Jennifer A Wolfe
- Associate Professor, Mathematics
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 626-9294
- Environment and Natural Res. 2, Rm. S313
- Tucson, AZ 85719
- jwolfe628@arizona.edu
Jennifer A. Wolfe (she/her) is a biracial Asian American cisgender woman, daughter of a Thai immigrant, first generation college graduate, and has been in mathematics teacher education for over 20 years. While her primary focus is on grades 6-12 mathematics teacher preparation, she has taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate mathematics and mathematics education courses, mentored grades 6-12 student teachers, and facilitated professional development workshops for in-service teachers in rural Appalachia and across the country. She also has extensive experience in working with K-16 students both within and outside the classroom setting.
As an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Arizona, her work focuses on the use of equitable teaching practices through Complex Instruction, a research-based form of collaborative learning that centers on dismantling hierarchies of competence and shifting power and resources to historical and presently excluded and marginalized folx of the global majority. She supports pre-service and in-service secondary mathematics teachers in learning to co-create identity affirming spaces that center student voice, collaboration, community, equity, radical love, and joy.
She is a recipient of the 2015 UArizona AAU Undergraduate STEM Teaching Excellence Award, the 2022 College of Science Innovation in Teaching Award, and the 2022 Department of Mathematics David Lovelock Innovation in Education Award for effectively implementing research-based equitable teaching practices for engaging students in collaborative groupwork. She was awarded the Leicester & Kathryn Sherrill Creative Teaching Award and recognized at the 2024 UA Awards of Distinction. This event honors the recipients of the University of Arizona's highest faculty teaching honors.
She has served as Co-PI/Senior Personnel on two NSF grants aimed at the (1) recruiting, supporting, and retaining secondary mathematics teachers and (2) investigating preservice and beginning teachers views on equity and classroom implementation of equitable mathematics teaching practices.
She has served in leadership roles for Association for Mathematics Teachers Educators (AMTE), the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and the Psychology of Mathematics Education-North American Chapter (PMENA). She served as co-editor for the Informing Practice Department of the NCTM Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School journal and for the Ear to the Ground Department of the NCTM Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 journal. She is a former Fellow of The Center for Inquiry and Equity in Mathematics, The Teaching Well, and the Institute for Teachers of Color Committed to Racial Justice.
She is currently a co-host of the AMTE Teaching Math Teaching podcast, a mentor for the AMTE Service, Teaching, & Research (STaR) fellowship program, an early career induction program for faculty in mathematics education, and serves on the editorial panel for the Mathematics Teacher Educator journal. Dr. Wolfe holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Arts in Mathematics, and a PhD in Mathematics Education from the University of Kentucky.
- Ph.D. Mathematics Education
- University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, United States of America
- An exploratory mixed methods study of prospective middle grades teachers' mathematical connections while completing investigative tasks in geometry
- M.A. Mathematics
- University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, United States of America
- B.S. Mathematics
- University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, United States of America
- University Distinguished Faculty Award UArizona Foundation Leicester & Kathryn Sherrill Creative Teaching Award
- The University of Arizona, Spring 2023
- Innovation in Teaching Award
- The University of Arizona College of Science, Fall 2022
- Racial Healing for Educators, Pan-Asian, Pacific Islander, & North African (PAPINA) Racial Healing Affinity Group Fellow
- The Teaching Well, Fall 2022
- David Lovelock Award for Innovation in Education
- The University of Arizona Department of Mathematics, Spring 2022
- Fellowship
- Institute for Teachers of Color Committed to Racial Justice (ITOC), Fellow 2020-2021, Summer 2020
- The Center for Inquiry and Equity in Mathematics, Fellow, 2019-2020, Spring 2019
- Mentor/Fellow
- NSF UArizona S-STEM Bridge Program, Fellow/Mentor, 2020-2022, Summer 2020
- Undergraduate STEM Education Teaching Excellence Award
- The University of Arizona AAU, Spring 2015
- International Congress on Mathematics Education Travel Grant
- National Science Foundation/National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Summer 2012
- College of Science Distinguished Early Career Teaching Award
- The University of Arizona, Spring 2012 (Award Nominee)
- National Science Foundation Service Teaching and Research STaR Fellow
- National Science Foundation, Summer 2010
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Curr+Assmnt Sec Sch Math
MATH 406A (Spring 2025) -
Sec Math Teach Practicum
MATH 494C (Spring 2025) -
Meth Tch Math Sec School
MATH 406B (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Curr+Assmnt Sec Sch Math
MATH 406A (Spring 2024) -
Meth Tch Math Sec School
MATH 406B (Fall 2023)
2021-22 Courses
Curr+Assmnt Sec Sch Math
MATH 406A (Spring 2022) -
Meth Tch Math Sec School
MATH 406B (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Sec Math Teach Practicum
MATH 494C (Spring 2021) -
Understand Ele Math - B
MATH 302B (Spring 2021) -
Meth Tch Math Sec School
MATH 406B (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Independent Study
MATH 599 (Spring 2020) -
Understand Ele Math - B
MATH 302B (Spring 2020) -
Meth Tch Math Sec School
MATH 406B (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Directed Research
MATH 392 (Spring 2019) -
Sec Math Teach Practicum
MATH 494C (Spring 2019) -
Meth Tch Math Sec School
MATH 406B (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Sec Math Teach Practicum
MATH 494C (Spring 2018) -
Understand Ele Math - B
MATH 302B (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Understand Ele Math - B
MATH 302B (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Understand Ele Math - B
MATH 302B (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Wood, M. B., Turner, E. E., Civil, M., & Eli, J. A. (2016). Proceedings of the 38th Annual North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona.
- Wolfe, J. A. (2022). Building Caring Communities in Math Methods. In Care after COVID: Reconstructing understanding of care in teacher education(pp 104-114). Routledge. doi:https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003244875-12More infoThis chapter grounds the need for care against systemic issues of inequity made hyper-visible during the COVID-19 pandemic. The author considers how mathematics teacher education can shift towards enacting caring practices that will foster the development of positive mathematics identities before addressing how mathematics educators can cultivate collaborative learning environments that center on building authentic, caring relationships. The chapter shares the author’s identities in relation to building caring communities before next considering what guides the author’s understanding of care and how her enacted care shifted during and after the first year of COVID-19. The chapter concludes with examples of classroom practices for creating and sustaining caring learning environments in mathematics teacher education.
- Wolfe, J. A. (2022). Building caring communities in math methods: COVID and classrooms in teacher education.. In M. Shoffner & A. Webb (Eds.) Care after COVID: Reconstructing Understandings of Care in Teacher Education(pp 104-114). Routledge.
- Wolfe, J. A., & Safi, F. (2022). Lesson 7.3 Majority and Power: The Role of Mathematics in Making Sense of Representations. In B. Conway, L. Id-Deen, M. C. Raygoza, A Ruiz, J. W. Staley, & E. Thanheiser (Eds.).Middle School Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Injustice(pp 141-151). Corwin.
- Jessup, N. A., Wolfe, J. A., & Kalinec-Craig, C. (2021). Rehumanizing Mathematics Education and Building Community for Online Learning. In Online Learning in Mathematics Education. Research in Mathematics Education.(pp 95-113). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-80230-1_5
- Jessup, N., Wolfe, J. A., & Kalinec-Craig, C. (2021). Rehumanizing mathematics education and building community in online spaces. In K. Hollenbrands, R. Anderson, & K. Oliver (Eds.), Online Learning in Mathematics Education(pp 95-113). Brill Sense. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-80230-1_5
- Civil, M., Eli, J. A., Anhalt, C. O., Mcgraw, R. H., Mcgraw, R. H., Anhalt, C. O., Eli, J. A., & Civil, M. (2019). Stronger together: The Arizona Mathematics Teaching (MaTh) Noyce Program’s Collaborative Model for Secondary Teacher Preparation. In Recruiting, retaining, and preparing STEM teachers for a global generation. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense.More infoEli, J., McGraw R., Anhalt, C., & Civil, M. (2019). Stronger Together: The AZ Mathematics Teaching (MaTh) Noyce Program’s Collaborative Model for Secondary Teacher Preparation. Book chapter in J. Leonard, A. Burrows, and R. Kitchen (Eds.), Recruiting, Preparing, and Retaining STEM Teachers for a Global Generation. Sense Publishers, The Netherlands.
- Eli, J. A. (2016). Broadening perspectives through purposeful reflection: A commentary on Strickland's case. In Cases for Teacher Educators: Facilitating Conversations about Inequities in Mathematics Classrooms..
- Anhalt, C. O., & Eli, J. A. (2012). Building connections from whole number to polynomial long division: Teaching English language learners. In Beyond good teaching: Advancing Mathematics Education for ELLs(pp 96-103). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.More infoEnglish language learners share a basic need: to engage, and be engaged, in meaningful mathematics. Through guiding principles and instructional tools, together with classroom vignettes and video clips, this book shows how to go beyond good teaching to support ELLs in learning challenging mathematics while developing language skill. Position your students to share the valuable knowledge that they bring to the classroom as they actively build and communicate their understanding. The design of this book is interactive and requires the reader to move back and forth between the chapters and online resources at www.nctm.org/more4u. Occasionally, the reader is asked to stop and reflect before reading further in a chapter. At other times, the reader is asked to view video clips of teaching practices for ELLs or to refer to graphic organizers, observation and analysis protocols, links to resources, and other supplementary materials. The authors encourage the reader to use this resource in professional development.
- McGraw, R., Fernandes, A., Wolfe, J. A., & Jarnutowski, B. (2024). Unpacking mathematics preservice teachers’ conceptions of equity. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 36, 645-670. doi:10.1007/s13394-023-00463-z
- Jansen, A., & Center for Inquiry & Equity in Mathematics, . (2023). Entangling and Disentangling Inquiry and Equity: Voices of Mathematics Education and Mathematics Professors. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 16(1), 10-39. doi:https://doi.org/10.21423/jumev16ia473
- Marshall, A., Sword, S., Applegate, M., Greenstein, S., Pendleton, T., Yong, K., Young, M., Wolfe, J. A., Chao, T., & Harris, P. (2023). “I Got You”: Centering Identities and Humanness in Collaborations Between Mathematics Educators and Mathematicians. Journal for Humanistic Mathematics, 13(2), 309-337. doi:10.5642/jhummath.zuxw1688
- Wolfe, J. A. (2021). Teaching Is a Journey: A Journey in Becoming. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK–12, 114(3), 258-261. doi:10.5951/mtlt.2020.0378More infoThis department provides a space for current and past PK–12 teachers of mathematics to connect with other teachers of mathematics through their stories that lend personal and professional support.
- Jessup, N., Wolfe, J. A., Udiani, O., & Kalinec-Craig, C. (2020). Issues of equity when teaching and learning mathematics in a pandemic. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 113(10). doi:10.5951/MTLT.2020.0154
- Eli, J. A., Roy, G., & Hendrix, L. (2018). Using history to model with mathematics: The German tank problem.. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 23(7), 370-377.
- Gonzalez, G., & Eli, J. A. (2017). Pre-service and in-service teachers' perspectives about launch a problem. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 20(2), 159-201. doi:10.1007/s10857-015-9303-1More infoAbstract: Launching a problem is critical in a problem-based lesson. We investigated teachers’ perspectives on the use of a problem that was analogous to the one provided during a launch. Our goal was to identify teachers’ underlying assumptions regarding what should constitute a launch as elements of the practical rationality of mathematics teaching. We analyzed data from four focus groups that consisted of pre-service (PST) and in-service (IST) teachers who viewed animated vignettes of classroom instruction. We applied Toulmin’s scheme to model the arguments that were evident in the transcriptions of the discussions. We identified nine claims and 13 justifications for those claims, the majority of which were offered by the ISTs. ISTs’ assumptions focused on reviewing, providing hints, and not confusing students, whereas PSTs’ assumptions focused on motivation and student engagement. Overall, the assumptions were contradictory and supported different strategies. The assumptions also illustrated different stances regarding how to consider students’ prior knowledge during a launch. We identified a tension between ensuring that students could begin a problem by relying on the launch and allowing them to struggle with the problem by limiting the information provided in the launch. This study has implications for teacher education because it identifies how teachers’ underlying assumptions may affect their decisions to enable students to engage in productive struggle and exercise conceptual agency.
- Eli, J. A., Wood, M. B., Turner, E. E., Eli, J. A., & Civil, M. (2016). Sin Fronteras: Questioning Borders with(in) Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (38th, Tucson, Arizona, November 3-6, 2016).. International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
- Yow, J., Eli, J. A., Beisiegel, M., Welder, R., & McCloskey, A. (2016). Challenging transitions and crossing borders: Preparing novice mathematics teacher educators to support novice K-12 teachers. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 18(1), 52-69.More infoThis article shares findings from a survey of 69 recently graduated doctoral students in mathematics education. Similarities were found between the experiences of these novice mathematics teacher educators and the experiences documented in the literature on novice K-12 mathematics teachers. Using Giroux’s framework of border crossing (1992/2005), findings showed that novice mathematics teacher educators needed more teaching experiences during their doctoral preparation programs as well as more mentoring during their initial years as professors. These findings are consistent with research findings on the experiences of novice K-12 mathematics teachers. The article then discusses how these findings impact the teaching and learning of mathematics across K-12 and university settings and offers suggestions for improving the transition for mathematics teacher educators into their academic roles as novice professors.
- Orrill, C. H., Kim, O., Peters, S. A., Lischka, A. E., Jong, C., Sanchez, W. B., & Eli, J. A. (2015). Challenges and strategies for assessing mathematical knowledge for teaching. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 17(1), 12-29.More infoAbstract: Developing and writing assessment items that measure teachers' knowledge is an intricate and complex undertaking. In this paper, we begin with an overview of what is known about measuring teacher knowledge. We then highlight the challenges inherent in creating assessment items that focus specifically on measuring teachers’ specialised knowledge for teaching. We offer insights into three practices we have found valuable towards overcoming challenges in our own cross-disciplinary work to create assessment items for measuring teachers' knowledge for teaching.
- Eli, J. A., Mohr-Schroeder, M. J., & Lee, C. W. (2013). Mathematical connections and their relationship to mathematics knowledge for teaching geometry. School Science and Mathematics, 113(3), 120-134.More infoAbstract: Effective competition in a rapidly growing global economy places demands on a society to produce individuals capable of higher-order critical thinking, creative problem solving, connection making, and innovation. We must look to our teacher education programs to help prospective middle grades teachers build the mathematical habits of mind that promote a conceptually indexed, broad-based foundation of mathematics knowledge for teaching which encompasses the establishment and strengthening of mathematical connections. The purpose of this concurrent exploratory mixed methods study was to examine prospective middle grades teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching geometry and the connections made while completing open and closed card sort tasks meant to probe mathematical connections. Although prospective middle grades teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching geometry was below average, they were able to make over 280 mathematical connections during the card sort tasks. Curricular connections made had a statistically significant positive impact on mathematics knowledge for teaching geometry.
- Royal, K. D., & Eli, J. A. (2013). Developing a psychometric ruler: An alternative presentation of rasch measurement output. Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 8(3), 1-10.More infoRasch measurement is one of the most popular analytical techniques available in the field of psychometrics. Despite the advantages of Rasch measurement, many researchers and consumers of information have noted that interpreting Rasch output can be an arduous task. The purpose of this paper is to respond to this problem by presenting an alternative method for reporting results that is arguably more user-friendly and easily interpretable by consumers of research.
- Eli, J. A., Mohr-Schroeder, M. J., & Lee, C. W. (2011). Exploring mathematical connections of prospective middle-grades teachers through card-sorting tasks. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 23(3), 297-319.More infoAbstract:Prospective teachers are expected to construct, emphasise, integrate, and make use of mathematical connections; in doing so, they acquire an understanding of mathematics that is fluid, supple, and interconnected (Evitts Dissertation Abstracts International, 65(12), 4500, 2005). Given the importance of mathematical connection making, an exploratory study was conducted to consider the ability of prospective middle-grades teachers to make mathematical connections while engaging in card-sorting activities. Twenty-eight prospective middle-grades teachers participated in both an open and closed card sort. Data were analysed using constant comparative methods to extract meta themes to describe the types of connections made. Findings indicate that these prospective teachers tended to make more procedural- and categorical-type mathematical connections and far fewer derivational or curricular mathematical connections. © 2011 Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Inc.
- Royal, K. D., Eli, J. A., & Bradley, K. D. (2010). Exploring community college faculty perceptions of student outcomes: Findings of a pilot study. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 34(7), 523-540.More infoAbstract:This study explored the paradigmatic differences in perceptions of community college faculty employed at select Virginia and West Virginia community colleges collected via a web-based survey. The study is framed within the faculty self-classification along the "hard" and "social/behavior" science paradigm continuum. Given the paradigmatic continuum, faculty perceptions' of student outcomes were examined. Faculty respondents consistently reported the importance of intellectual growth; however, differences in relative importance of outcomes tied to emotional, cultural, and social growth exist. The potential implications of these perceptions on student experiences and outcomes are considered. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
- Bradley, K. D., Royal, K. D., Cunningham, J. D., Weber, J., & Eli, J. A. (2008). What constitutes good educational research? A consideration of ethics, methods, and theory.. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 21(1), 26-35.More infoAbstract: The question of what constitutes good educational research has received much attention in recent years. To offer an empirical framework, a web-based survey was administered to faculty and graduate students in the College of Education at a southeastern university to obtain their perceptions about characteristics related to high-quality educational research. Results suggest that survey items connected to ethics and theory were relatively easy to endorse, while items connected to methodology illustrated variation in perception. This study provides a foundation for dialogue regarding the quality of educational research.
Proceedings Publications
- McGraw, R., Fernandes, A., Wolfe, J. A., & Janutowski, B. (2022). Preservice and beginning teachers’ perspectives on equity.. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1217-1221.
- Jansen, A., & Center for Inquiry & Equity in Mathematics, . (2021). Entangling and disentangling inquiry and equity: Voices of mathematics education and mathematics professors . In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 222.
- Wieman, R., Tyminski, A. M., Trocki, A., Perry, J., Johnson, K., Gonzalez, G., & Eli, J. A. (2019). Developing Theory, Research, and Tools for Effective Launching: Developing a Launch Framework.. In International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
- Weiman, R., Perry, J., Tyminski, A., Kalemanik, G., Gonzalez, G., Trocki, A., & Eli, J. A. (2018, November). Developing theory, research, and tools for effective launching.. In In T. E. Hodges , G. J. Roy, & A. M. Tyminski (Eds.) Proceedings of the 40th Annual North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics, 1497-1506.
- Eli, J. A. (2016, Fall 2016). Supporting secondary mathematics teacher preparation: A collaborative tetrad model.. In Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter.
- Eli, J. A., Civil, M., Turner, E. E., & Wood, M. B. (2016).
Sin Fronteras: Questioning Borders with(in) Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (38th, Tucson, Arizona, November 3-6, 2016).
. In PME-NA (North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education). - Wood, M. B., Eli, J. A., Eli, J. A., & Wood, M. B. (2016). Learning to facilitate groupwork through complex instruction.. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education., 933.
- Beisiegel, M., & Eli, J. A. (2013, Summer). An investigation of novice mathematics teacher educators' experiences in transition from doctoral student to faculty member.. In The 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 5, 209.More infoIn A.M. Lindmeier, & A. Heinze. (Eds). Proceedings of the 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- McCloskey, A., Beisiegel, M., Eli, J. A., Welder, R., & Yow, J. (2012, Fall). Parallel transitions: Challenges faced by new mathematics teachers and new mathematics teacher educators.. In The 34th Annual North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 737-740.More infoIn L.R. Van Zoest, J.J. Lo, & J.L. Kratky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Annual North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- Beisiegel, M., Eli, J. A., McCloskey, A., Welder, R., & Yow, J. (2011, Fall). Transforming practices by understanding the connections between new mathematics teacher educators and new K-12 mathematics Teachers. In The 33rd Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1912.More infoIn L.R. Weist, & T. Lamberg (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
- Eli, J. A., Mohr-Schroeder, M. J., & Lee, C. W. (2010, January). Prospective middle grades teachers' mathematical connections and its relationship to their mathematics knowledge for teaching.. In The 8th annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, 1367-1418.More infoWith the implementation of No Child Left Behind legislation and a push for reform curricula, prospective teachers must be prepared to facilitate learning at a conceptual level. To address these concerns, an exploratory mixed methods investigation of twenty-eight prospective middle grades teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching geometry and mathematical connection-making was conducted at a large public southeastern university. Participants completed a diagnostic assessment in mathematics with a focus on geometry and measurement (CRMSTD, 2007), a mathematical connections evaluation, and a card sort activity. Mixed methods data analysis revealed prospective middle grades teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching geometry was underdeveloped and the mathematical connections made by prospective middle grades teachers were more procedural than conceptual in nature. Proceedings of the 8th annual Hawaii International Conference on Education
- McGraw, R., Jarnutowski, B., Fernandes, A., & Wolfe, J. A. (2023, February). Mathematics teacher education program students' perspectives on equity and mathematics teaching. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. New Orleans: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
- Yeh, C., Kokka, K., Jong, C., Chao, T., & Wolfe, J. A. (2023, February). Not your model minority: Interrogating the phrase "Asian American" in mathematics education.. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. New Orleans, Louisana: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
- Fernandes, A., Wolfe, J. A., Janutowski, B., & McGraw, R. (2022, November). Preservice and beginning teachers' perspectives on equity.. 44th International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education-North American Chapter Conference. Nashville, TN: PMENA.
- Safi, F., Roy, G., & Wolfe, J. A. (2022, Fall). Five Equity-Based Practices: Focusing on Intentional Teacher Actions & Valuing Student Identity. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. Los Angeles: NCTM.
- Wolfe, J. A. (2022, October). Building caring communities in mathematics teacher preparation: Unpacking the hidden curriculum of teaching. [Invited Featured Speaker].. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Virtual Professional Development Event: Unpacking the Hidden Curriculum of Being a Mathematics Teacher Educator.Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
- Wolfe, J. A., Fernandes, A., Janutowski, B., & McGraw, R. (2022, September). Preservice secondary mathematics teachers' perspectives of equity. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference. Los Angeles, California: NCTM.
- Jansen, A., & Center for Inquiry & Equity in Mathematics, . (2021). Entangling and Disentangling Inquiry and Equity: Voices of Mathematics Education and Mathematics Professors. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Philadelphia, PA: Psychology of Mathematics Education-North American Chapter.
- Wolfe, J. A. (2021, Fall). Building Caring Communities in Mathematics Teacher Preprartion: Learning to Listen and Listening to Learn [Keynote]. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators-TX. San Antonio, Texas: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.More infoI served as the invited Keynote Speaker for this conference which was held virtually. Please see the attached letter from the conference organizer and president of AMTE-TX
- Wolfe, J. A. (2021, October/Fall). Dismantling hierarchies of status: Empowering students through equitable teaching and groupwork. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. St. Louis, MO: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Wolfe, J. A. (2021, Spring). Dismantling Hierarchies of Status: Building Student Agency Through Equitable and Inclusive Teaching. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Virtual Conference. Virtual: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.More infoI was an invited speaker for this conference.
- Wolfe, J. A. (2021, Spring). Dismantling hierarchies of status: Building student agency through equitable and inclusive teaching. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Virtual Conference. Dallas, TX (Virtual): National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Wolfe, J. A. (2021, Spring). How Has Preparing Teachers Online Shifted Teacher Educators' Priorities & Practices. Virtual Conversations: Teacher Education in Response to Today's Demands. [Invited Panelist].. Collaboratory for Teacher Education at the University of Pennsylvaina Graduate School of Education. https://collaboratory.gse.upenn.edu/: The University of Pennsylvania Graudate School of Education; The Collaboratory for Teacher Education at Penn GSE.More infoI was an invited panelist for the virtual presentation and conversation.
- Hackett, M., & Wolfe, J. A. (2020, Spring). Lab School: Learn the work by doing the work.. Mathematics Educators Appreciation Day (MEAD) conference. Tucson, AZ: Center for Recruitment & Retention.
- Wolfe, J. A., & Salcido, M. (2020, Spring). Emphasizing Groupwork: A Focus on Status and Participation. Mathematics Educator Appreciate Day (MEAD) conference. Tucson, AZ: Center for Recruitment & Retention.
- Wolfe, J. A., Kalinec-Craig, C., Jessup, N., & Udiani, O. (2020, Spring). Online teaching and learning in the time of a pandemic: Issues of equity and access.. The Center for Inquiry and Equity in Mathematics Webinar.
- Eli, J. A. (2019, Fall). Emphazing the group in groupwork: Empowering students through equitable teaching practices. [Invited Featured Speaker].. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. Boston, MA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Hackett, M., Wolfe, J. A., Salcido, M., & Quihuis, G. (2019, January/Spring). From Summer Labschool to the School Year: Implementing Access and Equity Practices in the Middle School Classroom.. Mathematics Educators Appreciation Day Conference. Tucson, AZ: Center for Recruitment and Retention of Teachers.
- Wolfe, J. A., & Hackett, M. (2019, February/Spring). Complex instruction lab school: A middle school mathematics professional development model. Western Regional Noyce Conference. Tucson AZ: National Science Foundation.
- Yeh, C., Kokka, K., Louis, N., Jong, C., Eli, J. A., Chao, T., & Adiredja, A. (2019, Spring). Growing against the grain: Counterstories of Asian American mathematics education scholars. American Education Research Association. Toronto, CA: American Education Research Association.
- Chao, T., Eli, J. A., Kokka, K., & Cathery, Y. (2018, April 2018). Critical Issues in Working with Asian American Students [Invited Panelist].. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. Washington DC: National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics.
- Eli, J. A., & Safi, F. (2018, April 2018). We got this! Engaging students in equitable group collaboration with challenging mathematics.. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. Washington, D. C: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Eli, J. A., & Safi, F. (2018, April 2018). Working together: Building mathematical knowledge for teaching through equitable teaching practices. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Washington DC: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Safi, F., & Eli, J. A. (2018, Spring). Working Together: Building Mathematical Knowledge For Teaching Through Equitable Teaching Practices. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. Washington, D.C: National Council of Supervisors of Teachers.
- Weiman, R., Perry, J., Tyminski, A., Kelemanik, G., Gonzalez, G., Trocki, A., & Eli, J. A. (2018, Fall). Developing theory, research, and tools for effective launching. North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Columbia, SC: Psychology of Mathematics Education-North American Chapter.
- Wood, M. B., & Eli, J. A. (2018, Fall). Mathematical Superheroes: Create a justification league in your classroom.. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. Hartford, CT: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Eli, J. A. (2016, January 2016). Learning to Facilitate Groupwork Through Complex Instruction. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Irvine, CA.
- Parks, A., Felton-Koestler, M., Eli, J. A., Wood, M. B., Wagner, A., & Crespo, S. (2016, January). Designing Complex Instruction Tasks to Support Prospective Teacher Learning in Elementary Content and Methods Courses. 20th Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference. Irvine, CA: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
- Eli, J. A. (2015, February). Secondary mathematics teacher preparation: A collaborative tetrad model. Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Las Vegas, NV: Research Council on Mathematics Learning.More infoAbstract: Student teaching is often described as the most influential part of teacher preparation. During student teaching, pre-service teachers are expected to put into practice the integration of content and pedagogy under the mentorship of knowledgeable others in a classroom setting. The traditional model of student teaching supervision involves daily interaction with an in-service teacher coupled with periodic visits by a university supervisor, usually a mathematics educator. Although university mathematicians are responsible for significant portions of teacher preparation prior to student teaching, they are often absent during this crucial period. In this session, I propose a new model of collaboration for supporting mathematics teacher preparation that includes both mathematicians and mathematics educators in the student teaching semester. I will discuss preliminary findings from the implementation of the tetrad model with a focus on the professional noticing of all tetrad members.
- Eli, J. A. (2015, January). Card Sorting: A Tool for Assessing Students' mathematical Connections. Mathematics Educators Appreciation Day Conference. Tucson High School: Center for Recruitment & Retention of Teachers.More infoSession Description: In this session, I will begin by introducing card sorting as a tool for exploring and assessing students' mathematical connections and will present participants with sample card sort activities. Participants will then engage in and create their own card sort activities for assessing their students' mathematical connections on a topic of choice.
- Menendez, J. A., & Eli, J. A. (2015, November). Using Complex Instruction in content courses for prospective teachers. American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA: American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges.
- Eli, J. A. (2014, January). Using blender to help students visualize and model solids of revolution. Mathematics Educators Appreciation Day Conference. Tucson High School: Center for Recruitment & Retention of Teachers.
- Shirley-Akers, K., Eli, J. A., & Royal, K. D. (2014, April). Evaluating faculty research productivity and collaborations with social network analysis. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA: American Educational Research Association.More infoAbstract: Research productivity and collaborations are essential aspects of advancing academia. Publishing is a critical mechanism in higher education to allow faculty members to share new information in all disciplinary fields. Due to its importance, scholarly work is often heavily considered for promotion, tenure, compensation, and other merit decisions. Social network analysis (SNA) offers a useful methodology for evaluating productivity and collaborations within research networks. The purpose of this paper is to present a primer of SNA and demonstrate how SNA can be used to discern faculty research productivity and collaborations in highly integrated and complex research networks
- Beisiegel, M., & Eli, J. A. (2013, July). An investigation of novice mathematics teacher educators' experiences in transition from doctoral student to faculty member. International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kiel, Germany: International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
- Eli, J. A. (2013, January). A pre-service secondary mathematics teachers' implementation of a solids of revolution task: Learning to launch. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference. Orlando, FL: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
- Eli, J. A. (2013, October). Developing a collaborative model for mentoring secondary mathematics student teachers. American Mathematical Society Sectional Meeting; Special Session. Louisville, Ky: American Mathematical Society.
- Gonzalez, G., & Eli, J. A. (2013, April). Teaching tensions when scaffolding students' work in a problem-based lesson. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA: American Educational Research Association.
- McGraw, R., Eli, J. A., & Felton, M. D. (2013, February). Mathematics education research: What, who, and how?. The University of Arizona Mathematics Department Research Tutorial Groups. The University of Arizona: Department of Mathematics.
- Beisiegel, M., Eli, J. A., & McCloskey, A. (2012, April). New mathematics educators' preparation for academic careers: An exploratory study. National Council of Mathematics Teachers Research Pre-Session. Philadelphia, PA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Eli, J. A., Anhalt, C., Fernandez, M., & Wilson, P. (2012, February). Building reflective secondary pre-service teachers: A co-constructed triad of collaboration. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference. Fort Worth, TX: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
- Eli, J. A., Beisiegel, M., McCloskey, A., Welder, R., & Yow, J. (2012, April). Becoming a mathematics teacher educator: Novice faculty members' perceptions of the impact of doctoral program experiences. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada: American Educational Research Association.
- Eli, J. A., Yow, J., & Welder, R. (2012, April). Similarities among new teacher educators and new K-12 mathematics teachers. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-Session. Philadelphia, PA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- McCloskey, A., Eli, J. A., Beisiegel, M., Welder, R., & Yow, J. (2012, November). Parallel transitions: Challenges faced by new mathematics teachers and new mathematics teacher educators. International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter Annual Conference. Kalamazoo, MI: International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter.
- Thomas, M., Lozano, G., Patterson, C., & Eli, J. A. (2012, January). Developing a protocol for analyzing the quality of classroom interactions in an undergraduate calculus course. AMS-MAA-MER Annual Joint Conference. Boston, MA: American Mathematical Society; Mathematical Association of America.
- Welder, R., Yow, J., Beisiegel, M., & Eli, J. A. (2012, February). It's crazy; they told me it would be: Experiences of new mathematics teacher educators. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Fort Worth, TX: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
- Anhalt, C., Eli, J. A., & Cuprak, J. (2011, April). Mentoring student teachers: Co-constructing a professional relationship. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Beisiegel, M., Eli, J. A., McCloskey, A., Welder, R., & Yow, J. (2011, January). How do the experiences of new mathematics teachers and new mathematics educators compare?. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Pre-conference STaR Fellows Teacher Preparation Research Interest Group. Irvine, CA: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
- Beisiegel, M., Eli, J. A., McCloskey, A., Welder, R., & Yow, J. (2011, November). Transforming our practices by understanding the connections and comparing the challenges faced by new mathematics teachers and new mathematics teacher educators. International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter Annual Conference. Reno, NV: International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter.
- Beisigel, M., Eli, J. A., McCloskey, A., Welder, R., & Yow, J. (2011, October). Mathematics teacher educators: A missing link in the improvement and scholarship of mathematics teacher education. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference. Milwaukee, WI: International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
- Eli, J. A., Mohr-Schroeder, M. J., & Lee, C. W. (2011, January). Exploring mathematical connections through the use of card sort activities. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Irvine, CA: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
- Royal, K. D., & Eli, J. A. (2011, April). Using rasch measurement to measure factors affecting the frequency of academic misconduct. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA: American Educational Research Association.
- Anhalt, C., Cuprak, J., & Eli, J. A. (2010, April). Making connections: Long division of whole numbers and algebraic expressions. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. San Diego, CA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Eli, J. A. (2010, March). Dissect, rearrange, and motivate: Area explorations of two-dimensional figures. The University of Arizona Institute for Mathematics and Education Middle School Teachers' Circle. The University of Arizona: Institute for Mathematics and Education.
- Eli, J. A., Mohr-Schroeder, M. J., & Lee, C. W. (2010, January). Prospective middle grades teachers' mathematical connections and its relationship to their mathematics knowledge for teaching. The 8th annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI: Hawaii International Conference on Education.
- Bradley, K. D., Cunningham, J. D., & Eli, J. A. (2009, February). The relationship between primary methodology and perceptions of good educational research. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Chicago, IL: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
- Eli, J. A. (2009, October). Exploring the web of connections. The University of Arizona Department of Mathematics Instructional Colloquium. The University of Arizona: Department of Mathematics.
- Eli, J. A., & Mohr-Schroeder, M. J. (2009, April). An exploratory study of prospective teachers' mathematical connections while completing tasks in geometry. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. San Diego, CA: American Educational Research Association.
Poster Presentations
- Eli, J. A., & Gonzalez, G. (2014, April). Middle grades teachers' knowledge for teaching solids of revolution. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference. New Orleans, LA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Eli, J. A., Beisiegel, M., McCloskey, A., Welder, R., & Yow, J. (2012, July). Transitioning to faculty: new mathematics teacher educators' perceptions of successful doctoral program preparation. International Congress on Mathematical Education Conference. Seoul, South Korea.
- Eli, J. A., & Mohr-Schroeder, M. J. (2009, April). Prospective middle grades teachers' mathematical connections in geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-Session. Washington, DC: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Wolfe, J. A. (2022, May). Facilitating mathematics groupwork through complex instruction. [Year 4]. Professional Development Workshop. UArizona Algebra Academy.. UArizona Early Academic Outreach.
- Wolfe, J. A., & Hackett, M. (2022, June). Sunnyside Lab School for Teachers (S-Lab). [Year 5]. Professional Development.. Sunnyside Unified School District Professional Development Summer Labschool.
- Wolfe, J. A. (2021, May). Facilitating mathematics groupwork through complex instruction. [Year 3]. Professional Development. UArizona Algebra Academy.. UArizona Early Academic Outreach.
- Wolfe, J. A., & Hackett, M. (2021, June). Sunnyside Lab School for Teachers (S-Lab). [Year 4]. Professional Development.. Sunnyside Unified School District Professional Development Summer Labschool.
- Wolfe, J. A., & Hackett, M. (2020, July). Sunnyside Lab School for Teachers (S-Lab). [Year 3]. Professional Development.. Sunnyside Unified School District Professional Development Summer Labschool.More infoCreated, developed, and lead a 2-week professional development (labschool) for Sunnyside Unified School District. This particular labschool was modified for live online remote teaching with a focus on equity and interactive collaboration for the google meets online learning environment.
- Eli, J. A. (2019, May). Facilitating mathematics groupwork through complex instruction. [Year 2]. Professional Development. UArizona Algebra Academy.. UArizona Early Academic Outreach.
- Wolfe, J. A., & Hackett, M. (2019, June). Sunnyside Lab School for Teachers (S-Lab). [Year 2]. Professional Development.. Sunnyside Unified School District Professional Development Summer Labschool.
- Wolfe, J. A. (2018, May). Engaging students in equitable group collaboration: An introduction to complex instruction. [Year 1]. Professional Development. UArizona Algebra Academy.. UArizona Early Academic Outreach.
- Eli, J. A. (2016, December). Who's Doing the Math? Learning to Facilitate Groupwork Through Complex Instruction. The University of Arizona College of Science, Department of Mathematics Newsletter. http://w3.math.arizona.edu/files/newsletter/2016/Mathematics_NewsFall2016-web.pdf
- Torre, A. J., & Eli, J. A. (2016, March). Math education research: A complete non-scary and actually interesting area of math. Arizona Daily Wildcat.More infoPlease note that this was an article written by Alexa Jane Torres where I was interviewed along with my colleague Dr. Rebecca McGraw