L Penny Rosenblum
- (520) 621-1223
- EDUCATION, Rm. 412
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0069
- rosenblu@arizona.edu
Dr. Rosenblum is a Professor of Practice in the Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies at The University of Arizona where she joined the faculty in August 1999. In July 2016 she became the Project Director for a 3 year research study, AnimalWatch Vi: Building Graphics Literacy, funded by the US Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences.
She also prepares teachers to work with children with visual impairments (TVIs) and has previously coordinated teacher preparation programs in Arizona and Nevada.
As a person with low vision Dr. Rosenblum is able to share first-hand information with future teachers about the impact of a visual impairment on the lives of children and adults. Dr. Rosenblum has been a teacher of children with visual impairments for 30 years. She is especially interested in the social aspects of having a disability and in how best to prepare teachers to meet both the academic and social needs of children.
Dr. Rosenblum received her bachelor’s degree from Kutztown University in Pennsylvania (1986), her master’s from Vanderbilt University in Tennessee (1989), and the her doctorate from The University of Arizona (1997). Her dissertation examined the best friendships of 40 adolescents with visual impairment. She is the co-author of Finding Wheels with Dr. Anne Corn. This curriculum is designed to assist adolescents with visual impairments to explore their options as nondrivers. With staff at the American Printing House for the Blind she produced the video Reclaiming Independence: Staying in the Driver’s Seat When You No Longer Drive and wrote the accompanying resource guide. She has published over 30 articles in journals, has written book chapters, and curricula. Dr. Rosenblum has presented workshops in many states, several Canadian provinces, at an early intervention conference in Doha, Qatar in April 2011, and in three US cities in Australia. She speaks on topics ranging from non driving for individuals with visual impairments, social skills, early braille literacy, tactile graphics, and Nemeth code.
Dr. Rosenblum has worked as a consultant for the Hadley School for the Blind in the development of curriculum for family members of children with visual impairments, paraprofessionals working with children with additional disabilities, and nondriving. She has worked with the American Foundation for the Blind, specifically on the development of content for the FamilyConnect web site. Dr. Rosenblum worked for Touch Graphics, a New York based company, on the development of the Authoring Tool to be used with the Talking Tactile Tablet.
- Ph.D. Special Education and Rehabilitation
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Rosenblum, L. P. (1997). Friendship Dyads of Adolescents with Visual Impairment. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1997). Dissertation Abstracts International, 58, (04A), 1247. (University Microfilms No. AAG 97229535).
- M.Ed. Special Education
- Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States
- B.S. Elementary Education and Special Education
- Kutztown University, Kutztown, Pennsylvania, United States
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2014 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2012 - Ongoing)
Licensure & Certification
- Arizona Teaching Credential: Visual Impairment, Arizona Dept. of Education (2014)
- South Carolina Teaching Credential: Visual Impairment and Elementary Education, South Carolina Department of Education (1990)
Visual impairment courses (e.g., SERP 421-521 Introduction to Visual Impairment and Deafblindness, SERP 423a-523a Braille 1, SERP 423b-523b Braille 2, and SERP 424-524 Methods of Teaching Students with Visual Impairments)
braille, Nemeth code, tactile graphics, abacus, social skills, nondriving, personnel preparation
2019-20 Courses
Intro to Low Incidence Disabl
SERP 202 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Independent Study
SERP 599 (Summer I 2019)
2017-18 Courses
Independent Study
SERP 599 (Summer I 2018)
2016-17 Courses
Independent Study
SERP 599 (Summer I 2017) -
Professional Writing I
SERP 695M (Spring 2017)
2015-16 Courses
Independent Study
SERP 599 (Summer I 2016) -
SERP 593 (Summer I 2016) -
Braille II
SERP 523B (Spring 2016) -
SERP 593 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Wolffe, K. E., Rosenblum, L. P., & Cleveland, J. (2014). Self-determination. In Essentials: Teaching the expanded core curriculum to students with visual impairments(pp 470-5). AFB Press.
- Herzberg, T. S., Rosenblum, L. P., & Robbins, M. (2017). Teachers' experiences with literacy instruction for dual-media students who use print and braille. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 111(1), 49-59.
- Herzberg, T. S., Rosenblum, L. P., & Robbins, M. (2016). Results of an online refresher course to build braille transcription skills. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 110(4), 269-273.
- McCarthy, T., Rosenblum, L. P., Johnson, B., Dittel, J., & Kearns, D. M. (2016). The artificial intelligence tutor: A supplementary tool for teaching and practicing braille. , 110(5), .. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 110(5).
- Trief, E., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2016). The use of the library of video excerpts (L.O.V.E.) in personnel preparation programs. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 110(2), 123-128.
- Beal, C. R., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2014). Use of an Accessible iPad App and Graphics: Feasibility Study Result. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 109(5), 383-394.
- Rosenblum, L. P., & Herzberg, T. S. (2015). Youth with Visual Impairments Share Their Experiences with Braille and Tactile Graphics. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 109(3), 173-184.More info. .
- Herzberg, T. S., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2014). Print to Braille: Preparation and accuracy of K-12 mathematics materials. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 108(5), 355-367.
- Beal, C. R., Rosenblum, L. P., Beal, C. R., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2016, July). An iPad App and Graphics that Build Math Word Problem Solving Skills. Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired International Conference. Jacksonville, FL: Associatoin for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Herzberg, T. S., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2016, July). Transition from Print to Braille: Focus Groups Share Their Thoughts. Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired International Conference. Jacksonville, FL: Associatoin for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Hong, S., Rosenblum, L. P., & Campbell, A. (2016, July). Transition to and Implementation of UEB: Experiences of University Instructors and TVIs. 2016 AER International Conference. Jacksonville, FL..
- Herzberg, T. S., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, Fall). TVIs Share Your Experiences and Ideas for the Successful Transition of Students From Print to Braille. Getting in Touch with Literacy.
- Herzberg, T. S., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, November). Dual Media Learners: Assessment and Instructional Strategies Used by TVI. Getting in Touch with Literacy.
- Hong, S., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, Mar. 19-22). App Rap. 2015 56th annual conference California Transcribers and Educators for the blind and visually impaired. San Francisco, CA.
- Hong, S., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, March 19-22). Cranmer Abacus Hands-On Practice. 2015 56th annual conference California Transcribers and Educators for the blind and visually impaired. San Francisco, CA.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, April). Ideas for Families and Teachers of Young Children for Meaningful Braille Engagement. California Transcribers and Educators of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, April). Increasing Students' Word Problem Solving Skills Through an iPad App. American Foundation for the Blind Leadership Conference.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, April). Math App to Build Students' Word Problem Solving Skills. Principles of Schools for the Blind Math/Science Institute.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, April). Supporting Adults in the Transition from Driving to Nondriving.. American Foundation for the Blind Leadership Conference.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, April). Use of an iPad and Tactile Graphics by 5th to 9th Graders who are Building Their Math Word Problem Solving Skills. California Transcribers and Educators of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, March). Development of a math-learning app for students with visual impairments. 30th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, November). Developing Braille Literacy Skills for Young Children, Dual Readers, and Children with Additional Disabilities. Region 4 Service Center Inservice Training.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, November). Making it as a Nondriver: Strategies for Youths with Visual Impairments. Region 4 Service Center Inservice Training.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, November). Supporting Literacy Development of Students with Low Vision. Developing Braille Literacy Skills for Young Children, Dual Readers, and Children with Additional Disabilities.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2015, November). UEB: It's more than 9 contractions going away. Arizona Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Rosenblum, L. P., & Erin, J. N. (2015, November). Problem Solving: Comparison of an iPad App and Traditional Methods.. Getting in Touch with Literacy.
- Rosenblum, L. P., & Herzberg, T. S. (2015, November). University Instructors Focus Group: Hot Topics in the Transition from Print to Braille.. Getting in Touch with Literacy Conference.
- Erin, J. N., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, August). AnimalWatch Vi Suite: An iPad App to Build Math Word Problem Solving Skills. Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired International Conference. San Antonio, Texas: Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired International Conference.
- Herzberg, T. S., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, April). Examining Braille and Tactile Graphics: Multiple Perspective Including What Youth Have to Say. North Carolina Conference on Visual Impairment and Blindness.. Winston-Salem, North Carolina: North Carolina Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Hong, S., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, April). Cranmer Abacus: Hands-on Practice. California Transcribers and Educators of the Blind and Visually Impaired. Los Angels: California Transcribers and Educators of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- McCarthy, T., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, April). Using Artificial Intelligence to Reinforce Braille Instruction. North Carolina Conference on Visual Impairment and Blindness.. Winston-Salem, North Carolina: North Carolina Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- McCarthy, T., & Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, August). Using Artificial Intelligence to Reinforce Braille Instruction.. Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired International Conference. San Antonio, Texas: Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired International Conference.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, April). Let’s Get Social: Supporting Youth in Developing Age Appropriate Social Skills. North Carolina Conference on Visual Impairment and Blindness.. Winston-Salem, North Carolina: North Carolina Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, April). Making It As a Nondriver in the 21st Century... North Carolina Conference on Visual Impairment and Blindness.. Winston-Salem, North Carolina: North Carolina Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, April). Options for Nondrivers with Visual Impairments.. North Carolina Conference on Visual Impairment and Blindness.. Winston-Salem, North Carolina: North Carolina Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, April). Strategies for Supporting Your Child's Development of Early Braille Literacy Skills.. California Transcribers and Educators of the Blind and Visually Impaired. Los Angels: California Transcribers and Educators of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, April). The AnimalWatch Vi Suite Project. California Transcribers and Educators of the Blind and Visually Impaired. Los Angels: California Transcribers and Educators of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, May). Assuring Accurately Produced Braille for Youth Who are Braille Reader. Round Table on Information Access for People with Print Disabilities. Brisbane, Australia: Round Table on Information Access for People with Print Disabilities.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, May). Increasing the mathematics competence of youth with vision impairment through the AnimalWatch Vi Suite iPad App. Round Table on Information Access for People with Print Disabilities. Brisbane, Australia: Round Table on Information Access for People with Print Disabilities.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, November). AnimalWatch Vi Suite: An App to Build Math Word Problem Solving Skills. Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Ohio Conference. Dublin, Ohio: Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Ohio.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, November). Arizona Youth and Their Teachers: Experiences with an iPad App for Math. Arizona Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference. Sedona, Arizona: Arizona Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, November). Cycling from a Slightly Blurry Point of View: Rosenblum's Rules of the Road. Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Ohio Conference. Dublin, Ohio: Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Ohio.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, November). Developing Braille Literacy Skills for Tactile Readers. Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Ohio Conference. Dublin, Ohio: Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Ohio.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, November). Tune Up Your Braille Instruction Toolbox: Strategies to Try with Your Students. Arizona Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference. Sedona, Arizona: Arizona Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, November). When You Don’t Drive Due to Vision Loss: Strategies for Succeeding in a Car-Oriented Society. Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Ohio Conference. Dublin, Ohio: Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Ohio.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, October). We’re All Social: Ideas for Facilitating Social Development of Students with Visual Impairments. West Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind Fall Conference. Romney, West Virginia: West Virginia Department of Education.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, October). When You Don’t Drive Due to Vision Loss: Strategies for Succeeding in a Car-Oriented Society. West Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind Fall Conference. Romney, West Virginia: West Virginia Department of Education.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, September). We’re All Social: Ideas for Facilitating Social Development of Students with Visual Impairments. Utah Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, September). When You Don’t Drive Due to Vision Loss: Strategies for Succeeding in a Car-Oriented Society. Utah Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, october). We're All Social: Ideas for Facilitating Social Development of Students with Visual Impairments. Northern Rockies Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference. Pray, Montana: When you Don’t Drive Due to Vision Loss: Strategies for Succeeding in a Car-oriented Society.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, october). When you Don’t Drive Due to Vision Loss: Strategies for Succeeding in a Car-oriented Society. Northern Rockies Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference. Pray, Montana: When you Don’t Drive Due to Vision Loss: Strategies for Succeeding in a Car-oriented Society.
- Rosenblum, L. P., & Herzberg, T. S. (2014, August). Accurately Prepared Braille Materials Lead to Success.. Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired International Conference. San Antonio, Texas: Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired International Conference.
- Rosenblum, L. P., & Hong, S. (2014, April). App Rapp. California Transcribers and Educators of the Blind and Visually Impaired. Los Angels: California Transcribers and Educators of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Rosenblum, L. P., & Wheeler, J. (2014, march). UEB and You: A Brief Overview of the Unified English Braille Code. Arizona Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Conference. Phoenix, Arizona: Arizona Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Spring Meeting.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, August). Lesson 7: Putting the pieces together: Optimizing learning and. Hadley School for the Blind.More infoI wrote a lesson in a curriculum titled Teaching Children with Blindness and Multiple Disabilities. I also served as a technical consultant on the other 6 lessons working closely with the Hadley School for the Blind staff.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, August). Options for Nondrivers with Visual Impairments.. Region 6 Service Center, Huntsville, Texas.More infoProvided a full day workshop on nondriving to 10 participants.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, January). AnimalWatch Vi Suite User Guide for the Ipad App and Feasibility Study. University of Arizona.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, May). Developing Braille Literacy Skills for Young Children, Dual Readers, and Children with Additional Disabilitie. RIDBC Renwick Centre - Brisbane.More infoThis was a full day workshop for approximately 50 professionals.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, May). Developing Braille Literacy Skills for Young Children, Dual Readers, and Children with Additional Disabilitie. RIDBC Renwick Centre - Sydney.More infoThis was a full day workshop for approximately 50 professionals.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, May). Developing Braille Literacy Skills for Young Children, Dual Readers, and Children with Additional Disabilitie. RIDBC Renwick Centre -Melbourne.More infoThis was a full day workshop for approximately 20 professionals.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, May). Maths for Students with Visual Impairment Including the AnimalWatch Vi Suite App. RIDBC Renwick Centre - Sydney.More infoThis was a 2 hour workshop for 10 teachers.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, May). We’re All Social: Ideas for Facilitating Social Development of Students with Visual Impairments, Melbourne. RIDBC Renwick Centre -Melbourne.More infoThis was a half day workshop for approximately 20 professionals.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, May). We’re All Social: Ideas for Facilitating Social Development of Students with Visual Impairments. RIDBC Renwick Centre - Sydney.More infoThis was a half day workshop for approximately 20 professionals.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, May). When You Don't Drive Due to Vision Loss: Strategies for Succeeding in a Car Oriented Society. RIDBC Renwick Centre - Sydney.More infoThis was a half day workshop for approximately 30 professionals.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, May). When You Don't Drive Due to Vision Loss: Strategies for Succeeding in a Car Oriented Society. RIDBC Renwick Centre -Melbourne.More infoThis was a half day workshop for approximately 20 professionals.
- Rosenblum, L. P. (2014, October). AnimalWatch Vi Suite User Guide for the Ipad App and National Study. University of Arizona.