Rosie E Stewart
- Assistant Agent, Family Consumer Health Sciences
- (520) 281-2994
- Santa Cruz County/ Ag Ext, Rm. 1
- Nogales, AZ 85621
- rosies@arizona.edu
- MPH Health Education and Behavioral Science
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- B.S. Health Sciences; Major: Health Education; Minor: Spanish
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Financial Management Award in Memory of Dean Don Felker (Team Award)
- National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2022
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
Proceedings Publications
- Stewart, R. E., & Curley, D. L. (2024, September).
NEAFCS Annual Meeting Program Booklet
. In NEAFCS Annual Meeting, 84.
- Stewart, R. E., & Bawden, M. K. (2024, February).
Engaging in Self-discovery to Elevate Your Leadership Capacity within Your Organization
. 2024 Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Extension Leadership Conference (ELC). Tampa, FL. - Stewart, R. E., Argyros, J., Hernandez, B., Garcia, S., & Curley, D. L. (2024, September). Play Your Way to Stronger Connections by Maximizing Adult-Child Interactions: A Family Resource Centers' Approach. NEAFCS Annual Meeting. Tucson, AZ: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Stewart, R. E., Bawden, M. K., Wilson, H., & Speirs, K. (2024, November). Statewide Needs Assessment of Health and Wellness Professional Development Needs of Child Care Providers. Inaugural U of A Cooperative Extension Community Nutrition Education Conference. Tucson, AZ: Universtiy of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Stewart, R. E., Bawden, M. K., Wilson, H., Speirs, K., Grutzmacher, S. K., Leih, R., & Meyer, R. (2024, September). Invasion of the Data Snatchers: Minimizing Bot Attacks to Maximize Online Survey Integrity. 2024 National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Session. Tucson, AZ: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Stewart, R. E., Wilson, H., Daugherty, B. R., Waters, T., Castillo, E., & Peters, S. (2024, August). Food Safety is for Everyone: Dos and Don'ts of Food Handling at Community Events. 2024 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Impacting Communities with Innovative Programming. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Whitmer, E. B., Stewart, R. E., Parlin, J. M., Bawden, M. K., Wilson, H., Aspengren, C., Speirs, K., Wright, A. D., Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Martinez, C. L. (2024, June). Building A Better Future: Community Engagement for Collective Action. 2024 Arizona Rural Health Conference. Flagstaff, AZ: Arizona Center for Rural Health (AzCRH).
- Whitmer, E. B., Stewart, R. E., Parlin, J. M., Bawden, M. K., Wilson, H., Aspengren, C., Speirs, K., Wright, A. D., Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Martinez, C. L. (2024, May). Collective Engagement to Change Health Outcomes . 2024 National Health Outreach Conference. Greenville, SC: Extension Foundation and Roger Rennekamp.
- McDonald, D. A., Hilliard, J., & Stewart, R. E. (2023, March). Lending Library on Wheels: Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught through Mobile Children’s Library. America/Arizona Saves Week. Zoom: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension / The Take Charge America Institute.
- Parlin, J. M., Stewart, R. E., Daugherty, B., Novak, A., Pearson, C. L., & Waters, T. (2023, August). Safe and Sound: Dos and Don'ts of Food Handling and Storage at Community Events and Food Demonstrations . 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference Building the Future of Extension Through Multi-Disciplinary CollaborationArizona Cooperative Extension.More infoUnderstanding the importance of food safety as an Extension professional.
- Wilson, H. (2023, April). Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught Through Library on Wheels. Celebrate the Young Child Conference. Phoenix, AZ: Candelen.
- Dixon-Kleiber, A. L., Curley, D. L., McDonald, D. A., Stewart, R. E., Wilson, H., & Stuth, C. L. (2022, September). Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught through Mobile Children’s Library Pilot. 2022 National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Session. Raleigh, NC: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Wilson, H., Stuth, C. L., Stewart, R. E., McDonald, D. A., & Roberts, M. E. (2022, February). Lending Library on Wheels: Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught through Mobile Children’s Library. America/Arizona Saves Week. Zoom: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension / The Take Charge America Institute.
- Argyros, J. L., Cruz, A., Ruiz, N. E., & Stewart, R. E. (2021, March). The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz County Drug Free Community Coalition Monthly Meeting. Virtual: Santa Cruz County Drug Free Community Coalition.More infoInvited to present on the programs offered by the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Santa Cruz County at this monthly meeting.
- Whitmer, E. B., Sherman, J. D., Groth, J. K., & Stewart, R. E. (2021, May). Talkin' Bout my Generation. ALVSCE Perspectives on Diversity and Inclusion Series. Virtual: ALVSCE.
Poster Presentations
- Stewart, R. E., Aspengren, C., Derfus, R., Herrera, J. L., Leyva, R., Jacobo, M., & Yanez, D. (2024, November). Healthy Communities, Strong Families: Nutrition Initiatives in Santa Cruz County. Inaugural U of A Cooperative Extension Community Nutrition Education Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Stewart, R. E., Curley, D. L., Argyros, J., Garcia, S., Hernandez, B., Gamez, A., Pacheco, D., Fajardo, M., Yanez, D., Renteria, P., Soto, M., Andrade, C., & Lechuga, I. (2024, April). Play Your Way to Stronger Connections by Maximizing Adult/Child Interactions: A Family Resource Centers’ Approach. 2024 ALVSCE Research Poster Showcase. Tucson, AZ: Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H., Speirs, K., Stewart, R. E., Bawden, M. K., & Meyer, R. M. (2024, May). Opportunities for Cooperative Extension to Support the Health and Wellbeing of Early Care and Education Professionals. 2024 National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference. Greenville, SC: University of Georgia, North Carolina State, and Clemson University.
- Wilson, H., Speirs, K., Stewart, R. E., Bawden, M. K., & Meyer, R. M. (2024, September). Opportunities for FCS to Support the Health and Wellbeing of Early Care and Education Professionals. 2024 NEAFCS Annual Session. Tucson, AZ: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Curley, D. L., Wilkinson, N., Dixon-Kleiber, A. L., Stewart, R. E., Wilson, H., & McDonald, D. A. (2023, March). Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught through MobileChildren’s Library. ALVSCE Poster Forum. University of Arizona Campus: ALVSCE.
- Meyer, R. M., De la Cruz, K., Stewart, R. E., Bawden, M. K., Speirs, K., & Wilson, H. (2023, August). Unleashing the Power of Cognitive Interviews. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Stewart, R. E., Curley, D. L., Argyros, J., Garcia, S., Hernandez, B., Gamez, A., Pacheco, D., Fajardo, M., Yanez, D., Renteria, P., Soto, M., Andrade, C., & Lechuga, I. (2023, August). Play Your Way to Stronger Connections by Maximizing Adult/Child Interactions: A Family Resource Centers’ Approach. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Whitmer, E. B., Stewart, R. E., Pearson, C. L., Novak, A., Bawden, M. K., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Parlin, J. M., & Wilson, H. (2023, September). Utilizing Decision Trees to Help Local Food Micro-entrepreneurs Navigate Food Safety Laws and Regulations. 2023 NEAFCS Annual Session. Providence, RI: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Wilson, H., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Aspengren, C., Bawden, M. K., Daugherty, B. R., Martinez, C. L., Novak, A., Parlin, J. M., Pearson, C. L., Sekaquaptewa, S. K., Stewart, R. E., & Whitmer, E. B. (2023, August). Food Safety! What’s Family, Consumer, and Health Sciences Got to Do with It?. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H., Parlin, J. M., Bawden, M. K., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Stewart, R. E., Whitmer, E. B., Novak, A., Pearson, C. L., & Martinez, C. L. (2023, August). Development of an Online Tool to Guide Small Food Businesses through the Requirements of Arizona Cottage Food Program. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wright, A. D., Whitmer, E. B., Stewart, R. E., Speirs, K., Wilson, H., Arias, J. M., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2023, August). Collective Impact for Sustainable (Water) Change. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wright, A. D., Whitmer, E. B., Stewart, R. E., Speirs, K., Wilson, H., Arias, J. M., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2023, July). Collective Impact for Sustainable (Water) Change . The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center Annual Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Dixon-Kleiber, A. L., Curley, D. L., Wilson, H., Stewart, R. E., McDonald, D. A., & Stuth, C. L. (2022, August). Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks Taught through Mobile Children's Library. 2022 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Creating Connections: Change, Challenge, Community. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Stewart, R. E., Wilson, H., Pearson, C. L., Martinez, C. L., Dixon-Kleiber, A. L., De La Kruz, K., Enderle, M., Gamez, M., Gibson, S., Lozano, S., & Wilcox, M. (2022, August). Child Care Health Consultants & Early Childhood Professionals Working Together for Healthy & Safe Environments in Early Child Care Centers. 2022 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Creating Connections: Change, Challenge, Community. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Whitmer, E. B., Walsh, M. E., Stewart, R. E., Stuth, C. L., McDonald, D. A., Curley, D. L., & Dixon-Kleiber, A. L. (2022, September). Showcase of Excellence: Building Healthy Communities: Collective Impact for Community Change. 2022 National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Session. Raleigh, NC: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- McDonald, D. A., Curley, D. L., Stewart, R. E., & Stuth, C. L. (2021, October). Helping Young Children Develop Early Financial Literacy Building Blocks. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 2021 Annual Conference: "Uniquely Extension!".