Hope Wilson
- Area Associate Agent, Family-Consumer and Health Sciences
- (928) 445-6590
- 840 Rodeo Dr Bldg C, Rm. C
- Prescott, AZ 86305
- hopewilson@arizona.edu
Hope Wilson is an Area Associate Agent for the Family, Consumer and Health Sciences at the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension in Yavapai County. She has 20 years of experience working in the fields of public health, nutrition, and food systems at the national, state and local levels. In Yavapai County, Hope creates, supervises and evaluates community outreach programs that provide research-based formal and informal education. Programming includes food safety, food and nutrition education with a seed to table focus, and early childhood education, health and safety. Hope has an Extension Program Area appointment for food safety and leads the Arizona Extension FCHS Food Safety Working Group to strengthen food safety in FCHS programming through food preservation, food waste reduction, retail and institutional settings, and education for food entrepreneurs and consumers. Hope is a Registered Dietitian and received her Master of Public Health from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- MPH Nutrition
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- B.A. English
- Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Work Experience
- University of Arizona Cooperative Extension (2020 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona Cooperative Extension (2014 - 2020)
- University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Yavapai County (2013 - 2014)
- National Farm to School Network (2011 - 2013)
- Arizona Department of Health Services (2010 - 2011)
- Public Health Institute, Network for a Healthy California (2004 - 2010)
- 2023 Program Excellence through Research Award, Western Region Winner
- National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2023
- Community Partnership Award, National Winner - 3rd Place
- National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2022
- Community Partnership Award, Western Region Winner - 1st Place
- National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2022
- Family, Health and Wellness Award, National Winner - 2nd Place
- National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2022
- Family, Health and Wellness Award, Western Region Winner - 1st Place
- National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2022
- Communications: Educational Publication, National Winner - 2nd Place
- National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2020
- Communications: Educational Publication, Western Region Winner - 1st Place
- National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2020
- Family Health and Wellness Award, Western Region Winner - 2nd Place
- National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2020
- Food Safety Award, Western Region Winner - 3rd Place
- National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2018
- 2018 Extension Educator of the Year
- Arizona Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Summer 2018
Licensure & Certification
- Registered Dietitian, Commission on Dietetic Registration (2005)
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Wilson, H., Grutzmacher, S. K., Parlin, J. M., McCullough, L., & McNair, L. (2024). Creating Partnerships in Your Community. In Culinary Medicine(pp Chapter 11). Tucson: University of Arizona.
- Wilson, H., Parlin, J. M., & Alvarez, K. (2024). Seed-to-Table Programs. In Culinary Medicine(pp Chapter 10). Tucson: University of Arizona.
- Speirs, K., Leucking, C., Brown, K., Aldrich, C., Nerren, J., Rider, A., Shrier, C., Werth, L., Wilson, H., & Friedman, A. (2024). National Inventory of Extension Programming for the Early Care and Education Workforce. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.More infoThis report presents the results of a national inventory of Cooperative Extension programming, training or services for the early care and education (ECE) workforce. It is designed to be used by Extension professionals and others outside of Extension to inform, improve, and enhance the programming, resources, and services provided to ECE professionals.
- Wilson, H., Speirs, K., Derfus, R., & Garcia, D. (2023). Gardening with Children in Early Care and Education Centers and Classrooms. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ 2063-2023.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Sherman, J. D., & Wilson, H. (2021). Corn: A Fruit, Vegetable, Grain or All Three?. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1915-2021.
- Mpanga, I., Schuch, U. K., Braun, H. L., Wilson, H., Stuth, C. L., Schalau, J. W., & Tronstad, R. E. (2021). COVID-19 Effects on Farming Activities in Arizona and How Farmers and Ranchers Responded. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1867-2021.
- Speirs, K., Wilson, H., Argyros, J., Curley, D. L., Derfus, R., Dixon, A. L., & Martinez, C. L. (2021). Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1880-2021.
- Stuth, C. L., & Wilson, H. (2020). Farmer’s Market COVID-19 GUIDE. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, 4.More infoFarmer's markets are considered an essential service and are an important community resource for produce. This guide provides recommendations regarding safe operation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Wilson, H., Green, W., Connell, C., & Speirs, K. (2021). Tips for Eating More Fruits and Vegetables: Bell Peppers. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1924-2021.
- Wilson, H., Green, W., Connell, C., & Speirs, K. (2021). Tips for Eating More Fruits and Vegetables: Tomatoes. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1923-2021.
- Wilson, H., Speirs, K., Connell, C., & Gallo, I. (2021). Tips for Fruit and Vegetable Taste Tests in Early Care and Education Settings. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1957-2021.
- Mpanga, I., Wilson, H., & Brassill, N. A. (2020). Ideal Produce Wash Station for Small-scale Farmers: The Importance, Principles, Workflow Design, Water Quality, Washing, and Cooling Methods. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1848-2020.
- Warren, S. M., Speirs, K., & Wilson, H. (2020). Shared Book Reading: A Great Way for Parents and Teachers to Boost Young Children’s Vocabulary. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1809-2020.
- Wilson, H., Valente, E., & da Silva, V. (2019). The Impact of Diabetes in Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1790-2019.
- Wilson, H., Wyatt, M. A., & Zilliox, P. (2019). Prickly Pear Cactus: Food of the Desert. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1800-2019.
- Wyatt, M. A., Wilson, H., Suzuki, A., & Hongu, N. (2019). Home Food Preservation: Drying Vegetables. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1802-2019.
- Whitmer, E. B., Wilson, H., Wyatt, M. A., Dixon, A. L., Martinez, C. L., & Dixon, D. L. (2018). Water and Hydration for Your Children. UA Cooperative Extension, AZ1787.
- Hongu, N., Kim, A. S., Wilson, H., Tsui, K. C., & Park, S. (2017). Korean kimchi: Promoting Healthy Meals through Cultural Tradition. Journal of Ethnic Foods, 4(3), 172-180. doi:10.1016/j.jef.2017.08.005
- Kim, A. S., Park, S., Suzuki, A., Wilson, H., Tsui, K. C., & Hongu, N. (2017). Taste of Korea: Kimchi. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1748-2017.
- Hongu, N., Suzuki, A., & Wilson, H. (2015). Guide to Eating More Vegetables: Carrots. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1684-2015.
Proceedings Publications
- Florian, T., Wilson, H., Wyatt, M., Alves, J., Sepulveda, M., & da, S. V. (2018, 2018/12/21). Cooperative Extension as a Model for Sustainable Dissemination of the Diabetes Prevention Program. In Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50, S111.
- Wilson, H., & Speirs, K. E. (2018, 2018/12/21). Teaching About Healthy Eating in Early Care and Education: Strategies and Challenges. In Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50, S198.
- Speirs, K., Wilson, H., Bawden, M. K., Stewart, R. E., Grutzmacher, S. K., Leih, R., & Meyer, R. (2024, September). Invasion of the Data Snatchers: Minimizing Bot Attacks to Maximize Online Survey Integrity. 2024 National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Session. Tucson, AZ: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Whitmer, E. B., Stewart, R. E., Parlin, J. M., Bawden, M. K., Wilson, H., Aspengren, C., Speirs, K., Wright, A. D., Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Martinez, C. L. (2024, June). Collective Engagement to Change Health Outcomes . Annual Arizona Rural Health Conference. Flagstaff, AZ: Arizona Center for Rural Health (AzCRH).
- Whitmer, E. B., Stewart, R. E., Parlin, J. M., Bawden, M. K., Wilson, H., Aspengren, C., Speirs, K., Wright, A. D., Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Martinez, C. L. (2024, May). Collective Engagement to Change Health Outcomes . 2024 National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference. Greenville, SC: University of Georgia, North Carolina State, and Clemson University.
- Wilson, H., Daugherty, B. R., Stewart, R. E., Waters, T., Castillo, E., & Peters, S. (2024, August). Food Safety is for Everyone: Dos and Don'ts of Food Handling at Community Events. 2024 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Impacting Communities with Innovative Programming. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H., Speirs, K., Stewart, R. E., Bawden, M. K., & Meyer, R. M. (2024, September). Opportunities for FCS to Support the Health and Wellbeing of Early Care and Education Professionals. 2024 NEAFCS Annual Session. Tucson, AZ: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Corbus, J., Barber, D., Wilson, H., & Reinhold, D. (2023, September). NEAFCS Awards Boot Camp. 2023 NEAFCS Annual Session. Providence, RI: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Durana, M., Wilson, H., & Davison, M. (2023, May). Key Topics in Implementing Early Childhood Nature Connection Initiatives: Mapping Equity Gaps. Early Childhood Nature Connection Convening. San Francisco, CA: Cities Connecting Children to Nature (National League of Cities / Children & Nature Network.
- Wilson, H. (2023, April). Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught Through Library on Wheels. Celebrate the Young Child Conference. Phoenix, AZ: Candelen.
- Wilson, H., & Parlin, J. M. (2023, October). Farm to Early Care and Education: Food Education and Gardening. Fit and Healthy Kids, Web-Based Sessions for Early Childhood Professionals. Zoom: University of Nebraska.More infoFarm to Early Care Education (ECE) offers unique hands-on learning experiences. This workshop will cover and demonstrate examples of two pillars of Farm to ECE programs, food education and gardening activities, that can be used to supplement classroom learning and align with Early Learning Standards.
- Aldrich, C., Werth, L., Shrier, C., & Wilson, H. (2022, November). Partnering with Extension Agencies in Early Childhood Systems: Success Stories from Multiple States. NAEYC 2022 Annual Conference. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
- Speirs, K., Aldrich, C., Brown, K., Friedman, A., Luecking, C., Rider, A., Shrier, C., Werth, L., & Wilson, H. (2022, September). Results from the National Inventory of Extension Programming for the ECE Workforce and How to Use Them to Improve your Extension Programming. NEAFCS Annual Session 2022. Raleigh, NC: National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Stuth, C. L., Dixon-Kleiber, A. L., Curley, D. L., McDonald, D. A., Stewart, R. E., & Wilson, H. (2022, September). Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught through Mobile Children’s Library Pilot. 2022 NEAFCS Annual Session. Raleigh, NC: National Extension Associate of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Wilson, H. (2022, February). Farmer and Food Safety Panel - Post-harvest: Opportunities and Food safety. The NAZ Future Food Producers Summit: Growing Your Food Operation; Ways to Sustain and Thrive. Hopin (virtual conference platform: Northern Arizona Rural Food Pathways Project: Northern Arizona University and Sustainable Economic Development Initiative of Northern Arizona.
- Wilson, H. (2022, October). Garden Based Learning. Early Learning Institute: The Power of You. Yavapai College, Prescott: Yavapai College / Prevent Child Abuse Arizona / Friends of Prescott Public Library.
- Wilson, H., Noack, K., Turner, E., Gasvoda, G., Bachie, O. G., & Jacobsen, J. (2022, January). Asking Relevant Questions for All (Or Most) Occasions. WELD XI Staying Connected Webinar Series. Zoom: Western Extension Leadership Development Program (WELD).
- Bawden, M., Kulpinski, T., & Wilson, H. (2021, May). Learning Collaboratives. 2021 Virtual Annual Conference: AZ Health Zone in Your Communities. Virtual: AZ Health Zone / Arizona Department of Health Services.
- Parlin, J. M., & Wilson, H. (2021, May). Early Care and Education Coordination and Supply Chain. 2021 Virtual Annual Conference: AZ Health Zone in Your Communities. Virtual: AZ Health Zone / Arizona Department of Health Services.
- Wilson, H. (2021, February). Post-harvest: opportunities and food safety (Farmers Panel). The Northwestern Arizona Future Food Producers Summit. Virtual (hopin.com): Northern Arizona University.
- Wilson, H., & Grabb, A. (2021, March). Farm to ECE Virtual Breakout. Arizona Farm to School Network Virtual Annual Gathering. Virtual: Arizona Department of Education.
- Wilson, H., Grabb, A., & Schimke, A. (2021, April). Farm to ECE and SNAP ED Alignment - the AZ Approach. Webinar: Increasing the Equity of Farm to ECE Access. Virtual: Association of State Public Health Nutritionists / National Farm to School Network.More info• FCHS: Hope Wilson was an invited co-present as part of national panel on a webinar entitled “Increasing the Equity of Farm to ECE Access” hosted by the National Farm to School Network and the Association of State Public Health Nutritionists. Hope presented on “Farm to ECE and SNAP ED Alignment - the AZ Approach”. 4/13/21
- Wilson, H. (2020, October). Food Safety and Food Preservation. Project Harvest's Promotora Professional Development Meeting. Online / Virtual: University of Arizona, Project Harvest.
- Wilson, H. (2020, October). Retail and Consumer Food Safety Education before and during COVID-19. University of Arizona Food Safety Conference. Virtual (online / Zoom): University of Arizona Food Safety Consortium.
- Wilson, H., & Schimke, A. (2019, August). Asparagus to Zucchini: Garden-based learning in early childhood settings. Early Childhood Summit 2019. Phoenix, AZ: First Things First.
- Garden-Robinson, J., Hyde, G., Wilson, H., & Wyatt, M. A. (2018, September). Promoting FCS Programs at the State and National Level. National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Session. San Antonio, TX: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Wilson, H. (2018, January). Food Safety and Food Preservation. SWIAA 30th Annual Conference. Laughlin, NV: Southwest Indian Agricultural Association, Inc..
- Wilson, H., & Serratos, R. (2018, September). Making Fruits and Veggies Magical: Combining nutrition education and children’s books. Early Learning Institute: 10th Annual Early Childhood Conference. Prescott, AZ: Yavapai College / First Things First.
- Wilson, H., Speirs, K., & Merk, P. A. (2018, November). Promoting Brain Development: The Role of Early Childhood Professionals. Arizona FCCLA - Fall Leadership Conference. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
- Wyatt, M. A., Wilson, H., & Hyde, G. (2018, September). Raise Awareness of Your FCS Programs. 2018 NEAFCS Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Wyatt, M. A., Wilson, H., Armstrong Florian, T. L., & da Silva, V. (2018, Sept). Cooperative Extension as a Model for Sustainable Dissemination of the Diabetes Prevention Program. NEAFCS Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX: NEAFCS.
- Hyde, G., Wilson, H., & Wyatt, M. A. (2017, October). Raise Awareness of Your FCS Programs. 2017 NEAFCS Annual Conference. Omaha, NE: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Wilson, H. (2017, December). Food Safety and Food Preservation. Outreach and Assistance Program for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers in Navajo Nation: Workshop 1. Flagstaff, AZ: STAR School OAO Program / Apex Applied Technology, Inc / USDA.
- Wilson, H. (2017, February). Seed to Read: Connecting Early Literacy, Health and Gardening. Early Childhood Education Conference "Arizona on the Move". Yavapai College, Verde Valley Campus (Clarkdale, AZ): Buena Vista Children's Services and Yavapai College.
- Wilson, H. (2017, September). Canning and Food Preservation. Tohono O’odham Small and Emerging Food Businesses Development Program: RDBG Workshop 2. San Xavier Cooperative Farm: San Xavier Cooperative Farm / Apex Applied Technology, Inc. / USDA.
- Wilson, H., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2017, August). Management Training Session: Communication and Coaching for Supervisors. 2017 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H. (2016, March). Canning with Confidence. High Desert Gardening & Landscaping Conference 2016. Sierra Vista, AZ.
- Wilson, H., & Zilliox, P. (2016, Summer). Seed to Read: Connecting Early Literacy, Health, and Gardening. Connecting All the Pieces: Educating the Young Learner. Prescott, AZ: Arizona Department of Education’s Early Childhood Education Unit.
- Wilson, H., Katan, P., & Newell, C. (2016, July 2016). A Place at the Table: Promoting Safe, Locally-grown Produce as a Model for Collaborating with Local Health Departments. National Association of County and City Health Officials Annual Conference: Cultivating a Culture of Health Equity. Phoenix, AZ: National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO).
- Newell, C., Katan, P., & Wilson, H. (2015, February). Guidance for Approved Sources when Using Locally Grown Produce. Southwest Environmental Health Conference. Laughlin, NV: Arizona County Directors of Environmental Health Services Association (ACDEHSA).
- Wilson, H. (2015, Fall). Art and Science of Food Preservation: Home Canning. Prescott College Fall Session. Prescott, AZ: Prescott College.
- Wilson, H., Katan, P., & Newell, C. (2015, July). Engaging Community Members to Protect Public Health and Vitality of Small Farms. National Environmental Health Association Annual Educational Conference. Orlando Florida: National Environmental Health Association.
Poster Presentations
- Stewart, R. E., Bawden, M. K., Wilson, H., & Speirs, K. (2024, November). Statewide Needs Assessment of Health and Wellness Professional Development Needs of Child Care Providers. Inaugural University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Community Nutrition Education Conference. Tucson, AZ: Universtiy of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Stewart, R. E., Bawden, M. K., Wilson, H., Speirs, K., Karla, D. l., & Meyer, R. M. (2024, May). Fine-tuning Surveys: The Art of Cognitive Interviews in Community-based Programming Development and Evaluation . 2024 National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference. Greenville, SC: University of Georgia, North Carolina State, and Clemson University.
- Wilson, H., Speirs, K., Stewart, R. E., Bawden, M. K., & Meyer, R. M. (2024, May). Statewide Needs Assessment of Health and Wellness Professional Development Needs of Child Care Providers. 2024 National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference. Greenville, SC: University of Georgia, North Carolina State, and Clemson University.
- Wilson, H., Stewart, R. E., Speirs, K., & Bawden, M. K. (2024, June). Health and Safety Training Needs of Arizona Child Care Providers. 50th Annual Arizona Rural Health Conference. Flagstaff, AZ: University of Arizona Center for Rural Health.
- Aspengren, C., & Wilson, H. (2023, August). Retail and Consumer Food Safety Working Group. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- McDonald, D. A., Wilson, H., Stewart, R. E., Dixon-Kleiber, A. L., Wilkinson, N., & Curley, D. L. (2023, March). Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught through Mobile Children’s Library. ALVSCE Poster Forum. University of Arizona Campus: ALVSCE.
- Wilson, H. (2023, August). Collective Impact for Sustainable (Water) Change. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Aspengren, C., Bawden, M. K., Daugherty, B. R., Martinez, C. L., Novak, A., Parlin, J. M., Pearson, C. L., Sekaquaptewa, S. K., Stewart, R. E., & Whitmer, E. B. (2023, August). Food Safety! What’s Family, Consumer, and Health Sciences Got to Do with It?. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H., Parlin, J. M., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Bawden, M. K., Novak, A., Pearson, C. L., Stewart, R. E., & Whitmer, E. B. (2023, September). Utilizing Decision Trees to Help Local Food Micro-entrepreneurs Navigate Food Safety Laws and Regulations. 2023 NEAFCS Annual Session. Providence, RI: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Wilson, H., Parlin, J. M., Bawden, M. K., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Stewart, R. E., Whitmer, E. B., Novak, A., Pearson, C. L., & Martinez, C. L. (2023, August). Development of an Online Tool to Guide Small Food Businesses through the Requirements of Arizona Cottage Food Program. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H., Speirs, K., Bawden, M. K., Stewart, R. E., De la Cruz, K., & Meyer, R. M. (2023, August). Unleashing the Power of Cognitive Interviews. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wright, A. D., Whitmer, E. B., Stewart, R. E., Speirs, K., Wilson, H., Arias, J. M., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2023, July). Collective Impact for Sustainable (Water) Change . The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center Annual Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Dixon-Kleiber, A. L., Curley, D. L., Wilson, H., Stuth, C. L., Stewart, R. E., Wilkinson, N., Roberts, M., & McDonald, D. A. (2022, August). Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught through Mobile Children's Library. 2022 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Creating Connections: Change, Challenge, Community. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Stewart, R. E., Wilson, H., Pearson, C. L., Martinez, C. L., Dixon-Kleiber, A. L., De La Kruz, K., Enderle, M., Gamez, M., Gibson, S., Lozano, S., & Wilcox, M. (2022, August). Child Care Health Consultants & Early Childhood Professionals Working Together for Healthy & Safe Environments in Early Child Care Centers. 2022 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Creating Connections: Change, Challenge, Community. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H. (2022, September). Convening Family, Consumer and Health Sciences Faculty and Staff to Reignite State-wide Consumer Food Safety and Food Entrepreneurship Programming in Arizona. WELD XI Seminar II Poster Session. San Diego, CA: Western Extension Leadership Development Program.
- Wilson, H., Bashor, E., Donaldson, G., Jordan, S., & Serratos, R. (2022, August). Nature Niños: Promoting Outdoor Learning and Play for Families with Young Children. 2022 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Creating Connections: Change, Challenge, Community. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H., Novak, A., Parlin, J. M., & Stuth, C. L. (2022, August). Arizona Cottage Food Program: Utilizing Decision Trees to Help Local Food Micro-entrepreneurs Navigate Food Safety Laws and Regulations. 2022 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Creating Connections: Change, Challenge, Community. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Uebergang, J., Peters, S., Gore, C., Wilkinson, N., Wyatt, M. A., McDonald, D. A., Stuth, C. L., Wilson, H., Dixon, A. L., Martinez, C. L., & Whitmer, E. B. (2020, October). Delivering Financial Education in Five Rural Counties in Arizona and Beyond Geographic Borders. Arizona Cooperative Extension Virtual Conference. Online: Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H., & Speirs, K. (2020, October). Early Literacy and Nutrition Education Program for Young Children: Seed to Read. Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Everything Is Possible. Virtual (online / Zoom): University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Ortega, D., Sekaquaptewa, S. K., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Martinez, C. L., Wilson, H., Wyatt, M. A., Dixon, A. L., Wilkinson, N., Ligon, V. K., & McDonald, D. A. (2019, August). Connecting Cooperative Extension, Take Charge America Institute through Financial Education Programming. Extension Conference. Tucson, Arizona: Arizona Extension.
- Yanez-Olivas, D., Wyatt, M. A., Wilson, H., Serratos, R., Shepp, N., Scobie, B., Rogers, J., Martinez, C. L., Jacobo, M., Gonzales, M., Castillo, E., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Aspengren, C., & da Silva, V. (2019, Aug). The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension National Diabetes Prevention Program. ALVSCE (CALS) Conference. Tucson: ALVSCE.
- da Silva, V., Wyatt, M. A., Wilson, H., Whitmer, E. B., Martinez, C. L., McDonald, D. A., Dixon, D. L., Sepulveda, M., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2018, Aug). Cooperative Extension as a Model for Sustainable Dissemination of the Diabetes Prevention Program. ALVSCE (CALS) Conference. Tucson: ALVSCE.
- Wilson, H. (2016, June). Yavapai Seasonal Harvest: Collaborative Partnership Strategies to Further the Farm to Cafeteria Movement in a Rural County. National Farm to Cafeteria Conference. Madison, WI: National Farm to School Network.
Creative Productions
- Wilson, H. (2020. Quick & Dirty Extension in the Field 4: Food Safety Programs in Yavapai County. YouTube / University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference. Virtual: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H., Novak, A., & Serratos, R. (2020. Together We Can: Cook. Video / YouTube. Virtual: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://youtu.be/WeJMErpul6c
Other Teaching Materials
- Speirs, K., Wilson, H., & Zilliox, P. (2022. Seed to Read. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension (AZ2021-0897).More infoSeed to Read is an early literacy and nutrition education program designed to be delivered to 3-5-year-old children in early care and education centers by childcare providers, preschool and Head Start teachers, or Cooperative Extension educators. The program promotes early literacy development (in particular, receptive and expressive vocabulary development) and increases young children's familiarity with, preference for, and consumption of fruits and vegetables.
- Dixon, D. L., Whitmer, E. B., Peoples, S., Jeffers-Sample, A., Moore, J. D., Dixon, A. L., & Wilson, H. (2020, December). Self Determination Curriculum: Decisions (3). University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Train-the-Trainer.
- Dixon, D. L., Whitmer, E. B., Peoples, S., Wilson, H., Jeffers-Sample, A., Moore, J. D., & Dixon, A. L. (2020, December). Self Determination Curriculum: Knowing Yourself (1). University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Train-the-Trainer.
- Peoples, S., Whitmer, E. B., Dixon, D. L., Dixon, A. L., Wilson, H., Moore, J. D., & Jeffers-Sample, A. (2020, December). Self Determination Curriculum: Being a Good Communicator (5). University Of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Train-the-Trainer.
- Whitmer, E. B., Peoples, S., Dixon, D. L., Jeffers-Sample, A., Wilson, H., Dixon, A. L., & Moore, J. D. (2020, December). Self Determination Curriculum: Public Speaking (6). University of Arizona. Cooperative Extension, Train-the-Trainer.