Ann I Zabludoff
- Professor, Astronomy
- Astronomer, Steward Observatory
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 626-2509
- Steward Observatory, Rm. 000314
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- aiz@arizona.edu
Ann Zabludoff is Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona. A Pennsylvania native, she obtained bachelor’s degrees in Physics (1986) and in Mathematics (1987) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She received master’s (1988) and doctoral (1993) degrees in Astronomy from Harvard University, where she was a NASA Graduate Student Research Fellow. She spent her postdoctoral years first as a Carnegie Fellow (1993–1996) at the Observatories of the Carnegie Institution in Pasadena, California, and then as a NASA Edwin P. Hubble Fellow (1996–1999) at the University of California in Santa Cruz. In 1999, she joined the Arizona faculty. She is a member of UA’s Data Science Institute, with interests in machine learning, image analysis, and large scale visualization.
Professor Zabludoff has led a wide range of studies across astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology. Her work includes analyses of large observational databases and theoretical simulations, as well as the adaptation of astronomical instruments for new science. She and her collaborators discovered the role of groups in driving galaxy evolution (now called “preprocessing”), built a theoretical framework for multiple gravitational lensing planes, showed that distant Lyman-alpha emitting nebulae are tracers of cluster formation, clocked the time evolution of merger-induced galaxy transformations, quantified the connection between tidal disruption events and their host galaxies, accounted for nearly all of the baryons in cluster halos, proposed a new way of directly imaging exoplanets using eclipsing binaries, extended time-dependent, general relativistic “slim disk” accretion models to supermassive black holes for the first time, and upgraded the MMT’s SPOL CCD Imaging/Spectropolarimeter to map the polarization of the cosmic web. She leads the HotShots citizen science project to detect the sources of gravitational waves.
Professor Zabludoff was a J. S. Guggenheim Foundation Fellow in 2013-14 and the Caroline Herschel Distinguished Visitor at the Space Telescope Science Institute during 2011–2013. She has been an invited visitor at institutes around the world and has given review talks at more than 30 international conferences on a broad array of topics. She was plenary speaker at the 2019 Astronomische Gesellschaft and the 2018 Korean Astronomical Society meetings, as well as keynote speaker at the 2019 Advanced Imaging Conference. She discusses using compound gravitational lenses to detect the earliest galaxies in this TEDx talk. She has held leadership positions advising the NSF, NASA, and international research institutes on programs, facilities, hiring, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. She has mentored numerous junior scientists, including the 2019 ASP Robert J. Trumpler Awardee for best Ph.D. thesis in North America. She was the Graduate Program Director for UA’s Astronomy Department from 2005 to 2013, supervising 40-50 PhD students at a time. Her research is supported by the NSF and NASA.
- Ph.D. Astronomy
- Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
- The Kinematics of Dense Clusters of Galaxies
- M.A. Astronomy
- Harvard University
- B.S. Mathematics
- M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
- B.S. Physics
- M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2011 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2005 - 2011)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1999 - 2005)
- Hubble Fellowship
- NASA, Fall 1996
- Dudley/Fullam Award
- Fall 1995
- Fall 1993
- Carnegie Fellowship
- The Carnegie Institution of Washington, Spring 1993
- Danforth Award for Excellence in Teaching
- Harvard University, Spring 1989
- Invited to Write Review, now Submitted, on Tidal Disruption Events
- International Space Science Institute, Space Science Reviews, Spring 2020
- Plenary Speaker
- Advanced Imaging Conference, San Jose Convention Center, Nov 15-17 2019, Fall 2019
- Astronomische Gesellschaft, Fall 2019
- Korean Astronomical Society, Spring 2018
- Guggenheim Fellowship
- John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, Fall 2013
- Speaker
- TEDXTucson, Spring 2012
- Caroline Herschel Distinguished Visitor
- AURA, Fall 2011
Teaching undergraduates and graduates, introductory and advanced courses. Mentoring undergraduates, particularly from disadvantaged backgrounds, as well as graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. Improving the graduate and undergraduate astronomy curriculum. Creating new undergraduate courses for non-majors.Improving the intellectual atmosphere via renovations of collaborative spaces and more faculty engagement.
I have led a wide range of studies across extragalactic astronomy and cosmology, exploring the first generation of stars and galaxies, galaxy transformation via mergers, gravitational lensing, dark matter, supernovae, the intergalactic medium, galactic nuclear activity, galactic spectral classification, the baryon budget of the Universe, stellar disruption by supermassive black holes, and the evolution of large-scale structure. My collaborators and I discovered the role of groups in driving galaxy evolution in richer clusters (now called "preprocessing"), built a theoretical framework to calculate the effects of multiple gravitational lensing planes, proposed that Lyman-alpha emitting nebulae at high redshift were precursors of galaxy groups and tracers of cluster formation, uncovered the details of merger-induced transitions of galaxies from gas-rich, star forming disks to gas-poor, quiescent spheroids, quantified the connection between tidal disruption events and their host galaxies, found nearly all of the baryons lying in cluster halos, and, most recently, developed the first successful, fully general relativistic, slim disk model of tidal disruption event disks. I have worked to adapt a 4-Meter, Wide Field Coronagraph Space Telescope designed for exoplanet science for use in extragalactic research, to upgrade the SPOL CCD Imaging/Spectropolarimeter on the MMT telescope, and to develop the Multi-mode Integral Field Units instrument for the Magellan telescope (IFU-M).
2023-24 Courses
Honors Thesis
PHYS 498H (Spring 2024) -
Fund Of Astronomy
ASTR 250 (Fall 2023) -
Honors Thesis
PHYS 498H (Fall 2023) -
ASTR 900 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
ASTR 900 (Spring 2023) -
ASTR 920 (Fall 2022) -
ASTR 900 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
ASTR 920 (Spring 2022) -
Honors Independent Study
ASTR 399H (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Spring 2022) -
ASTR 900 (Spring 2022) -
Directed Research
ASTR 492 (Fall 2021) -
ASTR 920 (Fall 2021) -
Fund Of Astronomy
ASTR 250 (Fall 2021) -
Honors Independent Study
ASTR 399H (Fall 2021) -
ASTR 900 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Directed Research
PHYS 492 (Spring 2021) -
ASTR 920 (Spring 2021) -
The Physical Universe
ASTR 170B1 (Spring 2021) -
Directed Research
ASTR 492 (Fall 2020) -
ASTR 920 (Fall 2020) -
Fund Of Astronomy
ASTR 250 (Fall 2020) -
Honors Independent Study
ASTR 499H (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
ASTR 920 (Spring 2020) -
ASTR 920 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Directed Research
ASTR 492 (Summer I 2019) -
Directed Research
PHYS 492 (Summer I 2019) -
ASTR 920 (Spring 2019) -
Great Debates Astronomy
ASTR 204 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Spring 2019) -
ASTR 900 (Spring 2019) -
ASTR 920 (Fall 2018) -
Great Debates Astronomy
ASTR 204 (Fall 2018) -
Independent Study
ASTR 599 (Fall 2018) -
ASTR 900 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
ASTR 920 (Spring 2018) -
Honors Independent Study
ASTR 399H (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Spring 2018) -
ASTR 900 (Spring 2018) -
The Physical Universe
ASTR 170B1 (Spring 2018) -
ASTR 920 (Fall 2017) -
Independent Study
ASTR 599 (Fall 2017) -
ASTR 900 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
ASTR 920 (Spring 2017) -
Great Debates Astronomy
ASTR 204 (Spring 2017) -
ASTR 920 (Fall 2016) -
Great Debates Astronomy
ASTR 204 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
ASTR 599 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
ASTR 920 (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
ASTR 599 (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
PHYS 599 (Spring 2016) -
The Physical Universe
ASTR 170B1 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Zabludoff, A. I. (1993). The kinematics of dense clusters of galaxies.
- Christlein, D., & Zabludoff, A. (2007). Disentangling Star Formation, Environment, and Morphology in Galaxy Evolution. In Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies(p. 17).
- Arcavi, I., Nyiha, I., & French, K. D. (2022). Types of Transients in the Centers of Post-starburst and Quiescent Balmer-strong Galaxies. \apj, 924(2), 121.
- Qin, Y., Zabludoff, A., Kisley, M., Liu, Y., Arcavi, I., Barnard, K., Behroozi, P., French, K. D., McCully, C., & Merchant, N. (2022). Linking Extragalactic Transients and Their Host Galaxy Properties: Transient Sample, Multiwavelength Host Identification, and Database Construction. \apjs, 259(1), 13.
- Yang, J., Fan, X., Wang, F., Lanzuisi, G., Nanni, R., Cappi, M., Chartas, G., Dadina, M., Decarli, R., Jin, X., Keeton, C. R., Venemans, B. P., Walter, F., Wang, R., Wu, X., Yue, M., & Zabludoff, A. (2022). Deep XMM-Newton Observations of an X-ray Weak Broad Absorption Line Quasar at z = 6.5. \apjl, 924(2), L25.
- Gonzalez, A. H., George, T., Connor, T., Deason, A., Donahue, M., Montes, M., Zabludoff, A. I., & Zaritsky, D. (2021). Discovery of a possible splashback feature in the intracluster light of MACS J1149.5+2223. \mnras, 507(1), 963-970.
- Paterson, K., Lundquist, M., Rastinejad, J., Fong, W., Sand, D., Andrews, J., Amaro, R., Eskandari, O., Wyatt, S., Daly, P., Bradley, H., Zhou-Wright, S. .., Valenti, S., Yang, S., Christensen, E., Gibbs, A., Shelly, F., Bilinski, C., Chomiuk, L., , Corsi, A., et al. (2021). Searches after Gravitational Waves Using ARizona Observatories (SAGUARO): Observations and Analysis from Advanced LIGO/Virgo's Third Observing Run. \apj, 912(2), 128.
- Smercina, A., Smith, J. T., French, K. D., Bell, E. F., Dale, D. A., Medling, A. M., Nyland, K., Privon, G. C., Rowlands, K., Walter, F., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2021). After The Fall: Resolving the Molecular Gas in Post-Starburst Galaxies. arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2108.03231.
- Taylor, M. A., Ko, Y., C{\^ot\'e}, P., Ferrarese, L., Peng, E. W., Zabludoff, A., Roediger, J., S{\'anchez-Janssen}, R., Hendel, D., Chilingarian, I., Liu, C., Spengler, C., & Zhang, H. (2021). Fresh Insights on the Kinematics of M49's Globular Cluster System with MMT/Hectospec Spectroscopy. \apj, 915(2), 83.
- Wen, S., Jonker, P. G., Stone, N. C., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2021). Mass, Spin, and Ultralight Boson Constraints from the Intermediate-mass Black Hole in the Tidal Disruption Event 3XMM J215022.4-055108. \apj, 918(2), 46.
- Yue, M., Yang, J., Fan, X., Wang, F., Spilker, J., Georgiev, I. Y., Keeton, C. R., Litke, K. C., Marrone, D. P., Walter, F., Wang, R., Wu, X., Venemans, B. P., & Zabludoff, A. (2021). ALMA Observations of the Sub-kpc Structure of the Host Galaxy of a z = 6.5 Lensed Quasar: A Rotationally Supported Hyper-Starburst System at the Epoch of Reionization. \apj, 917(2), 99.
- Zabludoff, A., Arcavi, I., La, M. S., Perets, H. B., Trakhtenbrot, B., Zauderer, B. A., Auchettl, K., Dai, J. L., French, K. D., Hung, T., Kara, E., Lodato, G., Maksym, W. P., Qin, Y., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Roth, N., Runnoe, J. C., & Wevers, T. (2021). Distinguishing Tidal Disruption Events from Impostors. \ssr, 217(4), 54.
- Bellotti, S., Zabludoff, A. I., Belikov, R., Guyon, O., & Rathi, C. (2020). "Detecting Exoplanets Using Eclipsing Binaries as Natural Starshades". aj, 160(3), 131.
- Bellotti, S., Zabludoff, A., Belikov, R., Guyon, O., & Rathi, C. (2020). "VizieR Online Data Catalog: Compilation of 289 eclipsing binaries parameters (Bellotti+, 2020)". VizieR Online Data Catalog, J/AJ/160/131.
- DeMaio, T., Gonzalez, A. H., Zabludoff, A., Zaritsky, D., Aldering, G., Brodwin, M., Connor, T., Donahue, M., Hayden, B., Mulchaey, J. S., Perlmutter, S., & Stanford, S. (2020). The growth of brightest cluster galaxies and intracluster light over the past 10 billion years. mnras, 491(3), 3751-3759.
- French, K. D., Arcavi, I., Zabludoff, A. I., Stone, N., Hiramatsu, D., Velzen, S., McCully, C., & Jiang, N. (2020). The Structure of Tidal Disruption Event Host Galaxies on Scales of Tens to Thousands of Parsecs. apj, 891(1), 93.
- French, K. D., Wevers, T., Law-Smith, J., Graur, O. r., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2020). "The Host Galaxies of Tidal Disruption Events". ssr, 216(3), 32.
- Kim, E., Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A., Smith, P., Jannuzi, B., Lee, M. G., Hwang, N., & Park, B. (2020). "What Makes Ly{ensuremath{alpha} Nebulae Glow? Mapping the Polarization of LABd05}". apj, 894(1), 33.
- Li, Z., French, K., Zabludoff, A., & Ho, L. (2020). "VizieR Online Data Catalog: UV-FIR obs. of post-starburst galaxies & dust masses (Li+, 2019)". VizieR Online Data Catalog, J/ApJ/879/131.
- Paterson, K., Lundquist, M., Rastinejad, J., Fong, W., Sand, D., Andrews, J., Amaro, R., Eskandari, O., Wyatt, S., Daly, P., Bradley, H., Zhou-Wright, S. .., Valenti, S., Yang, S., Christensen, E., Gibbs, A., Shelly, F., Bilinski, C., Chomiuk, L., , Corsi, A., et al. (2020). "Searches after Gravitational Waves Using ARizona Observatories (SAGUARO): Observations and Analysis from Advanced LIGO/Virgo's Third Observing Run". arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2012.11700.
- Wen, S., Jonker, P. G., Stone, N. C., Zabludoff, A. I., & Psaltis, D. (2020). "Continuum-fitting the X-Ray Spectra of Tidal Disruption Events". apj, 897(1), 80.
- Zahedy, F. S., Chen, H., Boettcher, E., Rauch, M., Decker French, K., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2020). "Evidence for Late-time Feedback from the Discovery of Multiphase Gas in a Massive Elliptical at z = 0.4". apjl, 904(1), L10.
- Behroozi, P., Becker, M., Bosch, F., Conroy, C., Dickinson, M., Hirata, C. M., Hearin, A., Leauthaud, A., Ly, C., Mao, Y., Moster, B., O'Donnell, C., Papovich, C., Rodriguez, A., Somerville, R., Tollerud, E., Tinker, J., Wang, Y., Wechsler, R., , Woodrum, C., et al. (2019). Empirically Constraining Galaxy Evolution. baas, 51(3), 125.
- Fan, X., Wang, F., Yang, J., Keeton, C. R., Yue, M., Zabludoff, A., Bian, F., Bonaglia, M., Georgiev, I. Y., Hennawi, J. F., Li, J., McGreer, I. D., Naidu, R., Pacucci, F., Rabien, S., Thompson, D., Venemans, B., Walter, F., Wang, R., & Wu, X. (2019). The Discovery of a Gravitationally Lensed Quasar at z = 6.51. apjl, 870(2), L11.
- French, K., Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A., & Tremonti, C. (2019). VizieR Online Data Catalog: Post-starburst galaxy ages from SDSS (French+, 2018). VizieR Online Data Catalog, J/ApJ/862/2.
- Heikkila, T., Reynolds, T., Kankare, E., Mattila, S., Arcavi, I., French, K. D., Zabludoff, A., Gromadzki, M., Lundqvist, P., Benetti, S., Viuho, J., & Jimenez, R. C. (2019). Spectroscopic observation of AT 2019azh by NUTS (NOT Un-biased Transient Survey). The Astronomer's Telegram, 12529, 1.
- Hosseinzadeh, G., McCully, C., Zabludoff, A. I., Arcavi, I., French, K. D., Howell, D. A., Berger, E., & Hiramatsu, D. (2019). Type Ibn Supernovae May not all Come from Massive Stars. apjl, 871(1), L9.
- Li, Z., French, K. D., Zabludoff, A. I., & Ho, L. C. (2019). The Evolution of the Interstellar Medium in Post-starburst Galaxies. apj, 879(2), 131.
- Lundquist, M., Paterson, K., Fong, W., Sand, D., Andrews, J., Shivaei, I., Daly, P., Valenti, S., Yang, S., Christensen, E., Gibbs, A., Shelly, F., Wyatt, S., Eskandari, O., Kuhn, O., Amaro, R., Arcavi, I., Behroozi, P., Butler, N., , Chomiuk, L., et al. (2019). Searches after Gravitational Waves Using ARizona Observatories (SAGUARO): System Overview and First Results from Advanced LIGO/Virgotextquoterights Third Observing Run. apjl, 881(2), L26.
- Sun, W., Peng, E. W., Ko, Y., C{^ot'e}, P., Ferrarese, L., Lee, M. G., Liu, C., Longobardi, A., Chilingarian, I. V., Spengler, C., Zabludoff, A. I., Zhang, H., Cuillandre, J., & Gwyn, S. D. (2019). The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey. XVII. A Search for Planetary Nebulae in Virgo Cluster Globular Clusters. apj, 885(2), 145.
- Yang, J., Venemans, B., Wang, F., Fan, X., Novak, M., Decarli, R., Walter, F., Yue, M., Momjian, E., Keeton, C. R., Wang, R., Zabludoff, A., Wu, X., & Bian, F. (2019). Far-infrared Properties of the Bright, Gravitationally Lensed Quasar J0439+1634 at z = 6.5. apj, 880(2), 153.
- Arcavi, I., Burke, J., French, K., Zabludoff, A., Hiramatsu, D., McCully, C., Howell, D., Hosseinzadeh, G., & Valenti, S. (2018). FLOYDS Classification of AT 2018dyk/ZTF18aajupnt as a Possible Tidal Disruption Event. The Astronomer's Telegram, 11953.
- Badescu, T., Yang, Y., Bertoldi, F., Zabludoff, A., Karim, A., & Magnelli, B. (2018). VizieR Online Data Catalog: LAE candidates around bright Ly$\alpha$ blobs (Badescu+, 2017). VizieR Online Data Catalog, 184.
- DeMaio, T., Gonzalez, A., Zabludoff, A., Zaritsky, D., Connor, T., Donahue, M., & Mulchaey, J. (2018). Lost but not forgotten: intracluster light in galaxy groups and clusters. \mnras, 474, 3009-3031.
- French, K., & Zabludoff, A. (2018). Identifying Tidal Disruption Events via Prior Photometric Selection of Their Preferred Hosts. \apj, 868, 99.
- French, K., Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A., & Tremonti, C. (2018). Clocking the Evolution of Post-starburst Galaxies: Methods and First Results. \apj, 862, 2.
- French, K., Zabludoff, A., Yoon, I., Shirley, Y., Yang, Y., Smercina, A., Smith, J., & Narayanan, D. (2018). Why Post-starburst Galaxies Are Now Quiescent. \apj, 861, 123.
- Graur, O., French, K., Zahid, H., Guillochon, J., Mandel, K., Auchettl, K., & Zabludoff, A. (2018). A Dependence of the Tidal Disruption Event Rate on Global Stellar Surface Mass Density and Stellar Velocity Dispersion. \apj, 853, 39.
- Hosseinzadeh, I., French, D., Zabludoff, A., & Valenti, S. (2018). Transient Classification Report for 2018-08-15. Transient Name Server Classification Report, 1182.
- Smercina, A., Smith, J., Dale, D., French, K., Croxall, K., Zhukovska, S., Togi, A., Bell, E., Crocker, A., Draine, B., Jarrett, T., Tremonti, C., Yang, Y., & Zabludoff, A. (2018). After the Fall: The Dust and Gas in E+A Post-starburst Galaxies. \apj, 855, 51.
- Smercina, A., Smith, J., Dale, D., French, K., Croxall, K., Zhukovska, S., Togi, A., Bell, E., Crocker, A., Draine, B., Jarrett, T., Tremonti, C., Yang, Y., & Zabludoff, A. (2018). Erratum: \ldquoAfter the Fall: The Dust and Gas in E+A Post-starburst Galaxies\rdquo (2018, ApJ, 855, 51). \apj, 859, 77.
- B{u, a. T., Yang, Y., Bertoldi, F., Zabludoff, A., Karim, A., & Magnelli, B. (2017). "Discovery of a Protocluster Associated with a Ly{$alpha$ Blob Pair at z = 2.3}". apj, 845, 172.
- Cai, Z., Fan, X., Bian, F., Zabludoff, A., Yang, Y., Prochaska, J., McGreer, I., Zheng, Z., Kashikawa, N., Wang, R., Frye, B., Green, R., & Jiang, L. (2017). "Mapping the Most Massive Overdensities through Hydrogen (MAMMOTH). II. Discovery of the Extremely Massive Overdensity BOSS1441 at z = 2.32". apj, 839, 131.
- Cai, Z., Fan, X., Yang, Y., Bian, F., Prochaska, J., Zabludoff, A., McGreer, I., Zheng, Z., Green, R., Cantalupo, S., Frye, B., Hamden, E., Jiang, L., Kashikawa, N., & Wang, R. (2017). "Discovery of an Enormous Ly{$alpha$ Nebula in a Massive Galaxy Overdensity at z = 2.3}". apj, 837, 71.
- DeMaio, T., Gonzalez, A., Zabludoff, A., & Zaritsky, D. (2017). "Erratum: On the origin of the intracluster light in massive galaxy clusters". mnras, 472, 2543-2543.
- French, K., Arcavi, I., & Zabludoff, A. (2017). "The Post-starburst Evolution of Tidal Disruption Event Host Galaxies". apj, 835, 176.
- McCully, C., Keeton, C., Wong, K., & Zabludoff, A. (2017). "Quantifying Environmental and Line-of-sight Effects in Models of Strong Gravitational Lens Systems". apj, 836, 141.
- Wilson, M., Zabludoff, A., Ammons, S., Momcheva, I., Williams, K., & Keeton, C. (2017). "VizieR Online Data Catalog: Group of galaxies in gravitational lens fields (Wilson+, 2016)". VizieR Online Data Catalog, 183.
- Wilson, M., Zabludoff, A., Keeton, C., Wong, K., Williams, K., French, K., & Momcheva, I. (2017). "A Spectroscopic Survey of the Fields of 28 Strong Gravitational Lenses: Implications for H $_{0$}". apj, 850, 94.
- Wong, K., Raney, C., Keeton, C., Umetsu, K., Zabludoff, A., Ammons, S., & French, K. (2017). "Joint Strong and Weak Lensing Analysis of the Massive Cluster Field J0850+3604". apj, 844, 127.
- You, C., Zabludoff, A., Smith, P., Yang, Y., Kim, E., Jannuzi, B., Prescott, M., Matsuda, Y., & Lee, M. (2017). "Mapping the Polarization of the Radio-Loud Ly{$alpha$ Nebula B3 J2330+3927}". apj, 834, 182.
- Zahedy, F., Chen, H., Rauch, M., & Zabludoff, A. (2017). "HST Detection of Extended Neutral Hydrogen in a Massive Elliptical at z = 0.4". apjl, 846, L29.
- Cai, Z., Fan, X., Bian, F., Zabludoff, A., Yang, Y., Prochaska, J., McGreer, I., Zheng, Z., Kashikawa, N., Wang, R., Frye, B., Green, R., & Jiang, L. (2016). "MApping the Most Massive Overdensities (MAMMOTH) II -- Discovery of an Extremely Massive Overdensity BOSS1441 at $z=2.32$". ArXiv e-prints.
- Wilson, M., Zabludoff, A., Ammons, S., Momcheva, I., Williams, K., & Keeton, C. (2016). "A Spectroscopic Survey of the Fields of 28 Strong Gravitational Lenses: the Group Catalog". apj, 833, 194.
- {French}, K., {Arcavi}, I., , A. (2016). "{Tidal Disruption Events Prefer Unusual Host Galaxies}". apjl, 818, L21.
- {Walker}, L., {Johnson}, K., {Gallagher}, S., {Privon}, G., {Kepley}, A., {Whelan}, D., {Desjardins}, T., , A. (2016). "{Global Properties of Neutral Hydrogen in Compact Groups}". aj, 151, 30.
- {Zahedy}, F., {Chen}, H., {Rauch}, M., {Wilson}, M., , A. (2016). "{Probing the cool interstellar and circumgalactic gas of three massive lensing galaxies at z = 0.4-0.7}". mnras, 458, 2423-2442.
- Cai, Z., Fan, X., Jiang, L., Dav'e, R., Oh, S. P., Yang, Y., & Zabludoff, A. (2015). Constraining Very High Mass Population III Stars through He II Emission in Galaxy BDF-521 at z = 7.01. apjl, 799, L19.
- DeMaio, T., Gonzalez, A. H., Zabludoff, A., Zaritsky, D., & Bradav c, M. (2015). On the origin of the intracluster light in massive galaxy clusters. mnras, 448, 1162-1177.
- French, K. D., Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A., Narayanan, D., Shirley, Y., Walter, F., Smith, J., & Tremonti, C. A. (2015). Discovery of Large Molecular Gas Reservoirs in Post-starburst Galaxies. apj, 801, 1.
- {Momcheva}, I., {Williams}, K., {Cool}, R., {Keeton}, C., , A. (2015). "{A Spectroscopic Survey of the Fields of 28 Strong Gravitational Lenses}". apjs, 219, 29.
- {Momcheva}, I., {Williams}, K., {Cool}, R., {Keeton}, C., , A. (2015). "{VizieR Online Data Catalog: Spectroscopic redshifts in strong lens fields (Momcheva+, 2015)}". VizieR Online Data Catalog, 221.
- {Rhoads}, J., {Malhotra}, S., {Ammons}, S., {Dressler}, A., {Gonzalez}, A., {Finkelstein}, S., {Hibon}, P., {Jiang}, T., {Lee}, J., {Mobasher}, B., {Monson}, A., {Persson}, S., {Probst}, R., {Swaters}, R., {Tilvi}, V., {Veilleux}, S., {Wang}, J., {Zabludoff}, A., , Z. (2015). "{Shedding Lyman Alpha Light on Cosmological Reionization}". IAU General Assembly, 22, 2258307.
- {Vila-Vilaro}, B., {Cepa}, J., , A. (2015). "{The Arizona Radio Observatory Survey of Molecular Gas in Nearby Normal Spiral Galaxies I: The Data}". apjs, 218, 28.
- Ammons, S. M., Wong, K. C., Zabludoff, A. I., & Keeton, C. R. (2014). Mapping Compound Cosmic Telescopes Containing Multiple Projected Cluster-scale Halos. apj, 781, 2.
- French, K. D., Wong, K. C., Zabludoff, A. I., Ammons, S. M., Keeton, C. R., & Angulo, R. E. (2014). Characterizing the Best Cosmic Telescopes with the Millennium Simulations. apj, 785, 59.
- McCully, C., Keeton, C. R., Wong, K. C., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2014). A new hybrid framework to efficiently model lines of sight to gravitational lenses. mnras, 443, 3631-3642.
- Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A., Jahnke, K., & Dav'e, R. (2014). The Properties of Ly$alpha$ Nebulae: Gas Kinematics from Nonresonant Lines. apj, 793, 114.
- {Ammons}, S., {Wong}, K., {Zabludoff}, A., , C. (2014). "{Mapping Compound Cosmic Telescopes Containing Multiple Projected Cluster-scale Halos}". apj, 781, 2.
- {French}, K., {Wong}, K., {Zabludoff}, A., {Ammons}, S., {Keeton}, C., , R. (2014). "{Characterizing the Best Cosmic Telescopes with the Millennium Simulations}". apj, 785, 59.
- {McCully}, C., {Keeton}, C., {Wong}, K., , A. (2014). "{A new hybrid framework to efficiently model lines of sight to gravitational lenses}". mnras, 443, 3631-3642.
- {Yang}, Y., {Zabludoff}, A., {Jahnke}, K., }, R. (2014). "{The Properties of Ly{$alpha$} Nebulae: Gas Kinematics from Nonresonant Lines}". apj, 793, 114.
- Desjardins, T. D., Gallagher, S. C., Tzanavaris, P., Mulchaey, J. S., Brandt, W. N., Charlton, J. C., Garmire, G. P., Gronwall, C., Hornschemeier, A. E., Johnson, K. E., Konstantopoulos, I. S., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2013). Intragroup and Galaxy-linked Diffuse X-Ray Emission in Hickson Compact Groups. apj, 763, 121.
- Gonzalez, A. H., Sivanandam, S., Zabludoff, A. I., & Zaritsky, D. (2013). Galaxy Cluster Baryon Fractions Revisited. apj, 778, 14.
- Sanderson, A. J., O'Sullivan, E., Ponman, T. J., Gonzalez, A. H., Sivanandam, S., Zabludoff, A. I., & Zaritsky, D. (2013). The baryon budget on the galaxy group/cluster boundary. mnras, 429, 3288-3304.
- Treu, T., Marshall, P. J., Cyr-Racine, F., Fassnacht, C. D., Keeton, C. R., Linder, E. V., Moustakas, L. A., Bradac, M., Buckley-Geer, E., Collett, T., Courbin, F., Dobler, G., Finley, D. A., Hjorth, J., Kochanek, C. S., Komatsu, E., Koopmans, L. V., Meylan, G., Natarajan, P., , Oguri, M., et al. (2013). Dark energy with gravitational lens time delays. ArXiv e-prints.
- Walker, L. M., Butterfield, N., Johnson, K., Zucker, C., Gallagher, S., Konstantopoulos, I., Zabludoff, A., Hornschemeier, A. E., Tzanavaris, P., & Charlton, J. C. (2013). The Optical Green Valley versus Mid-infrared Canyon in Compact Groups. apj, 775, 129.
- Wong, K. C., Ammons, S. M., Keeton, C. R., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2013). Erratum: ''Optimal Mass Configurations for Lensing High-redshift Galaxies'' (2012, ApJ, 752, 104). apj, 767, 97.
- Wong, K. C., Zabludoff, A. I., Ammons, S. M., Keeton, C. R., Hogg, D. W., & Gonzalez, A. H. (2013). A New Approach to Identifying the Most Powerful Gravitational Lensing Telescopes. apj, 769, 52.
- Buie, M. W., Allen, R. L., Wittman, D., Wasserman, L. H., Trueblood, M., Gelderman, R., Ammons, S. M., Lebofsky, L., Crawford, R., Vorobjov, T., Wong, K., French, D., Zabludoff, A., Probst, R., Allen, L., Rehnberg, M., & Stringfellow, G. S. (2012). Minor Planet Observations [695 Kitt Peak]. Minor Planet Circulars, 77960, 1.
- Canning, R. E., Russell, H. R., Hatch, N. A., Fabian, A. C., Zabludoff, A. I., Crawford, C. S., King, L. J., McNamara, B. R., Okamoto, S., & Raimundo, S. I. (2012). Riding the wake of a merging galaxy cluster. mnras, 420, 2956-2968.
- Konstantopoulos, I. S., Gallagher, S. C., Fedotov, K., Durrell, P. R., Tzanavaris, P., Hill, A. R., Zabludoff, A. I., Maier, M. L., Elmegreen, D. M., Charlton, J. C., Johnson, K. E., Brandt, W. N., Walker, L. M., Eracleous, M., Maybhate, A., Gronwall, C., English, J., Hornschemeier, A. E., & Mulchaey, J. S. (2012). The Merger History, Active Galactic Nucleus, and Dwarf Galaxies of Hickson Compact Group 59. apj, 745, 30.
- Rasmussen, J., Bai, X., Mulchaey, J. S., Gorkom, J. H., Jeltema, T. E., Zabludoff, A. I., Wilcots, E., Martini, P., Lee, D., & Roberts, T. P. (2012). Hot and Cold Galactic Gas in the NGC 2563 Galaxy Group. apj, 747, 31.
- Swinbank, A. M., Balogh, M. L., Bower, R. G., Zabludoff, A. I., Lucey, J. R., McGee, S. L., Miller, C. J., & Nichol, R. C. (2012). From star-forming spirals to passive spheroids: integral field spectroscopy of E+A galaxies. mnras, 420, 672-683.
- Wong, K. C., Ammons, S. M., Keeton, C. R., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2012). Optimal Mass Configurations for Lensing High-redshift Galaxies. apj, 752, 104.
- Zaritsky, D., Zabludoff, A. I., & Gonzalez, A. H. (2012). Testing Distance Estimators with the Fundamental Manifold. apj, 748, 15.
- Cai, Z., Fan, X., Jiang, L., Bian, F., McGreer, I., Dav'e, R., Egami, E., Zabludoff, A., Yang, Y., & Oh, S. P. (2011). Probing Population III Stars in Galaxy IOK-1 at z = 6.96 Through He II Emission. apjl, 736, L28.
- Swinbank, M., Balogh, M., Bower, R., Zabludoff, A., Lucey, J., McGee, S., Miller, C., & Nichol, R. (2011). From Star-Forming Spirals to Passive Spheroids: Integral Field Spectroscopy of E+A Galaxies. ArXiv e-prints.
- Wong, K. C., Keeton, C. R., Williams, K. A., Momcheva, I. G., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2011). The Effect of Environment on Shear in Strong Gravitational Lenses. apj, 726, 84.
- Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A., Jahnke, K., Eisenstein, D., Dav'e, R., Shectman, S. A., & Kelson, D. D. (2011). Gas Kinematics in Ly$alpha$ Nebulae. apj, 735, 87.
- Zaritsky, D., Zabludoff, A. I., & Gonzalez, A. H. (2011). Star Clusters, Galaxies, and the Fundamental Manifold. apj, 727, 116.
- Gallagher, S. C., Durrell, P. R., Elmegreen, D. M., Chandar, R., English, J., Charlton, J. C., Gronwall, C., Young, J., Tzanavaris, P., Johnson, K. E., Oliveira, C., Whitmore, B., Hornschemeier, A. E., Maybhate, A., & Zabludoff, A. (2010). Hierarchical Structure Formation and Modes of Star Formation in Hickson Compact Group 31. aj, 139, 545-564.
- Konstantopoulos, I. S., Gallagher, S. C., Fedotov, K., Durrell, P. R., Heiderman, A., Elmegreen, D. M., Charlton, J. C., Hibbard, J. E., Tzanavaris, P., Chandar, R., Johnson, K. E., Maybhate, A., Zabludoff, A. E., Gronwall, C., Szathmary, D., Hornschemeier, A. E., English, J., Whitmore, B., Oliveira, C., & Mulchaey, J. S. (2010). Galaxy Evolution in a Complex Environment: A Multi-wavelength Study of HCG 7. apj, 723, 197-217.
- Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A., Eisenstein, D., & Dav'e, R. (2010). Strong Field-to-field Variation of Ly$alpha$ Nebulae Populations at z ~= 2.3. apj, 719, 1654-1671.
- Bai, L., Rieke, G. H., Rieke, M. J., Christlein, D., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2009). The Infrared Luminosity Functions of Rich Clusters. apj, 693, 1840-1850.
- Sivanandam, S., Zabludoff, A. I., Zaritsky, D., Gonzalez, A. H., & Kelson, D. D. (2009). The Enrichment of the Intracluster Medium. apj, 691, 1787-1806.
- Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A. I., Zaritsky, D., & Mihos, J. C. (2009). ERRATUM: ''The Detailed Evolution of E+A Galaxies Into Early Types'' (2008, ApJ, 688, 945). apj, 702, 1683.
- Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A., Tremonti, C., Eisenstein, D., & Dav'e, R. (2009). Extended Ly$alpha$ Nebulae at z sime 2.3: An Extremely Rare and Strongly Clustered Population?. apj, 693, 1579-1587.
- Cooper, M. C., Tremonti, C. A., Newman, J. A., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2008). The role of environment in the mass-metallicity relation. mnras, 390, 245-256.
- Sivakoff, G. R., Martini, P., Zabludoff, A. I., Kelson, D. D., & Mulchaey, J. S. (2008). Wide-Field Chandra X-Ray Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei in Abell 85 and Abell 754. apj, 682, 803-820.
- Williams, K. A., Momcheva, I., Keeton, C. R., Zabludoff, A. I., & Leh'ar, J. (2008). Erratum: ``First Results from a Photometric Survey of Strong Gravitational Lens Environments'' (ApJ, 646, 85 [2006]). apj, 672, 733-733.
- Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A. I., Zaritsky, D., & Mihos, J. C. (2008). The Detailed Evolution of E+A Galaxies into Early Types. apj, 688, 945-971.
- Zaritsky, D., Zabludoff, A. I., & Gonzalez, A. H. (2008). Toward Equations of Galactic Structure. apj, 682, 68-80.
- Gonzalez, A. H., Zaritsky, D., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2007). A Census of Baryons in Galaxy Clusters and Groups. apj, 666, 147-155.
- Rossa, J., Laine, S., Marel, R. P., Mihos, J. C., Hibbard, J. E., B"oker, T., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2007). The Toomre Sequence Revisited with HST NICMOS: Nuclear Brightness Profiles and Colors of Interacting and Merging Galaxies. aj, 134, 2124-2147.
- Balogh, M. L., Miller, C., Nichol, R., Zabludoff, A., & Goto, T. (2006). VizieR Online Data Catalog: K-band imaging of H$$delta$$-strong galaxies (Balogh+, 2005). VizieR Online Data Catalog, 736, 587.
- Momcheva, I., Williams, K., Keeton, C., & Zabludoff, A. (2006). A Spectroscopic Study of the Environments of Gravitational Lens Galaxies. apj, 641, 169-189.
- Pimbblet, K. A., Smail, I., Edge, A. C., O'Hely, E., Couch, W. J., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2006). The Las Campanas/Anglo-Australian Telescope Rich Cluster Survey - III. Spectroscopic studies of X-ray bright galaxy clusters at z~ 0.1. mnras, 366, 645-666.
- Pimbblet, K. A., Smail, I., Edge, A. C., O'Hely, E., Couch, W. J., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2006). VizieR Online Data Catalog: LARCS. 11 X-ray luminous clusters (Pimbblet+, 2006). VizieR Online Data Catalog, 736, 60645.
- Williams, K. A., Momcheva, I., Keeton, C. R., Zabludoff, A. I., & Leh'ar, J. (2006). First Results from a Photometric Survey of Strong Gravitational Lens Environments. apj, 646, 85-106.
- Yang, Y., Tremonti, C. A., Zabludoff, A. I., & Zaritsky, D. (2006). E+A Galaxies with Blue Cores: Active Galaxies in Transition. apjl, 646, L33-L36.
- Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A. I., Dav'e, R., Eisenstein, D. J., Pinto, P. A., Katz, N., Weinberg, D. H., & Barton, E. J. (2006). Probing Galaxy Formation with He II Cooling Lines. apj, 640, 539-552.
- Zaritsky, D., Gonzalez, A. H., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2006). Local Group Dwarf Galaxies and the Fundamental Manifold of Spheroids. apjl, 642, L37-L40.
- Zaritsky, D., Gonzalez, A. H., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2006). The Fundamental Manifold of Spheroids. apj, 638, 725-738.
- Balogh, M. L., Miller, C., Nichol, R., Zabludoff, A., & Goto, T. (2005). Near-infrared imaging of 222 nearby H$delta$-strong galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. mnras, 360, 587-609.
- Christlein, D., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2005). Disentangling Morphology, Star Formation, Stellar Mass, and Environment in Galaxy Evolution. apj, 621, 201-214.
- Gonzalez, A. H., Zabludoff, A. I., & Zaritsky, D. (2005). Intracluster Light in Nearby Galaxy Clusters: Relationship to the Halos of Brightest Cluster Galaxies. apj, 618, 195-213.
- McIntosh, D. H., Zabludoff, A. I., Rix, H., & Caldwell, N. (2005). Testing the Universality of the (U-V) Color-Magnitude Relations for Nearby Clusters of Galaxies. apj, 619, 193-217.
- Christlein, D., & Zabludoff, A. (2004). Galaxy Luminosity Functions from Deep Spectroscopic Samples. Clusters of Galaxies: Probes of Cosmological Structure and Galaxy Evolution, 8.
- Christlein, D., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2004). Can Early-Type Galaxies Evolve from the Fading of the Disks of Late-Type Galaxies?. apj, 616, 192-198.
- Christlein, D., McIntosh, D. H., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2004). The U-Band Galaxy Luminosity Function of Nearby Clusters. apj, 611, 795-810.
- Gonzalez, A. H., Zabludoff, A. I., & Zaritsky, D. (2004). The Extended Profiles of Brightest Cluster Galaxies. Clusters of Galaxies: Probes of Cosmological Structure and Galaxy Evolution, 20.
- Gonzalez, A. H., Zabludoff, A. I., Zaritsky, D., & Dalcanton, J. J. (2004). Erratum: ``Measuring the Diffuse Optical Light in Abell 1651'' (ApJ, 536, 561 [2000]). apj, 611, 1208-1208.
- Keeton, C. R., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2004). The Importance of Lens Galaxy Environments. apj, 612, 660-678.
- Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A. I., Zaritsky, D., Lauer, T. R., & Mihos, J. C. (2004). E+A Galaxies and the Formation of Early-Type Galaxies at z~0. apj, 607, 258-273.
- Zaritsky, D., Gonzalez, A. H., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2004). Intracluster Stars and the Chemical Enrichment of the Intracluster Medium. apjl, 613, L93-L96.
- Christlein, D., & Zabludoff, A. (2003). Direct Determination of Galaxy Luminosity Functions in Clusters. apss, 285, 197-201.
- Christlein, D., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2003). Galaxy Luminosity Functions from Deep Spectroscopic Samples of Rich Clusters. apj, 591, 764-783.
- G'omez, P. L., Nichol, R. C., Miller, C. J., Balogh, M. L., Goto, T., Zabludoff, A. I., Romer, A. K., Bernardi, M., Sheth, R., Hopkins, A. M., Castander, F. J., Connolly, A. J., Schneider, D. P., Brinkmann, J., Lamb, D. Q., SubbaRao, M., & York, D. G. (2003). Galaxy Star Formation as a Function of Environment in the Early Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. apj, 584, 210-227.
- Gonzalez, A. H., Zabludoff, A. I., & Zaritsky, D. (2003). Structural Properties of Brightest Cluster Galaxies. apss, 285, 67-71.
- Gorkom, J. H., Bravo-Alfaro, H., Dwarakanath, K. S., Guhathakurta, P., Poggianti, B. M., Schiminovich, D., Valluri, M., Verheijen, M., Wilcots, E., & Zabludoff, A. (2003). An HI Survey of Clusters in the Local Universe:. apss, 285, 219-224.
- Laine, S., Marel, R. P., Rossa, J., Hibbard, J. E., Mihos, J. C., B"oker, T., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2003). A Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 Investigation of the Nuclear Morphology in the Toomre Sequence of Merging Galaxies. aj, 126, 2717-2739.
- Zimer, M. E., Zabludoff, A. I., & Mulchaey, J. S. (2003). The Velocity Dispersion in the X-Ray Scaling Laws. apss, 285, 37-42.
- Kelson, D. D., Zabludoff, A. I., Williams, K. A., Trager, S. C., Mulchaey, J. S., & Bolte, M. (2002). Determination of the Dark Matter Profile of A2199 from Integrated Starlight. apj, 576, 720-737.
- Pimbblet, K. A., Smail, I., Edge, A. C., Couch, W. J., O'Hely, E., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2002). VizieR Online Data Catalog: Las Campanas/AAT Rich Cluster Survey - I (Pimbblet+, 2001). VizieR Online Data Catalog, 732, 70588.
- Pimbblet, K. A., Smail, I., Edge, A. C., Couch, W. J., O'Hely, E., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2002). VizieR Online Data Catalog: Las Campanas/AAT Rich Cluster Survey - I (Pimbblet+, 2001). VizieR Online Data Catalog, 832, 70588.
- Pimbblet, K. A., Smail, I., Kodama, T., Couch, W. J., Edge, A. C., Zabludoff, A. I., & O'Hely, E. (2002). The Las Campanas/AAT Rich Cluster Survey - II. The environmental dependence of galaxy colours in clusters at z~0.1. mnras, 331, 333-350.
- Balogh, M. L., Christlein, D., Zabludoff, A. I., & Zaritsky, D. (2001). The Environmental Dependence of the Infrared Luminosity and Stellar Mass Functions. apj, 557, 117-125.
- Chang, T., Gorkom, J. H., Zabludoff, A. I., Zaritsky, D., & Mihos, J. C. (2001). A Search for H I in E+A Galaxies. aj, 121, 1965-1973.
- Colbert, J. W., Mulchaey, J. S., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2001). The Optical and Near-Infrared Morphologies of Isolated Early-Type Galaxies. aj, 121, 808-819.
- Norton, S. A., Gebhardt, K., Zabludoff, A. I., & Zaritsky, D. (2001). The Spatial Distribution and Kinematics of Stellar Populations in E+A Galaxies. apj, 557, 150-164.
- Pimbblet, K. A., Smail, I., Edge, A. C., Couch, W. J., O'Hely, E., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2001). The Las Campanas/AAT rich cluster survey - I. Precision and reliability of the photometric catalogue. mnras, 327, 588-600.
- Tran, K., Simard, L., Zabludoff, A. I., & Mulchaey, J. S. (2001). The Galaxy Populations of X-Ray-detected, Poor Groups. apj, 549, 172-191.
- Gonzalez, A. H., Zabludoff, A. I., Zaritsky, D., & Dalcanton, J. J. (2000). Measuring the Diffuse Optical Light in Abell 1651. apj, 536, 561-570.
- Keeton, C. R., Christlein, D., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2000). What Fraction of Gravitational Lens Galaxies Lie in Groups?. apj, 545, 129-140.
- Zabludoff, A. I., & Mulchaey, J. S. (2000). The Properties of Poor Groups of Galaxies. III. The Galaxy Luminosity Function. apj, 539, 136-148.
- Mulchaey, J. S., & Zabludoff, A. I. (1999). The Isolated Elliptical NGC 1132: Evidence for a Merged Group of Galaxies?. apj, 514, 133-137.
- Zabludoff, A. I., Zaritsky, D., Lin, H., Tucker, D., Hashimoto, Y., Shectman, S. A., Oemler, A., & Kirshner, R. P. (1999). Erratum: The Environment of ''E+A'' Galaxies. apj, 516, 505-505.
- Mulchaey, J. S., & Zabludoff, A. I. (1998). The Properties of Poor Groups of Galaxies. II. X-Ray and Optical Comparisons. apj, 496, 73-92.
- O'Hely, E., Couch, W. J., Smail, I., Edge, A. C., & Zabludoff, A. (1998). The Las Campanas/AAT Rich Cluster Survey. pasa, 15, 273-279.
- Zabludoff, A. I., & Mulchaey, J. S. (1998). Hierarchical Evolution in Poor Groups of Galaxies. apjl, 498, L5-L8.
- Zabludoff, A. I., & Mulchaey, J. S. (1998). The Properties of Poor Groups of Galaxies. I. Spectroscopic Survey and Results. apj, 496, 39-72.
- Zabludoff, A. I., Zaritsky, D., Lin, H., Tucker, D., Hashimoto, Y., Shectman, S. A., Oemler, A., & Kirshner, R. P. (1996). The Environment of ``E+A'' Galaxies. apj, 466, 104.
- Zabludoff, A. I., & Zaritsky, D. (1995). A Collision of Subclusters in Abell 754. apjl, 447, L21.
- Zaritsky, D., Zabludoff, A. I., & Willick, J. A. (1995). Spectral Classification of Galaxies Along the Hubble Sequence. aj, 110, 1602.
- Zabludoff, A. I., & Geller, M. J. (1994). The kinematics of dense clusters of galaxies. 3: Comparison with cosmological models. aj, 107, 1929-1936.
- Fabricant, D., Kurtz, M., Geller, M., Zabludoff, A., Mack, P., & Wegner, G. (1993). A study of the rich cluster of galaxies A 119. aj, 105, 788-796.
- Schmidt, B. P., Kirshner, R. P., Schild, R., Leibundgut, B., Jeffery, D., Willner, S. P., Peletier, R., Zabludoff, A. I., Phillips, M. M., Suntzeff, N. B., Hamuy, M., Wells, L. A., Smith, R. C., Baldwin, J. A., Weller, W. G., Navarette, M., Gonzalez, L., Filippenko, A. V., Shields, J. C., , Steidel, C. C., et al. (1993). Photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 1990E in NGC 1035 - Observational constraints for models of type II supernovae. aj, 105, 2236-2250.
- Zabludoff, A. I., & Franx, M. (1993). Morphology and kinematics in clusters of galaxies. aj, 106, 1314-1323.
- Zabludoff, A. I., Franx, M., & Geller, M. J. (1993). A Technique for Detecting Structure in Cluster Velocity Distributions. apj, 419, 47.
- Zabludoff, A. I., Geller, M. J., Huchra, J. P., & Ramella, M. (1993). The kinematics of dense clusters of galaxies. II - The distribution of velocity dispersions. aj, 106, 1301-1313.
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- Mueller, J., Kirshner, R., Leibundgut, B., Zabludoff, A. I., Schild, R., & Smith, C. (1990). Supernova 1990G in IC 2735. iaucirc, 4982, 1.
- Zabludoff, A. I., Huchra, J. P., & Geller, M. J. (1990). The kinematics of Abell clusters. apjs, 74, 1-36.
- Filippenko, A. V., Dickinson, M., Dey, A., Kirshner, R., Huchra, J., & Zabludoff, A. (1989). Supernovae 1989C and 1989D. iaucirc, 4734, 1.
- Vaccaro, P. H., Zabludoff, A., Carrera-Patino, M. E., Kinsey, J. L., & Field, R. W. (1989). High precision dipole moments in A 1A2 formaldehyde determined via Stark quantum beat spectroscopy. jcp, 90, 4150-4167.
Proceedings Publications
- Kerrison, N., Zabludoff, A., French, K., & Lee, G. (2021, jan). The Dependence of Galaxy Inflows and Outflows on Environment. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 53.
- Wen, S., Jonker, P., Stone, N., Zabludoff, A., & Psaltis, D. (2020, jun). "Continuum-Fitting the X-ray Spectra of Tidal Disruption Events". In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #236, 236.
- Fan, X., Wang, F., Yang, J., Keeton, C., Yue, M., Zabludoff, A., Bian, F., Bonaglia, M., Georgiev, I., Hennawi, J., Li, J., McGreer, I., Naidu, R., Pacucci, F., Rabien, S., Thompson, D., Venemans, B., Walter, F., Wu, X., & wang, r. (2019, jan). A Gravitationally Lensed Quasar at the Epoch of Reionization. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #233, 233.
- Smercina, A., Smith, J. D., Dale, D., French, D., Croxall, K., Zhukovska, S., Togi, A., Walter, F., Bell, E., Crocker, A., Draine, B., Jarrett, T., Tremonti, C., Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A., & Zschaechner, L. (2019, jan). After The Fall: The Dust and Gas in E+A Post-Starburst Galaxies. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #233, 233.
- Arcavi, I., French, K., & Zabludoff, A. (2016, jun). "Tidal Disruption Events Prefer Unusual Host Galaxies". In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 228.
- Lee, H., Zabludoff, A., Lee, J., French, K., & Park, B. (2016, jun). "Measuring the Dust Stripping of Galaxies by the Hot Intracluster Gas in the Virgo Cluster". In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 228.
- {DeMaio}, T., {Gonzalez}, A., {Zabludoff}, A., , D. (2016, jan). "{Intracluster Light in Galaxy Groups and Clusters}". In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 227.
- {Keeton}, C., {McCully}, C., {Wong}, K., , A. (2016, jan). "{Quantifying Environmental and Line-of-Sight Effects in Models of Strong Gravitational Lens Systems}". In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 227.
- {Raney}, C., {Wong}, K., {Umetsu}, K., {Keeton}, C., {Ammons}, S., {Zabludoff}, A., , K. (2016, jan). "{Gravitational Lens Modeling of Fields Containing Multiple Projected Cluster-Scale Halos}". In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 227.
- {Rhoads}, J., {Malhotra}, S., {Zheng}, Z., {Monson}, A., {Persson}, S., {Gonzalez}, A., {Probst}, R., {Swaters}, R., {Tilvi}, V., {Finkelstein}, S., {Jiang}, T., {Mobasher}, B., {Dickinson}, M., {Dressler}, A., {Lee}, J., {Ammons}, S., {Zabludoff}, A., {Emig}, K., {Hibon}, P., , {Joshi}, B., et al. (2016, jan). "{The DAWN and FLARE Surveys}". In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 227.
- {Wilson}, M., {Zabludoff}, A., {Wong}, K., {Keeton}, C., {French}, K., {Momcheva}, I., , K. (2016, jan). "{A Spectroscopic Survey of the Fields of 28 Strong Gravitational Lenses: Lens Environments and Line-of-Sight Structures}". In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 227.
- Cai, Z., Fan, X., Bian, F., Frye, B. L., McGreer, I. D., Peirani, S., White, M., Ho, S., Yang, Y., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2015, jan). MApping the Most Massive Overdensity Through Hydrogen (MAMMOTH). In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 225, #314.05.
- Cai, Z., Fan, X., Bian, F., McGreer, I. D., Frye, B. L., Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A. I., & Zheng, Z. (2014, jan). MApping the Most Massive Overdensity Through Hydrogen (MAMMOTH). In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #223, 223, #358.21.
- Keeton, C. R., McCully, C., Wong, K. C., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2014, jan). A framework for modeling line-of-sight effects in strong gravitational lensing. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #223, 223, #248.03.
- {Cai}, Z., {Fan}, X., {Bian}, F., {McGreer}, I., {Frye}, B., {Yang}, Y., {Zabludoff}, A., , Z. (2014, jan). "{MApping the Most Massive Overdensity Through Hydrogen (MAMMOTH)}". In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #223, 223.
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- DeMaio, T., Gonzalez, A., Bradac, M., Zabludoff, A., & Zaritsky, D. (2013, jul). Intracluster Light in Massive Galaxy Clusters. In Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Clusters of Galaxies, a conference held 1-5 July, 2013 in Sexton, Italy. Online at http://www.sexten-cfa.eu/en/conferences/2013/details/34-SestoClusters2013.html, id.41, 41.
- Desjardins, T. D., Gallagher, S., Tzanavaris, P., Mulchaey, J. S., Brandt, W. N., Charlton, J. C., Garmire, G., Gronwall, C., Hornschemeier, A. E., Johnson, K. E., Konstantopoulos, I., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2013, apr). Intragroup and Galaxy-Linked Diffuse X-ray Emission in Compact Groups of Galaxies. In AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division, 13, #401.07.
- Wong, K. C., Ammons, S., Keeton, C. R., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2013, jan). Optimal Mass Configurations for Lensing High-Redshift Galaxies (and how to find them in the SDSS!). In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #221, 221, #111.05.
- Zabludoff, A., Gonzalez, A., Sivanandam, S., & Zaritsky, D. (2013, jul). Deficit Spending and the Cluster Baryon Budget. In Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Clusters of Galaxies, a conference held 1-5 July, 2013 in Sexton, Italy. Online at http://www.sexten-cfa.eu/en/conferences/2013/details/34-SestoClusters2013.html, id.123, 123.
- Ammons, S., Wong, K. C., Zabludoff, A. I., Keeton, C. R., & French, D. (2012, jan). The Most Powerful Cosmic Telescopes for Constraining the Faint-end Slope of the z gt 7 Luminosity Function. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #219, 219, #331.06.
- Zabludoff, A. I. (2012, jan). Galaxy Formation in Action: A Multi-Wavelength Study of Ly-alpha Nebulae in the Distant Universe. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #219, 219, #415.02.
- Maybhate, A., Fedotov, K., Konstantopoulos, I., Charlton, J., Zabludoff, A., Chandar, R., Durrell, P., Gallagher, S., & Tzanavaris, P. (2011, jan). The Star Cluster Populations in the Evolutionary Sequence of Hickson Compact Groups. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #217, 43, #152.07.
- Sivanandam, S., Rieke, M., Rieke, G., Zabludoff, A., Zaritsky, D., & Gonzalez, A. (2010, jan). The Interplay between the Intracluster Medium and Cluster Stellar Content. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #215, 42, #386.05.
- Tenerelli, D., Angel, R., Burge, J., Guyon, O., Zabludoff, A., Belikov, R., Pluzhnik, E., & Egerman, R. (2010, jul). A 4-meter wide field coronagraph space telescope for general astrophysics and exoplanet observations. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 7731, 1.
- Wong, K. C., Keeton, C. R., Williams, K. A., Momcheva, I. G., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2010, may). The Effect of Environment on Shear in Strong Gravitational Lenses. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #216, 41, #318.05.
- Herbert-Fort, S., Zaritsky, D., Moustakas, J., Engelbracht, C., Fan, X., Pogge, R. W., Weiner, B., & Zabludoff, A. (2009, mar). The spatial extent of nearby outer disks. In IAU Symposium, 254, 26P.
- Kravtsov, A., Gonzalez, A., Vikhlinin, A., Marrone, D., Zabludoff, A., Nagai, D., Markevitch, M., Benson, B., Golwala, S., Meyers, S., Gladders, M., Rudd, D., Evrard, A., Conroy, C., & Allen, S. (2009). Towards the 2020 vision of the baryon content of galaxy groups and clusters. In astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, 2010, 164.
- Gonzalez, A. H., Zaritsky, D., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2008, may). A Census of Baryons in Galaxy Clusters and Groups. In IAU Symposium, 244, 167-175.
- Momcheva, I. G., Williams, K., Keeton, C., & Zabludoff, A. (2008, mar). Results from a Spectroscopic Survey of the Environments of Strong Gravitational Lenses. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #211, 211, #99.05.
- Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A., Dav'e, R., & Eisenstein, D. (2008, mar). Extended Lyman Alpha Nebulae at z=2.3: An Extremely Rare and Strongly Clustered Population. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #211, 211, #52.21.
- Zaritsky, D., Zabludoff, A. I., & Gonzalez, A. H. (2008, oct). Implications of a Universal Scaling Relation for Galaxies. In Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks, 396, 381.
- Momcheva, I., Williams, K., Zabludoff, A., & Keeton, C. (2007, may). Poor Groups Around Strong Gravitational Lenses. In IAU Symposium, 235, 230-230.
- Zabludoff, A. (2007). Groups: The Rich, the Poor and the Destitute. In Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe, 249.
- Charlton, J. C., Gallagher, S. C., Gronwall, C., English, J., Durrell, P. R., Chandar, R., Johnson, K. E., Brandt, W. N., Elmegreen, D. M., Eracleous, M., Garmire, G. P., Hibbard, J. E., Hickson, P., Hornschemeier, A. E., Hunsberger, S., Knierman, K. A., Maybhate, A., Oliveira, C., Mulchaey, J. S., , Palma, C., et al. (2006, dec). Modes of Star Formation in an Early Universe Laboratory: An HST/ACS Survey of Hickson Compact Groups. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 38, #114.05.
- Momcheva, I., Williams, K., Keeton, C., & Zabludoff, A. (2006). A Spectroscopic Study of the Environments of Gravitational Lens Galaxies. In EAS Publications Series, 20, 289-290.
- Zabludoff, A. (2006, oct). Galaxy Groups and Lensing. In KITP Conference: Applications of Gravitational Lensing: Unique Insights into Galaxy Formation and Evolution, 44.
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- Castander, F. J., Balogh, M. L., Bernardi, M., Bower, R. G., Connolly, A. J., Gilbank, D. G., G'omez, P. L., Goto, T., Hopkins, A. M., Miller, C. J., Nichol, R. C., Schneider, D. P., Seth, R., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2003). Galaxy Star Formation as a function of Environment. In Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series, 16, 229-232.
- Zabludoff, A. I. (2003, apr). A Census of Poor Groups: Hot Gas, Cold Gas, and Galaxies. In The IGM/Galaxy Connection. The Distribution of Baryons at z=0, 281, 291.
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- Zabludoff, A. (2002). Galaxy Evolution in the Most Common Environments. In AMiBA 2001: High-Z Clusters, Missing Baryons, and CMB Polarization, 257, 123.
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- Zabludoff, A. I. (2001). Gas and Galaxy Evolution in Poor Groups of Galaxies. In Gas and Galaxy Evolution, 240, 547.
- Laine, S., Marel, R. P., B"oker, T., Mihos, C., Hibbard, J. E., & Zabludoff, A. I. (2000, dec). Merger-Driven Evolution of Galactic Nuclei: Observations of the Toomre Sequence. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 32, #111.02.
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- Yang, J., Fan, X., Georgiev, I. Y., Keeton, C. R., Litke, K., Marrone, D., Venemans, B., Walter, F., Wang, F., Wang, R., Wu, X., Yue, M., & Zabludoff, A. (2019). Probing Black Hole/Galaxy Co-Evolution at Cosmic Dawn in High Definition with a Gravitationally Lensed Quasar.
- Cai, Z., Fan, X., Bian, F., Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A., & Zheng, Z. (2014). Probing the Large Scale Overdensity with Quasar Groups at the Peak Era of Galaxy Formation.
- DeMaio, T., Gonzalez, A., Mulchaey, J., Zabludoff, A., & Zaritsky, D. (2014). Baryon Fractions in Galaxy Groups.
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- Wong, K. C., Ammons, S. M., Zabludoff, A. I., Keeton, C. R., Decker French, K., & McCully, C. (2013). Studying the Most Powerful Gravitational Lens Telescopes with Subaru/Suprime-Cam.
- Zaritsky, D., Graham, M., Halford, M., Zabludoff, A., & Gonzalez, A. (2013). Searching for Systematic Effects in SNe Ia Distances.
- Zaritsky, D., Zabludoff, A., & Gonzalez, A. (2012). Searching for Systematic Effects in SNe Ia Distances.
- Ammons, S. M., Wong, K. C., Zabludoff, A. I., & Keeton, C. R. (2011). Finding the Most Powerful Gravitational Lens Telescopes with MMT Hectospec.
- Zabludoff, A. (2009). A Timeline for Early-Type Galaxy Formation: Mapping the Evolution of Star Formation, Globular Clusters, Dust, and Black Holes.
- Mulchaey, J., Martini, P., Rasmussen, J., Wilcots, E., Zabludoff, A., & Gorkom, J. (2008). A Spitzer Survey of the NGC 2563 Group of Galaxies.
- Rieke, G., Bai, L., Marcillac, D., Momcheva, I., Mulchaey, J., Rieke, M., Tyler, K., & Zabludoff, A. (2008). Unveiling the Effects of Environment on Star Formation in Galaxy Groups.
- Zabludoff, A. (2008). Using Chandra and HST to Construct the First Detailed Timeline of Early-Type Galaxy Evolution.
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- Yang, Y., Zabludoff, A., Dave', R., & Eisenstein, D. (2007). How Do Galaxies Get Their Baryons?.
- Momcheva, I., Zabludoff, A., Williams, K., & Keeton, C. R. (2006). Lens Environments as Laboratories for Galaxy Evolution.
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