Dari Fae Duval
- Analyst, Economic Impact
- (520) 621-9741
- McClelland Park, Rm. 301J
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- duval@arizona.edu
- M.S. Agricultural & Resource Economics
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- The Influence of Colorado River Flows on the Upper Gulf of California Fisheries Economy
- B.A. Economics
- University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States
- 2015 Outstanding Team Award
- College of Agricultural & Life Science, Fall 2015
No activities entered.
2020-21 Courses
Poverty+Dvlpmt of Nation
AREC 360 (Spring 2021)
Scholarly Contributions
- Frisvold, G. B., Bickel, A. K., & Duval, D. F. (2021). Economic Contribution and Impacts of Arizona's State Parks. University of Arizona Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics.
- Frisvold, G. B., Duval, D. F., & Bickel, A. K. (2021). The Nature-Based Restorative Economy in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. University of Arizona Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics.
- Frisvold, G. B., Duval, D. F., & Bickel, A. K. (2021). Vineyards and Wineries in Arizona. University of Arizona Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics.
- Frisvold, G. B., Bickel, A. K., & Duval, D. F. (2019). FARM-TO-SCHOOL PROGRAMS IN SOUTHERN ARIZONA: A CASE STUDY ON THE ECONOMICS OF LOCAL FOODS. University of Arizona Eller School of Management MAP (Making Action Possible) Dashboards.More infohttps://mapazdashboard.arizona.edu/article/farm-school-programs-southern-arizona-case-study-economics-local-foods
- Frisvold, G. B., Duval, D. F., & Bickel, A. K. (2018). Effects of Depredation and Mexican Gray Wolf Presence on Ranch Returns: Case Study of a Representative Ranch in Arizona. University of Arizona.
- Frisvold, G. B., Duval, D. F., & Bickel, A. K. (2020). Agriculture in Graham and Greenlee Counties. University of Arizona Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics.
- Frisvold, G. B., Duval, D. F., & Bickel, A. K. (2020). Arizona County Agricultural Economy Profiles. University of Arizona Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics.
- Frisvold, G. B., Duval, D. F., & Bickel, A. K. (2020). The Economic Value of Trails in Arizona- A Travel Cost Method Study. University of Arizona Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics.
- Bickel, A. K., Duval, D. F., & Frisvold, G. B. (2018). Contribution of On-Farm Agriculture and Agribusiness to the Pinal County Economy. AREC website.
- Duval, D. F., Bickel, A. K., & Frisvold, G. B. (2018). Farm to school programs’ local foods activity in Southern Arizona: Local foods toolkit applications and lessons. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supplement 3), 20. doi:https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2018.08C.001
- Duval, D. F., Bickel, A. K., & Frisvold, G. B. (2018). Mexican Fresh Tomatoes: Agribusiness Value Chain Contributions to the U.S. Economy. University of Arizona Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics.More infoThis study provides an estimate of the economiccontribution of the forward supply chain linkagesto the U.S. economy supported by importsof Mexican fresh tomatoes, both those tomatoesdestined for consumption in the United States, aswell as those shipped by truck across the countryto Canada. Using these estimates of the directeffect of forward supply chain linkages on theeconomy, the study also estimates the indirecteffects and induced effects of this economicactivity to the U.S. economy, generally referred toas multiplier effects.
- Duval, D. F., Bickel, A. K., & Frisvold, G. B. (2018). Potential Economic Impact of Cold Inspection Facility Upgrade at Mariposa Port of Entry, Nogales, AZ. University of Arizona.
- Frisvold, G. B., Duval, D. F., Bickel, A. K., Bickel, A. K., Duval, D. F., & Frisvold, G. B. (2018). Economic Contribution of Agriculture to the Maricopa County and Gila River Indian Community Economies. University of Arizona Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics.More infoStrategies to promote local and regional foods systems benefit from a baseline understanding of existing agricultural activity and its role within the regional economy. To encourage growth or changes in regional food systems, it is important to understand what is being produced, where and how it is being sold, and the potential economic impacts of shifting production and marketing channels. This study provides an estimate of the economic contribution of on-farm agriculture to the Maricopa County economy, as well as an estimate of the regional economic contribution of agricultural activity taking place within the Gila River Indian Community. It includes an overview of commodities produced, their direct sales effects, and an estimate of multiplier effects within the regional economy. Additionally, information on farm attributes, food versus non-food agricultural production, and existing data on local foods activity is provided within the larger context of agriculture as a whole in the region.
- Bickel, A. K., Duval, D. F., & Frisvold, G. B. (2017). Arizona Leafy Greens: Economic Contributions of the Industry Cluster. University of Arizona Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics.More infoLeafy greens, a broad term used to describe vegetable crops with edible leaves, are an important crop group in Arizona. Arizona plays a key role in the country’s production of leafy greens, particularly lettuce varieties and spinach. Together, Arizona and California account for nearly 90% of all leafy greens produced (by weight) in the United States. In winter months, leafy greens are sourced almost exclusively from Arizona and California counties straddling the Colorado River. Considering the state’s role in national production, leafy greens are also an important part of Arizona’s agricultural economy. Since 2010, the state’s major leafy green commodities (lettuce, spinach, and cabbage) have accounted for approximately one-fifth of all agricultural sales (crops and livestock) in Arizona and have represented a large majority of vegetable and melon sales.Sales of leafy greens contribute to the state economy, providing incomes and jobs for people working on Arizona farms. These contributions to the state economy, however, are not limited to on-farm activities. They extend to an entire cluster of industries that are involved in essential post-harvest activities that ensure the quality and shelf life of leafy greens products. The leafy greens industry cluster, therefore, includes farms producing leafy greens as well as post-harvest industries such as refrigerated warehousing, transportation, and wholesale services. Using estimates for 2015 and the IMPLAN software, the total economic contribution (including indirect and induced multiplier effects) of the leafy greens industry cluster to the state economy was estimated. . Results reported include sales (output), value added (synonymous with Gross State Product [GSP]), incomes, and state and local tax revenues. With limited data, we also estimate employment supported by Arizona’s leafy greens industry cluster.
- Bickel, A. K., Duval, D. F., & Frisvold, G. B. (2017). Arizona's Agribusiness System: Contributions to the State Economy. University of Arizona Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics.More infoThe contribution of Arizona agriculture to the state economy extends beyond the commodities produced on farms and ranches across the state. On-farm production is just one part of an entire system of industries involved in and connected with agriculture in Arizona. Estimating the full contribution of agriculture to the state economy warrants an examination of the entire agribusiness system in Arizona. This study conducts an economic contribution analysis for the 2014 calendar year and estimates the direct, indirect, and induced effects of Arizona's agribusiness system to the state economy. Economic conributions are reported in terms of sales, value added (contribution to gross state product [GSP]), incomes, and number of full- and part-time jobs.
- Duval, D. F., Ruyle, G. B., & Dyess, J. (2017). Value of University of Arizona Cooperative Extension’s Involvement in Immediate Post-Wallow Fire Grazing Recovery. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ).More infoThe University of Arizona Cooperative Extensionparticipated in cooperative efforts to monitor rangelandrecovery and assess forage availability after the Wallow Firethat provided critical information supporting the ForestService’s decision to allow grazing to resume on allotmentsearlier than originally anticipated. Enhancement and use ofthe University of Arizona Cooperative Extension VegetationGIS Data System software allowed Forest Service andUniversity personnel to quickly record and analyze ecologicaldata. This ecological data was important to determiningthe response of vegetation to provide forage for livestockand wildlife. Estimates of benefits to ranchers from earlierresumption of grazing on their allotments range from $12,241to $52,835 per allotment. Estimates of total rancher benefitsrange from $477,410 to $2,060,577.
- Frisvold, G. B., Kerna, A., & Duval, D. F. (2017). The Contribution of Small Grains Production to Arizona’s Economy. N/A.
- Kerna, A., Duval, D. F., & Frisvold, G. B. (2017). The Contribution of Arizona’s Vegetable and Melon Industry Cluster to the State Economy. N/A.
- Duval, D. F., & Colby, B. G. (2016). The influence of Colorado River flows on the upper Gulf of California fisheries economy. Ecological Engineering.
- Duval, D. F., Frisvold, G. B., Kerna, A., & Umeda, K. (2016). Contribution of the Golf Industry to the Arizona Economy in 2014. N/A.
- Duval, D. F., Ruyle, G. B., & Howery, L. D. (2016). Economic Impact of Cooperative Extension Efforts in Rangeland Management for a Northern Arizona Ranching Allotment. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin.
- Duval, D. F., Ruyle, G. B., & Howery, L. D. (2016). Economic Impact of Cooperative Extension Efforts in Rangeland Management for a Northern Arizona Ranching Allotment. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1707-2016_0.pdf. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin.
- Kerna, A., Duval, D. F., & Frisvold, G. B. (2016). Yuma Visitor Survey: Characteristics and Economic Impacts of Hotel Visitors. N/A.
Proceedings Publications
- Duval, D. F., Kerna, A., & Frisvold, G. B. (2016, November 2016). Using Enterprise Software Data to Analyze the Economic Contributions and Impacts of University Programs With the IMPLAN Model. In Mid‐Continent Regional Science Association .
- Frisvold, G. B., Duval, D. F., & Bickel, A. K. (2022). Economic Impacts of Agriculture, Recreational Tourism, and Rural Communities. ADWR BriefingADWR.
- Duval, D. F. (2018, October 2018). US Imports of Mexican Produce: Agribusiness Value Chain Analysis for Top Specialty Crop Commodities. Food Studies. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia.
- Duval, D. F., & Kerna, A. (2016, November). Using Enterprise Software Data to Analyze the Economic Contributions and Impacts of University Programs With the IMPLAN Model. Mid‐Continent Regional Science Association Annual Conference. Charlotte, NC.
- Kerna, A., & Duval, D. F. (2016, December). Considerations for Measuring Program Impacts. Rangelands Partnership- Renewable Resources Extension Act Meeting.
- Kerna, A., & Duval, D. F. (2016, December). Cooperative Extension Economic Analyses. Extension Administration Retreat.More infoPresentation for EAT.
Poster Presentations
- Duval, D. F. (2018, March 2018). The Regional Economics of Farm to School Programs in Southern Arizona. CALS Poster Forum.
- Bickel, A. K., Duval, D. F., & Frisvold, G. B. (2017, Spring). Economic Contribution and Interdependence of Arizona's Vegetable and Melon and Small Grains Industry Clusters. CALS Poster Forum.
- Duval, D. F., Bickel, A. K., & Frisvold, G. B. (2017, Spring). Contribution of the Golf Industry to the Arizona Economy in 2014. CALS Poster Forum.
- Kerna, A., Duval, D. F., & Frisvold, G. B. (2015, October). Economic Impacts Generated by UA School of Natural Resources and the Environment (SNRE) Federal Research & Extension Grants. CALS Poster Forum. Tucson.
Other Teaching Materials
- Duval, D. F., Curley, D. L., Argyros, J., Argyros, J., Curley, D. L., & Duval, D. F. (2017. Santa Cruz County Family Resource Centers Policy Action Brief. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Duval, D. F. (2017, March). Regional Economic Contribution of The Garden Kitchen Program . https://pima.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=5088064&GUID=73DA74ED-1751-4252-8500-471613C25E88
- Duval, D. F. (2016, March). Economic Impacts Generated by University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP).
- Kerna, A., & Duval, D. F. (2016, December). Summary of FY2014 Economic Impacts Genrated by University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.