Marta Civil
- Professor, Mathematics
- Chair, Roy F Graesser
- Professor, Teaching/Learning and Sociocultural Studies
- Coordinator, Outreach Activities
- Associate Head, Entry-Level Instruction
- Distinguished Professor, University-Outreach
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-6873
- Mathematics, Rm. 320
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- martac@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Education (Mathematics Education)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, United States
- Doing and Talking about Mathematics: A Study of Preservice Elementary Teachers
- Distinguished Scholar Award of the Special Interest Group for Research in Mathematics Education (SIG-RME)
- American Educational Research Association SIG-RME, Spring 2025
- Elected to National Academy of Education (NAEd)
- National Academy of Education, Spring 2025
- American Educational Research Association (AERA) Fellow
- AERA, Spring 2023
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), Spring 2021
- Distinguished Outreach Professor
- The University of Arizona, Fall 2020
- TODOS Iris Carl Leadership and Equity Award
- TODOS: Mathematics for All, Spring 2013
- Galileo Circle Fellow
- College of Science, University of Arizona, Spring 2007
- Distinguished Achievement in Science Education Award
- College of Science, University of Arizona., Spring 2005
Mathematics courses for prospective and practicing teachers; mathematics education research courses at the graduate level.
Equity in mathematics education; informal mathematics education; cultural, social, and language aspects in the teaching and learning of mathematics, linking in-school and out-of-school mathematics, and parental engagement in mathematics.
2024-25 Courses
TLS 920 (Spring 2025) -
TLS 920 (Fall 2024) -
Pro Dev Teaching Math
MATH 597T (Fall 2024) -
Rsrch Lrng/Mathematics
MATH 506A (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
TLS 920 (Summer I 2024) -
TLS 920 (Spring 2024) -
MATH 910 (Spring 2024) -
TLS 920 (Fall 2023) -
Pro Dev Teaching Math
MATH 597T (Fall 2023) -
MATH 910 (Fall 2023) -
Understand Ele Math - A
MATH 302A (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
TLS 920 (Spring 2023) -
Independent Study
MATH 599 (Spring 2023) -
TLS 920 (Fall 2022) -
Pro Dev Teaching Math
MATH 597T (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
TLS 920 (Spring 2022) -
TLS 920 (Fall 2021) -
Pro Dev Teaching Math
MATH 597T (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Col Alg Cncpts+Aplcns
MATH 112 (Fall 2020) -
Preceptor-University Teaching
TLS 791A (Fall 2020) -
Understand Ele Math - A
MATH 302A (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Calc Concepts: Business
MATH 116 (Spring 2020) -
Calculus Preparation
MATH 120R (Spring 2020) -
Col Alg Cncpts+Aplcns
MATH 112 (Spring 2020) -
TLS 920 (Spring 2020) -
First-Semester Calculus
MATH 122B (Spring 2020) -
TLS 793 (Spring 2020) -
MATH 263 (Spring 2020) -
Patterns, Functions & Modeling
MATH 106 (Spring 2020) -
MATH 910 (Spring 2020) -
Understand Ele Math - A
MATH 302A (Spring 2020) -
TLS 920 (Fall 2019) -
Pro Dev Teaching Math
MATH 597T (Fall 2019) -
Rsrch On Teaching Math
MATH 506C (Fall 2019) -
MATH 910 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
TLS 920 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
MATH 599 (Spring 2019) -
MATH 910 (Spring 2019) -
Classroom Research
TLS 793A (Fall 2018) -
MATH 920 (Fall 2018) -
TLS 920 (Fall 2018) -
MATH 910 (Fall 2018) -
Understand Ele Math - A
MATH 302A (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
MATH 920 (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
MATH 599 (Spring 2018) -
Teacher Educ Research
TTE 793B (Spring 2018) -
MATH 910 (Spring 2018) -
MATH 920 (Fall 2017) -
Independent Study
MATH 599 (Fall 2017) -
MATH 910 (Fall 2017) -
Understand Ele Math - A
MATH 302A (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
MATH 920 (Spring 2017) -
Rsrch On Teaching Math
MATH 506C (Spring 2017) -
MATH 920 (Fall 2016) -
LRC 900 (Fall 2016) -
MATH 910 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
MATH 910 (Summer I 2016) -
MATH 920 (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
MATH 599 (Spring 2016) -
MATH 593 (Spring 2016) -
MATH 910 (Spring 2016) -
Tps Math Elem+Mid Sch Tc
MATH 596F (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- de Oliveira, L. C., & Civil, M. (2020). Teaching mathematics to English language learners: Preparing pre-service and in-service teachers. Palgrave-macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-48355-5
- Crespo, S., Celedón-Pattichis, S., & Civil, M. (2017). Access and Equity: Promoting high quality mathematics in grades 3-5. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.More infoThird book in the series (in terms of order of publication)
- Hunter, R., Civil, M., Herbel-Eisemann, B., Planas, N., & Wagner, D. (2018). Mathematical discourse that breaks barriers and creates spaces for marginalized learners. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.More infoThis is an edited book with contributions from across the world
- White, D. Y., Fernandes, A., & Civil, M. (2017). Access and Equity: Promoting high quality mathematics in grades 9-12. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.More info4th and final book in the series
- Celedón-Pattichis, S., White, D. Y., & Civil, M. (2017). Access and Equity: Promoting high quality mathematics in grades K-2. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.More infoThis is the first volume of a 4-book series that NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) asked me to coordinate. I am the series editor as well as co-editor for each of the books
- Fernandes, A., Crespo, S., & Civil, M. (2017). Access and Equity: Promoting high quality mathematics in grades 6-8. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.More infoThis was the first book published in the series of 4 books
- White, D., Crespo, S., & Civil, M. (2016). Cases for teacher educators: Facilitating conversations about inequities in mathematics classrooms. Information Age Publishing.
- Wood, M. B., Eli, J. A., Turner, E. E., Civil, M., Civil, M., Turner, E. E., Eli, J. A., & Wood, M. B. (2016). Proceedings of the 38th Annual North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona.
- Civil, M., & Turner, E. E. (2014). The Common Core State Standards in mathematics for English language learners. Alexandria, VA: TESOL International Association.More infoThe CCSS have been adopted by most states in the country and we as mathematics educators must attend to this widespread adoption and implementation. This book addresses the gap reflected in the statement, "it is also beyond the scope of the Standards to define the full range of supports appropriate for English language learners." This collection of pedagogical practices supports ELLs with the content and language demands of the CCSSM. Each chapter highlights, via detailed classroom-based vignettes, specific pedagogical practices that teachers can use to support ELLs with the Standards for Mathematical Practices, and each concludes with questions for reflection and suggestions for action plans.
- Kitchen, R. S., Kitchen, R., & Civil, M. (2012).
Transnational and Borderland studies in mathematics education
. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203840955More infoPreface by Richard S. Kitchen and Marta Civil 1. Ecological Approaches to Transnational Research on Mathematical Reasoning: A Focus on Latino/a Mathematics Learners in the Borderlands by Judit Moschkovich 2. Crossing the Border between Home and School: Dominican Parents' Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics by Mary Q. Foote 3. Impressions of Mexican Immigrant Families on their Early Experiences with School Mathematics in Arizona by Marta Civil & Jose Maria Menendez 4. Becoming a "Liberal" Math Learner: Expanding Secondary School Mathematics to Support Cultural Connections, Multiple Mathematical Identities and Engagement by Lisa M. Jilk 5. Engaging Underprivileged Mexican students in Reform-Oriented Mathematics Instruction by Jose Luis Cortina 6. Considering Mexican and U.S. Teachers' Views on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Through a Teaching for Diversity Lens by Richard S. Kitchen 7. Teachers' Task Management Practices in the Context of Routine and Non-Routine Mathematics Problems: A Descriptive Analysis by Guadalupe I. Lozano Teran 8. Teachers' Conceptions of Mathematics and Mathematics Teaching and Learning: The Case of Two Elementary Teachers in Northern Mexico by Jesus Acosta-Iriqui 9. Looking Forward: Establishing a Research Agenda for Transnational and Borderland Studies in Mathematics Education by Richard S. Kitchen & Marta Civil Epilogue by Olimpia Figueras - Civil, M., & Menéndez, J. M. (2011). Impressions of Mexican immigrant families on their early experiences with school m athematics in Arizona.
- Kitchen, R., & Civil, M. (2011). Transnational and Borderland Studies in Mathematics Education. doi:10.4324/9780203840955More infoEvery year, signifi cant numbers of immigrant children from Mexico enter classrooms in the United States. Th ese immigrants comprise a heterogeneous group of students with diverse needs, abilities, and experiences. Transnational and Borderland Studies in Mathematics Education is the fi rst collection to off er research studies across these communities. Providing invaluable research on both sending and receiving communities in Mexico and the U.S., this collection considers the multiple aspects of children's experiences with mathematics, including curriculum, classroom participation structures, mathematical reasoning and discourse-both in and out of school-and parents' perceptions and beliefs about mathematics instruction. An important treatment of an insuffi ciently documented subject, this collection brings together researchers on both sides of the border to foster and support an interest in documenting evidence that will set the stage for future studies in mathematics education.
- Kitchen, R., & Civil, M. (2011). Transnational and borderland studies in mathematics education. New York: Routledge.More infoEvery year, significant numbers of immigrant children from Mexico enter classrooms in the United States. These immigrants comprise a heterogeneous group of students with diverse needs, abilities, and experiences. Transnational and Borderland Studies in Mathematics Education is the first collection to offer research studies across these communities. Providing invaluable research on both sending and receiving communities in Mexico and the US, this collection considers the multiple aspects of children’s experiences with mathematics, including curriculum, classroom participation structures, mathematical reasoning and discourse – both in and out of school – and parents’ perceptions and beliefs about mathematics instruction. An important treatment of an insufficiently documented subject, this collection brings together researchers on both sides of the border to foster and support an interest in documenting evidence that will set the stage for future studies in mathematics education.
- Téllez, K., Moschkovich, J., & Civil, M. (2011). Latinos/as and mathematics education: Research on learning and teaching in classrooms and communities. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.More infoThis book that explores the mathematics education of Latinos/as in 13 original research studies. Each chapter represents research that grounds mathematics instruction for Latinos/as in the resources to be found in culture and language. By inverting the deficit perspective, this volume redresses the shortcomings found in the previous literature on Latino/a learners. Each study frames language (e.g. bilingualism) not as an obstacle to learning, but as a resource for mathematical reasoning. Other chapters explore the notion of cultural variation not as a liability but as a tool for educators to build upon in the teaching of mathematics. Specifically, the book reframes culture as a focus on the practices, objects, inscriptions, or people that connect mathematical concepts to student thinking and experiences, both in and out of school.The book's four sections divide the research: The first section of the book focuses on mathematic learning in classrooms, specifically exploring bilingual, Latino/a students; the second section explores Latino/a learners in communities, including the role parents can play in advancing learning; the third section includes chapters focused on teacher professional growth; the final section concerns the assessment (and mis-assessment) of Latino/a learners. The research shared in this volume provides ample evidence that mathematics educators who choose to ignore language or culture in their pedagogy risk shortchanging their Latino/a students.
- Giménez, J., Díez-Palomar, F. J., & Civil, M. (2007).
Educación matemática y exclusión
- Salazar, F., & Civil, M. (2024). Mexican American women talking about graphs: A focus on their lived experiences. In Ethnomathematics and mathematics education: International perspectives in times of local and global change(pp 57-76). Springer.
- Civil, M., Been Bennett, A., & Salazar, F. (2021). Learning from mothers as they engage in mathematical modeling. In Exploring mathematical modeling with young learners(pp 413-436). Springer.
- Civil, M., Hunter, R., & Crespo, S. (2020).
Mathematics Teachers Committed to Equity: A Review of Teaching Practices
. In International handbook of mathematics teacher education (Vol. 1, Knowledge, beliefs, and identity in mathematics teaching and teaching development (2nd edition))(pp 243-273). Brill Sense. doi:10.1163/9789004418875_010 - Civil, M., Hunter, R., & Crespo, S. (2020). Mathematics teachers committed to equity: A review of teaching practices. In International handbook of mathematics teacher education (Vol. 1)(pp 243-273). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Brill / Sense Publishers.
- de Oliveira, L., & Civil, M. (2020). Introduction. In Teaching mathematics to English language learners: Preparing pre-service and in-service teachers. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-48355-5_1More infoThis chapter introduces changes in the demographic population in US schools and describes shifts in numbers of students who are classified as English language learners (ELLs). Then the authors describe the place of mathematics in the curriculum that can be challenging for ELLs. The chapter introduces each of the chapters in the collection by providing a brief description of each.
- Anhalt, C. O., Civil, M., Eli, J. A., & McGraw, R. (2019).
Stronger Together: The Arizona Mathematics Teaching (MaTh) Noyce Program’s Collaborative Model for Secondary Teacher Preparation
- Civil, M., Civil, M., Civil, M., Anhalt, C. O., Anhalt, C. O., Anhalt, C. O., Mcgraw, R. H., Mcgraw, R. H., Mcgraw, R. H., Eli, J. A., Eli, J. A., Eli, J. A., Civil, M., Anhalt, C. O., Mcgraw, R. H., & Eli, J. A. (2019). Stronger together: The Arizona Mathematics Teaching (MaTh) Noyce Program’s Collaborative Model for Secondary Teacher Preparation. In Recruiting, retaining, and preparing STEM teachers for a global generation. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense.More infoEli, J., McGraw R., Anhalt, C., & Civil, M. (2019). Stronger Together: The AZ Mathematics Teaching (MaTh) Noyce Program’s Collaborative Model for Secondary Teacher Preparation. Book chapter in J. Leonard, A. Burrows, and R. Kitchen (Eds.), Recruiting, Preparing, and Retaining STEM Teachers for a Global Generation. Sense Publishers, The Netherlands.
- Anhalt, C. O., Staats, S., Cortez, R., & Civil, M. (2018). Mathematical Modeling and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. In Cognition, Metacognition, and Culture in STEM Education(pp 307-330). New York: Springer.More infoAnhalt, C. O., Staats, S., Cortez, R., & Civil, (M). (2018). Mathematical modeling and culturally relevant pedagogy. In Y. J. Dori, Z. Mevarech, & D. Baker (Eds.). Cognition, metacognition, and culture in STEM education (pp. 307-330). New York: Springer
- Boukafri, K., Civil, M., & Planas, N. (2018).
A Teacher’s Use of Revoicing in Mathematical Discussions
. In Language and communication in mathematics education: International perspectives(pp 157-169). Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-75055-2_12More infoThis study explores how a teacher’s use of revoicing promotes students’ mathematical thinking and, more generally, mathematical learning opportunities. We analyzed four lessons where 12-year-old students solved geometry problems. We identified episodes that illustrate how the teacher’s actions supported students’ explanations during mathematical discussions. In this chapter we show two examples, from one of the lessons, where the teacher’s use of revoicing created spaces where students strengthened their understanding of the concept of distance between two points and its relation with the Pythagorean Theorem. Our theoretical approach to revoicing leads us to distinguish and examine three dimensions: linguistic, discursive and mathematical. The integrated view of such dimensions serves to find emergent relationships among talk, classroom discourse, and learning opportunities. - Civil, M. (2018). A commentary on identifying and connecting to family and community funds of knowledge. In Toward equity and social justice in mathematics education(pp 145-149). New York: Springer. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-92907-1
- Civil, M. (2018). Immigrant students in mathematics education. In Encyclopedia of mathematics education. New York: Springer. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77487-9_73-4More infoThis an updated entry for the Encyclopedia from the previous one from a few years ago
- Civil, M. (2018). Intersections of culture, language, and mathematics education: Looking back and looking ahead. In Invited Lectures from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education(pp 31-47). New York: Springer. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72170-5_3
- Civil, M., & Hunter, R. (2018). Promoting equitable teaching in mathematics teachers education. In Equity in mathematics education: Addressing a changing world. Charlotte, NC: IAP.
- Civil, M., Anhalt, C. O., Mcgraw, R. H., & Eli, J. A. (2019). Stronger together: The Arizona Mathematics Teaching (MaTh) Noyce Program’s Collaborative Model for Secondary Teacher Preparation. In Recruiting, retaining, and preparing STEM teachers for a global generation. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense.More infoEli, J., McGraw R., Anhalt, C., & Civil, M. (in press). Stronger Together: The AZ Mathematics Teaching (MaTh) Noyce Program’s Collaborative Model for Secondary Teacher Preparation. Book chapter in J. Leonard, A. Burrows, and R. Kitchen (Eds.), Recruiting, Preparing, and Retaining STEM Teachers for a Global Generation. Sense Publishers, The Netherlands.
- Civil, M., Cortez, R., Staats, S., & Anhalt, C. O. (2018). Mathematical Modeling and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. In Cognition, Metacognition, and Culture in STEM Education. The Netherlands.: Springer: the language of science, Publishing Editor Education.More infoAnhalt, C., Staats, S., Civil, M., & Cortez, R. (2018). Mathematical Modeling and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. Book chapter in Yehudit Judy Dori, Zemira Mevarech, and Dale Baker (Eds.), Cognition, Metacognition, and Culture in STEM Education. Springer: the language of science, Publishing Editor Education, The Netherlands.
- Eli, J. A., Mcgraw, R. H., Anhalt, C. O., & Civil, M. (2018). Stronger together: The Arizona Mathematics Teaching (MaTh) Noyce Program’s Collaborative Model for Secondary Teacher Preparation. In Recruiting, retaining, and preparing STEM teachers for a global generation. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense.
- Celedón-Pattichis, S., White, D. Y., & Civil, M. (2017). Introduction. In Access and equity: Promoting high-quality mathematics in grades preK-2(pp 1-12). Reston, VA: NCTM.More infoCeledón-Pattichis, S., White, D., & Civil, M. (2017). Introduction. In S. Celedón-Pattichis, D. Y. White, & M. Civil (Eds.). Access and equity: Promoting high-quality mathematics in grades preK-2 (pp. 1-12). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Fernandes, A., Civil, M., Cravey, A. J., & Deguzman, M. (2017).
Educating to empower Latina/os in mathematics in the new south
. In US Latinization: Education and the new Latino South(pp 67-88). State University of New York Press. - Fernandes, A., Crespo, S., & Civil, M. (2017). Introduction. In Access and equity: Promoting high-quality mathematics in grades 6-8(pp 1-10). Reston, VA: NCTM.More infoFernandes, A., Crespo, S., & Civil, M. (2017). Introduction. In A. Fernandes, S. Crespo, & M. Civil, M. (Eds.). Access and equity: Promoting high-quality mathematics in grades 6-8 (pp. 1-10). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Nemirovsky, R., Kelton, M. L., & Civil, M. (2017). Towards a vibrant and significant informal mathematics education. In First Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education (J. Cai, Editor)(pp 968-980). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.More infoNemirovsky, R., Kelton, M. L., & Civil, M. (2017). Towards a vibrant and significant informal mathematics education. In J. Cai (Ed.), First Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 968-980). Reston, VA: NCTM.
- Civil, M. (2016). “This is nice but they need to learn to do things the U.S. way”: Reaction to different algorithms. In Cases for mathematics teacher educators: Facilitating conversations about inequities in mathematics classrooms (D.Y. White, S. Crespo, & M. Civil, Editors)(pp 219-225). IAP.
- Felton-Koestler, M., & Civil, M. (2016). Conversations about inequities in mathematics content courses. In Cases for mathematics teacher educators: Facilitating conversations about inequities in mathematics classrooms(pp 215-218). IAP.
- Fernandes, A., Civil, M., Cravey, A., & DeGuzmán, M. (2017). Educating to empower Latina/os in mathematics in the New South. In US Latinization: Education and the new Latino South (S. Salas & P. Portes, Eds.)(pp 67-88). SUNY Press.
- White, D. Y., Crespo, S., & Civil, M. (2016). Facilitating conversations about inequities in mathematics classrooms. In Cases for mathematics teacher educators: Facilitating conversations about inequities in mathematics classrooms(pp 1-5). Information Age Press.
- Civil, M. (2014). Immigrant Students in Mathematics Education. In Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education(pp 277-282). New York, NY: Springer.More infoS. Lerman (Ed.)
- Civil, M., & Turner, E. E. (2014). Introduction to Common Core Standards in Mathematics for English Learners. In The CCSS in Mathematics for English Language Learners(pp 1-5). TESOL Press.
- Fernandes, A., Civil, M., & Kahn, L. H. (2014). Beyond writing and speaking: Broadening mathematical communication with English language learners. In The Common Core State Standards in mathematics for English language learners: Grades K-8(pp 67-80). Alexandria, VA: TESOL International Association.More infoM. Civil & E. E. Turner (Eds.)
- Civil, M. (2012). Mathematics teaching and learning of immigrant students: An overview of the research field across multiple settings. In Opening the cage: Critique and politics of mathematics education(pp 127-142). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.More infoB. Greer & O. Skovsmose (Eds.)
- Civil, M., & Menendez, J. M. (2012). "Parents and children come together": Latino and Latina parents speak up about mathematics teaching and learning. In Beyond good teaching: Advancing mathematics education for ELLs(pp 127-138). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.More infoS. Celedon-Pattichis & N. Ramirez (Eds.)
- Civil, M., & Planas, N. (2012). Whose Language is It? Reflection on mathematics education and language diversity from two context. In Alternative forms of knowing (in) mathematics(pp 71--89). Springer.
- Civil, M., Planas, N., & Quintos, B. (2012). Immigrant parents’ perspectives on their children’s mathematics education. In Towards equity in mathematics education: Gender, culture and diversity(pp 267-282). New York, NY: Springer.More info(Reprint of article published in ZDM (2005), 37(2)). H. Forgasz & F. Rivera (Eds.)
- Civil, M., Planas, N., & Quintos, B. (2012). Preface to “immigrant parents’ perspectives on their children’s mathematics education”. In Towards equity in mathematics education(pp 261-266). New York: NY: Springer.More infoH. Forgasz & F. Rivera (Eds.)
- D'iez-Palomar, J., Civil, M., & Molina Roldan, S. (2012). Problematizing family engagement in building bridges to improve mathematics education: Spaces for participation. In Educational leadership: Building bridges among ideas, schools and nations(pp 51-66). Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing.More infoC. Boske (Ed.)
- Civil, M., & Menendez, J. (2011).
Impressions of Mexican immigrant families on their early experiences with school m athematics in Arizona
. In Transnational and borderland studies in mathematics education(pp 47-68). - Planas, N., & Civil, M. (2010).
Discourse processes in critical mathematics education
. In Critical mathematics education: Past, present and future(pp 145-160). Brill | Sense. doi:10.1163/9789460911644_012 - Planas, N., & Civil, M. (2010). Participación, aprendizaje matemático y diversidad lingüística. In Educación matemática y ciudadanía(pp 129-146).
- Civil, M., & Planas, N. (2010).
Latino/a Immigrant Parents’ Voices in Mathematics Education
. In Immigration, diversity, and education(pp 130-150). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203872864-12 - Civil, M., & Quintos, B. (2009). Latina mothers' perceptions about the teaching and learning of mathematics: Implications for parental participation. In Culturally responsive mathematics education. doi:10.4324/9780203879948
- Planas, N., & Civil, M. (2007).
Reconstrucción de creencias, prácticas e identidades en torno a la educación matemática de alumnos inmigrantes
. In Educación matemática y exclusión(pp 131-145). Graó. - Rodríguez, J. G., Palomar, F. D., & Civil, M. (2007). Exclusión y matemáticas: elementos que explican la investigación actual en el área . In Educación matemática y exclusión,(pp 9-44). Graó.
- Civil, M., & Andrade, R. (2003).
Collaborative Practice with Parents: The role of the researcher as mediator
. In Collaboration in teacher education: Examples from the context of mathematics education(pp 153-168). Springer, Dordrecht. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-1072-5_11More infoThis work shares the experiences of an ongoing collaboration between Mexican immigrant women, the authors, and the principal and the librarian at a middle school in Tucson, Arizona. The collaboration entailed the establishment of rapport through respectful interactions between mothers, school personnel and university researchers. It also required challenging otherwise slanted forms of participation as a consequence of hegemonic practices that make passive forms of participation seem otherwise “normal.” Mathematics workshops for parents, most of whom were mothers, for engaging in a two-way dialogue about mathematics became the form for moving along the collaboration continuum. In this continuum the workshops served as the forum for moving from the role of parent-as-caretaker to parent-as-intellectual and finally parent-as-teacher. In this manner we strove to define a collaborative practice with parents on a more egalitarian and informed platform. - Civil, M., & Andrade, R. (2002).
Transitions between Home and School Mathematics: Rays of Hope Amidst the Passing Clouds
. In Transitions between contexts of mathematical practices(pp 149-169). Springer, Dordrecht. doi:10.1007/0-306-47674-6_7
- Quintos, B., Turner, E. E., & Civil, M. (2024). Parents and teachers collaborating to disrupt asymmetrical power positions in mathematics education. ZDM-Mathematics Education, 56, 409-421. doi:10.1007/s11858-024-01555-1More infoThis paper describes an innovative mathematics learning partnership that engages teachers and parents of multilingual children ages 7–10 from schools in underserved communities. At the center of this transformative work is the use of two complementary approaches to advancing equity in education– funds of knowledge and positioning theory. While both theories have been applied in mathematics education, they have not been integrated in a parent-teacher partnership program aimed at enhancing collaboration between multilingual families and teachers. We describe how the theories informed key features of our partnership model, including mathematical tasks and lesson planning activities for parents and teachers. Our research questions focused on how parents and teachers learned about each other’s experiences and strengths, and disrupted traditional power differentials between them as they participated in these collaborative activities. Our findings are structured around two in-depth cases that illustrate patterns in our analysis, including features of activities that supported collaborative interactions and co-construction of knowledge. We end with implications for future mathematics education focused partnerships between multilingual families and schools.
- Quintos, B., Turner, E., & Civil, M. (2024). Parents and teachers collaborating to disrupt asymmetrical power positions in mathematics education. ZDM - Mathematics Education, 56(3). doi:10.1007/s11858-024-01555-1More infoThis paper describes an innovative mathematics learning partnership that engages teachers and parents of multilingual children ages 7–10 from schools in underserved communities. At the center of this transformative work is the use of two complementary approaches to advancing equity in education– funds of knowledge and positioning theory. While both theories have been applied in mathematics education, they have not been integrated in a parent-teacher partnership program aimed at enhancing collaboration between multilingual families and teachers. We describe how the theories informed key features of our partnership model, including mathematical tasks and lesson planning activities for parents and teachers. Our research questions focused on how parents and teachers learned about each other’s experiences and strengths, and disrupted traditional power differentials between them as they participated in these collaborative activities. Our findings are structured around two in-depth cases that illustrate patterns in our analysis, including features of activities that supported collaborative interactions and co-construction of knowledge. We end with implications for future mathematics education focused partnerships between multilingual families and schools.
- Domínguez, H., Takeuchi, M. A., & Civil, M. (2023).
Three embodied voices speaking on/to research on language, mathematics, and the learner
. ZDM-Mathematics Education, 55, 1037-1051. doi:10.1007/s11858-023-01525-z - Civil, M. (2021). Learning With and From the Community. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education at Teachers College, 12(2).
- Civil, M. (2022).
Learning With and From the Community
. Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College. doi:10.52214/jmetc.v12i2.8879 - Civil, M., & Quintos, B. (2021). Mothers and children doing mathematics together: Implications for teacher learning. Teachers College Record.
- Civil, M., & Quintos, B. (2022).
Mothers and Children Doing Mathematics Together: Implications for Teacher Learning
. Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education, 124(5), 13-29. doi:10.1177/01614681221105008More infoBackground/Context: There is much to understand about how parents and children interact around mathematics, particularly with families whose home language is different from the children’s main language of schooling. Families of immigrant origin are likely to bring experiences and knowledge that may be different from what their children’s schools expect or value. Educators can benefit greatly from a better understanding of these experiences and the nature of the parent–child mathematical interactions. Purpose/Focus of Study: Learning about and from the nature of parent–child mathematical interactions can support the in-school learning of mathematics of bilingual children. We use positioning theory to explore the question, “What are the positions in parent–child interactions during mathematics tasks?” Setting: The context for our study is workshops designed to engage families in explorations of mathematical tasks from the school curriculum, with a focus on conceptual understanding and problem-solving. The workshops were bilingual; most parents were of Mexican origin and had Spanish as their primary language, while their children were being taught in English at school. The workshops built on two related theoretical concepts: funds of knowledge and parents as intellectual resources. Research Design: This study focuses on interactions between parents and children around mathematics. We did a purposeful selection of video clips from the workshop recordings. In this article, we focus on two cases that present two different contexts, a game situation and a more school-like mathematics activity. We used positioning theory to interpret how the mothers and children related with each other and therefore interactively positioned themselves and each other. Findings: In both cases, mothers and daughters held the position of knowledge holders, and their positions changed in moment-to-moment interactions. Also, while at times, the mothers exerted a position of authority as mothers, they did not use this position to impose their views; rather, they engaged with their daughters in the learning process. The mothers and their daughters drew on their everyday ways of being (e.g., playfulness, translanguaging) in their mathematical interactions. The interactions showed instances of co-learning, that is, adapting and learning from each other. Conclusions/Recommendations: The mothers and daughters in this study drew on their everyday ways of being, including their cultural and linguistic funds of knowledge, during the mathematical interactions. Teachers can improve their practice by learning about these interactions. It is important to explore how educators can develop co-learning environments in the classroom that support collaborative sense-making. - Civil, M., Salazar, F., & Stoehr, K. J. (2022).
The Power of Mothers and Teachers Engaging in a Mathematics Bilingual Collaboration
. Teachers College Record, 124(5), 30-48. doi:10.1177/01614681221103947More infoBackground: Making mathematics connections between home and school can have a positive impact on students’ mathematics learning. This is particularly important for students whose experiences and perspectives are underrepresented in school curricula. Although there is evidence for how crucial it is to make connections between mathematics instruction and children’s lived experiences, doing so is often a challenging task for teachers. Purpose: This study examines what teachers in two different settings—a dual language school and a Structured English Immersion school—learned from engaging in a mathematics collaboration with Latina mothers. We share the teachers’ perceptions of their students’ and families’ mathematics’ strengths and how they envisioned their future mathematics teaching. Research Design: This qualitative interpretive study explored how 15 teachers from two states made sense of their experiences working together in a two-year mathematics collaboration with mothers from their school community. We collected multiple teacher reflections and artifacts, and administered a small group interview with teachers and parents and an individual teacher interview. We used an iterative analysis by demarcating the words that pertained to the different data sources, as we looked for patterns of the teachers’ key ideas. We summarized the key ideas across the data sources that resulted in six major themes. Findings: The key findings in this study reveal that the teachers learned from the mothers more about their students’ lives outside of school, the mothers’ mathematics background, and ways to create multiple channels of communication with the mothers. The teachers also learned about the significant contributions that the mothers make to their children’s mathematics education and the importance of honoring the mothers’ ways of doing mathematics in their mathematics teaching. The teachers shared how the collaboration with the mothers helped to serve as a guide to leverage their students’ learning of mathematics in Spanish and English. Conclusions/Recommendations: This study suggests that mathematics collaborations between teachers and parents can be highly beneficial to student learning. It showcases the importance of providing teachers with opportunities to learn about the rich mathematics knowledge that parents from diverse backgrounds possess. This study also demonstrates that creating authentic relationships that enhance mutual understandings between teachers and parents can be key in supporting Latinx students’ mathematics learning. We recommend that these types of collaborations between teachers and parents be considered part of the preparation of preservice teachers as well as the professional learning of in-service teachers. - Stoehr, K., Salazar, F., & Civil, M. (2021). The power of parents and teachers engaging in a mathematics bilingual collaboration. Teachers College Record.
- Roberta, H., & Civil, M. (2021). Collaboration in mathematics: Taking a sociocultural perspective. Avances de Investigación en Educación Matemática, 19, 7-20.
- Salazar, F., & Civil, M. (2021).
Experiencias de cinco madres mexicanas con la enseñanza de las matemáticas a distancia de sus hijos e hijas
. Cuadernos de Investigación y Formación en Educación Matemática,, 20, 279-289. - Salazar, F., & Civil, M. (2021). Experiencias de cinco madres mexicanas con la enseñanza de las matemáticas a distancia de sus hijos e hijas (Five Mexican mothers’ experiences with their children’s online mathematics teaching). Cuadernos de Investigación y Formación en Educación Matemática, 20, 279-289.
- Civil, M. (2020). Families as resources for the learning and teaching of mathematics. Revista APEduC Journal: Research and Practices in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 1(2), 186-193.
- Civil, M. (2020). Teachers, teacher educators, and families working together towards a transformative equitable education. Revista APEduC Journal: Research and Practices in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 1(2), 198-200.
- Civil, M., & Hunter, R. (2020). Review of the book The Stories we tell: Math, race, bias, and opportunity, by V. N. Faulkner, P. L. Marshall, & L. V. Stiff. Teachers College Record.More infoThis is a review of the book Review of the book The Stories we tell: Math, race, bias, and opportunity, by V. N. Faulkner, P. L. Marshall, & L. V. StiffIt appears in the Book Reviews section of Teachers College Record, March 2020
- Civil, M., & Stoehr, K. J. (2019).
Conversations between Preservice Teachers and Latina Mothers: An Avenue to Transformative Mathematics Teaching
. Journal of Latinos and Education, 21(4), 1-13. doi:10.1080/15348431.2019.1653300More infoMathematics education researchers agree that students’ mathematical learning can be positively impacted by making connections to their out of school experiences through a funds of knowledge lens. T... - Civil, M., Stoehr, K. J., & Salazar, F. (2019). Learning with and from immigrant mothers: Implications for adult numeracy. ZDM Mathematics Education, 1/12. doi:10.1007/s11858-019-01076-2More infoThis paper focuses on a group of mothers of immigrant origin as they engage in explorations and conversations about mathematics. We examine how bringing in tasks that draw on their children’s school mathematics, and on the participants’ knowledge and experiences, can inform us about their understanding of mathematics and provide opportunities to further enhance this understanding. Our analysis centers on two different types of mathematical tasks, both with rich potential for adult numeracy education. The first type of task engages the mothers in school mathematics through an exploration of addition and subtraction. In the second type of task, we look at mothers as adult learners working on two mathematical problem solving tasks, with different levels of connections to their everyday experiences. The findings point to a relationship between the type of context (everyday based versus school based) and the nature of the adult learners’ mathematical sense making and engagement with the tasks. While there was some initial apprehension towards the school based tasks, the direct connection to what their children are learning was a strong motivator. The everyday based tasks bring up the potential tension between everyday mathematics and academic mathematics. The more the task connected to their everyday knowledge, the more the mothers drew on their experience to offer approaches that made sense from a practical point of view. We argue that these different types of tasks can complement each other in working with adult learners to enhance their numeracy skills.
- Quintos, B., Civil, M., & Bratton, J. (2019). Promoting change through a formative intervention: Contradictions in mathematics education parental engagement. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 26(2), 171-186. doi:10.1080/10749039.2019.1602656
- Civil, M. (2018).
Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Equity in Mathematics Education.
. International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. - Stoehr, K., & Civil, M. (2018). Conversations between preservice teachers and Latina mothers: An avenue to transformative mathematics teaching. Journal of Latinos and Education.
- Aguirre, J., Herbel-Eisenman, B., Celedón-Pattichis, S., Civil, M., Wilkerson, T., Stephan, M., Pape, S., & Clements, D. H. (2017). Equity within mathematics education research as a political act: Moving from choice to intentional collective professional responsibility. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 48(2), 124-147.
- Fernandes, A., Kahn, L. H., & Civil, M. (2017). A closer look at bilingual students’ use of multimodality in the context of an area comparison problem from a large-scale assessment. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 95(3), 263-282. doi:10.1007/s10649-017-9748-5
- Civil, M. (2016).
A rejoinder to Jrène Rahm’s “Stories of learning, identity, navigations and boundary crossings in STEM in non-dominant communities: new imaginaries for research and action”
. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 11(1), 77-80. doi:10.1007/s11422-014-9647-3More infoThis article presents my rejoinder to Jrene Rahm’s response to my article “STEM learning research through a funds of knowledge lens.” I focus on four themes that emerged from my reading of her commentary: the importance of the histories of youth of immigrant origin; her comments on globality; the theoretical lens that she brings to my research; and the methodological issues she discusses. I highlight Rahm’s humanizing component and the need to understand the complexity of immigration. What are we doing in our global settings to build on the diversity of experiences and backgrounds among the youth as a resource towards STEM learning? - Civil, M. (2016).
STEM learning research through a funds of knowledge lens
. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 11(1), 41-59. doi:10.1007/s11422-014-9648-2More infoThis article examines STEM learning as a cultural process with a focus on non-dominant communities. Building on my work in funds of knowledge and mathematics education, I present three vignettes to raise some questions around connections between in-school and out-of-school mathematics. How do we define competence? How do task and environment affect engagement? What is the role of affect, language, and cognition in different settings? These vignettes serve to highlight the complexity of moving across different domains of STEM practice—everyday life, school, and STEM disciplines. Based on findings from occupational interviews I discuss characteristics of learning and engaging in everyday practices and propose several areas for further research, including the nature of everyday STEM practices, valorization of knowledge, language choice, and different forms of engagement. - Herbel-Eisenmann, B., Sinclair, N., Chval, K. B., Clements, D. H., Civil, M., Pape, S. J., Stephan, M., Wanko, J. J., & Wilkerson, T. L. (2016).
Research Committee: Positioning Mathematics Education Researchers to Influence Storylines
. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 47(2), 102-117. doi:10.5951/jresematheduc.47.2.0102More infoIn this commentary, we identify key influences on mathematics education that are largely outside the domain of the academic world in which most mathematics education researchers live. The groups that we identify–including the media, companies and foundations, and other academic domains–affect the public's perception of mathematics and mathematics education. Identifying this set of influences in particular is important because these groups often shape policymakers' viewpoints and decisions, but there is not always agreement between mathematics education researchers and these groups about the ways in which mathematics and mathematics education are framed. Whenever a conflict is brought to the foreground, it can be difficult to raise issues without appearing defensive or sounding querulous. It is helpful, then, to bring to bear a theory that can help us interpret this reality (Mewborn, 2005); theories can provide a way to encode, read, and examine a problem as well as offer insights into the design of new practices (Silver & Herbst, 2007). In this case, we use positioning theory to examine potential conflicts between mathematics education researchers and other groups because it offers interesting interpretive insights into the phenomenon and because it can lead to potential strategies for working toward different positionings for mathematics education researchers. We begin by explaining relevant ideas from positioning theory, including storylines, positions, and communication actions. We then use these ideas to highlight current storylines underlying communication by the abovementioned groups about mathematics and mathematics education and trace some of their historical and contextual roots. We argue that mathematics education researchers can intervene to shift these storylines and positionings and to have greater impact on policy, practice, and public perception in the future. Finally, we end by offering specific suggestions for beginning this work. - Herbel-Eisenmann, B., Sinclair, N., Chval, K. B., Clements, D. H., Civil, M., Pape, S. J., Stephan, M., Wanko, J. J., & Wilkerson, T. L. (2016). Positioning mathematics education researchers to influence storylines. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 47(2), 102-117.
- Civil, M., & Hunter, R. (2015). Participation of non-dominant students in argumentation in the mathematics classroom. Intercultural Education, 26, 296-312. doi:10.1080/14675986.2015.1071755
- Stephan, M. L., Chval, K. B., Wanko, J. J., Civil, M., Fish, M. C., Herbel-Eisenmann, B., Konold, C., & Wilkerson, T. L. (2015). Grand challenges and opportunities in mathematics education research. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 46, 134-146.
- Civil, M. (2014).
Musings around Participation in the Mathematics Classroom
. The Mathematics Educator, 23(2), 3-22. - Civil, M. (2014).
Why Should Mathematics Educators Learn from and about Latina/o Students' In-School and Out-of-School Experiences?
. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education,, 7(2), 9-20. doi:10.21423/jume-v7i2a251 - Civil, M. (2014). Musings around participation in the mathematics classroom (Guest editorial). The Mathematics Educator, 23(2), 3-22.
- Civil, M. (2014). Why should mathematics educators learn from and about Latina/o students’ in-school and out-of-school experience? (Invited Commentary).. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 7(2), 9-20.
- Civil, M. (2014). [Review of] Empowering science and mathematics education in urban school. Research in Mathematics Education, 16, 79-84.More infoDOI: 10.1080/14794802.2013.836384.
- Civil, M. (2016). A rejoinder to Jrene Rahm’s “Stories of learning, identity, navigations and boundary crossings in STEM in non-dominant communities: new imaginaries for research and action”. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 11, 77-80. doi:10.1007/s11422-014-9647-3More infoDOI 10.1007/s11422-014-9647-3
- Civil, M. (2016). STEM learning research through a funds of knowledge lens. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 11, 41-59. doi:10.1007/s11422-014-9648-2More infoDOI 10.1007/s11422-014-9648-2
- Civil, M. (2013).
Review of "Empowering science and mathematics education in urban schools"
. Research in Mathematics Education, 16, 79-84. doi:10.1080/14794802.2013.836384 - Planas, N., & Civil, M. (2013). Language-as-resource and language-as-political: Tensions in the bilingual mathematics classroom. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 25, 361-378.More infoDOI 10.1007/s13394-013-0075-6
- Strutchens, M., Bay-Williams, J., Civil, M., Chval, K., Malloy, C., White, D., D’Ambrosio, B., & Berry, R. (2012). Foregrounding equity in mathematics teacher education. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 15, 1-7.
- Díez-Palomar, J., Menendez, J., & Civil, M. (2011).
Learning mathematics with adult learners: Drawing from parents' perspectives.
. RELIME. Revista latinoamericana de investigación en matemática educativa, 14(1), 71-94.More infoThis article explores issues related to the relationship between everyday mathematics and academic mathematics within adult education, through a series of workshops with parents. Participants were encouraged to reflect on their perspective on learning and teaching mathematics through different activities in the workshops. All sessions were videotaped. Our analysis of multiple episodes revealed three topics: contextualization, transferring the mathematical knowledge, and sense making. We use three vignettes to illustrate these topics. Our study implications for adult education focus on mathematics as a situated practice produced as a consequence of interaction among learners in egalitarian spaces. - Díez-Palomar, J., Menéndez, J. M., & Civil, M. (2011). Learning mathematics with adult learners: drawing from parents' perspective. Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa (RELIME), 14(1), 71-94.More infoThis article explores issues related to the relationship between everyday mathematics and academic mathematics within adult education, through a series of workshops with parents. Participants were encouraged to reflect on their perspective on learning and teaching mathematics through different activities in the workshops. All sessions were videotaped. Our analysis of multiple episodes revealed three topics: contextualization, transferring the mathematical knowledge, and sense making. We use three vignettes to illustrate these topics. Our study implications for adult education focus on mathematics as a situated practice produced as a consequence of interaction among learners in egalitarian spaces.
- Strutchens, M. E., Bay-Williams, J. M., Civil, M., Chval, K. B., Malloy, C. E., White, D. Y., D’Ambrosio, B. S., & Berry, R. Q. (2011).
Foregrounding equity in mathematics teacher education
. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education,, 15, 1-7. doi:10.1007/s10857-011-9202-z - Civil, M., & Planas, N. (2010).
El aprendizaje matemático de alumnos bilingües en Barcelona y Tucson
. Quadrante. doi:10.48489/quadrante.22849More infoIn this article, we address aspects of the participation and learning of bilingual students in the mathematics classroom. We draw on data from our studies with bilingual students from Latin America attending school in Barcelona, Spain, and with bilingual students of Mexican origin in Tucson, U.S. We attempt to show that even in two rather different realities, there are groups of students experiencing similar dilemmas and problems. Social theories of learning are used to interpret some of these problems. We assume that some forms of discourse limit the opportunities of participation in the classroom and the access to mathematical knowledge. For this reason, we analyze the classroom discourse through short episodes and interviews. Our findings in the two research contexts shed light on how the selection and use of one language instead of another in the mathematics class have an influence on the students’ participation. - Fernandes, A., Anhalt, C. O., & Civil, M. (2010). Going beyond ‘multiple choice’: Probing Mexican-American students’ thinking and communicating on assessment items in measurement. TODOS Research Monograph II, Assessment of Hispanic/Latino Students in Mathematics, 2(1).More infoFernandes, A., Anhalt, C., & Civil, M. (2010). Going beyond ‘multiple choice’: Probing Mexican-American students’ thinking and communicating on assessment items in measurement. TODOS Research Monograph II, Assessment of Hispanic/Latino Students in Mathematics.
- Anhalt, C. O., Civil, M., & Fernandes, A. (2009).
Mathematical Interviews to Assess Latino Students.
. Teaching children mathematics, 16(3), 162-169. doi:10.5951/tcm.16.3.0162More infoTeachers' use of appropriate questioning strategies illustrates the interplay between language and math as English Language Learners describe their understanding of measurement in one-on-one interviews - Civil, M., & Planas, N. (2009).
Working with mathematics teachers and immigrant students: an empowerment perspective
. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 12(6), 391-409. doi:10.1007/s10857-009-9116-1More infoThis article centers on a professional development project with a group of high school mathematics teachers in Barcelona. The eight participating teachers taught in low-income schools with a high percentage of immigrant students. Our model of professional development is based on the involvement of the teachers as co-researchers of their local contexts and practices. In this approach, our concept of social justice is tied to the notion of empowerment, both for teachers and for their immigrant students. Our analysis of data from twelve sessions with the teachers shows the development of a shared awareness of their local situation that leads to their questioning of their practices followed by a reconstruction of those. Teachers worked together to move from talking to action. Our analysis of data from the implementation of one lesson in a classroom shows that action, and illustrates signs of empowerment in the teacher and the students, such as students’ challenging of aspects of the task and taking on a more participatory role and the teacher’s reflection on the overall experience. - Acosta-Iriqui, J., Civil, M., Díez-Palomar, J., & Menendez, J. (2008).
Parents' Interactions with Their Children When Doing Mathematics.
. Adults Learning Mathematics.More infoIn this paper we discuss a study that looks at the kinds of practices that Latino parents use to support their children’s learning of mathematics. Some of our findings reveal that parents react to their children’s mathematics education looking back to their own experiences as students. Thus, in some cases, they are faced with pedagogical strategies unfamiliar to them. This may lead to conflict but also to possibilities for exchange of strategies and learning for both parties, children and parents. Our study shows the resourcefulness among parents who not only had different learning experiences but also may encounter a language barrier. Parents turn to the community for help, such as taking their children to the community centre, or asking other family members or neighbors for help with homework. There are also parents who express some concern about the level of the mathematics that their children are studying. Some parents deliberately engage with their children in activities that promote and require explicit display of mathematical reasoning and knowledge. Our findings point to the different ways in which community, family and school are connected. - Civil, M., & Menendez, J. M. (2008).
Mathematics Workshops for Parents: An Example of Non-Formal Adult Education.
. Adult learning, 19(3-4), 17-20. doi:10.1177/104515950801900304More infoThe world of adult mathematics education presents itself as a mosaic when it comes to all the different shapes it may take on. Some of these differences are related to the approach and the motivation for learning mathematics (FitzSimons, 2007). One of these variations is the length of the experience, from a once-in-a-lifetime event to a college degree in mathematics, which implies several years. Another variation is that of the purpose for the course, may it be as part of a GED program, as part of a vocational training, or to learn about home finances, to mention a few. One could be required to take a course in mathematics to advance in one's career, as in a training program at work, one may attend a talk in mathematics for the fun of it, or to understand what your children learn in school these days. Safford-Ramus (2008) presents a list of different instructional settings of adult mathematics education, such as basic education, secondary, undergraduate, prison, military, workplace, and more. Within all these variations, we place initiatives for adults learning mathematics on a scale from informal to formal models. In the one extreme, we have those sporadic events that may occur as part of a science fair at one's child's school, such as a short presentation on the concept of zero according to the Mayans. This experience is not structured with a follow up on number systems series of lessons or anything else, you are not forced to attend, and your job is not in jeopardy for not going to this talk. On the other extreme, you have the regular school courses that you are expected to attend a few days per week, a few weeks a semester; do homework and take tests; receive grades; and eventually will lead to a degree that has social or professional recognition. Between these two extremes, we have a model of adult education in non formal settings. In the context of adult education on agricultural issues, Etllng (1993) defines the term nonformal, citing Kleis (1973, p. 6), as "any intentional and systematic educational enterprise (usually outside of traditional schooling) in which content is adapted to the unique needs of the students (or unique situations)" (p. 73). Kalantzis (n.d.) defines semi formal learning as follows: Semi-formal learning involves partially institutionalized settings focused on particular life or workplace learning. It generally does not involve accreditation but aligns with learner's aspirations. Indeed the idea of self-directed learning became an important feature of adult education, particularly in relation to workplace and community learning (p. 2). In the context of the mathematics workshops around which our work takes place, what we refer to as nonformal education is the type of education that is systematic, not for accreditation or promotion, adapted to the unique situation of the participants, of voluntary attendance, and relatively flexible structure (Menendez & Civil, 2009). In this article, we share our experiences facilitating a series of mathematics for parents' workshops (MFP) throughout two and a half years and address the structure, history and development of these workshops. We then analyze how this experiment fits the concept of nonformal adult education and conclude with our assessment of the pros and cons of our implementation, as well as recommendations for future initiatives. Mathematics Workshops Our work with parents is modeled after our prior experiences with Latino/a parents and mathematics and, in particular, we structured these workshops as "Tertulias Matematicas" (Mathematical Circles) (Bratton, Quintos, & Civil, 2004; Quintos, Bratton, & Civil, 2005). The word "tertulia" connotes the image of a group of people who gets together regularly to talk about different topics (e.g., discussing a book). This is the flavor that we seek to develop in our workshops. Description and Evolution of the Workshop In the fall semester of 2006, we started to facilitate MFP workshops at a middle school in a predominantly Latino neighborhood in a borderland city of the Southwestern United States. … - Civil, M., & Quintos, B. (2008).
Parental Engagement in a Classroom Community of Practice: Boundary Practices as Part of a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy.
. Adults Learning Mathematics.More infoThis study addresses the pressing need to recognize and include disenfranchised students within mathematics education in a way that incorporates the voices of their communities. We use the concept of boundary practices to point to the multiple ways in which the mathematics learning practices in a classroom connect or disconnect, include or exclude, adults as a resource for a culturally responsive pedagogy. Case studies developed through ethnographic methods of data collection allow an in-depth analysis and exploration of emergent themes. Our data suggest that the nature of the community of practice plays a critical role in establishing relationships with parents. Parental involvement is distributed and influenced by the nature and history of the community, as well as by the identities of the participants. Finally, our data indicate that a culturally relevant pedagogy facilitates an egalitarian dialogue with parents and between parents and children. - Palomar, F. J., Civil, M., & Palomar, F. J. (2007).
El impacto de la migración sobre el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en el contexto de una ciudad fronteriza en el Suroeste de los Estados Unidos
. Matematicalia: revista digital de divulgación matemática de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española. - Bernier, E., & Civil, M. (2006).
Exploring Images of Parental Participation in Mathematics Education: Challenges and Possibilities
. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 8(3), 309-330. doi:10.1207/s15327833mtl0803_6More infoIn this article, we draw on research within a large project on parental involvement in mathematics education in working-class Latino communities. Our research is situated within a sociocultural framework and, in particular, the concept of funds of knowledge. We also draw on research on parental involvement in education, particularly that which critically examines issues of power and perceptions of parents. We build on the concept of dialogic learning and on the characterization of parents as intellectual resources and present a model for parental involvement in mathematics in which parents engage as (a) parents, (b) learners, (c) facilitators, and (d) leaders. In particular, in this article, we focus on the third component—parents as facilitators of mathematics workshops for the community at large—centering on some of the challenges as parents and teachers engage in this type of collaboration. We also look at the possibilities afforded by a model for parental involvement that views parents as intellectual... - Bratton, J., Civil, M., & Quintos, B. (2005).
Parents and mathematics education in a latino community: Redefining parental participation
. Multicultural Education, 13(2), 60-64. - Civil, M., Clark, S. L., Webster, J., & Wiles, P. G. (2005).
Finding a Good Fit: Using MCC in a "Third Space"
. Journal of American Indian Education, 44(3), 9-30.More infoMath in a Cultural Context (MCC) is based in traditional Yup’ik cultural values and ways of knowing and representing the world, which provide access to math concepts through hands-on exploration and active problem solving. This case illustrates how a novice and outsider teacher successfully implemented MCC in a classroom with predominantly Yup’ik students, who are from a school district that has been a lower scoring district on state and national tests. The success was evidenced in students’ high gain scores on pre- and post-tests for the Building a Fish Rackmodule, and their out-scoring of all other student groups involved in the implementation of this module. The case explores the factors that contributed to these students’ academic success and focuses on the key elements underpinning these factors: (a) the relationships that developed between teacher and students and (b) the co-creation of a “third space” for learning by students and teacher. - Civil, M., Planas, N., & Quintos, B. (2005).
Immigrant Parents’ Perspectives on Their Children’s Mathematics Education
. Zdm, 37(2), 81-89. doi:10.1007/bf02655717More infoThis paper draws on two research studies with similar theoretical backgrounds, in two different settings, Barcelona (Spain) and Tucson (USA). From a sociocultural perspective, the analysis of mathematics education in multilingual and multiethnic classrooms requires us to consider contexts, such as the family context, that have an influence on these classrooms and its participants. We focus on immigrant parents’ perspectives on their children’s mathematics education and we primarily discuss two topics: (1) their experiences with the teaching of mathematics, and (2) the role of language (native language and second language). The two topics are explored with reference to the immigrant students’ or their parents’ former educational systems (the “before”) and their current educational systems (the “now”). Parents and schools understand educational systems, classroom cultures and students’ attainment differently, as influenced by their sociocultural histories and contexts. - Civil, M., & Planas, N. (2004).
Participation in the mathematics classroom: does every student have a voice?
. for the learning of mathematics, 24(1), 7-12. - Allexsaht-snider, M., Anhalt, C. O., & Civil, M. (2002).
Middle School Mathematics Classrooms: A Place for Latina Parents' Involvement
. Journal of Latinos and Education, 1(4), 255-262. doi:10.1207/s1532771xjle0104_5More infoThe study is of 3 Latina parents of children in an Arizona middle school in which parents made observations and participated in three different reform mathematics classrooms. The parents' expectations, concerns, and reactions to the observations of the lessons were discussed and recorded. The goal of the study was to better understand the Latina parents' perspectives about their children's mathematics education. The findings from this study can be used to guide teachers' and parents' efforts to develop effective programs for educating parents about mathematics education reform. - Civil, M. (2002).
Chapter 4: Everyday Mathematics, Mathematicians' Mathematics, and School Mathematics: Can We Bring Them Together?
. Journal for research in mathematics education. doi:10.2307/749964 - Civil, M. (2002).
Culture and Mathematics: A community approach
. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 23(2), 133-148. doi:10.1080/07256860220151050aMore infoThis paper is based on several research efforts aimed at connecting school mathematics with everyday experiences. In particular it addresses the need to openly question the different values and beliefs associated with different forms of knowledge. It focuses on work done in working-class, minority communities and emphasizes the need to develop school learning experiences that acknowledge and build on the resources and experiences in these communities. The paper discusses two examples along those lines. One centers on a classroom of second graders (7 year olds) in which a learning module on the theme of construction allowed for the development of rich mathematical ideas within a context that was familiar to the students and the community. The second example focuses on working with parents from a dialogic learning perspective. Through the development of a two-way dialogue parents are seen as intellectual resources whose experiences and ideas inform the development of mathematics workshops. - Civil, M., & Horak, V. M. (2002).
Sobre els ‘Principis i Standards per a les Matemàtiques Escolars’
. NouBiaix: revista de la FEEMCAT i la SCM. - Civil, M., & Planas, N. (2002).
Understanding Interruptions in the Mathematics Classroom: Implications for Equity.
. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 14(3), 169-189. doi:10.1007/bf03217361More infoThe article is based on an extensive microethnographic study (Planas, 2001) that was focused on students aged 15–16 years who exhibited a high number of interruptions in their participation in the mathematics classroom. Our research points to the importance of considering how the students construe normative meanings for the classroom episodes, and how they value others and the knowledge construed. We argue that some interruptions in the students’ participation can be understood as an active contestation to the classroom norms and to the perceived valorisations. Broadening the understanding of the learning opportunities for all the students requires studying further how the classroom sociocultural context and participants’ valorisations mediate both the participation processes and the construction of mathematical knowledge. - Andrade, R., Civil, M., Gonzalez, N., & Moll, L. C. (2001).
Bridging Funds of Distributed Knowledge: Creating Zones of Practices in Mathematics
. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (jespar), 6(1-2), 115-132. doi:10.1207/s15327671espr0601-2_7More infoThe work in this article has a basis in a long-term research paradigm investigating the "funds of knowledge" of diverse populations. This conceptualization adopts an anthropological perspective for viewing the households of low-income and minority students as repositories of diverse knowledge bases. In the BRIDGE project, the focus has been on understanding the mathematical potential of households, as well as "mathematizing" household practices. The transformation of mathematical knowledge, however, has been somewhat problematic. Our experience until now indicates that, whereas other classroom knowledge domains (language arts, social studies, etc.) may draw in a rather straightforward fashion from households, mathematical knowledge may not be so easily incorporated. This article describes a theoretical refinement of the concept of funds of knowledge, and will endeavor to conceptualize the distributed nature of mathematical community capital. - Civil, M., & Khan, L. H. (2001).
Mathematics Instruction Developed from a Garden Theme.
. Teaching children mathematics, 7(7), 400-405. doi:10.5951/tcm.7.7.0400More infoCan rigorous mathematics be developed from everyday experiences?” This question brought together an intermediategrades teacher and a university researcher to collaborate on a project that incorporated students' and families' knowledge and experiences. The importance of designing culturally relevant instruction is well documented (Lipka, Mohatt, and the Ciulistet Group 1998; Zaslavsky 1996, 1997). (For more general information, see also the newsletter from the International Study Group on Ethnomathematics.) For us, culturally relevant instruction refers to instruction that links home and school by building on experiences shared by most students in the class. It includes creating a learning environment that captures the flavor of the apprenticeship style that often characterizes how children acquire knowledge outside of school, alongside their family members. The teacher, Leslie Khan, had developed a relationship with many of her students' families and knew that gardening was a commonly shared family activity. We developed a garden theme to explore the interplay between everyday knowledge and school mathematics. - Civil, M., Planas, N., Fonseca, J. D., & Fonseca, J. D. (2000). La atención a la diversidad en el aula de matemáticas : hacia una participación pedagógica y matemática. Uno: Revista de didáctica de las matematicas.
- Civil, M. (1995).
Entrar en los hogares de los estudiantes
. Uno: Revista de didáctica de las matematicas. - Civil, M. (1992).
Prospective Elementary Teachers' Thinking about Teaching Mathematics.
. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 12(1), 79-109.More infoThis paper analyzes the views about teaching mathematics held by eight preservice elementary teachers enrolled in a mathematics course that emphasized small group discussion and an exploratory approach to mathematics. Analysis of the students' diaries, interviews, and group discussions reveal a body of traditional views about teaching mathematics in clear contrast with the message of the course. Although students showed progress as reflective learners of mathematics, the effect of the experience as teachers is unclear. The paper addresses the need to work towards teacher education models that combine these experiences in mathematics with a successful transition into the school world. (Author) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ***********A*********************************************************** Prospective Elementary Teachers' Thinking About Teaching Mathematics Marta Civil Department of Mathematics University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April 1992 "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY
Proceedings Publications
- Civil, M., & Hunter, R. (2021, August). Broadening Participation in Elementary School Mathematics: Views From Two Different Contexts. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Elementary Mathematics Teaching (SEMT ’21), 9-20.
- Civil, M., & Hunter, R. (2019, August). Supporting Mathematics Teachers to Build Deep Understandings of the Home Contexts of their Students. In The Mathematics Education for the Future Project- 15th International Conference- Theory and Practice: An Interface or a Great Divide, 4, 96-99.
- Civil, M. (2018, November). Looking back, look ahead: Equity in mathematics education. In PME-NA (North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education), 16-31.
- Wood, M. B., Turner, E. E., Civil, M., & Eli, J. A. (2016).
Sin Fronteras: Questioning Borders with(in) Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (38th, Tucson, Arizona, November 3-6, 2016).
. In PME-NA (North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education). - Wood, M. B., Turner, E. E., Civil, M., & Eli, J. A. (2016, November). Proceedings of the 38th Annual North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. In Psychology of Mathematics Education North America.
- Araujo, Z., Roberts, S., Anhalt, C. O., Civil, M., Fernandes, A., Moschkovich, J., Wiley, C., Zahner, W., Araujo, Z., Roberts, S., Anhalt, C. O., Civil, M., Fernandes, A., Moschkovich, J., Wiley, C., & Zahner, W. (2015, November). Mathematics Education and English Learners. In Psychology of Mathematics Education – (PME) 37th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group, 37, 1384-1393.More infoMathematics Education and English Learners, A Working Group in Psychology of Mathematics Education – (PME) 37th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group., pp. 1384-1393. Authors: Araujo, Z., Roberts, S., Anhalt, C., Civil, M., Fernandes, A., Moschkovich, J., Willey, C., Zahner, W. (2015).
- De Araujo, Z., Roberts, S., Anhalt, C., Civil, M., Fernandes, A., Moschkovich, J., Willey, C., & Zahner, W. (2015, November). Mathematics education and English learners. In Psychology of Mathematics Education - North American Chapter, 1384-1393.More infoIn T. G. Bartell, K. N. Bieda, R. T. Putnam, K. Bradfield, & H. Dominguez (Eds.) Proceedings of the 37th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- Hunter, R., Civil, M., & Planas, N. (2015, July). Mathematical discourse that breaks barriers and creates space for marginalized learners.. In Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1, 133-134.More infoIn K. Beswick, R. Muir, & J. Wells (Eds.). Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- Planas, N., & Civil, M. (2015, July). Bilingual mathematics teachers and learners: The challenge of alternative worlds.. In Psychology of Mathematics Education, 4, 41-48.More infoIn K. Beswick, R. Muir, & J. Wells (Eds.). Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- Fede, B., Civil, M., & Toscano, R. (2014). Exploring mathematics together: Figuring the worlds of teachers and prospective teachers. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 38 and PME-NA 36, 3, 41-48.More infoS. Oesterle, P. Liljedahl, C. Nicol, & D. Allan (Eds.)
- Civil, M., Fede, B., & Wood, M. B. (2013, Summer). A third-space of mathematical practice: Implications for teacher education. In 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 5, 43.
- Civil, M. (2012). Opportunities to Learn in Mathematics Education: Insights from Research with "Non-Dominant" Communities. In Proceedings of the 36th conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1, 43-59.More infoT.Y. Tso (Ed.)
- Mojica, G., Fede, B., & Civil, M. (2012). Elementary teachers implementation of complex instruction. In Proceedings of the 34th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 573.More infoL.R. Van Zoest, J.-J, Lo, & J.L. Kratky (Eds)
- Civil, M. (2010).
A survey of research on the mathematics teaching and learning of immigrant students
. In in V. Durand-Guerrier, S. Soury-Lavergne, & F. Arzarello (Eds.),Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 1443-1452), 1443-1452.More infoThis paper presents key themes that emerged from a review of the literature and from solicited contributions from researchers around the world on the teaching and learning of mathematics of immigrant students. Researchers strongly suggest the need for schools to look at the different kinds of mathematics that immigrant students bring with them and to use this knowledge as a resource for learning. There is a clear need for teachers to gain a better understanding of their immigrant students’ and their families’ knowledge and experiences. The emphasis on language as “the problem” promotes approaches that segregate immigrant students and raise issues of equity in the mathematics education they are receiving. Little research documents experiences that center on diversity and multiculturalism as a resource for learning. This paper presents the key themes that emerged from a review of the literature on the topic of the mathematics teaching and learning of immigrant students. This topic was one of the four areas that ICME 11 Survey Team 5 addressed as part of our task to examine the research topic of mathematics education in multicultural and multilingual environments since ICME 10 in 2004. One of my main sources of information for my part of the survey team was the work of researchers actively involved in CERME’s working group on Cultural Diversity and Mathematics Education. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the main findings, advances, challenges, and indicate topics for further research in the area of mathematics teaching and learning of immigrant students. Much of this work is actually centered on research in Europe, hence the role of CERME papers. I also draw on the different contributions received from researchers across the world in response to our survey team’s call for contributions. Finally, I also looked at aspects of research in the mathematics education of Latino/a students in the U.S. These three sections (proceedings, contributions, and research with Latino/a students) are discussed at length elsewhere (Civil, 2008b). For reasons of space, in this paper I am only highlighting some of the main ideas with special attention to those that relate to CERME research, as a way to encourage further discussion of this topic, the teaching and learning of mathematics of immigrant students, during the working group sessions. Different forms of mathematics Several studies address issues related to everyday mathematics, critical mathematics, community mathematics, school mathematics, and so on. Researchers in Greece have been looking at Gypsy / Romany students’ use of mathematics in everyday contexts, in particular computation grounded on children’s experiences with their involvement in their families’ business (Chronaki, 2005; Stathopoulou & Kalabasis, 2007). These - Civil, M. (2009).
Inmigración y diversidad: implicaciones para la formación de profesores de matemáticas
. In Investigación en educación matemática XIII, 63-87.More infoEste trabajo utiliza mi trayectoria profesional en educacion matematica para presentar propuestas concretas y areas de investigacion en el tema de formacion de profesores de matematicas para aulas multiculturales. Senalo la urgencia de crear un mayor acercamiento entre los que trabajan temas como creencias y conocimientos de los profesores y los que trabajan temas de equidad en contextos multiculturales. Centrandome en la necesidad de conocer y entender el contexto sociocultural de los alumnos, subrayo la importancia de la valoracion del conocimiento, la necesidad de rechazar una pedagogia basada en una vision de deficit hacia los alumnos de minorias, y la importancia de involucrar a los profesores en actividades donde puedan reflexionar sobre su practica y desarrollar enfoques mas participativos. - Civil, M. (2009). Mathematics education, language, and culture: Ponderings from a different geographic context. In 32nd Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
- Anhalt, C. O., Fernandes, A., & Civil, M. (2008, Summer). U.S. Latino Students’ Thinking and Communication on National Assessment Educational Progress (NEAP) Measurement Items. In International Congress of Mathematics Education (ICME).More infoAnhalt, C., Fernandes, A., & Civil, M. (2008). U.S. Latino Students’ Thinking and Communication on National Assessment Educational Progress (NEAP) Measurement Items, Proceedings from the Eleventh International Congress of Mathematics Education (ICME), TSG 33: Mathematics Education in a Multilingual and Multicultural Environment, Monterrey, MX, July.
- Civil, M. (2008).
. In Joint Meeting of PME 32 and PME-NA XXX, 2, 329-336.More infoThis research addresses the impact of language policies on parental engagement in their children’s mathematics education. Our work is situated in primarily Mexican American working-class communities in the Southwest of the U.S. We focus on the implications of a restrictive language policy on immigrant Spanish speaking parents’ interactions with their children (and their schools) around mathematics. In particular we raise issues about 1) potential loss of connection and even conflict between parents and children and 2) the role that language plays in the mathematics classroom placements of some of these children. - Anhalt, C. O., Fernandes, A., & Civil, M. (2007).
Exploring Latino Students' Understanding of Measurement on NAEP Items
. In proceedings PME-NA. - Civil, M., Díez-Palomar, J., Menéndez, J. M., & Acosta-Iriqui, J. (2007).
Latino Families Involvement in Their Childrens Mathematics Education
. In 29th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 690-693. - Civil, M. (2006).
Working towards equity in mathematics education: A focus on learners, teachers, and parents
. In twenty-eighth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1, 30-50.More infoThis paper presents a reflection on my research largely grounded on my interest in students’, teachers’, and parents’ ideas about mathematics. Starting with some considerations from a cognitive point of view, in particular preservice teachers’ understanding and beliefs, I move onto sociocultural aspects. I specifically address issues related to context, valorization of knowledge, participation, and in-school and out-of-school mathematics. I draw on examples from my research in Latino, working-class communities to highlight the need (yet the complexity) to focus on all interested parties (parents, teachers, and students) and on mathematics if we are to address equity in mathematics education. - Civil, M. (2002). Mathematics for parents: Issues of pedagogy and content. In 8th International Conference of Adults Learning Maths (ALM)- A Research Forum (2001), 60--67.
- Civil, M., Guevara, C., & Allexsaht-Snider, M. (2002). Mathematics for parents: Facilitating parents' and children's understanding in mathematics.. In Twenty-fourth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics (PME-NA), 4, 1755-1765.
- Civil, M. (2001).
Parents as learners and teachers of mathematics: Towards a two-way dialogue
. In Seventh international conference of Adults Learning Mathematics (ALM) - A Research Conference-Tufts University (2000), 173-177. - Civil, M. (1999). Parents as resources for mathematical instruction. In 5th international conference of Adults Learning Maths (ALM) – A Research Forum. Utrecht, Netherlands (1998), 216-222.
- Civil, M. (2021, April). Diversity as a resource towards students’ participation in the mathematics classroom. AIMS Center Colloquium Series (https://aimscenter.org/).
- Civil, M. (2021, April). Listening to students: A path to a more inclusive participation in mathematics. Southern Georgia Mathematics Conference.
- Civil, M. (2021, August). Conversatorio: Matemáticas para la justicia social (Panel: Mathematics for social justice). Maratón de matemáticas ; Teachers2Teachers Global - Ecuador.More infoThis was a panel of 5 people- I was sole responsible for my contributions
- Civil, M. (2021, December). Learning with and from families: Opportunities to rethink (mathematics) education. International Colloquium for the Strengthening and Sustainability of Community Educational Alternatives, UNAM, Mexico City.
- Civil, M. (2021, December). Parents as Adult Learners of Mathematics: The Centrality of Building Relationships and Community (Keynote). New South Wales Adult Literacy and Numeracy Council Annual Conference, Australia.
- Civil, M. (2021, February). What does it mean to be a mathematics teacher educator?. Annual Meeting of the Associations of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE)/ Judith Jacobs LectureAMTE.
- Civil, M. (2021, February). “We also think and solve problems”: Mathematical conversations with immigrant adults. Adults Learning Mathematics (ALM) Virtual Seminar.
- Civil, M. (2021, January). Who gets to participate in the mathematics classroom?. Boston College Colloquium.
- Civil, M. (2021, June). Funds of knowledge and mathematics education: Lessons learned and next steps. Institute for Learning 2021 Forum.
- Civil, M. (2021, November). A Participation Framework to Inform Mathematics Courses for Prospective Elementary Teachers.. California State University Math Colloquium Series.
- Civil, M. (2021, October). Reflexiones sobre la Enseñanza de las Matemáticas desde una Perspectiva Sociocultural (Reflections about Mathematics Teaching from a Sociocultural Perspective). webinars in mathematics and physics organized by a consortium of universities in Mexico.
- Civil, M., & Fernandes, A. (2021, June). Access & Equity: Promoting High-Quality Mathematics. Mathematics Teacher Academy, Baylor University.
- Civil, M., & Hunter, R. (2021, August). Broadening Participation in Elementary School Mathematics: Views From Two Different Contexts. Symposium on Elementary Mathematics Teaching (SEMT'21).
- Civil, M., & Hunter, R. (2021, July). Taking a strengths based approach to learning and teaching mathematics. ICME-14 (International Congress on Mathematical Education) (postponed from July 2020 to July 2021).
- Civil, M., Salazar, F., Quintos, B., & Hernandez, M. (2021, August). Aprendiendo Juntas: Tertulias Matemáticas con Madres Inmigrantes (Learning Together: Mathematics “Tertulias” with Immigrant Mothers). “Ciclo de Seminarios Matemática en los Territorios, aportes desde los enfoques socioculturales”, Santiago, Chile.
- Salazar, F., & Civil, M. (2021, July). Mexican American Women Talking About Graphs: A Focus on Their Lived Experiences. ICME-14 (International Congress on Mathematical Education, Shanghai, China) (postponed from July 2020 to 2021.
- Stoehr, K., Salazar, F., Civil, M., González-Rodas, H., & Rosas, M. (2021, June). Latinx Parents and Teachers Working Together to Support Students’ Mathematics Learning. 2020 TODOS Conference that was postponed till June 2021.
- Civil, M., & Griffin, L. (2020, March). New Possibilities for Parents as Partners in the Mathematics Education of Bilingual Learners. Teachers Development Group – 2020 Leadership Seminar. Portland, OR: Teachers Development Group.
- Civil, M., & Salazar, F. (2020, November). Learning mathematics with and from parents: Implications for school mathematics. Rossier School of Education Herman and Rasiej Math Initiative Lecture Series USCRossier School of Education, USC.
- Civil, M., Stoehr, K., & Salazar, F. (2020, February). Preparing Teachers to Build on Families’ Mathematical Experiences. Annual conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE). Phoenix, AZ: AMTE.
- Zavala, M., & Civil, M. (2020, August). Black, Indigenous, and Latinx Parents as Intellectual Resources: From Option to Imperative.. Webinar - Casio Education and TODOSCasio Education and TODOS.
- Civil, M. (2019, April). Reflections on Mathematics Education and Equity Considerations. Invited Colloquium Math Department, University of Montana, Missoula. University of Montana, Missoula.
- Civil, M. (2019, October). Some Reflections on Participation in the Mathematics Classroom. Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Texas State University, San Marcos. San Marcos, TX.
- Civil, M., & Hunter, R. (2019, August). Supporting Mathematics Teachers to Build Deep Understandings of the Home Contexts of their Students. The Mathematics Education for the Future Project- 15th International Conference- Theory and Practice: An Interface or a Great Divide. Maynooth, Ireland.
- Civil, M., & Salazar, F. (2019, February). Listening to Latinx Mothers’ Views on Mathematics Education.. Western Regional Noyce Conference, Tucson, AZ. Tucson, AZ.More infoThis presentation included a panel of Mothers from the project "Let's talk about Mathematics" (funded by Heising-Simons)
- Joseph, N. M., Civil, M., Edwards, B., Stoehr, K. J., Fernandes, A., & LopezLeiva, C. (2019, February). Mathematics Teacher Educators Walking to Equity Through Critical Reflection and Analysis of Structural Systems. Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando, FL.More infoThis was a presentation of the AMTE equity committee (which I chaired till last year)
- Stephens, A., & Civil, M. (2019, November). School-Family-Community: Contextual Influences on Early Math learning for English Learners. Promising Math 2019: A conference linking research and practice. Erikson Institute, Chicago, IL.
- Civil, M. (2018, April). Discussant for symposium on “Joining the pieces of the tivaevae to enact strength-based mathematics learning for Pāsifika students in Aotearoa New Zealand.”. AERA. New York.
- Civil, M. (2018, August). Mathematics Education and Latinx Students: Looking Back and Looking Ahead. UNAM-PAME Mathematics Colloquium. Tucson: UNAM Tucson.
- Civil, M. (2018, November). Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Equity in Mathematics Education. PME-NA. Greenville, SC: PME-NA.
- Civil, M. (2018, September). Implications of Funds of Knowledge for Rural Informal STEM Learning. Conference on Informal STEM Learning in Rural Places. Alexandria, VA: NSF / Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance.
- Civil, M., Amy, R. M., Foote, M., Aguirre, J., Turner, E. E., & Anhalt, C. O. (2018, June). The Price of Guacamole: Designing Rigorous and Relevant Mathematical Modeling Tasks that Build on the Strengths of Community and Cultural Contexts. TODOS: Mathematics for ALL. Scottsdale, AZ: TODOS: Mathematics for ALL Organization.More infoAnhalt, C., Turner, E., Aguirre, J., Foote, M., Roth McDuffie, Amy, Civil. M. The Price of Guacamole: Designing Rigorous and Relevant Mathematical Modeling Tasks that Build on the Strengths of Community and Cultural Contexts. TODOS: Mathematics for ALL Conference, Scottsdale, AZ June 21-23, 2018.
- Civil, M., Fernandes, A., Joseph, N., Bullock, E., Dickey, E., & Bartell, T. (2018, February). AMTE equity committee exploration: To what extent are AMTE members addressing/meeting indicators toward equity?. AMTE (Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators). Houston, TX: AMTE.
- Civil, M., Salazar, F., & Acosta Iriqui, J. M. (2018, April). Let’s Talk About Mathematics: Teachers Learning With and From Parents. AERA (American Educational Research Association). New York: AERA.
- Stoehr, K. J., Salazar, F., Civil, M., & Yanez, H. (2018, June). Weaving the Mathematical Threads Through Home, School, and Community. TODOS Conference. Scottsdale, AZ: TODOS: Mathematics for All.
- Civil, M. (2017, April). Have you ever felt or been erased in the mathematics classroom?. Iris M. Carl Equity Address to be presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM),. San Antonio, TX: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Civil, M. (2017, May). Aprendizaje de procesos culturales centrado en comunidades no dominantes: Una visión desde las matemáticas / STEM. (Learning cultural processes focused on non-dominant communities: A vision from mathematics / STEM. Invited talk at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago. Santiago, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- Civil, M. (2017, May). Enfoque sociocultural de la enseñanza de las matemáticas, la equidad y el compromiso de las comunidades (A sociocultural approach to the teaching of mathematics, equity and the commitment of communities). Invited Talk at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Campus Villarrica. Villarica, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- Civil, M. (2017, May). Equidad en educación matemática (Equity in mathematics education). Workshop given at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago. Santiago, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- Civil, M. (2017, November). Cultural and linguistic diversity as resources for mathematics teaching and learning. TODOS Live! (Webinar)TODOS: Mathematics For All.
- Civil, M. (2017, October). Working with families and students to develop equitable mathematics learning environments. Annual meeting of California Mathematics Council – South. Palm Springs, CA: California Mathematics Council-South.
- Civil, M. (2017, September). Cultural and linguistic diversity as resources for mathematics teaching and learning. Webinar for Global Math DepartmentGlobal Math Department.
- Civil, M. (2017, September). Social justice and equity in mathematics education: Learning with and from parents.. Virtual presentation (panel) at the Fall Conference of AMTE-TX, Fort Worth, TX.AMTE-TX.
- Civil, M., & Kalinec-Craig, C. (2017, April). A conversation about mathematics with Latin@ parents. annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). San Antonio, TX: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Civil, M., Hernández, M., & Murdock, L. (2017, November). Breaking Barriers: Mexican-American mothers as partners in mathematics education.. NCTM INNOV8. Las Vegas, NV: NCTM.
- Civil, M., Stoehr, K., & Salazar, F. (2017, October). Parents and teachers exploring together the mathematics learning of emergent bilingual children. Promising Math 2017. Chicago: Erickson Intitute.
- Salazar, F., Civil, M., & Acosta Iriqui, J. M. (2017, January). Let’s talk about math: Parents and teachers talking and doing mathematics together.. MEAD conference. Tucson High School: Center for Recruitment and Retention.
- Civil, M. (2016, April). Diversity as an asset in mathematics education. annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). San Francisco.
- Civil, M. (2016, April). My work on family engagement and DLLs. Family Engagement and Dual Language Learners.. Los Altos, CA: Heising-Simons Foundation.
- Civil, M. (2016, December). Diversity as a resource for mathematics teaching and learning. Invited talk presented at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand. Auckland, New Zealand.
- Civil, M. (2016, December). Learning mathematics with and from parents: An avenue to strengthening the school-community connection. Invited talk at the New Zealand Ministry of Education.. Wellington, New Zealand.
- Civil, M. (2016, July). Compartir per aprendre matemàtiques: Participació i implicació familiar (Sharing to learn mathematics: Participation and family engagement. Congrés Català d’Educació Matemàtica (Catalan Congress of Mathematics Education). Barcelona, Spain.
- Civil, M. (2016, July). Intersections of culture, language, and mathematics education: Looking back and looking ahead. 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME). Hamburg, Germany.
- Civil, M. (2016, May). Funds of knowledge and math in the making… Similarities? Differences?. Math in the Making Conference. New York.
- Civil, M. (2016, November). Invited talk as part of a “panel on affective and cultural dimensions of family math engagement: Fostering positive identities, attitudes, and mindsets”. Supporting Family Math Fluency in Young Children. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Science of Learning Center.
- Civil, M., & Menéndez, J. M. (2016, June). Parents as partners in ensuring equity and excellence in mathematics for ALL. TODOS 2016 conference. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Civil, M. (2015, January). Language, culture, and mathematics: Implications for the mathematics education of Latina and Latino students. Invited colloquium talk at California State University San Marcos, San Marcos, CA..
- Civil, M. (2015, June). Language and culture considerations in the mathematics education of Latina/o students.. Invited talk at Oregon State University.
- Civil, M. (2015, June). Who gets to participate in the mathematics classroom?. invited talk at Oregon State University.
- Civil, M. (2015, March). Latina mothers as resources for early mathematics education. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SCRD). Philadelphia.More infoPresented as part of a symposium on “family engagement in early mathematics learning”
- Civil, M., & Menéndez, J. M. (2015, January). Resources for teaching mathematics: Listening to parents. Presented at the Mathematics Educators Appreciation Day (MEAD.
- Civil, M., Anhalt, C., McDonald, R., & Ramirez, N. (2015, January). Keeping equity on the forefront. Presented at the Mathematics Educators Appreciation Day (MEAD).
- Anhalt, C. O., Eubanks-Turner, C., Cortez, R., Civil, M., & Mosqueda, E. (2014, October). Current Research Trends in Mathematics Education: Issues That Matter. Society for the Advancement of Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in the Sciences (SACNAS) National Conference. Los Angeles, CA, USA: Mathematics Association of America (MAA).More infoAnhalt, C. , Chair, Scientific Symposium sponsored by the Mathematics Association of America (MAA), Current Research Trends in Mathematics Education: Issues That Matter. Society for the Advancement of Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in the Sciences (SACNAS) National Conference. Speakers: Christina Eubanks-Turner (Loyola Marymount University), Ricardo Cortez (Tulane University), Marta Civil (University of Arizona), Eduardo Mosqueda (University of California, Santa Cruz). Los Angeles, CA, October 2014.
- Civil, M. (2014, April). Argumentation in mathematics: The case of English language learners. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). New Orleans, LA.
- Civil, M. (2014, April). Building capacity for research on equity in mathematics education: The case of CEMELA (Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinos/as). Invited symposium on Building research communities in mathematics education, presented at the NCTM Research Conference. New Orleans, LA.
- Civil, M. (2014, April). MAPPS (Math and Parent Partnerships in the Southwest) and beyond: Reflecting on parental engagement in mathematics. Presented as part of a panel on Engaging Families in Early Mathematics, at the 17th International Roundtable on School, Family, and Community Partnerships. Philadelphia, PA.
- Civil, M. (2014, April). Mathematics education and English language learners. Presented at the Mathematics Education Colloquium Series at Boston College.
- Civil, M. (2014, July). Exploring mathematics together: Figuring the worlds of teachers and prospective teachers. Presented at the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vancouver, Canada.More info[Co-authors, B Fede (first author) & R. Toscano; M Civil, Presenter]
- Civil, M. (2014, May). Listening to Latino/a parents: Implications for parental engagement in mathematics education. Presented at “Boosting Success for 21st Century Learners: Equitable Practices for High Achievement” Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Equity Center. Baltimore, MD.
- Civil, M. (2014, October). Considerations for the mathematical participation of non-dominant students: Implications for teacher education. Presented as part of a MAA sponsored symposium on “Current Research Trends in Mathematics Education: Issues that Matter”, at the Annual meeting of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). Los Angeles, CA.
- Civil, M. (2014, October). Listening to parents, teachers, and students: Implications for equity in mathematics education. Presented at Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.
- Civil, M. (2013, April). English Language Learners in the mathematics classroom: Equity considerations.. Presented at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- Civil, M. (2013, April). “I didn’t learn it this way”: Approaches to parental engagement in mathematics education. Workshop presented at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- Civil, M. (2013, July). A third-space of mathematical practice: Implications for teacher education. Presented at the 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kiel, Germany.More info[collaborators B. Fede & M. Wood]
- Civil, M. (2013, May). Learning with and from families: Implications for the mathematics education of ELLs and Latino/a students. Presented at “Boosting Success for 21st Century Learners: Equitable Practices for High Achievement” Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Equity Center. Baltimore, MD.
- Fede, B., Mojica, G., & Civil, M. (2013, January). Supporting elementary teachers as they learn to implement complex instruction in mathematics classrooms. Presented at the seventeenth annual conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE). Orlando, FL.
- Fernandes, A., & Civil, M. (2013, April). Broadening mathematical communication with English language learners. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Denver, CO.
- Civil, M. (2012, April). Discussant for symposium “Developing ambitious mathematics teaching with an equity stance: Rethinking routine practice.”. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Vancouver, Canada.
- Civil, M. (2012, April). Discussant for symposium “Mathematics + Early Childhood = ?”.. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Vancouver, Canada.
- Civil, M. (2012, April). Discussant for symposium “Reimagining mathematics teaching quality for K-12 English Language Learners and Latina/o students.”. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Vancouver, Canada.
- Civil, M. (2012, July). Opportunities to Learn in Mathematics Education: Insights from Research with “Non-Dominant” Communities. Plenary talk presented at the 36th Annual Conference of Psychology in Mathematics Education (PME). Taipei, Taiwan.
- Civil, M. (2012, October). Talk presented as part of a panel on “Common Core State Standards for mathematics: Leveling the playing field or another set of obstacles to overcome for Latin@ and Native American students?”. Annual meeting of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). Seattle, WA.
- Menéndez, J. M., & Civil, M. (2012, October). Teaching our children: Latino parents speak up about mathematics teaching and learning. Presented as part of a symposium (Math teaching that matters! Refocusing teacher attention to mathematics education needs of our students, communities, and families).. Annual meeting of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). Seattle, WA.
- Wood, M. B., Turner, E. E., Koestler, C. A., & Civil, M. (2012, February). Experiences, Explanations, and Third Spaces: A New Model for Pre-Service Elementary Mathematics Teacher Education. 16th Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference. Fort Worth, TX: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
- Civil, M., & Quintos, B. (2002).
Uncovering Mothers' Perceptions about the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics.
. Annual Meeting of AERA. - Civil, M. (1998).
Bridging In-School Mathematics and Out-of-School Mathematics.
. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). - Civil, M. (1995).
Everyday Mathematics, "Mathematicians' Mathematics," and School Mathematics: Can We (Should We) Bring These Three Cultures Together?.
. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).
- Briehl, M. M., Civil, M., & Chief, K. (2020, November 3). Conversation with Dr. Betsy Cantwell on Diversity and Inclusion in research/STEM. University of Arizona.
- Civil, M., de Araujo, Z., LópezLeiva, C., Sylves, E., & Zavala, M. (2020, June). What are the best approaches for teaching mathematics to newcomers to the U.S. who are English learners?. The Answer Lab at USC Rossier.More infoThis was a brief that I was invited to write on mathematics education and newcomers (English Learners). I recruited other TODOS leaders and we wrote it together. It is brief 009It's part of the answerlab: https://theanswerlab.rossier.usc.edu/
- Civil, M. (1990, July).
Doing and talking about mathematics: A study of preservice elementary teachers
. Dissertation. https://hdl.handle.net/2142/20773