Charlotte L Pearson
- Associate Professor, Dendrochronology
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Associate Professor, Global Change - GIDP
- Associate Professor, Anthropology
- Associate Professor, Geosciences
- Associate Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP
- (520) 621-1608
- Bryant Bannister Tree Ring, Rm. 404
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- clpearson@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Archaeological Science
- University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom
- Volcanic Eruptions, Tree rings and Multi-Elemental Chemistry, an Investigation of Dendrochemical Potential for the Absolute Dating of Past Volcanism
- M.S. Geoarchaeology
- University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom
- B.S. Environment and Archaeology
- University of Wales, Lampeter, Wales, United Kingdom
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2021 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2013 - 2021)
- Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (2012)
- Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (2010 - 2012)
- Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (2007 - 2010)
- The University of Reading (2005 - 2007)
- The University of Reading (2005)
- Natural Environment Research Council ICP Facility, Kingston University (2004)
- The University of Reading (2003)
- Ted and Shirley Taubeneck Superior Teaching Award
- University of Arizona, Summer 2024
- Research Leadership Institute
- University of Arizona, Spring 2024
- Galileo Scholars "Curie award”
- University of Arizona, Fall 2018
Licensure & Certification
- Chemical Microscopy Certificate, McCrone Institute, Chicago (2011)
Building a continuous dendrochronological record for the Aegean Region for the last 8000years. Improving radiocarbon calibration and the synchronization of archaeological chronologies and paleoenvironmental records 5000-1000 BC. Studying major changes in human societies over time against a backdrop of changing climate. Dating archaeological sites and structures in Mediterranean and Balkan regions. Application of dendrochronological / dendrochemical technique to address questions of volcanic impact and dating. Improvement of dendro-data standards for more transparent interchangeable datasets for dating, dendroprovenancing and paleoclimatology.Development of new applications of geochemical and geoarchaeological techniques to explore archaeological and paleoenvironmental questions. In particular to identify periods ofenvironmental disruption, to characterise specific marker events and to provenance materials. Development of new archaeological science methods for the analysis and characterisation of stone artefacts, sediment sections, works of art, stone inscriptions, pottery sherds or bone. Soil, sediment and geomorphological interpretations to reconstruct landscape evolution, land use history and past environmental regimes.
Human and environmental interactions on different time frames and across different cultures and geographic regions. Dendrogeomorphology, dendrochemistry, geoarchaeology and archaeological science topics. I'm interested in teaching at a range of levels from public outreach to graduate students.
2024-25 Courses
ANTH 474 (Fall 2024) -
ANTH 574 (Fall 2024) -
CLAS 474 (Fall 2024) -
CLAS 574 (Fall 2024) -
MSE 574 (Fall 2024)
2021-22 Courses
ANTH 694 (Spring 2022) -
Cultures, Catastrophe and Clim
ANTH 204 (Fall 2021) -
Independent Study
GEOS 599 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Independent Study
GEOS 599 (Spring 2021) -
Tpcs in Dendrochronology
GEOS 595E (Spring 2021) -
Cultures, Catastrophe and Clim
ANTH 204 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Cultures, Catastrophe and Clim
ANTH 204 (Fall 2019) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Cultures, Catastrophe and Clim
ANTH 204 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
ANTH 694 (Spring 2018) -
GEOS 594 (Spring 2018) -
GEOS 910 (Spring 2018) -
Tpcs in Dendrochronology
GEOS 595E (Spring 2018) -
GEOS 900 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Directed Research
GEOS 392 (Spring 2017) -
Tpcs in Dendrochronology
GEOS 595E (Spring 2017) -
Tpcs in Dendrochronology
WSM 595E (Spring 2017) -
Cultures, Catastrophe and Clim
ANTH 204 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Directed Research
GEOS 392 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Kuniholm, P. I., Pearson, C. L., & Wazny, T. J. (2018). Dendrochronological Investigations at Köşk Höyük.
- Wazny, T. J., Kourmadas, Y., Kuniholm, P. I., & Pearson, C. L. (2018). Dendrochronological dating of the House of the Bailo in Chalkis, Euboea, Greece with a supplementary comment on the Church of Hg. Paraskevi. Brepols.
- Kuniholm, P. I., Pearson, C. L., & Wazny, T. J. (2018). Dendrochronological Investigations at Kerkenes and Beyond.
- Pearson, C. L. (2006). Volcanic Eruptions, Tree Rings and Multielemental Chemistry: An Investigation of Dendrochemical Potential for the Absolute Dating of Past Volcanism.More infoBAR International Series 10191
- Kuniholm, P. I., Pearson, C. L., & Wazny, T. J. (2020). Hathor and Shaft Grave V: A Dendrochronological Report. In Manfred Korfmann Gedenkschrift..
- Kuniholm, P. I., Wazny, T. J., & Pearson, C. L. (2020). Dendrochronological Analysis. In Venetian and Ottoman Heritage in the Aegean: The `Bailo House’ in Chalcis. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers.
- Wazny, T. J., Pearson, C. L., & Kuniholm, P. I. (2019). The Balkan Bridge: Dendrochronological Links between the Aegean and Central Europe. In A Lifetime in Prehistory: Studies Presented to Professor Aleksandar Durman. Zagreb: University of Zagreb Press and the Vučedol Museum.
- Ammerman, A. J., Pearson, C. L., Kuniholm, P. I., & Brown, T. (2019). The Cores Made Beneath the Floor of the Basilica di San Marco: First Report. In San Marco: La Basilica di Venezia, Arte, Storie, Conservazione, Marsilio Editori, Venezia(pp 63-75).
- Darin, R., Pederson, N., Pearson, C. L., Dominguez-Delmas, M., & Trouet, V. M. (2017). Dendro-archeo-ecology in North America and Europe: Re-purposing Historical Materials to Study Ancient Human-Environment Interactions. In Dendroecology: Tree-ring analyses applied to ecological studies(pp 365-394). Springer.
- Pearson, C. L., Kuniholm, P. I., & Wazny, T. J. (2017). Dendrochronology of the early Byzantine fort at Capidava on the lower Danube River in Romania.. In Capidava II. At the Edge of the Empire. Monograph of a Romano-Byzantine Building.(pp 175-183). Mega, Cluj-Napoca.
- Kuniholm, P. I., Pearson, C. L., & Wazny, T. J. (2015). Yenikapi ile diğer Marmaray Proje Alanlarinda Dendrokronoloji Araştirmalari. In Hayalden Gerçeğe Marmaray(pp 154-159). Istanbul: Gama Holding.
- Kuniholm, P. I., Pearson, C. L., Wazny, T. J., & Griggs, C. B. (2015). A 2367-Year Oak Tree-Ring Chronology from 98 Sites for the Aegean, East Mediterranean, and Black Seas: the Marmaray Contribution. In In P. Magdalino and N.Ergin (eds.) Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series, Vol. 47(pp 47-90). Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Press.
- Brunning, R., Nayling, N., Pearson, C., Woodward, A., Foster, J., & Allen, J. (2014). The wood and other artifacts from the Redwick and Cold Harbour sites. In The Bronze Age in the Severn Estuary(pp 82-89). York: Council for British Archaeology.More infoChapter: 4; Author: Bell, M; Series Number: Research Report, 172; ISBN: 9781902771946
- Brown, A., Morgan, R., Turner, R., & Pearson, C. (2007). Fishing Structures on the Sudbrook Foreshore, Monmouthshire, Severn Estuary. In Archaeology in the Severn Estuary.
- Nayling, N., Manning, S., Kromer, B., Bronk, R. C., Pearson, C., & Talamo, S. (2007). Dating the submerged forests: dendrochronology and radiocarbon ‘wiggle-match’ dating in Bell. M. In Prehistoric Coastal Communities: The Mesolithic in western Britain.More infoOther Information: CBA Research report 149
- Pearson, C. L., Archer, S., Bartoy, K. M., & Pearson, C. L. (2006). The life and death of a home: House history in a sub-surface feature. In Between Dirt and Discussion: Methods, Methodology and Interpretation in Historical Archaeology. Springer.More infoEditors: Bartoy, KM | Archer, S
- De, M. T., Matskovskiy, V., Salzer, M., Corluy, L., Verschuren, L., Pearson, C., Van, H. L., Trouet, V., & Bulcke, J. (2024). Bristlecone Pine Maximum Latewood Density as a Superior Proxy for Millennium-length Temperature Reconstructions. Authorea Preprints.
- Maczkowski, A., Pearson, C., Francuz, J., Giagkoulis, T., Szidat, S., Wacker, L., Bolliger, M., Kotsakis, K., & Hafner, A. (2024). Absolute dating of the European Neolithic using the 5259 BC rapid 14C excursion. Nature communications, 15(1), 4263.
- Regev, J., Gadot, Y., Uziel, J., Chalaf, O., Shalev, Y., Roth, H., Shalom, N., Szanton, N., Bocher, E., Pearson, C. L., & others, . (2024). Radiocarbon chronology of Iron Age Jerusalem reveals calibration offsets and architectural developments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(19), e2321024121.
- Black, B. A., Pearl, J. K., Pearson, C. L., Pringle, P. T., Frank, D. C., Page, M. T., Buckley, B. M., Cook, E. R., Harley, G. L., King, K. J., & others, . (2023). A multifault earthquake threat for the Seattle metropolitan region revealed by mass tree mortality. Science advances, 9(39), eadh4973.
- Blondel, F., Huebner, S. R., Pearson, C., & Stoffel, M. (2023). Mummy Labels: A Witness to the Use and Processing of Wood in Roman Egypt. International Journal of Wood Culture, 1(aop), 1--32.
- Pearson, C., Sbonias, K., Tzachili, I., & Heaton, T. J. (2023). Olive shrub buried on Therasia supports a mid-16th century BCE date for the Thera eruption. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 6994.
- Ramsey, C. B., Adolphi, F., Austin, W., Bard, E., Bayliss, A., Blaauw, M., Cheng, H., Edwards, R. L., Friedrich, M., Heaton, T., & others, . (2023). Development of the IntCal database. Radiocarbon, 1--17.
- Brehm, N., Christl, M., Knowles, T. D., Casanova, E., Evershed, R. P., Adolphi, F., Muscheler, R., Synal, H., Mekhaldi, F., Paleari, C. I., & others, . (2022). Tree-rings reveal two strong solar proton events in 7176 and 5259 BCE. Nature communications, 13(1), 1--8.
- Edwards, J., Anchukaitis, K. J., Gunnarson, B. E., Pearson, C., Seftigen, K., Arx, G., & Linderholm, H. W. (2022). The Origin of Tree-Ring Reconstructed Summer Cooling in Northern Europe During the 18th Century Eruption of Laki. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 37(2), e2021PA004386.
- Pearson, C., Sigl, M., Burke, A., Davies, S., Kurbatov, A., Severi, M., Cole-Dai, J., Innes, H., Albert, P. G., & Helmick, M. (2022). Geochemical ice-core constraints on the timing and climatic impact of Aniakchak II (1628 BCE) and Thera (Minoan) volcanic eruptions. PNAS nexus, 1(2), pgac048.
- Hajdas, I., Ascough, P., Garnett, M. H., Fallon, S. J., Pearson, C. L., Quarta, G., Spalding, K. L., Yamaguchi, H., & Yoneda, M. (2021). Radiocarbon dating. Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 1(1), 1--26.
- Lespez, L., Lescure, S., Saulnier-Copard, S., Glais, A., Berger, J., Lavigne, F., Pearson, C., Virmoux, C., M"uller, C. S., & Pomad`ere, M. (2021). Discovery of a tsunami deposit from the Bronze Age Santorini eruption at Malia (Crete): impact, chronology, extension. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1--14.
- Pearson, C. L., Leavitt, S. W., Kromer, B., Solanki, S. K., & Usoskin, I. (2021). Dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating. Radiocarbon, First View, 1-20. doi:10.1017/RDC.2021.97
- Friedrich, R., Kromer, B., Wacker, L., Olsen, J., Remmele, S., Lindauer, S., Land, A., & Pearson, C. L. (2020). A new annual 14C dataset for calibrating the Thera eruption. Radiocarbon.
- Hogg, A. G., Heaton, T. J., Hua, Q., Palmer, J. G., Turney, C. S., Southon, J., Bayliss, A., Blackwell, P. G., Boswijk, G., Ramsey, C. B., & others, . (2020). SHCal20 Southern Hemisphere calibration, 0--55,000 years cal BP. Radiocarbon, 62(4), 759--778.
- Pearl, J. K., Anchukaitis, K. J., Donnelly, J. P., Pearson, C., Pederson, N., Gaylord, M., McNichol, A. P., Cook, E. R., & Zimmermann, G. L. (2020). A late Holocene subfossil Atlantic white cedar tree-ring chronology from the northeastern United States. Quaternary Science Reviews, 228, 106104.
- Pearl, J. K., Keck, J. R., Tintor, W., Siekacz, L., Herrick, H. M., Meko, M. D., & Pearson, C. L. (2020). New frontiers in tree-ring research. The Holocene, 0959683620902230.
- Pearson, C. L., Wacker, L., Brown, D., Salzer, M., Brewer, P. W., Bollhalder, S., Boswijk, G., & Hodgins, G. W. (2020). Annual variation in atmospheric 14C between 1700 BC and 1480 BC. Radiocarbon. doi:10.1017/RDC.2020.14
- Pearson, C., Salzer, M., Wacker, L., Brewer, P., Sookdeo, A., & Kuniholm, P. (2020). Reply to Manning: Dating of Gordion tree-ring sequence still stands within a year of 745 BC. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(31), 18159--18160.
- Pearson, C., Salzer, M., Wacker, L., Brewer, P., Sookdeo, A., & Kuniholm, P. (2020). Securing timelines in the ancient Mediterranean using multiproxy annual tree-ring data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(15), 8410--8415.
- Reimer, P., Austin, W. E., Bard, E., Bayliss, A., Blackwell, P. G., Bronk, R. C., Butzin, M., Cheng, H., Edwards, R. L., Friedrich, M., Grootes, P. M., Guilderson, T. P., Hajdas, I., Heaton, T. J., Hogg, A. G., Hughen, K., Kromer, B., Manning, S., Muscheler, R., , Palmer, J., et al. (2020). The IntCal20 Northern Hemisphere radiocarbon age calibration curve (0-55 kcal BP). Radiocarbon.
- Helama, S., Saranp"a"a, P., Pearson, C. L., Arppe, L., Holopainen, J., M"akinen, H., Mielik"ainen, K., N"ojd, P., Sutinen, R., Taavitsainen, J., & others, . (2019). Frost rings in 1627 BC and AD 536 in subfossil pinewood from Finnish Lapland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 204, 208--215.
- Lange, T. E., Nordby, J. A., Murphy, P., Hodgins, G., & Pearson, C. L. (2019). A detailed investigation of pretreatment protocols for high precision radiocarbon measurements of annual tree-rings. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms.
- Misi, D., Puchalka, R., Pearson, C., Robertson, I., & Koprowski, M. (2019). Differences in the Climate-Growth Relationship of Scots Pine: A Case Study from Poland and Hungary. Forests, 10(3), 243.
- Salzer, M. W., Pearson, C. L., & Baisan, C. H. (2019). Dating the methuselah walk bristlecone pine floating chronologies. Tree-Ring Research, 75(1), 61--66.
- Yalc{c}in, M. N., Sezerer-Bulut, M., Pearson, C., Kuniholm, P., Algan, O., & Wazny, T. (2019). Establishing a high-resolution stratigraphy in the Holocene marine sequence of the ancient Theodosian harbor of Istanbul with the help of dendrochronology. Geoarchaeology.
- Jull, A. J., Pearson, C. L., Taylor, R. E., Southon, J. R., Santos, G. M., Kohl, C. P., Hajdas, I., Molnar, M., Baisan, C., Lange, T. E., & others, . (2018). Radiocarbon Dating and Intercomparison of Some Early Historical Radiocarbon Samples. Radiocarbon, 60(2), 535--548.
- Pearson, C. L., Brewer, P. W., Brown, D., Heaton, T. J., Hodgins, G. W., Jull, A. T., Lange, T., & Salzer, M. W. (2018). Annual radiocarbon record indicates 16th century BCE date for the Thera eruption. Science advances, 4(8), eaar8241.
- Goman, M., Joyce, A., Lund, S., Pearson, C., Guerra, W., Dale, D., Hammond, D. E., & Celestian, A. J. (2017). Preliminary results from Laguna Minuc'ua a potentially annually resolved record of climate and environmental change for the past~ 5000 years in the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico. Quaternary International.
- Ammerman, A. J., Pearson, C. L., Kuniholm, P. I., Selleck, B., & Vio, E. (2016). Beneath the Basilica of San Marco: New Light on the Origins of Venice. Antiquity.
- Cherubini, P., Humbel, T., Beeckman, H., Gärtner, H., Mannes, D., Pearson, C., Schoch, W., Tognetti, R., & Lev, Y. S. (2014). The olive-branch dating of the Santorini eruption. Antiquity, 88, 267-291.
- Kuhn, S. L., & Pearson, C. L. (2014). Preface to CMATE Special Issue. Radiocarbon/Tree Ring Research, 56(4), iii-vi.
- Manning, S., Dee, M., Wild, E., Bronk, R. C., Bandy, K., Creasman, P., Griggs, C., Pearson, C. L., Shortland, A., & Steier, P. (2014). High-precision dendro-14C dating of two cedar wood sequences from First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom Egypt and a small regional climate-related 14C divergence. Journal of Archaeological Science, 46, 401-416.
- Pearson, C., Griggs, C. B., Lorentzen, B., Manning, S. W., & Pearson, C. L. (2014). A 250-year annual precipitation reconstruction and drought assessment for Cyprus from Pinus brutia Ten. tree-rings. International Journal of Climatology, 34(8), 2702-2714. doi:10.1002/joc.3869More infoPrecipitation around Cyprus, a relatively small island, is generally consistent in year-to-year variation in all dimensions except amplitude, with the higher elevations in the west generally receiving more precipitation. An annual record of precipitation was found in tree-rings of the predominant pine species, Pinus brutia Ten., which grows from the lower foothills up to 1400 m in altitude across the island. Tree-ring chronologies from four sites in west-central Cyprus are used here to reconstruct the annual September to August precipitation and a drought record for AD 1830-2006, with the drought reconstruction extending back to 1756. A minimum of 40% of the variance in annual precipitation and drought occurrence is explained by the variance in the tree-ring widths in all cases. Our drought assessment indicates that, on average, annual droughts occur once every 5 years and sustained droughts, 2-6 years in length, have occurred in small clusters of time, from 1806-1824, 1915-1934 and 1986-2000, when the winter North Atlantic Oscillation was in a predominantly positive phase. These results suggest that a sustained drought period has a mean return time probability of one in 70-100 years. This study provides the first long-term annual precipitation reconstruction and drought assessment at low to mid-elevations for Cyprus and will aid in future plans for drought mitigation.
- Pearson, C., Ważny, T., Kuniholm, P., Botić, K., Durman, A., & Seufer, K. (2014). Potential for a New Multimillennial Tree-Ring Chronology from Subfossil Balkan River Oaks.. Radiocarbon / Tree-Ring Research, 56(no. 4), S51-S59..More infoFirst stages of a major new oak chronology for the Balkan region. Field collection over several seasons was by Ważny and Botić with support from Durman and Kuniholm for the original contact. Dendrochronological / Radiocarbon work was by Pearson with assistance from Seufer, chronologies were checked by Ważny. Pearson wrote the paper and made corrections based on reviewer comments, co-authors read, made slight adjustments and agreed to publication.
- Cherubini, P., Humbel, T., Beeckman, H., Gärtner, H., Mannes, D., Pearson, C., Schoch, W., Tognetti, R., & Lev, Y. S. (2013). Olive tree-ring problematic dating: A comparative analysis on Santorini (Greece). PLoS One, 8, e54730.
- Kuniholm, P. I., Pearson, C. L., Pearson, C., Sahin, D., & Unlu, K. (2013). New dendrochemical findings for Pinus nigra trees grown in the Mediterranean region. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 109, 102-103.
- Pearson, C. L. (2013). The paleoclimate potential and enigma of Laguna Minucua, Oaxaca, Mexico.. Quaternary International, 310(DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2013.07.076), 232-233.
- Mutlu, H., Köse, N., Akkemik, Ü., Aral, D., Kaya, A., Manning, S. W., Pearson, C. L., & Dalfes, N. (2012). Environmental and climatic signals from stable isotopes in Anatolian tree rings, Turkey. Regional Environmental Change, 12(3), 559-570.
- Mutlu, H., Köse, N., Akkemik, Ü., Aral, D., Kaya, A., Manning, S., Pearson, C. L., & Dalfes, N. (2012). Environmental and climatic signals from stable isotopes in Anatolian tree rings, Turkey. Regional Environmental Change, 12(3), 559-570.
- Pearson, C., Griggs, C., Kuniholm, P., Brewer, P., Wazny, T., & Canady, L. (2012). Dendroarchaeology of the mid-first millennium AD in Constantinople. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39, 3402-3414.
- Pearson, C., Dale, D., & Lombardo, K. (2011). An investigation of fire scars in Pseudotsuga macrocarpa by scanning x-ray fluorescence microscopy. Forest Ecology and Management, 262, 1258-1264.
- Brown, A., Turner, R., & Pearson, C. (2010). Medieval fishing structures and baskets at Sudbrook Point, Severn Estuary, Wales. Medieval Archaeology, 54.
- Manning, S., Kromer, B., Ramsey, C., Pearson, C., Talamo, S., Trano, N., & Watkins, J. (2010). 14C record and wiggle-match placement for the Anatolian (Gordionarea) Juniper tree-ring chronology 1729 to 751 Cal BC, and typical Aegean/Anatolian(growing season related) regional 14C offset assessment. Radiocarbon, 52, 1571-1597.
- Pearson, C., Dale, D., Brewer, P., Kuniholm, P., Lipton, J., & Manning, S. W. (2009). Dendrochemistry of a tree ring growth anomaly associated with the Thera Eruption. Journal of Archaeological Science, 36, 1206-1214..
- Pearson, C., Dale, D., Brewer, P., Salzer, M., Lipton, J., & Manning, S. W. (2009). Dendrochemistry of White Mountain Bristlecone pines - an investigation via Synchrotron Radiation Scanning X-Ray Fluorescence Microscopy. Geophysical Research, 114.More infoG01023
- Unlu, K., Pearson, C. L., Hauck, D., & Kuniholm, P. I. (2009). Dating volcanic eruptions with tree-ring chemistry. IEEE Potentials, 28(5), 36-44.
- Pearson, C. L., Pearson, C. L., Manning, S. W., Coleman, M., & Jarvis, K. (2006). Dendrochemical study of Pinus sylvestris from Siljansfors Experimental Forest, Central Sweden.. Applied Geochemistry, 21(10), 1681-1691.
- Pearson, C. L., Pearson, C. L., Manning, S. W., Coleman, M., & Jarvis, K. (2005). Could Tree-Ring Chemistry Reveal Absolute Dates for Past Volcanic Eruptions. Journal of Archaeological Science, 32, 1265-1274.
- Pearson, C. L., Pearson, C. L., Manning, S. W., Coleman, M., & Jarvis, K. (2005). Tree rings, volcanic eruptions and multi-elemental chemistry: The potential of dendrochemical techniques for the absolute dating of past volcanism. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7.
- Cook SR, ., Fulford, M., Clarke, A., & Pearson, C. (2003). Soil Geochemical analyses as an indication of metal working at the excavation of a house in the Roman City at Silchester (UK). J. Phys IV France, 107, 319-321.
- Pearson, C. L., Manning, S., Ramsey, C., Doumas, C., Marketou, T., Cadogan, G., & Pearson, C. L. (2002). New evidence for an early date for the Aegean Late Bronze Age and Thera eruption,. Antiquity, 76, 733-744.
Proceedings Publications
- Kuniholm, P., Pearson, C. L., & Wa.zny, T. J. (2024). Dendrochronological investigations at Kerkenes and beyond. In From Midas to Cyrus and Other Stories: Papers on Iron Age Anatolia in Honour of Geoffrey and Francoise Summers, 57.
- Pearson, C. L. (2024). What's next? Chronological improvements through proxy synchronization and annual 14C. In CHRONOS stratigraphic analysis, pottery seriation and radiocarbon dating in Mediterranean chronology.
- Pearson, C. L. (2021, Fall 2021). Re-thinking Thera – tree-rings, radiocarbon and response in the second millennium BCE. In 2021 ANAMED Symposium Volume: Winds of Change: Environment and Society in Anatolia, 15.
- Pearson, C., Goman, M. F., Guerra, W. J., Hammond, D. E., Joyce, A. A., Lund, S. P., & Pearson, C. L. (2019). An annually resolved record of climate variability from the southern Mexican highlands. In Geological Society of America.
- Burke, A., Sigl, M., Cole-Dai, J., Innes, H., McConnell, J., Pearson, C., & Sugden, P. (2024, February). Reconstructing Stratospheric Aerosol Loadings from Extratropical Eruptions. EGU General Assembly 2024.
- De Mil, T., Matskovskiy, V., Salzer, M., Corluy, L., Verschuren, L., Pearson, C. L., Van Hoorebeke, L., Trouet, V. M., & Van den Bulcke, J. (2024). Bristlecone Pine Maximum Latewood Density as a Superior Proxy for Millennium-length Temperature Reconstructions. AGU. Washington DC: AGU.
- Matskovsky, V., Mil, T., Pearson, C., Corluy, L., Verschuren, L., Salzer, M., Trouet, V., Bulcke, J., & Van, H. L. (2024, February). Bristlecone Pine Maximum Latewood Density as a Superior Proxy for Millennial Temperature Reconstructions. EGU General Assembly 2024.
- Pearson, C. L. (2024, February). Put a ring on it: make a date with a tree. College of Science Lecture Series. University of Arizona.
- Sigl, M., Abbott, P., Gabriel, I., Van Dijk, E., Franke, J., Baillie, M., Burke, A., Krüger, K., Ludlow, F., Manning, J., McConnell, J., Pearson, C. L., & Plunkett, G. (2024, June). Volcanic eruptions, climate extremes and the collapse of ancient civilizations. Climate of the Past and Societal Responses to Environmental Change. Bern: Universität Bern.
- Sigl, M., Van, D. E., Gabriel, I., Abbott, P., Nicolussi, K., Pearson, C., Salzer, M., Burke, A., Leahey, A., Sugden, P., & others, . (2024, Spring). Exact timing, sulfur spread and global climate footprint of the caldera-forming Mt. Mazama eruption, the largest volcanic eruption of the Holocene.. EGU General Assembly 2024.
- Pearson, C. L. (2023, Fall). The history of the world written in tree rings. Humanities Lecture Series. University of Arizona.More infoDesigned course life-long learners as part of the Humanities Lecture Series program. Total of ten sessions throughout the fall semester.
- Pearson, C. L. (2023, July 2023). Tree rings, radiocarbon and ice cores. Inaugural lecture for the Archaeological Museum of Messara. Archaeological Museum of Messara.
- Pearson, C. L. (2023, November). Tree ring and radiocarbon refinements towards a more precise chronology for the near eastern Bronze Age. Columbia University Seminar SeriesColumbia University.
- Pearson, C. L. (2023, Spring). Tree-ring, ice-core and radiocarbon constraints on the timing and impact of Aniakchak II and Thera eruptions. LTRR Tree-Ring Conference and Retirement Celebration. LTRR: LTRR.
- Pearson, C. L. (2023, Spring). Chronological Advances Through A High Resolution Multi-Proxy Approach. Volcanic Impacts on Humans and Society (VICS) PAGES Meeting. Bern, Switzerland: PAGES.
- Pearson, C. L. (2023, Spring). Interdisciplinary Approaches to High-Resolution Chronology: Tree rings, radiocarbon & climate. Archaeological Research Institute, Bern SeminarsUniversity of Bern.
- Pearson, C. L. (2023, Spring). Multi-proxy, annual resolution data from tree-rings. Women in Data Science Meeting. UArizona Zoom: UArizona.
- Black, B., Pearl, J., Pearson, C. L., Pringle, P., & Sherrod, B. (2022, Summer). A shallow crustal seismic threat for metropolitan Puget Sound: contagious faulting in the winter of 923–924 CE. Ameridendro. Montreal.More infoThe densely urbanized Puget lowlands of western Washington, USA, are prone to seismic activity with evidence of major pre-historic earthquakes preserved within regional geologic features. While the Cascadian Subduction Zone is an important source of these pre-historic events, a network of shallow crustal faults may generate earthquakes of even greater destructive power. Here, we use dendrochronology and a global, time-specific pulse of cosmogenic radiocarbon to establish that trees along the Seattle and Saddle Mountain faults died synchronously in the Douglas-fir dormant season of 923-924 CE. Given this narrow window in time, the ruptures likely occurred simultaneously in a single 7.6 to 7.7 magnitude earthquake, jumping from one adjacent fault to the next. Alternatively, the ruptures may have occurred in a rapid “double punch” sequence of two 7.3 to 7.5 magnitude earthquakes over days to months. Either of these two scenarios in modern times would be catastrophic to natural systems and the built environment within this region of more than four million residents. Indeed, after >1000 years the potency of this event is still apparent at the sites where trees were killed, representing uplift of fault scarps, the impoundment of rivers, generation of a tsunami in Puget Sound, rock avalanches, and landslides across the Puget lowlands.
- Pearson, C. L. (2022, Fall). IntCal tree-ring data collection and submission. International Conference of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zurich.
- Pearson, C. L. (2022, Fall). Prospects for improved Cretan Chronology. The INSTAP Study Center on Crete. Online: INSTAP.
- Pearson, C. L. (2022, Fall). Re-Thinking the Thera Eruption. CHRONOS Seminars. Online: University of Leuven, Belgium.
- Pearson, C. L. (2022, Fall). Whats Next? Chronological improvements through proxy synchronization and annual 14C. CHRONOS Workshop. Stratigraphic Analysis, Pottery Seriation and Radiocarbon Dating in Mediterranean Chronology. Belgium: UC Louvain.
- Pearson, C. L. (2022, June). Tree-Rings, Radiocarbon, Archaeology and Ice: Dating the Minoan Eruption of Thera. Invited talk at DAI (German Archaeological Institute) Berlin. Berlin: DAI.More infoThe Minoan eruption of Thera, Santorini has long been a focus of controversy both in terms of dating and the potential climatic impacts. Archaeologically, this event provides a stratigraphic marker for a point in time that can synchronize the chronologies of the East Mediterranean over 3500 years ago. It was a highly explosive eruption which buried the town of Akrotiri on Thera and sent tidal waves rushing to nearby shorelines. In this talk we will explore how tree-rings, radiocarbon and ice-core records have been used through the years to tell the story of the Thera eruption and how we are nearing a resolution to the long running impasse between archaeological and radiocarbon dating of this eruption.
- Siekacz, L., Pearson, C. L., & Salzer, M. (2022). Climatic context of blue ring formation in high elevation bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva D.K. Bailey).. EGU.
- Sigl, M., Abbott, P., Gabriel, I., Adolphi, F., Andrea, B., Cook, E., Cole-Dai, J., Chellman, N., Albert, P., Kurbatov, A., Helama, S., Innes, H., Lin, J., McConnell, J., Nicolussi, K., Pearson, C. L., Plunkett, G., Salzer, M., Severi, M., & Svensson, A. (2022, May). Closing in on a unified global ice-core chronology by merging cosmogenic radionuclides, sulfur isotopes, cryptotephra and tree-rings. Chances and limitations.. Abstract PAGES Open Science Meeting May 2022PAGES.More infoAbstract: To correctly quantify and attribute past climate variability on inter-annual to multi-decadal timescales, precise and accurate chronologies of the underlying proxies are a prerequisite. Ultra-long tree-ring chronologies provide annual dating precision over large parts of the Holocene and form the backbone of the radiocarbon (14C) calibration curve used to date many other climate proxy records. The dating precision of proxy records based on U/Th dating (e.g. speleothems) has become much higher in the last decades. With the WD2014 chronology from the WAIS Divide ice core (WDC) an accurate layer-counted chronology exists for Antarctica which is used to synchronize deep ice cores from Antarctica (e.g. EDML, EDC, TALDICE, SPICE, RICE, Dome Fuji). This allows us to analyze spatial climate response in Antarctica during global climate transitions. Using radiocarbon dating and cosmogenic radionuclides (e.g., 10Be) in ice cores, an age bias towards too old ages was identified during most of the Holocene for ice cores from Greenland dated in the GICC05 chronology framework. Here we use four sources of evidence to assess and improve the dating of ice-core chronologies over the Holocene: (1) Annual-to sub-decadal resolution 10Be ice-core data to identify extreme solar proton event (e.g. in 774, 993 CE) and changes in galactic cosmic rays modulated by solar activity; (2) sulfur isotopes to identify major stratospheric eruptions with global sulfur distribution; (3) single-shard electron microprobe analyses on cryptotephra shards to identify volcanic source volcanoes and (4) tree-ring width and frost-ring data to identify the timing of cooling anomalies following major stratospheric eruptions. Merging these lines of evidence allows us to synchronize and constrain the dating of ice cores from both Greenland and Antarctica with dating uncertainties of less than ±1 to 10 years.
- Sigl, M., Abbott, P., Gabriel, I., Kim, W. M., Raible, C., Andrea, B., Chellman, N., Cole-Dai, J., Davies, S., Helmick, M., Marshall, L., McConnell, J., Pearson, C. L., Plunkett, G., Severi, M., Toohey, M., & Vladimirova, D. (2022, May). Volcanism and Climate during the Common Era and beyond. Abstract PAGES Open Science Meeting May 2022PAGES.More infoAbstract: Here we present a comprehensive review and new insights from polar ice-core arrays on explosive volcanism and its effect on climate over the Common Era, Holocene and Late Glacial. We demonstrate how we can combine high-resolution records of sulfur and its isotopic (33S, 34S) composition with targeted cryptotephra analyses to infer critical information on eruption source parameters (i.e. location, sulfur mass injection, plume height) which ultimately determine the climate impact potential of past volcanic eruptions. We will discuss the implications of recent cryptotephra analyses for existing reconstructions of volcanic forcing as prescribed in PMIP3 and PMIP4 model simulations. Specifically, we discuss the attribution and timing of volcanic eruptions detected in ice cores in the 15th, 5-6th and 1st centuries, including insights on the “mystery dust veil” in 536 CE, the Tierra Blanca Joven eruption of Ilopango, El Salvador and the historic eruption of Vesuvius, Italy in 79 CE. In the framework of the PAGES CLIVASH2k project we use the accurately dated WD2014 chronology from the WAIS Divide ice core (WDC) to synchronize a large number of ice cores from Antarctica. Thereby we correct a long standing dating bias inherent in many regional and global multi-proxy climate reconstructions and data assimilation (e.g. PAGES2k, PAGES-Iso2k, PHYDA). Finally, we present a new reconstruction of volcanic sulfur injection and radiative aerosol forcing for the Holocene (HolVol1.0) and the Allerød/Younger Dryas transition based on bipolar ice-core stacks and discuss to what extent the eruptions of Laacher See (dated 13,006 ± 9 years BP, Germany) and Thera (Greece) may have influenced climate.
- Pearson, C. L. (2021, April). Re-Thinking Thera, tree-rings, radiocarbon and response in the second millenium BCE. ANAMED. Online / Turkey: Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations.More infoWorkshop speaker with subsequent publication.
- Pearson, C. L., & Brewer, P. (2021, Spring). Undergraduate oppertunities at LTRR. The Roots of Knowledge: Enhancing Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Through Work with Primary Sources. UA: UA.More infoGuest lecture on behalf of Peter Brewer who was off sick
- Siekacz, L., Pearson, C. L., Salzer, M., & Koprowski, M. (2021, Spring). A millennium-long 'Blue Ring' chronology from Bristlecone Pine as a record of volcanic forcing on climate. EGU. online / Vienna.More infoA millennium-long 'Blue Ring' chronology from Bristlecone Pine as a record of volcanic forcing on climate.(NB - Student withdrew on day of presentation due to health issues)Liliana Siekacz1, Matthew Salzer2, Charlotte Pearson2, Marcin Koprowski1 1. Nicolaus Copernicus University 2. University of Arizona 'Blue Rings' (BRs) are distinct wood anatomical anomalies recently discovered in several tree species. Previous studies connect their occurrence to lower than normal temperatures during the cell wall lignification phase of xylogenesis. Cell wall lignification usually continues after radial growth is completed, after the growth season., Therefore, systematic analysis of blue rings can add another level of time resolution to dendroclimatic studies. Additionally, BRs are more sensitive temperature recorders than frost rings which require freezing temperatures to form. We present a continuous chronology of blue rings in North American bristlecone pine covering the last millennium and their connections to volcanic eruptions known both from historic and ice core records. Most recorded BR years coincide with cooling following large volcanic eruptions. The three most prominent events during the last 1000 years, with the highest share of blue rings in bristlecone pine from the White Mountains of California are at: 1200, 1453 and1601CE (58%, 83%, 91% of blue rings respectively). Two of these are attributed to known eruptions of Kuawe (1452CE - Vanatu) and Huaynaputina (1600CE – Peru), the third is unknown (but shows in the icecores). It is interesting to note that BRs were indicated in 69% of samples in 1884 and 1883, relating to the known eruption and associated climate impact of Krakatoa, yet no BRs were observed in 1816, the so-called year without a summer which followed the largest historically noted and well described eruption of Tambora, Indonesia (1815). We did find a strong BR signal in 1809 (with BRs continuing in 1810 and 1811) following an unidentified but prominent eruption seen in ice core records. The 1809 and 1815 eruptions are thought to be responsible for the cold decade from 1810 to 1819. The source of 1809 eruption remains unknown and scientific debate over the scale of the eruption continues, but bipolar acidity peaks in ice cores point to a tropical eruption with widespread sulfate distribution to both hemispheres and tephra in ice cores points to two coinciding high latitude eruptions of only regional prominence. The BR record supports 1809 CE as an event of global climatic significance illustrating the capacity for BRs to capture cooling events of even higher time resolution (after the radial growth is completed) and of smaller magnitude than frost rings, TRW or MXD studies to help better investigate and understand the impacts of volcanism on climate and society.
- Sigl, M., Adolphi, F., Burke, A., Cole-Dai, J., Fischer, H., Kim, W. M., Krüger, K., Lorenz, S., McConnell, J., Nicolussi, K., Niemeier, U., Pearson, C. L., Reinig, F., Salzer, M., Severi, M., Timmreck, C., & Toohey, M. (2021, Spring). Insights on the timing, global sulfate lifecycle and climate impact of Earth’s largest (pre-) historic volcanic eruptions. EGU General Assembly 2021. online / Vienna: EGU.More infoMichael Sigl1,2, Florian Adolphi1, Andrea Burke3, Jihong Cole-Dai4, Hubertus Fischer1, Woon Mi Kim1, Kirstin Krüger2, Stefan Lorenz5, Joseph McConnell6, Kurt Nicolussi7, Ulrike Niemeier5, Charlotte Pearson8, Frederick Reinig9, Matthew Salzer8, Mirko Severi10, Claudia Timmreck5, and Matthew Toohey11 1Climate and Environmental Physics & Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland (michael.sigl@climate.unibe.ch) 2Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway 3School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK 4Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, South Dakota State University, Brookings, USA 5Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany 6Desert Research Institute, Nevada System of Higher Education, Reno, USA 7Institute of Geography, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria 8Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA 9Department of Geography, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany 10Department of Chemistry ‘Ugo Schiff’, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 11Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, CanadaExtratropical volcanic eruptions are commonly thought to be less effective at driving large-scale surface cooling than tropical eruptions, and only the latter are commonly thought to be able to distribute sulfate globally. Here, we test both of these assumptions using a network of ice cores from the polar regions of Antarctica and Greenland covering the past 15’000 years and climate-aerosol modeling. We employ state-of-the-art analyses of trace elements, cryptoptephra and sulphur isotopes (Burke et al., 2019) to gain new insights into the timing of past eruptions, their stratospheric sulphur mass injections and subsequent sulphate aerosol lifecycle. We use this information to estimate the climate impact potential due to negative radiative forcing caused by Earth’s largest volcanic eruptions since the last Glacial. Our analysis encompasses over 1’000 eruptions and include the caldera-forming eruptions of Okmok II (Alaska, 43 BCE, VEI=6, 53°N; McConnell et al., 2020), Aniakchak II (Alaska, 1600s BCE, VEI=6, 57°N), Crater Lake (Mazama, Oregon, 5600s BCE, VEI=7, 43°N) and Laacher See (Germany, c. 13 ka BP, VEI=6, 50°N).We use our reconstructed radiative forcing and the coupled earth system models MPI-ESM1.2 and CESM (version 1.2.2) to analyze the climatic impact caused by these eruptions and compare the simulated temperature response with temperature reconstructions based on ultra-long tree-ring chronologies. Finally, based on these comparisons, we propose a number of stratigraphic age tie-points to anchor ice-core chronologies from Greenland (GICC05) and Antarctica (WD2014) to the absolute dated tree-ring chronology. We thereby aim to improve proxy synchronization throughout the Holocene -- a prerequisite for detection and attribution studies -- and invite the paleo-climate community to update climate proxy records based on ice cores to the latest chronologies. The European Research Council Grant 820047 under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program funded the research project THERA - Timing of Holocene Volcanic eruptions and their radiative aerosol forcing.
- De Mil, T., Salzer, M., Pearson, C. L., Trouet, V., & Van den Bulcke, J. (2020, April(Cancelled)). Maximum latewood density records of the oldest trees in the world: Great Basin Bristlecone pine (Pinus Longaeva). EGU-2020. Vienna: European Geophysical Union.
- Akar, M., Avşar, U., & Pearson, C. L. (2019, January). Geoarchaeological Investigations in the Amuq Valley of Hatay: Sediment Coring Project in the Environs of Tell Atchana. 72nd Geological Congress of Turkey. Ankara, Turkey.
- Akar, M., Avşar, U., & Pearson, C. L. (2019, May). Responses to Changing Environment in the Borderlands: Synchronizing Archaeological Data with the First Sediment Cores from the Amuq Valley of Hatay. 4.2 ka BP in Anatolia: The Crisis Years and Aftermath An International Conference. University of Yaşar, İzmir: University of Yaşar, İzmir.
- Jull, A. J., Miyake, F., Panyushkina, I. P., Pearson, C. L., Baisan, C., & Heaton, T. (2019, Spring). Annual carbon-14 variability in tree-rings: Causes and Implications for the calibration curve. EGU 2019. Vienna, Austria: EGU.
- Jull, A. J., Miyake, F., Panyushkina, I. P., Pearson, C. L., Baisin, C., Heaton, T., & Waker, L. (2019, April). Annual carbon-14 variability in tree-rings: Causes and Implications for the calibration curve. EGU. Vienna, Austria: EGU.
- Keck, J. R., Pearson, C. L., Wazny, T. J., Martin, J., & Christopolous, N. (2019, Fall). Studies on subfossil Balkan river oak sequencing update. EuroDendro 2019. Brno, Czech Republic.
- Pearson, C. L. (2019, October). Volcanic eruptions, tree-rings and ice cores: chemical connections for chronological synchronization. UA Analytical Chemistry seminar program. University of Arizona.
- Nakamura, T., Masua, K., Miyake, F., Baisan, C., Pearson, C. L., Panyushkina, I. P., & Jull, A. J. (2018, June). Structure of carbon-14 excursions in tree rings at 800BC and 1050AD. 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference, Trondheim. Trondheim, Norway: NTNU Trondheim.More infoOral presentation
- Pearson, C. L. (2018, Fall). Interdisciplinary Chronology of Civilizations Project: Exploring annual tree-ring 14C across problematic periods for chronological synchronization 2500-1100 BC. Presentation to Dean Ruiz and the Dean's Advisory Board. Old Main.More infoPresentation to Dean's Advisory Board about how my dean's innovation and education grant was spent
- Pearson, C. L. (2018, Fall). Lunar and Planetary Sciences colloquium “Tree-Rings and Cosmic Radiation”. brown bag. Thursday, 27 September 2018, LPS.
- Pearson, C. L. (2018, June). Can multi-species annual 14C explain controversy over dating the Thera eruption?. 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference. Trondheim, Norway.
- Pearson, C. L. (2018, June). My background in dendrochronology, dendrochemistry and 14C research. Balkan and Aegean Dendrochronology Project Meeting. Torun, Poland.
- Pearson, C. L. (2018, Spring). Re-thinking Thera: Bristlecone pine 14 C and chronological synchronization in the mid-second millennium BC. PAGES Workshop. LTRR.More infoPoster and lightening talk about Science Advances paper topic
- Pearson, C. L. (2018, Spring). Re-thinking Thera: Could annual tree-ring 14C resolve volcanic controversy in the second millennium BCE?. Geosciences colloquia. LTRR.More infoPresentation of first annual 14C work and relevance for Thera
- Hodgins, G. W., Pearson, C. L., & Towner, R. H. (2017, August). Sub-annual resolution measurements of the 773CE-774CE Miyake Event in archaeological wood from Chaco Canyon, in Southwestern United States.. 14th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Ottawa, Canada.More infoThe Ancestral Puebloan occupation at Chaco Canyon spanned the mid-ninth to mid-twelfth centuries CE. During this period, the largest monumental constructions in North American were created and these incorporated more than 240,000 wood artifacts. We selected a dendrochronologically dated ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) specimen from the Chacoan great house Chetro Ketl whose life began just before 773CE. Rapid early growth produced large ring widths across the 774CE 14C excursion and allowed sub-annual sampling. The geographic origins of Chetro Ketl wood was previously determined using strontium isotope analysis and dendrochronological techniques to be from mountains 75 to 85 km to the southwest and west of Chaco. The past cool and dry climate, and the altitude at which ponderosa pine flourishes in these mountains today suggests the growth season of theChetro Ketl sample was restricted to between May and mid-August. Thus sub-annual dissection divided this ring cellulose into roughly May-June, and July-August time-frames. Radiocarbon measurements on these subsamples suggests that the 774CE spike actually started in late summer 773CE. It was unambiguously in full swing by May 774CE.
- Jull, A. J., Pearson, C. L., Taylor, R. E., Kohl, C. P., Southon, J. R., dos Santos, G., Hajdas, I., Molnar, M., Lange, T. E., Cruz, R., Hubay, K., Janovics, R., & Major, I. (2017, August). Radiocarbon Intercomparison of some early historical samples. 14th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Ottawa, Canada.
- Kuniholm, P. I., Martin, J., Pearson, C. L., Öncü, Ö. E., Kızıltan, Z., Wazny, T. J., Köse, N., & Akkemik, Ü. (2017, September). Dating and dendroprovenancing of the woods used in Yenikapı Historical Jetty (İstanbul, Turkey). Eurodendro. Estonia.
- Pearson, C. L. (2017, Fall). My really late, late-wood talk: Tree-rings, old world archeology and new frontiers in annual 14C. LTRR brown bag. LTRR.More infoPresentation of first annual 14C work
- Pearson, C. L. (2017, March). Beneath the brush strokes – how science can unlock the secrets of paintings. UA Museum’s Technical Art History Symposium. UA: Kress Foundation.
- Pearson, C. L. (2017, Spring). Annual resolution radiocarbon in Bristlecone pines. IntCal Working Group. Queen's University Belfast.
- Pearson, C. L. (2017, Spring). Approaches to Data Scarcity in Ancient History. Geballe Research Workshop, Stanford University. Stanford University.
- Pearson, C. L. (2018, spring). Tree-Ring Dating Geohazards. geosciences brown bag. GS 209, Friday, 1 February.
- Pearson, C. L., Brewer, P. W., Baisan, C., Hodgins, G. W., Jull, A. J., Lange, T., Cruiz, R., Salzer, M., Boswijk, G., & Brown, D. (2017, Summer). Short term off-sets from the calibration curve in multi-species annual resolution tree-ring data. 14th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Intcal and dendrochronology workshop. Ottawa, Canada: Charlotte Pearson, Peter Brewer, Chris Baisan, Gregory Hodgins, Timothy Jull, Todd Lange, Richard Cruz, Matthew Salzer, Gretel Boswijk, David Brown.More infoThe Interdisciplinary Chronology of Civilizations Project (ICCP) at the University of Arizona (UA) aims to resolve longstanding chronological issues for Aegean and Near Eastern archaeology. For the first phase of our research we have targeted the period 1700 and 1500 BC. During this period, at annual resolution, we observe offsets from IntCal13 as well as ‘rapid excursions’ within a single year. We present data from absolutely dated Irish oak, New Zealand kauri and North American bristlecone pine across these features to quantify the range of variability, and to explore reproducibility and the possibilities for regional / species offsets.
- Akkemik, Ü., Köse, N., Wazny, T. J., Kızıltan, Z., Öncü, Ö. E., Pearson, C. L., Martin, J., & Kuniholm, P. I. (2017, September). Dating and dendroprovenancing of the woods used in Yenikapı Historical Jetty (İstanbul, Turkey). Eurodendro. Estonia.
- Jordan, K. A., Pearson, C. L., & Stephens, J. (2016, April). The Seneca Red Slate Industry, circa 1688-1715. New York State Archaeological Association, Centennial Anniversary Conference. Fairport, NY.
- Jull, A. J., Pearson, C. L., Hajdas, I., Taylor, E., & Molnar, M. (2016, October). Artifacts, Relics and Radiocarbon. Relics at the Lab International Workshop. Brussels, Belgium: Royal Institute of Cultural Heritage.
- Pearson, C. L. (2016, September). Volcanic Eruptions and Tree-Rings - Establishing chronological Frameworks For Human and Environmental Interaction (invited). GSA Meeting. Denver.More infoGeological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 48, No. 7doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-278167
- Wazny, T. J., Tzigounaki, A., Rackham, O., Moody, J., Helman-Wazny, A., Pearson, C. L., Giapitsoglou, K., Fraidaki, A., Troullinos, M., & Apostolaki, N. (2016, November). Τrees, Timber and Tree-rings in Historic Crete, Byzantine to Ottoman Western Crete. ΤΗΣ Δ΄ ΠΑΓΚΡΗΤΙΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΝΤΗΣΗΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΕΡΓΟ ΣΤΗΝ ΚΡΗΤΗ. Rethymno, Greece.
- Goman, M., Lund, S., Pearson, C. L., Guerra, W., & Joyce, A. (2015, November). The Potential for High Resolution Paleoclimate Reconstructions at Laguna Minucua, Oaxaca, Mexico.. GSA. Baltimore: Geological Society of America.More infoWe present preliminary data from Laguna Minucua, located within the Sierra Madre del Sur at an elevation of ~2500m. Laguna Minucua is a small (~.25 ha), currently shallow (
- Pearson, C. L., Wazny, T. J., & Kuniholm, P. I. (2015, October). Tree-Rings and the Lost Harbor of Constantinople. Eurodendro 2015, International Scientific Conference on Dendrochronology: Climate and Human History in the Mediterranean Basin.
- Wazny, T. J., Kuniholm, P. I., & Pearson, C. L. (2015, October). Can dendrochronology solve the Santorini/Thera question?. Eurodendro 2015, International Scientific Conference on Dendrochronology: Climate and Human History in the Mediterranean Basin. Antalya, Turkey.
Poster Presentations
- De Mil, T., Salzer, M., Pearson, C. L., Trouet, V. M., & Van den Bulcke, J. (2020, May). Maximum latewood density records of the oldest trees in the world: Great Basin Bristlecone pine (Pinus Longaeva). EGU meeting 2020. Vienna, Austria (virtual): EGU.
- De Mil, T., Salzer, M., Pearson, C. L., Trouet, V. M., & Van den Bulcke, J. (2020, december). Maximum latewood density records of Great Basin Bristlecone pine (Pinus Longaeva) in the White Mountains, California. AGU Fall meeting 2020. San Francisco, CA (virtual): AGU.
- Pearson, C. L., Wacker, L., Salzer, M., Brown, D., Bayliss, A., Brewer, P. W., Boswijk, G., & Hodgins, G. W. (2019, July). Chronological synchronization using annual 14C data - possibilities from the mid-second millennium BC. INQUA 2019. Dublin, Ireland: INQUA.
- Salzer, M., Pearson, C. L., Tardif, J., Bunn, A., Conciatori, F., Siekacz, L., Piermattei, A., & Hughes, M. K. (2019, July). Blue-stained rings in ancient bristlecone pine as a volcanic proxy. INQUA 2019. Dublin, Ireland: INQUA.
- Hodgins, G. W., Pearson, C. L., Wazny, T. J., Sbonias, K., Tzachili, I., & Heaton, T. (2018, June). Radiocarbon measurement on a charred olive tree from Therasia, Greece. The 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference. Trondheim.
- Pearson, C. L., Brewer, P. W., Hodgins, G. W., Salzer, M., Lange, T., Cruiz, R., Jull, A. J., Brown, D., & Boswick, G. (2017, ?). Multi-species annual 14C shows calibration curve off-set from 1650 BC. EGU.More infoMulti-species annual 14C shows calibration curve off-set from 1650 BC
- Pearson, C. L., Brewer, P. W., Salzer, T. A., Hodgins, G. W., Jull, A. J., Lange, T. E., Cruz, R., Brown, D., & Boswijk, G. (2017, Spring). A 150 year record of annual Bristlecone Pine 14C from the second millennium BC. European Geosciences Union. Vienna.
Other Teaching Materials
- Soren, D., Pearson, C., & Darnell, G. (2014. An Introduction to Tree-Ring Research. OIA.More infoThis was an intro to the work of the Lab Directed by David Soren in Anthropology and filmed by Gary Darnell. I spoke for around 20 minutes on a range of tree-ring research and contributed to the editorial process. It is designed to be used in teaching and outreach
- Pearson, C. L. (2019, July). Science FOO Camp. GoogleX.
- Pearson, C. L. (2016, November). A. Batmaz, G. Bedianashvili, A. Michalewicz & A. Robinson (eds), Context and Connection. Studies on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honour of Antonio Sagona. Dendrochronological Investigations at Sos Höyük Peter Ian Kuniholm with a radiocarbon addendum by Charlotte L. Pearson and Greg W. L. Hodgins Peeters Publishers. Sagona Festschrift contribution.
- Kuhn, S. L., & Pearson, C. L. (2014, December). Special Issue. Radiocarbon/Tree Ring Research.More infoCo-edited joint special issues of Radiocarbon and Tree Ring Research, in clebration of the establishment of the Center for MEditerranean Archaeology and the Enviroment (CMATE)
- Manning, S., Pearson, C., & Griggs, C. (2012, Fall). Dendro-wiggle-match placement Publications of an oak tree-ring chronology from mid-first millennium AD Constantinople. Antiquity Project Gallery.More infoVolume: 86; Issue: 331
- Ünlü, K., Pearson, C., Hauck, D., & Kuniholm, P. (2009, Fall). Dating volcanic eruptions with tree-ring chemistry.More infoIn: IEEE Potentials, 28: 36-44
- Pearson, C. (2006, Fall). Under the Microscope: New advances in soil and sediment micro-morphology.More infoIn: The Archaeologist, 59: 16-17