Christopher K Jones
- Interim Director, Coconino County Extension
- Agent, Agriculture Natural Resources
- (928) 719-4475
- PAYSON, AZ 85547-2844
- ckjones@cals.arizona.edu
- M.S. Renewable Natural Resources Studies
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
- B.S. Forestry
- Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
- Outstanding Service Award
- (National) Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals, Summer 2018
- Promotion
- College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Summer 2015
- Communications Award – Publication – National Finalist.
- National Association of County Agriculture Agents.Pines (Pinaceae) of Arizona, #AZ1584, Summer 2014
- Distinguished Career Leadership Award
- Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals, Fall 2013
- Distinguished Service Award
- National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Fall 2013
- Community Service Award - Team Category
- Southern Gila County Network Team/Southwest Gas Corporation, Fall 2011
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Schalau, J. W., Jones, C. K., & Gibson, R. D. (2016). Vertebrate Pests. In Arizona Master Gardener Manual (Revised)(p. 60). Tucson, AZ: UA CALS Press.
- Gibson, R. D., Jones, C. K., & Schalau, J. W. (2017). Vertebrate Pests. In Arizona Master Gardener Manual (Revised)(p. 60). Tucson, AZ: UA CALS Press.
- Ramirez, M. D., Ramirez, M. D., Root, R. A., Root, R. A., Mclain, J. E., Mclain, J. E., Kilungo, A. P., Kilungo, A. P., Jones, C. K., Jones, C. K., Abrell, L. M., Abrell, L. M., Palawat, K., & Palawat, K. (2025). Arizona rooftop harvested rainwater: How clean is it?. az2112 UA Extension Bulletin, 17.
- Chukwuonye, G. N., Alabdain Alqattan, Z. A., Jones, M. L., Jones, C. K., Brusseau, M. L., & Ramirez, M. D. (2024). Toxic layering and compound extremes: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) exposure in rural, environmental justice copper mining communities.. Science of The Total Environment, 957(177767). doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177767.More infoGod'sgift N. Chukwuonye, Zain Alabdain Alqattan, Miriam Jones, Christopher Jones, Mark L. Brusseau, Mónica D. Ramírez-Andreotta. 2024. Toxic layering and compound extremes: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) exposure in rural, environmental justice copper mining communities. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 957, 2024, 177767, ISSN 0048-9697https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177767.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969724079245)
- Ramirez, M. D., Root, R. A., Mclain, J. E., Kilungo, A. P., Jones, C. K., Abrell, L. M., & Palawat, K. (2025). Arizona rooftop harvested rainwater: How clean is it?. az2112 UA Extension Bulletin, 17.
- Jones, C. K. (2019). The Modern Wildfire Situation. The Western Planner Journal, 6.More infoRanked as the journal's 9th most read article in 2019.
- Jones, C. K., Carrie, D., & Dolores, G. (2016). Living with Wildfire: Homeowners’ Firewise Guide for Arizona (Revised). University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 24.
- Jones, C. K. (2014). Fall Webworms in Arizona. UA CALS Cooperative Extension, 5.More infoJones, C. 2014. Fall Webworms in Arizona. University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. #AZ1627. 5 pp.
- Jones, C. K. (2014). Invasive, non-native thistles of Arizona. UA CALS Cooperative Extension, 11.More infoJones, C. 2014. Invasive, non-native thistles of Arizona. University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. #AZ1628. 11 pp.
- Jones, C. K., & Lenart, M. T. (2014). Forestry Professionals and Extension Educators vs. Climate Change: Climate change communication for Extension educators. Journal of Extension, 52(3), 14.More infoJones, C. and M. Lenart. 2014. Forestry Professionals and Extension Educators vs. Climate Change: Implications for Cooperative Extension Programming. Journal of Extension [Online], 52(3) Article 3FEA1. pp14. Available at: http://www.joe.org/joe/2014june/a1.php
- Lenart, M. T., & Jones, C. K. (2014). Perceptions on climate change influence willingness to undertake forestry adaptation and mitigation. Journal of Forestry, 12(6), 11.More infoLenart, M. and C. Jones. 2014. Perceptions of climate change influence willingness to undertake forestry adaptation and mitigation. Journal of Forestry, 12(6):553–563, http://dx.doi.org/10.5849/jof.13-051
- Apel, M. B., Jones, C. K., & McDonald, D. A. (2013). The Accidental Sustainability Agent. Journal of Sustainability Education.
- Jones, C. K. (2013). Tent Caterpillars. Climate, Forests and Woodlands Community of Practice.
- Jones, C. K., & Kelly, J. (2013). Pines (Pinaceae) of Arizona. UA CALS Cooperative Extension, 48.More infoJones, C. and Kelly, J. (2013). Pines (Pinaceae) of Arizona. University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Cooperative Extension. AZ#1584. 48pp.
Proceedings Publications
- Jones, C. (2012, Fall). Cooperative Extension Master Watershed Steward Program and Wetland Education Opportunities. In 9th INTECOL (International Association of Ecology) Wetlands Conference.
- Jones, C., & Lenart, M. (2012, Fall). Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Management Perceptions of Forestry Professionals. In ANREP Biennial Conference.
- Jones, C., Crimmins, M., & Norland, E. (2012, Fall). The ANREP Climate Science Initiative: Creating Extension-wide Capacity to Respond to Climate Change. In ANREP Biennial Conference.
- Jones, C., & Lenart, M. (2011, Fall). Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Management Perceptions of Forestry Professionals. In Society of American Foresters Annual Convention.
- Jones, C., Creighton, J., Crimmins, M., Kantor, S., Kruger, C., Schnepf, C., & Withrow-Robinson, B. (2011, Fall). Communicating Climate Change to Natural Resources and Agriculture Audiences and Stakeholders: The grass-roots, pro-active response of the US Cooperative Extension Service. In Fourth International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses.
- Jones, C., Creighton, J., Crimmins, M., Grotta, A., Hubbard, W., Norland, E., Sagor, E., Schnepf, C., & Taylor, E. (2010, Fall). Climate Science Initiative (CSI): New Resources for Extension Foresters and Educators. In Society of American Foresters National Convention.
- Hauser, M. W., Wright, A. D., Curley, D. L., & Jones, C. K. (2023, May). Panel Discussion on Candidate Statements. Continuing Status and Promotion Training. Maricopa Agricultural Center: UA Cooperative Extension.
- Jones, C. K. (2023, May). Biochar Kiln Demonstration. . International Conference of COFE-FETEC 2023. Flagstaff, AZ.
- Jones, C. K., Allen, J., Price, S., O'Neill, M., Mason, A., Davis, D., & Bull, K. (2023, December). Southwest Agroforestry Action Network (SWAAN): Helping people integrate trees, crops, and animals to regenerate Southwest landscapes. . Building Partnerships for Agricultural Sustainability Summit. Phoenix, AZ: Western SARE.
- Jones, C. K. (2022, July). Biochar Demonstration Kiln.. National Association of County Agriculture Agents Annual Meeting. West Palm Beach, FL: National Association of County Agriculture Agents.More infoJones, C. 2022. Biochar Kiln Demonstration. Presentation. National Association of County Agriculture Agents Annual Meeting. West Palm Beach, FL. July 20, 2022.
- Jones, C. K. (2022, May). Heritage Apple Tree Orchard. Southwest Agroforestry Action Network Annual Meeting. Moab, UT: Southwest Agroforestry Action Network.More infoJones, C. 2022. Heritage Apple Tree Orchard. Southwest Agroforestry Action Network Annual Meeting. Moab, UT. May 10, 2022.
- Wright, A. D., Wilson, H., Curley, D. L., & Jones, C. K. (2022, May). Candidate Statement Panel. Continuing Status and Promotion In-Service. Via Zoom: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Hullinger, A. R., & Jones, C. K. (2021, May). Transforming Needs into Assets: Establishing a Watershed Partnership to Address Environmental and Economic Challenges. Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals BMPIC. Virtual Conference.More infoHullinger, A., and C. Jones. 2021. Transforming Needs into Assets: Establishing a Watershed Partnership to Address Environmental and Economic Challenges. Presented at Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals Virtual BMPIC, May 26, 2021.Also here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4npqSZ6VRho&list=PLfm_TJZ-97vVKbrM_1CYi3lbiu5yd9v3i&index=24
- Jones, C. K. (2021, May). Arizona’s Modern Wildfire Situation. Science Matters @ Chandler Public Library. Online: Chandler Public Library.More infoJones, C. 2021. Arizona’s Modern Wildfire Situation. Presented at Science Matters @ Chandler Public Library. May 26, 2021
- Jones, C. K. (2021, May-June). Firewise Landscape Principles in the Sonoran Desert. 30th Annual Desert Horticulture Conference. Online: University of Arizona.More infoJones, C. 2021. Firewise Landscape Principles in the Sonoran Desert. Presented at 30th Annual Desert Horticulture Conference (Online), University of Arizona May 21, 2021. Also presented at the Garden & Country Extension Webinar Series (see URL).
- Jones, C. K. (2021, September). Bark Beetles: Management and Control in Arizona. 2021 Annual Conference & Pest Management Workshop. Prescott, AZ: Arizona Community Tree Council.More infoJones. C. 2021. Bark Beetles: Management and Control in Arizona. Presented at 2021 Annual Conference & Pest Management Workshop, Prescott, AZ, September 18, 2021.Also at UA Garden & Country Extension Webinar series (see URL).
- Jones, C. K., & Mottek, A. (2021, May). Climate Master Extension Outreach Research Project. Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals BMPIC. Virtual Conference.More infoJones, C., and A. Mottek. 2021. Climate Master Extension Outreach Research Project. Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals Virtual BMPIC, May 25, 2021Also presented here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqgKKl9aXB4&list=PLfm_TJZ-97vVKbrM_1CYi3lbiu5yd9v3i&index=21
- Faith, K., Jones, C. K., & Caitrina, S. (2019, April). Conversing with Clientele about Climate Change. National Sustainability Summit & National Extension Energy Summit. Tampa Bay, FL: University of Florida.
- Jones, C. K. (2019, June). The Modern Wildfire Situation: Seeking Solutions through the Smoke. Air & Waste Management Association Annual Conference. Quebec City, Canada: Air & Waste Management Association.
- Jones, C. K., & Mottek, A. (2019, November). Fire Adapted Community Learning Network: Opportunities for Extension Educators. 8th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress. Tucson, AZ: Assocation of Fire Ecology.
- Jones, C. K., Diane, R., Ramona, M., & Catherine, E. (2019, April). Are We Walking the Talk Yet?: Sustainable Living Practices in light of the bestseller Drawdown. National Summit on Extension Sustainability and Energy. Tampa Bay, FL: University of Florida.
- Apel, M. B., & Jones, C. K. (2018, August). International Assignments. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Annual Conference. Oro Valley, AZ: UA Cooperative Extension.
- Jones, C. K. (2018, April). NDC Gardening Presentation. Community Workshop. San Carlos, AZ: Nalwoodi Denzhone Community.
- Jones, C. K. (2018, April). Plants and Landscaping for Wildfire. AZFAC Yarnell Firewise Seminar. Yarnell, AZ: Arizona Fire Adapted Communities Network.
- Jones, C. K. (2018, July). Plants and Landscaping for Wildfire. AZFAC White Mountains Firewise Seminar. Pinetop, AZ: Arizona Fire Adapted Communities Network.
- Jones, C. K. (2018, Mar 17). Intensive Gardening. Payson Community Gardening Series. Payson: Payson Community Garden.
- Jones, C. K. (2018, March). Pleasant Valley Hands-on Pruning Demonstration. Pruning Seminar. Young: UA Gila County Extension.
- Jones, C. K. (2018, May). The Role of Extension and the Modern Wildfire Situation. ANREP Biannual Conference. Biloxi, MS: Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals.
- Jones, C. K. (2018, November). Fruit trees and care. High Country Garden Club Guest Speaker. Payson, AZ: High Country Garden Club.
- Jones, C. K. (2018, September). The Modern Wildfire Situation. Payson Stone Rock Club Guest Speaker. Payson, AZ: Payson Stone Rock Club.
- Jones, C. K., & Apel, M. B. (2018, August). International Assignments (50%). University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Annual Conference. Oro Valley, AZ: UA Cooperative Extension.
- Jones, C. K., Barker, A., & McCombs, G. (2018, May 12). Organic Control for Insects & Diseases. Payson Community Gardening Series. Payson: Payson Community Garden.
- Jones, C. K. (2017, Mar 10 & Apr 14). Temperament and Leadership (Keirsey) Training. Ice House Canyon Schoolhouse Faculty In-service. Globe: Ice House Canyon Charter Schoolhouse.
- Jones, C. K. (2017, Mar 18). Intensive Gardening. PCG Gardening Series. Payson: Payson Community Garden.
- Jones, C. K. (2017, Mar 29). Plants for the Firewise Homes. Arizona WUI and Firewise Summit. Flagstaff: AZ Dept Forest & Fire Mgmt.
- Jones, C. K. (2017, May 18). Cooperative Extension Forestry Programs at Western Land Grant Universities. Western Forest Leadership Coalition Meeting. Flagstaff: Council of Western State Foresters.
- Jones, C. K., & Merk, P. A. (2017, August). Results-Based Accountability. Extension Annual Conference. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.More infoThis session provides an introduction to Results-Based Accountability™ (RBA). This is a disciplined way of thinking and acting to improve entrenched and complex social problems. Communities use it to improve the lives of children, youth, families, adults. RBA is also used by organizations to improve the effectiveness of their programs and is based on Mark Friedman's work.
- Jones, C. K., Barker, A., & McCombs, G. (2017, Apr 22). Organic Control for Insects & Diseases. PCG Gardening Series. Payson: Payson Community Garden.
- Merk, P. A., & Jones, C. K. (2017, Aug 3). Introduction to Results-based Accountability. CALS Staff & Faculty Conference. Tucson: CALS Extension.
- Apel, M. B., Apel, M. B., Jones, C. K., Jones, C. K., Brain, R., Brain, R., Romich, E., Romich, E., Elliott, C., Elliott, C., Apel, M. B., Jones, C. K., Brain, R., Romich, E., & Elliott, C. (2016, June). Bridging the Initiatives – Energy, Climate Science and Sustainability. NACDEP/ANREP Joint Conference. Burlington, VT.
- Jones, C. K. (2016, April). Climate Change Communication and the Comfort Zone. National Extension Sustainability Summit. Portland, OR: NNSLE.
- Jones, C. K. (2016, Feb). “Git-r-Done:” Harnessing Personal Energy - The Physical Energy Quadrant.. Joint Council of Extension Professionals Leadership Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
- Lachapelle, P., Jones, C. K., Brain, R., Christensen, B., & Wise, G. (2016, 06/28/2016). Coordinating Extension Climate Education: A "Round-Panel" Discussion on Integrating ANREP and NACDEP Programs. NACDEP/ANREP Professional Development Conference. Burlington, VT.
- Apel, M. B., Jones, C. K., Jones, C. K., & Apel, M. B. (2015, April). Talking Climate: A Roundtable Conversation on How Extension Educators Can Engage Audiences on Climate Change Issues and Adaptation and Mitigation Practices. National Extension Energy Summit. Seattle, WA.More infoJones, C.K.& M.B. Apel. 2015. Talking Climate: A Roundtable Conversation on How Extension Educators Can Engage Audiences on Climate Change Issues and Adaptation and Mitigation Practices. Proceedings of the National Extension Energy Summit. Seattle, WA. (60%). National (Roundtable); alsoJones, C.K., Powers, C., Edwards, L., & Stowell, R. 2015. Roundtable Conversation on How Extension Educators Can Engage Agriculture Audiences on Climate Change Issues. Proceedings of the National Association of County Agriculture Association AM/PIC. Souix Falls, SD. (60%). 7/15/15. National (Roundtable).
- Jones, C. K. (2015, April). Communicating Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Practices through Extension.. National Extension Energy Summit. Seattle, WA.More infoJones, C. 2015. Communicating Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Practices through Extension. Panel Presentation at the National Extension Energy Summit. Seattle, WA. (100%). National
- Jones, C. K. (2015, Dec). Climate Change Education in the Cooperative Extension System. Western Extension Climate Science Conference. Bozeman, MT.
- Jones, C. K. (2015, Feb). How to “Git-r-Done:” A workshop-styled overview of energy management skills.. Joint Council of Extension Professionals Leadership Conference.More infoJones, C. 2015. How to “Git-r-Done:” A workshop-styled overview of energy management skills. Proceedings of the Joint Council of Extension Professionals’ Leadership Conference. Las Vegas, NV. (100%) National (Presentation); alsoJones, C. 2015. “Git-r-Done:” Harnessing Personal Energy - The Physical Energy Quadrant. Proceedings of the Extension Professionals Association of Florida Conference. Naples, FL. 9/4/16 (100%) (Presentation)
- Jones, C. K. (2015, March). Invasive Species and Wildfire Hazards: Weeds and Wildfire. Extension Wildfire Workshop. Tucson, AZ.
- Jones, C. K. (2015, Nov). Climate Change Communication and the Comfort Zone. National Extension Sustainability Summit.More infoJones, C. 2016. Climate Change Communication and the Comfort Zone. Proceedings of the 2nd National Extension Sustainability Summit. Portland, OR (100%). National
- Jones, C. K. (2013, 09). The ANREP Climate Science Initiative: Building Successful Collaborations. JCEP Galaxy IV Conference. Pittsburgh: PA.
- Jones, C. K., Apel, M. B., Blodnik, M., Brain, R., Elliott, C., McDonnell, J., & Schmitt, B. (2013, 09). Communicating Climate and Sustainability Issues through Extension Programming. JCEP Galaxy IV Conference. Pittsburgh, PA: Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals.
- Jones, C. (2012, June). Cooperative Extension Master Watershed Steward Program and Wetland Education Opportunities. Proceedings of the 9th INTECOL (International Association of Ecology) Wetlands Conference. Orlando, FL.
- Jones, C. K. (2012, May). Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Management Perceptions of Forestry Professionals. ANREP Biennial Conference. Hendersonville, NC.
- Jones, C. K. (2012, May). The ANREP Climate Science Initiative: Creating Extension-wide Capacity to Respond to Climate Change. Roundtable Discussion at the ANREP Biennial Conference. Hendersonville, NC.
- Jones, C. K. (2012, September). Climate Science Initiative (CSI): New Resources for Extension Foresters and Educators. Society of American Foresters National Convention. Spokane, WA.More infoVideo
- Jones, C., Creighton, J., Crimmins, M., Kantor, S., Kruger, C., Schnepf, C., & Withrow-Robinson, B. (2012, July). Communicating Climate Change to Natural Resources and Agriculture Audiences and Stakeholders: The grassroots, proactive response of the US Cooperative Extension Service. Fourth International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses. Seattle, WA.
- Jones, C., & Lenart, M. (2011, November). Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Management Perceptions of Forestry Professionals. Society of American Foresters Annual Convention. Honolulu, HI.
- Jones, C., Crimmins, M., & Twery, M. (2011, March). Climate Change and Managing Forests: New Models and Tools Webinar. Southern Regional Extension Forestry Webinar Series.More infoInternet/intranet
Poster Presentations
- Jones, C. K. (2023, September). Biochar Demonstration Kiln: A Pilot Extension Program. . Chad Reid Western Region Annual Meeting & Professional Improvement Conference. Hurricane, UT: National Agriculture County Agents Association.
- Jones, C. K. (2022, June). Bark Beetles: Recommended Practices for Arizona.. Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals Biennial Meeting. Kalamazoo, MI: Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals.More infoJones, C. 2022. Bark Beetles: Recommended Practices for Arizona. Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals Biennial Meeting. Poster Presentation. Kalamazoo, MI. June 2, 2022.
- Jones, C. K. (2022, October). Firewise: Landscape Principles for the Sonoran Desert.. Western Regional National Association County Agriculture Agents Meeting.. Tucson, AZ: Arizona Agriculture Extension Association.More infoJones, C. 2022. Firewise: Landscape Principles for the Sonoran Desert. Poster Presentation. Western Regional National Association County Agriculture Agents Meeting. Tucson, AZ. October 12, 2022.
- Jones, C. K., & Gibson, R. D. (2019, August). Arizona Forest Health Symposium 2019: Key Insights Poster Presentation. 2019 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference. Tucson, AZ: UA Cooperative Extension.
- Jones, C. K. (2018, August 7). Meeting Multiple Extension Objectives Through Community Partnerships. Faculty Conference. Tucson: University of Arizona Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension.
- Jones, C. K. (2018, Nov). Be Ember Aware Interpretative Sign (revised 2018).. Payson Library. Payson: UA Gila County Cooperative Extension.More infoDesigned, revised and updated "Be Ember Aware" wildfire mitigation list (UN-Reno; E. Smith) for an interpretive 3'x5' outdoor display for use in Arizona.
- Jones, C. K. (2017, July 11). Meeting Multiple Extension Objectives Through Community Partnerships. NACAA Annual Meeting & Professional Development. Salt Lake City: National Association of County Agriculture Agents.
- Jones, C. K., Elliott, C. A., & Romich, E. S. (2016, June). National Grassroots Extension Initiatives: Making the Connection.. NACDEP/ANREP Joint Professional Development Conference. Burlington, VT.
- Jones, C. K. (2015, April). Making the Energy Connection: National Grassroots Extension Initiatives on Sustainable Living Education and Climate Science.. National Extension Energy Summit. Seattle, WA.More infoJones*, C.K.& Elliott, C.A. 2015. Making the Energy Connection: National Grassroots Extension Initiatives on Sustainable Living Education and Climate Science. Proceedings of the National Extension Energy Summit. Seattle, WA. (80%) National (Poster)
- Jones, C. K. (2015, August). Fulbright Opportunities for Extension Educators. 2015 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference. Tucson, AZ.More infoJones, C. 2015. Fulbright Opportunities for Extension Educators. Proceedings of the 2015 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference. Tucson, AZ. 8/4/15 (Poster and Presentation).
- Apostol, K. G., McAvoy, D., Rappold, P., & Kuhns, M. (2017. Biochar in the Intermountain West(p. 11).
Creative Productions
- Lenart, M., Jones, C. K., Moore, S., Megalos, M., Barber, V., Grantham, J., Geller, D., Crimmins, M. A., Schnepf, C., & Grotta, A. (2015. eXtension Climate, Forests and Woodlands Community of Practice. extension.org/climate_forests_woodlands website. http://extension.org/climate_forests/woodlands
- Orr, E. R., Crimmins, M. A., Garfin, G. M., Duval, D. F., Jones, C. K., Wright, A. D., Gouge, D. H., & Kosmider, A. R. (2024, December). Kosmider, A.R., Gouge, D. H., Wright, A., D., Jones, C., K., Duval, D., F., Garfin, G., M., Crimmins, M., A., Orr, E., R. (2024) University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Change Needs Assessment - University of Arizona Extension Climate Science Working Group. Kosmider, A.R., Gouge, D. H., Wright, A., D., Jones, C., K., Duval, D., F., Garfin, G., M., Crimmins, M., A., Orr, E., R. (2024) University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Change Needs Assessment - University of Arizona Extension Climate Science Working Group. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/2024-12/UA_Extension_Climate_Needs_Assessment_Full_Report_04152024-2.pdf. Kosmider, A.R., Gouge, D. H., Wright, A., D., Jones, C., K., Duval, D., F., Garfin, G., M., Crimmins, M., A., Orr, E., R. (2024) University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Climate Change Needs Assessment - University of Arizona Extension Climate Science Working Group. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/2024-12/UA_Extension_Climate_Needs_Assessment_Full_Report_04152024-2.pdf. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/2024-12/UA_Extension_Climate_Needs_Assessment_Full_Report_04152024-2.pdfMore infoThe group finalized a report and interpretation of needs assessment data collected from University Extension faculty in 2023.
- Hullinger, A. R., & Jones, C. K. (2019, September). Transforming Needs into Assets: Establishing a Watershed Partnership to Address Environmental and Economic Challenges. Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals.
- Jones, C. K., & Mottek, A. (2019, September). Climate Master Extension Outreach Research Project. Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals.
- Anne, M. L., & Jones, C. K. (2020, August). Managing for Climate Change: Climate Master Outreach and Extension. Focus Group Study Report. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. https://extension.arizona.edu/climate-master-extension-outreach-research-projectMore infoMottek Lucas, Anne and Christopher Jones. 2020. Managing for Climate Change: Climate Master Outreach and Extension. Focus Group Study Report. Tucson, AZ. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. 60pp.
- Jones, C. K. (2020, July). Firewise Plant List for Pine, Arizona. Pine/Strawberry Fire Department.
- Jones, C. K. (2017, Nov). The Role of Extension and the Modern Wildfire Situation. ANREP Conference.
- Jones, C. K. (2018, Nov). Firewise Plant List for Upper Elevations in Arizona. White Mountain Firewise Event, Pinetop, AZ.More infoUnder informal review by Hattie Braun and Coconino County Master Gardeners.
- Jones, C. K. (2013, 09). The ANREP Climate Science Initiative: Building Successful Collaborations. Proceedings of the JCEP Galaxy IV Conference.
- Jones, C. K., Apel, M. B., Blodnik, M., Brain, R., Elliott, C., McDonnell, J., & Schmitt, B. (2013, 09). Communicating Climate and Sustainability Issues through Extension Programming. Proceedings of the JCEP Galaxy IV Conference.
- Jones, C. K., Lenart, M., & JonesC, . (2012, Fall). eXtension: Forests, Woodlands and Climate Community of Practice. http://www.extension.org/climate forests woodland
- DeGomez, T., Kolb, P., Crimmins, M., Jones, C., Kleinman, S., & Twer, M. (2011, Fall). eXtension: Forests, Woodlands and Climate Community of Practice. http://www.extension.org/climate forests woodlands
- Gottschalk, L., Ziesing, R., & Jones, C. (2011, Fall). Gila County Master Gardener Association Quarterly Newsletter. Gila County Cooperative Extension.