Traci L Armstrong Florian
- Agent, Family and Consumer Health Sciences
- (602) 827-8237
- PHOENIX, AZ 85040-8807
- tarmstro@arizona.edu
Traci L. Armstrong Florian, MS, RDN, is an Associate Agent at The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Maricopa County. She oversees two grant-funded federal nutrition programs in Maricopa County: SNAP-Ed and EFNEP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education program and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program) as well as being a part of bringing the CDC's Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) to her county. On average, in the last five years, her programs have employed over 20 staff members per year, taught over 60,000 adults and children, achieved over three million (3.0 million) nutrition educational contacts with participants, had over 1,600 community site liaisons and brought in over $2.1 million for programming per year. Her areas of interests in research have included working with underserved populations to increase food security and nutritional health, as well as examining traditional diets and the effect of acculturation among Mexican women living in the United States. Traci enjoys writing and collaborating on projects to better the community. Outside of work, Traci enjoys family time with her husband and six fantastic children, gardening, organizing, cooking, baking and volunteering with her children's schools and her church women’s organization.
- M.S. Human Nutrition
- Arizona State University Polytechnic, Mesa, Arizona
- Traditional Diets and the Implications of Acculturation among Limited Income Hispanics in Maricopa County EFNEP
- B.S. Dietetics
- Arizona State University East, Mesa, Arizona
Work Experience
- The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Maricopa County (2011 - Ongoing)
- The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Maricopa County (2009 - 2011)
- The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Maricopa County (2003 - 2009)
- The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Maricopa County (2001 - 2003)
- The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Maricopa County (2001 - 2003)
- Certificate of Service: 23 Years
- The University of Arizona Nutritional Sciences and FCHS, Fall 2024
- Continued Excellence Award
- NEAFCS, Fall 2024
- Diversity Team Recognition
- Epsilon Sigma Phi-Texas, Fall 2024
- Appointed Membership Chair on the Board for the Societyfor Nutrition Education and Behavior
- Spring 2023
- eCornell Public Health Essentials Certificate Program
- Spring 2022
- Service Award: 20 Years of Service with the University of Arizona
- The University of Arizona, Spring 2021
- Distinguished Service Award
- NEAFCS, Fall 2020
- Family Health and Wellness Award-2nd Place Western Region
- NEAFCS, Fall 2020
- The Arizona Cooperative Extension Annual Conference: Voted Top 5 Posters
- The Arizona Cooperative Extension Annual Conference committee, Fall 2020
- Communications Newsletters-1st Place Western Region
- NEAFCS, Fall 2019
- 1st Place Newsletter Group Award
- (GEAFCS) Georgia Extension Association of Family Consumer Sciences, Fall 2018
- Excellence in Multi-State Collaboration Award
- Texas Extension Association of Family Consumer Sciences, Fall 2018
- Certificate of Service as VP Professional Development in the Arizona Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
- Arizona Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AEAFCS), Fall 2016
- Service Award: 15 Years of Service with the University of Arizona
- The University of Arizona, Spring 2016
- Wildcat Family Spirit Award Cert of Appreciation
- UA Staff Advisory & Appointed Professionals Council, Spring 2015
- 2014 Mary W. Wells Memorial Diversity Team Award
- Georgia Extension Association of Family Consumer Science, Summer 2014
- Certificate of Service as President-Elect in the Arizona Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
- Arizona Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AEAFCS), Fall 2013
- Communications Newsletters-National Award Third Place
- NEAFCS, Fall 2013
- Communications-Newsletters: Southern Region Award Third Place
- NEAFCS, Fall 2013
Licensure & Certification
- Registered Dietitian (RD), Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (2009)
Key words: Acculturation, Traditional Hispanic / Latin Cuisine, Beans, Legumes, Pulses, Low-income / Limited-Income Nutritional Issues, Eating Disorders, Anorexia, Bulimia, Obesity, Over-Eating, Psychology of Eating
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Wyatt, M. A., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2019). Healthy Toddler Meals. CALS Pub.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2023). Key Habits to Stay Healthy During the Holidays/ Hábitos Importantes para Mantenerse Saludable Durante las Fiestas. Enlace Latino Newsletter, 1.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021). A Successful Finish: Another Diabetes Prevention Program Cohort at the UA Maricopa County Cooperative Extension Ends in a High Loss (Weight Loss, that is!). MCCE Newsletter, 1.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021). Celebrating Diversity: Cultures of the World Potluck. NEAFCS Network (eNewsletter), 1.More infoArticle discussing being mindful about Color Deficiency in Extension programming.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021). Diversity and Inclusion: Touching on Neurodiversity and Neurodivergence. NEAFCS Network (eNewsletter).More infoArticle discussing being mindful about Color Deficiency in Extension programming.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021). March is National Nutrition Month. MCCE Newsletter, 1.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021). The Diabetes Prevention Program at the UA Maricopa County Cooperative Extension. MCCE Newsletter, 1.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Sherman, J. D., & Wilson, H. (2021). AZ1915-2021: Corn: A Fruit, Vegetable, Grain or All Three?. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication.
- Galllardo, M., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021). Annual Phoenix Food Day and Junior League of Phoenix Healthfest. MCCE Newsletter, 1.
- Necessary, K., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021). SNAP-Ed Program Community Listening Sessions in Central Phoenix. MCCE Newsletter, 1.
- Skillicorn, P., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021). Working Together on Produce Accessibility. MCCE Newsletter, 1.
- Wilson, H., Sherman, J. D., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021). Corn: A Fruit, Vegetable, Grain or All Three?. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1915-2021.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2020). Calories In and Calories Out: Diet and Exercise During the Holiday Months (Calorías Ingeridas y Calorías Gastadas: Dieta y Ejercicio Durante los Meses Festivos). Enlace Latino Newsletter, 1.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2020). Cooperative Extension Positions Each of Us to Enact Change. NEAFCS Network (eNewsletter), 1.More infoArticle discussing being mindful about Color Deficiency in Extension programming.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2020). Innovative Ideas Make SNAP-Ed Food Demonstrations a Continued Option During Online Direct Education. MCCE Newsletter, 1.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2020). Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Crianza de los Hijos Durante la Pandemia de COVID-19). Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2020). Taking Care of Our Mental State During COVID-19 (Cuidando Nuestro Estado Mental Durante COVID-19). Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Barr Skillicorn, P. J. (2020). MCCE SNAP-Ed Community Service Garden: Restore, Replenish, Renew. MCCE Newsletter, 1.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2019). Diversity Committee: Matters of Color. NEAFCS Network (eNewsletter).More infoArticle discussing being mindful about Color Deficiency in Extension programming.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2019). How to Eat Healthy --and Keep Food Safety in Mind--While Traveling (Comida saludable y libre de gérmenes). Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2019). Nutrients that Boost Mood. Enlace Latino Newsletter (Nutrientes que Aumentan el Estado de Ánimo).
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2019). Turn Over a New Leaf: Health in Autumn (Dele Vuelta a la Hoja: Su Salud en el Otoño. Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2018). Measures for Good Health in the Winter (Pasos para Tener una Buena Salud en el Invierno". Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2018). Picky Eaters (Ninos Quisquillosos Con la Comida). Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2018). The Importance of Folic Acid in Diets Before, During and After Pregnancy (La Importancia del Acido Folico en la Dieta Antes, Durante, y Despues del Embarazo). Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Winham, D. M., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2018). Health Behaviors among Low-Income Latina and Non-Hispanic White Women. American Journal of Health Behaviors, 8.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2017). Crockpot Cooking. Enlace Latino Newsletter, 1.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2017). Facts on Vitamin C (Información Sobre la Vitamina C). Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2017). How to Lower Your Risk of Type Two Diabetes. Enlace Latino Newsletter, 1.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2017). Making Daily Mealtime Family Time. Enlace Latino Newsletter, 1.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2017). Safe and Smart Summer Exercise Tips. Enlace Latino Newsletter, 1.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Keeling, H. L. (2017). Ideas for Picky Eaters. CALS Pub #1743, 3.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Keeling, H. L. (2017). Physical Activity: Get Up and Move!. CALS Pub #1750, 3.
- McCullough, L., Jacobs, L., Orzech, K., Farrell, V., McDonald, D., Florian, T. A., Zilliox, P., Martinez, C., & Misner, S. (2017). Using the Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory to Assess SNAP‐Ed Coalitions in Arizona: Results from Four Counties. The FASEB Journal, 31(S1). doi:10.1096/fasebj.31.1_supplement.30.5
- Aceves, K. J., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Melendez, A., Taylor, B. R., & Hongu, N. (2016). Mexican Mole: Promoting Healthy Meals through Cultural Traditions #AZ1699. CALS Pub.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2016). Food Safety and Cutting Boards (La comida segura y las tablas para cortar). Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2016). How to Reduce the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes (Como Reducir el Riesgo de Diabetes Tipo 2). Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Keeling, H. L., & Misner, S. L. (2016). Keeping Food Safety in Mind with Cutting Boards #1690. Cals Pub.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Keeling, H. L., Misner, S. L., & Whitmer, E. B. (2016). Key Facts on Sugar Substitutes. CALS Extension Publication.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Winham, D. M., & Thompson, S. V. (2016). Low-Income US Women Under-informed of the Specific Health Benefits of Consuming Beans. PLOS ONE.
- Winham, D. M., Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Thompson, S. V. (2016). Low-Income US Women Under-informed of the Specific Health Benefits of Consuming Beans. PloS one, 11(1), e0147592.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2015). Food Safety in the Summertime. Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2015). Healthy and Delicious Food for Fall. Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2015). Keeping Food at Springtime Gatherings Healthy & Fun. Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2015). Staying Active During the Cold. Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Misner, S. L. (2015). Food Product Dating and Storage Times. CALS Extension Publications.
- Armstrong Florian, T., Farrell, V., Hartz, V., Jacobs, L., LeGros, T., & Misner, S. (2015).
Nutrition and Physical Activity Education among SNAP‐Ed Eligible Middle School Students Reveals Disconnect between Knowledge and Behavior
. The FASEB Journal, 29(S1). doi:10.1096/fasebj.29.1_supplement.264.6 - Winham, D. M., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2015). Nativity, Not Acculturation, Predicts SNAP Usage Among Low-income Hispanics With Food Insecurity. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 10(2), 202-213. doi:10.1080/19320248.2014.962779
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Misner, S. L., & Whitmer, E. B. (2014). VEGETARIAN DIETS: Building on the Basics and Attention to Detail Helps Ensure Optimum Nutrition #AZ1638 (33%). CALS Online Publication.More info#1638
- Bea, J. W., Farrell, V., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Martinez, C. L., Whitmer, E. B., Misner, S. L., Martinez, S., Hartz, V., Blake, S., & Nicolini, A. (2014). U.S. Dietary and Physical Activity Guideline Knowledge and Corresponding Behaviors Among 4th and 5th Grade Students: a Multi-Site Pilot Study (10%). Journal of Extension, 52(3RIB3), 13.
- Bea, J., Martinez, S. H., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Farrell, V., Martinez, C. L., Whitmer, E. B., Hartz, V., Blake, S., Nicolini, A., & Misner, S. L. (2013). US Dietary & Physical Activity Guideline Knowledge & Corresponding Behaviors Among 4th & 5th Grade Students: A Multisite Pilot Study. Journal of Extension.
- Winham, D., Thompson, S., & Armstrong Florian, T. (2014). Canned bean popularity varies by acculturation among low income Latinas (393.6). The FASEB Journal, 28(S1). doi:10.1096/fasebj.28.1_supplement.393.6
- Misner, S. L., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2013). Organically Grown Foods vs Non-Organically Grown Foods #AZ1603. CALS Pub.
- Misner, S. L., Whitmer, E. B., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2013). Dietary Fiber #AZ1127. CALS Pub.
- Misner, S., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Misner, S. L., & Florian, T. A. (2013). Organically Grown Foods Versus Non-Organically Grown Foods. CALS Publication.
- Winham, D. M., & Florian, T. A. (2008). Acculturation level and dietary intakes among Hispanic women in the EFNEP program. The FASEB Journal, 22(S1). doi:10.1096/fasebj.22.1_supplement.36.5
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2024, April). Introduction to SNAP and SNAP-Ed in Cooperative Extension. UA Culinary Medicine Elective for Medical Students. via Zoom.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2024, May). CS&P: Section 5 Candidate Statement. (With Discussion Panel: D. Curley, M. Hauser, A. Wright.). New Faculty CS&P Training. Maricopa, AZ: UA Cooperative Extension.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2024, November). Introduction to SNAP and SNAP-Ed in Cooperative Extension. UA Culinary Medicine Elective for Medical Students. via Zoom.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Thompson, C., Brown, K., Aldrich, C., Doucet, J., Smith-Russ, K., Vilches, S., & Rodriquez, J. (2024, September). Fostering Belonging in Extension Programming. National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference. Tucson, AZ: NEAFCS.
- Whitmer, E. B., Stewart, R. E., Parlin, J. M., Bawden, M. K., Wilson, H., Aspengren, C., Speirs, K., Wright, A. D., Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Martinez, C. L. (2024, June). Collective Engagement to Change Health Outcomes . Annual Arizona Rural Health Conference. Flagstaff, AZ: Arizona Center for Rural Health (AzCRH).
- Whitmer, E. B., Stewart, R. E., Parlin, J. M., Bawden, M. K., Wilson, H., Aspengren, C., Speirs, K., Wright, A. D., Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Martinez, C. L. (2024, May). Collective Engagement to Change Health Outcomes . 2024 National Health Outreach Conference. Greenville, SC: Extension Foundation and Roger Rennekamp.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2023, October). Introduction to SNAP and SNAP-Ed in Cooperative Extension. UA Culinary Medicine Elective for Medical Students. via Zoom.
- Mostafa, A. M., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Curley, D. L., & Speirs, K. (2022, August). Shared Governance: All Extension Faculty and Staff has a Voice. 2022 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Creating Connections: Change, Challenge, Community. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021, March). Brief Overview: FCHS Agents Roles and Responsibilities. Family Studies & Human Development Student Workshop. via Zoom: Family Studies & Human Development.
- Infante, V. R., Martinez, C. L., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021, Dec). Motivational Interviewing with Groups. UA Staff Training. via Zoom.
- Infante, V. R., Martinez, C. L., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021, June). Motivational Interviewing with Groups. UA Staff Training. via Zoom.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Beltran, I., & Romano, D. (2020, Sept). Enlace Latino and Other Tools to Reach Hispanic Audiences. NEAFCS Annual Conference. Online: NEAFCS.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2019, Nov). Let's Get Acquainted with UAVitae. MCCE New Faculty Training. Phoenix, AZ: UA MCE.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Martinez, C. L. (2019, Aug). Motivational Interviewing. AZ Health Zone Conference. Tempe, AZ: AZ Health Zone/SNAP-Ed.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Rogers, J. (2019, Feb). Diabetes Prevention Program and You. UA MCCE Lunch and Learn. Phoenix, AZ: DPP.
- Martinez, C. L., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2019, Aug). Motivational Interviewing: An Overview. AZ Health Zone Conference. Tempe, AZ: AZ Health Zone/SNAP-Ed.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2018, Aug). Email Etiquette. Pima County Cooperative Extension Staff PD. Tucson: Pima County Cooperative Extension.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2018, Aug). Let's Talk About the Best Food Choices with Diabetes. Banner Desert Hospital. Mesa: Banner Desert Hospital.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2018, Dec). Mindfulness. EFNEP In-Service. Casa Grande: Scottie Misner/Extension/Nutritional Sciences.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & McDonald, D. A. (2018, Aug). New APR Guidelines Starting 2018: How Easy is This Going to Be?. ALVSCE (CALS) Conference. Tucson: ALVSCE.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Beltran, I., Coop, L., Martinez, K., & Romano, D. (2018, Sept). Increasing Access to Extension Programs for Diverse Audiences: With an Emphasis on Latino Audiences. NEAFCS Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX: NEAFCS.
- da Silva, V., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Wilson, H., & Wyatt, M. A. (2018, Sept). Cooperative Extension as a Model for Sustainable Dissemination of the Diabetes Prevention Program. NEAFCS Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX: NEAFCS.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2017, Aug). Picky Eaters. Special Olympics Parent Presentations. Phoenix, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2017, Jun). Preparing Your Dossier. Extension Dossier Workshop. Phoenix, AZ: Departmental Continuing Status Committee.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2017, May). Beans: Helping Patients Increase Consumption and Improve Health. Nutrition and Health Conference. Scottsdale, AZ: UA College of Integrative Medicine.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2017, Nov). Quick and Easy Meals for Seniors. Grace United Community Ladies Group. Mesa, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Jackson, R. C. (2017, Dec). Recap of 2017 National EFNEP Presentation Building for the Future: Quality Supervision. Annual EFNEP In-Service. Casa Grande, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Orzech, K. (2017, Dec). Writing Impact Statements for Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change. Annual SNAP-Ed In-Service. Phoenix, AZ: Nutritional Sciences/Extension.
- McCullough, L., Jacobs, L. E., Farrell, V., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Martinez, C. L., Orzech, K., McDonald, D. A., Zilliox, P., & Misner, S. L. (2017, April). Using the Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory to Assess SNAP-Ed Coalitions in Arizona: Results from Four Counties. Experimental Biology Conference. Chicago: Hosted by AAA, APS, ASBMB, ASIP, ASN, and ASPET.
- Wilson, H., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2017, August). Management Training Session: Communication and Coaching for Supervisors. 2017 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2016, Dec). Take a Pulse-Any Pulse!. CALS SNAP-Ed/EFNEP Annual In-Service. Phoenix, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2016, June). EFNEP: Arizona, Tier 5, and Nationally-How We Compare. EFNEP Staff Training. Phoenix, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Christman, K. A. (2016, Nov). Maricopa County FCHS & 4-H County Brief. CALS FCHS and 4-H In-Service. Phoenix, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Christman, K. A. (2016, Nov). Maricopa County FCHS and 4-H County Brief. CALS FCHS and 4-H In-Service. Phoenix, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2015, Dec). StrengthFinders 2.0. CALS Annual EFNEP/SNAP-Ed Pre In-Service Workshop.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2015, Dec). That Email Says What?— Avoiding Embarrassing Email Faux Pas. CALS SNAP-Ed Annual Conf. Phoenix, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2015, Nov). Mutually Benefitting: Annual EFNEP Peer Lessons Increase EFNEP Staff Members' Knowledge and Teaching Skills. National Extension Association of Family Consumer Sciences. White Sulphur Springs, WV.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Jackson, R. C. (2015, Jun). StrengthFinders 2.0. EFNEP/SNAP-Ed Professional Development. Phoenix, AZ.
- LeGros, T., Farrell, V., Hartz, V., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Jacobs, L., & Misner, S. L. (2015, March). Nutrition & Physical Activity Education among SNAP-Ed Eligible Middle School Students Reveals Disconnect between Knowledge and Behavior (16%). Experimental Biology. Boston, MA: ASN.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2014, December). Be a Healthy Role Model for Children (100%). CALS Statewide EFNEP/SNAP-Ed In-Service. Phoenix, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2014, June). The Family Book Bag (100%). SNEB Annual Conference Talks Session. Milwaukee, WI: SNEB.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2014, June). The UA Cooperative Extension Maricopa County: Beginning to Now I (100%). New EFNEP and SNAP-Ed Staff Training. Phoenix, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2014, October). The UA Cooperative Extension Maricopa County: Beginning to Now II (100%). New EFNEP and SNAP-Ed Staff Training. Phoenix, AZ.
- Winham, D. M., Thompson, S. V., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2014, Spring). Canned Bean Popularity Varies by Acculturation Among Low-Income Latinas (33%). Environmental Biology. San Diego, California: American Society for Nutrition.
- Young, K. M., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Davenport, J., & Acosta, M. (2014, July). Healthy, Local Food for All: Joining Snap Education and Agroecology (25%). American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2013, December). Fooled by Food. CALS Statewide EFNEP/SNAP-Ed In-Service. Phoenix, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2013, May). UA MCCE Healthy Lifestyles Nutrition Programs. Dean Burgess Maricopa County Tour. Phoenix, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2013, September). UA MCCE Nutrition Programs. MCCE Advisory Board. Phoenix, AZ: Maricopa County Cooperative Extension Advisory Board.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2013, Summer). One Cool Tool to Help School Teachers Integrate Nutrition and Physical Activity into Everyday Classroom Teaching (100%). SNEB Annual Conference. Portland, OR: SNEB.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Martinez, S. H. (2013, Fall). The University of Arizona Nutrition Network: Fruits and Vegetable Lesson Implementation. Association of State and Territorial Public Health Nutrition Directors National Monthly Meeting. National Teleconference: ASTPHND.
Poster Presentations
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Ortega, D., Spears, D., Necessary, K., Burgos, L., & Gallardo, M. (2024, November). The University of Arizona Maricopa County Cooperative Extension’s Exceptional EFNEP and SNAP-Ed Teams: Transforming Daily Efforts into Extraordinary Changes. Inaugural Community Nutrition Education Program Conference. Tucson, AZ: UA Nutritional Sciences.
- Hedrick, K., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2024, November). Collaborating with School Districts Expands EFNEP’s Reach. Inaugural Community Nutrition Education Program Conference. Tucson, AZ: Inaugural Community Nutrition Education Program Conference.
- McCullough, L., Hingle, M. D., Fani Marvasti, F., Walsh, M. E., Infante da Silva, V. R., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Sparks, E. W., Jacobson, E., & Knox, A. (2024, August). The University of Arizona’s Culinary Medicine Initiative.. Arizona Health Equity Conference. Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences and Cooperative Extension (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) Conference.. Tucson, AZ: ArizonaDivision of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences and Cooperative Extension (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) Conference..
- McCullough, L., Hingle, M. D., Fani Marvasti, F., Walsh, M. E., Infante, V. R., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Sparks, E. W., Jacobson, E., & Knox, A. (2023, August). The University of Arizona’s Culinary Medicine Initiative. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- McCullough, L., Hingle, M. D., Fani Marvasti, F., Walsh, M. E., Infante, V. R., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Sparks, E. W., Jacobson, E., & Knox, A. (2023, September). The University of Arizona’s Culinary Medicine Initiative. 2023 Arizona Health Equity Conference. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Health Equity Conference.
- Speirs, K., Armstrong Florian, T., Doty, R., & Zeiders, K. H. (2023, August). Shared Governance: All Extension Faculty and Staff has a Voice. 2023 Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences and Cooperative Extension (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Faculty Council.
- Wilson, H., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Aspengren, C., Bawden, M. K., Daugherty, B. R., Martinez, C. L., Novak, A., Parlin, J. M., Pearson, C. L., Sekaquaptewa, S. K., Stewart, R. E., & Whitmer, E. B. (2023, August). Food Safety! What’s Family, Consumer, and Health Sciences Got to Do with It?. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wilson, H., Parlin, J. M., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Bawden, M. K., Novak, A., Pearson, C. L., Stewart, R. E., & Whitmer, E. B. (2023, September). Utilizing Decision Trees to Help Local Food Micro-entrepreneurs Navigate Food Safety Laws and Regulations. 2023 NEAFCS Annual Session. Providence, RI: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Wilson, H., Parlin, J. M., Bawden, M. K., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Stewart, R. E., Whitmer, E. B., Novak, A., Pearson, C. L., & Martinez, C. L. (2023, August). Development of an Online Tool to Guide Small Food Businesses through the Requirements of Arizona Cottage Food Program. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wright, A. D., Whitmer, E. B., Stewart, R. E., Speirs, K., Wilson, H., Arias, J. M., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2023, August). Collective Impact for Sustainable (Water) Chang . 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Wright, A. D., Whitmer, E. B., Stewart, R. E., Speirs, K., Wilson, H., Arias, J. M., & Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2023, July). Collective Impact for Sustainable (Water) Change . The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center Annual Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Mostafa, A. M., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Curley, D. L., & Speirs, K. (2022, August). Shared Governance: All Extension Faculty and Staff has a Voice. 2022 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Creating Connections: Change, Challenge, Community. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Faculty Council.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Ahern, M., Thompson, B., Ruiz Fischer, L., & Cimarelli-Stears, A. (2020, Oct). Maricopa County Cooperative Extension SNAP-Ed: Supporting School Teachers During COVID-19. ALVSCE (CALS) Conference Online. Online: ALVSCE.More info*Poster was voted by peers/colleagues "Top Five" in the 2020 ALVSCE Conference.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Barr Skillicorn, P. J., & Diemer, C. (2020, Oct). Community Service Garden: Restore, Replenish, Renew. ALVSCE (CALS) Conference Online. Online: ALVSCE.More info*Poster was voted by peers/colleagues "Top Five" in the 2020 ALVSCE Conference.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Martinez, C. L., & da Silva, V. (2019, Aug). Motivational Interviewing for Groups: An Introduction. ALVSCE (CALS) Conference. Tucson: ALVSCE.
- McCullough, L., Santos, N., Farrell, V., Bawden, M., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Alves, J. L., & Misner, S. L. (2019, Aug). The University of Arizona’s SNAP-Ed Used the Health Food Pantry Assessment Tool to Identify Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes in Food Pantries. ALVSCE (CALS) Conference. Tucson: ALVSCE.
- McCullough, L., Santos, N., Farrell, V., Bawden, M., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Alves, J. L., & Misner, S. L. (2019, Jul). The University of Arizona’s SNAP-Ed Used the Health Food Pantry Assessment Tool to Identify Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes in Food Pantries. SNEB. Orlando, FL: SNEB.
- McDonald, D. A., Ligon, V. K., Wilkinson, N., Dixon, A. L., Wyatt, M. A., Wilson, H., Martinez, C. L., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Sekaquaptewa, S. K., & Ortega, D. (2019, August). Connecting Cooperative Extension, Take Charge America Institute through Financial Education Programming. Extension Conference. Tucson, Arizona: Arizona Extension.
- da Silva, V., Aspengren, C., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Castillo, E., Gonzales, M., Jacobo, M., Martinez, C. L., Rogers, J., Scobie, B., Shepp, N., Serratos, R., Wilson, H., Wyatt, M. A., & Yanez-Olivas, D. (2019, Aug). The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension National Diabetes Prevention Program. ALVSCE (CALS) Conference. Tucson: ALVSCE.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Sepulveda, M., Dixon, D. L., McDonald, D. A., Martinez, C. L., Whitmer, E. B., Wilson, H., Wyatt, M. A., & da Silva, V. (2018, Aug). Cooperative Extension as a Model for Sustainable Dissemination of the Diabetes Prevention Program. ALVSCE (CALS) Conference. Tucson: ALVSCE.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Sepulveda, M., Dixon, D. L., McDonald, D. A., Martinez, C. L., Whitmer, E. B., Wilson, H., Wyatt, M. A., & da Silva, V. (2018, Jul). Cooperative Extension as a Model for Sustainable Dissemination of the Diabetes Prevention Program. SNEB Annual Conference. Minneapolis: SNEB.
- McCullough, L., Farrell, V. A., LeGros, T., Orzech, K., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Whitmer, E. B., Dixon, D. L., Misner, S. L., & Colville, C. (2018, Aug). The Usefulness of the Wellness School Assessment Tool (WellSAT) in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program –Education (SNAP-Ed) Schools in Arizona. ALVSCE (CALS) Conference. Tucson: ALVSCE.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Beltran, I., Coop, L., Cotto-Rivera, E., Martinez, K., & Romano, D. (2017, October). Overcoming Barriers to Reach Culturally Diverse Audiences. NEAFCS. Omaha, NE: NEAFCS.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Whitmer, E. B., Dixon, D. L., Misner, S. L., Coleville, C., LeGros, T., Farrell, V., & Orzech, K. (2017, Jul). The Usefulness of the WellSAT 2.0 in SNAP-Ed Schools in Arizona. SNEB. Washington, DC: SNEB.
- Jacobs, L. E., LeGros, T. A., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Whitmer, E. B., Martinez, C. L., Misner, S. L., McCullough, L., Farrell, V., & Hartz, V. (2016, July). Positive Results of Single Lessons with Adult Learners after SNAP-Ed. Childhood Obesity Conference. San Diego: California Department of Public Health, California Department of Education, Nutrition Policy Institute UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, The California Endowment, and Kaiser Permanente.
- McCullough, L., Farrell, V., Hartz, V., LeGros, T., Jacobs, L., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Martinez, C. L., Whitmer, E. B., & Misner, S. L. (2016, Aug). Positive Results of Single Lessons with Adult Learners after Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program –Education (SNAP-Ed). SNEB. San Diego, CA.
- McCullough, L., Farrell, V., Hartz, V., LeGros, T., Jacobs, L., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Martinez, C. L., Whitmer, E. B., Misner, S. L., McCullough, L., Farrell, V., Hartz, V., LeGros, T., Jacobs, L., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Martinez, C. L., Whitmer, E. B., & Misner, S. L. (2016, Aug). Positive Results of Single Lessons with Adult Learners after Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program –Education (SNAP-Ed). Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior. San Diego, CA.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2015, July). Mutually Benefitting: Annual EFNEP Peer Lessons Increase EFNEP Staff Members' Knowledge and Teaching Skills. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Whitmer, E. B., Dixon, D. L., McDonald, D. A., & Martinez, C. L. (2015, July). Making EFNEP Work: From Rural to Urban Communities, Staff Perceptions. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Whitmer, E. B., Dixon, D. L., McDonald, D. A., & Martinez, C. L. (2015, Nov). Making EFNEP Work: From Rural to Urban Communities. National Extension Association of Family Consumer Sciences. White Sulphur Springs, WV.
- McDonald, D. A., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Schmidt, C., & Parlin, J. (2015, November). The Garden Kitchen Concept for Expanded Nutrition Education. National Extension Association of Family Consumer Sciences. White Sulphur Springs, WV.
- McDonald, D. A., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Schmidt, C., & Parlin, J. (2015, October). The Garden Kitchen Concept for Expanded Nutrition Education. CALS Poster Forum. Tucson, AZ.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Winham, D. M. (2014, Summer). Health Risk Factors and Behaviors of Limited-Income Women in EFNEP and WIC (50%). SNEB Annual Conference. Milwaukee, WI: SNEB.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Jackson, R. C., & Misner, S. L. (2014, Fall). NEAFCS’s Living Well Concepts Strengthen Extension Families, Staff, and Faculty. NEAFCS. Lexington, KY: NEAFCS.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Jackson, R. C., & Misner, S. L. (2014, Fall). The Implementation of Living Well Concepts Among EFNEP and SNAP-Ed Faculty and Staff in Arizona (33%). NEAFCS. Lexington, KY.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., Jacobs, L., Martinez, S. H., Bea, J., Farrell, V., Hartz, V., & Misner, S. L. (2014, Summer). Change in Nutrition and Physical Activity Behaviors Among SNAP-Eligible 4th and 5th Grade Students: A Multi-County Study (16%). SNEB Annual Conference. Milwaukee, WI: SNEB.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L., & Winham, D. M. (2013, August). Low Utilization of SNAP & TANF by EFNEP & WIC Participants. SNEB Annual Conference. Portland, OR.: SNEB.
- Bea, J., Martinez, S., Farrell, V., Armstrong Florian, T., Bawden, M., Jacobs, L., & Misner, S. (2013, August). Sugary Beverage Consumption, Not Water, Increases in Springtime among Low-Income Arizona 4th and 5th Graders. SNEB Annual Conference. Portland, OR.: SNEB.
- Martinez, S. H., Misner, S. L., Dixon, D. L., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Whitmer, E. B., Farrell, V., Martinez, C. L., McDonald, D. A., Hartz, V., & Bea, J. (2013, September). Nutrition and Physical Activity Knowledge of UANN Participating 4th/5th Grade Students. Galaxy IV. Pittsburgh, PA.: JCEP.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2023, Spring). Portion Control Matters/ El Control de Porciones es Importante . Enlace Latino Newsletter.More infoEnlace Latino is a Spanish-Language Qtrly Newsletter written by agents in 4 states.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021, Fall). Sweet Potatoes, Yams, and Potatoes—Oh My!/ Camotes, Ñames y Papas—¡Que rico!. Enlace Latino Newsletter (Winter).More infoEnlace Latino is a Spanish-Language Qtrly Newsletter written by agents in 4 states.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021, Spring). Sugar Substitutes/ Información Clave Sobre los Sustitutos del Azúcar. Enlace Latino Newsletter (Spring).More infoEnlace Latino is a Spanish-Language Qtrly Newsletter written by agents in 4 states.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2021, Winter). Tips for Keeping Steady Blood Sugar Levels/ Consejos para Mantener Estables Los Niveles de Azúcar en la Sangre. Enlace Latino Newsletter (Winter).More infoEnlace Latino is a Spanish-Language Qtrly Newsletter written by agents in 4 states.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2014, Spring). Water, Drink It! (El Agua, Bebala!) (100%). Enlace Latino Newsletter (Spring). http://www.uanutritionnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/2014_Spring_Enlace-Latino_Color.pdfMore infoEnlace Latino is a Spanish-Language Qtrly Newsletter written by agents in 4 states.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2014, Summer). Nutrition, Sun, and Vitamin D (La Nutricion, el Sol, y la Vitamina D) (100%). Enlace Latino Newsletter (Summer). http://www.uanutritionnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/2014_Summer_Enlace-Latino.pdfMore infoEnlace Latino is a Spanish-Language Qtrly Newsletter written by agents in 4 states.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2014, Winter). Healthy Heart, Healthy Body (Corazon Sano, Cuerpo Sano) (100%). Enlace Latino Newsletter (Winter). http://www.uanutritionnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Enlace-Winter-2014.pdfMore infoEnlace Latino is a Spanish-Language Qtrly Newsletter written by agents in 4 states.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2013, June). Los Granos Enteros/ Whole Grains (Summer). Enlace Latino Newsletter.
- Armstrong Florian, T. L. (2013, Spring). Nutrition & Other Key Elements to Fight Against Osteoporosis/Armas Nutricionales (y Otros Elementos Clavos) para la Lucha Contra la Osteoporosis. Enlace Latino Newsletter (Spring).More infoEnlace Latino is a Spanish-Language Qtrly Newsletter written by agents in 4 states.