Amy M Parrott
- Area Agent, 4-H Youth Development
- (928) 726-3904
- YUMA, AZ 85364-6928
- aparrott@ag.Arizona.EDU
- Educational Package Team Communicator Award
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2021
- NAE4-HYDP - Regional Award, Fall 2021
- Educational Piece Team Communicator Award
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2021
- Excellence in Ag Literacy Programming Award
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2021
- Excellence in Peer Professional Development Award
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2021
- NAE4-HYDP - Regional Award, Fall 2021
- Exhibit Communicator Award
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2021
- News Story Communicator Award
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2021
- Promotional Package Team Communicator Award
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2021
- Promotional Piece Individual - Communicator Award
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2021
- Promotional Piece Team Communicator Award
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2021
- Susan Barkman Award for Research and Evaluation
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2021
- Video Communicator Award
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2021
- Achievement in Service Award
- NAE4-HYDP - National Award, Fall 2020
- Ag Literacy Award
- NAE4-HYDP - Western Region Award, Fall 2020
- Educational Piece Team
- NAE4-HYDP - Western Regional Award, Fall 2020
- Periodic Publication Team
- NAE4-HYDP State Award, Summer 2020
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2011
- Search for Excellence in Teen Programming
- NAE4-HYDP - State Winner, Summer 2020
- Radio Program Communicator Award
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2018
- National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, Spring 2014
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2012
- Excellence in Natural Resources Environmental Education Award
- National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, Spring 2018
- Communicator Award: Periodical Publication
- National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, Spring 2017
- Communicator Award: Radio
- National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, Spring 2017
- Excellence in Camping
- National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, Spring 2017
- Educational Piece - Team
- NAE4-HA Regional Award, Fall 2016
- Radio Program
- NAE4-HA - Regional Award, Fall 2016
- NAE4-HA - Regional Award, Fall 2011
- In Appreciation
- Yuma County Fair, Spring 2014
- Educational Piece - Individual
- AAE4-HA, Fall 2011
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Elliott-Engel, J., Parrott, A. M., Hauser, M. W., & Sparks, E. W. (2022). Arizona 4-H New Professionals Program Guide. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, 1-22.
- Elliott-Engel, J., Penrod, M., Moore, J. D., Parrott, A. M., Hauser, M. W., & Farella, J. (2021). 4-H Youth Development Programming in Indigenous Communities: A Critical Review of Cooperative Extension Literature. Journal of Extension, 59(03), Article 7. doi:10.34068/joe.59.03.07More infoA literature review was conducted using the key words relating to Native American Youth and 4-H to assess the current state of 4-H youth programming serving First Nation/ Indigenous populations to inform future Extension initiatives. A systematic and qualitative review determined what level of focus the conducted programming efforts placed on broadly accepted elements of cultural identity as noted in the Peoplehood Model. A very small number of articles (N=13) were found pertaining to 4-H and Indigenous Communities. Fewer demonstrated emphasis on the peoplehood elements of language, place, traditional ceremony or calendars, and history. This work investigates a continuing inequity in 4-H PYD–both in service and reporting–and suggests some next steps for creating a more inclusive 4-H program for Native American/First Nation/Indigenous youth.
- Farella, J., Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., Moore, J. D., Penrod, M., & Elliott-Engel, J. (2020). 4-H Youth Development Programming in Tribal Communities: A Critical Literature Review Within Cooperative Extension. Journal of Extension.
- Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., Elliott-Engel, J., & Sparks, E. W. (2021). Arizona 4-H Professionals Onboarding Workbook. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, 1-38.More infoUACE 4-H youth development professionals enter the organizationwith diverse preparation experiences , thus many professionals are unclear what the skills, competencies, and expectations are to be successful in theorganization. Onboarding is an opportunity for the organization to help new employees maximize your contributions while also learning our organizational culture. This Guide is useful for new 4-H professionals throughout their first year of employment.
- Hauser, M. W., & Parrott, A. M. (2019). A Safe Environment is Fundamental to Every 4-H Setting. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 4-H Volunteers Monthly News, 2.
- Parrott, A. M., & Hauser, M. W. (2019). Igniting the Spark. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 4-H Volunteers Monthly News, 2.
Proceedings Publications
- Parrott, A. M. (2018, December). Increasing Employee Engagement. In National Association of Extension Program & Staff Development Professionals.
- Parrott, A. M. (2018, December). Thriving in a Multi-Generational Workplace. In National Association of Extension Program & Staff Development Professionals.
- Parrott, A. M. (2018, June). Crazy about Cotton – from Field to Fabric. In National Ag in the Classroom.
- Colville, C. M., Parrott, A. M., & Hauser, M. W. (2017, March). Summer Camp Counselor Toolkit (33%). In Western Region 4-H Leaders Conference.
- Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., & Colville, C. M. (2017, March). Summer Camp Counselor Toolkit (33%). In Western Region 4-H Leaders Conference.
- Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., & Colville, C. M. (2017, March). Summer Camp Counselor Toolkit. In Western Region 4-H Leaders Conference.
- Larsen, E. W., Hauser, M. W., Chadd, B. K., & Parrott, A. M. (2014, December). Tag, You're In. In Western 4-H Leaders Forum.
- Larsen, E. W., Larsen, E. W., Hauser, M. W., Hauser, M. W., Chadd, B. K., Chadd, B. K., Parrott, A. M., & Parrott, A. M. (2013, December). Tag, You're In. In Western Regional 4-H Leaders Forum.
- Parrott, A. M. (2010, Fall). Governors Conference on Volunteerism and Service Learning. In Governors Conference on Volunteerism and Service Learning.
- Farella, J., Sekaquaptewa, S. K., Arias, J. M., Parrott, A. M., & Hauser, M. W. (2022, July). The Need for Tribal Extension Youth Development Publications and Utilizing Culture to Create Safe, Relevant, and Recognizable Spaces. Federally Recognized Tribal Extension Program Annual Meeting. Spokane, Washington: Federally Recognized Tribal Extension Program.More infoIn this presentation we reviewed results from our Journal of Extension Literature review:Farella, J., Hauser, M., Parrott, A., Moore, J. D., Penrod, M., & Elliott-Engel, J. (2021). 4-H Youth Development Programming in Indigenous Communities: A Critical Review of Cooperative Extension Literature. Journal of Extension, 59(3), Article 7.In addition, we highlighted the practical necessety of integrating cultural perspectives into youth programming, and highlighted some strategies from our Journal of Youth Development article: Farella, J., Moore, J. D., Arias, J., & Elliott-Engel, J. (2021). A Framework For Indigenous Identity Inclusion in Positive Youth Development: Proclaimed Ignorance, Partial Vacuum, and the Peoplehood Model. Journal of Youth Development, 16(4), 1–25. DOI 10.5195/jyd.2021.1059
- Farella, J., Parrott, A. M., & Hauser, M. W. (2022, September). The Program Area Framework and Focused Excellence in Extension Careers. Texas A&M Alpha Zeta Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi Professional Development Conference. Virtual.More infoExtension work is multi-faceted, and often demands that professionals take on a ‘Jack of all trades’ approach. Providing service to distinct and diverse communities inevitably results in a variety needs, challenges, and successes that are often singular to that particular community or group. Despite this profound heterogeneity in context, the philosophical motivations and pathways towards program and academic success have many commonalities transcendent of location and participant. Here we synthesize two ideas – Focused Excellence and, what we have termed, the Program Area Framework. These concepts, when applied, can guide professionals through the Extension duality of specialization and generalization, and towards enhanced community and career outcomes.
- Hauser, M. W., & Parrott, A. M. (2020, December 1, 2020). How To Wow!. Arizona Summit on Volunteerism & Civic Engagement: Inspire. Energize. Mobilize..More infoPresentation selected Conference March 15 - 18, 2021.
- Moore, J. D., Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., Penrod, M., Elliott-Engel, J., & Farella, J. (2020, Fall). Hearing Tribal Voices: Limitations, Challenges, and Culturally Responsive Opportunities for 4-H Youth Development Programming in Tribal Communities. NAE4-HYDP Annual Conference. Boise, ID: National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals.
- Elliott-Engel, J., Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., & Sparks, E. W. (2020, January). New 4-H Employee Orientation. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 4-H Program In-ServiceUniversity of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Farella, J., Hauser, M. W., & Parrott, A. M. (2020, December 1, 2020). Focused Excellence: Program Area Framework. 2020 National Association of Extension Program & Staff Development Professionals.More infoVirtual Presentation at the 2020 NAEPSDP Conference
- Hauser, M. W., & Parrott, A. M. (2020, October). Leadership and Life Skill Development Opportunities for 4-H Teens.. National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals Conference: A Vision For The Future. Was to be held in Boise, Idaho: National Assocation of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals.More infoCompetency Building Workshop presentation.
- Sparks, E. W., Parrott, A. M., Hauser, M. W., & Elliott-Engel, J. (2020, January). New 4-H Employee Orientation. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 4-H Program In-Service. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Elliott-Engel, J. A., Morris, N. A., Jimenez, V., Parrott, A. M., Sparks, E. W., & Hauser, M. W. (2019, December). Strategy, Framing, and Competencies for County-Based 4-H Programming Onboarding. National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals Conference. Savannah, GA.
- Parrott, A. M. (2018, December). Increasing Employee Engagement. National Association of Extension Program & Staff Development Professionals. Alexandria, VA.More infoRound table Session led for three separate sessions.
- Parrott, A. M. (2018, December). Thriving in a Multi-Generational Workplace. National Association of Extension Program & Staff Development Professionals. Alexandria, VA.More infoIgnite Presentation during the conference.
- Parrott, A. M. (2018, June). Crazy about Cotton – from Field to Fabric. National Ag in the Classroom. Portland, ME.More info90 minute hands on workshop.
- Parrott, A. M. (2019, March). #bestcoworkersever. National After School Association Conference. New York, NY.More infoWorkshop led for 90 youth workers.
- Parrott, A. M. (2017, June). Netiquitte for the Office and Beyond. National Association of Extension 4-H Agents National Conference. Heber, AZ: Arizona 4-H.
- Parrott, A. M. (2017, November). Increasing Youth Participation in Fairs. Arizona Fairs Association Convention. Laughlin, Nevada: Arizona Fairs Association.
- Hauser, M. W., Apel, M. B., Gibson, R. D., McDonald, D. A., & Parrott, A. M. (2016, December). Completing Your APR. New Faculty Orientation. Tucson: Cooperative Extension.More infoPresentation new 21 new agents and specialists on completing the APR process. Additional presentation on effectively dealing with a split assignments.
- Hauser, M. W., Apel, M. B., Gibson, R. D., McDonald, D. A., & Parrott, A. M. (2016, December). Completing Your APR. Powerpoint Presentation for All FacultyCooperative Extension.
- Parrott, A. M. (2015, October). Organizational Stewardship. National Association of Extension 4-H Agents National Conference. Portland, Oregon: NAE4-HA.More infoPresentation on the benefits for NAE4-HA professionals through Professional Development; Networking; Recognition and Advocacy However by running for the Board of Directors. Presented by the NAE4-HA Organizational Leadership Committee.
- Parrott, A. M. (2016, November). Importance of Youth Livestock Quality Assurance for Arizona Fairs. Arizona Fairs Association Convention. Laughlin, Nevada: Arizona Fairs Association.More infoPresentation on the benefits for NAE4-HA professionals through Professional Development; Networking; Recognition and Advocacy However by running for the Board of Directors. Presented by the NAE4-HA Organizational Leadership Committee.
- Parrott, A. M. (2016, November). Organizational Stewardship. National Association of Extension 4-H Agents National Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana: NAE4-HA.More infoPresentation on the benefits for NAE4-HA professionals through Professional Development; Networking; Recognition and Advocacy However by running for the Board of Directors. Presented by the NAE4-HA Organizational Leadership Committee.
- Chadd, B. K., Chadd, B. K., Chadd, B. K., Chadd, B. K., Larsen, E. W., Larsen, E. W., Larsen, E. W., Larsen, E. W., Hauser, M. W., Hauser, M. W., Hauser, M. W., Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., Parrott, A. M., Parrott, A. M., & Parrott, A. M. (2014, March). Tag - You're In. Western Region 4-H Leaders Forum. Billings, Montana: WRLF.More info4.6/5.0 (8 evaluation questions)
- Chadd, B. K., Larsen, E. W., Hauser, M. W., & Parrott, A. M. (2014, March). Tag - You're In. Western Region 4-H Leaders Forum. Billings, Montana: Montana 4-H Program.
- Chadd, B. K., Larsen, E. W., Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., Chadd, B. K., Larsen, E. W., Hauser, M. W., & Parrott, A. M. (2014, March). Tag - You're In. Western Region 4-H Leaders Forum. Billings, Montana: Montana 4-H Program.
- Parrott, A. M., Chadd, B., & Hauser, M. (2014, November). Building Successful Youth-Adult Partnerships. Governor's Annual Summit on Volunteerism and Service Learning. Coolidge, AZ.
- Parrott, A. M. (2012, June). Etiquette for Teens. Arizona 4-H Leadership Camp. Heber, AZ.
- Parrott, A. M. (2012, June). Giving and Accepting Constructive Criticism. Arizona 4-H Leadership Camp. Heber, AZ.
- Parrott, A. M., Chadd, B., Hauser, M., & Larsen, E. (2012, May). Tag, You're In. Four Corner Conference. Albuquerque, NM.
- Parrott, A. M., Chadd, B., Hauser, M., & Larsen, E. (2011, November). Tag, You're In. Governor's Annual Summit on Volunteerism and Service Learning. Coolidge, AZ.
Poster Presentations
- Morris, N. A., Morris, N. A., Elliott-Engel, J. A., Elliott-Engel, J. A., Jimenez, V., Jimenez, V., Parrott, A. M., Parrott, A. M., Hauser, M. W., Hauser, M. W., Sparks, E. W., & Sparks, E. W. (2019, December). 4-H County Professional Onboarding: An Assessment of U.S. Early Career Onboarding Process. National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals Conference. Savannah, GA.
- Parrott, A. M., Parrott, A. M., Martinez, C. L., Martinez, C. L., Whitmer, E. B., Whitmer, E. B., Stuth, C. L., & Stuth, C. L. (2019, August). First Smiles Silver Diamine Fluoride Oral Health in Rural Communities. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.More infoFirst Smiles SDF is a pilot program intended to develop SDF educational materials, refine placement procedures, and research the acceptance and satisfaction of parents with children that are eligible to receive SDF.
- Parrott, A. M. (2019, February). Capitalizing on Extensions Multi-Generational Assets. Joint Council of Extension Professionals. San Antonio, TX.More infoWorkshop led for 90 youth workers.
- Parrott, A. M. (2016, November). Netiquitte for the Office and Beyond. National Association of Extension 4-H Agents National Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana: NAE4-HA.More infoPresentation on the benefits for NAE4-HA professionals through Professional Development; Networking; Recognition and Advocacy However by running for the Board of Directors. Presented by the NAE4-HA Organizational Leadership Committee.
- Parrott, A. M. (2013, September). Leadership & Life Skill Development Opportunities for Teens. Galaxy Conference.
- Parrott, A. M. (2012, May). Food Safety for Kids. Four Corners Conference. Albuquerque, NM.
- Hauser, M. W., & Parrott, A. M. (2020, December 2020). Arizona 4-H: Igniting the Spark. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication AZ 1904-2021.
- Hauser, M. W., Parrott, A. M., Elliott-Engel, J., & Sparks, E. W. (2021, December). New 4-H Professionals Onboarding Workbook. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension AZ1847-2021.
- Parrott, A. M., & Hauser, M. W. (2020, August). A Safe Environment is Fundamental to Every 4-H Setting. Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Parrott, A. M., & Hauser, M. W. (2019, September 2019). A Safe Environment is Fundamental to Every 4-H Setting. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 4-H Volunteers Monthly News.
- Parrott, A. M. (2017, Fall). 4-H Clover Connection.
- Parrott, A. M. (2016, Spring). 4-H Clover Connection.
- Astroth, K., Peters, C., Larsen, E., Chadd, B., Parrott, A., Zamudio, A., & Moncheski, M. (2014, September). Rockets To The Rescue.More infoDiamondback Science Event
- Parrott, A. M. (2010, Fall). 4-H Clover Connection.
- Parrott, A. M. (2010, Fall). What's Happening in 4-H?. KTTI.
- Parrott, A. M. (2010, Fall). Yuma County 4-H Facebook Page.