Trent Teegerstrom
- Senior Associate Director, Programs
- Professor, Agricultural-Resource Economics
- Specialist, Agricultural-Resource Economics
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-7201
- Forbes, Rm. 238
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- tteegers@ag.arizona.edu
Trent is the Associate Director of the Tribal Extension Program at the University of Arizona and an Extension Specialist with the Department of Ag and Resource Economics and. He has worked with a variety of agricultural enterprises including dry-land farming in the mid-west; irrigated agriculture in the southwest; and livestock production in the northeast, mountain west, and southwest, he has also worked with the green industry in the west and with the fruit, nut and vegetable producers in the northeast and southwest. He joined the University of Arizona’s Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics in 1997 after spending the previous two years as a Farm Business Management Specialist with Cornell Cooperative Extension working in farm finance and risk management areas. His main area of concentration is production economics, tribal agriculture, risk management, agricultural taxes and labor issues.
- ALVSCE Administrator of the Year
- ALVSCE, Fall 2019
- Tribal Agriculture Education Apprecaition Award
- Southwest Indian Agricultural Association, Spring 2016
- Tribal Agriculture Education Award
- Southwest Indian Agricultural Association, Spring 2015
- Arizona Distinguished Service Award
- National Association County Agricultural Agents, Summer 2014
- Outstanding Extension Project Group Award, member of Ruraltax.org Team
- Western Agricultural Extension Association, Summer 2011
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Behe, B., Hodges, A., Kenkel, P., Teegerstrom, T., Schuch, U., & Newman, J. (2013). Business management basics. In Container Nursery Production and Business Management Manual. Richmond, CA: Univ. of Calif. Agric. and Nat. Resour.
- Teegerstrom, T. -., Behe, B. K., Hodges, A. W., Newman, J. P., Kenkel, P., & Schuch, U. K. (2013). Business Management Basics, Chapter 18. In Container Nursery Production and Business Management(pp 269-291). University of California: Univ. of Calif. Agric. and Nat. Resour. Publication.
- Schuch, U. K., & Teegerstrom, T. (2013). Managing production risks in the nursery©. Acta Horticulturae, 1014, 135-140.More infoAbstract: Plant production in nurseries is subject to different risks including finances, marketing, weather, and human resources. There are a number of tools for nursery business owners to manage the different risks. Issues related to the labor pool, human resource management, and turnover of labor and staff affects labor intensive businesses like nurseries. Considering mechanization or automation can assist in managing some labor issues. Production costs of individual items in the nursery affect pricing and decisions of which products are profitable and should remain in a nursery's product mix. A spreadsheet tool is available to calculate costs of individual products or groups of similar products in the complex production scheme of a business carrying hundreds of different products. Nursery operations can choose among different insurance products to cover production risks related to weather and marketing. A brief introduction to nursery insurance, adjusted gross revenue (AGR), and AGR-Lite outlines similarities and differences between the products.
- Teegerstrom, T. -., Ward, R., & Hiller, J. G. (2013). IRS Tax Rules and Native American Producers: One Size Does Not Fit All. Choices, 2(28).
- Schuch, U. K., Kelly, J. J., & Teegerstrom, T. (2008). Capillary mats for maintenance of plants in the retail nursery. HortTechnology, 18(2), 250-255.More infoAbstract: Capillary mats and overhead sprinkler irrigation were used in a simulated retail environment to maintain annual and perennial plants in containers for various time periods during summer and winter. Combining the results from both seasons, four species with dense canopies had larger canopy sizes when maintained on the capillary mats, three species requiring more drainage had larger canopies with overhead irrigation, and five species were unaffected by irrigation systems. Substrate electrical conductivity was higher for some species in winter for plants on capillary mats, conserving fertilizer compared with overhead irrigation. Most species tolerated either irrigation system well. Water application was 71% less in summer and 62% less in winter to maintain plants on capillary mats compared with overhead irrigation. An economic analysis compared the investment required for setup and maintenance of plants in a retail situation using hand watering, overhead sprinkler, or capillary mat irrigation. The partial budget indicates that capillary mats are a labor-saving alternative to hand watering in a retail nursery and will compensate for the higher initial investment within less than 1 year. The overhead sprinklers are the most cost-effective system of the three because of less costly initial set-up and maintenance than the capillary mats; however, they are not a true alternative to hand watering in a retail situation because they interfere with customer traffic and worker activities.
- Osgood, D. E., Teegerstrom, T., & Tronstad, R. (2004). The Role of Electronic Technologies for Reaching Underserved Audiences. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 86(3), 767-771.
- Tronstad, R., Teegerstrom, T., & Osgood, D. E. (2004). Role of technology for reaching underserved audiences. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 86(3), 767-771.
- Tronstad, R., & Teegerstrom, T. (2003). Economics of sale weight, herd size, supplementation, and seasonal factors. Journal of Range Management, 56(5), 425-431.More infoAbstract: A growth function for range calves is estimated using a polynomial function of calf age that accounts for weather variation, sex, prior calf weights relative to a norm, and a compensatory gain factor. Data on rainfall plus calf weights at birth and when calves were roughly 3, 8, 12, and 20 months of age are used to estimate the growth function. This function is then used to determine the economic trade-off between herd size and calf sale weights, for both spring and fall sale dates. In addition, the profitability of feeding supplement is evaluated by increasing the rate of gain beyond that projected by the the polynomial age growth function for southeast and central Arizona grazing environments when forage and nutrients are limited. Using prices from 1980 to 1998, results indicate that the most profitable herd mix, sale date, and feeding protocol for the southeast Arizona region is 204 kg calves with no supplemental feeding and sales occurring in May. Supplemental feeding and sales occurring at 250 kg head-1 in May is the most profitable herd mix for the central Arizona region. More favorable average daily gain rates for May sales from the central versus southeast is why supplemental feeding is marginally better for the central region than feeding no supplement.
- Keister, Z. O., Moss, K. D., Zhang, H. M., Teegerstrom, T., Edling, R. A., Collier, R. J., & Ax, R. L. (2002). Physiological sresponses in thermal stressed Jersey cows subjected to different management strategie. Journal of Dairy Science, 85(12), 3217-3224.More infoPMID: 12512595;Abstract: The effects of cooling and recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on milk yield, reproductive performance, and health of Jersey cattle during summer thermal stress were measured for 2 yr. Cows were assigned to one of two groups based upon days in milk (DIM), parity, and genetic index. Year 1 and year 2 control cows (n = 143, n = 183, respectively) were housed in a pen with only shades. Cooled treatment cows each year (n = 142, n = 180) were housed with a spray and fan system for evaporative cooling. Cows were assigned at various days postpartum, not before d 63, coincident with commencement of rbST injections. One half of cows in each group received rbST on d 63 postpartum. Cows were assigned to the shade trial ranging from d 63 to 190. Cooled versus noncooled DIM were similar at the start of the trial. Trials began on July 1, 1999, and July 1, 2000, and concluded on September 30, 1999, and September 25, 2000. The ANOVA of daily milk weight data was conducted utilizing a 2 x 2 factorial design with cooling and rbST treatments as main effects. Cooling in combination with rbST increased milk yield compared with no cooling and no rbST for 1999 and 2000 (25.5 versus 21.8 kg/ d, and 23.7 versus 20.5 kg/d, respectively). In general, cooling improved health and reproductive performance.
- Husman, S. H., McCloskey, W. B., Teegerstrom, T., & Clay, P. A. (2000). Agronomic and economic evaluation of ultra narrow row cotton production in Arizona in 1999. 2000 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 653-657.More infoAbstract: An experiment was conducted at the University of Arizona Maricopa Agricultural Center, Maricopa, Arizona in 1999 to compare and evaluate agronomic and economic differences between Ultra Narrow Row (UNR) and conventional cotton row spacing systems with respect to yield, fiber quality, earliness potential, plant growth and development, and production costs. Row spacing was 10 and 40 inches for the UNR and conventional systems, respectively. Two varieties were evaluated within each row spacing. Sure Grow 747 (SG 747) and Delta Pine 429RR (DP 429RR). Lygus populations were extremely high in the Maricopa, Arizona region in 1999 which resulted in poor fruit retention from early through mid-season. As a result of poor boll load through mid-season, the UNR plots were irrigated and grown later into the season than desired along with the conventional cotton in order to set and develop a later season boll load. The mean lint yield averaged across row spacing was significantly greater (P=0.05) in the UNR row spacing at 1334 lb/A than for the conventional row spacing at 1213 lb/A. SG 747 produced 1426 and 1337lb/A of lint in the UNR and conventional systems, respectively. DP429RR produced 1242 and 1089 lb/A of lint in the UNR and conventional systems respectively. Fiber grades were all 21 or 31 in both UNR and conventional systems. Micronaire was 4.9 or less in both varieties within the UNR system. Micronaire was high at 5.3 in the conventionally produced SG747 resulting in discount but was acceptable at 4.7 in the conventionally produced DP 429RR. Length and strength measurements met base standards in all cotton variety and row spacing combinations. Neither the conventional or the UNR cotton production systems were profitable due primarily to high chemical insect control costs and early season boll loss. However, UNR production costs were lower by $0.09 per pound than in the conventional system on a cash cost basis and $0.14 per pound lower when considering total costs including variable and ownership costs.
Proceedings Publications
- Curtis, K., Slocum, S., Teegerstrom, T., Bishop, C., & Landis, M. (2016, October). Innovative Food Tourism Development Strategies for Sustainability on American Indian Reservations. In Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, Curtis, K., S. Slocum, T. Teegerstrom, C. Bishop, and M. Landis, “Innovative Food Tourism Development Strategies for Sustainability on American Indian Reservations.” Selected paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 2016..More infoA selected paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 2016.
- Teegerstrom, T., Ellsworth, P. C., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2020, November). Public Health IPM Education – Honoring and empowering tribal nations and indigenous peoples. 2020 Entomological Society of America Virtual Annual Meeting. November 11–25, 2020.More info1220 views. On-demand presentation available for 3068 meeting registrants.
- Teegerstrom, T., Ellsworth, P. C., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2020, November). Public Health IPM Education – Honoring and empowering tribal nations and indigenous peoples. 2020 Entomology Society of America Virtual Annual Meeting. November 11 – 25, 2020.More info1220 views. On-demand presentation available for 3068 meeting registrants.
- Teegerstrom, T., Ellsworth, P. C., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Teegerstrom, T., Ellsworth, P. C., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., , Fournier, A. J., et al. (2020, November). Public Health IPM Education – Honoring and empowering tribal nations and indigenous peoples. 2020 Entomology Virtual Annual Meeting. November 11 – 25, 2020.More info1220 views. On-demand presentation available for 3068 meeting registrants.
- Ellsworth, P. C., Fournier, A. J., Teegerstrom, T., Rivadeneira, P., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2019, August). Effective Partnerships in Public Health IPM Education in American Indian Communities. National Environmental Health Association Integrated Pest Management Solutions in Environmental Health Virtual Conference. Virtual Conference: National Environmental Health Association.More info158 views. 106 NEHA CEUs
- Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Teegerstrom, T., Rivadeneira, P., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2019, 08-29-2019). Effective Partnerships in Public Health IPM Education in American Indian Communities. NEHA Pest-Control through Environmentally Sustainable Treatments (PEST) Virtual Conference, August 28-29, 2019.More info158 participants. 106 NEHA CEUs.
- Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Teegerstrom, T., Rivadeneira, P., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2019, October). Effective Partnerships in IPM Education in Indian Communities. Tribal/EPA Region 9 Conference. Maricopa, AZ 85138. October 22-24, 2019.
- Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Teegerstrom, T., Rivadeneira, P., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Teegerstrom, T., Rivadeneira, P., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., , Reese, S., et al. (2019, 10-22-2019). Effective Partnerships in IPM Education in Indian Communities. Tribal/EPA Region 9 Conference. Maricopa, AZ 85138. October 22-24, 2019..
- Livingston, M. R., & Teegerstrom, T. -. (2013, April). Risk Management Education Herd Health GrantHopi Reservation 2012. 2013 Extension Risk Management Education National Conference. Denver, CO: Extension Risk Management Education.
- Teegerstrom, T. -. (2013, July). University of Arizona Extension. USDA Strike Force Arizona Meeting. Scottsdale,: USDA.
- Teegerstrom, T. -. (2013, May). Ag Help Wanted Overview. Western Interstate Region National Association of Counties Annual Conference. Flagstaff: Western Interstate Region National Association of Counties.
- Teegerstrom, T. -. (2011, December). Livestock Recordkeeping and Tax Considerations presentations. IAC-INCA Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV: IAC-INCA.
Poster Presentations
- Dierig, D., Evancho, B. E., Ray, D. T., Waller, P. M., Mccloskey, W. B., Teegerstrom, T., Teegerstrom, T., Mccloskey, W. B., Waller, P. M., Ray, D. T., Dierig, D., Evancho, B. E., Dierig, D., Waller, P. M., Teegerstrom, T., Mccloskey, W. B., Ray, D. T., & Evancho, B. E. (2020, October). Guayule Production in the Arid Southwest. Arizona Cooperative Extension 2020 Virtual Conference. Virtual: Arizona Cooperative Extension.
- Ellsworth, P. C., Teegerstrom, T., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Gouge, D. H., & Li, S. (2020, October). Honoring and Empowering Tribal Nations and Indigenous Peoples Through IPM Education and Emergency Preparedness. 2020 Arizona Cooperative Extension Virtual Conference. October 6-8, 2020.
- Ellsworth, P. C., Teegerstrom, T., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Fournier, A. J., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Ellsworth, P. C., Teegerstrom, T., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., , Fournier, A. J., et al. (2020, October 6-8). Honoring and Empowering Tribal Nations and Indigenous Peoples Through IPM Education and Emergency Preparedness. 2020 Arizona Cooperative Extension Virtual Conference. October 6-8, 2020.
- Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Teegerstrom, T., Rivadeneira, P., Rivadeneira, P., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Brophy, M., Reese, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Nair, S., Gouge, D. H., Li, S., Fournier, A. J., Ellsworth, P. C., Teegerstrom, T., Rivadeneira, P., Rivadeneira, P., Ernst, K. C., , Walker, K. R., et al. (2019, 08-06-2019). Public Health IPM Education in American Indian Communities. 2019 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference.More info8/6/19. Li, S., Gouge, D.H., Nair, S., Dorame-Avalos, A., Reese, S.K., Brophy, M., Walker, K.C., Ernst, K.C., Rivadeneira, P., Teegerstrom, T., Ellsworth, P.C. and Fournier, A.J. (presented the poster). 2019. Public Health IPM Education in American Indian Communities. Poster presentation. 2019 Arizona Cooperative Extension Conference. Westin La Paloma Resort, 3800 E. Sunrise Dr., Tucson, AZ 85718. August 6-7, 2019.
- Li, S., Fournier, A. J., Gouge, D. H., Ellsworth, P. C., Nair, S., Teegerstrom, T., Dorame-Avalos, A., Rivadeneira, P., Reese, S. K., Ernst, K. C., Walker, K. R., Walker, K. R., Reese, S. K., Ernst, K. C., Dorame-Avalos, A., Rivadeneira, P., Teegerstrom, T., Nair, S., Ellsworth, P. C., , Gouge, D. H., et al. (2019, August). Public Health IPM Education in American Indian Communities. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Annual In-Service Training. Tucson, Arizona.
- Tronstad, R. E., Teegerstrom, T., Schuch, U. K., Tronstad, R. E., Teegerstrom, T., & Schuch, U. K. (2015, Sept). Growing the Management Skills of Native American and Limited-Resource Beginning Farmers in the Southwest. 2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program and Federally Recognized Tribal Extension Program. Reno, NV: USDA NIFA.
Other Teaching Materials
- Ward, R., Teegerstrom, T., Salisbury, K., Curtis, K., Emm, S., & Bishop, C. (2017. Agribusiness Management Curriculum. Utah State University and University of Arizona.More infoThe overall objective of the business management curriculum is to help prospective entrepreneurs develop their ideas, find markets for them, generate financial statements and budgets, and navigate the tax issues that arise from being self-employed. There are seven modules in the business management curriculum, each of which addresses a topic that will help entrepreneurs gain traction in developing their idea.
- Ward, R., Teegerstrom, T., Salisbury, K., Curtis, K., Emm, S., & Bishop, C. (2016. Money Management Curriculum. Utah State University and University of Arizona.More infoThe objective of the money management curriculum is to help students understand their financial standing and create a plan that will help them succeed in improving their financial future. There are eight modules in the money management curriculum and each module addresses a topic that will help students take control of their finances.The modules can be presented in an eight week teaching series, each module could be a standalone presentation if we don’t take into account the overlying objective of creating a financial plan as well. The presentation of the modules can be between 1-2 hours, depending on how interactive you are with your audience, and the amount of examples that you incorporate.
- Alden, E. A., Teegerstrom, T., Benally, J. Y., Livingston, M. R., Moore, G. R., Alden, E. A., Teegerstrom, T., Benally, J. Y., Livingston, M. R., & Moore, G. R. (2016, December). Update on Federally Recognized Tribal Extension Program (FRTEP) in Arizona. National FRTEP meeting.
- Teegerstrom, T., & Tronstad, R. E. (2017, March 24, 2017). Arizona Ranching Budgets: 2016. UA Cooperative Extension Publication #az1734.
- Teegerstrom, T., Tronstad, R., & Schuch, U. K. (2016, Summer). Crop Pocket RecordKeeping Workbook. AREC Printing and Compiling.More infoCrop Pocket Record Keeping Workbook
- Schuch, U. K., & Teegerstrom, T. (2015, March). Navigating Production Risks in the Nursery. American Nurseryman. http://www.amerinursery.com/nursery-insight/navigating-production-risks-in-the-nursery/
- Alden, E. A., Teegerstrom, T., Benally, J. Y., Livingston, M. R., & Moore, G. R. (2014, December). Update on Federally Recognized Tribal Extension Program (FRTEP) in Arizona. National FRTEP meeting.
- Teegerstrom, T., & Schuch, U. (2011, Fall). Is Nursery Insurance Practical to Manage Risk in your Business?. UCFNA.More infoVolume 15, Issue 3, pgs 18-20
- Teegerstrom, T., & Tronstad, R. (2011, Fall). Revised Livestock RecordKeeping Workbook. AREC Printing and Compiling.More infoLivestock Record Keeping Workbook
- Tronstad, R. E., Kerna, A., Frisvold, G. B., & Teegerstrom, T. (2014, May). The Contribution of the Beef Industry to the Arizona Economy. http://ag.arizona.edu/arec/pubs/beefindustryeconcontrib.html
- Teegerstrom, T. -., Teegerstrom, T. -., Nakamoto, S., Nakamoto, S., Tronstad, R. E., & Tronstad, R. E. (2013, June). Producer Business Checkup. Univeristy of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Bulletin.
- Teegerstrom, T., & Schuch, U. (2012, December). Policy of Protection: Learn how nursery crop insurance helps manage the risk in your business. Nursery Management.More infoExact Date: 12/07/2012
- Teegerstrom, T., Tronstad, R., & Nakamoto, S. (2012, November). An Overview of Risk Management Agency Insurance Products and Farm Service Agency Programs Available for Arizona Producers as of December 2012 Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin. Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin AZ1587, November 2012.
- Teegerstrom, T. -. (2010, Fall). Evaluation and Recommendations on the Cultural Appropriateness of the Western Center of Risk Management Education Grant Program. The Western Center for Risk Management Education at Washington State University Extension.
- Teegerstrom, T. -. (2010, Fall). Revised Crop RecordKeeping Workbook.