Jared R Males
- Associate Astronomer, Steward Observatory
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-2288
- Steward Observatory, Rm. N204
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- jrmales@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Astronomy
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Towards the Habitable Zone: Direct Imaging of Extrasolar Planets with the Magellan AO System
- M.S. Applied Physics
- Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
- M.E.M. - Master of Engineering Management Engineering Management
- Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, United States
- B.S. Physics
- University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Directed Graduate Research
OPTI 792 (Spring 2025) -
OPTI 920 (Spring 2025) -
ASTR 900 (Spring 2025) -
Directed Graduate Research
OPTI 792 (Fall 2024) -
OPTI 920 (Fall 2024) -
ASTR 900 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Directed Graduate Research
OPTI 792 (Spring 2024) -
ASTR 920 (Spring 2024) -
OPTI 920 (Spring 2024) -
Directed Graduate Research
OPTI 792 (Fall 2023) -
ASTR 920 (Fall 2023) -
OPTI 920 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Directed Graduate Research
OPTI 792 (Spring 2023) -
ASTR 920 (Spring 2023) -
OPTI 920 (Spring 2023) -
OPTI 910 (Spring 2023) -
Directed Graduate Research
OPTI 792 (Fall 2022) -
ASTR 920 (Fall 2022) -
OPTI 910 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Directed Research
ASTR 392 (Spring 2022) -
ASTR 920 (Spring 2022) -
OPTI 920 (Spring 2022) -
ASTR 920 (Fall 2021) -
OPTI 920 (Fall 2021) -
ASTR 900 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Directed Graduate Research
OPTI 792 (Spring 2021) -
ASTR 920 (Spring 2021) -
OPTI 920 (Spring 2021) -
ASTR 900 (Spring 2021) -
Directed Graduate Research
OPTI 792 (Fall 2020) -
ASTR 920 (Fall 2020) -
OPTI 920 (Fall 2020) -
ASTR 900 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
OPTI 920 (Spring 2020) -
ASTR 900 (Spring 2020) -
OPTI 920 (Fall 2019) -
ASTR 900 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
OPTI 920 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
OPTI 599 (Spring 2019) -
ASTR 900 (Spring 2019) -
OPTI 920 (Fall 2018) -
Independent Study
OPTI 599 (Fall 2018) -
ASTR 900 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Directed Graduate Research
OPTI 792 (Spring 2018) -
ASTR 900 (Spring 2018) -
Directed Research
PHYS 492 (Fall 2017) -
ASTR 900 (Fall 2017)
Scholarly Contributions
- Defrère, D., Hinz, P. M., Kennedy, G. M., Stone, J., Rigley, J., Ertel, S., Gaspar, A., Bailey, V. P., Hoffmann, W. F., Mennesson, B., Millan-Gabet, R. .., Danchi, W. C., Absil, O., Arbo, P., Beichman, C., Bonavita, M., Brusa, G., Bryden, G., Downey, E. C., , Esposito, S., et al. (2021). The HOSTS Survey: Evidence for an Extended Dust Disk and Constraints on the Presence of Giant Planets in the Habitable Zone of β Leo. The Astronomical Journal, 161, 186.
- Haffert, S. Y., Males, J. R., Close, L. M., Van, G. K., Long, J. D., Hedglen, A. D., Guyon, O., Schatz, L., Kautz, M., Lumbres, J., Rodack, A., Knight, J. M., Sun, H., & Fogarty, K. (2021). Data-driven subspace predictive control of adaptive optics for high-contrast imaging. arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2103.07566.
- Long, J. D., & Males, J. R. (2021). Unlocking Starlight Subtraction in Full-data-rate Exoplanet Imaging by Efficiently Updating Karhunen-Loève Eigenimages. The Astronomical Journal, 161, 166.
- Shan, Y., Yee, J. C., Bailey, V. P., Close, L. M., Hinz, P. M., Males, J. R., & Morzinski, K. M. (2021). OGLE-2007-BLG-224L: A Direct Test of Terrestrial Parallax. The Astrophysical Journal, 908, 240.
- Xie, X., Dong, S., Zhu, W., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Beaulieu, J. -., Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Marquette, J. -., Morzinski, K. M., Pogge, R. W., & Yee, J. C. (2021). MagAO Observations of the Binary Microlens OGLE-2014-BLG-1050 Prefer the Higher-mass Solution. The Astronomical Journal, 161, 113.
- Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Hedglen, A., Bouchez, A., & Guyon, O. (2020). Concept for the GMT High-Contrast Exoplanet Instrument GMagAO-X and the GMT High-Contrast Phasing Testbed with MagAO-X. arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2004.06808.
- Currie, T., Pluzhnik, E., Guyon, O., Belikov, R., Miller, K., Bos, S., Males, J., Sirbu, D., Bond, C., Frazin, R., Groff, T., Kern, B., Lozi, J., Mazin, B. A., Nemati, B., Norris, B., Subedi, H., & Will, S. (2020). Laboratory Demonstration of Spatial Linear Dark Field Control For Imaging Extrasolar Planets in Reflected Light. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 132, 104502.
- Poleski, R., Suzuki, D., Udalski, A., Xie, X., Yee, J. C., Koshimoto, N., Gaudi, B. S., Gould, A., Skowron, J., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Ulaczyk, K., Collaboration, O., Abe, F., Barry, R. K., Bennett, D. P., , Bhattacharya, A., et al. (2020). A Wide-orbit Exoplanet OGLE-2012-BLG-0838Lb. The Astronomical Journal, 159, 261.
- Turyshev, S. G., Shao, M., Toth, V. T., Friedman, L. D., Alkalai, L., Mawet, D., Shen, J., Swain, M. R., Zhou, H., Helvajian, H., Heinsheimer, T., Janson, S., Leszczynski, Z., McVey, J., Garber, D., Davoyan, A., Redfield, S., & Males, J. R. (2020). Direct Multipixel Imaging and Spectroscopy of an Exoplanet with a Solar Gravity Lens Mission. arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2002.11871.
- Belikov, R., Barclay, T., Batalha, N. M., Bendek, E., Bolcar, M., Chakrabarti, S., Currie, T., Goldblatt, C., Guyon, O., Kasdin, N. J., Kasting, J., Kern, B. D., Lissauer, J. J., Lozi, J., Macintosh, B., Mennesson, B., Males, J. R., Marchis, F., Marley, M. S., , Marois, C., et al. (2019). Direct Imaging of Exoplanets in Nearby Multi-Star Systems. baas, 51(3), 517.
- Douglas, E., Males, J., Clark, J., Guyon, O., Lumbres, J., Marlow, W., & Cahoy, K. (2019). Laser Guide Star for Large Segmented-aperture Space Telescopes. I. Implications for Terrestrial Exoplanet Detection and Observatory Stability. aj, 157(1), 36.
- Lopez-Morales, M., Currie, T., Teske, J., Gaidos, E., Kempton, E., Males, J., Lewis, N., Rackham, B. V., Ben-Ami, S., Birkby, J., Charbonneau, D., Close, L., Crane, J., Dressing, C., Froning, C., Hasegawa, Y., Konopacky, Q., Kopparapu, R. K., Mawet, D., , Mennesson, B., et al. (2019). Detecting Earth-like Biosignatures on Rocky Exoplanets around Nearby Stars with Ground-based Extremely Large Telescopes. baas, 51(3), 162.
- Miller, K., Males, J. R., Guyon, O., Close, L. M., Doelman, D., Snik, F., Por, E., Wilby, M. J., Keller, C., Bohlman, C., Van, G. K., Rodack, A., Knight, J., Lumbres, J., Bos, S., & Jovanovic, N. (2019). Spatial linear dark field control and holographic modal wavefront sensing with a vAPP coronagraph on MagAO-X. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 5, 049004.
- Poleski, R., Gaudi, B., Xie, X., Udalski, A., Yee, J., Skowron, J., Szyma{'nski}, M., Soszy{'nski}, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Koz{lowski}, S., Wyrzykowski, L., Ulaczyk, K., Han, C., Dong, S., Morzinski, K., Males, J., Close, L., Gould, A., Pogge, R., , Beaulieu, J. -., et al. (2019). A Wide Orbit Exoplanet OGLE-2012-BLG-0838Lb. arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1901.05466.
- Sallum, S., Bailey, V., Bernstein, R. A., Boss, A., Bowler, B., Close, L., Currie, T., Dong, R., Espaillat, C., Fitzgerald, M. P., Follette, K. B., Fortney, J., Hasegawa, Y., Jang-Condell, H., Jovanovic, N., Kane, S. R., Konopacky, Q., Liu, M., Lozi, J., , Males, J., et al. (2019). Imaging Giant Protoplanets with the ELTs. baas, 51(3), 527.
- Sallum, S., Skemer, A., Eisner, J., Marel, N., Sheehan, P., Close, L., {Ireland, }. M., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Bailey, V., Briguglio, R., & Puglisi, A. (2019). New Spatially Resolved Imaging of the SR 21 Transition Disk and Constraints on the Small-grain Disk Geometry. apj, 883(1), 100.
- Turyshev, S., Shao, M., Friedman, L., Toth, V. T., Alkalai, L., Shen, J., Zhou, H., Arora, N., Davoyan, A., Garber, D. D., Helvajian, H., Heinsheimer, T., Janson, S. W., Johnson, L., Males, J. R., Nakagawa, R., Redfield, S., Strange, N., Swain, M. R., & Van, B. D. (2019). Direct Multi-Pixel Imaging and Spatially-Resolved Spectroscopy of a Potentially Habitable Exoplanet with the Solar Gravitational Lens. baas, 51(3), 23.
- Artigau, E., Bernstein, R., Brandt, T., Chilcote, J., Close, L., Crossfield, I., Delorme, J., Dressing, C., Fitzgerald, M., Fortney, J., Howard, A., Frazin, R., Jovanovic, N., Konopacky, Q., Lozi, J., Males, J., Marois, C., Mazin, B., Millar-Blanchaer, M., , Morzinski, K., et al. (2018). Direct Imaging in Reflected Light: Characterization of Older, Temperate Exoplanets With 30-m Telescopes. arXiv e-prints.
- Males, J., & Guyon, O. (2018). Ground-based adaptive optics coronagraphic performance under closed-loop predictive control. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 4(1), 019001.
- Morse, J., Bendek, E., Cabrol, N., Marchis, F., Turnbull, M., Chakrabarti, S., Fischer, D., Goldblatt, C., Guyon, O., Hart, M., Males, J., & Kasting, J. (2018). Project Blue: Visible Light Imaging Search for Terrestrial-class Exoplanets in the Habitable Zones of Alpha Centauri A and B. arXiv e-prints.
- Shan, Y., Yee, J., Bowler, B., Cieza, L., Montet, B., Canovas, H., Liu, M., Close, L., Hinz, P., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Vaz, A., Bailey, V., B., F. K., & Team, M. (2018). VizieR Online Data Catalog: The multiplicity of M dwarfs in young moving groups (Shan+, 2017). VizieR Online Data Catalog, 184.
- Turyshev, S., Shao, M., Shen, J., Zhou, H., Toth, V., Friedman, L., Alkalai, L., Arora, N., Garber, D., Helvajian, H., Heinsheimer, T., Janson, S., Johnson, L., Males, J., Nakagawa, R., Redfield, S., Strange, N., Swain, M., Van Buren, D., , West, J., et al. (2018). Recognizing the Value of the Solar Gravitational Lens for Direct Multipixel Imaging and Spectroscopy of an Exoplanet. arXiv e-prints.
- Wagner, K., Dong, R., Sheehan, P., Apai, D., Kasper, M., McClure, M., Morzinski, K., Close, L., Males, J., Hinz, P., Quanz, S., & Fung, J. (2018). The Orbit of the Companion to HD 100453A: Binary-driven Spiral Arms in a Protoplanetary Disk. apj, 854, 130.
- Wagner, K., Follete, K., Close, L., Apai, D., Gibbs, A., Keppler, M., M{"uller}, A., Henning, T., Kasper, M., Wu, Y., Long, J., Males, J., Morzinski, K., & McClure, M. (2018). Magellan Adaptive Optics Imaging of PDS 70: Measuring the Mass Accretion Rate of a Young Giant Planet within a Gapped Disk. apjl, 863, L8.
- Wu, Y., Close, L., Kim, J., Males, J., & Morzinski, K. (2018). The Intricate Structure of HH 508, the Brightest Microjet in the Orion Nebula. apj, 854, 144.
- Follette, K., Rameau, J., Dong, R., Pueyo, L., Close, L., Duch{\^ene}, G., Fung, J., Leonard, C., Macintosh, B., Males, J., Marois, C., Millar-Blanchaer, M., Morzinski, K., Mullen, W., Perrin, M., Spiro, E., Wang, J., Ammons, S., Bailey, V., , Barman, T., et al. (2017). Complex Spiral Structure in the HD 100546 Transitional Disk as Revealed by GPI and MagAO. The Astronomical Journal, 153, 264.
- Kellogg, K., Prato, L., Torres, G., Schaefer, G., Avilez, I., Ru{\'{\i}z-Rodr\'{\i}guez}, D., Wasserman, L., Bonanos, A., Guenther, E., Neuh{\"auser}, R., Levine, S., Bosh, A., Morzinski, K., Close, L., Bailey, V., Hinz, P., & Males, J. (2017). The TWA 3 Young Triple System: Orbits, Disks, Evolution. The Astrophysical Journal, 844, 168.
- Marlow, W., Carlton, A., Yoon, H., Clark, J., Haughwout, C., Cahoy, K., Males, J., Close, L., & Morzinski, K. (2017). "Laser-Guide-Star Satellite for Ground-Based Adaptive Optics Imaging of Geosynchronous Satellites". Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 54, 621-639.
- Miller, K., Guyon, O., & Males, J. (2017). Spatial linear dark field control: stabilizing deep contrast for exoplanet imaging using bright speckles. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 3(4), 049002.
- Otten, G., Snik, F., Kenworthy, M., Keller, C., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Close, L., Codona, J., Hinz, P., Hornburg, K., Brickson, L., & Escuti, M. (2017). On-sky Performance Analysis of the Vector Apodizing Phase Plate Coronagraph on MagAO/Clio2. The Astrophysical Journal, 834, 175.
- Rameau, J., Follette, K., Pueyo, L., Marois, C., Macintosh, B., Millar-Blanchaer, M. .., Wang, J., Vega, D., Doyon, R., Lafreni{\`ere}, D., Nielsen, E., Bailey, V., Chilcote, J., Close, L., Esposito, T., Males, J., Metchev, S., Morzinski, K., Ruffio, J., , Wolff, S., et al. (2017). An Optical/Near-infrared Investigation of HD 100546 b with the Gemini Planet Imager and MagAO. The Astronomical Journal, 153, 244.
- Shan, Y., Yee, J., Bowler, B., Cieza, L., Montet, B., C{\'anovas}, H., Liu, M., Close, L., Hinz, P., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Vaz, A., Bailey, V., Follette, K., & Team, M. (2017). The Multiplicity of M Dwarfs in Young Moving Groups. The Astrophysical Journal, 846, 93.
- Shepard, M., Richardson, J., Taylor, P., Rodriguez-Ford, L., Conrad, A., Pater, I., Adamkovics, M., Kleer, K., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Close, L., Kaasalainen, M., Viikinkoski, M., Timerson, B., Reddy, V., Magri, C., Nolan, M., Howell, E., Benner, L., , Giorgini, J., et al. (2017). Radar observations and shape model of asteroid 16 Psyche. Icarus, 281, 388-403.
- Wu, Y., Sheehan, P., Males, J., Close, L., Morzinski, K., Teske, J., Haug-Baltzell, A. .., Merchant, N., & Lyons, E. (2017). An ALMA and MagAO Study of the Substellar Companion GQ Lup B*. The Astrophysical Journal, 836, 223.
- Wu, Y., Smith, N., Close, L., Males, J., & Morzinski, K. (2017). Resolving the H$\alpha$-emitting Region in the Wind of $\eta$ Carinae. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 841, L7.
- Espinoza, N., Brahm, R., Jord{'an}, A., Jenkins, J., Rojas, F., Jofr{'e}, P., M{"adler}, T., Rabus, M., Chanam{'e}, J., Pantoja, B., Soto, M., Morzinski, K., Males, J., Ward-Duong, K. .., & Close, L. (2016). "Discovery and Validation of a High-Density sub-Neptune from the K2 Mission". The Astrophysical Journal, 830, 43.
- Rodigas, T., Arriagada, P., Faherty, J., Anglada-Escude, G. .., Kaib, N., Butler, R., Shectman, S., Weinberger, A., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Close, L., Hinz, P., Crane, J., Thompson, I., Teske, J., Diaz, M., Minniti, D., Lopez-Morales, M. .., Adams, F., & Boss, A. (2016). "VizieR Online Data Catalog: MILO. I. HD 7449 radial velocities (Rodigas+, 2016)". VizieR Online Data Catalog, 181.
- Rodigas, T., Arriagada, P., Faherty, J., Anglada-Escud{'e}, G., Kaib, N., Butler, R., Shectman, S., Weinberger, A., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Close, L., Hinz, P., Crane, J., Thompson, I., Teske, J., D{'{i}az}, M., Minniti, D., Lopez-Morales, M. .., Adams, F., & Boss, A. (2016). "MagAO Imaging of Long-period Objects (MILO). I. A Benchmark M Dwarf Companion Exciting a Massive Planet around the Sun-like Star HD 7449". The Astrophysical Journal, 818, 106.
- Rodigas, T., Bergeron, P., Simon, A., Arriagada, P., Faherty, J., Anglada-Escud{'e}, G., Mamajek, E., Weinberger, A., Butler, R., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Close, L., Hinz, P., Bailey, J., Carter, B., Jenkins, J., Jones, H., O'Toole, S., Tinney, C., , Wittenmyer, R., et al. (2016). "MagAO Imaging of Long-period Objects (MILO). II. A Puzzling White Dwarf around the Sun-like Star HD 11112". The Astrophysical Journal, 831, 177.
- Skemer, A., Morley, C., Zimmerman, N., Skrutskie, M., Leisenring, J., Buenzli, E., Bonnefoy, M., Bailey, V., Hinz, P., Defr{'ere}, D., Esposito, S., Apai, D., Biller, B., Brandner, W., Close, L., Crepp, J., De, R. R., Desidera, S., Eisner, J., , Fortney, J., et al. (2016). "The LEECH Exoplanet Imaging Survey: Characterization of the Coldest Directly Imaged Exoplanet, GJ 504 b, and Evidence for Superstellar Metallicity". The Astrophysical Journal, 817, 166.
- Stone, J., Eisner, J., Skemer, A., Morzinski, K., Close, L., Males, J., Rodigas, T., Hinz, P., & Puglisi, A. (2016). "L-band Spectroscopy with Magellan-AO/Clio2: First Results on Young Low-mass Companions". The Astrophysical Journal, 829, 39.
- Stone, J., Skemer, A., Kratter, K., Dupuy, T., Close, L., Eisner, J., Fortney, J., Hinz, P., Males, J., Morley, C., Morzinski, K., & Ward-Duong, K. .. (2016). "Adaptive Optics imaging of VHS 1256-1257: A Low Mass Companion to a Brown Dwarf Binary System". The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 818, L12.
- Van, D. S., Ascenso, J., Wu, Y., Smith, N., Close, L., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Foley, R., Jha, S., Miller, A., Filippenko, A., & Alves, J. (2016). "Possible Identification of the Progenitor of SN 2016adj in NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)". The Astronomer's Telegram, 8693.
- Wu, Y., Close, L., Bailey, V., Rodigas, T., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Follette, K., Hinz, P., Puglisi, A., Briguglio, R., & Xompero, M. (2016). "Magellan AO System z{prime, Y $_ S $, and Lprime Observations of the Very Wide 650 AU HD 106906 Planetary System}". The Astrophysical Journal, 823, 24.
Proceedings Publications
- Anugu, N., Durney, O., Morzinski, K. M., Hinz, P., Sivanandam, S., Males, J., Gardner, A., Fellows, C., Montoya, M., West, G., Vaz, A., Mailhot, E., Carlson, J., Chen, S., Lamb, M., Butko, A., Downey, E., Tyler, J., & Jannuzi, B. (2020, 2020/12/1). Design and development of a high-speed visible pyramid wavefront sensor for the MMT AO system. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114485J.
- Close, L. M., Males, J., Long, J. D., Van, G. K., Hedglen, A. D., Kautz, M., Lumbres, J., Haffert, S. Y., Follette, K., Wagner, K., Miller, K., Apai, D., Wu, Y., Guyon, O., Schatz, L., Rodack, A., Doelman, D., Snik, F., Knight, J. M., , Morzinski, K., et al. (2020, 2020/12/1). Prediction of the planet yield of the MaxProtoPlanetS high-contrast survey for H-alpha protoplanets with MagAO-X based on first light contrasts. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114480U.
- Guyon, O., Lozi, J., Vievard, S., Belikov, R., Bendek, E., Bos, S., Currie, T., Deo, V., Fitzgerald, M., Gratadour, D., Groff, T., Jovanovic, N., Kawahara, H., Kotani, T., Kudo, T., Lopez, C., Ltaief, H., Males, J., Martinache, F., , Martinod, M., et al. (2020, 2020/12/1). Validating advanced wavefront control techniques on the SCExAO testbed/instrument. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114481Z.
- Guyon, O., Sevin, A., Ferreira, F., Ltaief, H., Males, J., Deo, V., Gratadour, D., Cetre, S., Martinache, F., Lozi, J., Vievard, S., Fruitwala, N., Bos, S., & Skaf, N. (2020, 2020/12/1). Adaptive optics real-time control with the compute and control for adaptive optics (Cacao) software framework. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114482N.
- Haffert, S. Y., Harris, R. J., Zanutta, A., Pike, F. A., Bianco, A., Redaelli, E., Benoît, A., MacLachlan, D. G., Ross, C. A., Gris-Sánchez, I., Trappen, M. D., Xu, Y., Blaicher, M., Maier, P., Riva, G., Sinquin, B., Caroline, K., Bharmal, N. A., Gendron, E., , Staykov, L., et al. (2020, 2020/12/1). Multi-core fibre-fed integral-field unit (MCIFU): overview and first-light. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114484M.
- Hedglen, A. D., Close, L. M., Bouchez, A. H., Males, J. R., Demers, R., Kautz, M., Basant, R., Parkinson, M., Gasho, V., Quirós-Pacheco, F., & Sitarski, B. N. (2020, 2020/12/1). The Giant Magellan Telescope high contrast phasing testbed. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114482X.
- Lozi, J., Guyon, O., Vievard, S., Sahoo, A., Deo, V., Jovanovic, N., Norris, B., Martinod, M., Mazin, B., Walter, A., Fruitwala, N., Steiger, S., Davis, K., Tuthill, P., Kudo, T., Kawahara, H., Kotani, T., Ireland, M., Anagnos, T., , Schwab, C., et al. (2020, 2020/12/1). Status of the SCExAO instrument: recent technology upgrades and path to a system-level demonstrator for PSI. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114480N.
- Maier, E. R., Douglas, E. S., Kim, D. W., Su, K., Ashcraft, J. N., Breckinridge, J. B., Choi, H., Choquet, E., Connors, T. E., Durney, O., Gonzales, K. L., Guthery, C. E., Haughwout, C. A., Heath, J. C., Hyatt, J., Lumbres, J., Males, J. R., Matthews, E. C., Milani, K., , Montoya, O. M., et al. (2020, 2020/12/1). Design of the vacuum high contrast imaging testbed for CDEEP, the Coronagraphic Debris and Exoplanet Exploring Pioneer. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11443, 114431Y.
- Males, J. R., Close, L. M., Guyon, O., Hedglen, A. D., Van, G. K., Long, J. D., Kautz, M., Lumbres, J., Schatz, L., Rodack, A., Miller, K., Doelman, D., Snik, F., Bos, S., Knight, J. M., Morzinski, K., Gasho, V., Keller, C., Haffert, S., & Pearce, L. (2020, 2020/12/1). MagAO-X first light. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114484L.
- Schatz, L., Males, J. R., Codona, J., Pullen, W., Hart, M., Lumbres, J., Neichel, B., Correia, C., Fusco, T., Chambouleyron, V., Janin-Poitron, P., Van Gorkum, K., Mateen, M., Long, J., Bohlman, C., & Fauvarque, O. (2020, Dec). First results of laboratory tests of a three-sided pyramid wavefront sensor. In SPIE 11448, 11448.
- Stark, C. C., Smith, G. A., Schneider, G., Ruane, G., Pogorelyuk, L., Noenickz, J., N'Diaye, M., Montoya, O. M., Milani, K., Matthews, E. C., Males, J. R., Lumbres, J., Hyatt, J., Heath, J. C., Haughwout, C. A., Guthery, C. E., Gonzales, K. L., Durney, O., Connors, T. E., , Choquet, E., et al. (2020, December). Design of the vacuum high contrast imaging testbed for CDEEP, the Coronagraphic Debris and Exoplanet Imaging Explorer. In Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave (Proc. of the SPIE), 11443.
- Belikov, R., Barclay, T., Batalha, N. M., Bendek, E., Chakrabarti, S., Currie, T., Goldblatt, C., Guyon, O., Kasdin, N. J., Kasting, J., Kern, B. D., Lissauer, J. J., Lozi, J., Males, J. R., Marchis, F., Marley, M. S., Marois, C., McElwain, M. W., Mendillo, C. B., , Morse, J. A., et al. (2019, sep). Imaging Earth-like Exoplanets with a Small Space Telescope. In baas, 51.
- Cahoy, K., Clark, J., Douglas, E., Xin, Y., Males, J., Lumbres, J., & Allan, G. (2019, sep). Space-Based Laser Guide Star Mission to Enable Ground and Space Telescope Observations of Faint Objects. In baas, 51.
- Dressing, C., Stark, C., Domagal-Goldman, S., Marley, M., Stapelfeldt, K., Lopez, E., Arney, G., Roberge, A., Mawet, D., & Males, J. (2019, sep). The Landscape for Directly Characterizing Potentially Habitable & Inhabited Planets in the Late 2020s and Beyond. In baas, 51.
- Fitzgerald, M., Bailey, V., Baranec, C., Batalha, N., Benneke, B., Beichman, C., Brandt, T., Chilcote, J., Chun, M., Crossfield, I., Currie, T., Davis, K., Dekany, R., Delorme, J., Dong, R., Doyon, R., Dressing, C., Echeverri, D., Fortney, J., , Frazin, R. A., et al. (2019, sep). The Planetary Systems Imager for TMT. In baas, 51.
- Follette, K., Close, L., Males, J., & Morzinski, K. (2019, jan). The MagAO Giant Accreting Protoplanet Survey (GAPlanetS): Recent Results. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #233, 233.
- Guyon, O., Bottom, M., Chun, M., Close, L., Davis, K., Fitzgerald, M. P., Frazin, R., Hinz, P., Jensen-Clem, R., Jovanovic, N., Kawahara, H., Konopacky, Q., Lozi, J., Males, J., Marois, C., Mawet, D., Mazin, B., Narita, N., Ruane, G., , Sallum, S., et al. (2019, sep). A Technology Validation Program for near-IR Habitable Exoplanet Imaging with GMT and TMT. In baas, 51.
- Guyon, O., Lozi, J., Vievard, S., Sahoo, A., Jovanovic, N., Currie, T., Pathak, P., Martinache, F., Kudo, T., Tamura, M., Singh, G., Clergeon, C., Minowa, Y., Ono, Y., Mieda, E., Mazin, B., Walter, A., Cvetojevic, N., Lacour, S., , Huby, E., et al. (2019, jan). The SCExAO High Contrast Imaging Platform: Current and Upcoming Capabilities. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #233, 233.
- Lu, J., Fitzgerald, M., Dekany, R., Wright, S., Tuttle, S., Perrin, M., Froning, C., Lotz, J., Hunter, L., Close, L., Morzinski, K., McConnell, N., Max, C., Konopacky, Q., Bailey, V., Hamden, E., Kupke, R., Baranec, C., Hinz, P., , Chun, M., et al. (2019, sep). Training the Next Generation of OIR Instrumentalists. In baas, 51.
- Males, J., Close, L. M., Guyon, O., Sitarski, B., Bouchez, A., Weinberger, A., & Fitzgerald, M. P. (2019, sep). GMagAO-X: extreme adaptive optics & coronagraphy for GMT at first light. In baas, 51.
- Mazin, B., Bailey, J., Bartlett, J. o., Bockstiegel, C., Bumble, B., Coiffard, G., Currie, T., Daal, M., Davis, K., Dodkins, R., Fruitwala, N., Jovanovic, N., Lipartito, I., Lozi, J., Males, J., Mawet, D., Meeker, S., O'Brien, K., Rich, M., , Smith, J., et al. (2019, sep). MKIDs in the 2020s. In baas, 51.
- Sallum, S., Skemer, A., Eisner, J., Marel, N., Sheehan, P., Close, L., Ireland, M., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Bailey, V., Briguglio, R., & Puglisi, A. (2019, aug). New Spatially Resolved Observations of the SR 21 Transition Disk. In AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts, 51.
- Turyshev, S., Shao, M., Friedman, L., Toth, V. T., Alkalai, L., Shen, J., Zhou, H., Davoyan, A., Garber, D. D., Helvajian, H., Heinsheimer, T., Janson, S. W., Johnson, L., Males, J. R., Nakagawa, R., Redfield, S., Strange, N., Swain, M. R., & Van, B. D. (2019, sep). Direct Multipixel Imaging and Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of a Potentially Habitable Exoplanet with the Solar Gravitational Lens. In baas, 51.
- Xin, Y., Douglas, E., Allan, G. W., Clark, J. R., Guyon, O., Lumbres, J. R., Males, J., & Cahoy, K. L. (2019, jan). Diffraction analysis of Laser Guide Star enabled cophasing wavefront control for large segmented aperture space telescopes. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #233, 233.
- Bailey, V., Bottom, M., Cady, E., Cantalloube, F., Boer, J., Groff, T., Krist, J., Millar-Blanchaer, M., Vigan, A., Chilcote, J., Choquet, E., De, R. R., Girard, J., Guyon, O., Kern, B., Lagrange, A., Macintosh, B., Males, J., Marois, C., , Meshkat, T., et al. (2018, aug). Lessons for WFIRST CGI from ground-based high-contrast systems. In Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 10698.
- Clark, J., Carlton, A., Douglas, E., Males, J., Lumbres, J., Feinberg, L., Guyon, O., Marlow, W., & Cahoy, K. (2018, jan). Capabilities of a Laser Guide Star for a Large Segmented Space Telescope. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231, 231.
- Close, L., Males, J., Durney, O., Sauve, C., Kautz, M., Hedglen, A., Schatz, L., Lumbres, J., Miller, K., Van Gorkom, K., Jean, M., & Gasho, V. (2018, jul). Optical and mechanical design of the extreme AO coronagraphic instrument MagAO-X. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Close, L., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Briguglio, R., Follette, K., Wu, Y., Pinna, E., Puglisi, A., Xompero, M., Quiros, F., & Hinz, P. (2018, jul). Status of MagAO and review of astronomical science with visible light adaptive optics. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Follette}, K., Close, L., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Leonard, C.,
- Guyon, O., Mazin, B., Fitzgerald, M., Mawet, D., Marois, C., Skemer, A., Lozi, J., & Males, J. (2018, jul). Wavefront control architecture and expected performance for the TMT Planetary Systems Imager. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Guyon, O., Sevin, A., Gratadour, D., Bernard, J., Ltaief, H., Sukkari, D., Cetre, S., Skaf, N., Lozi, J., Martinache, F., Clergeon, C., Norris, B., Wong, A., & Males, J. (2018, jul). The compute and control for adaptive optics (CACAO) real-time control software package. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Hart, M., Schatz, L. H., Males, J. R., Close, L. M., Guyon, O., Durney, O. F., Lumbres, J., Miller, K., Knight, J., Rodack, A., Long, J., Van Gorkum, K., Jean, M., & Kautz, M. (2018, July). Design of the MagAO-X Pyramid Wavefront Sensor. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Hedglen, A., Close, L., Males, J., & Durney, O. (2018, jul). Optical field/pupil rotator with a novel compact K-mirror for MagAO-X. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Kautz, M., Close, L., & Males, J. (2018, jul). A locking clamp that enables high thermal and vibrational stability for kinematic optical mounts. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Knight, J., Guyon, O., Lozi, J., Jovanovic, N., & Males, J. (2018, jul). Phase-induced amplitude apodization complex-mask coronagraph tolerancing and analysis. In Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation III, 10706.
- Long, J., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Close, L., Snik, F., Kenworthy, M., Otten, G., Monnier, J., Tolls, V., & Weinberger, A. (2018, jul). The hunt for Sirius Ab: comparison of algorithmic sky and PSF estimation performance in deep coronagraphic thermal-IR high contrast imaging. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Lumbres, J., Males, J., Douglas, E., Close, L., Guyon, O., Cahoy, K., Carlton, A., Clark, J., Doelman, D., Feinberg, L., Knight, J., Marlow, W., Miller, K., Morzinski, K., Por, E., Rodack, A., Schatz, L., Snik, F., Van Gorkom, K., & Wilby, M. (2018, jul). Modeling coronagraphic extreme wavefront control systems for high contrast imaging in ground and space telescope missions. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Males, J., Close, L., Miller, K., Schatz, L., Doelman, D., Lumbres, J., Snik, F., Rodack, A., Knight, J., Van Gorkom, K., Long, J., Hedglen, A., Kautz, M., Jovanovic, N., Morzinski, K., Guyon, O., Douglas, E., Follette, K., Lozi, J., , Bohlman, C., et al. (2018, jul). MagAO-X: project status and first laboratory results. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Miller, K., Males, J., Guyon, O., Close, L., Doelman, D., Snik, F., Por, E., Wilby, M., Bohlman, C., Lumbres, J., Van Gorkom, K., Kautz, M., Rodack, A., Knight, J., Jovanovic, N., Morzinski, K., & Schatz, L. (2018, jul). Focal plane wavefront sensing and control strategies for high-contrast imaging on the MagAO-X instrument. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Morgan, R., Douglas, E., Cahoy, K., Males, J., Morzinski, K., & Close, L. (2018, jul). Surveying the Epsilon Eridani system Using MagAO. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Rodack, A., Males, J., Guyon, O., Mazin, B., Fitzgerald, M., & Mawet, D. (2018, jul). Real-time estimation and correction of quasi-static aberrations in ground-based high contrast imaging systems with high frame-rates. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Van Gorkom, K., Miller, K., Males, J., Guyon, O., Rodack, A., Lumbres, J., & Knight, J. (2018, jul). Characterization of deformable mirrors for the MagAO-X project. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703.
- Jovanovic, N., Guyon, O., Kotani, T., Kawahara, H., Hosokawa, K., Lozi, J., Males, J., Ireland, M., Tamura, M., Mawet, D., Schwab, C., Norris, B., Leon-Saval, S. .., Betters, C., & Tuthill, P. (2017, dec). Developing post-coronagraphic, high-resolution spectroscopy for terrestrial planet characterization on ELTs. In AO4ELT5.
- Jovanovic, N., Guyon, O., Lozi, J., Tamura, M., Norris, B., Tuthill, P., Huby, E., Perrin, G., Lacour, S., Marchis, F., Duchene, G., Gauchet, L., Ireland, M., Feger, T., Rains, A., Bento, J., Schwab, C., Coutts, D., Cvetojevic, N., , Gross, S., et al. (2017, dec). Pioneering high contrast science instruments for planet characterization on giant segmented mirror telescopes. In AO4ELT5.
- Miller, K. L., Lumbres, J. R., Morzinski, K. M., Guyon, O., Close, L. M., Durney, O. F., Hart, M., Males, J. R., & Schatz, L. H. (2017, June). Pyramid Wavefront Sensing for Extreme Adaptive Optics. In AO4ELT5.
- Follette, K., Miller Close, L., Males, J., Macintosh, B., Sallum, S., Eisner, J., Kratter, K., Bailey, V., Defrere, D., Hinz, P., Morzinski, K., Rodigas, T., Skemer, A., Spalding, E., Tuthill, P., Vaz, A., & Weinberger, A. (2016, jan). "An Accreting Protoplanet: Confirmation and Characterization of LkCa15b". In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 227.
- Haug-Baltzell, A. .., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Wu, Y., Merchant, N., Lyons, E., & Close, L. (2016, aug). "High-contrast imaging in the cloud with klipReduce and Findr". In Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy IV, 9913.
- Jovanovic, N., Guyon, O., Lozi, J., Currie, T., Hagelberg, J., Norris, B., Singh, G., Pathak, P., Doughty, D., Goebel, S., Males, J., Kuhn, J., Serabyn, E., Tuthill, P., Schworer, G., Martinache, F., Kudo, T., Kawahara, H., Kotani, T., , Ireland, M., et al. (2016, jul). "The SCExAO high contrast imager: transitioning from commissioning to science". In Adaptive Optics Systems V, 9909.
- Kopon, D., McLeod, B., Dam, M., Bouchez, A., McCracken, K., Catropa, D., Podgorski, W., McMuldroch, S., Conder, A., Close, L., Males, J., Morzinski, K., & Norton, T. (2016, jul). "On-sky demonstration of the GMT dispersed fringe phasing sensor prototype on the Magellan Telescope". In Adaptive Optics Systems V, 9909.
- Males, J., Close, L., Guyon, O., Morzinski, K., Hinz, P., Esposito, S., Pinna, E., Xompero, M., Briguglio, R., Riccardi, A., Puglisi, A., Mazin, B., Ireland, M., Weinberger, A., Conrad, A., Kenworthy, M., Snik, F., Otten, G., Jovanovic, N., & Lozi, J. (2016, jul). "The path to visible extreme adaptive optics with MagAO-2K and MagAO-X". In Adaptive Optics Systems V, 9909.
- Marlow, W., Carlton, A., Yoon, H., Clark, J., Haughwout, C., Cahoy, K., Males, J., Close, L., & Morzinski, K. (2016, sep). "Laser Guidestar Satellite for Ground-based Adaptive Optics Imaging of Geosynchronous Satellites". In Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference.
- Morzinski, K., Close, L., Males, J., Hinz, P., Esposito, S., Riccardi, A., Briguglio, R., Follette, K., Pinna, E., Puglisi, A., Vezilj, J., Xompero, M., & Wu, Y. (2016, jul). "MagAO: status and science". In Adaptive Optics Systems V, 9909.
- Rodigas, T., Weinberger, A., Mamajek, E., Males, J., Miller Close, L., Morzinski, K., Hinz, P., & Kaib, N. (2016, jan). "How to Image Exoplanets at Solar System Scales". In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 227.
- Sallum, S., Eisner, J., Close, L., Hinz, P., Follette, K., Kratter, K., Skemer, A., Bailey, V., Briguglio, R., Defrere, D., Macintosh, B., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Puglisi, A., Rodigas, T., Spalding, E., Tuthill, P., Vaz, A., Weinberger, A., & Xomperio, M. (2016, aug). "Imaging protoplanets: observing transition disks with non-redundant masking". In Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging V, 9907.
- Shepard, M., Richardson, J., Taylor, P., Rodriguez-Ford, L., Conrad, A., Pater, I., Adamkovics, M., Kleer, K., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Miller Close, L., Kaasalainen, M., Viikinkoski, M., Timerson, B., Reddy, V., Magri, C., Nolan, M., Howell, E., Warner, B., & Harris, A. (2016, oct). "Asteroid 16 Psyche: Radar Observations and Shape Model". In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 48.
- Z{'u~niga}, S., Garc{'es}, J., Close, L., Males, J., Morzinski, K., Esc{'arate}, P., Castro, M., Marchioni, J., & Zagals, D. (2016, jul). "Vibrations in MagAO: frequency-based analysis of on-sky data, resonance sources identification, and future challenges in vibrations mitigation". In Adaptive Optics Systems V, 9909.
Poster Presentations
- Kingley, J., Angel, R., Davidson, W., Neff, D., Teran, J., Assenmacher, W., Peyton, K., Martin, H., Oh, C. J., Kim, D. W., Pearce, E. C., Rascon, M., Connors, T., Alfred, D., Jannuzi, B. T., Christensen, E., & Males, J. R. (2018, June). An inexpensive turnkey 6.5-m observatory with customizing options. Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VII, part of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation. Austin TX: SPIE.More infoA turnkey 6.5-m observatory has been developed for broad science applications with predefined performance specifications that can be verified on sky. This observatory can be delivered within five years at a fixed price. By combining academia and industrial partners with extensive experience and enormous investments in infrastructure it is possible to produce a highly valued optimized observatory with cost and schedule certainty. The challenge for scientists now becomes developing the science and instruments and not the observatory.
- Males, J. R., Close, L. M., Guyon, O., & Morzinski, K. M. (2017, May). MagAO-X Preliminary Design. Preliminary Design Review.More infoPreliminary Design document, describing the entire MagAO-X instrument. Includes opto-mechanical design, component specifications, algorithm design, performance predictions, shipping and handling, and operational plans. 263 total pages.