Christopher Scott is an interdisciplinary scholar working on water security, climate resilience, human-environment interactions, and the water-energy-food nexus. Dr. Scott’s applied research emphasizes the importance of science-policy dialogues with particular attention to ecosystem services, groundwater depletion, water reuse, and transboundary adaptive management. Outside the academy, he has worked fifteen years for NGOs, government agencies, and applied-research institutes, contributing to water policy formulation and implementation. He has lived and worked five years in Latin America and six years in India (in addition to his schooling). Dr. Scott speaks Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, and Nepali, as well as conversational German and Urdu. Television, radio, and print coverage of his work has appeared in the US, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, India, and Nepal.
- Ph.D. Hydrology (Ag & Bio Eng)
- Cornell University
- M.S. Hydrology (Ag & Bio Eng)
- Cornell University
- B.A.
- Swarthmore College
- B.S.
- Swarthmore College
Work Experience
- Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona (2017 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona (2014 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona (2010 - 2014)
- University of Arizona (2006 - 2010)
- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (2005 - 2006)
- International Water Management Institute (2001 - 2005)
- International Water Management Institute & USAID (2000 - 2001)
- International Water Management Institute (1997 - 2000)
- Catholic Relief Services (1992 - 1994)
- Cornell University (1991 - 1992)
- Seva Mandir (NGO) (1987 - 1989)
- Baker Engineers (1985 - 1987)
- Fulbright Scholar
- Fulbright/ IIE, Spring 2020
- Mountain Chair, ICIMOD - Himalayan University Consortium
- International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Winter 2019
- Chair - Consensus Study, National Academies Consensus Study on Sustainability Partnerships in the U.S.-Mexico Drylands Region
- US National Academies of Science, Engineering & Medicine; and Mexican Academy of Science, Fall 2019
- Fellow, Leshner Public Engagement Institute
- American Association for Advancement of Science, Fall 2018
- Fellow, Academic Leadership Institute
- University of Arizona, Fall 2017
- Distinguished Scholar
- University of Arizona, 1885 Society, Fall 2013
Licensure & Certification
- PE (Professional Engineer), New York State licensing board (1996)
2018 Spring Adaptation & Resilience in Water Resource Systems, GEOG 696O (S17, F13, S11) 2016 Spring Water Management & Policy: Water-Energy-Food Nexus, GEOG 596J (F11, S10, F07)2015 Spring Water Resource Assessment, GEOG 469/569 (S08 as GEOG 467)2015 Spring Water, Environment, and Society, GEOG 304 (S14, S12, F10, F09, S07)(S17 = previously taught 2017 Spring, etc.)
• Resilience, adaptation, social-ecological systems• Water-energy nexus, infrastructure, policy• Groundwater, irrigation• Urban-wastewater irrigation, water reuse, agricultural-urban water transfers• Transboundary river basins and aquifers• Mountain water towers, Andes, Himalayas• Southwest US; Latin America (Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru); South Asia (India, Nepal)
2021-22 Courses
GEOG 920 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
GEOG 920 (Spring 2021) -
GEOG 920 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Adapt & Resil Water Rsrc Systm
GEOG 696O (Spring 2020) -
GEOG 920 (Spring 2020) -
ARL 920 (Fall 2019) -
GEOG 920 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
ARL 920 (Spring 2019) -
GEOG 920 (Spring 2019) -
Water Mgmnt + Policy
GEOG 596J (Spring 2019) -
ARL 920 (Fall 2018) -
GEOG 920 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Adapt & Resil Water Rsrc Systm
GEOG 696O (Spring 2018) -
ARL 920 (Spring 2018) -
GEOG 920 (Spring 2018) -
ARL 920 (Fall 2017) -
GEOG 920 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Adapt & Resil Water Rsrc Systm
GEOG 696O (Spring 2017) -
ARL 920 (Spring 2017) -
GEOG 920 (Spring 2017) -
ARL 920 (Fall 2016) -
GEOG 920 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
GEOG 699 (Fall 2016) -
ARL 900 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Current Topics/Geography
GEOG 395A (Spring 2016) -
Current Topics/Geography
GEOG 695A (Spring 2016) -
ARL 920 (Spring 2016) -
GEOG 920 (Spring 2016) -
GEOG 910 (Spring 2016) -
Water Mgmnt + Policy
GEOG 596J (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Vieira, R., Tucci, C., & Scott, C. A. (2019). Water and Climate Modeling in Large Basins, Vol. 5.. Brasilia, Brasil: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos.
- Vieira, R., Tucci, C., & Scott, C. A. (2018). Water and Climate Modeling in Large Basins, Vol. 4.. Brasilia, Brasil: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos.
- Vieira, R., Tucci, C., & Scott, C. A. (2015). Water and Climate Modeling in Large Basins, Vol. 3.. Brasilia, Brasil: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos.
- Scott, C. A., & de Gouvello, B. (2014). The Future of Public Water Governance: Has Water Privatization Peaked?. London: Routledge.More infoScott, C.A., B. de Gouvello (eds.). 2014. The Future of Public Water Governance: Has Water Privatization Peaked? Routledge, London, 192 p.
- Vieira, R., Tucci, C., & Scott, C. A. (2013). Water and Climate Modeling in Large Basins, Vol. 2.. Brasilia, Brasil: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos.
- Boelee, E., Scott, C., Raschid-Sally, L., Redwood, M., & Bahri, A. (2011). L’irrigation avec des eaux usees et la sante.More infoDrechsel, P., C.A. Scott, L. Raschid, M. Redwood, A. Bahri (dir.). 2011. L’Irrigation Avec des Eaux Usées et la Santé. Presses de l’Université du Québec, Québec, 440 p.
- Scott, C. A., Bark, R. H., K., M., & C.A., S. (2011). Climate change, water resources, and adaptive management in the Colorado River Basin. Associação Brasileira de Recursos HĂdricos, Brazil..More info;Your Role: co-author;Full Citation: Bark, R.H., K. Morino, D. Garrick, C.A. Scott. 2011. Climate change, water resources, and adaptive management in the Colorado River Basin. IN Vieira, R., C. Tucci, C.A. Scott (eds.). 2011. Water and Climate Modeling in Large Basins, Volume 1. Associação Brasileira de Recursos HĂdricos, Brazil.;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Bark, R.H. - CSIRO Australia, ex-UAK. Morino - UAD. Garrick - Oxford, ex-SGD;
- Scott, C. A., Vieira, R., & C., T. (2011). Water and Climate Modeling in Large Basins, Volume 1. Associação Brasileira de Recursos HĂdricos, Brazil..More info;Your Role: lined up two chapters; edited all chapters in Vol. 1;Full Citation: Vieira, R., C. Tucci, C.A. Scott (eds.). 2011. Water and Climate Modeling in Large Basins, Volume 1. Associação Brasileira de Recursos HĂdricos, Brazil. Co-author of chapter in this volume:• Bark, R.H., K. Morino, D. Garrick, C.A. Scott. 2011. Climate change, water resources, and adaptive management in the Colorado River Basin.;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Rui Vieira - Univ. Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Carlos Tucci - Brazilian Water Resources Association;
- Scott, C. A., Wilder, M., C.A., S., & R.G., V. (2011). Moving Forward from Vulnerability to Adaptation: Climate Change, Drought, and Water Demand in the Urbanizing Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy.More info;Your Role: extensive editing, review, and contribution to three chapters:• Browning-Aiken, A., E. McGovern, C.A. Scott, O. Lai, D. Clavreul. 2012. Resilience and adaptive water management in the context of urban growth and climate change vulnerability in Tucson, Arizona.• Pineda Pablos, N., C.A. Scott, et. al. 2012. Hermosillo - ciudad sin agua para crecer: vulnerabilidad y retos hidráulicos frente al cambio climático (Hermosillo - A city without water for growth: vulnerability and hydraulic challenges in the fact of climate change).• Wilder, M., J. Slack, G.M. Garfin, C.A. Scott, R.G. Varady, B. Morehouse, O. Lai, R. Beaty, E. McGovern. 2012. Urban water vulnerability and institutional challenges in Ambos Nogales.;Full Citation: Wilder, M., C.A. Scott, N. Pineda-Pablos, R.G. Varady, G.M. Farfin (eds). 2012. Moving Forward from Vulnerability to Adaptation: Climate Change, Drought, and Water Demand in the Urbanizing Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico - Casebook. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona, Tucson.;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Wilder, M. - SGD, UdallN. Pineda-Pablos - Colegio de Sonora prof.R.G. Varady - UdallG.M. Farfin - SNRE & IE;
- Drechsel, P., Scott, C. A., Raschid, L., Redwood, M., & Bahri, A. (2010). Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Assessing and Mitigating Risks in Low-Income Countries. London: Earthscan.More infoDrechsel, P., C.A. Scott, L. Raschid, M. Redwood, A. Bahri (eds.). 2010. Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Assessing and Mitigating Risks in Low-Income Countries. Earthscan, London, 404 p.
- Scott, C. A., Pasualetti, M., Hoover, J., Garfin, G., Varady, R., & Guhathakurta, S. (2009). Water and Energy Sustainability with Rapid Growth and Climate Change in the Arizona-Sonora Border Region. Arizona Water Institute.
- Biggs, T., Gaur, A., Scott, C. A., Thenkabail, P., Gangadhara Rao, P., Gumma, M. K., Acharya, S., & Turral, H. (2007). Closing of the Krishna Basin: irrigation, streamflow depletion and macroscale hydrology. International Water Mgmt. Inst., Colombo Sri Lanka.
- Sharma, B. R., Samra, J. S., Scott, C. A., & Wani, S. P. (2005). Watershed Management Challenges: Improving Productivity, Resources, and Livelihoods. International Water Management Institute.
- Sakthivadivel, R., Bhattacharya, K., & Scott, C. (2004). Biophysical and institutional factors in watershed management: A comparative analysis of four pilot watershed projects in India’s tribal belt. IWMI.
- Scott, C. A., Faruqui, N., & Raschid-Sally, L. (2004). Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture: Confronting the Livelihood and Environmental Realities. CABI.
- Scott, C. A., & Garc\'es-Restrepo, C. (2001). Conjunctive management of surface water and groundwater in the Middle Rio Lerma Basin, Mexico.. Oxford University Press.
- Baker, R., Scott, C., Fraiture, C., & Amarasinghe, U. (2000). Escasez Mundial de Agua y el Reto que Afronta M\'exico. Scott C., Wester P. \& Mara\~n\'on Pimentel B.(editors).
- Scott, C. A., Zaraz\'ua, J. A., & Levine, G. (2000). Urban-wastewater reuse for crop production in the water-short Guanajuato river basin, Mexico. International Water Mgmt. Inst., Colombo Sri Lanka.
- Flores-L\'opez, F. J., & Scott, C. A. (1999). Simulaci\'on de alternativas del manejo del agua en la cuenca del Rio San Juan, M\'exico. Instituto Internacional del Manejo del Agua.
- Scott, C. A. (1998). The hydrology of phosphorus transport in watersheds of mixed agricultural and forest land use. Cornell University, Jan..
- Sivamohan, M., & Scott, C. A. (1992). The Command Area Development Programme in India: A Policy Perspective. ODI Irrigation Management Network.
- Scott, C. A. (1991). Local-state collaboration for Himalayan resource rehabilitation: engendering equity in the commons. Cornell University, Aug..
- Scott, C. A., Zhang, F., Mukherji, A., & al, e. (2019). Water in the Hindu Kush Himalaya. In The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment – Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-92288-1_8More infoScott, C.A., F. Zhang, A. Mukherji (coordinating lead authors); W. Immerzeel, L. Bharati, D. Mustafa (lead authors); H. Zhang, T. Albrecht, A. Lutz, S. Nepal, A. Siddiqi, H. Kuemmerle, M. Qadir, S. Bhuchar, A. Prakash, R. Sinha (contributing authors). 2019. Water in the Hindu Kush Himalaya, Chapter 8 in P. Wester, A. Mishra, A. Mukherji, A.B. Shrestha (eds.), The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment – Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People, Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-92288-1_8.
- Vicuña, S., al (11 authors, CAScott 9th), e., & Scott, C. A. (2019). Recursos Hídricos. In Informe RIOCCADAPT.. RIOCCADAPT.More infoVicuña, S., L.M. Barranco, C. Berroeta, J.A. Marengo, P. Pacheco, J. Pérez, F. Picado, M. Pulido, C.A. Scott, R. Scribano, J. Tomasella. 2019. Recursos Hídricos. Capítulo 6, Informe RIOCCADAPT.
- Lutz-Ley, A., Lee, R., Scott, C. A., & Peralta, Y. (2018). Food and Water Security in North America’s Transboundary Sonoran Desert: A Water-Exporting Dryland. In Handbook of Water, Food and Society (M. Keulertz, T. Allan, T. Colman, B. Bromwich, eds.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190669799.013.22More infoLutz-Ley, A., R.H. Lee, C.A. Scott, Y. Peralta-Lugo. 2018. Food and Water Security in North America’s Transboundary Sonoran Desert: A Water-Exporting Dryland. Handbook of Water, Food and Society (M. Keulertz, T. Allan, T. Colman, B. Bromwich, eds.), Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190669799.013.22
- Mukherji, A., Scott, C. A., Molden, D., & Maharjan, A. (2018). Megatrends in Hindu Kush Himalaya: Climate change, urbanisation, and migration and their implications for water, energy, and food. In Assessing Global Water Megatrends. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-6695-5_8More infoMukherji, A., C.A. Scott. D. Molden, A. Maharjan. 2018. Megatrends in Hindu Kush Himalaya: Climate change, urbanisation, and migration and their implications for water, energy, and food. In A.K. Biswas, C. Tortajada, P. Rohner (eds.), Assessing Global Water Megatrends, Springer, Berlin, Ch. 8. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-6695-5_8
- Lutz-Ley, A., & Scott, C. A. (2016). South America: River basin management in the arid Americas. In Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. New York: Taylor and Francis. doi:10.1081/E-EPAP3-120052629.More infoLutz Ley, A.N., C.A. Scott. 2016. South America: River basin management in the arid Americas. Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. Taylor and Francis, New York. doi: 10.1081/E-EPAP3-120052629.
- Misra, G., Misra, H., & Scott, C. A. (2016). Understanding factors influencing hydro-climatic risk and human vulnerability: Application of systems thinking in the Himalayan region. In Climate Change and Dynamics of Glaciers and Vegetation in the Himalaya - R.B. Singh, U. Schickhoff, S. Mal (eds.). Berlin: Springer.More infoMisra, G., H. Misra, C.A. Scott. 2016. Understanding factors influencing hydro-climatic risk and human vulnerability: Application of systems thinking in the Himalayan region. Ch. 14 in R.B. Singh, U. Schickhoff, S. Mal (eds.) Climate Change and Dynamics of Glaciers and Vegetation in the Himalaya, Springer, Berlin.
- Scott, C. A., & Lutz-Ley, A. (2016). Enhancing water governance for climate resilience: Arizona, USA - Sonora, Mexico comparative assessment of the role of reservoirs in adaptive management for water security. In Increasing Resilience to Climate Variability and Change: The Role of Infrastructure and Governance in the Context of Adaptation(pp 15-40). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-1914-2_2More infoScott, C.A., A. Lutz Ley. 2016. Enhancing water governance for climate resilience: Arizona, USA - Sonora, Mexico comparative assessment of the role of reservoirs in adaptive management for water security. Ch. 2 in C. Tortajada (ed.) Increasing Resilience to Climate Variability and Change: The Role of Infrastructure and Governance in the Context of Adaptation, Springer, Berlin, pp. 15-40. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-1914-2_2
- Scott, C. A., & Sugg, Z. (2016). Global energy development and water scarcity – Physical limits, sectoral constraints, and policy imperatives. In Energy Policy and Climate Change(pp 453-468). Basel: MDPI Books, Basel.More infoScott, C.A., Z.P. Sugg. 2016. Global energy development and climate-induced water scarcity – Physical limits, sectoral constraints, and policy imperatives. In V. Dovì, A. Battaglini (eds.) Energy Policy and Climate Change, MDPI Books, Basel, pp. 453-468 [reprinted from Energies 2015 8(8): 8211-8225]
- Scott, C. A., Crootof, A. B., & Kelly, S. H. (2016). The urban water-energy nexus: Drivers and responses to global change in the ‘urban century’. In Environmental Resource Management and the Nexus Approach(pp 113-140). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28593-1More infoScott, C.A., A. Crootof, S. Kelly-Richards. 2016. The urban water-energy nexus: Drivers and responses to global change in the ‘urban century’. In H. Hettiarachchi, R. Ardakanian (eds.) Environmental Resource Management and the Nexus Approach: Managing Water, Soil, and Waste in the Context of Global Change, Springer, Berlin, pp. 113-140. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28593-1.
- Scott, C. A., Crootof, A. B., Thapa, B., & Shrestha, R. (2016). The water-energy-food nexus in the Ganges Basin: Challenges and opportunities. In Water Management in the Ganges Basin - L. Bharati, V. Smakhtin, B.R. Sharma (eds.). London: Earthscan.More infoScott, C.A., A. Crootof, B. Thapa, R.K. Shrestha. 2016. The water-food-energy nexus in the Ganges Basin: Challenges and opportunities. In L. Bharati, B.R. Sharma, V. Smakhtin (eds.), The Ganges River Basin: Status and Challenges in Water, Environment and Livelihoods, Routledge, London, pp. 138-153
- Curl, K., Neri, C., & Scott, C. A. (2015). Drought and water scarcity: discourses and competing water demands in the context of climate change in arid Sonora, Mexico. In Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Resources Management: Capacity, Equity, and Sustainability - D. Stucker and E. Lopez-Gunn (eds.)(pp 21-42). London: Earthscan.More infoCurl, K., C. Neri, C.A. Scott. 2015. Drought and water scarcity: discourses and competing water demands in the context of climate change in arid Sonora, Mexico. In D. Stucker and E. Lopez-Gunn (eds.) Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Resources Management: Capacity, Equity, and Sustainability. Earthscan, London, pp. 21-42.
- Lee, R., Herwehe, L., & Scott, C. A. (2015). Integrating local users and multi-tiered institutions into the IWRM process. In Sustainability of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): Water Governance, Climate and Ecohydrology - S.G. Setegn, M.C. Donoso (eds.). Berlin: Springer.More infoLee, R., L. Herwehe, C.A. Scott. 2015. Integrating local users and multi-tiered institutions into the IWRM process. In S.G. Setegn, M.C. Donoso (eds.) Sustainability of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): Water Governance, Climate and Ecohydrology, Springer, Berlin, pp. 365-386
- Lopez-Gunn, E., et al, ., & Scott, C. A. (2015). Rethinking Integrated Water Resources Management: Towards water and food security through adaptive management. In Water for Food and Wellbeing in Latin America and the Caribbean: Social and Environmental Implications for a Globalized Economy(pp 385-417). London: Routledge.More infoLopez-Gunn, E., (alphabetical order) A. Akhmouch, M.M. Aldaya, V.A. de Linaje, M. Ballestero, M. Bea, R. Hirata, J. Kuroiwa, B. Mayor, L. Perez, C.A. Scott, F. Villarroya, P. Zorrilla. 2015. Rethinking Integrated Water Resources Management: Towards water and food security through adaptive management. In B.A. Willaarts, A. Garrido, M.R. Llamas, (eds.) Water for Food and Wellbeing in Latin America and the Caribbean: Social and Environmental Implications for a Globalized Economy, Routledge, London, pp. 385-417,
- Meza, F., & Scott, C. A. (2015). Secure water supply in water- scarce regions. In Handbook on Water Security - C. Pahl-Wostl, A. Bhaduri, J. Gupta (eds.)(pp 239-254). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Scott, C. A., & Thapa, B. (2015). Environmental security. In Oxford Bibliographies in Environmental Science. New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/OBO/9780199363445-0012More infoScott, C.A., B. Thapa. 2015. Environmental security. In Ellen Wohl (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Environmental Science, Oxford University Press, New York. doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780199363445-0012
- Scott, C. A., Kurian, M., & Wescoat, J. (2015). The water-energy-food nexus: Adaptive capacity to complex global challenges. In Governing the Nexus: Water, Soil and Waste Resources Considering Global Change - M. Kurian and R. Ardakanian (eds.)(pp 15-38). Berlin: Springer.More infoScott, C.A., M. Kurian, J.L. Wescoat, Jr. 2015. The water-energy-food nexus: Adaptive capacity to complex global challenges. In M. Kurian and R. Ardakanian (eds.). Governing the Nexus: Water, Soil and Waste Resources Considering Global Change, Springer, Berlin, pp. 15-38.
- Kumar, M. D., Scott, C. A., & Singh, O. P. (2014). Raising agricultural productivity with reduced use of energy and groundwater: Role of market instruments and technology. In The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus - In M.D. Kumar, N. Bassi, A. Narayanamoorthy, M.V.K. Sivamohan (eds.). London: Earthscan.More infoKumar, M.D., C.A. Scott, O.P. Singh. 2014. Raising agricultural productivity with reduced use of energy and groundwater: Role of market instruments and technology. In M.D. Kumar, N. Bassi, A. Narayanamoorthy, M.V.K. Sivamohan (eds.) The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus, Earthscan, London, pp. 97-124.
- Scott, C. A. (2014). From black to green to gold: Farming with wastewater need not be an urban fringe activity. In Operationalization of the Urban Nexus in Metropolitan Regions. Bonn, Germany: ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, and German Development Cooperation.
- Scott, C. A., Venot, J. P., & Molle, F. (2013). Water, land, and development: Comparative Arizona - Israeli - Palestinian perspective. In Shared Borders, Shared Waters: Israeli-Palestinian and Colorado River Basin Water Challenges(pp 133-149). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor and Francis.More infoOther collaborative: Yes;Please specify if you select "Other collaborative" : with ex-IWMI colleagues;Full Citation: Scott, C.A., J.P. Venot, F. Molle. 2013. Water, land, and development: Comparative Arizona -Israeli - Palestinian perspective. In S.B. Megdal, R.G. Varady, and S. Eden (eds.) Shared Borders, Shared Waters: Israeli-Palestinian and Colorado River Basin Water Challenges. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, in cooperation with UNESCO-IHE, Delft, pp. 133-149.
- Sharma, B. R., Amarasinghe, U. A., Cai, X., & Scott, C. A. (2013). Water resources, water productivity, and poverty in the Indus-Ganges river basin. In Water and Climate Modeling in Large Basins, Vol. 2(pp 93-116). Brasilia, Brasil: Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos.More infoSharma, B., U.A. Amarasinghe, X. Cai, C.A. Scott. 2013. Water resources, water productivity, and poverty in the Indus-Ganges river basin. In R. Vieira, C. Tucci, C.A. Scott (eds.) Water and Climate Modeling in Large Basins, Vol. 2. Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos, Brazil, pp. 93-116.
- Vandervoet, P. L., Megdal, S. B., & Scott, C. A. (2013). Los acuiferos rransfronterizos Santa Cruz y San Pedro de Arizona y Sonora: Estado actual y analisis de meta-datos. In Desarrollo humano transfronterizo: retos y oportunidades en la region Sonora-Arizona.More info;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Full Citation: Vandervoet, P.L., S.B. Megdal, C.A. Scott. 2013. Los acuiferos rransfronterizos Santa Cruz y San Pedro de Arizona y Sonora: Estado actual y analisis de meta-datos (The Santa Cruz and San Pedro transboundary aquifers of Arizona and Sonora: Current status and database creation) In G. Cordova, J. Dutram, B. Lara, and J. Rodriguez (Eds.) Fortaleciendo el dialogo social: El desarrollo humano transfronterizo en la region Sonora-Arizona (Strengthening social dialog: Transboundary human development in the Sonora-Arizona region). Universidad de Sonora. Hermosillo, Sonora.;
- Vandervoet, P., Megdal, S. B., Scott, C. A., Vandervoet, P., Megdal, S. B., & Scott, C. A. (2013). Los acuiferos transfronterizos Santa Cruz y San Pedro en Arizona y Sonora: Estado actual y analisis de meta-datos (The Santa Cruz and San Pedro transboundary aquifers of Arizona and Sonora: Current status and metadata analysis). In Fortaleciendo el dialogo social: El desarrollo humano transfronterizo en la region Sonora-Arizona (Strengthening social dialog: Transboundary human development in the Sonora-Arizona region), Edited by G. Cordova, J. Dutram, B. Lara, and J. Rodriguez. Universidad de Sonora. Hermosillo, Sonora.
- Scott, C. A. (2012). Case Study: Effluent Auction in Prescott Valley, Arizona. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Agency for International Development.More info;Full Citation: Scott, C.A. 2012. Case Study: Effluent Auction in Prescott Valley, Arizona. 2012 Guidelines for Water Reuse, EPA/600/R-12/618, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington DC, pp. D18-D19.;
- Scott, C. A., Rock, C., C., G., & J.E.T., M. (2012). Case Study: Arizona Blue Ribbon Panel on Water Sustainability. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Agency for International Development.More info;Full Citation: Rock, C., C. Graf, C.A. Scott, J.E.T. McLain, S. Megdal. 2012. Case Study: Arizona Blue Ribbon Panel on Water Sustainability. 2012 Guidelines for Water Reuse, EPA/600/R-12/618, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington DC, pp. D14-D17.;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Scott, C. A., Eden, S., C.A., S., & S.B., M. (2011). Energy-water interdependencies and the Central Arizona Project. Edward Elgar.More info;Your Role: co-author;Full Citation: Eden, S., C.A. Scott, M.L. Lamberton, S.B. Megdal. 2011. Energy-water interdependencies and the Central Arizona Project. In D. Kenney and R. Wilkinson (eds.) The Water-Energy Nexus in the American West, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 109-122.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Scott, C. A., & P., S. (2010). Collective action for sustainable water harvesting irrigation. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC.More info;Your Role: Led the research and writing.;Full Citation: Scott, C.A., P. Silva-Ochoa. 2010. Collective action for sustainable water harvesting irrigation. In Resources, Rights, and Cooperation: A Sourcebook on Property Rights and Collective Action for Sustainable Development. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC. pp. 80-83.;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Residual publication from IWMI time.;
- Gerba, C. F., & Scott, C. A. (2009). Animal and human waste as vehicles for cross-contamination of imported foods.. In Safety of Imported Foods: Microbiological Issues and Challenges.. American Society of Microbiology.More infoGerba, C.F., C.A. Scott. Submitted. Animal and human waste as vehicles for cross-contamination of imported foods. In M. Doyle and M.C. Erickson (eds.) Safety of Imported Foods: Microbiological Issues and Challenges. American Society of Microbiology.;Your Role: Collaboration with CF Gerba, UA SWES Prof., in which I contributed international material from my 2004 book and follow up contacts.;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Shah, T., Scott, C. A., Berkoff, J., Kishore, A., & Sharma, A. (2004). Energy-irrigation nexus in South Asia: Pricing versus rationing as practical tool for efficient resource allocation. In Irrigation Water Pricing: The Gap Between Theory and Practice.(pp 208--232). CAB International.
- Scott, C. A. (2005). Investing in the reuse of treated wastewater. In Shaping the Future of Water for Agriculture: A Sourcebook for Investment in Agricultural Water Management(pp 185--189). World Bank.
- Sivamohan, M. V., & Scott, C. A. (2005). Coalition-building for participatory irrigation management under changing water resource trends: reflections on reforms in Andhra Pradesh, India. In Asian Irrigation in Transition: Responding to Challenges(pp 390--408). Sage Publications.
- Faruqui, N., Scott, C. A., & Raschid-Sally, L. (2004). Confronting the realities of wastewater use in irrigated agriculture: lessons learned and recommendations. In Wastewater use in irrigated agriculture: confronting the livelihood and environmental realities(p. 173). CABI.
- Faruqui, N., Scott, C., & Raschid-Sally, L. (2004). Lessons Learned and Recommendations. In Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture(p. 140).
- Scott, C. A., Faruqui, N., & Raschid-Sally, L. (2004). Wastewater use in irrigated agriculture: management challenges in developing countries. In Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture, CABI, UK(pp 1--10). Commonwealth Agriculture Bureau, Wallingford UK.
- Scott, C. A., Shah, T., Buechler, S. J., & Silva-Ochoa, P. (2004). La fijaci\'on de precios y el suministro de energ\'\ia para el manejo de la demanda de agua subterr\'anea: ense\~nanzas de la agricultura mexicana. In Hacia una Gesti\'on Integral del Agua en M\'exico: Retos y Alternativas(pp 201--228). Porrua Editores.
- Silva-Ochoa, P., & Scott, C. A. (2004). Treatment plant effects on wastewater irrigation benefits: revisiting a case study in the Guanajuato River Basin, Mexico. In Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture: Confronting the Livelihood and Environmental Realities. CAB International.
- Wester, P., Scott, C., & Burton, M. (2004). River basin closure and institutional change in Mexico's Lerma-Chapala Basin. In Irrigation and River Basin Management: Options for Governance and Institutions. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, U.K.More infoFull Citation: Wester, P., C.A. Scott, M. Burton. 2004. River basin closure and institutional change in Mexico's Lerma-Chapala Basin. Chapter 8 (pp. 125-144) in M. Svendsen (ed.) Irrigation and River Basin Management: Options for Governance and Institutions. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, U.K.
- Scott, C. A. (2003). Sustainable groundwater management: have property rights reforms helped in Mexico?. In Groundwater Governance in Asia: The Challenge of Taming a Colossal Anarchy. Intl. Water Management Inst., Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Scott, C. A., Silva-Ochoa, P., Florencio-Cruz, V., & Wester, P. (2001). Competition for water in the Lerma-Chapala basin. In The Lerma-Chapala Watershed: Evaluation and Management(pp 291--323). Kluwer Academic / Plenum.
- Scott, C. A., & Le Tourneau, F. M. (2019). [Special issue lead-editor] Resilience and complexity: Frameworks and models to capture social-ecological interactions. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.More infoScott, C.A., F.M. Le Tourneau (eds.). 2020 special issue in press. "Resilience and complexity: Frameworks and models to capture social-ecological interactions," Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
- Scott, C. A., Pincetl, S., Meixner, T., Lansey, K. E., Duan, J. G., Daigger, G. T., Cath, T. Y., Boccelli, D., Shrestha, P. P., Albrecht, T., Mack, E. A., Zuniga Teran, A. A., Achilli, A., & Crosson, C. (2020). Net Zero Urban Water from Concept to Applications: Integrating Natural, Built, and Social Systems for Responsive and Adaptive Solutions. ACS ES&T Water.
- Everard, M., Gupta, N., Scott, C. A., Tiwari, P. C., Joshi, B., Kataria, G., & Kumar, S. (2019). Assessing livelihood-ecosystem interdependencies and natural resource governance in Indian villages in the Middle Himalayas. Regional Environmental Change, 9, 165-177. doi:10.1007/s10113-018-1391-xMore infoEverard, M., N. Gupta, C.A. Scott, P.C. Tiwari, B. Joshi, G. Kataria, S. Kumar. 2019. Assessing livelihood-ecosystem interdependencies and natural resource governance in Indian villages in the Middle Himalayas. Regional Environmental Change 9:165-177, doi: 10.1007/s10113-018-1391-x.
- Gil-Loaiza, J., Lutz-Ley, A., Wilder, B., Ruiz, J., Lever, J., & Scott, C. A. (2019). La ciencia cruza fronteras: Consorcio Arizona-México para Ambientes Áridos. Ciencia, 70(4), 56-63.More infoGil-Loaiza, J., A.N. Lutz Ley, B.T. Wilder, J. Ruiz, J. Lever, C.A. Scott. 2019. La ciencia cruza fronteras: Consorcio Arizona-México para Ambientes Áridos. Ciencia 70(4): 56-63.*Note, I was invited to submit and led the writing of this paper. After submission, the journal indicated they limit the author list to three only, but after they relented, I opted to let the grad student and junior scholars take lead authorship.
- Kurian, M., Scott, C. A., Reddy, V. R., Alabaster, G., Nardocci, A. C., Portney, K., Boer, K., & Hannibal, B. (2019). One swallow does not make a summer: Siloes, trade-offs and synergies in the water-energy-food nexus. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7(32), 56-63. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2019.00032.More infoKurian, M., C.A. Scott, V.R. Reddy, G. Alabaster, A.C. Nardocci, K. Portney, K. Boer, B. Hannibal 2019. One swallow does not make a summer: Siloes, trade-offs and synergies in the water-energy-food nexus. Frontiers in Environmental Science 7(32), doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00032.
- Scott, C. A., Hill, A., & Wilson, A. (2019). Editorial - Pursuing water security in socio-hydrological systems. Water Security. doi:10.1016/j.wasec.2019.100037More infoC.A. Scott, A.F. Hill, A.M. Wilson. 2019. Editorial - Pursuing water security in socio-hydrological systems. Water Security 6(1), doi: 10.1016/j.wasec.2019.100037 (reviewed by journal editors).
- Scott, C. A., Scott, C. A., Hill, A., Hill, A., Wilson, A., & Wilson, A. (2019). [Special issue lead-editor] Pursuing Water Security in Socio-hydrological Systems. Water Security.More infoScott, C.A., A.F Hill, A.M. Wilson (special issue editors). 2019. Pursuing Water Security in Socio-hydrological Systems, Water Security 4-5,
- Thapa, B., & Scott, C. A. (2019). Institutional strategies for adaptation to water stress in farmer-managed irrigation systems of Nepal. International Journal of the Commons, 13(2), 892-908. doi:10.5334/ijc.901More infoThapa, B., C.A. Scott. 2019. Institutional strategies for adaptation to water stress in farmer-managed irrigation systems of Nepal. International Journal of the Commons, 13(2):892-908, doi: 10.5334/ijc.901.
- Albrecht, T., Crootof, A., & Scott, C. A. (2018). The water-energy-food nexus: A systematic review of methods for nexus assessment. Environmental Research Letters, 13(043002). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aaa9c6More infoAlbrecht, T.R., A.B. Crootof, C.A. Scott. 2018. The water-energy-food nexus: A systematic review of methods for nexus assessment. Environmental Research Letters 13, 043002, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aaa9c6.
- Gerlak, A. K., House-Peters, L. A., Varady, R. G., Albrecht, T., Zuniga-Teran, A., de Grenade, R., Cook, C., & Scott, C. A. (2018). Water security: A review of place-based research. Environmental Science & Policy, 82, 79-89. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2018.01.009.More infoGerlak, A.K., L. House-Peters, R. Varady, T. Albrecht, A. Zuniga Teran, R. de Grenade C. Cook, C.A. Scott. 2018. Water security: A review of place-based research. Environmental Science & Policy 82: 79-89, doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2018.01.009.
- Hammersley, M., Scott, C. A., & Gimblett, H. R. (2018). Evolving conceptions of the role of large dams in social-ecological resilience. Ecology and Society, 23(1), 40. doi:10.5751/ES-09928-230140.More infoHammersley, M.A., C.A. Scott, H.R. Gimblett. 2018. Evolving conceptions of the role of large dams in social-ecological resilience. Ecology & Society 23(1): 40, doi: 10.5751/ES-09928-230140.
- Hough, M., Hough, M., Pavao-Zuckerman, M., Pavao-Zuckerman, M., Scott, C., & Scott, C. (2018). Connecting plant traits and social perceptions in riparian systems: Ecosystem services as indicators of thresholds in social-ecohydrological systems. Journal of Hydrology. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.08.005More infoHough, M., M. Pavao-Zuckerman, C.A. Scott. 2018. Connecting plant traits and social perceptions in riparian systems: Ecosystem services as indicators of thresholds in social-ecohydrological systems. Journal of Hydrology, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.08.005.
- Pasqual, J. C., Bollmann, H. A., & Scott, C. A. (2018). Collective agro-energy generation in family agriculture: the Ajuricaba condominium case study in Brazil. Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, 14(34), 35-61. doi:10.3895/rts.v14n34.7626More infoPasqual, J.C., H.A. Bollmann, C.A. Scott. 2018. Collective agro-energy generation in family agriculture: the Ajuricaba condominium case study in Brazil. Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade 14 (34): 35-61, doi: 10.3895/rts.v14n34.7626
- Pasqual, J. C., Bollmann, H. A., Scott, C. A., Edwiges, T., & Baptista, T. C. (2018). Assessment of collective production of biomethane from livestock waste for urban transportation mobility in Brazil and the United States. Energies, 11(997).More infoPasqual, J.C., H.A. Bollmann, C.A. Scott, T. Edwiges, T.C. Baptista. 2018. Assessment of collective production of biomethane from livestock waste for urban transportation mobility in Brazil and the United States. Energies 11 (997), doi: 10.3390/en11040997.
- Scott, C. A., & Ogden, K. (2018). [Special issue lead-editor] The Nexus of Renewable Energy, Water, and Food Systems. Energies.More infoScott, C.A., K. Ogden (eds.). 2018 special issue "The Nexus of Renewable Energy, Water, and Food Systems," Energies.
- Scott, C. A., Albrecht, T., de Grenade, R., Zuniga-Teran, A., Varady, R., & Thapa, B. (2018). Water security and the pursuit of food, energy, and earth systems resilience. Water International, 43, 1055-1074. doi:10.1080/02508060.2018.1534564More infoScott, C.A., T. Albrecht, R. de Grenade, A. Zuniga-Teran, R.G. Varady, B. Thapa. 2018. Water security and the pursuit of food, energy, and earth systems resilience. Water International 43: 1055-1074, doi: 10.1080/02508060.2018.1534564
- Staddon, C., & Scott, C. A. (2018). Putting water security to work: Addressing global challenges. Water International, 43, 1017-1025. doi:10.1080/02508060.2018.1550353More infoStaddon, C., C.A. Scott. 2018. Putting water security to work: Addressing global challenges. Water International 43: 1017-1025, doi: 10.1080/02508060.2018.1550353
- Wang, L., Wang, L., Zhang, F., Zhang, F., Zhang, H., Zhang, H., Scott, C. A., Scott, C. A., Zeng, C., Zeng, C., Shi, X., & Shi, X. (2018). Intensive precipitation observation greatly improves hydrological modelling of the poorly gauged high mountain Mabengnong catchment in the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 556, 500-509. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.11.039.More infoWang, L., F. Zhang, H. Zhang, C.A. Scott, C. Zeng, X. Shi. 2018. Intensive precipitation observation greatly improves hydrological modelling of the poorly gauged high mountain Mabengnong catchment in the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology 556: 500-509, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.11.039.
- Scott, C. A., & Staddon, C. (2018). [Special issue lead-editor] he Global Water Security Challenge. Water International, 43(8).More infoScott, C.A., C. Staddon (special issue editors). 2018. The Global Water Security Challenge, Water International 43(8),
- Wang, G., Zeng, C., Zhang, F., Zhang, Y., Scott, C. A., & Yan, X. (2017). Traffic-related trace elements in soils along six highway segments on the Tibetan Plateau: Influence factors and spatial variation. Science of the Total Environment, 581-582, 811-821. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.01.018More infoWang, G., C. Zeng, F. Zhang, Y. Zhang, C.A. Scott, X. Yan. 2017. Traffic-related trace elements in soils along six highway segments on the Tibetan Plateau: Influence factors and spatial variation. Science of the Total Environment 581-582: 811-821, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.01.018
- Buechler, S., Sen, D., Khandekar, N., & Scott, C. A. (2016). Re-Linking Governance of Energy with Livelihoods and Irrigation in Uttarakhand, India. WATER, 8(10). doi:10.3390/w8100437
- Garfin, G. M., Scott, C. A., Wilder, M. O., Varady, R. G., & Merideth, R. (2016). Metrics for assessing adaptive capacity and water security: common challenges, diverging contexts, emerging consensus. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 21, 86-89. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2016.11.007More infoGarfin, G.M., C.A. Scott, M. Wilder, R.G. Varady, R. Merideth. 2016. Metrics for assessing adaptive capacity and water security: Common challenges, diverging contexts, emerging consensus. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 21: 86-89, doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2016.11.007.
- Konar, M., Evans, T. P., Levy, M., Scott, C. A., Troy, T. J., Voeroesmarty, C. J., & Sivapalan, M. (2016). Water resources sustainability in a globalizing world: who uses the water?. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 30(18), 3330-3336.More infoKonar, M., T.P. Evans, M. Levy, C.A. Scott, T. Troy, C.J. Vörösmarty, M. Sivapalan. 2016. Water resources sustainability in a globalizing world: who uses the water? Hydrological Processes 30(18): 3330-3336, doi: 10.1002/hyp.10843
- Mills-Novoa, M., Crootof, A. B., Borgias, S., Thapa, B., de Grenade, R., & Scott, C. A. (2016). Bringing the hydro-social cycle into climate change adaptation planning: Lessons from two Andean mountain water towers. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 107(2). doi:10.1080/24694452.2016.1232618More infoMills-Novoa, M., A.B. Crootof, S. Borgias, B. Thapa, R. de Grenade, C.A. Scott. 2016. Bringing the hydro-social cycle into climate change adaptation planning: Lessons from two Andean mountain water towers. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 107(2): doi: 10.1080/24694452.2016.1232618
- Navarro-Navarro, L. A., Moreno-Vazquez, J. L., & Scott, C. A. (2017). Social networks for management of water scarcity: Evidence from the San Miguel watershed, Sonora, Mexico. Water Alternatives, 10(1), 41-64.More infoNavarro-Navarro, L.A., J.L. Moreno-Vazquez, C.A. Scott. 2017. Social networks for management of water scarcity: Evidence from the San Miguel watershed, Sonora, Mexico. Water Alternatives 10(1): 41-64.
- Ocampo-Melgar, A., Ocampo-Melgar, A., Vicuna, S., Vicuna, S., Gironas, J., Gironas, J., Varady, R. G., Varady, R. G., Scott, C. A., & Scott, C. A. (2016). Scientists, Policymakers, and Stakeholders Plan for Climate Change: A Promising Approach in Chile's Maipo Basin. ENVIRONMENT, 58(5), 24-37.More infoOcampo-Melgar, A., S. Vicuña, J. Gironás, R.G. Varady, C.A. Scott. 2016 Scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders plan for climate change: A promising approach in Chile’s Maipo basin. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 58(5): 24-37, doi: 10.1080/00139157.2016.1209004
- Pasqual, J. C., Bollmann, H. A., & Scott, C. A. (2016). Water-energy-food nexus: Background and perspectives for Brazil and the United States by 2050. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B, 6, 108-120. doi:10.17265/2161-6264/2016.02.006More infoPasqual, J.C., H.A. Bollmann, C.A. Scott. 2016. Water-energy-food nexus: Background and perspectives for Brazil and the United States by 2050. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B 6: 108-120, doi: 10.17265/2161-6264/2016.02.006
- Pasqualetti, M. J., Jones, T. E., Necefer, L., Scott, C. A., & Colombi, B. J. (2016). A paradox of plenty: Renewable energy on Navajo Nation lands. Society and Natural Resources, 29(8), 885-899. doi:10.1080/08941920.2015.1107794More infoPasqualetti, M.J., T.E. Jones, L. Necefer, C.A. Scott, B.J. Colombi. 2016. A paradox of plenty: Renewable energy on Navajo Nation lands. Society and Natural Resources 29(8): 885-899, doi: 10.1080/08941920.2015.1107794
- Routson de Grenade, R., House-Peters, L. A., Scott, C. A., Thapa, B., Mills-Novoa, M., Gerlak, A. K., & Verbist, K. (2016). The nexus: reconsidering environmental security and adaptive capacity. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 21, 15-21. doi:
- Thapa, B., Scott, C., Wester, P., & Varady, R. (2016). Towards characterizing the adaptive capacity of farmer-managed irrigation systems: learnings from Nepal. CURRENT OPINION IN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY, 21, 37-44.
- Varady, R. G., Megdal, S. B., McEvoy, J., Scott, C. A., Merideth, R., Wilder, M. O., Aguilar Barajas, I., & Pineda Pablos, N. (2016). Desalination and water security in the U.S.-Mexico border region: The social, environmental, and political context. Water International, 41(5), 756-775. doi:10.1080/02508060.2016.1166416
- Zeitoun, M., Lankford, B., Kruege, T., Forsyth, T., Carter, R., Hoekstra, A. Y., Taylor, R., Varis, O., Cleaver, F., Boelens, R., Swatuk, L., Tickner, D., Scott, C. A., Mirumachi, N., & Matthews, N. (2016). Reductionist and integrative research approaches to complex water security policy challenges. GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE, 39, 143-154.More infoZeitoun, M., B. Lankford, T. Krueger, T. Forsyth, R. Carter, A.Y. Hoekstra, R. Taylor, O. Varis, F. Cleaver, R. Boelens, L. Swatuk, D. Tickner, C.A. Scott, N. Mirumachi, N. Matthews. 2016. Reductionist and integrative research approaches to complex water security policy challenges. Global Environmental Change 39: 143-154, doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.04.010.
- de Grenade, R., de Grenade, R., Rudow, J., Rudow, J., Taboada Hermoza, R., Taboada Hermoza, R., Adauto Aguirre, M. E., Adauto Aguirre, M. E., Scott, C. A., Scott, C. A., Willems, B., Willems, B., Schultz, J., Schultz, J., Varady, R., & Varady, R. (2016). Anticipatory capacity in response to global change across an extreme elevation gradient in the Ica Basin, Peru. Regional Environmental Change. doi:10.1007/s10113-016-1075-3More infode Grenade, R., J. Rudow, R. Taboada Hermoza, M.E. Adauto Aguirre, C.A. Scott, B. Willems, J. Schultz, R. Varady. 2016. Anticipatory capacity in response to global change across an extreme elevation gradient in the Ica Basin, Peru. Regional Environmental Change, doi: 10.1007/s10113-016-1075-3
- De Gouvello, B., & Scott, C. (2014). The Future of Public Water Governance-Has Water Privatization Peaked?. Water International (Special Issue Eds. B. de Gouvello, C.A. Scott).
- Halper, E. B., Dall'erba, S., Bark, R., Scott, C. A., & Yool, S. (2015). Effects of irrigated parks on outdoor residential water use in a semi-arid city. Landscape and Urban Planning, 210–22.More infoHalper, E., S. Dall’erba, R. Bark, C.A. Scott, S. Yool. 2015. Effects of irrigated parks on outdoor residential water use in a semi-arid city. Landscape and Urban Planning 134: 210–220, doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.09.005.
- Kumar, M. D., Scott, C. A., & Singh, O. (2014). Raising agricultural productivity with reduced use of energy and groundwater. The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus: Lessons from India for Development, 97.
- Prichard, A. H., & Scott, C. A. (2014). Interbasin water transfers at the US--Mexico border city of Nogales, Sonora: implications for aquifers and water security. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 30(1), 135--151.
- Ribeiro Neto, A., Scott, C. A., de Araujo Lima, E., Montenegro, S. M., & Cirilo, J. A. (2014). Infrastructure sufficiency in meeting water demand under climate-induced socio-hydrological transition in the urbanizing Capibaribe River Basin – Brazil. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 3449–3459. doi:10.5194/hess-18-3449-2014.More infoRibeiro Neto, A., C.A. Scott, E. de Araújo Lima, S.M.G.L. Montenegro, J.A. Cirilo. 2014. Infrastructure sufficiency in meeting water demand under climate-induced socio-hydrological transition in the urbanizing Capibaribe River Basin – Brazil. Hydrology & Earth System Sciences 18: 3449–3459, doi: 10.5194/hess-18-3449-2014.
- Scott, C. A. (2014). Eletricidade para o bombeamento de agua subterranea: limitacoes e oportunidades para respostas adaptativas as mudancas climaticas. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, 30, 45-57.More infoScott, C.A. 2014. Eletricidade para o bombeamento de água subterrânea: limitações e oportunidades para respostas adaptativas às mudanças climáticas. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente 30: 45-57.
- Scott, C. A., & Andersen, S. M. (2014). Nexo Água e Energia nas Américas - Special Issue (Water-Energy Nexus in the Americas). Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, 30. doi:10.5380/dma.v30i0More infoAndersen, S.M., C.A. Scott (special-issue co-editors). 2014. Nexo Água e Energia nas Américas (Water-Energy Nexus in the Americas). Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente (Development and Environment) 30, doi: 10.5380/dma.v30i0
- Scott, C., Vicu\~na, S., Blanco-Guti\'errez, I., Meza, F., & Varela-Ortega, C. (2014). Irrigation efficiency and water-policy implications for river basin resilience. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(4), 1339--1348.
- Sivapalan, M., Konar, M., Srinivasan, V., Chhatre, A., Wutich, A., Scott, C. A., Wescoat, J. L., & Rodriguez-Iturbe, I. (2014). Socio-hydrology: use-inspired water sustainability science for the Anthropocene. Earth's Future, 1-6. doi:10.1002/2013EF000164More infoSivapalan, M., M. Konar, V. Srinivasan, A. Chhatre, A. Wutich, C.A. Scott, J. L. Wescoat, I. Rodríguez-Iturbe. 2014. Socio-hydrology: use-inspired water sustainability science for the Anthropocene. Earth’s Future 2: 1-6, doi: 10.1002/2013EF000164.
- Thapa, B., Varady, R. G., & Scott, C. A. (2013). Measuring water security: An assessment of the 2013 Asian Development Bank Outlook national water security index. Environmental Scientist.More infoThapa, B., R.G. Varady, C.A. Scott. In review. Measuring water security: An assessment of the 2013 Asian Development Bank Outlook national water security index. Environmental Scientist.
- Biggs, T., Gumma, M., & Scott, C. (2013). Are small reservoirs important? The regional sociohydrology and climatic sensitivity of irrigation systems in southern India. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 03.
- Kumar, M. D., Scott, C. A., & Singh, O. (2013). Can India raise agricultural productivity while reducing groundwater and energy use?. International Journal of Water Resources Development.
- Ormerod, K. J., & Scott, C. A. (2013). Drinking highly treated wastewater: public trust in the next water frontier. Science, Technology, and Human Values.More infoCollaborative with graduate student: Yes;Ormerod, K.J., C.A. Scott. 2013. Drinking highly treated wastewater: public trust in the next water frontier. Science, Technology, and Human Values. 38(3): 351-373, doi: 10.1177/0162243912444736
- Scott, C. (2013). Resource-use efficiency, once paradigm now paradox: The socio-hydrology of waste. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston, available at: h ttp://aaas. confex. com/aaas/2013/webprogram/Paper9286. html.
- Scott, C. A. (2013). Electricity for groundwater use: constraints and opportunities for adaptive response to climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 8(3), 035005.
- Scott, C. A., & Buechler, S. J. (2013). Iterative driver-response dynamics of human-environment interactions in the Arizona-Sonora borderlands. Ecosphere.More infoScott, C.A., S.J. Buechler. 2013. Iterative driver-response dynamics of human-environment interactions in the Arizona-Sonora borderlands. Ecosphere 4(1): Article 2, doi: 10.1890/ES12-00273.1.Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;
- Scott, C. A., Meza, F. J., Varady, R. G., Tiessen, H., McEvoy, J., Garfin, G. M., Wilder, M., Farfan, L. M., Pineda Pablos, N., & Montana, E. (2013). Water security and adaptive management in the arid Americas. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2(103), 280-289.More infoCollaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: F.J. Meza - P. Univ. Catolica ChileH. Tiessen - IAI BrazilL.M. Farfan - CICESE MexicoN. Pineda Pablos - COLSON MexicoE. Montana - CONICET Argentina;
- De Gouvello, B., & Scott, C. A. (2012). Has water privatization peaked? The future of public water governance. water international, 37(2), 87--90.
- Eden, S., Scott, C. A., Lamberton, M. L., & Megdal, S. B. (2012). Water--energy interdependencies and the Central Arizona Project. The Water-Energy Nexus in the American West, 109.
- Halper, E. B., Scott, C. A., & Yool, S. R. (2012). Correlating Vegetation, Water Use, and Surface Temperature in a Semiarid City: A Multiscale Analysis of the Impacts of Irrigation by Single-Family Residences. Geographical Analysis, 44(3), 235--257.
- Lee, R., Scott, C., Curl, K., House-Peters, L., & Buechler, S. (2012). Water, land, climate change and agrarian livelihood in an arid region riparian corridor: Ray\'on, Sonora, Mexico. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 1240.
- Scott, C. A., Bailey, C. J., Marra, R. P., Woods, G. J., Ormerod, K. J., & Lansey, K. (2012). Scenario planning to address critical uncertainties for robust and resilient water-wastewater infrastructures under conditions of water scarcity and rapid development. Water.More infoCollaborative with graduate student: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Full Citation: Scott, C.A., C.J. Bailey, R.P. Marra, G.J. Woods, K.J. Ormerod, K. Lansey. 2012. Scenario planning to address critical uncertainties for robust and resilient water-wastewater infrastructures under conditions of water scarcity and rapid development. Water 4: 848-868, doi: 10.3390/w4040848
- Scott, C. A., Halper, E., & C.A., S. (2011). Urban heat island, vegetation, and residential water use in Tucson, Arizona: a multi-scale investigation. Geographical Analysis.More infoHalper, E., C.A. Scott, S. Yool. 2012, in press. Urban heat island, vegetation, and residential water use in Tucson, Arizona: a multi-scale investigation. Geographical Analysis.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;
- Scott, C. A., Robbins, P. F., & Comrie, A. C. (2012). The mutual conditioning of humans and pathogens: Implications for integrative geographical scholarship. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102(5), 977--985.
- Scott, C. A., Varady, R. G., C.A., S., B., M., & G.M., G. (2012). Transboundary adaptive management to reduce climate-change vulnerability in the western U.S.-Mexico border region. Environmental Science & Policy.More info;Full Citation: Varady, R.G., C.A. Scott, M. Wilder, B. Morehouse, N. Pineda, G.M. Garfin. 2012. Transboundary adaptive management to reduce climate-change vulnerability in the western U.S.-Mexico border region. Environmental Science & Policy. doi 10.1016/j.envsci.2012.07.006.;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Varady, R.G., M. Wilder, B. Morehouse, G.M. Garfin - UA FacultyN. Pineda - COLSON Mexico;
- Scott, C. A., Varady, R. G., Meza, F., Monta\~na, E., Raga, G. B., Luckman, B., & Martius, C. (2012). Science-policy dialogues for water security: addressing vulnerability and adaptation to global change in the arid Americas. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 54(3), 30--42.
- Scott, C., & Farfan, L. (2012). Water security and societal impacts of tropical cyclones in northwestern Mexico, 1970-2010. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 08.
- Callegary, J., Page, W., Megdal, S., Gray, F., Scott, C., Berry, M., Rangel, M., Oroz Ramos, L., Menges, C., & Jones, A. (2011). Hydrogeologic Framework of the Upper Santa Cruz Basin (Arizona and Sonora) using Well Logs, Geologic Mapping, Gravity, Magnetics, and Electromagnetics. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 1190.
- Kumar, M. D., Scott, C. A., & Singh, O. (2011). Inducing the shift from flat-rate or free agricultural power to metered supply: Implications for groundwater depletion and power sector viability in India. Journal of Hydrology, 409(1), 382--394.
- Qadir, M., & Scott, C. A. (2011). Contraintes non pathog\`enes li\'ees \`a l’irrigation avec des eaux us\'ees. L’irrigation avec des eaux us\'ees et la sant\'e, 109.
- Scott, C. A. (2011). The water-energy-climate nexus: Resources and policy outlook for aquifers in Mexico. Water Resources Research, 47(W00L04).
- Scott, C. A., & L., R. (2011). The global commodification of wastewater. Water International.More info;Your Role: lead author;Full Citation: Scott, C.A., L. Raschid-Sally. 2012. The global commodification of wastewater. In special issue “Has Water Privatization Peaked? The Future of Public Water Governance.” Water International.;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Liqa Raschid-Sally is collaborator at IWMI;
- Scott, C. A., & Pablos, N. P. (2011). Innovating resource regimes: water, wastewater, and the institutional dynamics of urban hydraulic reach in northwest Mexico. Geoforum, 42(4), 439--450.
- Scott, C. A., , K. O., & , C. S. (2011). Testing the climate for non-potable water reuse: opportunities and challenges in water-scarce urban growth corridors. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning.More info;Your Role: conceptual development and funding;Full Citation: Browning-Aiken, A., K.J. Ormerod, C.A. Scott. 2011. Testing the climate for non-potable water reuse: opportunities and challenges in water-scarce urban growth corridors. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 13(3): 253-275, doi: 10.1080/1523908X.2011.594597.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Scott, C. A., Browning-Aiken, A., Ormerod, K. J., Varady, R. G., Mogollon, C. D., & Tessmer, C. (2011). Guidance on links between water reclamation and reuse and regional growth. WateReuse Research Foundation report 06-016, 1.
- Scott, C. A., Campbell, A., & C.A., S. (2011). Water reuse: Policy implications of a decade of residential reclaimed water use in Tucson, Arizona. Water International.More info;Full Citation: Campbell, A., C.A. Scott. 2011. Water reuse: Policy implications of a decade of residential reclaimed water use in Tucson, Arizona. Water International 36(7): 908-923.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Scott, C. A., Drechsel, P., Raschid-Sally, L., Bahri, A., Mara, D., Redwood, M., & Cisneros, B. J. (2011). Les d\'efis et les perspectives pour att\'enuer les risques dans les pays \`a faible revenu. L’irrigation avec des eaux us\'ees et la sant\'e, 413.
- Scott, C. A., Gouvello, d., & , C. S. (2011). Special Issue: Has Water Privatization Peaked? The Future of Public Water Governance. Water International.More info;Your Role: Took responsibility for editing 4 of 8 papers in this special issue;Full Citation: de Gouvello, B., C.A. Scott. 2012 (guest editors of special issue and authors of introductory article with the same title) “Has Water Privatization Peaked? The Future of Public Water Governance.” Water International.;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Bernard de Gouvello with CNRS - France in Paris;
- Scott, C. A., Megdal, S. B., & C.A., S. (2011). The importance of institutional asymmetries to the development of binational aquifer assessment programs: the Arizona-Sonora experience. Water.More info;Your Role: bilingual and binational U.S.-Mexico analysis;Full Citation: Megdal, S.B., C.A. Scott. 2011. The importance of institutional asymmetries to the development of binational aquifer assessment programs: the Arizona-Sonora experience. Water 3: 949-963, doi:10.3390/w3030949.;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Scott, C. A., Pierce, S. A., Pasqualetti, M. J., Jones, A. L., Montz, B. E., & Hoover, J. H. (2011). Policy and institutional dimensions of the water--energy nexus. Energy Policy, 39(10), 6622--6630.
- Scott, C. A., S., M., & J., C. (2011). Effects of climate change and population growth on the transboundary Santa Cruz aquifer. Climate Research.More info;Full Citation: Scott, C.A., S. Megdal, L.A. Oroz, J. Callegary, P. Vandervoet. 2012. Effects of climate change and population growth on the transboundary Santa Cruz aquifer. Climate Research 51: 159-170, doi: 10.3354/cr01061.;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: S. Megdal - UA Water Resources Research CenterL.A. Oroz - Mexican National Water CommissionJ. Callegary - US Geological SurveyP. Vandervoet - previously UA staff;
- Woodhouse, C., Crimmins, M., Ferguson, D., Garfin, G., & Scott, C. (2011). Making the Connection between Environmental Science and Decision Making. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 0766.
- Akhter, M., Ormerod, K. J., & Scott, C. A. (2010). Lost in translation: resilience, social agency, and water planning in Tucson, Arizona. Critical Planning, 17, 47--65.
- Qadir, M., & Scott, C. A. (2010). Non-pathogenic trade-offs of wastewater irrigation. Wastewater Irrigation and Health, 101.
- Scott, C. A. (2010). Groundwater rights in Mexican agriculture: spatial distribution and social and economic determinants. The Professional Geographer.More info;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;Full Citation: Scott, C.A., S. Dall'erba, R. DĂ­az. Submitted, in review. Groundwater rights in Mexican agriculture: spatial distribution and social and economic determinants. Professional Geographer.;Status: Under Revision (Revise and Resubmit);
- Scott, C. A., & Akhter, M. (2010). Taming the Anarchy: Groundwater Governance in South Asia (Shah, Tushaar) - Book review. Human Ecology, 38(4), 581--582.
- Scott, C. A., & M.J., P. (2010). Energy and water resources scarcity: Critical infrastructure for growth and economic development in Arizona and Sonora. Natural Resources Journal.More info;Your Role: lead author;Full Citation: Scott, C.A., M.J. Pasqualetti. 2010. Energy and water resources scarcity: Critical infrastructure for growth and economic development in Arizona and SonoraIn press. Natural Resources Journal 50.3: xx.;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: MJP is in Geog & Planning at ASU;
- Scott, C. A., Milman, A., & C.A., S. (2010). Beneath the surface: intra-national institutions and management of the United States - Mexico transboundary Santa Cruz aquifer. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy.More info;Your Role: Anita Milman was a UC Berkeley (Energy & Resources Group) grad student (now postdoc at U East Anglia) who worked on the US-Mexico Santa Cruz and solicited my input and co-authorship. I contributed to theory, concept, and analysis.;Full Citation: Milman, A., C.A. Scott. 2010. Beneath the surface: intranational institutions and management of the United States - Mexico transboundary Santa Cruz aquifer. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 28: 528-551.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Wilder, M., Scott, C. A., Pablos, N. P., Varady, R. G., Garfin, G. M., & McEvoy, J. (2010). Adapting across boundaries: climate change, social learning, and resilience in the US--Mexico border region. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100(4), 917--928.
- Coles, A. R., & Scott, C. A. (2009). Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change and variability in semi-arid rural southeastern Arizona, USA. Natural Resources Forum, 33(4), 297--309.
- Coles, A. R., Scott, C. A., & Garfin, G. (2009). Weather, climate, and water: an assessment of risk, vulnerability, and communication on the US-Mexico Border. Fourth Symposium on Policy and Socio-Economic Research, American Meteorological Society 89th Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. Extended Abstract, 1(8).
- Hoover, J. H., & Scott, C. (2009). Electricity for water and wastewater services in Arizona. Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy meeting.
- Scott, C. A. (2009). Water management and biodiversity conservation interface in Mexico: a geographical analysis. Applied Geography.More info;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Full Citation: Diaz-Caravantes, R.E., Scott, C.A. Submitted, in review. Water management and biodiversity conservation interface in Mexico: a geographical analysis. Applied Geography.;Status: Submitted But Not Yet Accepted;
- Scott, C. A., & Sharma, B. (2009). Energy supply and the expansion of groundwater irrigation in the Indus-Ganges Basin. International Journal of River Basin Management, 7(2), 119--124.
- Scott, C. A., Celio, M., & C.A., S. (2009). Urban-agricultural water appropriation: the Hyderabad, India case. The Geographical Journal.More info;Your Role: Reconceptualized "appropriation" in physical and institutional capture terms. Contributed to all aspects of paper preparation.;Full Citation: Celio, M., C.A. Scott, M. Giordano. 2010. Urban-agricultural water appropriation: the Hyderabad, India case. The Geographical Journal 176(1): 39-57, doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4959.2009.00336.x;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: M. Celio is a PhD student I supervised at IWMI; M. Giordano, a geographer at IWMI;
- Scott, C. A., Ensink, J., C.A., S., & S., C. (2009). Sewage disposal in the Musi River, India: water quality remediation through irrigation infrastructure. Irrigation and Drainage Systems.More info;Your Role: Collaborated on all aspects of writing and submission.;Full Citation: Ensink, J.H.J., C.A. Scott, S. Brooker, S. Cairncross. 2009. Sewage disposal in the Musi River, India: water quality remediation through irrigation infrastructure. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, doi 10.1007/s10795-009-9088-4.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: J. Ensink was a PhD student I supervised at IWMI; other authors his supervisors at London School of Health and Tropical Medicine;
- Biggs, T. W., Scott, C. A., Gaur, A., Venot, J., Chase, T., & Lee, E. (2008). Impacts of irrigation and anthropogenic aerosols on the water balance, heat fluxes, and surface temperature in a river basin. Water Resources Research, 44(12).
- Hoover, J., & Scott, C. (2008). Water, electric power and growth in southern Arizona. Proceedings of American Institute of Professional Geologists and Arizona Hydrological Society Symposium “Changing Waterscapes and Water Ethics for the 21st Century.” Flagstaff, Arizona.
- Mara, D., Bahri, A., Jimenez, B., Stenstroem, T., Huibers, F., Redwood, M., Kinane, M., Hamilton, A., Murray, A., Nelson, K., & others, . (2008). Accra Consensus: Agenda for Research, Capacity Building and Action on the Safe Use of Wastewater and Excreta in Agriculture.[A public statement]..
- McCartney, M., Scott, C. A., Ensink, J., Jiang, B., & Biggs, T. (2008). Salinity implications of wastewater irrigation in the Musi river catchment in India. Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences), 37(1), 49--59.
- Scott, C. A., Megdal, S., Oroz, L. A., Mex\'\ia, M., & Ramos, H. (2008). Building Shared Vision: Assessment of Transboundary Aquifers Along the United States--Mexico Border. Proceedings of International Conference on Water Scarcity, Global Changes, and Groundwater: Management Responses University of California\^ Irvine, CA.
- Scott, C. A., Banister, J. M., & C.A., S. (2007). Descentralización de los recursos hidráulicos de México: por qué tiene importancia la historia. Sonárida.More infoSonárida is a non-peer-reviewed publication by the Colegio de Sonora in Hermosillo.;Your Role: Spanish language documentation of Mexico's water management decentralization added to Jeff Banister's historical analysis.;Full Citation: Banister, J.M., C.A. Scott. 2007. Descentralización de los recursos hidráulicos de México: por qué tiene importancia la historia (Decentralizing Mexico's Water Resources: Why History Matters). Sonárida 12(23): 20-23.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Scott, C. A., R.G., V., & T.W., S. (2007). Linking water and energy along the Arizona/Sonora border. Southwest Hydrology.More infoSouthwest Hydrology is a non-academic, non-peer-reviewed publication mostly for water managers;Your Role: I led this synthesized version of the Az Hydrological Society publication listed above.;Full Citation: Scott, C.A., R.G. Varady, A. Browning-Aiken, T.W. Sprouse. 2007. Linking water and energy along the Arizona/Sonora border. Southwest Hydrology 6 (5): 26-27,31.;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Scott, C. A., Scott, C. A., F., F., & F., F. (2007). Appropriation of RĂo San Juan water by Monterrey city, Mexico: implications for agriculture and basin water sharing. Paddy & Water Environment.More infoPart of special issue “Transfer of Water from Irrigation to Urban Uses: Lessons from Case Studies”;Your Role: I identified the principal research questions and wrote the working draft, to which I added Francisco Flores's and Jesus Gastelum's analyses of secondary data from Mexico.;Full Citation: Scott, C.A., F. Flores-LĂłpez, J.R. GastĂ©lum. 2007. Appropriation of RĂo San Juan water by Monterrey city, Mexico: implications for agriculture and basin water sharing. In Special issue “Transfer of Water from Irrigation to Urban Uses: Lessons from Case Studies,” Paddy & Water Environment. 5(4): 253-262, DOI 10.1007/s10333-007-0089-3.;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: With F. Flores-Lopez (a previous student and staff member I supervised), and J.R. Gastelum (a recent UA HWR PhD);
- Scott, C. A., Scott, C. A., J.M., B., & J.M., B. (2007). The dilemma of water management “regionalization” in Mexico under centralized resource allocation. International Journal of Water Resources Development.More info;Your Role: I identified the principal research questions and wrote the working draft, to which I added Jeff Banister's case study of the Yaqui irrigation system from his PhD research.;Full Citation: Scott, C.A., J.M. Banister. 2008. The dilemma of water management “regionalization” in Mexico under centralized resource allocation. International Journal of Water Resources Development 24(1): 61-74, DOI: 10.1080/07900620701723083.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Shah, T., Scott, C., Berkoff, J., Kishore, A., & Sharma, A. (2007). The energy-irrigation nexus in South Asia: groundwater conservation and power sector viability. Irrigation Water Pricing: The Gap Between Theory and Practice, 4, 208.
- Ahmad, M., Biggs, T., Turral, H., & Scott, C. (2006). Application of SEBAL approach and MODIS time-series to map vegetation water use patterns in the data scarce Krishna river basin of India. Water Science \& Technology, 53(10), 83--90.
- Biggs, T., Thenkabail, P., Gumma, M., Scott, C., Parthasaradhi, G., & Turral, H. (2006). Irrigated area mapping in heterogeneous landscapes with MODIS time series, ground truth and census data, Krishna Basin, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(19), 4245--4266.
- Scott, C. A., Biggs, T. W., C.A., S., & H.N., T. (2006). Trends in solar radiation due to changes in clouds and aerosols, southern India, 1952-1997. International Journal of Climatology.More info;Your Role: I worked with TW Biggs to define the larger research question and methodology; I contributed to all aspects of this paper.;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: T.W. Biggs was the Post Doc I supervised at IWMI. B. Rajagopalan is faculty at U. Colorado; H.N. Turral at IWMI.;
- Sinha, S., Sharma, B. R., & Scott, C. A. (2006). Understanding and managing the water-energy nexus: Moving beyond the energy debate. Groundwater Research and Management: Integrating Science into Management Decisions, 242--257.
- Biggs, T., Scott, C. A., & Turral, H. (2005). Basin-scale Impact of Irrigation and Precipitation on Potential Evapotranspiration in the Krishna Basin, Southern India. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 0431.
- Scott, C. A., Faruqui, N., Carr, R., Blumenthal, U., Amerasinghe, F., Redwood, M., Ramachandran, G., Al-Beiruti, S., Prain, G., Gopal, M., & others, . (2005). The Hyderabad Declaration on Wastewater Use in Agriculture, 14 November 2002, Hyderabad, India.[A public statement]..
- Sharma, B. R., & Scott, C. A. (2005). Watershed management challenges: Introduction and overview. Watershed Management Challenges, 1.
- Joshi, P., Pangare, V., Shiferaw, B., Wani, S., Bouma, J., & Scott, C. A. (2004). Watershed development in India: synthesis of past experiences and needs for future research. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 59(3), 303--320.
- Puskur, R., Bouma, J., & Scott, C. A. (2004). Sustainable livestock production in semi-arid watersheds. Economic and Political Weekly, 3477--3483.
- Scott, C. A., & Shah, T. (2004). Groundwater overdraft reduction through agricultural energy policy: insights from India and Mexico. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 20(2), 149--164.
- Shah, T., Scott, C. A., & Buechler, S. (2004). Water sector reforms in Mexico: Lessons for India's new water policy. Economic and Political Weekly, 361--370.
- Shah, T., Scott, C., & Buechler, S. (2004). A decade of water sector reforms in Mexico: lessons for India's new water policy. Economic and Political Weekly, XXXIX(4), 361-370.More infoFull Citation: Shah, T., C.A. Scott, S. Buechler. 2004. A decade of water sector reforms in Mexico: lessons for India's new water policy. Economic and Political Weekly XXXIX (4): 361-370.
- Sharma, B. R., Scott, C. A., & Shah, T. (2004). Ground water-energy nexus: implications for sustainable resource use.
- Scott, C. A. (2003). Recycling and reuse of derivative water under conditions of scarcity and competition. Rethinking water management: innovate approaches to contemporary issues. Earthscan Publications Ltd, London, 102--119.
- Scott, C. A., & Al Jayyousi, O. (2003). Water Management in the Future: An Intergenerational Dialogue. Water International, 28(4), 544--546.
- Scott, C. A., Bastiaanssen, W. G., & Ahmad, M. (2003). Mapping root zone soil moisture using remotely sensed optical imagery. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 129(5), 326--335.
- Scott, C. A., El-Naser, H., Hagan, R. E., & Hijazi, A. (2003). Facing water scarcity in Jordan: reuse, demand reduction, energy, and transboundary approaches to assure future water supplies. Water International, 28(2), 209--216.
- Scott, C. A., Shah, T., & Buechler, S. J. (2003). Energy pricing and supply for groundwater demand management: lessons from Mexican agriculture.
- Florencio Cruz, V., Valdivia-\'Alcala, R., & Scott, C. A. (2002). Productividad del agua en el distrito de riego 011, Alto R\'\io Lerma. Agrociencia, 36(4), 483--493.
- Scott, C. A., & Silva-Ochoa, P. (2002). Collective action for water harvesting irrigation in the Lerma-Chapala Basin, Mexico. Water Policy, 3(6), 555--572.
- Silva-Ochoa, P., & Scott, C. A. (2002). The impact of a treatment plant on wastewater irrigation in Mexico. Urban Agriculture, 8, 33--4.
- Bola\~nos Gonz\'alez, M., Palacios V\'elez, E., Scott, C. A., & Exebio Garc\'\ia, A. (2001). Estimaci\'on del volumen de agua usado en una zona de riego mediante una imagen de satelite e informaci\'on complementaria. Agrociencia, 35(006), 589--597.
- Scott, C. A., & Walter, M. F. (2001). Residual phosphorus in runoff from successional forest on abandoned agricultural land: 2. Hydrological and soluble reactive P Budgets. Biogeochemistry, 55(3), 311--325.
- Scott, C. A., & Weiler, K. W. (2001). Modeling soluble phosphorus desorption kinetics in tile drainage. Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering, 127(2), 70--76.
- Scott, C., & Flores-Lopez, F. (2001). Evaporation and infiltration from water bodies in the Lerma-Chapala basin, Mexico. AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, 1.
- Walter, M. T., Brooks, E., Walter, M. F., Steenhuis, T. S., Scott, C., & Boll, J. (2001). Evaluation of soluble phosphorus loading from manure-applied fields under various spreading strategies. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 56(4), 329--335.
- Walter, M. T., Parlange, J., Walter, M., Xin, X., & Scott, C. (2001). Modeling pollutant release from a surface source during rainfall runoff. Journal of Environmental Quality, 30(1), 151--159.
- Barker, R., Scott, C. A., De Fraiture, C., & Amarasinghe, U. (2000). Global water shortages and the challenge facing Mexico. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 16(4), 525--542.
- Barker, R., Scott, C., Fraiture, C., & Amarasinghe, U. (2000). La escasez mundial de agua y el reto que afronta Mexico. In SpanishGlobal water shortages and the challenge facing Mexico.
- Flores L\'opez, F. J., & Scott, C. A. (2000). Superficie agr\'\icola estimada mediante an\'alisis de im\'agenes de sat\'elite en Guanajuato, M\'exico. Serie latinoamericana..
- Scott, C. A., & Wester, P. (2000). Asignaci\'on, productividad y manejo de recursos h\'\idricos en cuencas. Serie latinoamericana..
- Weiler, K., Walter, M. T., Walter, M. F., Brooks, E. S., & Scott, C. A. (2000). Seasonal risk analysis for floodplains in the Delaware River Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 126(5), 320--329.
- McKinney, D. C., Cai, X., Rosegrant, M., Ringler, C., & Scott, C. (1999). Integrated basin-scale water resources management modeling: Review and future directions. System-Wide Initiative on Water Management (SWIM) Research Paper.
- Wester, P., Pimentel, B. M., & Scott, C. A. (1999). Institutional responses to groundwater depletion: the aquifer management councils in the State of Guanajuato, Mexico. international symposium on integrated water management in agriculture, 16--18.
- Scott, C. A. (1998). Comment on “Design for an inexpensive continuous digital output water level recorder” by S. Reedyk et al.. Water resources research, 34(9), 2419--2421.
- Scott, C., Geohring, L., & Walter, M. (1998). Water quality impacts of tile drains in shallow, sloping, structured soils as affected by manure application. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 14(6), 599--603.
- Scott, C., Walter, M., Brooks, E., Boll, J., Hes, M., & Merrill, M. (1998). Impacts of historical changes in land use and dairy herds on water quality in the Catskills Mountains. Journal of environmental quality, 27(6), 1410--1417.
- Scott, C., Wester, P., & Garces-Restrepo, C. (1998). Integracion vertical de funciones transferidas para el manejo sostenible de las cuencas: Observaciones conceptuales.
- Garc\'es Restrepo, C., Johnson, S., Levine, G., & Scott, C. (1997). Mexico irrigation sector profile.
- Scott, C. A., & Walter, M. F. (1994). Who participates in whose irrigation management?: Government involvement in Shivalik Hills.
- Scott, C., Millington, A., Pye, K., & others, . (1994). Facing environmental degradation in the Aravalli Hills, India.. Environmental change in drylands: biogeographical and geomorphological perspectives., 413--426.
- Sivamohan, M., & Scott, C. A. (1994). India, irrigation management partnerships.
- Scott, C. A., & Walter, M. F. (1993). Local knowledge and conventional soil science approaches to erosional processes in the Shivalik Himalaya. Mountain Research and Development, 61--72.
- Sivamohan, M., Scott, C., & Walter, M. (1993). Vetiver grass for soil and water conservation: prospects and problems. World Soil Erosion and Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 293--309.
- Scott, C. A., & Gupta, J. R. (1990). Forest resource conservation and development plan: Shivalik Hills.. Working Paper Series-Sustainable Forest Management, Ford Foundation.
Proceedings Publications
- J, W., L, G., Scott, C. A., & al, e. (2019, x). White, J. and L. Geller (rapporteurs), C.A. Scott (committee chair), et al. 2018. Advancing Sustainability of U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Drylands: Proceedings of a Workshop. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine with Mexican Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press., In Proceedings of a Workshop. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine with Mexican Academy of Sciences..More infoWhite, J. and L. Geller (rapporteurs), C.A. Scott (committee chair), et al. 2018. Advancing Sustainability of U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Drylands: Proceedings of a Workshop. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine with Mexican Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.,
- Scott, C. A. (2015, Feb. 2015). Water-energy-food nexus - vicious or virtuous cycle? ,. In Fulbright – Water-Energy-Food Nexus Regional Workshop.
- Scott, C. A., & , C. S. (2011). Assessing the impacts of land use change on water availability, management, and resilience in arid region riparian corridors: a case study of the San Pedro and RĂo Sonora watersheds in southwestern USA and northwestern Mexico.More info;Your Role: coauthor;Full Citation: House-Peters, L.A., C.A. Scott. 2011. Assessing the impacts of land use change on water availability, management, and resilience in arid region riparian corridors: a case study of the San Pedro and RĂo Sonora watersheds in southwestern USA and northwestern Mexico. In Proceedings of the XIV World Water Congress, International Water Resources Association, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, September 25-29.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Scott, C. A., Ormerod, K. J., & C.A., S. (2010). Public attitudes toward expanding reclaimed water use in Arizona.More info;Full Citation: Ormerod, K.J., C.A. Scott, A. Browning-Aiken. 2010. Public attitudes toward expanding reclaimed water use in Arizona. In Proceedings of 14th Annual Water Reuse & Desalination Research Conference, Tampa, FL, May 24-25.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Pepper, I., Arnold, R., Bayraksan, G., Choi, C., Lansey, K., & Scott, C. A. (2009). Conjunctive Decentralized Dual Water Distribution Systems. In Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2008, 1--9.
- Scott, C. A., Ela, W., C., G., J., B., & P., F. (2008). Salinity management and desalination technology for brackish water resources in the arid West.More info;Your Role: Contributed management and policy section;Full Citation: Ela, W., C. Graf, T. Poulson, J. Baygents, J. Theron, P. Fox, C.A. Scott. 2008. Salinity management and desalination technology for brackish water resources in the arid West. Summary report of workshop on “Improving Salinity Management and Desalination Technology for Brackish Resources in the Arid West” Sponsored by Arizona Water Institute, Bureau of Reclamation. June, 2008.;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: W. Ela & J. Baygents are UA faculty; C. Graf, ADEQ/AWI; T. Poulson, Bureau of Reclamation; J. Theron, NAU; P. Fox, ASU;
- Burton, M., Wester, P., & Scott, C. A. (2002). Safeguarding the needs of locally managed irrigation in the water scarce Lerma-Chapala River Basin, Mexico.. In Food production, poverty alleviation and environmental challenges as influenced by limited water resources and population growth. Volume 1A. 18th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Montr\'eal, Canada, 2002., 1--15.
- Scott, C. A. (2019, x). *20 presentations made during 2019 (colloquia, seminars, symposia, conferences, policy engagement). various academic and non-academic venues.More infoSELECTED PRESENTATIONS (+ = invited)Colloquia2019 + Sustaining groundwater irrigation in breadbasket regions: A water-energy-food nexus diagnostic assessment, Colloquium - Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management, Strategic Networks and Initiatives Program Speaker Series, Pennsylvania State University, October 8, 2019.Seminars2019 + Food-energy-water nexus: Opportunities and limits of integrationist frameworks (via Zoom), Postgraduate Winter School, University of West of England, Bristol, UK, January 14, 2019.Symposia2019 + Expert Panel: The Future of Free Trade and North America. Arizona and the Future of North American Trade, University of Arizona, Tucson, Oct. 30, 2019.2019 + Water security in headwater-dependent systems, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia, November 4-10, 2019.2019 + A research network for the resilience of headwater systems and water availability for downstream communities across the Americas, Research Cooperative Network, Coupled Natural and Human Systems (RCN-CNH) project partners meeting, Univ. de Chile, Univ. de Concepción, Univ. Católica de Concepción, Chile, July 8-12, 2019.2019 + (Univ. Arizona representative and coordinator), Alliance for Border Solutions, Univ. California – San Diego, La Jolla, CA, June 5-8, 2019.2019 + River-basin water security, Inter-American Institute (IAI) project partners final meeting, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá, April 8-12, 2019.Conferences2019 Headwater-dependent systems: definition, drivers of change and potential futures, presented by C.A. Scott on behalf of co-authors, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2019.2019 Hydro-energy cooperation in the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal region: Prospects for transboundary energy and water security in South Asia, presented by C.A. Scott on behalf of co-authors, Science, Health, Engineering Policy and Diplomacy; Sustainable Development for the Americas, Tucson, AZ, October 23-25, 2019.2019 + The nexus of water, energy, and food securities: human well-being and climate resilience, Water Security Week, Instituto Mexicano de la Tecnología del Agua, Jiutepec, Morelos, September 9-12, 2019. 2019 One swallow does not make a summer, presented by M. Kurian on behalf of co-authors, Sixth Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW), “Governance: Past, Present, and Future,” Bloomington, IN, June 19-21, 2019.2019 Evidence-based decision making in a post-truth world, Universities Council on Water Resources, Snowbird, UT, June 11-13, 2019.2019 Integrating water, energy, and food securities in the ‘urban century,’ American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 3-7, 2019. 2019 + Seguridad hídrica en el continente americano, Agua para el Futuro, Mendoza, Argentina, March 7-8, 2019. + Communicating sciences across boundaries, American Association for Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, February 14-16, 2019.Engagement with policy-makers2019 + Expert Panel: The Future of Free Trade and North America. Arizona and the Future of North American Trade, University of Arizona, Tucson, Oct. 30, 2019.2019 Energy Development and Indigenous Lands: Divisions, Synergies, and Opportunities for Native Nations, Association for Conflict Resolution, Tucson AZ, September 18-21, 2019.2019 + Outdoor Recreation Summit of Tribal Leaders, Office of Economic Development and International Trade, Denver CO, June 17, 20192019 + The Global Water Security Challenge, International Water Resources Association Webinar,, April 16, 2019.2019 + Expert panel: Water security in the Americas, Agua para el Futuro, Mendoza, Argentina, March 7-8, 2019.
- Scott, C. A. (2018, x). *22 presentations made during 2018 (colloquia, seminars, symposia, conferences, policy engagement). various academic and non-academic venues.More infoSELECTED PRESENTATIONS (+ = invited)Colloquia2018 + Food-energy-water nexus: Opportunities and limits of integrationist frameworks, Weston Roundtable Series, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, Nelson Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison, November 1, 2018.2018 + Gestão adaptativa e segurança hídrica frente às mudanças climáticas: Experiência das bacias transfronteiriças na América árida (Adaptive management and water security under climate change: transboundary basin experience in the arid Americas), Colloquium – Graduate Program in Urban Management, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, March 13, 2018.Seminars2018 + Nexus thinking, nexus tools, nexus solutions: Origins and prospects for food-energy-water systems, Indigenous Food, Energy, Water Systems and Security (Indige-FEWSS) Graduate Seminar, University of Arizona, September 12, 2018.2018 + Research proposal development panel (GEOG 500), University of Arizona, February 8, 2018.Symposia2018 + Water-energy-food: How have integrationist frameworks altered the discourse and practice of water management? Nature-Based Solutions Workshop, Anil Agrawal Environmental Training Institute, Centre for Science and Environment, Neemli (Rajasthan), India, November 28-30, 2018.2018 + Insights on “limits” of food, energy, and water in extreme environments, Human Challenges in Extreme Environments, workshop jointly hosted by Unité Mixte International – iGlobes and the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, Tucson, November 12-13, 2018.2018 The coming challenges: Water resources in the border region, Binational Water Relations at 75 Years: Retrospectives, Resilience, and U.S.-Mexico Border Water Resources Governance, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy and Colegio de Sonora, Tucson, October 15-16, 2018.2018 + Sequía prolongada y manejo adaptativo del agua, Perspectivas meteorológicas 2018-2019 en el contexto de cambio climático, Mendoza Argentina, Oct. 9, 2018.2018 + Socio-ecological impacts of mining in arid regions, Territorio, Agrobiodiversidad y Patrimonio Biocultural (Territory, Agrobiodiversity and Biocultural Heritage), Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos, Cuetzalan, Mexico, Sept. 18-21, 2018.2018 + Water security in the arid Americas: Global change drivers, science-policy network solutions, Surviving Peak Drought and Warming Workshop, Tucson, Arizona, March 29-30, 2018.2018 + Hydropower: Renewable carbon-neutral energy or high-impact relict? Adaptation TED-ish Talks, Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions, University of Arizona, Tucson, February 9, 2018.2018 + Developing and sustaining science-policy networks, International Center for Integrated Water Resources Management, Partners Meeting, Washington, DC, January 19, 2018.Conferences2018 Urban wastewater for peri-urban agriculture in northwest Mexico: Health risk, water resources, and sanitation policy challenges, World Social Science Forum, Fukuoka, Japan, Sept. 25-28, 2018.2018 Water security on the third pole: Availability, use, and governance of water in the Hindu Kush Himalaya, presented by F. Zhang on behalf of C.A. Scott, F. Zhang, A. Mukherji et al. 2nd International Mountain Futures Conference, Kunming, China, June 3-8, 2018.2018 Conference co-coordinator, Desafíos en seguridad hídrica y resiliencia ante el cambio global en zonas áridas del continente americano, Guaymas, Mexico, April 17-21, 2018.Engagement with policy-makers2018 + Expert opinion for General Accountability Office on potential impacts of climate change on drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, via telephone, December 10, 2018.2018 + Science-policy dialogues for decision support: Binational United States – Mexico arid region sustainability, III Encuentro – Procesos de Soporte a la Decisión para la Gestión Participativa del Agua, Bogotá, Colombia, Oct. 25-26- 2018.2018 + “Science diplomacy in the Americas,” meeting to recognize Dr. Román Macaya (departing Ambassador of Costa Rica to the United States), US Congress, Washington, DC, July 11, 2018.2018 + Resource person: “Science-policy engagement in the arid Americas,” Conference of Parties, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (meeting of 19 countries’ external affairs ministries and national science foundations), Antigua, Guatemala, June 19-22, 2018.2018 + Resource person: “Mexico’s water reserves,” EcoAmericas interview, June 20, 2018.2018 Coordinator: “Fracking – water resource impacts and regulation,” e-workshop with Departamento General de Irrigación provincial water department, Mendoza, Argentina with experts from Spain, UK, Texas, June 4, 2018.2018 + Briefing via teleconference on US – Mexico Transboundary Drylands, meeting of Presidents of US and Mexican National Academies of Science, Mexico City, February 15, 2018.
- Scott, C. A. (2016, x). *14 presentations made during 2016 (colloquia, seminars, symposia, conferences, policy engagement). various academic and non-academic venues.More infoSELECTED PRESENTATIONS (+ = invited)2016 + Beyond the resource nexus: Food-energy-water security. Graduate Water Program Colloquium, Texas A&M University, September 12, 2016.2016 + Career panel, Professional development graduate seminar series (GEOG 695B), University of Arizona, April 15, 2016.2016 + Keynote address: Water security in the face of climate change and economic globalization. International Forum on the Future of Water, Argentine Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation and University of San Martin, Buenos Aires, October 18-21, 2016.2016 + Water-energy-food nexus. International Forum on the Future of Water, Argentine Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation and University of San Martin, Buenos Aires, October 18-21, 2016.2016 + Organizing Committee, 1st Annual Water Ethics Symposium: Building Strategies for Water Ethics: Future Directions in Research and Education, University of Arizona, Tucson, April 25, 2016.2016 + Socio-hydrology meets the hydro-social cycle, Panel on the Future of Hydrological Science: The Next 50 Years, Hydrology and Atmospheric Science, University of Arizona - National Groundwater Association Symposium, Tucson, April 2, 2016.2016 Irrigation - hydropower tradeoffs and complementarities, Stakeholder science-policy workshop, Irrigation-Hydropower Nexus in the Ganges Basin Headwaters, Dehra Dun, India, March 1, 2016.2016 + Water security: Resource availability, use, and governance in the Hindu Kush - Himalaya (HKH) region, HKH Monitoring and Assessment Program Writeshop, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, April 10-12, 2016.2016 + Keynote address: Forward to the past or back to the future? Water security under electricity failure in urban Nepal, Columbia University Ideation Lab,, via teleconference, April 8, 2016.2016 Rural and urban transitions with biogas and biomethane in Brazil: a water-energy-food nexus analysis. J.C. Pasqual, H.A. Bollmann, C.A. Scott, S. Andersen, M.V. Lange. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ 16). Madrid, Spain, May 4-6, 2016.2016 + Panelist: Adaptation policy: A multilevel governance perspective. Climate Change Adaptation Policy and Science Conference, New Delhi, February 24-25, 2016.2016 + Farmer-managed irrigation systems, B. Thapa, C.A. Scott. Himalayan Adaptation, Water and Resilience (HI-AWARE) Academy: Research on Glacier and Snowpack Dependent River Basins for Improving Livelihoods, New Delhi, February 26-28, 2016.2016 Project lead investigator, workshop on research-based policy recommendations: Irrigation-hydropower nexus in Upper Ganges Basin; Uttarakhand State administration, hydropower, irrigation, watershed development departments, NGOs; Dehra Dun, India, November 11, 2016.2016 Co-organizer, workshop with Mendoza Irrigation (and Water Resources) Department, Argentina. Decisiones estratégicas en la gestión de la demanda (Strategic decision-making for water demand management), Mendoza, August 3-6, 2016.
- Scott, C. A. (2015, x). *9 presentations made during 2015 (colloquia, seminars, symposia, conferences, policy engagement). various academic and non-academic venues.More infoSELECTED PRESENTATIONS (+ = invited)2015 + The water-energy-food nexus in the Ganges Basin: Challenges and opportunities. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, December 7, 2015.2015 + Water-energy-food nexus: Does energy security trump the rest? Global Institute of Sustainability Colloquium, Arizona State University, October 23, 2015.2015 Cambio global y seguridad hídrica en el continente americano (Global change and water security in the Americas), Mendoza Provincial Irrigation/ Water Resources Department - University of Arizona collaborative agreement signing ceremony, Mendoza, Argentina, July 21, 2015.2015 + Cambio climático en regiones áridas de las Américas (Climate change in the arid Americas), Simposio: Agua como factor estratégico para el desarrollo en el context global de escasez. (Water as a strategic factor for development in the global context of scarcity), Consejo Argentino de Relaciones Internacionales, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 22, 2015. 2015+ El nexo agua-energía-alimentación (The water-energy-food nexus). Universidad de Piura y Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Piura, Peru, July 14-15, 2015.2015 + Keynote address: Water-energy-food nexus - vicious or virtuous cycle? Fulbright - Water-Energy-Food Nexus Regional Workshop, Fulbright South Asia Commission and International Center for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal, February 10-12, 2015. 2015 + Plenary address: El nexo agua - energía ¿Ciclo virtuoso o vicioso frente al cambio climático? (The water-energy nexus: virtuous or vicious cycle facing climate change?) Congreso Internacional de Energía, Mexico City, Sept. 8-11, 2015.2015 Water security: Science, systems and policy - joint session co-organized by C.A. Scott, C. Staddon, B. Lankford, XV World Water Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 25-29, 2015.2015 Coordination with Mendoza Irrigation (and Water Resources) Department, Argentina; Maipo Basin Adaptation Plan, Chile; Irrigation and water users associations, Peru; National Water Commission, Mexico - as part of AQUASEC Center of Excellence in Water Security.
- Scott, C. A., & et al, . (2015, x). *Nine presentations made during 2015 (colloquia, seminars, symposia, conferences, policy engagement). various academic and non-academic venues.
- Scott, C. A., , R. V., Browning-Aiken, A., & , T. S. (2007, 2007-08-01). Water and energy management challenges on the Arizona-Mexico border. Arizona Hydrological Society Regional Water Symposium. Tucson, AZ.More info;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Scott, C. A. (2005, 2005-07-01). Wastewater use in irrigated agriculture: environmental, health, and livelihood challenges. Stockholm Environment Institute, Boston. Boston, Mass..More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited speaker at the Stockholm Environment Institute, Boston;
- Varady, R. G., & Scott, C. A. (2013. How Should We Understand "Water Security"?.More infoVarady, R.G., C.A. Scott. 2013. How Should We Understand “Water Security”? Water Resources Research Center.
- Scott, C. A., & M., A. (2009. Book Review: Taming the Anarchy: Groundwater Governance in South Asia (by T. Shah, 2009, RFF Press).More info;Your Role: Led review;Full Citation: Scott, C.A., M. Akhter. 2010. Book Review: Taming the Anarchy: Groundwater Governance in South Asia (by T. Shah, 2009, RFF Press). Human Ecology.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
Case Studies
- Garcia Ochoa, R., Scott, C. A., Zuniga Teran, A. A., Buechler, S. J., Cervera, L., Peña, S., & Manzaners, J. L. (2018. Evaluación del Impacto Transfronterizo de Proyectos de Infraestructura de Saneamiento en Ambos Nogales Informe de avances preparado para el Banco de Desarrollo de América del Norte(p. 120).More infoEvaluación del Impacto Transfronterizo de Proyectos de Infraestructura de Saneamiento en Ambos Nogales Informe de avances preparado para el Banco de Desarrollo de América del Norte.A report that documents the impact evaluation of the International Wastewater Treatment Plant that we conducted on both sides of the border in Ambos Nogales for the North American Development Bank. We received comments on this in November 2018 and finalized the report for submission in spring 2019. MDP student Karina Martinez is a research assistant on the project.
- Manzanares, J. L., Peña, S., Cervera, L., Buechler, S. J., Zuniga Teran, A. A., Scott, C. A., & Garcia, R. (2019. Evaluación del Impacto Transfronterizo de Proyectos de Infraestructura de Saneamiento en Ambos Nogales. [Evaluation of the Transborder Impact of Sanitation Infrastructure Projects in Ambos Nogales]. Report Prepared for the North American Development Bank (NADBANK).(pp 136 pp.).More infoRigoberto García, Christopher Scott, Adriana Zúñiga, Stephanie Buechler, Luis Cervera, Sergio Peña, José Luis Manzanares. 2019. Evaluación del Impacto Transfronterizo de Proyectos de Infraestructura de Saneamiento en Ambos Nogales. [Evaluation of the Transborder Impact of Sanitation Infrastructure Projects in Ambos Nogales]. Report Prepared for the North American Development Bank (NADBANK).
- Staddon, C., Scott, C. A., Nickum, J., & Miller, C. (2019. Putting water security to work: Addressing global challenges(p. 4).More infoStaddon, C., C.A. Scott, J. Nickum, C. Miller. 2019. Policy Brief: Putting Water Security to Work, International Water Resources Association.
- Martinez, K., Cervera, L., Buechler, S. J., Zuniga Teran, A. A., Scott, C. A., & Garcia Ochoa, R. (2018, November). Evaluación del Impacto Transfronterizo de Proyectos de Infraestructura de Saneamiento en Ambos Nogales Informe de avances preparado para el Banco de Desarrollo de América del Norte. North American Development Bank.More infoEvaluación del Impacto Transfronterizo de Proyectos de Infraestructura de Saneamiento en Ambos Nogales Informe de avances preparado para el Banco de Desarrollo de América del Norte.A report that documents the impact evaluation of the International Wastewater Treatment Plant that we conducted on both sides of the border in Ambos Nogales for the North American Development Bank. We received comments on this in November 2018 and are now developing the final report for submission in spring 2019. MDP student Karina Martinez is a research assistant on the project.
- Buechler, S. J., & Scott, C. A. (2017, May). Growing Food in the City: Low-income Farmers in the 'Global North' versus the 'Global South'. infoStephanie Buechler and Christopher Scott. May 2017. 'Growing Food in the City: Low-income Farmers in the 'Global North' versus the 'Global South'. A blog for URBANET commissioned for the 2017 ICLEI conference (The 8th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation) in Bonn, Germany.
- Petrakis, R. E., van Leeuwen, W. J., Villarreal, M. L., Tashjian, P., Dello Russo, R., & Scott, C. A. (2017, x). Middle Rio Grande Multitemporal Land Cover Classifications - 1935, 1962, 1987, 1999, and 2014. U.S. Geological Survey data release, doi: 10.5066/F7154F84.More infoPetrakis, R.E., van Leeuwen, W.J.D., Villarreal, M.L., Tashjian, P., Dello Russo, R., Scott, C.A. 2017. Middle Rio Grande Multitemporal Land Cover Classifications - 1935, 1962, 1987, 1999, and 2014: U.S. Geological Survey data release, doi: 10.5066/F7154F84.
- Scott, C. A. (2017, May). Op-ed: Africa: Urban Wastewater for Food Security - Averting the Next Health Crisis in Africa. infoScott, C.A. 2017. Op-ed: Africa: Urban Wastewater for Food Security - Averting the Next Health Crisis in Africa,
- Callegary, J., Et al., ., & Scott, C. A. (2016, December). Binational Study of the San Pedro Aquifer: International Boundary and Water Commission. International Boundary and water Commission. infoCallegary, J.B., I. Minjárez Sosa, E.M. Tapia Villaseñor, P. dos Santos, R. Monreal Saavedra, F.J. Grijalva Noriega, A.K. Huth, F. Gray, C.A. Scott, S.B. Megdal, L.A. Oroz Ramos, M. Rangel Medina, J.M. Leenhouts. 2016. San Pedro River Aquifer Binational Report. International Boundary and Water Commission and Comisión Internacional de Límites y Aguas, 170 p.
- Callegary, J., Et al., ., & Scott, C. A. (2016, December). Estudio binacional sobre el acuífero transfronterizo del Río San Pedro. Comisión Internacional de Límites y Aguas. infoCallegary, J.B., I. Minjárez Sosa, E.M. Tapia Villaseñor, P. dos Santos, R. Monreal Saavedra, F.J. Grijalva Noriega, A.K. Huth, F. Gray, C.A. Scott, S.B. Megdal, L.A. Oroz Ramos, M. Rangel Medina, J.M. Leenhouts. 2016. Estudio binacional sobre el acuífero transfronterizo del Río San Pedro. Comisión Internacional de Límites y Aguas y International Boundary and Water Commission, 190 p.
- Scott, C. A., & Moors, E. (2016, June). The ‘Third Pole’: A monitoring and assessment programme to sustain the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region as a global asset. International Water Security Network. infoScott, C.A. and E. Moors. 2016. The ‘Third Pole’: A monitoring and assessment programme to sustain the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region as a global asset.
- Thapa, B., Scott, C. A., Varady, R. G., & de Grenade, R. (2015, Spring). Strengthening water security through research and science- policy dialogues. International Water Resources Association Newsletter.More infoThapa, B., C.A. Scott, R.G. Varady, R. de Grenade. 2015. Strengthening water security through research and science- policy dialogues. International Water Resources Association Newsletter.
- Amerasinghe, P., Bhardwaj, R. M., Scott, C. A., Jella, K., & Marshall, F. (2013, x). Urban wastewater and agricultural reuse challenges in India. IWMI Research Report No. 147. infoAmerasinghe, P., R.M. Bhardwaj, C.A. Scott, K. Jella, F. Marshall. 2013. Urban wastewater and agricultural reuse challenges in India. IWMI Research Report No. 147. International Water Management Institute. Colombo, Sri Lanka. 36 p. doi: 10.5337/2013.200,
- Callegary, J., Megdal, S. B., Scott, C. A., & Vandervoet, P. (2013, April). Arizona/Sonora Chapter of the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program. William Alley, Editor, Five-Year Interim Report of the United States-Mexico Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program, USGS Report.
- Megdal, S. B., Scott, C. A., Varady, R. G., & Vandervoet, P. (2012, x). Water allocation under uncertainty: groundwater and effluent in the United States-Mexico transboundary Santa Cruz River basin.More infoMegdal, S.B., R.G. Varady, P.L. Vandervoet, C.A. Scott. In press. Water allocation under uncertainty: groundwater and effluent in the United States-Mexico transboundary Santa Cruz River basin. United Nations World Water Development Report, 4th Edition. UNESCO-IHE and Earthscan, London.;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Scott, C. A., Rock, C., C., G., & J.E.T., M. (2012). Arizona Blue Ribbon Panel on Water Sustainability.More info;Full Citation: Rock, C., C. Graf, C.A. Scott, J.E.T. McLain, S. Megdal. 2012. Arizona Blue Ribbon Panel on Water Sustainability. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin AZ1567. 4pp;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;
- Scott, C. A., Wilder, M., I., A., R., V., & N., P. (2012). Desalination technology in a binational context: systemic implications for water, society, energy, and environment in the Arizona-Sonora portion of the U.S.-Mexico border.More info;Full Citation: Wilder, M., I. Aguilar Barajas, J. McEvoy, R. Varady, S. Megdal, N. Pineda, C.A. Scott. 2012. Desalination technology in a binational context: systemic implications for water, society, energy, and environment in the Arizona-Sonora portion of the U.S.-Mexico border. Puentes Consortium, Rice University;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member at UA: Yes;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: Wilder, M., J. McEvoy, R. Varady, S. Megdal - UAI. Aguilar Barajas - ITESM MexicoN. Pineda - COLSON Mexico;
- Scott, C. A. (2011, x). Negotiating urban-rural resource regimes: water, wastewater, and the institutional dynamics of hydraulic reach in northwest Mexico.More info;Other collaborative: Yes;Please specify if you select "Other collaborative" : N. Pineda Pablos is professor at Colegio de Sonora, Hermosillo.;Full Citation: Scott, C.A., N. Pineda Pablos. Submitted, in review. Negotiating urban-rural resource regimes: water, wastewater, and the institutional dynamics of hydraulic reach in northwest Mexico. Geoforum.;Status: Submitted But Not Yet Accepted;
- Scott, C. A., , C. S., & colleagues, . (2011). Groundwater use in agriculture risks aquifer over-exploitation: Managing water at the local level in Mexico to buffer against global change.More info;Full Citation: Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) based on work by C.A. Scott and colleagues. 2011. Groundwater use in agriculture risks aquifer over-exploitation: Managing water at the local level in Mexico to buffer against global change. Science Snapshots 9 (in Spanish as Riego con agua subterránea y sobreexplotaciĂłn de acuĂferos: Manejo local del agua en MĂ©xico para amortiguar el cambio global. Instantáneas de la Ciencia 9).;Other collaborative: Yes;Specify other collaborative: ;
- Scott, C. A. (2010, x). Biophysical trade-offs of wastewater use.More info;Other collaborative: Yes;Please specify if you select "Other collaborative" : Qadir, M. is ex-IWMI colleague;Full Citation: Qadir, M., C.A. Scott. Submitted, in review. Biophysical trade-offs of wastewater use. In P. Drechsel, M. Redwood, L. Raschid, A. Bahri, C.A. Scott (eds.), Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Assessing and Mitigating Risks in Low-Income Countries. Earthscan, London.;Status: Submitted But Not Yet Accepted;
- Scott, C. A. (2008). Data management and exchange: challenges in a multi-national and multi- disciplinary environment/ El manejo y el intercambio de datos: desafĂos en un ambiente multinacional y multidisciplinario.More info;Your Role: Wrote and reviewed translated Spanish version;Full Citation: Scott, C.A. 2008. Data management and exchange: challenges in a multi-national and multi- disciplinary environment/ El manejo y el intercambio de datos: desafĂos en un ambiente multinacional y multidisciplinario. Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Newsletter, Issue No. 1/2008: 25-26.;Type of Publication: Newletter;
- Scott, C. A. (2008, x). Irrigation and aerosol forcing of heat fluxes and surface temperature, southern India.More infoOther collaborative: Yes;Please specify if you select "Other collaborative" : T.W. Biggs was the Post Doc I supervised 2003-05 at IWMI in India; he is currently Asst. Prof. of Geography at San Diego State Univ. The others are geographers at Univ. Colorado.;
- Scott, C. A. (2006). The possibilities for dryland crop yield improvement in India's semi-arid regions - observations from the field.More info;Your Role: Defined the larger research question, contributed to all aspects of this paper with J.A. Bouma, a PhD student at the Univ. of Tilburg, Netherlands.;Full Citation: Bouma, J.A., C.A. Scott. 2006. The possibilities for dryland crop yield improvement in India's semi-arid regions - observations from the field. Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Discussion Paper No. 3. International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Amarasinghe, U., Sharma, B., Aloysius, N., Scott, C., Smakhtin, V., & de Fraiture, C. (2005, June). Spatial variation in water supply and demand across the river basins of India.More infoFull Citation: Amarasinghe, U., B. Sharma, N. Aloysius, C.A. Scott, V. Smakhtin, C. de Fraiture. 2005. Spatial variation in water supply and demand across the river basins of India. IWMI Research Report No. 83. International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Sivamohan, M., Scott, C. A., Hussain, I., Ganguly, U., Bouma, J., Thrikawala, S., & Wijerathna, D. (2004). Pro-poor intervention strategies in irrigated agriculture in Asia: poverty in irrigated agriculture: issues and options: India.