May, A., Fakir, E., Boddy, A., Gerlinger, M., Wu, C., Mina, L., Huijben, S., Gouge, D. H., Cisneros, L., Ellsworth, P. C., & Maley, C. (2024).
Seyedi, S., Harris, V., Kapsetaki, S., Narayanan, S., Saha, D., Compton, Z., Yousefi, R., May, A., Fakir, E., Boddy, A. Gerlinger, M., Wu, C., Mina, L., Huijben, S., Gouge, D. H., Cisneros, L., Ellsworth, P., and Maley C. 2024. Resistance Management for Cancer: Lessons from Farmers. Cancer Research84(22), pp.3715-3727 https://doi.org/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-23-3374
. Cancer Research, 84(22), 3715-3727. doi:https://doi.org/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-23-3374. - Gouge, D. H. (2023). Sonoran desert mosquitoes: a story about water, heat, housing and WNV.. Wing Beats, 34(2).
- Gouge, D. H., Lame, M. L., Stock, T. W., Rose, L. F., Hurley, J. A., Lerman, D. L., Nair, S., Nelson, M. A., Gangloff-Kaufmann, J., McSherry, L., Connett, J. F., Graham, L., & Green, T. A. (2023). Improving Environmental Health in Schools. Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care, 53(4), 101407.More infoSchool environmental conditions have immediate and long-term effects on student health and learning. Relying on disconnected, inconsistent, voluntary, or unenforced environmental standards has not resulted in sufficient protection of students from toxic insults. Furthermore, the United States public school system was not prepared to navigate a potentially deadly infectious disease like COVID-19. Although Department of Education agencies have policies to establish clean and safe learning spaces, deficiencies are evident. This article highlights common environmental challenges in schools and opportunities for improvement. Voluntary adoption of rigorous environmental policies by grassroots efforts alone is unlikely to occur in all school systems. In the absence of a legally enforced requirement, the dedication of sufficient resources to update infrastructure and build the environmental health workforce capacity is equally unlikely to occur. Environmental health standards in schools should not be voluntary. Science-based standards should be comprehensive, and part of an actionable, integrated strategy that includes preventive measures and addresses environmental health issues sustainably. Establishing an Integrated Environmental Management approach for schools will require a coordinated capacity-building effort, community-based implementation efforts, and enforcement of minimal standards. Schools will need ongoing technical support and training for staff, faculty, and teachers sufficient to enable them to assume greater oversight and responsibility for environmental management of their schools. Ideally, a holistic approach will include all environmental health components, including IAQ, IPM, green cleaning, pesticide and chemical safety, food safety, fire prevention, building legacy pollutant management, and drinking water quality. Thus, creating a comprehensive management system with continuous monitoring and maintenance. Clinicians who care for children can serve as advocates for children's health beyond their clinic walls by advising parents and guardians to be aware of school conditions and management practices. Medical professionals have always been valued and influential members of communities and school boards. In these roles they can greatly assist in identifying and providing solutions to reduce environmental hazards in schools.
- Joy, T., Chen, M., Arnbrister, J., Williamson, D., Li, S., Nair, S., Brophy, M., Madera Garcia, V., Walker, K. R., Ernst, K. C., Gouge, D. H., Carriere, Y., & Riehle, M. A. (2022). Assessing near-infrared spectrophotometry (NIRS) for evaluation of Aedes aegypti population age structure in Arizona. Insects, 13(4), 360. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13040360
- Wang, C., Cooper, R., Vail, K., Gondhalekar, A. D., & Gouge, D. H. (2022). Pandemic pests. . Pest Control Technology, 50(10), 64-65, 68, 70-71.More infoOver 45 in AZ property managers or housing authorities were contacted but data were captured from only four. 35 housing authorities responded in four states.
- Tarter, K., Levy, C., Yaglom, H., Adams, L., Plante, L. M., Casal, M., Gouge, D. H., Rathman, R., Stokka, D., Weiss, J., Venkat, H., & Walker, K. R. (2019). Using Citizen Science to Enhance Surveillance of the Mosquito Vector Aedes aegypti in Arizona. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association.
- Gouge, D. H., & Rivadeneira, P. (2018). AZ1775: Roof rats - Identification, ecology, and signs. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication.More infoThe roof rat (Rattus rattus), also known as the black rat, ship rat, or house rat, is an Old World rodent species originating in southeast Asia. Although it is not native to North America, it is established in most coastal and southern states in the continental United States (U.S.), Hawaii, and small populations exist in Alaska. In fact, roof rats are now well-established pests in many parts of the world. In 2001, roof rats were documented in Phoenix, and likely introduced into the area through freight, or shipment of food, livestock feed, or equipment. They have now settled into ideal habitat among old growth citrus trees, palm trees, and other mature landscaping, and take advantage of abundant irrigation canals and food resources around homes. Reports of roof rats and the areas they occupy in Arizona are ever increasing, most recently in Yuma, indicating that the roof rat is now well established, even in our harsh desert environment. Here in southern Arizona, it is not uncommon to experience consistent summer temperatures above 110 degrees F.
- Li, S., Rivadeneira, P., & Gouge, D. H. (2018). AZ1784: Roof Rats - Pathogens and Parasites. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication.More infoThe roof rat (Rattus rattus), also known as the black rat, ship rat, or house rat, is an Old World rodent species originating in southeast Asia. Although it is notnative to North America, roof rats are established in most coastal and southern states in the continental United States (U.S.), Hawaii, and small populations exist in Alaska. Information covering the identification, ecology, and signs of roof rats are covered in a separate publication by the same authors (https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1775-2018.pdf). Roof rats pose a significant health and safety hazard as they are implicated in the transmission of a number of diseases to humans and domesticated animals. These diseases include leptospirosis, salmonellosis (food contamination), rat-bite fever, murine typhus, plague, toxoplasmosis, and trichinosis.
- Vetter, R. S., Draney, M. L., Brown, C. A., Trumble, J. T., Gouge, D. H., Hinkle, N. C., & Pace-Schott, E. F. (2018). Spider fear versus scorpion fear in undergraduate students at five American universities. American Entomologist, 64(2), 79-82. doi:10.1093/ae/tmy030
- Romero, A., Sutherland, A., Gouge, D. H., Spafford, H., Nair, S., Lewis, V., Choe, D., Li, S., & Young, D. (2017). Pest Management Strategies for Bed Bugs in Multi-Unit Housing: A Literature Review on Field Studies. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 8(1), 1-10. doi:10.1093/jipm/pmx009
- Cui, J., Li, S., Spurgeon, D. W., Jia, W., Lu, Y., & Gouge, D. H. (2016). Flight capacity of Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in relation to gender and temperature. Southwestern Entomologist, 41(3), 667-674. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3958/059.041.0309
- Gouge, D. H. (2016). Working in a World of Bed Bugs.. Journal of Environmental Management Arizona, 5-6.
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Nair, S., Pier, N., & Sumner, C. (2016). Mosquitoes and the Great Outdoors. Journal of Environmental Management Arizona, 5-6.
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Nair, S., Pier, N., & Sumner, C. (2016). Mosquitoes and the Great Outdoors.. Journal of Environmental Management Arizona., 5-6.
- Misbah-Ul-Haq, M., Khan, I. A., Farid, A., Ullah, M., Gouge, D. H., & Baker, P. B. (2016). Efficacy of indoxacarb and chlorfenapyr against Subterranean termite Heterotermes indicola (Wasmann) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in the laboratory. TURKIYE ENTOMOLOJI DERGISI-TURKISH JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY, 40(3), 227-241.
- Gouge, D. H., & Lame, M. L. (2015). Environmental Health Professionals Work the Bugs Out - School Integrated Pest Management.. Journal of Environmental Health. Journal of Environmental Health, 77 (10), 42–44.
- Zhang, L., Li, H., Li, S., Zhang, A., Kou, F., Xun, H., Wang, P., Wang, Y., Song, F., Cui, J., Cui, J., Gouge, D. H., & Cai, W. (2015). Phylogeographic structure of cotton pest Adelphocoris suturalis (Hemiptera: Miridae): strong subdivision in China inferred from mtDNA and rDNA ITS markers. Scientific Reports, 5(14009).
- Zhang, L., Li, H., Zhang, A., Kou, F., Xun, H., Wang, P., Wang, Y., Song, F., Cui, J., Gouge, D. H., & Cai, W. (2015). Phylogeographic structure of cotton pest Adelphocoris suturalis (Hemiptera: Miridae): strong subdivision in China inferred from mtDNA and rDNA ITS markers.. Scientific Reports, 5(14009).
- Bibbs, C. S., Bengston, S. E., & Gouge, D. H. (2014). Activity Trends and Movement Distances in the Arizona Bark Scorpion (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Environmental Entomology, 43(6), 1613-1620.More infoBibbs, C. S., S. E. Bengston, and D. H. Gouge. 2014. Activity Trends and Movement Distances in the Arizona Bark Scorpion (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Environmental Entomology 43(6): 1613-1620.
- Bibbs, C., Bengston, S. E., & Gouge, D. H. (2014). Exploration of Refuge Preference in the Arizona Bark Scorpion, Scorpiones: Buthidae. Environmental Entomology, 43(5), 1345-1353.More infoBibbs C., S.E. Bengston, D.H. Gouge. 2014. Exploration of Refuge Preference in the Arizona Bark Scorpion, Scorpiones: Buthidae. Environmental Entomology Vol. 43 No. 5, 1345-1353. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/EN14099
- Gouge, D. H. (2014). Regulating Pesticide Use in United States Schools. American Entomologist, 60(2), 105-115.More infoHurley J., T.A. Green, D.H. Gouge, Z.T. Bruns, T. Stock, L. Braband, K. Murray, C. Westinghouse, S.T. Ratcliffe, D. Pehlman, L. Crane. 2014. Regulating Pesticide Use in United States Schools. American Entomologist Vol. 60 No. 2, 105-115.
- Hao, Y. u., Gouge, D. H., & Shapiro-Ilan, D. I. (2010). A novel strain of Steinernema riobrave (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) possesses superior virulence to subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Journal of Nematology, 42(2), 91-95.More infoPMID: 22736844;PMCID: PMC3380470;Abstract: Subterranean termites are major global pests of wood structures and wood products. Among the most economically important subterranean termite species in the US are Heterotermes aureus, Reticulitermes flavipes, and Coptotermes formosanus. In prior studies, the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema riobrave strain 355, exhibited a high level of virulence to H. aureus compared with other nematode species. However, S. riobrave 355 was reported to be poorly or only moderately virulent to It flavipes and C. formosanus, respectively. We hypothesized that other strains of S. riobrave may possess a high level of virulence to all three termite species. Under laboratory conditions we compared three novel strains of 5. riobrave (3-8b, 7-12, and TP) with the 355 strain for virulence to H. aureus, R. flavipes, and C. formosanus workers. H. aureus was very susceptible to all the S. riobrave strains, and termites in all nematode treatments were dead after 4 d. The TP strain of S. riobrave caused greater mortality in R. flavipes and C. formosanus compared to the other nematode strains. Specifically, the TP strain caused 75% and 91% mortality in R. flavipes and C. formosanus, respectively, which was more than 300% and 70% higher than the mortality caused by other strains. Additional studies are warranted to determine the ability of S. riobrave (TP) to control the targeted termite species under field conditions. © The Society of Nematologists 2010.
- Hao, Y. u., Gouge, D. H., Stock, S. P., & Baker, P. B. (2008). Development of entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae; Heterorhabditidae) in the desert subterranean termite Heterotermes aureus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Journal of Nematology, 40(4), 311-317.More infoAbstract: In laboratory bioassays Steinemema riobrave Cabanillas, Poinar and Raulston (355 strain), S. carpocapsae (Weiser) (Mexican 33 strain), S.feltiae (Filipjev) (UK76 strain), and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar (HP88 strain) infected and killed the subterranean termite, Heterotermes aureus (Snyder). Steinemema carpocapsae, S. riobrave and H. bacteriophora successfully reproduced in H. aureus and infective juveniles (IJs) exited the termite cadavers successfully. However, no progeny were produced by S.feltiae. IJs of S. carpocapsae formed two distinct size groups. The average total body length for the smaller group was 299.5 μm (S.E. 4.8), the average total body length for the larger group was 545.6 μm (S.E. 6.0). Small S. carpocapsae IJs infect, reproduce and form normal size IJs after subsequent infection in Galleria mellonella L. S. riobrave and H. bacteriophora showed a more gradual recovery in IJ size that needed 2 infection cycles in G. mellonella. In termite mortality tests, the progeny of small IJs of S. carpocapsae are comparably effective to the normal size IJs, under the conditions tested. After 72-h S. riobrave IJs from stock cultures (reared in G. mellonella) caused higher termite mortality compared with IJs cycled through termites then G. mellonella, then applied to termites. © The Society of Nematologists 2008.
- Gouge, D. H., Gouge, D. H., Snyder, J. L., & Snyder, J. L. (2006). Temporal association of entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) and bacteria. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 91(3), 147-157.More infoPMID: 16448667;Abstract: Galleria mellonella L. larvae were infected with three species (seven strains) of Steinernema spp. or three species (three strains) of Heterorhabditis spp. Infected larvae were incubated at 22, 27, and 32°C. Larvae were dorsally dissected every 6 h over a 48-h period. Hemolymph was collected and streaked on tryptic soy agar plates. Several non-symbiotic bacterial species were identified from infected insect cadavers: Enterobacter gergoviae, Vibrio spp., Pseudomonas fluorescens type C, Serratia marcescens, Citrobacter freundii, and Serratia proteomaculans. At 18-24 h incubation, the nematode-associated symbiont occurred almost exclusively. Bacterial associates generally appeared outside the 18-24 h window. Infective juveniles of Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev) (27), Steinernema riobrave Cabanillas, Poinar, and Raulston (Oscar), or Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (Kapow) were left untreated, or surface sterilized using thimerosal, then pipetted under sterile conditions onto tryptic soy agar plates. Several additional species of associated bacteria were identified using this method compared with the less extensive range of species isolated from infected G. mellonella. There was no difference in bacterial species identified from non-sterile or surface sterilized nematodes, suggesting that the bacteria identified originated from either inside the nematode or between second and third stage juvenile cuticles. Infective juveniles of S. feltiae (Cowles), S. carpocapsae (Cowles), and H. bacteriophora Poinar (Cowles) were isolated from field samples. Nematodes were surface-sterilized using sodium hypochlorite, mixed with G. mellonella hemolymph, and pipetted onto Biolog BUG (with blood) agar. Only the relevant symbionts were isolated from the limited number of samples available. The nematodes were then cultured in the laboratory for 14 months (sub-cultured in G. mellonella 7-times). Other Enterobacteriaceae could then be isolated from the steinernematid nematodes including S. marcescens, Salmonella sp., and E. gergoviae, indicating the ability of the nematodes to associate with other bacteria in laboratory culture. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
- Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., Gouge, D. H., Piggott, S. J., & Fife, J. P. (2006). Application technology and environmental considerations for use of entomopathogenic nematodes in biological control. Biological Control, 38(1), 124-133.More infoAbstract: A wide range of technology is available for application of entomopathogenic nematodes including various irrigation systems and spray equipment. The choice of application equipment, and manner in which the nematodes are applied, can have substantial impact on pest control efficacy. For example, nozzle or pumping system types are some of the parameters that can affect nematode performance following spray applications. Operating pressures for some nematode species may reach up to 2000 kPa without notable damage, whereas other species may require lower pressure limits, e.g., 1380 kPa for Heterorhabditis megidis. In addition to application equipment, a variety of other abiotic and biotic factors must be considered. In general, a rate of 25 infective juvenile nematodes/cm2 is required for successful pest suppression. Critical environmental factors include avoidance of ultraviolet radiation, adequate soil moisture, and appropriate temperature. Certain fertilizers and chemical pesticides can have positive effects on entomopathogenic nematode efficacy, whereas other agents may have neutral or negative effects. Similarly, certain biotic agents present during soil applications can be expected to be detrimental to nematode applications (e.g., nematophagous mites and fungi), whereas other organisms may be beneficial (e.g., some combinations with Bacillus thuringiensis). With some exceptions foliar applications have been less successful than soil applications due to nematode susceptibility to desiccation and UV; recent research, however, indicates that frequent low-rate applications of nematodes to foliage can result in substantial suppression of greenhouse pests such as thrips. Further innovation in application technology will undoubtedly contribute to the expansion of entomopathogenic nematodes as biocontrol agents.
- Yu, H., Gouge, D. H., & Baker, P. (2006). Parasitism of subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermiddae: Termitidae) by entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae; Heterorhabditidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 99(4), 1112-1119.More infoPMID: 16937662;Abstract: In laboratory bioassays, Steinemema riobrave Cabanillas, Poinar and Raulston (355 strain), Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (Mexican 33 strain), Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev) (UK76 strain), and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar (HP88 strain ) were all capable of infecting and killing three termite species, Heterotermes aureus (Snyder), Gnathamitermes perplexus (Banks), and Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) in laboratory sand assays. S. riobrave and S. feltiae caused low levels of Reticulitermes virginicus (Banks) mortality under the same conditions. At 22°C, significant mortality (≥80%) of worker H. aureus and G. perplexus was caused by S. riobrave, in sand assays, indicating the need for further study. Because of the short assay time (3 d maximum), reproduction of the nematodes in the target host species was not recorded. All nematode species were observed to develop to fourth-stage juveniles, preadult stages, or adults in all termite species with the exception of R. virginicus. Only S. riobrave developed in R. virginicus. Nematode concentration and incubation time had significant effects on the mortality of worker H. aureus. S. riobrave consistently generated the highest infection levels and mortality of H. aureus in sand assays. © 2006 Entomological Society of America.
- Gouge, D. H. (2005). Applications for social insect control. Nematodes as Biocontrol Agent, 317-329.
- Gouge, D. H., & Snyder, J. L. (2005). Parasitism of bark scorpion Centruroides exilicauda (Scorpiones: Buthidae) by entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae; Heterorhabditidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 98(5), 1486-1493.More infoPMID: 16334314;Abstract: In laboratory bioassays, Steinernema glaseri Steiner, Steinernema riobrave Cabanillas, Poinar & Raulston, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar, and Heterorhabditis marelatus Liu & Berry were capable of infecting and killing the bark scorpion, Centruroides exilicauda (Wood). Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev) and Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) failed to infect C. exilicauda at 22°C. S. glaseri, H. marelatus, and H. bacteriophora caused significant mortality at 22°C, indicating the potential role of these parasites as a biocontrol option. Efficacy of S. glaseri and H. bacteriophora was reduced in an assay conducted at 25°C. Only S. glaseri was able to reproduce in the target host. Dissection of scorpions at the end of the experimental periods revealed inactive juvenile S. riobrave, H. marelatus, and H. bacteriophora nematodes. Both mermithid and oxyurid nematodes have been documented as nematode parasites of scorpions, but rhabditids have not been reported until now. Field studies are warranted to assess the usefulness of entomopathogenic nematodes as biocontrol agents of bark scorpions. © 2005 Entomological Society of America.
- Gouge, D. H., Smith, K. A., Lee, L. L., & Henneberry, T. J. (2000). Effect of soil depth and moisture on the vertical distribution of Steinernema riobrave (Nematoda: Steinernematidae). Journal of Nematology, 32(2), 223-228.More infoPMID: 19270970;PMCID: PMC2620435;Abstract: The effect of soil moisture on the distribution of Steinernema riobrave in a sand column was determined. Larvae of Pectinophora gossypiella were used to detect S. riobrave infective juveniles (IJ) in each 2.5-cm section of 30-cm-long soil columns. Soil moisture was determined for each section and related to the numbers of nematodes recovered from infected insect baits. Infective juveniles of S. riobrave applied on the sand column surface showed some degree of positive geotaxis. IJ in soil columns with a consistent moisture gradient grouped in the upper 12.7 cm within a water potential range of -40 to -0.0055 MPa (2% to 14% moisture). Nematodes in sand columns that were gradually dehydrating moved down the soil column, aggregating on the 28th day between 15-23 cm in depth. Nematode redistribution over time allowed IJ to remain within a water potential range of -0.1 to -0.012 MPa (5.2% to 9.5% moisture).
- Gouge, D. H., Lee, L. L., & Henneberry, T. J. (1999). Effect of temperature and Lepidopteran host species on entomopathogenic nematode (Nematoda: Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae) infection. Environmental Entomology, 28(5), 876-883.More infoAbstract: Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of temperature on entomopathogenic nematode infection of an insect host. Late instars of Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Trichoplusia ni (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and Spodoptera exigua (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were incubated at 10 temperatures ranging between 9.9 and 40°C, and exposed to 150 infective juvenile entomopathogenic nematodes (Nematoda: Steinernematidae; Heterorhabditidae) per larva. The number of infecting Steinernema riobrave Cabanillas, Poinar and Raulston, S. carpocapsae (Weiser) (Kapow) and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Poinar) (Cruiser), nematodes was recorded. Temperature, nematode species, and target insect all significantly affected the number of infective juvenile nematodes invading host insects. The temperature supporting the highest levels of nematode infection varied depending on insect host species. Larvae of P. gossypiella were then incubated at the same range of temperatures, and exposed to 2 dose rates (100 and 200 infective juveniles per larva) of S. riobrave, S. carpocapsae (Guardian), H. bacteriophora (Cruiser), or H. bacteriophora (Lawn Patrol). Increasing nematode dosage had no effect on the temperature at which nematode infection of P. gossypiella was highest. Doubling the nematode dose rate did not result in a significant increase in the number of infective juveniles infecting larvae for the nematode species tested with the exception of S. riobrave. The optimum temperature for the control of insect targets by a nematode will vary among target species. Assuming existing nematode temperature optima and applying the same conditions to untested insect species may not result in maximum biocontrol efficacy.
- Gouge, D. H., Lee, L. L., & Henneberry, T. J. (1999). Parasitism of diapausing pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) larvae by entomopathogenic nematodes (Nematoda: Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae). Crop Protection, 18(8), 531-537.More infoAbstract: Diapausing larvae of Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), were exposed to entomopathogenic nematodes (Nematoda: Steinernematidae; Heterorhabditidae) at a dosage of 100 or 200 infective juveniles (IJ) per larva. No significant differences between infection of Steinernema riobrave (strain 355) Cabanillas, Poinar and Raulston, and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (strain Cruiser) (Poinar) were observed after either 6-d or 9-d of incubation. No significant difference in infection levels occurred due to increasing dose. Greatest insect mortality occurred due to parasitism by S. riobrave (355). In a second assay, diapausing larvae of P. gossypiella were exposed to S. riobrave (355), Steinernema carpocapsae (strain Kapow) (Weiser), H. bacteriophora (strain Lawn Patrol), or H. bacteriophora (Cruiser) at dosages of 50, 100,200, or 400 IJs per larva. S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora (Cruiser) infected larvae at significantly higher rates compared with H. bacteriophora (Lawn Patrol) and S. riobrave. A significant difference in infection levels occurred due to nematode dose. In a third assay cotton bolls infested with diapausing P, gossypiella were exposed to S, riobrave (355), or H. bacteriophora (Cruiser). Boxes were prepared with bolls buried 5 cm below the soil surface or bolls laid on the soil surface. Boxes also were incubated at constant temperature or exposed to ambient seasonal temperatures and light. H. bacteriophora (Cruiser) infected larvae at significantly higher rates compared with S. riobrave (355). Significant differences in infection levels occurred due to the location of the boll placement and the incubation temperature.
- Gouge, D. H., Lee, L. L., Bartlett, A., & Henneberry, T. J. (1998). Pectinophora gossypiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae): Susceptibility of F1 Larvae from Irradiated Parents to Entomopathogenic Nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 91(4), 869-874.More infoAbstract: We studied the interactions between F1 progeny of Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) adults irradiated in the pupal stage and entomopathogenic nematodes. Both sexes of pink bollworm pupae were exposed to 4, 8, 12, or 16 krad substerilizing radiation doses irradiated using a 60Co source. The F1 larvae were tested in a sand bioassay for susceptibility to Steinernema riobravis Cabanillas, Poinar & Raulston, S. carpocapsae (Weiser), and 2 strains of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Poinar). The numbers of infecting nematodes were counted after 48 h. Increasing parental radiation dose significantly increased F1 larval susceptibility to S. riobravis and H. bacteriophora, but decreased susceptibility to S. carpocapsae. This difference in susceptibility may be caused by the sedentary nature of larvae from parents receiving higher levels of irradiation, combined with the passive ambush tactics used by S. carpocapsae to acquire an insect host. The need to sustain the F1 population of pink bollworm for sterility promotion and subsequent population collapse suggests S. carpocapsae to be an ideal entomopathogenic nematode to be used in conjunction with inherited sterility control methods.
- Peters, A., Gouge, D. H., Ehlers, R. -., & Hague, N. G. (1997). Avoidance of Encapsulation by Heterorhabditis spp. Infecting Larvae of Tipula oleracea. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 70(2), 161-164.
- Gouge, D. H., & Hague, N. G. (1995). The susceptibility of different species of sciarid flies to entomopathogenic nematodes. Journal of Helminthology, 69(4), 313-318.More infoPMID: 8583125;Abstract: Steinernema feltiae is the most effective nematode for controlling sciarid species but S. carpocapsae does exert some control. S. feltiae is less effective at 30°C than at 22°C. S. anomali, S. riobravis and two Heterorhabditis spp. gave better control at the higher temperature. All six sciarid species tested were susceptible to S. feltiae but there was some variation in the level of infection. UK isolates of S. feltiae were more effective against UK sciarids than the nematode isolates from other European countries which were tested. Adult sciarids are infected by S. feltiae and can disperse nematodes to nematode-free compost.
Proceedings Publications
- Gouge, D. H., & Nair, S. (2020, December). Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Round-tailed Ground Squirrels. In Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference, 4pp.
- Nair, S., & Gouge, D. H. (2020, December). Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Round-tailed Ground Squirrels. In Proceedings of the 29th Vertebrate Pest Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, 4pp.
- Gouge, D. H. (2024, July).
July 25, 2024. Climate Change for Gardeners. Yuma County Master Gardeners. On-line Class presenter.
. Yuma County Master Gardener Series. On-line webinar: Yuma County. - Gouge, D. H., & Pochubay, E. (2024, August).
August 29, 2024. IPM in Michigan Schools and Childcare Facilities. Presenter with Emily Pochubay Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development’s IPM and Public Health Pest Specialist. Pest Defense Webinar
. Pest Defense Webinar. On-Line: North Centeral IPM Center. - Gouge, D. H., & Walker, K. R. (2024, April).
April 19, 2024. Gouge, D. H., Walker, K.R. Biting Back – Reducing the Risk of Vector-Borne Disease. Border Health: Information for Action Binational Conference, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. Invited Speaker
. Border Health: Information for Action Binational Conference, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico.. Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. - Gouge, D. H., Dorame-Avalos, A., & Li, S. (2024, October).
October 29-30, 2024. Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Dorame-Avalos, A. 2024. Brown Dog Tick IPM and Pesticide Safety. 2024 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Statewide Meeting. Flagstaff, AZ.
. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Statewide Meeting. Flagstaff, AZ: CDC. - Gouge, D. H. (2022, Spring). Active Learning to Enhance your IPM Programming. 10th International IPM Symposium. Denver, Colorado.
- Gouge, D. H. (2022, Spring). Beyond the Field and Into the Community. 10th International IPM Symposium. Denver, Colorado.
- Gouge, D. H. (2021, April). The Danger of Arbovirus Risk from Mosquitos Developing in Standing or Stored Water. Water Wise Seminar Series. Virtual: Water Wise - Extension.More info19 attendees
- Gouge, D. H. (2021, April-May). Practicing IPM in schools and sensitive environments during a pandemic. . 4th Arizona School IPM Conference. Virtual: Arizona Pest Management Center.More info117 asynchronous attendees/92 CEs credited
- Gouge, D. H. (2021, June). 2 presentations presented on 2 days - Ant IPM in School & Bed Bug IPM in School. Oregon State University - Annual School IPM Coordinator Training. Virtual: Oregon State University.More info183 attendees and 68 attendees respectively
- Gouge, D. H. (2021, May 25-26). Pests and Disasters. The Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona. Emergency Preparedness for Outbreaks of Insect and Arthropod Vectors and Communicable Pests. Virtual: EPA.More info133 attendees
- Gouge, D. H. (2021, May). Higher Temperatures and Pest Populations – People and Plants in Peril. Desert 30th Annual Desert Horticulture Conference. Virtual: CALS.More info48 attendees 26 PMD CEs 20 International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) CEUs credited
- Gouge, D. H. (2021, October). Insects, Weather & Climate. Garden and Country Extension Webinar Series. Virtual: Extension.
- Gouge, D. H., & Nelson, M. A. (2021, July). Disinfectants and Schools, What Co-regulators Need to Know. Public Health PREP Course. Virtual: EPA funded Pesticide Regulatory Education Program.More info28 state lead agency attendees
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Walker, K. R., Ernst, K. C., Nair, S., Weber, J. L., Woolfolk, C. M., Ellsworth, P. C., & Teegerstrom, T. (2021, October-November). Emergency Preparedness through Integrated Pest Management Education and Tribal Partnerships in Arizona. 2021 Entomological Society of America Annual Conference. Denver, CO..
- Nair, S., & Gouge, D. H. (2021, November). Master Gardener Entomology class. Yuma County Master Gardener Program. Virtual: Extension.
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Umeda, K., Schuch, U. K., Fournier, A. J., & Li, S. (2021, October). Arizona School IPM Conference: Adapting to changing times. 2021 Entomological Society of America Annual Conference. Virtual.
- Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Pier, N., Li, S., & Gouge, D. H. (2020, March). Communicating Pesticide Risk. National School IPM Steering Committee meeting. Virtual.More info25 participants.
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, April). Bites & Stings from Venomous Things. Arizona Vector Conference. Virtual: Arizona Department of Health Services.More info57 participants
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, April). Common Viral Disease Concerns in Schools, Childcare Facilities, & Homes. 3rd School IPM Conference. Virtual.More info78 participants/32 CEUs attended live online. 6 CEUs from the AZ Department of Agriculture Pest Management Division (PMD) for entire 6-hour workshop (live online and recorded sessions: 684 CEs credited in 2020). Event coordinated by Shaku Nair
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, August). How to Trap Mosquitoes. Vector Preparedness Virtual Workshop. Virtual: EPA.More infoWorkshop provided by the University of Arizona, in Collaboration with the Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., and the Tohono O’odham Environmental Health Office. 10 participants attended live online. 4 CEUs from the AZ Department of Agriculture Pest Management Division (PMD) for the entire 4-hour workshop (live-online and recorded sessions: 48 CEs credited in 2020). Attendees included Environmental Health Officer and Indian Health Service staff who serve the Tohono O’odham Nation, Cocopah Tribe, Pascua Yaqui Tribe, Gila River Indian Community, and Quechan Tribe. Workshop coordinated by Shujuan Li.
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, January). Why pest outbreaks occur after disasters; A deeper dive into commensal rodents; A deeper dive into communicable pests – bed bugs, scabies, head lice, body lice; Real-world pest outbreak scenarios.. Tribal Nations Resilience in Arizona Conference, Workshop II Tribal Emergency Preparedness for Pest Outbreaks. Phoenix AZ: Inter-tribal Council of Arizona.More info36 participants
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, March). Bed bug Bedlam. Arizona Environmental Health Association conference. Phoenix, AZ.More info82 participants/82 ADHS and NEHA CEUs
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, May). Mosquitoes - Stealthy Bloodsuckers That Stalk Our Cities. 29th Urban Pest Management Conference - CA. University of California Riverside Virtual Conference: University of California.More info98 participants/98 CEUs
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Nair, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Reese, S., Brophy, M., Walker, K. R., Ernst, K. C., Ellsworth, P. C., & Teegerstrom, T. (2020, November). Public Health IPM Education – Honoring and empowering tribal nations and indigenous peoples. 2020 Entomology Virtual Annual Meeting. November 11 – 25, 2020. Virtual.More info1220 views. On-demand presentation available for 3068 meeting registrants.
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2020, November). Schools during the COVID situation – how does IPM help?. 2020 Entomology Virtual Annual Meeting. November 11 – 25, 2020. Virtual.
- Nair, S., Henry, D., & Gouge, D. H. (2020, March 2-5). Integrated Pest Management Strategies for round-tailed ground squirrels.. 29th Vertebrate Pest Conference. March 2-5, 2020. Santa Barbara, CA.. Santa Barbara, CA.: University of California ANR.More infoOral presentation.
- Teegerstrom, T., Ellsworth, P. C., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2020, November). Public Health IPM Education – Honoring and empowering tribal nations and indigenous peoples. 2020 Entomology Virtual Annual Meeting. November 11 – 25, 2020.More info1220 views. On-demand presentation available for 3068 meeting registrants.
- Walker, K. R., Gouge, D. H., Riehle, M. A., Ernst, K. C., Williamson, D., Li, S., Arnbrister, J., & Nair, S. (2020, November). Impacts of ULV adulticiding on the vectorial capacity of the Zika vector, Aedes aegypti. 2020 Entomology Virtual Annual Meeting. November 11 – 25, 2020. Virtual.
- Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Pier, N., & Gouge, D. H. (2019, December). Communicating Pesticide Risks. Rodent Academy. Maricopa, AZ: AZ Pest Professionals Organization.More info35 participants
- Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Pier, N., & Gouge, D. H. (2019, October). Communicating Pesticide Risks. Region 9 Tribal Public Health Conference.. Maricopa, AZ: EPA.More info19 Participants
- Gouge, D. H. (2019, April). Bed Bugs Biology and Management & Health Impacts of Pesticide Exposure.. Tohono O’odham Ki:Ki Association Healthy Homes Workshop. Sells, AZ: UA Extension.More info47 participants
- Gouge, D. H. (2019, April). Climate change - expanding pest ranges and emerging issues. 2nd Arizona School IPM Conference.. 2nd Arizona School IPM Conference. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Pest Management Center.More info51 participants/29CEs
- Gouge, D. H. (2019, April). Mosquito Biology & Ecology in the Desert Environment.. Northwest Exterminating Summit. Tucson, AZ: Northwest Exterminating.More info93 participants/93 CEUs
- Gouge, D. H. (2019, February). Suburban mosquito management – fact versus fiction.. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center Seminar Series. Maricopa, AZ: USDA.
- Gouge, D. H. (2019, January). Health Impacts of Desert Southwest Commensal Rodents & Mosquito Biology and Ecology in the Desert Southwest.. Metro Institute Continuing Education Class. Phoenix, Arizona: Metro Institute.More info16 participants/32 face-to-face CEUs. Recordings of which were used in subsequent classes generating 362 CEUs associated with Health Impacts of Desert Southwest Commensal Rodents, and 373 CEUs associated with Mosquito Biology and Ecology in the Desert Southwest.Recordings made in 2018 used in 2019 classes generated 314 CEUs associated with Venomous Arthropods of the Desert Southwest and 244 CEUs associated with Honey Bees.
- Gouge, D. H. (2019, March). Mosquitoes: Our Pesky little Pests with Global Impacts.. Gilbert Historical Museum Seminar Series. Gilbert, 2019: Gilbert Historical Museum.More info6 participants
- Gouge, D. H. (2019, March). Who’s in control? You or the cockroach?. AzPPO Great Western Conference. Mesa, AZ: Arizona Pest Professional Organization.More info101 participants/101CEs
- Gouge, D. H. (2019, November). Bed bugs – in homes, in schools, in childcare facilities, in medical centers, in fire stations!. Gila River Indian Community Public Health Integrated Pest Management Workshop. Sacaton, AZ: UA Extension.More info33 participants/12 CEUs
- Gouge, D. H. (2019, September). Bed bugs – in homes, in schools, in childcare facilities, in medical centers, in fire stations!. Yavapai-Apache Nation Integrated Pest Management Workshop. Camp Verde, AZ: UA Extension.More info4 participants
- Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2019, December). Health Significance of Commensal Rodents. 2nd Southwest Rodent Academy. Maricopa, AZ: Arizona Pest Professionals Organisation.More infoDecember 4-5 Workshop 35 participants, 7 vendors, and 11 collaborators. 420 CEUs. Instructor & Workshop Coordinator
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., & Nair, S. (2019, August). Integrated Pest Management-A Simple Solution to Problem Pests in Elderly and Disabled Public Housing.. 5th Annual Tennessee Bed Bug and Cockroach Management Meeting. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee.
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Li, S., Fernandez, D., Henegar, S., & Ketner, R. (2019, August). Using Heat to Reduce Pests in Housing.. National Environmental Health Association Integrated Pest Management Solutions in Environmental Health Virtual Conference. Virtual: National Environmental Health Association.More info214 participants
- Li, S., & Gouge, D. H. (2019, October). Termites. 1st Southwest Termite Academy. Maricopa, AZ: Arizona Pest Professionals Organization.More infoOctober 23-24 Workshop 65 participants, 11 vendors, and 13 collaborators. 780 CEUs. Workshop Coordinator
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Reese, S., Brophy, M., Walker, K. R., Ernst, K. C., Rivadeneira, P., Teegerstrom, T., Ellsworth, P. C., & Fournier, A. J. (2019, 10-22-2019). Effective Partnerships in IPM Education in Indian Communities. Tribal/EPA Region 9 Conference. Maricopa, AZ 85138. October 22-24, 2019.. Maricopa: EPA.
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Reese, S., Brophy, M., Walker, K. R., Ernst, K. C., Rivadeneira, P., Teegerstrom, T., Fournier, A. J., & Ellsworth, P. C. (2019, August). Effective Partnerships in Public Health IPM Education in American Indian Communities. National Environmental Health Association Integrated Pest Management Solutions in Environmental Health Virtual Conference. Virtual Conference: National Environmental Health Association.More info158 views. 106 NEHA CEUs
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Umeda, K., Li, S., Fournier, A. J., & Schuch, U. K. (2019, August). Implementing IPM in Schools without IPM legislation: Experiences from Arizona.. National Environmental Health Association Integrated Pest Management Solutions in Environmental Health Virtual Conference. Virtual: National Environmental Health Association.More info94 participants
- Fournier, A. J., Li, S., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Li, S., & Fournier, A. J. (2018, May 15-16). Implementation of Integrated Pest Management in Elderly/Disabled Public Housing Facilities. National Environmental Health Association Enhancing Environmental Health Knowledge: Vectors and Public Health Pests Virtual Conference. Virtual Conference.More info80 participants, 56 National Environmental Health Association Continuing Education Credits
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Nair, S., & Pier, N. (2018, March 19–22). Integrated Pest Management—A Simple Solution to Wicked Problem Pests in Elderly and Disabled Public Housing. 9th International IPM Symposium. Baltimore, Maryland.
- Nair, S., Li, S., & Gouge, D. H. (2018, May 15-16). Communicating about bed bugs to diverse audiences using diverse tools. National Environmental Health Association Enhancing Environmental Health Knowledge: Vectors and Public Health Pests Virtual Conference. Virtual Conference.More info143 participants, 113 National Environmental Health Association Continuing Education Credits
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, August 7). Mosquito Madness. Southwest Horticulture Annual Day of Education (SHADE) Conference.. Tucson: Southwest Horticulture.
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, December 10). Bite’s, Stings and Crazy Things.. Arizona Pest Professionals – Southern Chapter.. Tucson, AZ..
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, February). Bed Bug Management Strategies.. Arizona County Directors of Environmental Health Services Association Annual Conference.. Laughlin, Nevada: Arizona County Directors of Environmental Health Services Association.
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, February). Stop School Pests for School Nurses.. Apache Junction Unified Schools In-service. Apache Junction, Arizona.
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, July 23-24). IPM Basics for Environmental Health Professionals, Mosquito Biology and Control, Rodent Biology and Control, Pest Inspection Practicum.. School IPM for Tribes. Phoenix, AZ.EPA & Inter tribal Council of Arizona.
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, March). Stop School Pests - Whole Sale Education Efforts to Kickstart a School IPM Program.. 8th International IPM Symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah.. Salt Lake City, Utah.More infoBolton, H., L. Braband, M. Duke, C. Foss, L. Graham, D. H. Gouge, T. Green, J. Hurley, D. Kopec, S. Li, K., S. Nair, M. Page, S. T. Ratcliffe, G. Smith, M. Snyder, T. Stock, K. U., D. Young. Stop School Pests - Whole Sale Education Efforts to Kickstart a School IPM Program. 8th International IPM Symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, November 10). Mosquitoes; Bed bugs and other itchy bugs.. State Signature Program Initiative School IPM Seminar.. Casa Grande, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, November 4). Bed Dread – Human Health Impacts of Bed Bugs. Arizona Department of Health Services Conference for Registered Sanitarians.. Phoenix, AZ: Department of Health Services.
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, October 15). Itchy Bugs and Adult Day Health Centers. Adult Day Health Center Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, October 26). Mosquitoes; Bed bugs and other itchy bugs.. State Signature Program Initiative School IPM Seminar.. Tucsopn, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, October 29). Mosquitoes; Bed bugs and other itchy bugs. State Signature Program Initiative School IPM Seminar.. State Signature Program Initiative School IPM Seminar.. Phoenix, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, September 22). Itchy bug update: Training for school nurses, ESS facilitators, maintenance and administrative staff. Staff In-service. Phoenix, AZ: Phoenix Union High School District.
- Gouge, D. H., & Nair, S. (2015, February). Experiments with household pests. "I Love Science" - Arizona Museum of Natural History Outreach event.More info"I Love Science" - Arizona Museum of Natural History Outreach event
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., & Nair, S. (2015, February 25). School IPM for nurses. Course for Apache Junction Unified School District school nurses. Superstition Mountain Elementary School, 550 S. Ironwood Dr. Apache Junction, AZ 85120. 7 participants.
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Li, S. (2015, March 3). Stop School Pests Workshop. Stop School Pests Workshop. Maricopa County Cooperative Extension Office. 4341 E Broadway Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85040. 32 participants. 6 CEUs.
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., LaMorte, R., Li, S., & Nambiar, P. (2015, November 21). Pests in community environments – outreach display featuring live insects and other arthropods and their management measures.. MAC Family Farm Day, Maricopa Ag. Center,. Maricopa, AZ: UA.
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., LaMorte, R., Li, S., Nambiar, P., & Pier, N. (2015, September). Live Arthropod Interaction Table Exposition Table. University of Arizona Insect Festival. Tucson: UA.
- Gouge, D. H. (2014, 11/19). Simple solutions: Big results. 62nd ESA National Meeting. Portland, OR: ESA.
- Gouge, D. H. (2014, April 7-9). Edutainment-Education with a Smile. 98th ESA-Pacific Branch Meeting. Marriott University Park Hotel, Tucson, AZ: APMC.More info04/08/2014. Gouge, D.H. Edutainment-Education with a smile. Oral presentation at 98th ESA-Pacific Branch Meeting, April 7-9 2014, Marriott University Park Hotel, Tucson, AZ. 25 participants.
- Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2014, January 22). Scabies Management, Audience response Demo, Pop Quiz, Closing quiz and class evaluation. Short course for Maricopa Unified School District School Nurses.
- Gouge, D. H., & Nair, S. (2014, October). Pests in community environments – live demo. Central Arizona Cooperative Extension Centennial Celebration - Celebrating the Past, Envisioning the Future, Phoenix AZ. Phoenix AZ: CALS.
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Li, S., Umeda, K. -., Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Schuch, U. K., Kopec, D. M., & Baker, P. B. (2014, April). School IPM Inside and Out. EPA Big Check Event. Phoenix, AZ: EPA.
- Li, S., & Gouge, D. H. (2014, April 23). Keep your wits, Lose the nits! Manage Head Lice. IPM in a Child’s World. Yuma Cooperative Extension Office. 2200 W. 28th St. Yuma AZ 85364. 29 participants. 91 AZ CEUs..
- Li, S., & Gouge, D. H. (2014, November 13). Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Community Environments. the 38th Annual Women Involved in Farm Economics Convention. Best Western International Airport Inn, Phoenix, AZ. 35 participants..
- Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2014, October 29). Bed Bugs Biology, Behavior and Control. UNIVAR Pest Management Professionals Training. Black Canyon Conference Center, Phoenix, AZ. 100 participants. 1 AZ CEU.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, April). Housing Community Partners - Bed Bug Presentation. property managers and developers annual meeting. Phoenix, AZ: City of Phoenix Housing Community Partners.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, April). Public Housing Authority Multifamily Housing IPM. PHA Multifamily Housing training and site inspection - Phoenix. Phoenix, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, April). Yakama School IPM Tribal Training. Yakama, WA.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, April). planning for cities battling Bed bugs strategically. City of Phoenix Environmental Management and Housing Team Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, December). USDA -ARS ALARC Beg Bug Seminar. USDA -ARS ALARC Beg Bug Seminar.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, February). Bed Bugs - what management teams need to know. Pacific Southwest Conference. Phoenix, AZ: Affordable Housing Management Association.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, February). Bed Bugs and property management presentation. Southwest Regional National Association of Residential Property Managers Conference. Phoenix, AZ: National Association of Residential Property Managers.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, February). Bed bug 101 for Industrial Hygiene Professionals. Bed Bugs American Industrial Hygiene Association Training. Phoenix, AZ: American Industrial Hygiene Association.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, February). Public Housing Authority Bed Bug Management Planning. City of Phoenix PHA training. Phoenix, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, January). Bed Dread - Working the Bugs Out. Tucson, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, March). AZ Community IPM Workshop. AZ Community IPM Workshop. Phoenix, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, March). IPM in Sensitive Accounts. Pest Management Professional Training. Tempe, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, March). New Mexico School IPM Coalition Meeting and site audit - Albuquerque. New Mexico School IPM Coalition Meeting and site audit. Albuquerque, NM.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, May). Montana School IPM Coalition Meeting and site audit. Montana School IPM Coalition Meeting and site audit - Bozeman2-day workshopDay 1 5/17/2011Day 2 5/18/2011. Bozeman, MT.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, May). Multifamily Housing training and site inspection. Portland, OR: Public Housing Authority.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, May). Public housing bed bug and MRSA update. Emergency presentation. Phoenix, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, September). Bed bug IPM Training for Phoenix Union High School District Nursing Staff. Phoenix, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, September). City of Phoenix Case Worker Bed Bug Workshop. Phoenix, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, September). Residents Training Bed Bugs & IPM. Phoenix, AZ: Public Housing Authority.
- Gouge, D. H. (2011, September). The external grounds IPM audit is a new focus area using a dramatically expanded work group of experts UA. Phoenix Union High School District Grounds IPM Audit. Phoenix, AZ.
Poster Presentations
- Cavallaro, M. C., & Gouge, D. H. (2024, November).
Nov 10-13, 2024. Cavallaro, M. C., Gouge, D. H. Nuisance status of the net-spinning caddisfly, Smicridea fasciatella (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae): Survey responses of residents on the Colorado River in Bullhead City, Arizona. Entomological Society of America, Phoenix, Arizona.
. Entomological Society of America. Phoenix, AZ. - Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Walker, K. R., Fournier, A. J., Ernst, K. C., Rock, C., Teegerstrom, T., & Ellsworth, P. C. (2024, October).
October 29-30, 2024. Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Walker, K., Fournier, A.J., Ernst, K., Rock, C., Teegerstrom, T. and Ellsworth, P.C. 2024. An integrated approach to teaching and expanding what we mean by IPM. Poster presentation. 2024 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Flagstaff, AZ.
. 2024 Rocky Mountain Spotted FeverCDC. - Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Walker, K. R., Ernst, K. C., Woolfolk, C. M., Fournier, A. J., Nair, S., Brophy, M., Ellsworth, P. C., Teegerstrom, T., Dorame-Avalos, A., & Ruberto, I. (2022, December). University of Arizona Public Health IPM - Honoring and Empowering Tribal Nations and Indigenous Peoples. 10th International IPM Symposium.
- Ellsworth, P. C., Teegerstrom, T., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2020, October 6-8). Honoring and Empowering Tribal Nations and Indigenous Peoples Through IPM Education and Emergency Preparedness. 2020 Arizona Cooperative Extension Virtual Conference. October 6-8, 2020.
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Nair, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Reese, S., Brophy, M., Walker, K. R., Ernst, K. C., Teegerstrom, T., & Ellsworth, P. C. (2020, October 6-8). Honoring and Empowering Tribal Nations and Indigenous Peoples Through IPM Education and Emergency Preparedness. 2020 Arizona Cooperative Extension Virtual Conference. October 6-8, 2020. Virtual.
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Umeda, K., Li, S., Fournier, A. J., & Schuch, U. K. (2020, October). Implementing IPM in Schools without IPM legislation: Experiences from Arizona.. 2020 Arizona Cooperative Extension Virtual Conference. Virtual.
- Nair, S., Henry, D., & Gouge, D. H. (2020, October 6-8 / Fall). Integrated Pest Management Strategies for round-tailed ground squirrels.. 2020 Arizona Cooperative Extension Virtual Conference. October 6-8, 2020.. Online: UA Cooperative Extension.
- Riehle, M. A., Joy, T., Ernst, K. C., Gouge, D. H., Carriere, Y., & Walker, K. R. (2020, November). How old is that mosquito? Age grading Aedes aegypti in the desert Southwest.. ESA National Meeting. Virtual.
- Schuch, U. K., Fournier, A. J., Li, S., Umeda, K., Gouge, D. H., & Nair, S. (2020, November). Does implementation of school IPM need supporting legislation?. 2020 Entomological Society of America Virtual Annual Meeting. Virtual.
- Arnbrister, J., Brophy, M., Gouge, D. H., & Walker, K. R. (2019, September). Pilot Testing of In2Care® Traps in Urban Desert Landscape. SOVE 49th Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Society for Vector Ecology.
- Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Teegerstrom, T., Rivadeneira, P., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Reese, S. K., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2019, August). Public Health IPM Education in American Indian Communities. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Annual In-Service Training. Tucson, Arizona.
- Fournier, A. J., Li, S., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Li, S., & Fournier, A. J. (2019, April). Effective Integrated Pest Management in Public Housing.. 2019 International Branch Virtual Symposium - Entomological Society of America. Virtual Conference: Entomological Society of America.
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Nair, S., Fernandez, D., Henegar, S., Ketner, R., Choe, D., Campbell, K., & De La Hoz, J. (2019, August). Using Heat to Reduce Pests in Housing. Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference. Tucson, AZ: UA Extension.
- Ernst, K. C., Gouge, D. H., Riehle, M. A., & Walker, K. R. (2018, October). Impacts of ULV adulticiding on the vectorial capacity of the Zika Vector. Society of Vector Ecology. Yosemite, California.
- Green, T., Gouge, D. H., & Zastrow, M. (2018, March 18-23). School Pests online integrated pest management training courses for school employees. 9th International IPM Symposium. Baltimore, Maryland.More infoPoster
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Fournier, A. J. (2018, March). Implementation of Integrated Pest Management in Elderly/Disabled Public Housing Facilities. CALS Poster Forum. Tucson, AZ: USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Fournier, A. J. (2018, May). Implementation of Integrated Pest Management in Elderly/Disabled Public Housing Facilities. Enhancing Environmental Health Knowledge: Vectors and Public Health Pests. National Environmental Health Assocation Virtual Conference (online): USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
- Nair, S., Green, T., Gouge, D. H., Umeda, K., Fournier, A. J., Li, S., Schuch, U. K., & Kopec, D. M. (2018, March 19-22). Recognizing Excellence in School Integrated Pest Management. 9th International IPM Symposium. Baltimore, Maryland.
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, March). Quality of Life Impacts of Bed Bug (Cimex lectularis L.) Infestations. 8th International IPM Symposium. Salt Lake City, Utah.More infoGouge, D. H., S. Li, A. Fournier, T. Stock, A. Romero, D. Young, S. Nair, C. Foss, R. Kerzee, D. Stone, and M. Dunn.
- Burke, S., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2014, July 28). The efficiency of botanical oils to control the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti delivered in a sugar bait.. South Mountain Community College Summer Intern Poster. Phoenix, AZ.
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., & Nair, S. (2014, November 19). Stop School Pests: Standardized National School IPM Training. 62nd ESA National Meeting November 16-19 2014, Portland, OR. Portland, OR.More infoThis is the Stop School Pests Team effort. More team members participated in this project. Special thanks to Mariel Snyder.
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., & Nair, S. (2014, November 19). Stop School Pests: Standardized National School IPM Training. the 62nd ESA National Meeting November 16-19 2014, Portland, OR. Portland, OR.More infoThis is the Stop School Pests Team effort. More team members participate in this project. Special thanks to Mariel Snyder.
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Fournier, A. J., & Currie, B. (2014, April 8). Practical Methods of Controlling Bed Bugs at Home. 98th Annual Meeting: Pacific Branch Entomological Society of America, Apr. 6-9, 2014. Marriott University Park Hotel.More infoThis poster has been modified for outreach purpose.
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., & Fournier, A. J. (2014, April 7-9). Practical Methods of Controlling Bed Bugs at Home. 98th ESA-Pacific Branch Meeting. Tucson, AZ: ESA.
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., & Nair, S. (2014, November). Assessment of Bed Bug Impacts and Practical Methods of Controlling Bed Bugs at Home.. CALS Annual Research Poster Forum, Tucson AZ. UA Student Union.
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Umeda, K., Schuch, U. K., Kopec, D. M., & Baker, P. B. (2014, 11/10). Bed Bug Battle IPM Mosquito Management and Fall Landscape Checklist School and Home IPM Newsletter October 2014.. Arizona Cooperative Extension. Tucson, AZ: CALS.
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Umeda, K., Schuch, U. K., Kopec, D. M., & Baker, P. B. (2014, 11/10). Community IPM-Integrated pest management for community environments. CALS Poster Event. Tucson, AZ: CALS.
Creative Productions
- Gouge, D. H. (2020. The Monster Inside Me: A Lyme Disease Documentary. Hanns Wolters International. Film Data: 107 Minutes, Color, DCP, Aspect: 1.85, Sound: Dolby SRD, Language: English WebsiteHanns Wolters International.. https://www.themonsterinsideme.com/More infoTechnical contributions filmed for inclusion in film.
- Gouge, D. H. (2020. The Perfect Ectoparasite - Bed Bugs & IPM. Great Plains Diagnostic Network webinar series. Webinar: Great Plains Diagnostic Network. https://msuextensionconnect.org/pz3olauwwssm/
- Gouge, D. H. (2016. Stop School Pests. eXtension Urban IPM Community of PractiseEPA, NIFA, Arizona Pest Management Center, Auburn University. http://articles.extension.org/pages/73468/self-paced-learning-page-for-urban-ipmMore infoGouge and many many other people. The Stop School Pests IPM education materials include on-line and in-class training materials. The learning lessons are for all school community stakeholder groups including school administrators, facility managers, pest management professionals/school IPM coordinators, landscape and grounds staff, custodians, maintenance staff, nurses, food service staff, and teachers.
- Gouge, D. H. (2016. VCEHP 109 Pest Management Considerations for Schools. Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Biology and Control of Vectors and Public Health Pests: Distributed Education Materials for Environmental Health Professionals: CDC. http://lms.southcentralpartnership.org/vcehp.phpMore infoVCEHP 109 Pest Management Considerations for Schools
- Lame, M., Gouge, D. H., & White, L. (2016. VCEHP 106 Toxicology of Pesticides for Environmental Health Professionals.. Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Biology and Control of Vectors and Public Health Pests: Distributed Education Materials for Environmental Health Professionals: CDC. http://lms.southcentralpartnership.org/vcehp.php
Creative Performances
- Gouge, D. H., Hurley, J., & Willis, K. (2020. Back-to-school Pest Challenges and IPM Solutions. EPA School IPM webinar series. Virtual: EPA.More info338 participants from 97 health departments and 104 school districts (representing schools serving 775 students), 11 tribes and 61 vector control staff. 72 CEs credited
Other Teaching Materials
- Gouge, D. H. (2024.
2024. Generated two Power Point slide sets on Rock Doves and Indoor Cockroaches for School IPM Coordinators in Oregon. The slide sets were used in multiple locations during the year in workshops that reached over 95% of all school IPM Coordinators working in public schools.
. Oregon State University. - Gouge, D. H. (2024.
2024. Updated Introduction to School IPM Pest Defense modules, updating and generating voice over recordings for Pest Defense self-paced web modules https://pestdefenseforhealthyschools.org/.
. IPM Institute of North America. - Gouge, D. H. (2018. CDC VCEHP 109: Pest Management Considerations for Schools. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.More infoAbout VCEHPSeveral groups and individuals worked together to create this learning series. CDCʹs National Center for Environmental Health collaborated with the National Network of Public Health Institutes, Texas Health Institute, Tulane University, National Environmental Health Association, and additional subject-matter experts in vector control and pest management.137 CEs for Environmental Health Professionals
- Lame, M. L., White, L. E., & Gouge, D. H. (2018. VCEHP 106: Toxicology of Pesticides for Environmental Health Professionals. CDC Vector Control for Environmental Health Professionals.More infoAbout VCEHPSeveral groups and individuals worked together to create this learning series. CDCʹs National Center for Environmental Health collaborated with the National Network of Public Health Institutes, Texas Health Institute, Tulane University, National Environmental Health Association, and additional subject-matter experts in vector control and pest management.177 CEs for Environmental Health Professionals
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Li, S., Gouge, D. H., & Nair, S. (2018. The Pest Defense for Healthy Schools Professional Development Training for School Staff (formerly known as Stop School Pests). eXtension and IPM Institute of North America.More infoThe Pest Defense for Healthy Schools, formerly known as Stop School Pests, is a series of online courses designed for school staff to learn how IPM can help their school use fewer pesticides and to prevent pests from entering schools and outdoor areas by using a science-based, common-sense approach. The Pest Defense IPM training for schools was created for K-12 school professionals who are involved in the environmental health of their schools. Specialized training is available for the following groups: Facility Managers, Maintenance Staff, Administrators, Teachers, Food Service Staff, Custodial Staff, Landscape and Grounds Staff, School Nurses, IPM Basics – an Introduction.2832 stakeholders accessed 3580 hours of IPM.
- Gouge, D. H. (2017. VCEHP 109 Pest Management Considerations for Schools. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.More infoBiology and Control of Vectors and Public Health Pests: Distributed Education Materials for Environmental Health Professionals 320 students completed course
- Gouge, D. H., & Others, l. o. (2017. Stop School Pests. eXtension and IPM Institute of North America.More info9 professional development modules (18 learning lessons) for school professionals were officially launched as on-line learning and certificate courses spring 2017. Inclass materials and self-guided moduls can be accessed:http://articles.extension.org/pages/73468/self-paced-learning-page-for-urban-ipm
- Lame, M. L., White, L., & Gouge, D. H. (2017. VCEHP 106 Toxicology of Pesticides for Environmental Health Professionals. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.More infoBiology and Control of Vectors and Public Health Pests: Distributed Education Materials for Environmental Health Professionals 414 students completed course
- Gouge, D. H. (2024, April).
April 23, 2024. Ticks – biology and management. 7th Arizona School IPM Conference – Track 1 (Built Environments) Phoenix, AZ and Online April 29 – May 31, 2024 presenter.
. Annual School IPM Conference. - Gouge, D. H., Nelson, M., Li, S., & Walker, K. R. (2024, May).
May 13-14, 2024. Tohono O'odham Environmental Health Professional Development Academy Indoor Air Quality & Integrated Pest Management, Sells, AZ. Organizer and instructor.
. Two day In-person workshop and practicum. - Gouge, D. H. (2024, April).
April 18, 2024. Ticks (and other biting arthropods). Indian Health Service Environmental Health Workshop. Scottsdale, AZ invited presenter.
. Indian Health Service Annual Meeting.More infoIndian Health Service Environmental Profesionals Meeting - Gouge, D. H. (2024, August).
August 30, 2024. Indoor Air Quality & Integrated Pest Management in Tribal Communities. Red Feather Healthy Housing Workshop, Flagstaff, AZ. Organizer and instructor.
. AZ AHEAD.More infoOne day workshop - Gouge, D. H., & Nelson, M. (2024, February).
Feb 26 - 27, 2024. Tohono O'odham Environmental Health Academy, Sells, AZ. Organizer and instructor.
. In-Person Workshop.More infoTwo-day environmental health workshop for housing and school mamagers - Kosmider, A. R., Gouge, D. H., Wright, A. D., Jones, C. K., Duval, D. F., Garfin, G. M., Crimmins, M. A., & Orr, E. R. (2024, December). Kosmider, A.R., Gouge, D. H., Wright, A., D., Jones, C., K., Duval, D., F., Garfin, G., M., Crimmins, M., A., Orr, E., R. (2024) University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Change Needs Assessment - University of Arizona Extension Climate Science Working Group. Kosmider, A.R., Gouge, D. H., Wright, A., D., Jones, C., K., Duval, D., F., Garfin, G., M., Crimmins, M., A., Orr, E., R. (2024) University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Change Needs Assessment - University of Arizona Extension Climate Science Working Group. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/2024-12/UA_Extension_Climate_Needs_Assessment_Full_Report_04152024-2.pdf. Kosmider, A.R., Gouge, D. H., Wright, A., D., Jones, C., K., Duval, D., F., Garfin, G., M., Crimmins, M., A., Orr, E., R. (2024) University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Change Needs Assessment - University of Arizona Extension Climate Science Working Group. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/2024-12/UA_Extension_Climate_Needs_Assessment_Full_Report_04152024-2.pdf. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/2024-12/UA_Extension_Climate_Needs_Assessment_Full_Report_04152024-2.pdfMore infoThe group finalized a report and interpretation of needs assessment data collected from University Extension faculty in 2023.
- Walker, K. R., Yaglom, H., Gouge, D. H., Brophy, M., Casal, M., & Encinas, V. O. (2024, May).
Walker, K., Yaglom, H., Gouge, D. H., Brophy, M., Casal, M., Encinas, V. O. 2024. The Brown Dog Tick and Epidemic Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Arizona, and northwestern Mexico. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension AZ1769. 11pp. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1769-2024.pdf.
. Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1769-2024.pdf. - Cavallaro, M., & Gouge, D. H. (2021, January - July). Needs assessment - survey to gather data on the impacts of nuisance caddisfly. Will be published in collaboration with Michael Cavallaro.More info139/486 returned hardcopy surveys with consent forms signed.
- Gouge, D. H., & Stock, T. W. (2022, November). Integrated Pest Management of Nonbiting Flies in Schools.. Oregon State University. https://extension.oregonstate.edu/pub/pnw-770More infoPNW770. 19pp.
- Gouge, D. H., McReynolds, C. B., & Stock, T. W. (2022, January). Pigeon Management. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az2001-2022.pdfMore infoAZ2001, pp. 11
- Gouge, D. H., Sumner, C., Paaijmans, K., Li, S., Ruberto, I., Huijben, S., Ernst, K. C., Stefanakos, E., Nair, S., & Walker, K. R. (2021, June). Department of Health and Human Services: HHS-OASH-2021-0012-0001 - Developing the National Public Health Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Vector-Borne Diseases in Humans. Comment Tracking Number: kpi-n16l-jv9p.. Department of Health and Human Services Request for Information.
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Graham, L., Fournier, A. J., Umeda, K., & Sainz, J. I. (2022, June). Cuidado con la picadura de las hormigas de fuego (Beware of Fire Ant Stings in Spanish). University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1954S-2022.pdfMore infoAZ1954S
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Ruberto, I., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., & Hall, W. E. (2022, December). What You Should Know About Kissing Bugs. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1992-2022.pdfMore infoAZ1992, pp. 5
- Stock, T. W., & Gouge, D. H. (2022, December). Flies in School Kitchens. Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing. https://extension.oregonstate.edu/pub/pnw-769More infoPNW769. 5pp
- Gouge, D. H. (2021, August-September). Needs assessment - survey of housing authorities to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted pest control practices in public housing. Will be published in collaboration with 4 other state entomologists.More infoOver 45 AZ property managers or housing authorities were contacted but data were captured from only four.
- Gouge, D. H. (2021, Jan-Dec). Environmental Health Professional classes. National Environmental Health Association.More infoThis year I did not ask for the exact number of NEHA credits issues, it is usually >300.
- Gouge, D. H. (2021, Jan-Dec). Participate in in-field vector and zoonotic disease mitigation efforts as time alows. Tribal animal health clinic.
- Gouge, D. H. (2021, Jan-Dec). Pest Defense for Healthy Schools. IPM Institute of North America. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/All-Hands-Memebers-103116.pdfMore infoPest Defense for Healthy Schools (formerly known as Stop School Pests, https://pestdefenseforhealthyschools.org/), includes 10 modules (18 learning lessons) for school professionals (I coordinate, edited, and contribute to the course series). During 2021, 509 certificates were issued to participants passing proficiency exams, 3,211 content viewings generated.For a full list of contributors see url.
- Gouge, D. H. (2021, Jan-Dec). Pest Management Professionals. Metro Institute.More infoMosquito Biology & ecology in the desert southwest; Venomous Arthropods; Wild honey bee - In 2021, 1,753 CEUs were credited.
- Gouge, D. H. (2021, Jan-Dec). Technical Support for Industry. Reports go to industry contacts.More infoGouge, D.H., Li, S., Nair, S. Field evaluation - Efficacy of an entomopathogenic fungi (Beauveria bassiana) product against Periplaneta americana in sewer manholes. Report to Rentokil North AmericaGouge, D.H. Experimental protocol – Relative efficacy of Fendona® BASF on Centruroides sculpturatus in lab and field tests. Report to BASFGouge, D.H. Experimental protocol – Relative light trap capture of Musca domestica. Several reports to Rentokil North AmericaGouge, D.H. Preliminary test data analysis and field experiment guidance – Efficacy of electromagnetic pulse device as a Colomba livia repellent. Report to Pest Friends, Inc.
- Gouge, D. H., & Stock, T. (2021, July). Bed Bugs in the Classroom.. Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing. PNW 756 2pp.. https://extension.oregonstate.edu/pub/pnw-756
- Gouge, D. H., & Stock, T. (2021, July). Integrated Pest Management for Bed Bugs in Schools. Oregon State University PNW 757. 13pp.. https://extension.oregonstate.edu/pub/pnw-757
- Gouge, D. H., & Venkat, H. (2021, December). Rabies Risk Reduction AZ1874. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://exte. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1874-2021.pdfnsion.arizona.edu/pubs/rabies-risk-reduction.
- Gouge, D. H., Lame, M. L., Stock, T. W., Rose, L. F., Hurley, J. A., Lerman, D. L., Nair, S., Nelson, M. A., Gangloff-Kaufmann, J., McSherry, L., & Green, T. A. (2021, December 2021). Improving Environmental Health in Schools White Paper - A Vision for Advancing Equitable Environmental Health Standards in Learning Environments – An Environmental Justice Initiativ. White Paper submitted to EPA. https://schoolipm.tamu.edu/files/2022/01/Improving-Environmental-Health-in-Schools_11052021.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Lame, M. L., Stock, T. W., Rose, L. F., Hurley, J. A., Lerman, D. L., Nair, S., Nelson, M. A., Gangloff-Kaufmann, J., McSherry, L., & Green, T. A. (2022, December 2021). Improving Environmental Health in Schools White Paper - A Vision for Advancing Equitable Environmental Health Standards in Learning Environments – An Environmental Justice Initiativ. White Paper submitted to EPA. https://schoolipm.tamu.edu/files/2022/01/Improving-Environmental-Health-in-Schools_11052021.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Nair, S., Brophy, M., Walker, K. R., & Andrade Sanchez, P. (2020, July). Mosquitos (Mosquitoes in Spanish) AZ1873S Trifold Quick Read. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1873S-2021.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Nair, S., Brophy, M., Walker, K. R., & Andrade Sanchez, P. (2021, October). Mosquitoes AZ 1873 (English Trifold Quick Read). University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1873-2021.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Nair, S., Brophy, M., Walker, K. R., Sumner, C., & Ramberg, F. (2021, June). Mosquitoes and Disease Concerns AZ1912 (technical trifold). University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1912-2021.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Nair, S., Weber, J. L., Stock, T., & Hurley, J. (2020, August). Expect pest encounters as school buildings reopen. Community IPM Newsletter. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/community-ipm/home-and-school-ipm-newsletters/ipm-newsletter-view/ipm-newsletters/2020/08/20/expect-pest-encounters-as-school-buildings-reopen
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Li, S. (2021, February). Keep Pests Away this Spring. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Post. https://extension.arizona.edu/keep-pests-away-spring
- Hall, W. E., Fournier, A. J., Nair, S., Ruberto, I., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2021, July). What You Should Know About Kissing Bugs.. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Post. https://extension.arizona.edu/what-you-should-know-about-kissing-bugsMore infoThe article reached near 4,900 people 18 hours after it was posted.
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Brophy, M., Nair, S., Walker, K. R., & Andrade Sanchez, P. (2020, December). Brown dog ticks and Rocky Mountain spotted fever AZ1935 (English Quick Read Trifold). University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1935-2021.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Brophy, M., Nair, S., Walker, K. R., & Andrade Sanchez, P. (2021, July). Brown dog ticks and Rocky Mountain spotted fever AZ1935 (English Quick Read Trifold). University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, AZ1935. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1935-2021.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Brophy, M., Nair, S., Walker, K. R., & Andrade Sanchez, P. (2021, October). Garrapatas marrones del perro y las enferemedades por rickettsias en la población AZ1935S (Spanish) Quick Read Trifold). University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, AZ1935S. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1935S-2021.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Fournier, A. J. (2021, January). Head Lice: Identification, Biology, and Integrated Pest Management (revision of 2015) AZ1687. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. AZ1687. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1687-2021.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Graham, F., Fournier, A. J., & Umeda, K. (2021, October). Beware of Fire Ant Stings AZ1954 Trifold. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, AZ1954. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1954-2021.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Walker, K. R., & Brophy, M. (2021, October). Brown Dog Ticks AZ1871. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Brochure. AZ1871. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1871-2021.pdf
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2021, March). Chinches: lo que los proveedores de cuidados en el hogar y los trabajadores sociales deben saber. (Spanish Trifold) AZ1580S. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. AZ1580S. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1804S-2021.pdf
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Murillo, A. C. (2021, February). Backyard Chickens and Ectoparasites: Introduction and Management" AZ1878. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1878-2021.pdf
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., & Walker, K. R. (2021, August). Use of Personal Repellents for Protection Against Mosquitoes and Ticks (trifold) AZ1913. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1913-2021.pdf
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Walker, K. R., & Andrade Sanchez, P. (2021, October). Mosquito and Tick Repellents (English Quick Read Trifold) AZ1955. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1955-2021.pdf
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Walker, K. R., & Andrade Sanchez, P. (2021, September). Repelentes de mosquitos y garrapatas AZ1955S (Mosquito and Tick Repellents in Spanish Quick Read Trifold).. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1955S-2021.pdf
- Reese, S., Gouge, D. H., Stock, T., Corrigan, R., Li, S., & Nair, S. (2021, May). Integrated Pest Management for House Mice – A Guide for Property Managers. Stop Pests in Housing. http://www.stoppests.org/stoppests/assets/File/StopPests_IPM_for_House%20Mice_110421.pdf
- STock, T., & Gouge, D. H. (2021, December). Ants in the Classroom. Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing. PNW762. 2pp.. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/pnw762.pdf
- Stock, T., & Gouge, D. H. (2021, December). Integrated Pest Management for Ants in Schools. Oregon State University PNW761. 10pp.. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/pnw761.pdf
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, April). Five Important Things to Know as You Disinfect. Extension Website. https://extension.arizona.edu/five-important-things-know-you-disinfect
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, August). Using Disinfectant Products. Medill Reports. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6-2a7-j0M8More infoBy Curtis Franklin August 3, 2020
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, February). Controlling Head Lice in Phoenix. Lawnstarter.com. https://www.lawnstarter.com/blog/az/phoenix/controlling-head-lice-phoenix/More info. By Laura Hatch February 17, 2020
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, February). Why Parents Should Be Cautious When Using Household Disinfectants. 2. Consumer Reports. https://www.consumerreports.org/cleaning/when-using-household-disinfectants-parents-should-be-cautious/More infoBy Catherine Roberts February 05, 2020
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, January). What to do when pests become homewreckers. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/01/09/what-do-when-pests-become-homewreckers/?arc404=trueMore infoBy Dima Williams January 9, 2020
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, July). Palo Verde beetles are showing up in the Phoenix area. Can monsoon rain be far behind?. 8. AZ Central.
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, March). Bee Informed: Warming and Swarming. Extension website. https://extension.arizona.edu/bee-informed-warming-swarming
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, March). Crane flies, mosquito hawks: Are they harmful? How to get rid of them. Arizona Republic.More infoBy Weldon Johnson March 4, 2020.
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, May). Are murder hornets coming to Arizona? Here's what we know about the scary-looking insects. Arizona Republic. https://www.azcentral.com/story/travel/arizona/2020/05/05/murder-hornets-are-they-in-arizona-can-they-kill-a-human/3080985001More infoBy Weldon Johnson May 5, 2020
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, May). Can the ‘murder hornet’ reach southern Arizona?. 5. KOLD News 13. https://www.kold.com/2020/05/04/can-murder-hornet-reach-southern-arizona/More infoBy Shaley Sanders | May 4, 2020
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, May). Some pest control can do more harm than good. Ahwatukee Foothills News. https://issuu.com/timespub/docs/0520_afn_book/1?e=8633901/78169039More infoBy Kiersten Moss May 20, 2020.
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, October). 2020 Pests and Fall Pest Prevention Check List. Extension website. https://extension.arizona.edu/2020-pests-fall-pest-prevention-check-list
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, October). Something’s biting me, but I can’t see it!. Extension website. https://extension.arizona.edu/somethings-biting-me-i-cant-see-it
- Gouge, D. H. (2020, September). How the hot, dry Phoenix summer set off an invasion of crickets and other pests. Arizona Republic. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-environment/2020/09/05/pests-invade-phoenix-neighborhoods-find-food-and-escape-heat/5682736002/More infoBy Anton L. Delgado September 5, 2020
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Li, S. (2020, February). Five Important Things to Know as You Disinfect. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension - Together We Can. https://extension.arizona.edu/five-important-things-know-you-disinfect
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Li, S. (2020, January). Unfortunate Facts about Flu. Community IPM Newsletter. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/community-ipm/home-and-school-ipm-newsletters/ipm-newsletter-view/ipm-newsletters/2020/01/13/school-home-integrated-pest-management-(ipm)-newsletter-january-2020
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Li, S. (2020, July). Bed Bugs - What you Need to Know (revised from 2013) AZ1580. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1580-2020.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Li, S. (2020, March). Bee Informed: Warming and Swarming. Community IPM Newsletter. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/community-ipm/home-and-school-ipm-newsletters/ipm-newsletter-view/ipm-newsletters/2020/03/12/bee-informed-warming-and-swarming
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Li, S., & Fournier, A. J. (2020, December). Comments on EPA’s Draft Guidance for Pesticide Registrants on the List of Pests of Significant Public Health Importance. EPA.
- Gouge, D. H., Weber, J. L., Li, S., & Nair, S. (2020, March). People Unite Against the Threat of COVID-19. Community IPM Newsletter. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/community-ipm/home-and-school-ipm-newsletters/ipm-newsletter-view/ipm-newsletters/2020/03/30/people-unite-against-the-threat-of-covid-19
- Hurley, J., Stock, T., Weber, J. L., Nair, S., Li, S., & Gouge, D. H. (2020, August). Expect pest encounters as school buildings reopen. Community IPM Newsletter. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/community-ipm/home-and-school-ipm-newsletters/ipm-newsletter-view/ipm-newsletters/2020/08/20/expect-pest-encounters-as-school-buildings-reopen
- Leonard, V., & Gouge, D. H. (2020, October). Head Lice. Notes, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 7446. Oakland, CA. - Publication No. 7466. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7446.html
- Li, S., Brophy, M., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Walker, K. R. (2020, September). Brown dog ticks and repellents. Community IPM Newsletter. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/community-ipm/home-and-school-ipm-newsletters/ipm-newsletter-view/ipm-newsletters/2020/09/03/brown-dog-ticks-and-repellents
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., & Nair, S. (2020, April). Bed Bugs Information Card. University of Arizona. Arizona Pest Management Center. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/community-ipm-documents/public-health-ipm/bed-bugs/bed-bugs-information-card.pdf?sfvrsn=a44494a5_4
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., & Nair, S. (2020, June). Bed Bugs Information Card (in Spanish). University of Arizona. Arizona Pest Management Center. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/community-ipm-documents/public-health-ipm/bed-bugs/bed-bugs-information-card-spanish.pdf?sfvrsn=1fbdb6e3_2
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Walker, K. R., & Fournier, A. J. (2020, September). What you should know about mosquito and tick repellents. Arizona Pest Management Center Public Health Pest Website. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/community-ipm-documents/public-health-ipm/border-2020-outputs/2020-repellents-ipm-short.pdfMore infoExtension IPM Short (Revision)
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Weber, J. L., Kells, S. A., Hurley, J. A., Fournier, A. J., Nair, S., & Buhl, K. (2020, April). What you should know about N95 respirators and face masks. Arizona Pest Management Center Community IPM Newsletter. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/community-ipm/home-and-school-ipm-newsletters/ipm-newsletter-view/ipm-newsletters/2020/04/14/what-you-should-know-about-n95-respirators-and-face-masksMore infoSchool IPM Newsletter Articlehttps://acis.cals.arizona.edu/community-ipm/home-and-school-ipm-newsletters/ipm-newsletter-view/ipm-newsletters/2020/04/14/what-you-should-know-about-n95-respirators-and-face-masks
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2020, October). Fall pests and pest prevention check list. Community IPM Newsletter. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/community-ipm/home-and-school-ipm-newsletters/ipm-newsletter-view/ipm-newsletters/2020/10/12/fall-pests-and-pest-prevention-check-list
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., & Schuch, U. K. (2020, January). Keeping rodents away from sensitive environments through landscape management and IPM. IPM Short. University of Arizona. Arizona Pest Management Center. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/ipm-shorts/roofratstrees-v6-fa2ca77ab8f85540108c4fa43ef402939b.pdf?sfvrsn=6c2025c5_0
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Mostafa, A. M., Li, S., Umeda, K., & Li-Byarlay, H. (2020, September). Wild Honey Bees in Community Environments – Identification, Biology, and Reducing Risks. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1846-2020.pdfMore info11pp
- Nair, S., Li, S., Stoltman, A. J., & Gouge, D. H. (2020, March). In-Home Educational Resources for Children and Adults. University of Arizona. Arizona Pest Management Center & Arizona Museum of Natural History. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/ipm-shorts/in-homeed-resources-f3.pdf
- Reese, S., Li, S., & Gouge, D. H. (2020, December). Integrated Pest Management for German Cockroaches – A Guide for Property Managers. Stop Pests in Housing. http://www.stoppests.org/stoppests/assets/File/Cockroach-guide-for-property-managers-v10.pdfMore info12pp
- Reese, S., Li, S., Gouge, D. H., & Nair, S. (2020, December). Integrated Pest Management for Bed Bugs – A Guide for Property Managers. Stop Pests in Housing. http://www.stoppests.org/stoppests/assets/File/Bed-bug-guide-for-property-managers-v11.pdfMore info12pp
- Casal, M., Ortiz Encinas, V., Walker, K. R., Yaglom, H., Gouge, D. H., & Brophy, M. (2019, December). La garrapata café del perro y la epidemia de rickettsiosis en Arizona y en el noroeste de México. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Gouge, D. H. (2019, September). West Nile Virus. You Tube. https://youtu.be/giGzFU_YED8
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., & Nair, S. (2019, October). Fall Pests and Pest-proofing Tips. Online network and distribution list.More infohttps://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2019OctoberAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., & Nair, S. (2019, September). Mosquitoes. Online network and distribution list.More infohttps://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2019SeptemberAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Rock, C. M., & Brassill, N. A. (2019, January). IPM for Microorganisms with a Focus on Influenza Viruses. Online distribution network and distribution list. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2019JanuaryAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Walker, K. R., Sumner, C., Nair, S., Olson, C., & Ramberg, F. (2019, September). Mosquitoes: Biology and Integrated Mosquito Management AZ1706. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. http://extension.arizona.edu/pubs/az1706-2019.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., & Brassill, N. A. (2019, February). Green Cleaning. Online network and distribution list. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2019FebruaryAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., & Fournier, A. J. (2019, May). Practical Methods of Controlling Bed Bugs at Home AZ1642. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1642-2019.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Fournier, A. J. (2019, February). Arizona Kissing Bugs AZ1787. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1787-2019.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Walker, K. R., & Fournier, A. J. (2019, January). Asian Longhorned Tick, an Invasive Tick in the United States. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Walker, K. R., & Fournier, A. J. (2019, January). Longhorned Tick, a New Invasive Tick in the United States.. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Li, S., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Li, S. (2019, Novermber). Caregivers and bed bugs. Online network and distribution list.
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2019, October). Bed Bugs: What Home Care Providers and Welfare Workers Need to Know AZ1804. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1804-2019.pdf
- Andrade Sanchez, P., Li, S., Fournier, A. J., Gouge, D. H., Walker, K. R., Nair, S., Nair, S., Walker, K. R., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Li, S., & Andrade Sanchez, P. (2018, Septiembre). Lo que debe saber sobre los repelentes de mosquitos y garrapatas. Extensión Cooperativa de la Universidad de Arizona, corto de MIP. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/Repellents-IPMShort-Spanish.pdf
- Casal, M., Ortiz Encinas, V., Walker, K. R., Yaglom, H., Gouge, D. H., & Brophy, M. (2018, December). La garrapata café del perro y la epidemia de rickettsiosis en Arizona y en el noroeste de México. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Elliott, S. (2018, March). Bed Bug Website and Work Group Share Knowledge. Western IPM Center Newsletter. http://westernipm.org/index.cfm/ipm-in-the-west/communities/bed-bug-website-and-work-group-share-knowledge-and-resources/More infoBed Bug Website and Work Group Share Knowledge. Story by Steve Elliott. March 2018. Western IPM Center Newsletter seehttp://westernipm.org/index.cfm/ipm-in-the-west/communities/bed-bug-website-and-work-group-share-knowledge-and-resources/
- Fournier, A. J., Gibson, C., Ellsworth, P. C., Gouge, D. H., Umeda, K., Palumbo, J. C., Pena, M. A., & Pier, N. (2018, March). National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s Crop Protection and Pest Management Program Saves Lives, Dollars and the Environment in Arizona. Arizona Pest Management Center website. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/AZPM_Impacts_vf.pdfMore infoImpact Document
- Fournier, A. J., Li, S., Walker, K. R., Gouge, D. H., Gouge, D. H., Walker, K. R., Li, S., & Fournier, A. J. (2018, August). Longhorned Tick, a New Invasive Tick in the United States.. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension IPM Short. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/longhorned-tick.pdf
- Fournier, A. J., Li, S., Walker, K. R., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Walker, K. R., Li, S., & Fournier, A. J. (2018, September). What you should know about mosquito and tick repellents.. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension IPM Short. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/Repellents-IPMShort.pdf
- Gouge, D. H. (2018, March). Bed Bug Website and Work Group. NIFA Newsletter. https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDANIFA/bulletins/1e3c4fbMore infoBed Bug Website and Work Group. NIFA March 21, 2018. NIFA Newsletter https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDANIFA/bulletins/1e3c4fb
- Gouge, D. H., Brassill, N. A., Rock, C. M., & Li, S. (2018, January). IPM for Microorganisms: Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sanitizing. School & Home IPM Newsletter. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2018JanuaryAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Graham, L. (., Li, S., & Li, S. (2018, September). Fire Ants Management. School & Home IPM Newsletter. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2018SeptemberAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Hagler, J., Nair, S., Walker, K. R., Li, S., Sumner, C., Bibbs, C. S., & Smith, K. A. (2018, Jan). Disease Causing Viruses Vectored by Mosquitoes. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/Gouge-Mosquitoes_arboV.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Hurley, J., & Li, S. (2018, May). School Preparation Guidance for Summer Management Teams. School & Home IPM Newsletter. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2018MayAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., & Li, S. (2018, October). Flea-borne Typhus. School & Home IPM Newsletter. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2018OctoberAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., & Nair, S. (2018, April). German Cockroach and Bed Bug IPM in Low Income Elderly and Disabled Housing. HUD Housing Directors Briefing Webinar.More infoApril 24, 2018. German Cockroach and Bed Bug IPM in Low Income Elderly and Disabled Housing. HUD Housing Directors Briefing Webinar. 5 participants. Speaker
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., & Nair, S. (2018, November). Community IPM and Public Health Pest Leads. German Cockroach and Bed Bug IPM in Low Income Elderly and Disabled Housing. HUD webinar. HUD Stop Pests in Housing webinar.More infoCommunity IPM and Public Health Pest Leads. German Cockroach and Bed Bug IPM in Low Income Elderly and Disabled Housing. HUD Stop Pests in Housing webinar. >750 participants attended online, ~1,500 registered to view the recording.
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Nair, S., Walker, K. R., & Bibbs, C. S. (2018, Jan). Mosquito and Tick Repellents. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension AZ. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1761-2018.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Bibbs, C. S., Li, S., Bibbs, C. S., Li, S., Nair, S., & Gouge, D. H. (2018, Jan). Scorpions of the Desert Southwest United States. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension AZ. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1768-2018.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Rivadeneira, P., & Li, S. (2018, November). Roof Rats: Pathogens and Parasites. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1784-2018.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Rock, C. M., & Li, S. (2018, February). IPM for Microorganisms – Focus on Flu Part 2. School & Home IPM Newsletter. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2018FebruaryAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Li, S., Bibbs, C. S., Bibbs, C. S., Li, S., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2018, June). Managing Scorpions. School & Home IPM Newsletter. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2018JuneAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Li, S., Nair, S., Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Nair, S., & Li, S. (2018, July). Something’s biting me, but I can’t see it! No-See-Ums. School & Home IPM Newsletter. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2018JulyAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Li, S., Umeda, K., Fournier, A. J., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2018, August). Beware of Fire Ant Stings. School & Home IPM Newsletter. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2018AugustAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2018, June). Something’s biting me, but I can’t see it!. Arizona Pest Management Community IPM Website. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/No-See-Ums-IPMShort.pdf
- Nair, S., Green, T. A., Gouge, D. H., Umeda, K., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., & Kopec, D. M. (2018, April). Encouraging Schools to Practice Integrated Pest Management. ESA International Branch 1st Virtual Symposium.
- Nair, S., Umeda, K., Mccloskey, W. B., Gouge, D. H., & Ellsworth, P. C. (2018, September). Weed control choices for turf and landscapes.. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension IPM Short. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/Glyphosate-IPMShort.pdf
- Pier, N., Pena, M. A., Palumbo, J. C., Umeda, K., Gouge, D. H., Ellsworth, P. C., Gibson, C., Fournier, A. J., Pier, N., Pena, M. A., Palumbo, J. C., Umeda, K., Gouge, D. H., Ellsworth, P. C., Gibson, C., & Fournier, A. J. (2018, March). National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s Crop Protection and Pest Management Program Saves Lives, Dollars and the Environment in Arizona. Arizona Pest Management Center. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/AZPM_Impacts_vf.pdfMore infoImpact Document (authors unattributed)
- Rivadeneira, P., & Gouge, D. H. (2018, May). Roof rats - Identification, ecology, and signs. Journal of Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1775-2018.pdf
- Roberts, C. (2018, September). Myths and Facts About Head Lice. Consumer Reports. https://www.consumerreports.org/children-s-health/myths-and-facts-about-head-lice/More infoMyths and Facts About Head Lice. Story by Catherine Roberts. September 22, 2018. Consumer Reports https://www.consumerreports.org/children-s-health/myths-and-facts-about-head-lice/
- Schwartz, F. (2018, August). UA Cooperative Extension Experts Available to Talk About Ticks. UA News. https://uanews.arizona.edu/press-release/ua-cooperative-extension-experts-available-talk-about-ticks-0More infoUA Cooperative Extension Experts Available to Talk About Ticks. Story by Faith Schwartz. UA News August 2018 https://uanews.arizona.edu/press-release/ua-cooperative-extension-experts-available-talk-about-ticks-0
- Walker, K. R., Gouge, D. H., Hayley, Y., Maureen, B., Mariana, C., & Veronica, E. (2018, March). The Brown Dog Tick and Epidemic Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Arizona, United States and Sonora, Mexico. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension AZ. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1769-2018.pdf
- Wierda, M. R., & Gouge, D. H. (2017, June). Tick & Flea Collars, Integrated Pest Management, and Your Safety. IPM Short. https://cals.arizona.edu/crops/cotton/files/17Flea_Collar_short.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Walker, K. R., Sumner, C., Nair, S., & Olson, C. (2016, June). Mosquitoes: Biology and Integrated Mosquito Management. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1706-2016.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Walker, K. R., Sumner, C., Nair, S., & Olson, C. A. (2016, Winter). Mosquitoes: Biology and Integrated Pest Management.. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension AZ1706, pp. 12.. http://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1706-2016.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Walker, K. R., Fournier, A. J., Nair, S., Wierda, M. R., & Hurley, J. (2016, February). The Zika Virus. University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/Zika-virus.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Walker, K. R., Fournier, A. J., Nair, S., Wierda, M. R., & Hurley, J. (2016, May). The Zika Virus. APMC website. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/Zika-virus.pdf
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Warren, P. L., Fournier, A. J., Wierda, M. R., Umeda, K., & Kopec, D. M. (2016, April). Honey Bees in Community Environments – Identification and Biology. Cooperative Extension bulletin. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/WildHoneyBeeIPM1.pdf
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Warren, P. L., Fournier, A. J., Wierda, M. R., Umeda, K., & Kopec, D. M. (2016, April). Integrated Pest Management for Wild Honey Bees in Community Environments. Cooperative Extension bulletin. https://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/WildHoneyBeeIPM2.pdf
- Nair, S., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Li, S., Ellsworth, P. C., Ellsworth, P. C., Wierda, M. R., Wierda, M. R., Fournier, A. J., & Fournier, A. J. (2016, July). Why Pesticide Application Notifications in Schools are Important.. APMC website. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/Pesticide_Notification_Schools.pdf
- Wierda, M. R., Fournier, A. J., Li, S., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Ellsworth, P. C. (2016, Spring). Caution! Warning! Danger! Understanding Signal Words on Pesticide Labels.. APMC website. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/cotton/files/SignalWords.pdf
- Everett-Haynes, L., & Gouge, D. H. (2015, Summer). Pigeons Present Public Health Concerns. UA News. http://uanews.org/blog/pigeons-present-public-health-concerns?utm_source=uanow&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=biweekly-uanow
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, April). 33. Training aims to reduce pesticides in schools. Havasu News. http://www.havasunews.com/news/training-aims-to-reduce-pesticides-in-schools/article_907f3626-edce-11e4-84ae-afc0e49b490f.html
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, April). New training to reduce pesticides in schools.. Arizona Sonora News. http://arizonasonoranewsservice.com/new-training-reduce-pesticides-schools/
- Gouge, D. H. (2015, April). The buzz on saving bees as populations dwindle.. AZ Republic. http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2015/04/11/buzz-on-saving-relocating-unwanted-bees-not-killing/25623941/
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., & Nair, S. (2015, TBD). Bats. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension publication.
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Li, S. (2015, TBD). Pest-proofing your home. AZ1677. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension publication. http://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1677-2015.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Li, S. (2015, TBD). Pest-proofing your home.. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension publication.
- Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Li, S., & Stock, T. (2015, August). Pest-proofing your home. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension publication. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1677-2015.pdf
- Gouge, D. H., Stock, T., Hurley, J., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., & Li, S. (2015, TBD). School IPM Plan Template for Tribal Communities. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension publication.
- Gouge, D. H., Stock, T., Nair, S., Li, S., Bryks, S., Hurley, J., & Fournier, A. J. (2015, TBD). Generic School IPM Plan Template AZ1669. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension publication. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1669-2015.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Pier, N., & Nair, S. (2015, Fall). Bed Bug Information Card. University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/Bed-Bugs-Card.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., & Fournier, A. J. (2015, September). Pesticide Resistant Head Lice. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/resources/Back-to- School-Head-Lice.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., & Wierda, M. R. (2015, November 2015). Ditch the Itch. Maricopa County Cooperative Extension - November / December newsletter. http://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/news/Nov- Dec%20Newsletter_0.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., & Wierda, M. R. (2015, November 2015). Head Lice: Identification, Biology, and Integrated Pest Management. Extension Publication. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1687-2015.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Umeda, K., Kopec, D. M., & Baker, P. B. (2015, February). Body Lice School and Home IPM Newsletter February 2015. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2015FebruaryAZschool&homeIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Umeda, K., Kopec, D. M., & Baker, P. B. (2015, February). Lice Love Us. Newsletter. http://ag.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2015FebruaryAZschool&homeIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Umeda, K., Kopec, D. M., & Baker, P. B. (2015, March). Poison Prevention and Pesticide Safety School and Home IPM Newsletter March 2015. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2015MarchAZschoolandhomeIPMNewletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Umeda, K., Kopec, D. M., & Warren, P. L. (2015, September). Mosquito-borne Diseases and Mosquito IPM. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/resources/Mosquito%2 0Information.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A., & Wierda, M. (2015, Winter). Head Lice: Identification, Biology, and Integrated Pest Management. AZ1687. Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1687-2015.pdf
- Nair, S., Senior, R., Umeda, K., Ellsworth, P. C., Schuch, U. K., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2015, Summer). Plant Health Care for Ficus Plants Following Ficus Whitefly Damage.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/Ficus_Whitefly_Short3.pdf
- Nair, S., Umeda, K., Ellsworth, P. C., Gouge, D. H., Schuch, U. K., Senior, R., & Li, S. (2015, June). Identification and biology of the Ficus whitefly. Cooperative Extension, AZ Pest Management Center. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/Ficus_Whitefly_Short2.pdfMore infoIPM Short publication
- Nair, S., Umeda, K., Ellsworth, P. C., Gouge, D. H., Schuch, U. K., Senior, R., & Li, S. (2015, June). Integrated pest management of the Ficus whitefly. Cooperative Extension, AZ Pest Management Center. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/Ficus_Whitefly_Short1.pdfMore infoIPM Short publication
- Stock, T., Corrigan, R., & Gouge, D. H. (2015, Fall). Integrated Pest Management of the House Mouse in Schools EM9062. Oregan State University Extension. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/files/project/pdf/em9062_1.pdf
- Sutherland, A., Choe, D., Lewis, V., Young, D., Romero, A., Spafford, H., & Gouge, D. H. (2015, Fall). Capturing the ABCs of professional bed bug management in low-income multi-unit housing: a summary of survey responses.. Pest Control Technology Magazine.. https://www.pctonline.com/article/pct0915-bed-bugs-multi-unit-housing
- Ellsworth, P. C., Ellsworth, P. C., Gouge, D. H., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Fournier, A. J., Palumbo, J. C., Palumbo, J. C., Umeda, K., & Umeda, K. (2014, April). Research-Based Integrated Pest Management IPM Programs Impact People Communities and the Economy of Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Arizona Pest Management Center. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/APMC%20Impact%20narrativep1-4_4-29-14.pdfMore infoImpact Statement
- Gouge, D. H., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Fournier, A. J., Nair, S., Nair, S., Ellsworth, P. C., Ellsworth, P. C., Li, S., Li, S., Umeda, K., & Umeda, K. (2014, April). UA News Media Advisory: UA Pest Control Experts to Create Nationwide Guidelines for Schools.. http://uanews.org/story/ua-pest-control-experts-to-create-nationwide-guidelines-for-schools
- Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Nair, S., Stock, T., Bryks, S., Foss, C. R., Romero, A., Young, D. J., & Code, A. (2014, February). Bed Bugs. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication AZ1625. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1625-2014.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., & Fournier, A. J. (2014, September). Practical Methods of Controlling Bed Bugs at Home. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication AZ1642. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1642-2014.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2014, April). EPA Awarded Three Grants to Facilitate IPM in Schools. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - April 2014. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2014AprilAZschoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2014, February). Start a new year with clutter control. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - February 2014. Western Region School IPM Work Group. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2014FebruaryAZSchoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2014, March). Poison Prevention and IPM in Schools. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - March 2014. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2014MarchAZSchoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K., & Kopec, D. M. (2014, July). Rabies School and Home Integrated Pest Management IPM Newsletter July 2014.. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2014JulyAZSchool&HomeIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K., & Kopec, D. M. (2014, June). The Scoop on Scorpions School and Home Integrated Pest Management IPM Newsletter June 2014.. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2014JuneAZschoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K., & Kopec, D. M. (2014, May). School Smart IPM and Avitrol Label Revisions. School Integrated Pest Management IPM Newsletter May 2014. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2014MayAZschoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Umeda, K., Kopec, D. M., & Baker, P. B. (2014, December). Rodents: Get them out of your school, house and yard II School and Home IPM Newsletter December 2014.. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2014DecemberAZschool&homeIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Umeda, K., Kopec, D. M., & Baker, P. B. (2014, November). Rodents: Get them out of your school, house and yard I School and Home IPM Newsletter November 2014.. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2014NovemberAZschool&homeIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Nair, S., Kopec, D. M., Umeda, K., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., & Baker, P. B. (2014, August). Healthy Turf for a Healthy Environment School and Home IntegratedPest Management IPM Newsletter August 2014.. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2014AugustAZSchoolandhomeIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Schuch, U. K., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K., & Kopec, D. M. (2014, September). Fall Landscape Checklist Beware of Fire Ant Stings and Conenose Bugs School and Home IPM Newsletter September 2014.. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2014SeptemberAZSchoolandhomeIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Schuch, U. K., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Umeda, K., Kopec, D. M., & Baker, P. B. (2014, October). Bed Bug Battle IPM Mosquito Management and Fall Landscape Checklist School and Home IPM Newsletter October 2014.. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2014OctoberAZschool&homeIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Umeda, K. -., Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Schuch, U. K., Kopec, D. M., & Baker, P. B. (2014, April). Integrated Pest Management Works Inside and Outside School Buildings. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication no. AZ1579. http://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1579-2014.pdf
- Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Umeda, K., Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Schuch, U. K., Kopec, D. M., & Baker, P. B. (2014, April). Integrated Pest Management Works Inside and Outside School Buildings. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension publication AZ 1579. http://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1579-2014.pdf
- Umeda, K., Nair, S., Li, S., Schuch, U. K., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Kopec, D. M., & Baker, P. B. (2014, February - December). School Integrated Pest Management Newsletter. Extension newsletter.More infoLi is primary author and I offer editing of newsletter
- Gouge, D. H. (2013, Fall). Pest Management Strategic Plan for School IPM. http://www.ipminstitute.org/school_ipm_2015.htmMore infoVolume 2
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., & Fournier, A. J. (2013, June). School Integrated Pest Management. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication AZ1579C. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1579c.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Nair, S., Baker, P. B., & Olson, C. (2013, October). Mosquitoes. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication AZ1221. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1221.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2013, April). Pesticides Safety and Mouse Control Videos. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - April 2013. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2013AprilAZSchoolIPM.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2013, July). Summer Pest Proofing. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - July 2013. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2013JulySchoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2013, June). Bed Bugs Awareness. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - June 2013. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2013JuneSchoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2013, March). Healthy Schools and IPM Education. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - March 2013. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2013MarchAZSchoolIPM.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2013, May). IPM Mosquito Management and Promote Bed Bug Awareness. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - May 2013. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2013MaySchoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2013, August). Seven Steps to Start a School IPM Program. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - August 2013. Newsletter. University of Arizona Arizona Pest Management Center.. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2013AugustSchoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2013, August). Seven Steps to Start a School IPM Program. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - August 2013. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2013AugustSchoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2013, December). Rodents Management Part II. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - December 2013. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2013DecemberAZSchoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2013, November). Rodents Management Part I. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - November 2013. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2013NovemberAZSchoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2013, October). Human Scabies. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - October 2013. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2013OctoberAZSchoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Li, S., Gouge, D. H., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Schuch, U. K., Baker, P. B., Umeda, K. -., & Kopec, D. M. (2013, September). Head Lice. School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Newsletter - September 2013. http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/2013SepAZSchoolIPMNewsletter.pdf
- Olson, C., Baker, P. B., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2013, October). Mosquitoes. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication no. AZ1221.
- Gouge, D., Olson, C., Fournier, A., & Baker, P. (2012, Fall). Working the Bugs Out, Bed Bug ControlWhat Landlords and Tenants in Multi-Family Housing Need to Know in Arizon. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/insects/az1563.pdf
- Gouge, D., Schuch, U., Kopec, D., Baker, P., Umeda, K., & Stevens, B. (2012, Fall). Integrated Pest Management Works Inside and Outside School Buildings. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension AZ1579. http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/insects/az1579.pdf
- Stevens, B., Gouge, D., Baker, ., & Umeda, K. (2012, Fall). Preventing and Treating Bed Bugs. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/insects/az1580.pdf
- Chambers, K., Gouge, D., Green, T., Hurley, J., Stock, T., Bruns, Z., Shour, M., Foss, C., Graham, F., Murray, K., & Glick, S. (2011, Fall). School IPM Coalition Operating Manual. http://www.ipminstitute.org/school_ipm_2015/IPM_coalition_manual.pdf
- Chambers, K., Green, T., Gouge, D., Hurley, J., Stock, T., Bruns, Z., Shour, M., Foss, C., Graham, F., Murray, K., Braband, L., Glick, S., & Anderson, M. (2011, Fall). The Business Case for Integrated Pest Management in Schools: Cutting Costs and Increasing Benefits. http://www.ipminstitute.org/school_ipm_2015/ipm_business_case.pdf
- Gouge, D., & Olson, C. (2011, Fall). Choosing a Bug Repellent. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/insects/az1311.pdf
- Gouge, D., & Olson, C. (2011, Fall). Scorpions.. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/insects/az1223.pdf
- Gouge, D., Green, T., Chambers, K., Hurley, J., Stock, T., Shour, M., Foss, C., Braband, L., Graham, F., Murray, K., Glick, S., Bruns, Z., & Anderson, M. (2011, Fall). Reducing Your Child s Asthma Using Integrated Pest Management: A Practical Guide for Parents Around the Home. National School IPM Steering Committee.. http://www.ipminstitute.org/school_ipm_2015/ipm_asthma_document.pdf
- Gouge, D. H. (2010, Fall). IPM Video. http://ag.arizona.edu/apmc/westernschoolIPM.html
- Gouge, D., Stock, T., Foss, C., Code, A., Bryks, S., Taisey, A., Gangloff-Kaufmann, J., Miller, D., & Stedfast, M. (2010, Fall). Bed bug control in family homes.