Patricia M Sias
- Standardized Patient
- (520) 621-1553
- AHSC, Rm. 3240
- Tucson, AZ 85724-5120
- psias@arizona.edu
- 2019 International Journal of Business Communication Article of the Year
- Association of Business Communication, Fall 2019
No activities entered.
2020-21 Courses
COMM 920 (Spring 2021) -
COMM 920 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Appl Organizational Comm
COMM 312 (Spring 2020) -
COMM 920 (Spring 2020) -
Intro to Org Comm
COMM 310 (Spring 2020) -
COMM 900 (Spring 2020) -
Comm & Leadership
COMM 404 (Fall 2019) -
Independent Study
COMM 699 (Fall 2019) -
Intro to Org Comm
COMM 310 (Fall 2019) -
COMM 900 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Appl Organizational Comm
COMM 312 (Spring 2019) -
Intro to Org Comm
COMM 310 (Spring 2019) -
COMM 900 (Spring 2019) -
Comm & Leadership
COMM 404 (Fall 2018) -
Intro to Org Comm
COMM 310 (Fall 2018) -
COMM 900 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Org Comm Theory
COMM 696O (Spring 2018) -
COMM 900 (Spring 2018) -
COMM 910 (Spring 2018) -
Comm & Leadership
COMM 404 (Fall 2017) -
Independent Study
COMM 599 (Fall 2017) -
Intro to Org Comm
COMM 310 (Fall 2017) -
COMM 900 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Independent Study
COMM 599 (Spring 2017) -
Intro to Org Comm
COMM 310 (Spring 2017) -
COMM 900 (Spring 2017) -
Appl Organizational Comm
COMM 312 (Fall 2016) -
Intro to Org Comm
COMM 310 (Fall 2016) -
COMM 900 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Intro to Org Comm
COMM 310 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Sias, P. M. (2009). Organizing relationships: Traditional and emerging perspectives on workplace relationships. Sage.
- Salvador, M., & Sias, P. M. (1998). The public voice in a democracy at risk. Greenwood Publishing Group.
- Sias, P. M., & Shin, Y. (2019). Organizational Socialization. In Origins and traditions of organizational communication: A comprehensive introduction to the field(pp 149-167). New York: Routledge.
- Sias, P. M., & Shin, Y. (2019). Workplace Relationships. In Origins and traditions of organizational communication: A comprehensive introduction to the field(pp 187-206). New York: Routledge.
- Gill, M. J. (2015). Incivility in the Workplace. In The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication(pp 1--9).
- Sias, P. M. (2014). Romantic relationships in the workplace.. In International encyclopedia of interpersonal communication.. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Sias, P. M. (2015). Romantic Relationships in the Workplace. In The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication(pp 1--5).
- Sias, P. M., & Sias, P. M. (2014). Workplace friendships. In International encyclopedia of interpersonal communication.. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Kramer, M. W., & Sias, P. M. (2014). 20 Interpersonal communication in formal organizations. In Handbook of Interpersonal communication(p. 467).
- Sias, P. M. (2014). Implications of communication research for improving employee development policies, procedures, and functions.. In V.D. Miller & M.E. Gordon). Meeting the challenge of human resource management: A communication perspective(pp 145-152). New York: Routledge.
- Sias, P. M. (2014). Workplace relationships. In The SAGE handbook of organizational communication: Advances in theory, research, and methods(pp 375--400).
- Sias, P. M., & Kopaneva, I. (2014). Leadership relationships and organizational culture.. In (M. Marchiori, Ed.) Faces of organizational communication, Vol. 6(pp 35-48). Brazil: Difusao Editora.
- Sias, P. M., & Kraimer, M. (2014). Interpersonal communication in formal organizations.. In (C. Berger, Ed.), Handbook of communication science: Interpersonal communication, Vol. 6(pp 467-492). Berlin, Germany: DeGruyter Mouton.
- Sias, P. M., & Gallagher, E. B. (2013). Effective New Employee Socialization. In Workplace Communication for the 21st Century: Tools and Strategies that Impact the Bottom Line [2 volumes]: Tools and Strategies That Impact the Bottom Line(p. 83).
- Sias, P. (2009). Social ostracism, cliques, and outcasts. In Destructive organizational communication: Processes, consequences, and constructive ways of organizing(pp 145--163).
- Sias, P. M., & Gallagher, E. (2009). Developing, maintaining and disengaging from workplace friendships. In Friends and Enemies in Organizations(pp 78--100). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
- Sias, P. M. (2008). Supervisor--Subordinate Relationships. In The International Encyclopedia of Communication.
- Sias, P. M., & Bartoo, H. (2007). Friendship, social support, and health. In Low-cost approaches to promote physical and mental health(pp 455--472). Springer, New York, NY.
- Sias, P. M. (2006). Workplace friendship deterioration. In Problematic relationships in the workplace(pp 69--87).
- Sias, P. M., Krone, K. J., & Jablin, F. M. (2002). An ecological systems perspective on workplace relationships. In Handbook of interpersonal communication(pp 615--642).
- Jablin, F. M., & Sias, P. M. (2000). Communication Competence. In The New Handbook of Organizational Communication: Advances in Theory, Research, and Methods(pp 819--864). SAGE.
- Jablin, F. M., Miller, V. D., & Sias, P. M. (1999). Communication and interaction processes. In The employment interview handbook. London: Sage.
- Sias, P. M. (1998). Continuing the Conversation in a Democracy Always at Risk. In The Public Voice. Ed. Michael Salvador and Patricia M. Sias. Westport, CT: Praeger(pp 191--99).
- Hopper, R., Ward, J. A., Thomason, W. R., & Sias, P. M. (1995). Two types of institutional disclaimers at the cancer information service. In The talk of the clinic(pp 171--184).
- Sias, P. M., & Duncan, K. L. (2019). “I know it’s not your job but…”: Extra-role tasks, communication, and leader-member exchange relationships.. Communication Quarterly, 67(4), 355-382. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/01463373.2019.1596142
- Sias, P. M., & Duncan, K. (2018). Not just for customers anymore: Organization Facebook, employee social capital, and organizational identification.. International Journal of Business Communication., Online First 2018.
- Cubillas, S., Mars, M. M., Torres, R. M., & Sias, P. M. (2017). Touristic authenticity and value co-creation: An exploration of two local wineries in Southeastern Arizona, USA. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 12(1).
- Cubillas, S., Sias, P. M., Mars, M. M., Torres, R. M., Torres, R. M., Mars, M. M., Cubillas, S., & Sias, P. M. (2017). Tourist Authenticity and Value Co-Creation: An Exploration of Two Local Wineries in Southeastern Arizona, USA. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 12(1), 34-54.
- Sias, P. M. (2017). Company Facebook and Organizational Identification. Communication Research Reports, 34(4), 335-343.
- Cubillas, S., Mars, M. M., Torres, R. M., & Sias, P. M. (2016). Tourism and Customer Co-Creation: Cases in the Development of Two Wineries in the Sonoita-Elgin Wine Region. Journal of Rural and Community Development.
- Kopaneva, I., & Sias, P. M. (2015). Lost in translation: Employee and company constructions of organizational mission and vision. Management Communication Quarterly.
- Kopaneva, I., & Sias, P. M. (2015). Lost in translation: Employee and organizational constructions of mission and vision. Management Communication Quarterly, 29(3), 358--384.
- Sias, P. M., Gallagher, E. B., Kopaneva, I., & Pedersen, H. (2012). Maintaining workplace friendships: Perceived politeness and predictors of maintenance tactic choice. Communication Research, 39(2), 239--268.
- Sias, P. M., Pedersen, H., Gallagher, E. B., & Kopaneva, I. (2012). Workplace friendship in the electronically connected organization. Human Communication Research, 38(3), 253--279.
- Bryant, E. M., & Sias, P. M. (2011). Making Sense of Workplace Deception. Communication Currents, 6(2).
- Bryant, E. M., & Sias, P. M. (2011). Sensemaking and relational consequences of peer co-worker deception. Communication Monographs, 78(1), 115--137.
- Silva, D., & Sias, P. M. (2010). Connection, restructuring, and buffering: How groups link individuals and organizations. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 38(2), 145--166.
- Gallagher, E. B., & Sias, P. M. (2009). The new employee as a source of uncertainty: Veteran employee information seeking about new hires. Western Journal of Communication, 73(1), 23--46.
- Sias, P. M., Drzewiecka, J. A., Meares, M., Bent, R., Konomi, Y., Ortega, M., & White, C. (2008). Intercultural friendship development. Communication reports, 21(1), 1--13.
- Fix, B., & Sias, P. M. (2006). Person-centered communication, leader-member exchange, and employee job satisfaction. Communication Research Reports, 23(1), 35--44.
- Sias, P. M. (2005). Workplace relationship quality and employee information experiences. Communication studies, 56(4), 375--395.
- Tidwell, M., & Sias, P. (2005). Personality and information seeking: Understanding how traits influence information-seeking behaviors. The Journal of Business Communication (1973), 42(1), 51--77.
- Bartoo, H., & Sias, P. M. (2004). When enough is too much: Communication apprehension and employee information experiences. Communication quarterly, 52(1), 15--26.
- Sias, P. M., & Perry, T. (2004). Disengaging from workplace relationships: A research note. Human Communication Research, 30(4), 589--602.
- Sias, P. M., Heath, R. G., Perry, T., Silva, D., & Fix, B. (2004). Narratives of workplace friendship deterioration. Journal of Social and Personal relationships, 21(3), 321--340.
- Sias, P. M., Smith, G., & Avdeyeva, T. (2003). Sex and sex-composition differences and similarities in peer workplace friendship development. Communication Studies, 54(3), 322--340.
- Chen, T. C., Drzewiecka, J. A., & Sias, P. M. (2001). Dialectical tensions in Taiwanese international student friendships. Communication Quarterly, 49(1), QR57.
- Sias, P. M., & Wyers, T. D. (2001). Employee uncertainty and information-seeking in newly formed expansion organizations. Management Communication Quarterly, 14(4), 549--573.
- Heath, R. G., & Sias, P. M. (1999). Communicating spirit in a collaborative alliance. Journal of Applied Communication Research.
- Sias, P. M., & Cahill, D. J. (1998). From coworkers to friends: The development of peer friendships in the workplace. Western Journal of Communication (includes Communication Reports), 62(3), 273--299.
- Cahill, D. J., & Sias, P. M. (1997). The perceived social costs and importance of seeking emotional support in the workplace: Gender differences and similarities. Communication Research Reports, 14(2), 231--240.
- Odden, C. M., & Sias, P. M. (1997). Peer communication relationships and psychological climate. Communication Quarterly, 45(3), 153--166.
- Sias, P. M., Kramer, M. W., & Jenkins, E. (1997). A comparison of the communication behaviors of temporary employees and new hires. Communication Research, 24(6), 731--754.
- Sias, P. M., Kramer, M. W., & Jenkins, E. (1997). and new hires.(Communication in the Age of the Disposable Worker). Communication Research, 24(6), 24.
- Sias, P. M. (1996). Constructing perceptions of differential treatment: An analysis of coworker discourse. Communications Monographs, 63(2), 171--187.
- Sias, P. M., & Odden, C. (1996). The next best thing to being there: A test of the joint conversation reconstruction method. Communication Research Reports, 13(1), 35--42.
- Lang, A., Sias, P. M., Chantrill, P., & Burek, J. A. (1995). Tell me a story: Narrative elaboration and memory for television. Communication Reports, 8(2), 102--110.
- Sias, P. M., & Jablin, F. M. (1995). Differential Superior-Subordinate Relations, perceptions of fairness, and coworker communication. Human Communication Research, 22(1), 5--38.
Proceedings Publications
- Sias, P. M. (2014). IMPLICATIONS OF COMMUNICATION RESEARCH FOR IMPROVING DEVELOPING POLICIES, PROCEDURES, AND FUNCTIONS. In Meeting the Challenge of Human Resource Management: A Communication Perspective.
- Mars, M. M., Schau, H. J., & Sias, P. M. (2017, June). The localization of local food systems: Public narratives and taste regimes across the Western United States.. Annual Meeting and Conference of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society. Los Angeles, CA: Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society.
- Mars, M. M., Schau, H. J., & Sias, P. M. (2017, June). The localization of local food systems: Public narratives and taste regimes across the Western United States. Annual Meeting and Conference of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society. Los Angeles, CA: Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society.
- Schau, H. J., Mars, M. M., & Sias, P. M. (2017, July). Edible Magazine: A primer on local food systems and regional cuisine. Consumer Culture Theory Annual Conference. Irvine, CA: Consumer Culture Theory.
- Krone, K. J., Kramer, M. W., & Sias, P. M. (2010). Theoretical developments in organizational communication research.
- Sias, P. M. (1993). The impact of differential superior-subordinate relations on coworker communication: A fairness perspective.