Elizabeth W Sparks
- Associate Agent, 4-H Youth Development
- (520) 626-5161
- TUCSON, AZ 85719-1109
- esparks@ag.arizona.edu
- Denise Miller Innovator Award.
- FARMacy Program. State Winner, National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals., Fall 2020
- Educational Piece Team Award.
- Regional Winner, National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals., Fall 2020
- National Service Award: Distinguished Service Award
- National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals., Fall 2020
- NAE4-HA Excellence in Natural Resources and Environmental Education State Award
- National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, Summer 2019
- 2019 Culture of Health Land Grant University Award
- Spring 2019
- Excellence in Teamwork, 1st Place Western Region
- National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences, Fall 2018
- Excellence in Teamwork, State Award
- National Association Extension of 4-H Agents, Fall 2018
- Environmental Impact Award
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Spring 2018
- Ropes Course Manager Certification
- Association of Challenge Course Technology, Spring 2017
- Achievement in Service Award (ASA)
- NAE4-HA, Fall 2016
- Western Region School Wellness Team Award (First Place)
- Presented by the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fall 2016
- AmeriCorps NCCC Sponsor of the Round
- AmeriCorps NCCC SW Region, Fall 2015 (Award Nominee)
- Excellence in Healthy Living Team Award
- NAE4-HA, Fall 2015
- Certificate of Appreciation
- United States Department of Agriculture, Summer 2015
- Proyectos Con Valor 2015
- Enactus Universidad Tecnologica de la Mixteca, Summer 2015
- 4-H Healthy Living Ambassador meets President
- White House/4-H National Council, Spring 2015
- Outstanding Out of School Time Professional
- Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence, Fall 2014 (Award Finalist)
- CALS Outstanding Team Award
- University of Arizona, Fall 2013
- Goodwill Service Recognition Award
- For outstanding leadership and partnership with Good Futures programming, Fall 2013
- Recognition for Leadership in Extension Sustainability Programming
- National Network for Sustainable Living Education, Fall 2013
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Sparks, E. W., Davey, F., Molina, M., & Shepp, N. (2020). Evaluation Skillathon. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.More infoPublication Number: 2020-0831
- Elliott-Engel, J., Parrott, A. M., Hauser, M. W., & Sparks, E. W. (2022). Arizona 4-H New Professionals Program Guide. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, 1-22.
- Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., Elliott-Engel, J., & Sparks, E. W. (2021). Arizona 4-H Professionals Onboarding Workbook. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, 1-38.More infoUACE 4-H youth development professionals enter the organizationwith diverse preparation experiences , thus many professionals are unclear what the skills, competencies, and expectations are to be successful in theorganization. Onboarding is an opportunity for the organization to help new employees maximize your contributions while also learning our organizational culture. This Guide is useful for new 4-H professionals throughout their first year of employment.
- Hongu, N., Franklin, A. M., & Sparks, E. W. (2016). Outdoor Eating-Enjoying Nature the No-Waste-Way. CALS Publication.
- Curley, D. L., Sparks, E. W., & Carter, L. (2024, September).
Cultivating Well Being: FARMacy - A Youth-Centered Approach to Preventing Childhood Type 2 Diabetes
. NEAFCS Annual Meeting. Marriott Starr Pass: National Extension Association of Family Consumer Sciences. - Farella, J., & Sparks, E. W. (2022, October). Perceived Risk as a Mechanism for Growth In Positive Youth Development Programs. National Association of 4-H Youth Development Professionals Annual Conference. Madison, Wisconsin: NAE4-HYDP.More infoCreating a safe context is first and foremost in Positive Youth Development. However, the perception of risk can add value to a youth’s experience and provide unique opportunities for growth. Overcoming challenges perceived as scary, dangerous, or risky, can be a catalyst for intense and meaningful learning experiences. Several Arizona 4-H programs provide youth with these perceptions of danger – e.g. blacksmithing, high ropes, and backpacking the Grand Canyon. Youth that participate in these programs report positive growth in key youth development outcomes, including concern for others, teamwork, and leadership. In this presentation we discuss program elements that create a ‘recipe’ for this high-growth context.
- Elliott-Engel, J. A., Morris, N. A., Jimenez, V., Parrott, A. M., Sparks, E. W., & Hauser, M. W. (2019, December). Strategy, Framing, and Competencies for 4-H County-Based 4-H Programming Onboarding. National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals Conference. Savannah, GA.
- Sparks, E. W. (2021, October). Participatory Evaluation: Engaging Youth in Program Development. School's Out Make it Count, Arizona's Out of School Time Conference. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence.
- Curley, D. L., & Sparks, E. W. (2020, October). Tips, Tricks and Tools: Programming Resources. Schools Out Make it Count. Virtual: Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence.
- Elliott-Engel, J., Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., & Sparks, E. W. (2020, January). New 4-H Employee Orientation. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 4-H Program In-Service. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Elliott-Engel, J., Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., & Sparks, E. W. (2020, January). New 4-H Employee Orientation. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 4-H Program In-ServiceUniversity of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Parlin, J., & Sparks, E. W. (2020, November). The Science of Whole Grains. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Share Fair. Virtual.
- Sparks, E. W. (2020, February). Implementing an Evaluation Skillathon. 4-H Healthy Living Summit. Washington, DC.
- Sparks, E. W. (2019, January). Evaluation Skillathon: Using participatory evaluation to make your programs stronger. Western Regional Outdoor Leadership Conference. Tucson, Arizona.
- Sparks, E. W. (2019, January). Healthy Living: Strategies for incorporating healthy living into your programming. Western Regional Outdoor Leadership Conference. Tucson, Arizona.
- Sparks, E. W. (2018, Fall). Urban Agriculture: What's Popping. Confluence Center for Creative Inquiry. Show and Tell: See, Hear, Smell, Touch, Taste.
- Sparks, E. W. (2018, Spring). Russian Foodways Iron Chef. United States Department of State.
- Sparks, E. W. (2018, Spring). Tucson Village Farm: Connecting Kids to Agriculture. Ag 100 Council Meeting. Yuma, AZ.
- Sparks, E. W., & Carter, L. (2018, April). Salads for Summer. University of Arizona-Financial Services Office In-Service. Tucson: University of Arizona.
- Sparks, E. W., & Herman, E. (2018, July/Summer). Garden Gadgets. American Horticulture Society. Denver, Colorado.
- Gebhardr, M. M., & Sparks, E. W. (2017, March). Building STEM Capacity and Sustainability in Green Valley and Sahuarita Schools. Green Valley Rotary Club Monthly Meetgin. Green Valley: Green Valley Rotary Club.
- McDonald, D. A., Sparks, E. W., Shepp, N. B., Shepp, N. B., Sparks, E. W., & McDonald, D. A. (2017, July). The Science of Whole Grains. 2017 Global 4-H Network Summit. Ottawa, Canada: 4-H Canada.
- Sparks, E. W., & Carter, L. (2017, April). Spectacular Summer Smoothies. University of Arizona-Financial Services Office In-Service. Tucson: University of Arizona.
- Sparks, E. W., & Shepp, N. B. (2017, May). Groovy Grains: The science behind why we need to make our grains whole. Crossroads Conference. Tucson: University of Arizona, Classified Staff Conference.
- Sparks, E. W., & Simon, V. (2017, August). Leadership Unlocked: Discover the keys to effective leadership. League of Arizona Cities and Towns. Oro Valley, Arizona: League of Arizona Cities and Towns.
- Sparks, E. W., & Simon, V. (2017, May). Ropes Course & Leadership Training. Summer Camp Staff Training at Camp Stein. Prescott, Arizona: Camp Stein.More infoThis was a 16 hour training working with Experiential Systems we facilitated for ropes course summer staff at Camp Stein in Prescott, Arizona.
- Sparks, E. W., McDonald, D. A., & Shepp, N. B. (2017, July). Arizona 4-H Healthy Living Ambassadors. 2017 4-H Global Network Summit. Ottawa, Canada: 4-H Canada.
- Sparks, E. W. (2016, December). Schoolyard Scavenger Hunts. Schoolyard Science at Tucson Village Farm.
- Sparks, E. W. (2016, December). Vermicomposting 101. Schoolyard Science at Tucson Village Farm.
- Sparks, E. W. (2016, February). 4-H Healthy Living Ambassadors. 4-H Canada Leadership Summit.
- Sparks, E. W. (2016, June). SUSD Amazing Road Trip Race Leadership Retreat. Sahuarita Unified School District Administration Retreat. Sahuarita & Prescott Arizona: Sahuarita School District.
- Sparks, E. W., & Gebhardt, M. (2016, January). STEM in the Outdoors: Applying the Scientific Method. 21st Century STEM: Integrate to Innovate. Phoenix, AZ.More infoPresentation Abstract: We will present effective ways to engage and excitestudents in applying the scientific method in outdoor spaces via hands-onactivities. Topics include: how to ask good scientific questions, datacollection and analyzation, effective ways to form and critique hypotheses,forming experimental protocols, and presentation of results to peers.
- Apel, M. B., Apel, M. B., Sparks, E. W., & Sparks, E. W. (2015, August). Externships in Sustainability. Az Extension Conference. Tucson, AZ: Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Sparks, E. W. (2015, Fall). Awwwww Sugar: Using Math to Find Hidden Sugar. STEM on the Range. Santa Rita Experimental Range.
- Sparks, E. W. (2015, Fall). The Science of Whole Grains. STEM on the Range. Santa Rita Experimental Range.
- Sparks, E. W. (2015, Fall). Tucson Village Farm: Monetizing Cooperative Extension. Sustainable and Organic Farming Systems Laboratory Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences University of Hawaii at Manoa. Hawaii.
- Sparks, E. W. (2015, February). Developing Community Partnerships. Red de Extension e Innovacion Nacional Universitaria. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona.
- Sparks, E. W. (2015, July). Junior Masters Gardeners & Tucson Village Farm. National Children and Youth Gardening Symposium. Austin, Texas.
- Sparks, E. W. (2015, October). Montizing Cooperative Extension: Innovation in Resource Allocation and Income Generation. Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program’s 2015 Agricultural Professional Development Workshop. Maui, Hawaii: University of Hawaii.
- Sparks, E. W. (2015, Spring). Innovative Teaching Techniques and Leadership Development. Mid-year REINU conference at Universidad de Colima. Colima, Colima, Mexico: Red de Extensión e Innovación Nacional Universitaria (REINU).
- Sparks, E. W. (2015, Spring). Traversing the Chocolate River: Activities to inspire Leadership and Learning. STEM in the Garden. Tucson Village Farm.
- Sparks, E. W. (2015, Summer). Games Workshop: Tips and Tricks for Facilitating Games to Engage Learners. Projectos Con Valor.
- Sparks, E. W., & Shepp, N. (2015, October). Eat 4-Health. 2015 Arizona Out-of-School Time Conference. Phoenix: Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence.
- Sparks, E. W., Sparks, E. W., Astroth, K. A., Astroth, K. A., Zamudio, A. D., & Zamudio, A. D. (2015, February). 4-H Model of Youth Development and Youth Adult Partnerships. Red de Extension e Innovacion Nacional Universitaria. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona.
- Sparks, E. W. (2014, August/Summer). Amazing Leadership. League of Arizona Cities and Towns.
- Sparks, E. W. (2014, March). “Delicious Nutritious Decisions”. Flowing Wells School District Parent University.
- Sparks, E. W. (2014, May/Spring). Tucson Village Farm- Healthy Cooking Workshops. University of Arizona- Financial Services Office.
- Sparks, E. W. (2014, November). Tucson Village Farm: Science, Art, Leadership. Arizona Department of Education: Mega Conference. Tucson.
- Sparks, E. W. (2013, July/Summer). Li'l Sprouts: Growing Gardens and Toddlers Together. American Horticulture Society. Denver, Colorado.
- Sparks, E. W. (2013, June/Summer). STEM Based Curriculum for School Gardens. Arizona Department of Education, Leading Change Conference.
- Sparks, E. W. (2013, May/Spring). Tucson Village Farm- Healthy Cooking Workshops. University of Arizona- Financial Services Office.
- Sparks, E. W. (2013, November/Fall). Eat 4-Heath. Arizona Afterschool Conference.
- Sparks, E. W. (2013, November/Fall). Tucson Village Farm-Changing the Community One Carrot at a Time. CALS: Local to Global Faculty/Staff Meeting.
- Sparks, E. W. (2012, April). Growing Community Through Gardens. Presented lecture. Prescott, AZ.
- Sparks, E. W. (2012, November). Perfect Pesto Demonstration. KGUN 9's Morning Blend News program. Tucson, Arizona: KGUN 9.More infoBroadcast
- Sparks, E. W. (2012, November). Presented challenge activties found in the "Up for the Challenge" currciulum. Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence. Phoenix, AZ.
- Sparks, E. W. (2012, October). Youth Contributions to Food Production. Presentation. South Tucson, Arizona.
Poster Presentations
- McCullough, L., Hingle, M. D., Fani Marvasti, F., Walsh, M. E., Infante da Silva, V. R., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Sparks, E. W., Jacobson, E., & Knox, A. (2024, August). The University of Arizona’s Culinary Medicine Initiative.. Arizona Health Equity Conference. Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences and Cooperative Extension (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) Conference.. Tucson, AZ: ArizonaDivision of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences and Cooperative Extension (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) Conference..
- Arteaga, C., Sparks, E. W., Atkin, A., Bernal, A., Tyndall, E., Aspengren, C., Derfus, R., Garcia, G., Whitmer, E. B., & Parlin, J. M. (2023, August). Mobile Produce Market. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference Building the Future of Extension Through Multi-Disciplinary CollaborationArizona Cooperative Extension.More infoPoster presentation included lessons learned while planning for the Mobile Produce Market program, community engagement results from both producers and end users prior to the launch of the program, initial results of the program, and next steps.
- Arteaga, C., Sparks, E. W., Atkin, A., Bernal, A., Tyndall, E., Aspengren, C., Derfus, R., Garcia, G., Whitmer, E. B., & Parlin, J. M. (2023, September). Mobile Produce Market. 2023 NEAFCS Annual Session. Providence, RI: National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.More infoPoster presentation included lessons learned while planning for the Mobile Produce Market program, community engagement results from both producers and end users prior to the launch of the program, initial results of the program, and next steps.
- Knox, A., Jacobson, E., Sparks, E. W., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Infante, V. R., Walsh, M. E., Fani Marvasti, F., Hingle, M. D., & McCullough, L. (2023, September). The University of Arizona’s Culinary Medicine Initiative. 2023 Arizona Health Equity Conference. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Health Equity Conference.
- McCullough, L., Hingle, M. D., Fani Marvasti, F., Walsh, M. E., Infante, V. R., Armstrong Florian, T. L., Sparks, E. W., Jacobson, E., & Knox, A. (2023, August). The University of Arizona’s Culinary Medicine Initiative. 2023 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference: Building the Future of Extension Through Multi‐Disciplinary Collaboration. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Elliott-Engel, J., Sparks, E. W., Hauser, M. W., Lester, D., Swanson, T. M., & Welborn, B. (2022, August). Arizona 4-H Enrollment: 20,000 True Leaders by 2025 Progress. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.More infoLeaders by 2025 strategic plan to deliver on the promise that every Arizona youth deserves a high-quality 4-H positive youth development experience. This goal was established prior to the pandemic, yet, Arizona 4-H has experienced a 9% trend in 4 years and has bucked national trends as the organization has grown in youth enrollment and volunteer engagement. This poster explores the strategic investments and initiatives Arizona 4-H implemented to continue to grow the program despite unforeseen challenges.
- Farella, M. M., Sparks, E. W., & Farella, J. (2020, October). Santa Rita Experimental Range Teen Ambassador Program – Engaging Youth in STEM Literacy and an Adaptive Model for 4-H Field Science Programming. National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals Conference. Virtual: NAE4-HA.More infoWe designed the Santa Rita Experimental Range Teen Ambassador Program to provide students access to STEM and environmental science content, enhance educator/youth critical thinking and problem solving skills, engage communities with surrounding natural resources, and expand STEM literacy by engaging youth to teach youth. Our primary approach engaged youth in the scientific method through 4-H field science programming. Youth took part in fieldwork learning environmental science methodology and practice. We emphasized iterative and experiential learning and provided a positive interactive process (i.e. discussion-based idea development/peer review). As a result, students were enabled to answer their own research questions by designing and implementing research projects. These ‘micro studies’ were subsequently presented in groups where youth could provide critique propose improvements. Teacher workshops were hosted where educators, 4-H staff, and students developed curriculum tools for the classroom. Youth mentors also taught lessons in middle and elementary school classrooms with these materials.
- Molina, M., Davey, F., Sparks, E. W., & Shepp, N. (2020, October). 4-H Skill-a-Thon: Uplifting Youth's Perspective.. American Evaluation Association Conference..
- Morris, N. A., Elliott-Engel, J. A., Jimenez, V., Parrott, A. M., Hauser, M. W., & Sparks, E. W. (2019, December). 4-H County Professional Onboarding: An Assessment of U.S. Early Career Onboarding Process. National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals Conference. Savannah, GA.
- Sparks, E. W., & Shepp, N. B. (2017, October 2017). Developing Evaluation Questions. PACE Project Culminating Conference. Atlanta, GA: Montclair University.
- Gebhardt, M. M., Sparks, E. W., & Gallery, R. E. (2017, June). Inquiry-based STEM education for high school students: Strengths, possibilities, and opportunities to get involved. Soil Ecological Society Biennial Meeting and Soil Health Summit. Colorado State University: Soil Ecological Society.
- Zamudio, A., Hauser, M. W., Sparks, E. W., & McDonald, D. A. (2016, October). Arizona 4-H Youth Conquer One of Nature`s Biggest Obstacles. National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.More infoThe acceptance rate for poster presentations at the 2016 NAE4-HA Conference was 75 percent.
- Zamudio, A., Hauser, M. W., Sparks, E. W., McDonald, D. A., Zamudio, A., Hauser, M. W., Sparks, E. W., McDonald, D. A., Zamudio, A., Hauser, M. W., Sparks, E. W., McDonald, D. A., Zamudio, A., Hauser, M. W., Sparks, E. W., McDonald, D. A., Zamudio, A., Hauser, M. W., Sparks, E. W., & McDonald, D. A. (2016, October). Arizona 4-H Youth Conquer One of Nature`s Biggest Obstacles (30%). National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.More infoThe acceptance rate for poster presentations at the 2016 NAE4-HA Conference was 75 percent.
- Hongu, N., Sparks, E. W., Wyatt, M. A., Meléndez, A., Wyatt, B., & Taylor, B. R. (2015, Aug 4 - Aug 6). Gardening as a Form of Physical Activity. 2015 Extension Conference. Tucson, AZ: CALS, AZ Cooperative Extension.
- Sparks, E. W., & Gebhardt, M. M. (2015, October). Engaging Youth in the Scientific Model at The Santa Rita Experimental Range. Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium. University of Arizona.
- Sparks, E. W., & Simon, V. (2015, Fall). Challenge Courses and Youth Development. 2015 CALS Poster Forum. University of Arizona.
- McDonald, D. A., Tessman, D. L., & Sparks, E. W. (2014, June). Teens Advocating Sustainable Change. Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) annual meeting. Arlington, VA: USDA/NIFA.
- McDonald, D. A., Tessman, D. L., & Sparks, E. W. (2013, May). Teens Advocating Sustainable Change. Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) annual meeting. Arlington, VA: USDA/NIFA.
- Sparks, E. W. (2013, September/Fall). Tucson Village Farm- A seed-to-table urban farming experience. Galaxy IV.
- Sparks, E. W. (2012, July). Tucson Village Farm-Farm Camp. American Horticulture Society National Conference. Washington DC: American Horticulture Society.
Other Teaching Materials
- Selene, L., Shepp, N., & Sparks, E. W. (2020. Whole Grains Video Script. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.More infoThis is a script used to create virtual content for YouTube. Publication Number: 2020-0755
- McDonald, D. A., Hauser, M. W., Shepp, N., & Sparks, E. W. (2020, December). Hiking the Grand Canyon with 4-H Healthy Living Ambassadors: The What, How, and Why of Taking Youth on a Challenging Adventure. Extension Publication (EC1).
- Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., Elliott-Engel, J., & Sparks, E. W. (2019, December). Arizona New 4-H Professionals On Boarding Workbook.
- Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., Elliott-Engel, J., & Sparks, E. W. (2021, December). New 4-H Professionals Onboarding Workbook. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension AZ1847-2021.
- McDonald, D. A., Hauser, M. W., Shepp, N., & Sparks, E. W. (2021, August). Hiking the Grand Canyon with 4-H Healthy Living Ambassadors: The What, How, and Why of Taking Youth on a Challenging Adventure. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension AZ1903-2021.
- McDonald, D. A., Hauser, M. W., Shepp, N., & Sparks, E. W. (2021, August). Hiking the Grand Canyon with 4-H Healthy Living Ambassadors: The What, How, and Why of Taking Youth on a Challenging Adventure. Extension Publication (EC1). https://extension.arizona.edu/pubs/hiking-grand-canyon
- Curley, D. L., Sparks, E. W., & Moore, J. D. (2017, July). Teen Tank: An Exercise in 4-H/FCHS Collaboration (working title).
- Sparks, E. W. (2012, December). Tucson Village Farm. www.tucsonvillagefarm.orgMore infoExact Date: 12/29/2012; Page: 100
- Sparks, E. W., & Sparks, E. W. (2010, Fall). Tucson Village Farm.