Deborah L Curley
- Area Associate Agent, Pima County / Santa Cruz County
- (520) 626-4793
- TUCSON, AZ 85719-1109
- dcurley@arizona.edu
- MPH Maternal and Child Health
- University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Developing a quality assurance manual for the Navajo Family Health Resource Network.
- B.A. Major - Politicial Science; Minor - French
- University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia, United States
Work Experience
- University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Pima County (2015 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Santa Cruz County (2010 - 2015)
- LeCroy & Milligan Associates, Inc. (2010)
- First Things First (2009)
- Peace Corps (2004 - 2008)
- Southern Regional Council (2000 - 2004)
- Open Society Institute (1996 - 1999)
- Planned Parenthood of East Central Georgia (1996)
- Peace Corps (1993 - 1996)
- Host Affiliate Co-Liaison
- National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences, Fall 2024
- Heart of Extension
- University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Summer 2023
- First Place National Dean Felker Financial Management Award
- National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences, Spring 2022
- Western Region Winner for Dean Don Felker Family Resource Management Award
- National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences, Fall 2021
- Champion for Young Children Award, FTF Pima South Region
- First Things First, Summer 2021
- 2nd Place Western Region - Human Development/Family Relationships
- NEAFCS - National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2020
- Santa Cruz County Early Childhood Education Award of Excellence
- Office of the Santa Cruz County School Superintendent, Spring 2020
- Innovation in Programming Award, 2nd Place Western Region
- National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2019
- Excellence in Teamwork Award, 1st Place Western Region
- National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences., Fall 2018
- Excellence in Teamwork Award: State Winner
- Arizona Association of Extension 4-H Agents, Fall 2018
- Certification of Appreciation
- Office of the School Superintendent of Santa Cruz County, Spring 2018
- Volunteer of the Year Award
- Federal Correctional Institution, Spring 2017
- Judge's Pick
- Expect More Arizona, Fall 2015
Licensure & Certification
- Partners in Parenting Education Provider, How To Read Your Baby (2012)
- Mandatory Reporting, Southern Arizona Children's Advocacy Center (2019)
- Level 4 Group Triple P, Triple P (2017)
- Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors Facilitator, Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors (2015)
- KIPS Certificate, Comfort Consults (2013)
- Strengthening Families Protective Factors (2019)
- CPR Certification, Heart Savers (2018)
- Level 5 Family Transitions Triple P, Triple P (2016)
- Level 2 Selected Seminars Triple P, Triple P (2017)
- Infant Toddler Developmental Guidelines, Standards and Program Guidelines, Arizona Department of Education (2014)
- Culturally Linguistic Appropriate Services, USDA WIC (2019)
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Curley, D. L., & Argyros, J. (2018). Coaching Guidelines for Parent-Child Interaction. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
Proceedings Publications
- Curley, D. L., & Stewart, R. E. (2024, September).
NEAFCS Annual Meeting Program Booklet
. In NEAFCS Annual Meeting, 84.
- Curley, D. L. (2024, February).
Opportunities for Collaboration and Support - NEAFCS Annual Meeting
. 4-H In-Service. Homewood Suites: 4-H. - Curley, D. L. (2024, January).
Goals and Operations of Positive Discipline Program
. Positive Discipline/Financial Literacy In Service. Maricopa County Cooperative Extension: UA Cooperative Extension. - Curley, D. L. (2024, July).
UA Impact and Future Collaboration
. Meeting with Office of Director. Zoom with Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry: Triple P America. - Curley, D. L. (2024, October).
Family Engagement Program History in RSAT Unit in Arizona State Prisons.
. Advisory Board Meeting, Residential Substance Abuse and Treatment (RSAT) Program. Zoom: Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry. - Curley, D. L. (2024, September).
Family Resource Center collaboration
. PCCE Advisory Board. PCCE Conference Room: UA Cooperative Extension Pima County. - Curley, D. L., & Ramirez, M. (2024, October).
Arizona Triple P Trauma Informed
. Provider Spotlight, Nationwide Practitioner Support. Zoom: Triple P America. - Curley, D. L., Sparks, E. W., & Carter, L. (2024, September).
Cultivating Well Being: FARMacy - A Youth-Centered Approach to Preventing Childhood Type 2 Diabetes
. NEAFCS Annual Meeting. Marriott Starr Pass: National Extension Association of Family Consumer Sciences. - Curley, D. L., Wright, A. D., Hauser, M. W., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2024, May).
Panel Discussion on Candidate Statements
. Continuing Status and Promotion Training. Maricopa Agricultural Center: UA Cooperative Extension. - McDonald, D. A., Lipin, C., Pearson, C., & Curley, D. L. (2024, September).
Employing AmeriCorps to Deliver Cooperative Extension Programming Across Disciplines
. National Extension Association of Family Consumer Scientists. Tucson, AZ. - Stewart, R. E., Argyros, J., Hernandez, B., Garcia, S., & Curley, D. L. (2024, September). Play Your Way to Stronger Connections by Maximizing Adult-Child Interactions: A Family Resource Centers' Approach. NEAFCS Annual Meeting. Tucson, AZ: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Walsh, M. E., Parlin, J. M., & Curley, D. L. (2024, September).
Cross Program Collaboration
. Statewide Town Hall. Zoom: UA Cooperative Extension. - Curley, D. L. (2022, February). Introduction to Family Engagement Programming. Data Blitz. Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences: University of Arizona.
- Curley, D. L. (2023, April). Extension Programming for Incarcerated Individuals. Field Trip. Western Extension Leadership Development: Extension Foundation.
- Curley, D. L. (2023, January). Family Engagement Program - Supporting Parents in Pima County. Class Presentation - Pallock. Norton School: University of Arizona.
- Curley, D. L., & Hadd-Wissler, V. (2023, January). Introduction to Family Engagement Program . UACE Bus Tour. UA Cooperative Extension Pima County.
- Curley, D. L., & Hadd-Wissler, V. (2023, January). Positive Discipline - Two Lists. UACE Bus Tour. UA Cooperative Extension Pima County: UA Cooperative Extension.
- Curley, D. L., & Holguin, F. (2023, April). Impact of Triple P classes delivered by Pima Extension . Visit to Elected Officials (Governors Office, AZDES, AHCCCS, State Representative). Arizona State Capitol: Triple P International.
- Curley, D. L., & Holguin, F. (2023, September). Training Incarcerated Instructors. Annual Meeting. Providence, Rhode Island: National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences.
- Jones, C. K., Curley, D. L., Wright, A. D., & Hauser, M. W. (2023, May). Panel Discussion on Candidate Statements. Continuing Status and Promotion Training. Maricopa Agricultural Center: UA Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H., Curley, D. L., & Stewart, R. E. (2023, April). Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught Through Library on Wheels. Celebrate the Young Child Conference. Phoenix, AZ: Candelen.
- Curley, D. L. (2022). Positive Discipline Strategies for Camp Counselors. Tucson Village Farm Counselor Orientation.
- Curley, D. L., & Holguin, F. (2022, February). PCCE best practices when working with incarcerated populations. Presentation to Founder of Triple P Positive Parenting Program.
- Dixon-Kleiber, A. L., Curley, D. L., McDonald, D. A., Stewart, R. E., Wilson, H., & Stuth, C. (2022, September). Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught through Mobile Children’s Library Pilot. 2022 NEAFCS Annual Session. Raleigh, NC: National Extension Associate of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Jones, C. K., Curley, D. L., Wilson, H., & Wright, A. D. (2022, May). Candidate Statement Panel. Continuing Status and Promotion In-Service. Via Zoom: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Speirs, K., Curley, D. L., Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Mostafa, A. M. (2022, August). Shared Governance: All Extension Faculty and Staff has a Voice. 2022 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Creating Connections: Change, Challenge, Community. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Curley, D. L. (2021, December). Science of Play Keynote. 21st Century Community Learning Centers Share Fair. Tucson Village Farm, PCCE: Arizona Department of Education.
- Curley, D. L. (2021, January). History of Family Resource Centers. Dunbar FRC Strategic Planning. Zoom: The Dunbar Pavilion Community Center.
- Curley, D. L., & Burruel, C. (2021, December). Character Cards. 21st Century Community Learning Centers Share Fair. Tucson Village Farm, PCCE: Arizona Department of Education.
- Curley, D. L., & Holguin, F. (2021, July). Empowering People in the Workplace. Title IV A & B Conference: Expanding Horizons. Zoom: ADE 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
- Curley, D. L., & Holguin, F. (2021, June). Adapting the Triple P Curriculum for Teaching in the Prison Setting. Wisconsin Extension Collaborative Planning Meeting. Zoom: Wisconsin Cooperative Extension.
- Curley, D. L., & Opie, L. (2021, October). Empowering People in the Workplace Top Card. Positive Discipline Think Tank. San Diego, CA: Positive Discipline Association.
- Curley, D. L., & Samaniego, S. (2021, June). Supporting Young Children with a History of Trauma. Arizona Grandparents & Kinship Caregivers Monthly Meeting. Zoom: Arizona Grandparents & Kinship Caregivers.
- Curley, D. L., Dixon, A. L., Bawden, M. K., Arias, J. M., Orr, E. R., & Farella, J. (2021, October). Panel Discussion: Fostering Resilience at Extension. Annual Conference. Zoom: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Dixon, A. L., Curley, D. L., & Argyros, J. (2021, February). Empowering People in the Workplace: During a Time of COVID-19 and Beyond. Extension Leadership Conference. Virtual: Joint Conference of Extension Professionals.
- Dixon, A. L., Stuth, C. L., Curley, D. L., & Argyros, J. (2021, November). Building Empathy in the Workplace. NEAFCS Annual Session. Virtual: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Stuth, C. L., Argyros, J., Curley, D. L., & Dixon, A. L. (2021, November). Teaching Children Foundational Life Skills. NEAFCS Annual Session. Virtual: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Curley, D. L. (2020, November). Emotional Refueling. 21st Century Share Fair. Virtual Platform: Arizona Department of Education 21st Century Program.
- Curley, D. L., & Holguin, F. (2020, November). Empowering People in the Workplace. Professional Development Training. Virtual Platform: UA Cooperative Extension Pima County.
- Curley, D. L., & Manzini, D. (2020, February). Family Engagement Program. Norton School Data Blitz. Norton School of Family & Consumer Sciences: University of Arizona.
- Curley, D. L., & Roland, T. L. (2020, November). Helping Children Focus. 21st Century Share Fair. Virtual Platform: Arizona Department of Education 21st Century Program.
- Curley, D. L., & Sparks, E. W. (2020, October). Tips, Tricks and Tools: Programming Resources. Schools Out Make it Count. Virtual: Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence.
- Curley, D. L., Dixon, A. L., & Argyros, J. (2020, October). Empowering People in the Workplace. Extension Conference. Virtual Platform: University of Arizona.
- Dixon, A. L., & Curley, D. L. (2020, February). Understanding and Maximizing Productivity: Why We (re)Act the Way We Do. Extension Leadership Conference. San Antonio: Joint Council of Extension Professionals.
- Dixon, A. L., Curley, D. L., & Argyros, J. (2019, October). Why We Act the Way We Do: Understanding and Maximizing Productivity. Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP).
- Dixon, A. L., Curley, D. L., & Argyros, J. (2020, February). Understanding and Maximizing Productivity: Why We reACT the Way We Do. Celebrate the Young Child. Phoenix: Association for Supportive Child Care.
- Curley, D. L. (2019, April). Family Engagement Program - Fatherhood Involvement. Fatherhood Panel, Family Studies and Human Development Class. Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences: University of Arizona.
- Curley, D. L. (2019, February). Meeting to Make a Difference. Undergraduate Classroom Guest SpeakerWestern Washington University.More infoInvited presentation in a Global Affairs undergraduate course at Western Washington University on the elements and benefits of engaging in Collective Leadership.
- Curley, D. L., & Burruel, C. (2019, April). Building Critical Thinking Skills in Children. Around the Cracker Barrel Radio Show. KGVY Radio 101.5 FM Green Valley.
- Curley, D. L., & Dixon, A. L. (2019, Feb). Making Connections Thrive and Last; Specifically in Rural and Hard-to-Reach Areas. JCEP Extension Leadership Conference. San Antonio, TX: Joint Council of Extension Professionals.
- Curley, D. L., Harris, G., Ruiz, M., Smith, M., & Ahn, R. (2018, March). Building Child Behavior Management Skills in Incarcerated Parents. International Helping Families Change Conference (HFCC). Santa Rosa, CA: Parenting and Family Support Centre at The University of Queensland - in support of Triple P (Positive Parenting Program).
- Curley, D. L., Speirs, K., & Dixon, A. L. (2018, September). Trends and Innovations in Parenting Education. NEAFCS Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX.
- Curley, D. L., & Dixon, A. (2016, September). Strategizing the Tug-of-War between Program Implementation and Evaluation. NEAFCS Annual Meeting. Big Sky, MT.
- Curley, D. L., Padilla, F., & Castro, Y. (2016, August). Meeting to Make a Difference: Key Components to an Effective Coalition. First Things First Summit. Phoenix: Birth to Five Partners.More infoThis presentation shared the experience of building an effective coalition in Santa Cruz County.
- Curley, D. L., Dixon, D. L., & Argyros, J. D. (2015, August). Coaching for Parent-Child Interaction. First Things First Summit. Phoenix: First Things First.More infoThis presentation gave parent educators and home visitors information on:- How parent-child interaction affects brain development- Tools to coach parents to better interactions- Ways for parents to practice interactions on their own
Poster Presentations
- Curley, D. L. (2024, March).
Engaging Parents
. Strategic Planning. United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona: Pima County Parenting Coalition. - McDonald, D. A., Curley, D. L., Dixon-Kleiber, A. L., DeBlois, M., Hadd Wissler, V., Wilkinson, N., Gore, C., Ramirez, M., Thomas, M., & Quiroz, N. (2024, July).
Family Talks: Money Edition CYFAR Curriculum, A CYFAR Program for Parents and Teens in Pima and Gila Counties.
. Arizona Cooperative Extension Annual Conference. Tucson, AZ. - Stewart, R. E., Curley, D. L., Argyros, J., Garcia, S., Hernandez, B., Gamez, A., Pacheco, D., Fajardo, M., Yanez, D., Renteria, P., Soto, M., Andrade, C., & Lechuga, I. (2024, April). Play Your Way to Stronger Connections by Maximizing Adult/Child Interactions: A Family Resource Centers’ Approach. ALVSCE Poster Forum. Tucson, AZ: Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension.
- Curley, D. L., Walsh, M. E., DeBlois, M., Poole, B., Downer, B., Holguin, F., Avery, D., & Ewinghill, T. (2023, August). Showcasing FCHS Impact at the State Capitol. Statewide Conference. University of Arizona Campus: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Lechuga, I., Andrade, C., Soto, M., Renteria, P., Yanez, D., Fajardo, M., Pacheco, D., Gamez, A., Hernandez, B., Garcia, S., Argyros, J., Curley, D. L., & Stewart, R. E. (2023, August). Play Your Way to Stronger Connections by Maximizing Adult/Child Interactions: A Family Resource Centers’ Approach. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- McDonald, D. A., Wilson, H., Stewart, R. E., Dixon-Kleiber, A. L., Wilkinson, N., & Curley, D. L. (2023, March). Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught through MobileChildren’s Library. ALVSCE Poster Forum. University of Arizona Campus: ALVSCE.
- Dixon-Kleiber, A. L., Curley, D. L., Wilson, H., Stewart, R. E., McDonald, D. A., & Stuth, C. (2022, August). Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught through Mobile Children's Library. 2022 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Creating Connections: Change, Challenge, Community. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Speirs, K., Curley, D. L., Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Mostafa, A. M. (2022, August). Shared Governance: All Extension Faculty and Staff has a Voice. 2022 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Creating Connections: Change, Challenge, Community. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Faculty Council.
- Whitmer, E. B., Walsh, M. E., Stewart, R. E., Stuth, C., McDonald, D. A., Curley, D. L., & Dixon-Kleiber, A. L. (2022, September). Building Healthy Communities: Collective Impact for Community Change. NEAFCS.
- Argyros, J. D., Curley, D. L., Dixon, A. L., Martinez, C. L., Stuth, C. L., & Whitmer, E. B. (2019, August). Positive Discipline: Improving Parents’ Ability to Understand and Manage Child Behavior. Extension ConferenceUA Cooperative Extension.More infoThis poster is an ESIP funded project in Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Pima, Pinal, and Santa Cruz to teach Positive Discipline to families. Positive Discipline is a relevant, engaging and creative curriculum intended for parents of children ages three through eighteen. Positive Discipline is an evidence-informed curriculum that teaches parents how to change the lens in which they view their relationship with their children.
- Curley, D. L., Burruel, C., & Jeffers-Sample, A. (2019, August). Growth Behind Bars. Extension ConferenceUA Cooperative Extension.More infoThis project creates a special collaboration between the Pima County Family Engagement Program, Pima County 4-H, and The Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona. The purpose is to offer an interactive program in the garden for individuals who have been involved with the criminal justice system and their children.
- Speirs, K., Argyros, J., Curley, D., Hernandez, B., & Lechuga, I. (2019, August). Developing a Text Message Database. Extension ConferenceUA Cooperative Extension.More infoThis poster describes an ESIP-funded project to develop a database of text messages to be used with parent education programs delivered at the Family Resource Centers (FRC) in Santa Cruz County. Participants in the Abriendo Puertas, Fine Arts for Threes, Keys for Threes, Kindergarten Readiness, Kindergarten Literature, Play and Learn, Partners in Parenting Education, Positive Discipline, and Power of Parenting classes will receive the text messages using the free REMIND system. The messages are designed to remind participants about program content, provide suggestions for how parents can use at home what they learn at the FRC, reinforce learning objectives, and increase participant retention.
- Curley, D. L., Speirs, K., & Dixon, A. L. (2018, August). Engaging Parents. Cooperative Extension Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.More infoEC1 for 2018
- Curley, D. L. (2017, October). Family Engagement Program. Pima Day - hosting Director of Cooperative Extension. Pima County Cooperative Extension: Pima County Cooperative Extension.More infoThis was a poster to describe the work of the Family Engagement Program to the director of Cooperative Extension. Each program from Pima County did the same.
- Curley, D. L., Dixon, D. L., & Argyros, J. D. (2015, August). Family Resource Centers: Preparing families with children aged 0-5 for Kindergarten.. UA Cooperative Extension Faculty Conference. Tucson: CALS.More infoThis poster provides the research base, program methods and results of a Family Resource Center Program.
Creative Productions
- Curley, D. L., & Stockellburg, A. (2021. Recruitment Video for Parent Education Workshops. Youtube. UA Cooperative Extension Pima County: Pima County Parenting Coalition. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PRz2PMjgZ1JUd2owVsyrRHlo9DG2Ui0F/view
- Argyros, J., & Curley, D. L. (2020. Emotional Refueling. Facebook and Extension Website. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=309530270040505: Cooperative Extension.More infoThis was a video helping parents remember that emotional refueling is critical their agility to bring their best selves to raising their children. It was part of an effort on campus to gather resources for parents during the pandemic.
Case Studies
- Curley, D. L. (2017. Five Elements of Collective Leadership for Early Childhood Professionals(pp TBD).More infoCase study of collective leadership.
Other Teaching Materials
- Curley, D. L. (2024.
Desert Safety Tips
. National Extension Association of Family Consumer Sciences. - Curley, D. L. (2024.
Positive Discipline Instructor Guidelines
. UA Cooperative Extension. - Curley, D. L., Walsh, M. E., DeBlois, M., Avery, D., Ewinghill, T., Downer, B., Poole, B., & Holguin, F. (2023. Triple P Data Summary Page. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Curley, D. L., & Wilson, H. (2022. Canning Resources. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Curley, D. L., & Argyros, J. D. (2018. Keys for Threes. UA Cooperative Extension Santa Cruz County.
- Curley, D. L., Argyros, J., Moore, J. D., & Hooper, P. (2020. Tip Sheet for Virtual Classes for Families with Children Age 7 and Under. UA Cooperative Extension.
- Moore, J. D., & Curley, D. L. (2020. The University of Arizona, Cooperative Extension Service Share Fair with 21st Century Afterschool Program Site. The University of Arizona, Cooperative Extension Service.
- Curley, D. L. (2017. Child Care Orientation Power Point. UA Cooperative Extension.
- Curley, D. L., Argyros, J., & Duval, D. F. (2017. Santa Cruz County Family Resource Centers Policy Action Brief. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Curley, D. L., Bae, A., & Evans, M. (2016. Child Care Manual. UA Cooperative Extension Pima County.More infoThis is an internal policy and training manual for the child care component of the Family Engagement Program. The manual covers the following topics: child care preparation checklist; sign in sheets; agenda; games and songs; feeding guide; inventory list; incident report; timesheets; invoices; mileages sheets and the health and safety section.
- Curley, D. L. (2024, May).
Improving Reentry at the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry (ADCRR).
. Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry. - Curley, D. L., & Bawden, M. K. (2024, August).
NEAFCS Annual Meeting Planning Guide
. National Extension Association of Family Consumer Sciences. - Curley, D. L., & Jacson, M. E. (2022, February). Resilience Newsletter. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Pima County.More infoSharing the latest research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and ways for individuals to make a difference locally.
- Curley, D. L., & Jacson, M. E. (2022, July). Resilience Newsletter. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Pima County.More infoSharing the latest research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and ways for individuals to make a difference locally.
- Curley, D. L. (2021, May). Child Brain Development and the Valuable Role of Parents. Roundup Newsletter - Pima County Cooperative Extension.
- Speirs, K., Wilson, H., Argyros, J., Curley, D. L., Derfus, R., Dixon, A. L., & Martinez, C. L. (2021, May). AZ1880-2021: Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication. https://extension.arizona.edu/pubs/child-development-associate-cda-credential
- Stuth, C. L., Stewart, R. E., Curley, D. L., & McDonald, D. A. (2021, October). Helping Young Children Develop Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 2021 Annual Conference: "Uniquely Extension!".
- Curley, D. L. (2020, June). Retrospective Pre Post Evaluation of Climate and Culture. Tucson Unified School District.
- Curley, D. L., & Argyros, J. (2020, May). Public Service Announcements. Lotus Communications Corporation.More infoSelect messages focused on child abuse prevention.
- Curley, D. L., & Arizmendi, K. (2019, January). Family Engagement in Arizona. UA Cooperative Extension Website.More infohttps://extension.arizona.edu/family-engagement
- Curley, D. L., & Arizmendi, K. (2019, June). Positive Discipline Classes Statewide. UA Cooperative Extension Website.More infohttps://extension.arizona.edu/positive-discipline-classes
- Curley, D. L., & Manzini, D. (2019, August). Pima County Parenting Coalition. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/PimaCountyParentingCoalition/More infofacebook.com/UACooperativeExtensionEarlyChildhoodDevelopment/
- Curley, D. L., & Manzini, D. (2019, August). Website Announcement Rack Card. Pima County Parenting Coalition.
- Curley, D. L., & Manzini, D. (2019, October). Family Engagment Program Brochure. UA Cooperative Extension.
- Curley, D. L., Manzini, D., & Arizmendi, K. (2018, September). Family Engagement in Pima County. UA Cooperative Extension Website.More infohttps://extension.arizona.edu/pima-family-engagement
- Curley, D. L. (2017, August). Resources for Parents and Caregivers. United Way.
- Curley, D. L., & Jennifer, A. (2017, July). FRC Program Survey Version 2.
- Curley, D. L., Adams, T., Neff, A., Del Percio, N., & Miranda, V. (2017, November). Website of Parent Education Classes and Activities. Pima County Parenting Coalition. http://pimaparenting.org
- Curley, D. L., Heather, F., Kim, M., Margaret, P., Andrea, C., Kimberly, J., Sonia, C., Sarah, K., Nicole, P., Teresa, W., Renee, G., Cory, R., & Cholpon, R. (2016, June). FSA Survey. Family Support Alliance Grantees.
- Curley, D. L., & Argyros, J. D. (2015, September). Family Resource Center Client Database 2.0. ALVSCE Server. http://www.cals.arizona.edu/frc