Anthony John T Jull
- Professor Emeritus
- (520) 621-6000
- Gould-Simpson, Rm. 208
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- jull@arizona.edu
- Fellow
- Royal Society of Chemistry, London, Winter 2017
No activities entered.
2020-21 Courses
Quaternary Geochronology
GEOS 489 (Spring 2021) -
Quaternary Geochronology
GEOS 589 (Spring 2021)
2015-16 Courses
GEOS 920 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Jull, A. J., & Poluianov, S. (2019). Lunar Archives. In Extreme Solar Particle Storms: The Hostile Sun(pp 4-41 to 4-59). https://iopscience.iop.org/book/978-0-7503-2232-4: Institute of Physics. doi:https://iopscience.iop.org/book/978-0-7503-2232-4
- Jull, A. J., Cliver, E., Ebihara, Y., Miyake, F., & Muscheler, R. (2019). Characterization of the Measured Events. In Extreme Solar Particle Storms: The Hostile Sun(pp 6-1 to 6-29). https://iopscience.iop.org/book/978-0-7503-2232-4: Institute of Physics. doi:https://iopscience.iop.org/book/978-0-7503-2232-4
- Jull, A. J. (2017). Geochronology applied to glacial environments. In Past Glacial Environments(pp 665-687). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Jull, A. J. (2015). Radiocarbon Dating. In Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods(pp 671-677). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Jull, A. J. (2017). Geochronology for Glacial Environments. In Glacial Environments. Elsevier.More infoReview chapter on geochronology applied to glacial environments
- Jull, A. J., & Burr, G. S. (2015). Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. In Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods(pp 3-6). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Jull, A. J., & Hatte, C. (2015). 14C in plant macrofossils. In Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods(pp 129-134). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Hatté, C., & Jull, A. (2013). Radiocarbon dating: Plant macrofossils. In Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science(pp 361-367). Amsterdam: Elsevier.More infoEditiors: Elias, S | Mock, C
- Jull, A. (2013). Electron spin resonance dating. In Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science(pp 667-677). Amsterdam: Elsevier.More infoEditors: Elias, S | Mock, C
- Jull, A. (2013). Overview of Dating Techniques. In Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science(pp 447-452). Amsterdam: Elsevier.More infoEditiors: Elias, S | Mock, C
- Jull, A. (2013). Radiocarbon Dating: AMS Method. In Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science(pp 316-323). Amsterdam: Elsevier.More infoEditiors: Elias, S | Mock, C
- Jull, A., & Burr, ,. (2013). Mass Spectrometry Instruments VI: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. In Treatise of Geochemistry(pp 375-383). Amsterdam: Elsevier.More infoEditiors: Teurekian, KK | Holland, H Volume: 15
- Jull, A., & Burr, ,. (2013). Radiocarbon: Archaeological Applications. In Treatise of Geochemistry(pp 45-53). Amsterdam: Elsevier.More infoEditiors: Teurekian, KK | Holland, H Volume: 14
- Chang, C., Burr, G. S., Jull, A. J., Russell, J. L., Chen, Y., Shen, C., Biddulph, D., White, L., Prouty, N. G., & Zhou, W. (2016). Reconstructing Surface Ocean circulation with 129I time series records from corals. J. Environmental Radioactivity.
- Jull, A. J., & DuBois, F. (2017). Marine reservoir effect values from shell-middens of San Matias Gulf, northern Patagonia (Argentina): A five-thousand year record. Radiocarbon.
- Jull, A. J., Burr, G. S., Matsuzaki, H., Wang, B., Kusuno, H., Tokuyama, H., Yamagata, T., Yu, T., Wang, S., Chang, C., & Lo, C. (2020). Anthropogenic 129I in the South China Sea and coastal waters around Taiwan. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 8(1), 064. doi:10.1525/elementa.2020.064
- Jull, A. J., Gautam, P., Naranyana, A., Kumar, P., Bhavani, P., & Yadava, M. (2020). Indian monsoon variability in the last 46kyr: Isotopic records of planktic formanifera from southwestern Bay of Bengal.. Journal of Quaternary Science. doi:10.1002/jqs.3263
- Jull, A. J., Hofmann, B., Gnos, E., & Szidat, S. (2017). Meteorite reconnaissance in Saudi Arabia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science.
- Jull, A. J., Manning, S., Griggs, C., Lorentzen, B., Ramsey, C. B., & Lange, T. E. (2017). Radiocarbon Offsets in the Southern Levant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA).
- Jull, A. J., Molnar, M., Meszaros, M., Janovics, R., Major, I., Hubay, K., Buro, B., Varga, T., Kertesz, T., Orsovszki, G., Molnar, A., Veres, M., Seiler, M., & Wacker, L. (2020). Gas ion source performance of the EnviroMICADAS at HEKAL Laboratory, Debrecen.. Radiocarbon. doi:10.1017/RDC.2020.109
- Jull, A. J., Panyushkina, I. P., Molnar, M., Varga, T., Wacker, L., Brehm, N., Baisan, C., & Salzer, M. (2020). No rapid excursion at 3372-3371BCE. Nature Communications.
- Jull, A. J., Varga, T., Molnar, M., Sjatos, Z., & Gajdos, Z. (2020). Honey as an indicator of long-term environmental changes: MP-AES analysis coupled with 14C-based age determination of Hungarian honey samples. Science of the Total Environment, 763(139686). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139686
- Jull, A., Gargul\'ak, M., Ozd\'in, D., Povinec, P. P., Strekopytov, S., Jull, A. T., S\'ykora, I., Porub\vcan, V., & Farsang, S. (2020). Mineralogy, geochemistry and classification of the new Smolenice iron meteorite from Slovakia. Geologica Carpathica.
- Jull, A., Panyushkina, I., Miyake, F., Salzer, M., Baisan, C., Molnar, M., Varga, T., Wacker, L., Brehm, N., & Tegel, W. (2020). Evidence for solar-flare and other cosmic-ray events in the 14C record in tree rings: New information and a cautionary tale.. European Geosciences Union.
- Jull, A., Sol\'is, C., Carrillo, M., Rodr\'iguez-Ceja, M., Ch\'avez, E., Christen, J. A., & Jull, A. (2020). AMS 14C DATING OF THE MAYAN CODEX OF MEXICO REVISITED. Radiocarbon.
- Jull, A., Svetlik, I., Jull, A., Moln\'ar, M., Povinec, P. P., Kol\'a\vr, T., Demj\'an, P., Brabcova, K. P., Brychova, V., Dreslerov\'a, D., Rybn\'i\vcek, M., & Simek, P. (2020). THE BEST POSSIBLE TIME RESOLUTION: HOW PRECISE COULD A RADIOCARBON DATING METHOD BE? \textendash ADDENDUM. Radiocarbon.
- Major, I., Furu, E., Varga, T., Horv\'{a}th, A., Fut\'{o}, I., Gyökös, B., Kert\'{e}sz, Z., Jull, A. T., & Moln\'{a}r, M. (2020). Evaluation of combined radiocarbon and carbon stable isotope data of PM2.5 carbonaceous aerosol in Debrecen, Hungary.
- Moln\'{a}r, M., Janovics, R., Major, I., Hubay, K., Bur\'{o}, B., Varga, T., Kert\'{e}sz, T., Gergely, V., Veres, M., & Jull, A. T. (2020). EnvironMICADAS C-14 AMS Gas ion source performance and its applications at HEKAL Laboratory, Debrecen, Hungary.
- Pearson, C. L., Brewer, P. W., Salzer, M., Jull, A. J., Hodgins, G. W., Lange, T., & Cruz, R. (2017). Radiocarbon offset supports a sixteenth century BC date for the Thera eruption. Science Advances.
- Pearson, C. L., Salzer, M., Baisan, C., Jull, A. J., Hodgins, G. W., & Brewer, P. W. (2017). Bristlecone pine 14C past, present and future directions. Radiocarbon.
- Schulz, T., Povinec, P. P., Ferriere, L., Jull, A., Kovacik, A., Sykora, I., Tusch, J., Muenker, C., Topa, D., & Koeberl, C. (2020). The history of the Tissint meteorite, from its crystallization on Mars to its exposure in space: New geochemical, isotopic, and cosmogenic nuclide data. METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, 55(2), 294-311.
- Svetlik, I., Jull, A., Moln\'{a}r, M., Povinec, P. P., Kol\'{a}\v{r}, T., Demj\'{a}n, P., Brabcova, K. P., Brychova, V., Dreslerov\'{a}, D., Rybn\'{\i}\v{c}ek, M., & Simek, P. (2020). THE} BEST POSSIBLE TIME RESOLUTION: HOW PRECISE COULD A RADIOCARBON DATING METHOD BE? \textendash {ADDENDUM. Radiocarbon, 1--1.
- Banerji, U. S., Bhushan, R., & Jull, A. (2019). Signatures of global climatic events and forcing factors for the last two millennia from the active mudflats of Rohisa, southern Saurashtra, Gujarat, western India. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 507, 172-187.
- Banerji, U. S., Bhushan, R., & Jull, A. (2019). Signatures of global climatic events and forcing factors for the last two millennia from the active mudflats of Rohisa, southern Saurashtra, Gujarat, western India. Quaternary International, 507, 172--187. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2019.02.015
- Chang, C., Burr, G. S., Jull, A. T., Russell, J., Priyadarshi, A., Lin, M., Thiemens, M., & Biddulph, D. (2019). Measurements of 129I in the Pacific Ocean at Scripps Pier and Pacific Northwest sites: A search for effects from the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident and Hanford. Science of The Total Environment, 689, 1023--1029. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.372
- Hajdas, I., Jull, A., Huysecom, E., Mayor, A., Renold, M., Synal, H., Hatt\'{e}, C., Hong, W., Chivall, D., Beck, L., Liccioli, L., Fedi, M., Friedrich, R., Maspero, F., & Sava, T. (2019). RADIOCARBON} DATING AND THE PROTECTION OF CULTURAL {HERITAGE. Radiocarbon, 61(5), 1133-1134. doi:https://doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2019.100
- Jull, A. J., Hajdas, I., Huyescom, E., Mayor, A., & included, 1. a. (2019). Radiocarbon Dating and the Protection of Cultural Heritage. Radiocarbon, 61(5), 1133-1134. doi:doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2019.100
- Jull, A. J., Wittmann, A., Joliff, B., Korotev, R., Nishiizumi, K., Caffee, M., & Irving, A. (2019). Petrogenesis of lunar impact melt rock meteorite Oued Awlitis 001. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 54(10), 2167-2188. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/maps.13218
- Major, I., Fut\'{o}, I., Dani, J., Cserp\'{a}k-Laczi, O., Gasparik, M., Jull, A., & Moln\'{a}r, M. (2019). Assessment and Development of Bone Preparation for Radiocarbon Dating at HEKAL. Radiocarbon, 61(5), 1551--1561.
- Pourkhorsandi, H., Gattacceca, J., Rochette, P., D'Orazio, M., Kamali, H., de, A. R., Letichevsky, S., Djamali, M., Mirnejad, H., Debaille, V., & Jull, A. (2019). Meteorites from the Lut Desert (Iran). METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, 54(8), 1737-1763.
- Svetlik, I., Jull, A., Moln\'{a}r, M., Povinec, P. P., Kol\'{a}\v{r}, T., Demj\'{a}n, P., Brabcova, K. P., Brychova, V., Dreslerov\'{a}, D., Rybn\'{\i}\v{c}ek, M., & Simek, P. (2019). THE BEST POSSIBLE TIME RESOLUTION: HOW PRECISE COULD A RADIOCARBON DATING METHOD BE?. Radiocarbon, 1--12.
- Svetlik, I., Jull, A., Moln\'{a}r, M., Povinec, P. P., Kol\'{a}\v{r}, T., Demj\'{a}n, P., Brabcova, K. P., Brychova, V., Dreslerov\'{a}, D., Rybn\'{\i}\v{c}ek, M., & Simek, P. (2019). THE BEST POSSIBLE TIME RESOLUTION: HOW PRECISE COULD A RADIOCARBON DATING METHOD BE?. Radiocarbon, 61(6), 1729-1740. doi:https://doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2019.134
- Varga, T., Barnucz, P., Major, I., Lisztes-Szab\'{o}, Z., Jull, A., L\'{a}szl\'{o}, E., P\'{e}nzes, J., & Moln\'{a}r, M. (2019). FOSSIL} CARBON LOAD IN URBAN VEGETATION FOR DEBRECEN, {HUNGARY. Radiocarbon, 1--12.
- Varga, T., Barnucz, P., Major, I., Lisztes-Szab\'{o}, Z., Jull, A., L\'{a}szl\'{o}, E., P\'{e}nzes, J., & Moln\'{a}r, M. (2019). Fossil Carbon Load in Urban Vegetation for Debrecen, Hungary. Radiocarbon, 61(5), 1199--1210.
- Varga, T., Barnucz, P., Major, I., Lisztes-Szabo, Z., Jull, A., Laszlo, E., Penzes, J., & Molnar, M. (2019). FOSSIL CARBON LOAD IN URBAN VEGETATION FOR DEBRECEN, HUNGARY. RADIOCARBON, 61(5), 1199-1210.
- Varga, T., Jull, A., Lisztes-Szab\'{o}, Z., & Moln\'{a}r, M. (2019). SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF 14C IN TREE LEAVES FROM BALI, INDONESIA. Radiocarbon, 1--8. doi:https://doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2019.113
- Varga, T., Jull, A., Lisztes-Szab\'{o}, Z., & Moln\'{a}r, M. (2019). Spatial Distribution of 14C in Tree Leaves from Bali, Indonesia. Radiocarbon, 62(1), 235--242.
- Varga, T., Palcsu, L., Ohta, T., Mahara, Y., Jull, A., & Moln\'{a}r, M. (2019). VARIATION} OF 14C IN JAPANESE TREE RINGS RELATED TO THE FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR {ACCIDENT. Radiocarbon, 61(4), 1029-1040. doi:https://doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2019.47
- Varga, T., Palcsu, L., Ohta, T., Mahara, Y., Jull, A., & Moln\'{a}r, M. (2019). Variation of 14C in Japanese Tree Rings Related to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. Radiocarbon, 61(4), 1029--1040.
- Varga, T., Palcsu, L., Ohta, T., Mahara, Y., Jull, A., & Molnar, M. (2019). VARIATION OF C-14 IN JAPANESE TREE RINGS RELATED TO THE FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR ACCIDENT. RADIOCARBON, 61(4), 1029-1040.
- Wittmann, A., Korotev, R. L., Jolliff, B. L., Nishiizumi, K., Jull, A., Caffee, M. W., Zanetti, M., & Irving, A. J. (2019). Petrogenesis of lunar impact melt rock meteorite Oued Awlitis 001. METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, 54(10), 2167-2188.
- Buntgen, U., Wacker, L., Galvan, J. D., Arnold, S., Arseneault, D., Baillie, M., Beer, J., Bernabei, M., Bleicher, N., Boswijk, G., Brauning, A., Carrer, M., Ljungqvist, F. C., Cherubini, P., Christl, M., Christie, D. A., Clark, P. W., Cook, E. R., D'Arrigo, R., , Davi, N., et al. (2018). Tree rings reveal globally coherent signature of cosmogenic radiocarbon events in 774 and 993 CE (vol 9, 3605, 2018). NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 9.
- Hofmann, B. A., Gnos, E., Jull, A., Szidat, S., Majoub, A., Al, W. K., Habibullah, S. N., Halawani, M., Hakeem, M., Al, S. M., & Al, S. A. (2018). Meteorite reconnaissance in Saudi Arabia. METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, 53(11), 2372-2394.
- Hofmann, B. A., Gnos, E., Jull, A., Szidat, S., Majoub, A., Wagdani, K. A., Habibullah, S. N., Halawani, M., Hakeem, M., Shanti, M. A., & Solami, A. A. (2018). Meteorite reconnaissance in Saudi Arabia. Meteoritics \& Planetary Science.
- Hubay, K., Braun, M., Harangi, S., Palcsu, L., Turi, M., Jull, A., & Molnar, M. (2018). HIGH-RESOLUTION PEAT CORE CHRONOLOGY COVERING THE LAST 12 KYR APPLYING AN IMPROVED PEAT BOG SAMPLING. RADIOCARBON, 60(5), 1367-1378.
- Jull, A. (2018). Principles of radiometric dating, by K. Gopalan. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017, 224~p. \textdollar74.99. Hardback. Electronic copy will be available in future. \textdollar60.00. (ISBN 978-1-107-19873-9). Meteoritics \& Planetary Science.
- Jull, A., Elliott, K. T., Molnar, M., & Olsen, J. (2018). FROM THE EDITORS. RADIOCARBON, 60(5), V-V.
- Jull, A., Panyushkina, I., Miyake, F., Masuda, K., Nakamura, T., Mitsutani, T., Lange, T. E., Cruz, R. J., Baisan, C., Janovics, R., Varga, T., & Moln\'{a}r, M. (2018). More Rapid 14C Excursions in the Tree-Ring Record: A Record of Different Kind of Solar Activity at About 800 BC?. Radiocarbon, 60(4), 1237--1248.
- Jull, A., Panyushkina, I., Miyake, F., Masuda, K., Nakamura, T., Mitsutani, T., Lange, T. E., Cruz, R. J., Baisan, C., Janovics, R., Varga, T., & Molnar, M. (2018). MORE RAPID C-14 EXCURSIONS IN THE TREE-RING RECORD: A RECORD OF DIFFERENT KIND OF SOLAR ACTIVITY AT ABOUT 800 BC?. RADIOCARBON, 60(4), 1237-1248.
- Jull, A., Pearson, C. L., Brewer, P. W., Brown, D., Heaton, T. J., Hodgins, G., Jull, A., Lange, T., & Salzer, M. W. (2018). Annual radiocarbon record indicates 16th century BCE date for the Thera eruption. Science Advances.
- Jull, A., Pearson, C. L., Taylor, R. E., Southon, J. R., Santos, G. M., Kohl, C. P., Hajdas, I., Molnar, M., Baisan, C., Lange, T. E., Cruz, R., Janovics, R., & Major, I. (2018). RADIOCARBON DATING AND INTERCOMPARISON OF SOME EARLY HISTORICAL RADIOCARBON SAMPLES. RADIOCARBON, 60(2), 535-548.
- Major, I., Gyokos, B., Turi, M., Futo, I., Filep, A., Hoffer, A., Furu, E., Jull, A., & Molnar, M. (2018). Evaluation of an automated EA-IRMS method for total carbon analysis of atmospheric aerosol at HEKAL. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY, 75(1), 85-96.
- Major, I., Haszpra, L., Rinyu, L., Fut\'{o}, I., Bihari, \., Hammer, S., Jull, A., & Moln\'{a}r, M. (2018). Temporal Variation of Atmospheric Fossil and Modern CO2 Excess at a Central European Rural Tower Station between 2008 and 2014. Radiocarbon, 60(5), 1285--1299.
- Major, I., Haszpra, L., Rinyu, L., Futo, I., Bihari, A., Hammer, S., Jull, A., & Molnar, M. (2018). TEMPORAL VARIATION OF ATMOSPHERIC FOSSIL AND MODERN CO2 EXCESS AT A CENTRAL EUROPEAN RURAL TOWER STATION BETWEEN 2008 AND 2014. RADIOCARBON, 60(5), 1285-1299.
- Manning, S. W., Griggs, C., Lorentzen, B., Ramsey, C. B., Chivall, D., Jull, A., & Lange, T. E. (2018). Fluctuating radiocarbon offsets observed in the southern Levant and implications for archaeological chronology debates. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 115(24), 6141-6146.
- Manning, S. W., Griggs, C., Lorentzen, B., Ramsey, C. B., Chivall, D., Jull, A., & Lange, T. E. (2018). Fluctuating radiocarbon offsets observed in the southern Levant and implications for archaeological chronology debates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(24), 6141--6146.
- Palcsu, L., Morgenstern, U., Sueltenfuss, J., Koltai, G., Laszlo, E., Temovski, M., Major, Z., Nagy, J. T., Papp, L., Varlam, C., Faurescu, I., Turi, M., Rinyu, L., Czuppon, G., Bottyan, E., & Jull, A. (2018). Modulation of Cosmogenic Tritium in Meteoric Precipitation by the 11-year Cycle of Solar Magnetic Field Activity. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8.
- Pearson, C. L., Brewer, P. W., Brown, D., Heaton, T. J., Hodgins, G., Jull, A., Lange, T., & Salzer, M. W. (2018). Annual radiocarbon record indicates 16th century BCE date for the Thera eruption. SCIENCE ADVANCES, 4(8).
- Pearson, C. L., Brewer, P. W., Salzer, M., Jull, A. J., Hodgins, G. W., Lange, T., Brown, D., & Heaton, T. (2018). Annual radiocarbon record indicates sixteenth century BC date for the Thera eruption. Science Advances, 4(1), eaar8241. doi:DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aar8241
- Povinec, P. P., Ferriere, L., Jull, A., Koeberl, C., Kovacik, A., & Sykora, I. (2018). COSMOGENIC RADIONUCLIDES IN MARTIAN METEORITES: THE TISSINT CASE. METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, 53, 6182-6182.
- Sliz, M. U., Braucher, R., Gattacceca, J., Hofmann, B. A., Jull, A., Leya, I., & Szidat, S. (2018). TERRESTRIAL AGES OF METEORITES USING IN SITU C-14 AND Be-10 MEASUREMENTS. METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, 53, 6297-6297.
- Varga, T., Major, I., Janovics, R., Kurucz, J., Veres, M., Jull, A., Peter, M., & Molnar, M. (2018). HIGH-PRECISION BIOGENIC FRACTION ANALYSES OF LIQUID FUELS BY C-14 AMS AT HEKAL. RADIOCARBON, 60(5), 1317-1325.
- Jull, A. J., Banerji, U., Bhutan, R., & Juyal, N. (2017). Mid-late Holocene monsoonal records from the partially active mudflat of Diu Island, Southern Saurashtra. Quaternary International, 443, 200-210.
- Jull, A. J., Chandana, K., & Bhutan, R. (2017). Evidence of poor bottom water ventilation during LGM in the equatorial Indian Ocean. Frontiers in Earth Science, 5, 84. doi:10.33389/feart2017/00084
- Jull, A. J., Miyake, F., Wacker, L., Salzer, M., Panyushkina, I. P., Lange, T. E., Cruz, R., Masada, K., & Nakamura, T. (2017). A large 14C excursion at 5480BC indicates an abnormal sun.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 114(881-884), 4. doi:10.1073/pnas.1613144114
- Jull, A. J., Ujvari, G., Stevens, T., Dement, A., Molnar, M., & Varga, G. (2017). Coupled European and Greenland last glacial dust activity driven by North Atlantic climate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), 114, E10632-E10638. doi:10.1073/pnas.1712651114
- Jull, A., Lapen, T. J., Righter, M., Andreasen, R., Irving, A. J., Satkoski, A. M., Beard, B. L., Nishiizumi, K., Jull, A., & Caffee, M. W. (2017). Two billion years of magmatism recorded from a single Mars meteorite ejection site. Science Advances.
- \'{U}jv\'{a}ri, G., Stevens, T., Moln\'{a}r, M., Dem\'{e}ny, A., Lambert, F., Varga, G., Jull, A., P\'{a}ll-Gergely, B., Buylaert, J., & Kov\'{a}cs, J. (2017). Coupled European and Greenland last glacial dust activity driven by North Atlantic climate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(50), E10632--E10638.
- Chang, C., Burr, G. S., Jull, A. J., Russell, J. L., Biddulph, D., White, L., Prouty, N. G., Chen, Y., Shen, C., Zhou, W., & Lam, D. D. (2016). Reconstructing Surface Ocean circulation with 129I time series records from corals. J. Environmental Radioactivity, 165, 144-150. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.09.016More infoThe long-lived radionuclide 129I (half-life: 15.7 × 106 yr) is well-known as a useful environmental tracer. At present, the global 129I in surface water is about 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than pre-1960 levels. Since the 1990s, anthropogenic 129I produced from industrial nuclear fuels reprocessing plants has been the primary source of 129I in marine surface waters of the Atlantic and around the globe. Here we present four coral 129I time series records from: 1) Con Dao and 2) Xisha Islands, the South China Sea, 3) Rabaul, Papua New Guinea and 4) Guam. The Con Dao coral 129I record features a sudden increase in 129I in 1959. The Xisha coral shows similar peak values for 129I as the Con Dao coral, punctuated by distinct low values, likely due to the upwelling in the central South China Sea. The Rabaul coral features much more gradual 129I increases in the 1970s, similar to a published record from the Solomon Islands. The Guam coral 129I record contains the largest measured values for any site, with two large peaks, in 1955 and 1959. Nuclear weapons testing was the primary 129I source in the Western Pacific in the latter part of the 20th Century, notably from testing in the Marshall Islands. The Guam 1955 peak and Con Dao 1959 increases are likely from the 1954 Castle Bravo test, and the Operation Hardtack I test is the most likely source of the 1959 peak observed at Guam. Radiogenic iodine found in coral was carried primarily through surface ocean currents. The coral 129I time series data provide a broad picture of the surface distribution and depth penetration of 129I in the Pacific Ocean over the past 60 years.
- Chang, C., Burr, G. S., Jull, A., Russell, J. L., Bidduiph, D., White, L., Prouty, N. G., Chen, Y., Shen, C., Zhou, W., & Lam, D. D. (2016). Reconstructing surface ocean circulation with I-129 time series records from corals. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY, 165, 144-150.
- Harlan, S., Jenniskens, P., Zolensky, M. E., Yin, Q., Verosub, K. L., Rowland, D. J., Sanborn, M., Huyskens, M., Creager, E. R., & Jull, A. (2016). Meteorites found on Misfits Flat dry lake, Nevada. METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, 51(4), 757-772.
- Janovics, R., Kelemen, D. I., Kern, Z., Kapitany, S., Veres, M., Jull, A., & Molnar, M. (2016). Radiocarbon signal of a low and intermediate level radioactive waste disposal facility in nearby trees. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY, 153, 10-14.
- Jull, A. J., Russell, J. L., Burr, G. S., & Chang, C. (2016). Reconstructing surface ocean circulation with 129I time series from corals. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 165, 144-150.
- Meszaros, M., Hofmann, B. A., Lanari, P., Korotev, R. L., Gnos, E., Greber, N. D., Leya, I., Greenwood, R. C., Jull, A., Al-Wagdani, K., Mahjoub, A., Al-Solami, A. A., & Habibullah, S. N. (2016). Petrology and geochemistry of feldspathic impact-melt breccia Abar al' Uj 012, thefirst lunar meteorite from Saudi Arabia. METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, 51(10), 1830-1848.
- Miyake, F., Masuda, K., Nakamura, T., Kimura, K., Hakozaki, M., Jull, A. J., Lange, T. E., Cruz, R., Panyushkina, I. P., Baisan, C., & Salzer, M. (2016). Search for annual carbon-14 excursions in the past. Radiocarbon.
- Phillips, F. M., Argento, D. C., Balco, G., Caffee, M. W., Clem, J., Dunai, T. J., Finkel, R., Goehring, B., Gosse, J. C., Hudson, A. M., Jull, A., Kelly, M. A., Kurz, M., Lal, D., Lifton, N., Marrero, S. M., Nishiizumi, K., Reedy, R. C., Schaefer, J., , Stone, J., et al. (2016). The CRONUS-Earth Project: A synthesis. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, 31, 119-154.
- Phillips, F. M., Argento, D. C., Bourles, D. L., Caffee, M. W., Dunai, T. J., Goehring, B., Gosse, J. C., Hudson, A. M., Jull, A., Kelly, M., Lifton, N., Marrero, S. M., Nishiizumi, K., Reedy, R. C., & Stone, J. (2016). Where now? Reflections on future directions for cosmogenic nuclide research from the CRONUS Projects. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, 31, 155-159.
- Schaefer, J. M., Winckler, G., Blard, P., Balco, G., Shuster, D. L., Friedrich, R., Jull, A., Wieler, R., & Schluechter, C. (2016). Performance of CRONUS-P - A pyroxene reference material for helium isotope analysis. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, 31, 237-239.
- Zurfluh, F. J., Hofmann, B. A., Gnos, E., Eggenberger, U., & Jull, A. (2016). Weathering of ordinary chondrites from Oman: Correlation of weathering parameters with C-14 terrestrial ages and a refined weathering scale. METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, 51(9), 1685-1700.
- Jull, A. J. (2015). An inter-laboratory comparison of cosmogenic 3He and radiogenic 4He in the CRONUS-P pyroxene standard. Quaternary Geochronology, 26, 11-19.
- Jull, A. J. (2016). Where now? Reflections on future directions for cosmogenic nuclide research from the CRONUS projects. Quaternary Geochronology, 31, 155-159.
- Jull, A. J., & Lifton, N. A. (2015). In situ cosmogenic nuclide production rate calibration for the CRONUS-Earth project from Lake Bonneville, Utah. Quaternary Geochronology, 56-69, 26.
- Jull, A. J., & Phillips, 1. F. (2015). The CRONUS-Earth Project: A synthesis. Quaternary Geochronology, 31, 119-154. doi:10.1016/j.quatgeo.2015.09.006
- Jull, A. J., Laden, T., Righter, K. L., Andreasen, R., Satlovski, A., Beard, B. L., Nishiizumi, K., Irving, A., & Coffee, M. W. (2016). 2 billion years of magmatism recorded from a single Mars ejection site. Science Advances, accepted.. Science Advances, 3(2). doi:10.1126/sciadv.1600922
- Jull, A. J., Povinec, P., Laubenstein, M., JullAJT, ., FerričreL, ., Brandstätter, F., Sýkora, I., Beno, J., Kovacik, A., Masarik, J., & Koeberl, C. (2015). Cosmogenic radionuclides and mineralogical properties of the Chelyabinsk (LL5) meteorite: What do we learn on the meteoroid. Meteoritics and Planetary Science,, 50, 273-286.
- Jull, A., Scott, E., & Bierman, P. (2015). The CRONUS-Earth intercomparison for cosmogenic analysis. Quaternary Geochronology, 26, 3-10.
- Jull, A. J. (2014). Second Radiocarbon intercomparison program for the Chauvet-Pont d'Arc cave, Ardeche, France. Radiocarbon, 56(2), 833-850.More info25 authors.
- Jull, A. J., & Leavitt, S. W. (2014). Editors’ note. Radiocarbon, 56(4), V.
- Jull, A. J., Burr, G. S., Zhou, W., Cehng, P., Lu, X., An, Z., Wang, H., Zhu, Y., & Wu, Z. (2014). A 14C chronostratigraphy for the project of scientific drilling at Lake Qinghai, China. Radiocarbon, 56(1), 143-155.
- Jull, A. J., Panyushkina, I. P., Lange, T. E., Kukarskih, V. V., Myglan, V. S., Clark, K. J., Salzer, M. W., Burr, G. S., & Leavitt, S. W. (2014). Excursions in the 14C record at AD 774-775 in tree rings from Russia and America. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 3004-3010.
- Jull, A. J., Panyushkina, I. P., Lange, T. E., Kukarskih, V. V., Myglan, V. S., Clark, K. J., Salzer, M. W., Burr, G. S., & Leavitt, S. W. (2014). Excursions in the 14C record at AD 774-775 in tree rings from Russia and America. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2014GL059874.
- Jull, A., & McNichol, A. (2014). Conventions for reporting radiocarbon determinations. Radiocarbon, 56(2), ix-x.
- Jull, A., Burr, G., Zhou, W., Cheng, P., Song, Y., Leonard, A., Cheng, L., & An, Z. (2014). Radiocarbon measurements of dissolved inorganic and organic carbon in Lake Qinghai and inflowing rivers (NE Tibet-Qinghai Plateau, China).. Radiocarbon, 1115(1127), 56.
- Jull, A., Panyushkina, I., Lange, T., Kukarskih, V., Myglan, V., Clark, M., Salzer, M., Burr, G., & Leavitt, S. (2014). Excursions in the 14C record at AD 774-775 in tree rings from Russia and America and their significance for astrophysics. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 3001-3004.More infoImportant and widely-cited paper on 14C variations due to cosmic rays in tree rings.
- Liu, X., Colman, S. M., Brown, E. T., An, Z., Zhou, W., Jull, A. J., Huang, Y., Cheng, P., Liu, W., & Xu, H. (2014). A climate threshold at the eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 41(15), 5598-5604.More infoProxy records of summer monsoon moisture at Lake Qinghai on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau reveal a late Quaternary climate history that is subtly different from that of speleothems from southern and eastern China. Total organic carbon and authigenic carbonate in two independently analyzed and dated cores indicate (1) relative stability and aridity during the glacial interval, (2) small variations during the BOlling-AllerOd and the Younger Dryas intervals, (3) comparatively abrupt change at the late Pleistocene/Holocene transition, and (4) relatively high variability during a wet early Holocene. Taken together, the data suggest that a climate threshold exists for penetration of Asian monsoon rainfall onto the Tibetan Plateau, a threshold that was crossed at the beginning of the Holocene. Conceptually, the threshold simply may be related to the topographic barrier that the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau presents to the landward penetration of the monsoon, or it may be related to nonlinearities in the climate system itself, such as sudden shifts in the configuration of the Westerly jet stream. Different mechanisms for producing a threshold are not mutually exclusive and may have combined to affect the dynamics of the Asian monsoon. In any case, the threshold is related to the presence of the Tibetan Plateau, which has a profound influence on the Asia monsoon system.
- Pillinger, C., Pillinger, J., Johnson, D., Greenwood, R., Tindle, A., Jull, A., Allen, D., & Cunliffe, B. (2014). The Danebury iron age meteorite – an H5 ordinary chondrite ‘find’ from Hamphire, England. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 49, 946-957.
- Quiles, A., Valladas, H., Geneste, J., Clottes, J., Baffier, D., Berthier, B., Brock, F., Ramsey, C. B., Delque-Kolic, E., Dumoulin, J., Hajdas, I., Hippe, K., Hodgins, G. W., Hogg, A., Jull, A. J., Kaltnecker, E., de Martino, M., Oberlin, C., Petchey, F., , Steier, P., et al. (2014). SECOND RADIOCARBON INTERCOMPARISON PROGRAM FOR THE CHAUVET-PONT D'ARC CAVE, ARDECHE, FRANCE. RADIOCARBON, 56(2), 833-850.More infoThe Chauvet-Pont d'Arc Cave is one of the most important sites for the study of the earliest manifestations and development of prehistoric art at the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic. Different dating techniques have been performed thus far (AMS C-14, U/Th TIMS, Cl-36 dating) to model the chronological framework of this decorated cave. The cave yielded several large charcoal fragments, which enabled the opportunity for obtaining multiple dates; thus, a First Radiocarbon Intercomparison Program (FIP) was initiated in 2004 using three charcoal pieces. The FIP demonstrated that those cross-dated samples belonged to a time period associated with the first human occupation. One of the statistical interests of an intercomparison program is to reduce the uncertainty on the sample age; thus, to further assess the accuracy of the chronological framework, the Second Intercomparison Program (SIP) involving 10 international C-14 laboratories was carried out on two pieces of charcoal found inside two hearth structures of the Galerie des Megaceros. Each laboratory used its own pretreatment and AMS facilities. In total, 21 and 22 measurements were performed, respectively, which yielded consistent results averaging similar to 32 ka BP. Two strategies have currently been developed to identify statistical outliers and to deal with them; both lead to quasi-identical calibrated combined densities. Finally, the new results were compared with those of the FIP, leading to the important conclusion that five different samples from at least three different hearth structures give really tightened temporal densities, associated with one short human occupation in the Galerie des Megaceros.
- AJull, A., Giscard, M., Hutzler, A., Schnitzer, C., Zahn, D., Burr, G., McHargue, L., & Hill, D. (2013). Radionuclide studies of stony meteorites from desert locations. Radiocarbon, 55(2 and 3), 1779-1789.
- Hou, X., Povinec, P., Shang, L., Shi, K., Biddulph, D., Chang, C., Fan, Y., Jeskovsky, P., Jull, A., Liu, Q., Luo, M., Steier, P., & Zhou, J. (2013). Iodine-129 in seawater offshore Fukushima: Distribution, speciation, sources and budget. Environmental Science Technology, 7, 3091-3098.
- Hutson, M., Ruzicka, A., & Jull, A. (2013). Stones from Mohave County, Arizona: Multiple falls in the “Franconia strewn field”. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 48, 365-389.
- Jull, ., & AJT, . (2013). Some interesting and exotic applications of carbon-14 dating by accelerator mass spectrometry. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 436.
- Olsen, J. W., Gladyshev, S. A., Gunchinsuren, B., Dogandzic, T., Jull, A. J., Zwyns, N. P., Tabarev, A. V., & Talamo, S. (2013). Radioglerodonoe Daterovaniye Paleolitichesnikh Stoyanok v Doline Reki Ikh-Tulberiin-Gol v Severnoi Mongolii (Radiocarbon Dating of Paleolithic Sites in the Ikh-Tulberiin-Gol River Valley, Northern Mongolia. Vestnik Novosibirskii Gosudarstvennii Universitet, 12(5), 44-48.
- Povinec, P. P., Aoyama, M., Biddulph, D., Breier, R., Buesseler, K., Chang, C. C., Golser, R., Hou, X. L., Je\v{s}kovsk\'{y}, M., Jull, A., Kaizer, J., Nakano, M., Nies, H., Palcsu, L., Papp, L., Pham, M. K., Steier, P., & Zhang, L. Y. (2013). Cesium, iodine and tritium in NW Pacific waters \&$\mathsemicolon$ndash$\mathsemicolon$ a comparison of the Fukushima impact with global fallout. Biogeosciences, 10(8), 5481--5496.
- Povinec, P. P., Aoyama, M., Biddulph, D., Breier, R., Buesseler, K., Chang, C. C., Golser, R., Hou, X. L., Je\v{s}kovsk\'{y}, M., Jull, A., Kaizer, J., Nakano, M., Nies, H., Palcsu, L., Papp, L., Pham, M. K., Steier, P., & Zhang, L. Y. (2013). Cesium, iodine and tritium in NW Pacific waters \&ndash$\mathsemicolon$ a comparison of the Fukushima impact with global fallout. Biogeosciences Discussions, 10(4), 6377--6416.
- Povinec, P., Aoyama, M., Biddulph, D., Breier, R., BuesselerK, ., Chang, C., Golser, R., Hou, X., Ješkovský, M., Jull, A., Kaizer, J., Nakano, M., Nies, H., Palcsu, L., Papp, L., Pham, M., Steier, P., & Zhang, ,. (2013). Cesium, iodine and tritium in NW Pacific waters – a comparison of the Fukushima impact with global fallout. Biogeosciences.More infodoi:10.5194/bgd-10-6377-2013
- An, Z., Colman, S., Zhou, W., Li, ., Brown, E., Jull, A., Huang, Y., Lu, X., Song, H., Chang, ., Sun, Y., Cai, ., Hai, X., Liu, W., & Cheng, P. (2012). Interplay between the Westerlies and the Asian summer monsoon recorded in Lake Qinghai sediments since 32k. Nature Scientific Reports, 2(619).
- Galdyshev, S., OlsenJW, ., Tabarev, A., & Jull, A. (2012). The Upper Paleolithic of Mongolia: Recent finds and perspectives. Quaternary International, 281, 36-46.
- Ivy-Ochs, S., Akçar, N., & Jull, A. (2012). Tracing the pace of Quaternary landscape change with cosmogenic nuclides. Quaternary Geochronology.More infodoi:10.1016/j.quageo.2013.10.001
- Jull, A. J., JullAJT, ., Burr, ,., & Hodgins, G. (2012). Radiocarbon dating, reservoir effects and calibration. Quaternary International, 299, 64-71.
- Jull, A. J., Kuzmin, Y., Keally, C., JullAJT, ., Burr, ,., & Klyuev, N. (2012). The earliest surviving textiles in East Asia from Chertovy Vorota cave, Primorye Province, Russian Far East. Antiquity, 332, 325-337.
- Steele, A., McCubbin, F., Fries, M., Kater, L., Boctor, N., Fogel, M., Conrad, P., Glamoclija, M., Spencer, M., Morrow, A., Hammond, M., Zare, R., Vicenzi, E., Siljestrom, S., Bowden, R., Herd, C., Mysen, B., Shirey, S., Amundsen, H., , Treiman, A., et al. (2012). A reduced organic carbon component in Martian basalts. Science, 337, 212-215.
- Stepanov, A., Kuzmin, Y., Hodgins, G., & Jull, A. (2012). Interpretation of burial rites and problems of Kyerdyugen burial of the Ymyakhtakh culture. Archaeology, Anthropology & Ethnology of Eurasia, 4(52), 51-61.
- Jull, A. J., Molnar, M., Varga, T., & Hajdas, I. (2020, AUg). Radiocarbon Dating: A key chronometer for archaeology and correlation with environmental change. European Association of Archaeology - virtual meeting. virtual online meeting: EAA.
- Jull, A. J., Miyake, F., Panyushkina, I. P., Lange, T. E., Nakamura, T., & Basin, C. (2017, July). More rapid carbon-14 excursions in the tree-ring record: A record of different kind of solar activity at about 800BC?. Radiocarbon in the Environment II. Debrecen, Hungary: Radiocarbon.
- Vargas, D., Pucha-Cofrep, D., Burneo, A., Carlosama, L., Herrera, M., Serrano, S., Cerna, M., Jull, A. T., Moln\'{a}r, M., Fut\'{o}, I., Horv\'{a}th, A., Temovski, M., & Palcsu, L. (2020, mar). Impact of cloud coverage on growth dynamics of Cedrela nebulosa from an Amazonian pre-montane forest in Central Ecuador. European Geosciences Union.
- Heaton, T., Baisan, C., Pearson, C. L., Panyushkina, I. P., Miyake, F., & Jull, A. J. (2019, Spring). Annual carbon-14 variability in tree-rings: Causes and Implications for the calibration curve. EGU 2019. Vienna, Austria: EGU.
- Jull, A. J. (2019, December). Annual carbon-14 variability in tree-ring curves: Causes and implications for the calibration curve. East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium. University of Nagoya, Japan: University of Nagoya.
- Jull, A. J. (2019, December). Terrestrial ages of Antarctic and hot desert meteorites using carbon-14 and other radionuclides. Tenth Symposium on Polar Science. Tachikawa, Japan: National Institute of Polar Research.
- Jull, A. J., Burr, G. S., & Cheng, L. (2019, July). 14C Studies of Shadowed Lunar Soil at Apollo 17. 82nd Meteoritical Society Meeting. Sapporo, Japan: Meteoritical Society.More info82nd Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, held 7-12 July, 2019 in Sapporo, Japan. LPI Contribution No. 2157, 2019, id.6055
- Jull, A. J., Burr, G. S., & Eastoe, C. (2019, May). A brief history of radiocarbon in Tucson. Radiocarbon and Archaeology Conference. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia.
- Jull, A. J., Chang, C., Cheng, L., Russell, J. L., Burr, G. S., Priaydarshi, A., Lin, M., Crocker, D., Thiemens, M., & Biddulph, D. (2019, September). Measurement of Iodine-129 from Pacific coastal sites in California and the Pacific Northwest. ENVIRA Conference. Prague, Czech Republic: Czech Academy of Sciences.
- Jull, A. J., Hajdas, I., Molnar, M., Varga, T., Quarta, G., & Calcagnile, L. (2019, November). Application of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry for Heritage Studies. NUSPRASEN Workshop on Nuclear Science Applications. Helsinki: NUSPRASEN Workshop.
- Jull, A. J., Miyake, F., Panyushkina, I. P., Pearson, C. L., Baisin, C., Heaton, T., & Waker, L. (2019, April). Annual carbon-14 variability in tree-rings: Causes and Implications for the calibration curve. EGU. Vienna, Austria: EGU.
- Jull, A. J. (2018, December). Short-term variations in 14C measured in tree rings: What can we learn about solar activity?. Faculty Research Seminar. Debrecen, Hungary: Institute of Nuclear Research.
- Jull, A. J. (2018, July). Basica of carbon-14 dating and its use as a dtaing tool, a tracer and probe of cosmic-ray events. Carpathian Summer School of Physics. Sinaia, Romania: National Institue of Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Bucharest.
- Jull, A. J. (2018, October). A brief history of radiocarbon dating and accelerator mass spectrometry. 6th LEMA Workshop. Mexico City: Universidad Autonoma de Mexico.
- Jull, A. J. (2018, October). Some experiences in radiocarbon dating and other nuclides by accelerator mass spectrometry. 6th LEMA Workshop. Mexico City: Universidad Autonoma de Mexico.
- Jull, A. J. (2018, October). Structure of carbon-14 excursions in tree rings. ISEE Worskhop on extreme solar events. Nagoya, Japan: University of Nagoya.
- Jull, A. J. (2018, October). The solar energetic particle record in lunar samples. ISEE Workshop on extreme solar events. Nagoya, Japan: University of Nagoya.
- Jull, A. J., Panyushkina, I. P., Pearson, C. L., Baisan, C., Miyake, F., Masua, K., & Nakamura, T. (2018, June). Structure of carbon-14 excursions in tree rings at 800BC and 1050AD. 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference, Trondheim. Trondheim, Norway: NTNU Trondheim.More infoOral presentation
- Pearson, C. L., Brewer, P. W., Hodgins, G. W., Salzer, M., Lange, T., Cruiz, R., Jull, A. J., Brown, D., & Boswick, G. (2017, ?). Multi-species annual 14C shows calibration curve off-set from 1650 BC. EGU.More infoMulti-species annual 14C shows calibration curve off-set from 1650 BC
- Jull, A. J. (2017, May). Some applications of 14C and 129I in the environment using accelerator mass spectrometry. Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry 2017. Copenhagen: DTU.
- Major, I., Jull, A. J., Janovics, R., Pearson, C. L., Hubay, K., Taylor, R. E., Cruz, R., Kohl, C. P., Lange, T. E., Southon, J. R., Molnar, M., dos Santos, G., Hajdas, I., Hajdas, I., dos Santos, G., Molnar, M., Southon, J. R., Lange, T. E., Kohl, C. P., , Cruz, R., et al. (2017, August). Radiocarbon Intercomparison of some early historical samples. 14th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Ottawa, Canada.
- Pearson, C. L., Brewer, P. W., Baisan, C., Hodgins, G. W., Jull, A. J., Lange, T., Cruiz, R., Salzer, M., Boswijk, G., & Brown, D. (2017, Summer). Short term off-sets from the calibration curve in multi-species annual resolution tree-ring data. 14th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Intcal and dendrochronology workshop. Ottawa, Canada: Charlotte Pearson, Peter Brewer, Chris Baisan, Gregory Hodgins, Timothy Jull, Todd Lange, Richard Cruz, Matthew Salzer, Gretel Boswijk, David Brown.More infoThe Interdisciplinary Chronology of Civilizations Project (ICCP) at the University of Arizona (UA) aims to resolve longstanding chronological issues for Aegean and Near Eastern archaeology. For the first phase of our research we have targeted the period 1700 and 1500 BC. During this period, at annual resolution, we observe offsets from IntCal13 as well as ‘rapid excursions’ within a single year. We present data from absolutely dated Irish oak, New Zealand kauri and North American bristlecone pine across these features to quantify the range of variability, and to explore reproducibility and the possibilities for regional / species offsets.
- Jull, A. J. (2016, October). Evidence for cosmic-ray fluctuations and climate obsered in the record of 14C and other radionuclides. 20th Anniversary, Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator. Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna.
- Jull, A. J. (2016, October). Some interesting applications of radiocarbon to art and archeology. Conference on Applications of Accelerators to Research and Industry. Fort Worth, TX: CAARI/Sandia Labs/Univ of North Texas.
- Jull, A. J. (2016, Spring). Several presentations on Radiocarbon Dating, Iodine-129, Oceans and Coastlines and Cosmogenic Radionuclides. IUAC Workshop on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. New Delhi: Inter-Universities Accelerator Centre.More infoA series of 4 presentations, as well as several discussions, as part of a 2-day workshop (about 80 attendees) on AMS applications.
- Jull, A. J. (2016, Spring). Using 14C and other cosmogenic radionuclides as tracers: Some examples. Invited Talk. Ahmedabad, India: Physical Research Laboratory (PRL).
- Jull, A. J., Miyake, F., Panyushkina, I. P., Lange, T. E., Basin, C., Salter, M., & Masada, K. (2016, October). Search for cosmic-ray variations in the past from 14C and other radionuclides. Conference on the Application of Accelerators to Research and Industry. Fort Worth, Tx: CAARI/Sandia Labs/Univ of North Texas.
- Jull, A. J., Pearson, C. L., Hajdas, I., Taylor, E., & Molnar, M. (2016, October). Artifacts, Relics and Radiocarbon. Relics at the Lab International Workshop. Brussels, Belgium: Royal Institute of Cultural Heritage.
- Jull, A. J. (2015, November). Evidence of cosmic-ray fluctuations and climate observed in carbon-14 and other radionuclides. Founding Symposium of the Institute of Space-Earth Environmental Research, University of Nagoya, Japan. Nagoya, Japan: University of Nagoya.
- Jull, A. J. (2014, August). Radiocarbon studies of Dissolved Organic and Inorganic Carbon in Water. 14C in the Environment. Belfast, Northern Ireland: Queen's University Belfast.
- Jull, A. J. (2014, February). Carbon-14 and Iodine-129 as tracers: Regional, cosmic and anthropogenic effects. Physical Research Laboratory. Ahmedabad, India.More infoScientific talk/presentation
- Jull, A. J. (2014, February). Dating art works and artifacts using radiocarbon dating. Udaipur Solar Observatory. Udaipur, India.
- Jull, A. J. (2014, February). Developments in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and some interesting new 14C studies in tree rings. Physical Research Laboratory. Ahmedabad, India.
- Jull, A. J. (2014, February). Iodine-129 Studies at the University of Arizona. Physical Research Laboratory. Ahmedabad, India.
- Jull, A. J. (2014, June). Excursions in the 14C record at AD 774-775 and extraterrestrial effects on atmospheric 14C production. Workshop on Extreme Space Weather Events. Boulder, CO: NASA Living with a Star Program/UC Boulder.
- Jull, A. J. (2014, October). Some Interesting Applications of Radiocarbon Dating to Art and Archaeology. Archaeometry Workshop. Budapest, Hungary: Hungarian National Museum.
- Jull, A. J. (2014, September). Terrestrial ages of meteorites MIL 07710 (L4) and MIL 091010 (CV3) found in the ice at Miller Range, Antarctica. Meteoritical Society Annual Meeting. Casablanca, Morocco: Meteoritical Society.
- Jull, A. J., Chang, C., Biddulph, D., Tritz, C., Mcintosh, J. C., Priyardashi, A., Thiemens, M., Burr, G. S., & Russell, J. L. (2014, August). Environmental Iodine-129 studies at the University of Arizona. 13th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Aix-en-Provence, France: AMS-13 Conference.
- Kim, K. J., Nam, S. I., & Jull, A. J. (2014, December). Ice-cover history and paleoceanographic changes of the western Arctic Ocean (Mendeleev Ridge) using beryllium isotopes. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco: AGU.
- Jull, A. J. (2013, January). Dating art works and artifacts using radiocarbon dating.. Institute for Nuclear Research. Debrecen, Hungary.
Poster Presentations
- Jull, A. J., Hajdas, I., & Taylor, E. (2019, Aug). Radiocarbon Dating Method - 70 years in the service of Quaternary Science. INQUA. Dublin: INQUA.
- Pearson, C. L., Brewer, P. W., Salzer, T. A., Hodgins, G. W., Jull, A. J., Lange, T. E., Cruz, R., Brown, D., & Boswijk, G. (2017, Spring). A 150 year record of annual Bristlecone Pine 14C from the second millennium BC. European Geosciences Union. Vienna.
- Valenzuela, E. M., Gattacceca, J., Munayco, P., Munayco, J., Scorzelli, R. B., Rochette, P., Jull, T., & Giscard, M. (2014, SEP). The weathering mineralogy of ordinary chondrites from two sites in the Atacama Desert, Chile. Evolution with time and paleoclimatic implications.. METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE.
- Jull, A. J. (2013, April). Carbon-14 and Iodine-129 as tracers. NOT PROVIDED. Bucharest, Romania.
- Jull, A. J. (2013, April). Dating art works and artifacts using AMS radiocarbon dating. Bucharest National Museum. Bucharest, Romania.
- Jull, A. J. (2013, January). Basics of radiocarbon dating and some applications. Natural History Museum. Vienna, Austria.
- Jull, A. J. (2013, January). Carbon-14 and Iodine-129 as tracers. Institute of Nuclear Research. Prague, Czech Republic.
- Jull, A. J. (2013, January). Radiocarbon Dating: Principles and Reservoir Effects. Isotope Geochemistry Symposium. Balatonfüred, Hungary.
- Jull, A. J. (2013, January). Some 14C applications in tree-ring research. NOT PROVIDED. Budapest,: Institute of Geochemistry.
- Jull, A. J. (2013, January). Some special applications of radiocarbon dating and other cosmogenic radionuclides. Eötvös Lorand University of Sciences. Budapest.
- Jull, A. J. (2013, March). Some applications of cosmogenic radionuclides to terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials. NOT PROVIDED. Budapest.
- Jull, A. J. (2013, May). Devendra Lal , Devendra Lal memorial, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. NOT PROVIDED. La Jolla, CA.
- Jull, A. J. (2013, November). Annual excursions in the 14C record due to cosmic events. Center for Mediterranean Archaeology and Climate. University of Arizona.
- Jull, A. J. (2013, October). Carbon-14 and Iodine-129 as tracers. NOT PROVIDED. KIGAM, Daejeon, Korea.
- Jull, A. J., & Gimnaszium, A. (2013, March). Radiocarbon dating of art works and artifacts. NOT PROVIDED. Debrecen, Hungary.
- Jull, A. J. (2012, March). Some 14C applications of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) to environmental and paleoclimate studies. NOT PROVIDED. University of Toronto, Canada.
- Jull, A. J. (2012, November). Some applications of cosmogenic radionuclides to terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry. NOT PROVIDED. Mainz, Germany.
- Jull, A. J. (2012, October). Radiocarbon dating: Natural and laboratory effects. NOT PROVIDED. University of Vienna, Austria.
- Jull, A. J. (2012, September). Some interesting and some exotic applications of 14C by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). (AMS), 12th Cluster Conference. Debrecen, Hungary.
Creative Performances
- Jull, A. J. (2013. YouTube video. Lecture at Ady Endre Gynasium, Debrecen. Ady Endre Gynasium, Debrecen: Meet the Scientist, Hungary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kffKC-mKdr8More infoPresentation to High School students in Debrecen
- Jull, A., & Jull, A. (2020). Comments on Sander et al.. http://doi.org/10.5194/gchron-2020-28-RC1