Kevin Fitzsimmons
- Director, International Initiatives
- Professor, Environmental Science
- Professor, Agricultural-Biosystems Engineering
- Professor, Roshan Persian and Iranian Studies - GIDP
- Professor, Applied BioSciences - GIDP
- Research Scientist, Natural Resources
- Specialist, Environmental Science
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 820-0643
- SHANTZ, Rm. 429
- TUCSON, AZ 85721-0038
- kevfitz@ag.arizona.edu
Work Experience
- National Marine Fisheries Service (1979 - 1980)
- Biosphere 2 Fellow
- University of Arizona, Spring 2023
- Fellow of the World Aquaculture Society
- World Aquaculture Society, Spring 2022
- Fulbright Research Fellowship
- Fulbright - USAID, Fall 2017
- Excellence in Global Education
- Center for English as a Second Language and Office of Global Initiatives, Fall 2016
- President
- World Aquaculture Society, Spring 2004
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
BE 920 (Spring 2025) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ECOL 575 (Spring 2025) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ENVS 475 (Spring 2025) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ENVS 575 (Spring 2025) -
BE 493 (Spring 2025) -
BE 693 (Spring 2025) -
ENVS 393 (Spring 2025) -
ENVS 900 (Spring 2025) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ECOL 474 (Fall 2024) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ECOL 574 (Fall 2024) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ENVS 474 (Fall 2024) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ENVS 574 (Fall 2024) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
WFSC 474 (Fall 2024) -
BE 920 (Fall 2024) -
Independent Study
BE 599 (Fall 2024) -
ENVS 393 (Fall 2024) -
ENVS 900 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Directed Research
ECOL 492 (Spring 2024) -
BE 920 (Spring 2024) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ENVS 475 (Spring 2024) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ENVS 575 (Spring 2024) -
Honors Thesis
ENVS 498H (Spring 2024) -
Independent Study
ENVS 599 (Spring 2024) -
BE 693 (Spring 2024) -
ENVS 900 (Spring 2024) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ECOL 474 (Fall 2023) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ENVS 474 (Fall 2023) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ENVS 574 (Fall 2023) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
WFSC 474 (Fall 2023) -
Directed Research
ECOL 492 (Fall 2023) -
Directed Research
ENVS 492 (Fall 2023) -
BE 920 (Fall 2023) -
Honors Thesis
ENVS 498H (Fall 2023) -
Independent Study
ENVS 599 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Directed Research
ENVS 492 (Spring 2023) -
BE 920 (Spring 2023) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ENVS 475 (Spring 2023) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ENVS 575 (Spring 2023) -
Honors Independent Study
ENVS 399H (Spring 2023) -
Honors Thesis
ENVS 498H (Spring 2023) -
Independent Study
ENVS 299 (Spring 2023) -
ENVS 910 (Spring 2023) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ECOL 474 (Fall 2022) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ENVS 474 (Fall 2022) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ENVS 574 (Fall 2022) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
WFSC 474 (Fall 2022) -
BE 920 (Fall 2022) -
Honors Independent Study
ENVS 399H (Fall 2022) -
Honors Thesis
ENVS 498H (Fall 2022) -
ENVS 910 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Directed Research
ENVS 492 (Spring 2022) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ECOL 475 (Spring 2022) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ECOL 575 (Spring 2022) -
Master's Report
ABS 909 (Spring 2022) -
BE 910 (Spring 2022) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ECOL 474 (Fall 2021) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ECOL 574 (Fall 2021) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ENVS 474 (Fall 2021) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ENVS 574 (Fall 2021) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
WFSC 474 (Fall 2021) -
Independent Study
ENVS 599 (Fall 2021) -
BE 910 (Fall 2021)
2019-20 Courses
ENVS 910 (Spring 2020) -
ENVS 910 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
ENVS 920 (Spring 2019) -
ENVS 910 (Spring 2019) -
ENVS 920 (Fall 2018) -
ENVS 910 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
ENVS 920 (Spring 2018) -
ENVS 910 (Spring 2018) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ECOL 474 (Fall 2017) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ECOL 574 (Fall 2017) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ENVS 474 (Fall 2017) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ENVS 574 (Fall 2017) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
WFSC 474 (Fall 2017) -
ENVS 920 (Fall 2017) -
ENVS 910 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
ENVS 920 (Spring 2017) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ECOL 475 (Spring 2017) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ECOL 575 (Spring 2017) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ENVS 575 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
ENVS 699 (Spring 2017) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ECOL 474 (Fall 2016) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ENVS 474 (Fall 2016) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
ENVS 574 (Fall 2016) -
Aquatic Plants+Enviromnt
WFSC 474 (Fall 2016) -
Directed Research
ENVS 492 (Fall 2016) -
ENVS 920 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
ENVS 399 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
ENVS 499 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
ENVS 699 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Master's Report
ENVS 909 (Summer I 2016) -
ENVS 920 (Spring 2016) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ECOL 475 (Spring 2016) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ECOL 575 (Spring 2016) -
Freshwater+Marine Algae
ENVS 575 (Spring 2016) -
Honors Thesis
ENVS 498H (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
ENVS 699 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Fitzsimmons, K., Tun, K. L., Janjua, R., & Naing, M. M. (2018). Aquaculture Handbook: Fish Farming, Health and Nutrition in Myanmar. Yangon, Myanmar: USAID.
- Fitzsimmons, K., & Janjua, R. (2015). Aquaculture Handbook. American Soybean Association and USDA FAS.
- Diab, A. S., Elghobashy, H., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2008).
From the pharaohs to the future. Eighth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Proceedings. Cairo, Egypt, 12-14 October, 2008.
. Cairo, Egypt - Fitzsimmons, K., Morrison, C. M., & Wright, J. R. (2006).
Atlas of tilapia histology
. - Morrison, C. M., Fitzsimmons, K., & Wright, J. R. (2006).
Atlas of tilapia histology
. World Aquaculture Society.
- Watanabe, W., Fitzsimmons, K., & Yi, Y. (2024). Farming Tilapia in Saline Waters. In Biology and Culture of Tilapia. doi:10.1201/9781003578482-10More infoAlthough tilapia culture has been limited primarily to freshwater and low-salinity brackishwater, a high degree of salt tolerance exhibited by certain species has suggested that they might be cultured in high-salinity brackishwater and marine systems, enabling their exploitation in tropical and arid coastal areas (Kuo and Neal 1982; Payne 1983; Hopkins et al. 1989; Watanabe, Burnett, et al. 1989; Watanabe 1991; Suresh and Kwei-Lin 1992; Watanabe et al. 1997). In many areas, limited fresh water supply is an important constraint to further expansion of the industry, which will therefore have to turn to mariculture. To date, the most comprehensive research on saltwater culture of tilapia has been conducted with the Florida red tilapia. The objectives of this chapter are to review the biotechnical and socioeconomic data for saltwater culture of the Florida red and other saline-tolerant tilapia, including the areas of hatchery design and management, broodstock husbandry and seedstock (eggs, yolksac fry, and free-swimming fry) production, nursery production of fingerlings, juvenile grow-out in land-based and sea cage systems, disease control, economics, and marketing. Although tilapia are being considered for culture in lagoonal systems where salinities under 15 ppt prevail (Legendre et al. 1989), the present review is restricted to high-salinity culture systems of ≥15 ppt, conditions tolerated by relatively few species of commercial importance.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Ragab, S., Hassaan, M., & El Haroun, E. (2023).
Ragab, S., Hassaan, M., Fitzsimmons, K., and El-Haroun, E. 2023. Chapter 8. Alternative protein sources for sustainable tilapia farming. pp. 265-299. In: Eds. Hoseinifor, S.H. and Van Doan, H. Novel Approaches Toward Sustainable Tilapia Culture. Springer ISBN 978-3-031-38320-5.
. In Novel Approaches Toward Sustainable Tilapia Culture(pp Novel Approaches Toward Sustainable Tilapia Culture). Springer. - Fitzsimmons, K., Emerenciano, M. G., Pinho, S. M., & Fimbres, Y. E. (2021). Biofloc Technology (BFT) in Tilapia Culture, Chapter 14.. In Biology and Aquaculture of Tilapia. CRC Press.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Brusseau, M., & Walker, D. (2019). 3. Physical-Chemical Characteristics of Water. In Environmental and Pollution Science (3rd Edition)(pp 23-45). Elsevier - Academic Press.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Walker, D., Baumgartner, D., & Gerba, C. (2019). 16. Surface Water Pollution. In Environmental and Pollution Science (3rd Edition)(pp 261-292). Elsevier - Academic Press.
- Fitzsimmons, K., & Shahkar, E. (2017). Tilapia–Shrimp Polyculture. In Tilapia in Intensive Co-culture(pp 94-113). Chapter 7: John Wiley.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2012). Merging the Best of the Green and Blue Revolutions: The Sustainable Food System for the Future. In Ocean 101: Current Issues and Our Future(pp 99-109). Busan, Korea: World Ocean Forum.
- Fitzsimmons, K., & Asche, F. (2023).
Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability in Aquaculture: The Aquaculture Performance Indicators
. Nature Communications. - Garlock, T., Asche, F., Anderson, J., Eggert, H., Anderson, T., Che, B., Chu, J., Chukwuone, N., Dey, M., Fitzsimmons, K., Flores, J., Guillen, J., Kumar, G., Liu, L., Llorente, I., Nguyen, L., Nielsen, R., Pincinato, R., Sudhakaran, P., , Tibesigwa, B., et al. (2024). Correction to: Environmental, economic, and social sustainability in aquaculture: the aquaculture performance indicators (Nature Communications, (2024), 15, 1, (5274), 10.1038/s41467-024-49556-8). Nature Communications, 15(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-024-50360-7More infoCorrection to: Nature Communicationshttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-49556-8, published online 20 June 2024 In this article the affiliation details for Madan M. Dey and Pratheesh O. Sudhakaran were incorrectly given as ‘College of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL 32312, USA’ but should have been ‘Department of Agricultural Sciences, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, 78666, USA’. In addition, the affiliation details for Ly Nguyen were incorrectly given as ‘Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, McAllen, TX 78504, USA’ but should have been ‘College of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL 32312, USA’. The original article has been corrected.
- El‐Sayed, A. M., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2023). From Africa to the world—The journey of Nile tilapia. Reviews in Aquaculture, 15(S1), 6-21. doi:10.1111/raq.12738
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2023). Ramasamy Harikrishnan, Gunapathy Devi, T Prabhu, Abdel-Wahab A. Abdel-Warith, Elsayed M. Younis, Kevin Fitzsimmons, Ehab El-Haroun, 2023. Immunomodulation of a novel sea weed polysaccharides function feed additive in Labeo rohita. Fish and Shellfish Immunology .. Fish and Shellfish Immunology.
- Fitzsimmons, K., & El-Sayed, A. F. (2023). El-Sayed, A-FM, Fitzsimmons, K. From Africa to the world—The journey of Nile tilapia. Rev Aquac. 2023; 15( Suppl. 1): 6- 21. doi:10.1111/raq.12738. Reviews in Aquaculture, 15(1), 6-21. doi:10.1111/raq.12738
- Fitzsimmons, K., Teal, C., Bonar, S., Culver, M., & Schill, D. (2023). Teal, C. N., Schill, D. J., Bauder, J. M., Fogelson, S. B., Fitzsimmons, K., Stewart, W. T., Culver, M., & Bonar, S. A. (2024). The effects of estradiol-17β on the sex reversal, survival, and growth of Red Shiner and its use in the development of YY individuals. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 86, 110–1. https://doi.org/10.1002/naaq.10314. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 86, 110-129. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/naaq.10314
- Achieng, A. O., Fitzsimmons, K., Manyala, J. O., Masese, F. O., Munguti, J. M., & Sabwa, J. A. (2022). Effects of stocking density on the performance of lettuce ( Lactuca sativa ) in small‐scale lettuce‐Nile tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus L.) aquaponic system. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, 2(6), 458-469. doi:10.1002/aff2.71More infoAquaponics is a fish-plant recirculating system where nutrients received from the fish culture are absorbed by the plants for growth. The technology is relatively new for fish culture in Kenya, and the principles and operations remain largely untested for many fish species. This study determined how stocking density affects the growth performance and water quality in a Nile tilapia-lettuce ( Lactuca sativa ) aquaponics system. The experimental design included five replicates for each of the aquaponic systems stocked at densities of 150, 300, and 450 fish/m 3 for a rearing period of 56 days. Each treatment had a planting density of 16 lettuce/m 2 . The water quality parameters ranges during the rearing period were 3.83–5.35 mg/L for dissolved oxygen, 7.44 to 7.6 for pH, 0.014 mg/L to 0.032 mg/L for total ammonium nitrate (TAN), 1.11–1.34 mg/L for nitrate, and 0.01–0.08 mg/L for nitrite, and all decreased with increasing stocking density. The final weight of fingerlings was 25.2 ± 4.2 g, 32.0 ± 3.8 g and 42.6 ± 3.1 g for 450, 300, and 150 fish/m 3 respectively. Specific growth rate (SGR) was reduced with increasing stocking density whereas food conversion ratio (FCR) increased with stocking density. Aquaponic systems with the lowest stocking densities performed better than 300 and 450 fish/m 3 respectively.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Sabwa, A. J., Manyala, J., & Masese, F. (2022). Sabwa, J.A., Manyala, J.O., Masese, F.O., Fitzsimmons, K., Achieng, A.O. & Munguti, J.M. (2022) Effects of stocking density on the performance of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in small-scale lettuce-Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) aquaponic system. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, 2, 458– 469. https://doi.org/10.1002/aff2.71. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, 2, 458-469. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/aff2.71
- Fitzsimmons, K., Sabwa, A., & Manyala, J. (2022). Ani, Josiah Sabwa, Julius O. Manyala, Frank O. Masese, and Kevin Fitzsimmons. "Effect of stocking density on growth performance of monosex Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in the aquaponic system integrated with lettuce (Lactuca sativa)." Aquaculture and Fisheries 7, no. 3 (2022): 328-335.. Aquaculture and Fisheries.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Teal, C., & Bonar, S. (2022). Teal, C. N., Schill, D. J., Fogelson, S. B., Roberts, C. M., Fitzsimmons, K., & Bonar, S. A. (2022). Development of aquaculture protocols and gonadal differentiation of green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus). Aquaculture, 547, 737515.. Aquaculture.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Teal, C., & Bonar, S. (2022). Teal, C. N., Schill, D. J., Fogelson, S. B., Roberts, C. M., Fitzsimmons, K., Bauder, J. M., ... & Bonar, S. A. (2022). The effects of estradiol-17β on the sex reversal, survival, and growth of green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus. Aquaculture, 738853.. Aquaculture.
- Ani, J. S., Fitzsimmons, K., Manyala, J. O., & Masese, F. O. (2021).
Assessment of the Performance of Aquaponics and its Uptake for Integrated Fish and Plant Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa
. Africa Environmental Review Journal.More infoAquaponics is an innovative and sustainable fish and vegetable production system that has the potential to contribute to food security and livelihoods of many people in sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries that are experiencing pervasive droughts, declining crop yields, soil pollution, and climate change. Although an emerging innovation in many parts of the world, aquaponics has a huge potential for adoption in SSA countries. Aquaponics, as a technology, is based on the concept of efficient nutrient retention, reduction in water use, and waste discharge to the environment. Aquaponics is also expected to improve profitability by simultaneously producing two cash crops (mainly fish and vegetables). Several freshwaters, marine, and brackish water fishes can be reared in aquaponic systems. A variety of plants can also be grown in combination with fishes, ranging from green leafy vegetables and herbs to fruit plants. Plants utilize nutrients from fish excretion and egestion, and remnants of feeds, and in the process reduce the amount that would otherwise be released in wastewater. To achieve optimum fish and plant growth, maintaining optimal water quality conditions in aquaponic systems is a prerequisite. The amount of nutrients supplied in the system is directly related to the amount of feeds given to fish and the amount of waste produced by fish during excretion and egestion. This review shows that despite the huge potential of aquaponics to improve food security and livelihoods of people in SSA, its adoption is very limited. There is a need for investment in the research and training of farmers and practitioners on the practice and benefits of aquaponics as a sustainable food production system. This review highlights the performance and operation of aquaponics and assesses the constraints to its adoption in SSA countries, including Kenya. The review also identifies knowledge gaps that need to be addressed and gives recommendations on how to make aquaponics more sustainable as a food production system in SSA . - Chew, M. K., Fitzsimmons, K., Nagler, P. L., & van Riper, C. (2021).
A tribute to Edward Perry Glenn (1947–2017), who created a legacy of environmental assessment and applications within hydrological processes
. Hydrological Processes, 35(5). doi:10.1002/hyp.14173 - Fitzsimmons, K., Ani, J. S., Masese, F., & Manyala, J. (2021). Assessment of the performance of aquaponics and the uptake for integrated fish and plant farming in sub-Saharan Africa. African Environmental Review, 4(2), 120-135.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Ani, J., Manyala, J., & Masese, F. (2021). Josiah Sabwa Ani, Julius O. Manyala, Frank O. Masese, Kevin Fitzsimmons. 2021. Effect of stocking density on growth performance of monosex Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in the aquaponic system integrated with lettuce (Lactuca sativa). , pp 1-8.. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 1-8.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Nagler, P., von Ripper, C., & Chew, M. (2021). Nagler, P. L., Chew, M., Fitzsimmons, K., van_Riper, C. (2021). A tribute to Edward Perry Glenn (1947-2017), who created a legacy of environmental assessment and applications within hydrological processes. Hydrological Processes. Hydrological Processes.
- Quinn, P., Dhar, A. K., L, A. F., Mclain, J. E., Fitzsimmons, K., Fitzsimmons, K., L, A. F., Mclain, J. E., Quinn, P., & Dhar, A. K. (2021). Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) susceptibility to acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology.
- Fitzsimmons, K., & Valenzuela-Quiñónez, W. (2020). Pacific white shrimp and tomato production using water effluents and salinity-tolerant grafted plants in an integrated aquaponic production system. Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Fitzsimmons, K., El Haroun, E., Salim, H., Davies, S., Rossi, W., Goda, A., & Mohamed, S. (2020). Partial replacement of dietary soybean meal by high protein distiller’s dried grains (HPDDG) supplemented with protease enzyme (PROXYM ULTRA®) for European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax fingerlings. Aquaculture Nutrition. doi:10.1111/anu.13043
- Fitzsimmons, K., Fimbres, Y., Magallon-Barajas, F., Emereciano, M., & Endo, M. (2020). Oreochromis niloticus aquaculture with biofloc technology in photoautotrophic conditions with Chlorella microalgae. Aquaculture Research, 51, 3323-3346.More infoFimbres-Acedo YE, Magallón-Servín P, Garza-Torres R, et al. Oreochromis niloticus aquaculture with biofloc technology, photoautotrophic conditions and Chlorella microalgae. Aquac Res. 2020;51:3323–3346
- Fitzsimmons, K., Mcdonal-Vera, A., Contreras-Sánchez, W. M., Duncan, N. J., Contreras- García, M. J., & Martinez-Garcia, R. (2020). Effect of Red tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus × Oreochromis niloticus) on growth and survival of the pacific shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in simultaneous polyculture under marine conditions//Efecto de la tilapia roja (Oreochromis mossambicus × Oreochromis niloticus) en el crecimiento y supervivencia del camarón (Litopenaeus vannamei) en policultivo simultáneo bajo condiciones marinas. Biotecnia, 22((2)), 5-12. doi:10.18633/biotecnia.v22i2.1237
- Fitzsimmons, K., Recsetar, M., & Cuello, J. (2020). Hydrodynamics of a hydroponic bed bioreactor with different substrate media. Ecological Engineering, 149. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2020.105744
- Recsetar, M. S., Cuello, J. L., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2020). Hydrodynamics of a Hydroponic Bed Bioreactor with Different Substrate Media. Ecological Engineering, 149(105744), 13. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2020.105744
- Barrows, R., Cao, L., Fitzsimmons, K., Konar, M., Qiu, S., Tlusty, M. F., Tougher, B., & Vause, J. (2019). Illustrating the hidden economic, social and ecological values of global forage fish resources. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 151, 104456. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104456More infoAbstract People benefit from the existence of forage fish through a wide range of uses, both direct and indirect. However, due to lack of data and gaps in existing research, the commercial importance of these species tends to get prioritized over the wider benefits they provide to society and the environment. This paper aims to identify all the multiple beneficiaries of forage fish and present their global value that encompasses different categories of benefits using both quantitative and qualitative methods. By adopting the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment framework, we estimated the global economic benefit provided by forage fish to be $18.7 billion per annum, over three times of their direct catch value. This is a partial estimate due to data limitation. We demonstrated the importance of forage fish to the livelihoods of coastal communities by providing direct employment to 5.6 million fishermen globally. The analysis also explored the important role forage fish plays by addressing the nutritional needs of indigenous and coastal communities, and their role in shaping the culture and customs - the significance of all of which cannot be captured by money values alone. We concluded that attempts to capture the economic values of forage fish are likely to be underestimates of the true value that forage fish hold for humans and other interlinked ecosystems. Understanding the true value of forage fish is important to avoid inadvertently making undesirable tradeoffs or management decisions that are environmentally and economically unsustainable.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2019). Fimbres‐Acedo Y.E., Garza‐Torres R., Endo M., Servín‐Villegas, R., Kevin M. Fitzsimmons, K.M., Emerenciano, M.G., and Magallón‐Barajas, F.J. (2019). Performance of Oreochromis niloticus in recirculating aquaculture systems at different levels of daily protein intake. Aquaculture Research. 1–17.. Aquaculture Research.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2019). Hassaan, Md., El-Nagar, A., El-Haroun, E. Sali, H. & Fitzsimmons K. (2019). Nutritional mitigation of winter thermal stress in Nile tilapia by propolis-extract: Associated indicators of nutritional status, physiological responses and transcriptional response of delta-9-desaturase gene. Aquaculture 511: 734256.. Aquaculture.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2019). Konar, M., Siya Qiu, Tougher, B., Vause, J., Tlusty, M., Fitzsimmons, K., Barrows, R, Ling Cao. (2019) Illustrating the Hidden Economic, Social and Ecological Values of Global Forage Fish Resources. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. Resources, Conservation & Recycling.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Biketi, A., Manayala, J., Rachuonyo, H., Egna, H., & Rono, K. (2018). Biketi, A., Manyala, J., Rachuonyo, H., Fitzsimmons, K., Egna, H. and Rono, K. 2018. Effect of replacing fish meal by soybean-blood meal mixture on performance of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). International Journal of Science and Technoledge 6(8):1-7.. International Journal of Science and Technoledge 6(8):1-7., 6(8), 1-7.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Obado, E., Ani, J., Manyala, J., Ngugi, C., Raburu, P., & Egna, H. (2018). EFFECTS OF LYSINE AND METHIONINE SUPPLEMENTATION AND COST EFFECTIVENESS IN PRODUCTION OF NILE TILAPIA DIETS (OREOCHROMIS NILOTICUS) IN WESTERN KENYA. International Journal of Research Science and Management, 5(3), 12-23.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Rono, K., Manyala, J., Ngugi, C., & Sabwa, J. (2018). Rono, K., Manyala, J., Lusega, D. Sabwa, J., Yongo, E., Ngugi, C., Fitzsimmons, K. and Egna, H. (2018). Growth performance of spinach (Spinacia oleracea) on diets supplemented with iron-amino acid complex in an aquaponic system in Kenya. International Journal of Research Science and Management 5(7):117-127.. International Journal of Research Science and Management 5(7):117-127., 5(7), 117-127.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Rono, K., Ngugi, C., Manyala, J., Egna, H., Tarus, A., & Obado, E. (2018). EFFECTS OF BIOFLOC TECHNOLOGY ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF NILE TILAPIA (Oreochromis niloticus) FINGERLINGS AND MICROBIAL COLONIZATION IN THE SYSTEM.. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch, 3((5)), 106-120.
- Mclain, J. E., Fitzsimmons, K., & Almotairy, H. M. (2018). Accumulation of heavy metals and their effects on antibiotic resistance of bacteria in an aquaponics system. World Aquaculture, 49(3), 54-57.
- Cerozi, B. d., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2017).
Effect of dietary phytase on phosphorus use efficiency and dynamics in aquaponics
. Aquaculture International. doi:10.1007/s10499-016-0109-7 - Fitzsimmons, K., & Cerozi, B. (2017). Effect of dietary phytase on phosphorus use efficiency and dynamics in aquaponics.. Aquaculture International, 1 -12.
- Fitzsimmons, K., & Cerozi, B. (2017). Phosphorus dynamics modeling and mass balance in an aquaponics system. Agricultural Systems, 153, 94-100., 153, 94-100.
- Fitzsimmons, K., & Menaga, M. (2017). Growth of the tilapia industry in India. World Aquaculture, 48(3), 49-52.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Kimotho, A. N., Manyala, J. O., Ngugi, C. C., & Oyoo-Okoth, E. (2017).
Characterization of the nutritional quality of amaranth leaf protein concentrates and suitability of fish meal replacement in Nile tilapia feeds
. Aquaculture Reports. doi:10.1016/j.aqrep.2017.01.003 - Fitzsimmons, K., Ngugi, C., Okoth, E., Manyala, J., & Kimotho, A. (2017). Characterization of the nutritional quality of amaranth (Amaranthus hybridus) leaf protein concentrates (ALPC) and suitability of fish meal replacement in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) feeds. Aquaculture Reports, 5, 62-69.
- Fitzsimmons, K., & da Silva Cerozi, B. (2016). The effect of pH on phosphorus availability and speciation in an aquaponics nutrient solution. Bioresource Technology, 219, 778–781.
- Fitzsimmons, K., & da Silva Cerozi, B. (2016). Use of Bacillus spp. to enhance phosphorus availability and serve as a plant growth promoter in aquaponics systems. Scientia Horticulturae, 211, 277–282.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Silva, L., Gasca-Leyva, E., Escalante, E., & Valdes Lozano, D. (2015). Evaluation of Biomass Yield and Water Treatment in Two Aquaponic Systems Using the Dynamic Root Floating Technique (DRF). Sustainability, 7, 15384-15399.More infoSilva, L., Gasca-Leyva, E., Escalante, E., Fitzsimmons, K.M., and Valdés Lozano, D. (2015) Evaluation of Biomass Yield and Water Treatment in Two Aquaponic Systems Using the Dynamic Root Floating Technique (DRF). Sustainability 2015, 7, 15384-15399.
- Angelova, A., Park, S., Kyndt, J., Fitzsimmons, K., & Brown, J. K. (2014). Sonication-based isolation and enrichment of Chlorella protothecoides chloroplasts for Illumina genome sequencing. Journal of Applied Phycology, 26(1), 209-218.More infoAbstract: With the increasing world demand for biofuel, a number of oleaginous algal species are being considered as renewable sources of oil. Chlorella protothecoides Krüger synthesizes triacylglycerols (TAGs) as storage compounds that can be converted into renewable fuel utilizing an anabolic pathway that is poorly understood. The paucity of algal chloroplast genome sequences has been an important constraint to chloroplast transformation and for studying gene expression in TAGs pathways. In this study, the intact chloroplasts were released from algal cells using sonication followed by sucrose gradient centrifugation, resulting in a 2.36-fold enrichment of chloroplasts from C. protothecoides, based on qPCR analysis. The C. protothecoides chloroplast genome (cpDNA) was determined using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencing platform and found to be 84,576 Kb in size (8.57 Kb) in size, with a GC content of 30.8 %. This is the first report of an optimized protocol that uses a sonication step, followed by sucrose gradient centrifugation, to release and enrich intact chloroplasts from a microalga (C. prototheocoides) of sufficient quality to permit chloroplast genome sequencing with high coverage, while minimizing nuclear genome contamination. The approach is expected to guide chloroplast isolation from other oleaginous algal species for a variety of uses that benefit from enrichment of chloroplasts, ranging from biochemical analysis to genomics studies. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Brown, C., Bolivar, R., & Yang, T. (2014). Brown, C.L., Yang, T.B., Fitzsimmons, K. and Bolivar, R.B. (2014) The value of pig manure as a source of nutrients for semi-intensive culture of Nile Tilapia in ponds (A Review). Agricultural Sciences, 5, 1182-1193.. Agricultural Sciences, 5, 1182-1193.More infoBrown, C.L., Yang, T.B., Fitzsimmons, K. and Bolivar, R.B. (2014) The value of pig manure as a source of nutrients for semi-intensive culture of Nile Tilapia in ponds (A Review). Agricultural Sciences, 5, 1182-1193.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2013). Productivity of Polycultured Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in a Recirculating System. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh.More infoIJA_65.2013.802
- Fitzsimmons, K. -., & Sace, C. (2013). Vegetable production in a recirculating aquaponic system using Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with and without freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Academic Journal of Agricultural Research, 12(1), 236-250.More infoSace, C.F. and Fitzsimmons, K.M. 2013. Vegetable production in a recirculating aquaponic system using Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with and without freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Acad. J. Agric. Res. 1(12):236-250.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Lightner, D. V., Mohney, L. L., Nunan, L. M., Pantoja, C. R., Redman, R. M., & Tran, L. H. (2013).
Determination of the infectious nature of the agent of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome affecting penaeid shrimp
. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. doi:10.3354/dao02621More infoA new emerging disease in shrimp, first reported in 2009, was initially named early mortality syndrome (EMS). In 2011, a more descriptive name for the acute phase of the disease was proposed as acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome (AHPNS). Affecting both Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei and black tiger shrimp P. monodon, the disease has caused significant losses in Southeast Asian shrimp farms. AHPNS was first classified as idiopathic because no specific causative agent had been identified. However, in early 2013, the Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory at the University of Arizona was able to isolate the causative agent of AHPNS in pure culture. Immersion challenge tests were employed for infectivity studies, which induced 100% mortality with typical AHPNS pathology to experimental shrimp exposed to the pathogenic agent. Subsequent histological analyses showed that AHPNS lesions were experimentally induced in the laboratory and were identical to those found in AHPNS-infected shrimp samples collected from the endemic areas. Bacterial isolation from the experimentally infected shrimp enabled recovery of the same bacterial colony type found in field samples. In 3 separate immersion tests, using the recovered isolate from the AHPNS-positive shrimp, the same AHPNS pathology was reproduced in experimental shrimp with consistent results. Hence, AHPNS has a bacterial etiology and Koch's Postulates have been satisfied in laboratory challenge studies with the isolate, which has been identified as a member of the Vibrio harveyi clade, most closely related to V. parahemolyticus. - Hernández-Barraza, C., Cantú, D. L., Osti, J. L., Fitzsimmons, K., & Nelson, S. (2013). Productivity of polycultured nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in a recirculating system. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh, 65(1).More infoAbstract: Two experiments were conducted in the Environmental Research Laboratory of the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ, USA, to evaluate the production of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in recirculating polyculture and monoculture systems. The experiments were conducted for six weeks in twenty and sixteen 200-l fiberglass tanks, respectively, at a salinity of 10 ppt. In the first experiment, tilapia were fed pelleted feed at 3%, 2.25%, or 1.5% of their body weight. In the second experiment, tilapia were stocked at 12, 8, or 4 fish/cage, submerged in the shrimp tanks. In general, total production of fish and shrimp was higher in polyculture than in monoculture. The better growth of shrimp in polyculture appears to be because shrimp were able to utilize waste from the tilapia. In experiment 1, shrimp growth did not significantly differ between treatments (p>0.05) but tilapia growth was rapid, with significant differences between treatments; higher feeding rates produced higher biomasses. In experiment 2, growth significantly differed between shrimp grown in polyculture with 12 fish/cage and shrimp grown in monoculture. Final mean shrimp weights averaged 10.83±0.97, 10.37±0.96, and 10.20±0.94 g in polyculture, but only 9.85±0.73 in monoculture while tilapia growth did not significantly differ between treatments. This study shows that adding Nile tilapia to shrimp tanks at suitable stocking densities and appropriate feeding rates produces positive interactions.
- Tran, L., Nunan, L., Redman, R., Mohney, L., Pantoja, C., Fitzsimmons, K., & Lightner, D. (2013). Determination of the infectious nature of the agent of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome affecting penaeid shrimp. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 105, 45-55.
- Al-Hafedh, Y. S., Alam, A., Buschmann, A. H., & Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2012). Experiments on an integrated aquaculture system (seaweeds and marine fish) on the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia: Efficiency comparison of two local seaweed species for nutrient biofiltration and production. Reviews in Aquaculture, 4(1), 21-31.More infoAbstract: Seaweeds absorb inorganic nutrient wastes from mariculture and reduce their undesirable environmental effects. Mariculture in Saudi Arabia is increasing rapidly, thus, to exploit aquaculture wastes and to reduce coastal pollution risks, local seaweeds were cultured using mariculture effluents in integration on the Red Sea coast. The aim of the present study was to test integrated aquaculture of seaweed and marine fish (Oreochromisspilurus) for the first time in Saudi Arabia and to determine the seaweeds, Ulvalactuca and Gracilariaarcuata, biomass production and inorganic nutrient bioremediation capabilities. Results showed that G. arcuata grew at a significantly higher rate (2.71% wet weightday -1) than U. lactuca (1.77% wet weightday -1). The biomass yield (42.38gwetweightm -2day -1) and net yield (91.11gwetweightday -1) of G. arcuata were also significantly higher than U. lactuca (27.39gwet weightm -2day -1 and 58.89gwetweightday -1, respectively). Gracilariaarcuata removed 0.45gm -2day -1 of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) with 80.15% removal efficiency and 1.03gm -2day -1 of soluble phosphate with 41.06% efficiency. Ulvalactuca removed 0.42gm -2day -1 of TAN with 83.06% removal efficiency and 1.07gm -2day -1 of soluble phosphate with 41.11% efficiency. Total tissue carbon of both species reached 25.1-26.9% and nitrogen content reached 3.0-3.2% of dry weight. The C/N ratio for both seaweeds was
- Al-Hafedh, Y., Alam, A., Buschmann, A., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2012). Experiments on an integrated aquaculture system (seaweeds and marine fish) on the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia: efficiency comparison of two local seaweed species for nutrient biofiltration and production. Reviews in Aquaculture, 4, 1-11.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -., , C., Loredo, J., Adame, J., & Fitzsimmon, K. (2012). Effect of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on the growth performance of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in a sequential polyculture system. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res, 40(4), 936-942.
- Hernández-Barraza, C., Loredo, J., Adame, J., & Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2012). Effect of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on the growth performance of pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in a sequential polyculture system. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 40(4), 936-942.More infoAbstract: The present study was carried out at the Environmental Research Laboratory (ERL), University of Arizona, to assess the effect of the addition of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), at different densities, on the growth performance of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). The growth rate and feed conversion of shrimp, both in polyculture and monoculture, were evaluated. Shrimp-tilapia proportions were 20:8 individuals in Treatment One (T1), 20:4 individuals in Treatment Two (T2) and 20:2 individuals in Treatment Three (T3), while in Treatment Four (T4) shrimp were stocked as a control group with a ratio of 20:0. The experiment lasted for four weeks at 10 ppt water salinity. The shrimp and fish were fed once a day with 8% and 3% of their body weight, respectively, using a 35% protein feed. At the end of the experiment, the average individual weight and best feed conversion ratio were obtained in shrimp polyculture treatment with highest tilapia density 6.08 ± 0.18 g and 1.26 ± 0.01 respectively, while the lowest scores were found in the monoculture treatment with 5.14 ± 0.59 g and 1.35 ± 0.01, respectively (P < 0.05). The present study demonstrate that integrated farming of shrimp and tilapia, with a polyculture sequential tanks system is technically feasible and increases the production of shrimp, which is higher than in monoculture, without any adverse interaction between fish and shrimp.
- Fitzsimmons, K., & Watanabe, W. O. (2010). Tilapia (Family: Cichlidae). Finfish Aquaculture Diversification, 374-396.
- Stevenson, K. T., Fitzsimmons, K. M., Clay, P. A., Alessa, L., & Kliskey, A. (2010). Integration of aquaculture and arid lands agriculture for water reuse and reduced fertilizer dependency. Experimental Agriculture, 46(2), 173-190.More infoAbstract: SUMMARY Field irrigation is costly in arid regions, and over-fertilization of farmland can lead to high groundwater nitrate levels and significant environmental challenges. Integrative aquaculture and agriculture (IAA) systems allow the reuse of water and nutrients to offset production costs while promoting greater sustainability. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of an IAA system using treatments formed from one water source, groundwater (GRND) or fish pond effluent (EFF), and one chemical fertilizer regime, eliminated (ELIM) or historical (HIST). Treatments were applied to field plots of barley or cotton. There were typically positive effects of EFF applications on crop growth and yield relative to GRND applications under identical fertilizer regimes. However, GRND-HIST almost always outperformed EFF-ELIM, suggesting that substituting effluent irrigations for a historical fertilization regime without pond biosolid or reduced fertilizer applications could be detrimental to crop production. © Cambridge University Press 2010.
- Zerai, D. B., Fitzsimmons, K. M., & Collier, R. J. (2010). Transcriptional response of delta-9-desaturase gene to acute and chronic cold stress in Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 41(5), 800-806.More infoAbstract: Tilapia is a warmwater fish and a popular choice for aquaculture. However, cold sensitivity of tilapia is a constraint to expansion of tilapia culture into the colder regions of the world. Tilapia generally require a thermal environment of 25-30 C. Acclimation to cold requires changes in gene expression such as delta 9 desaturase (Δ9D) which is widely expressed in many poikilothermic animals in the process of cold acclimation. A major function of Δ9D is to desaturate membrane lipids in order to sustain membrane fluidity during cold. In this article we examined the effect of acute and chronic cold stress (12-14 C) on the expression of the Δ9D gene in muscle, gill, heart, and liver of growing Oreochromis niloticus. Despite the relatively cold temperatures, none of the fish were killed by the cold stress. Results indicate that there was no significant change in expression of Δ9D during acute cold stress. The expression of Δ9D in liver and heart tissues was not chronically affected by cold (7 d); however, Δ9D expression of muscle and gill tissue was increased in response to chronic cold stress. Muscle was the most responsive tissue demonstrating greater than 16-fold increase following 7 d of cold exposure. Unlike many other cold tolerant teleost fish, tilapia liver Δ9D transcription was not affected by acclimation to chronic cold stress. It is possible that upregulation of expression of Δ9D in muscle and gill tissue reflects the requirement of these tissues in maintenance of a higher metabolism associated with the need to sustain oxygen consumption, mobility, and heat generation. In contrast, reduced expression of Δ9D in liver may reflect lower overall metabolic rate during cold. © by the World Aquaculture Society 2010.
- Cruz, P. S., Andalecio, M. N., Bolivar, R. B., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2008). Tilapia-shrimp polyculture in Negros Island, Philippines: A review. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 39(6), 713-725.More infoAbstract: Tilapia-shrimp polyculture has played an important role in current efforts to control luminous bacterial disease caused by Vibrio harveyi. At present, green water technology is most extensively used by shrimp farmers in Negros Island in the central Philippines. While the contribution of tilapia as a biomanipulator is highlighted in the literature, the mechanism of action is not well understood. Data were gathered from shrimp ponds practicing two production systems: (a) green water system (probiotics + tilapia) and (b) closed/semiclosed system (probiotics alone). There was no difference between luminous Vibrio count (P < 0.05) in both systems, and water quality was found to be similar (P < 0.05). Because the green water system uses a bigger reservoir to raise the tilapia biomass, the net shrimp production was lower. In terms of direct cost of production, however, the green water system was 10-15% lower than the closed/semiclosed system because of significantly less aeration required. The polyculture maintained a more stable plankton environment during the early months of culture, which increased survival of shrimps. Various pathways are presented for the control of luminous bacterial growth in polyculture ponds: (a) fish feeding on organic wastes and conversion to feces; (b) selective fish foraging to increase the dominance of beneficial phytoplankton; (c) bioturbation of pond sediments; and (d) release in the water column of antimicrobials, fungi, or competing bacteria from the skin and gut mucus of tilapia. © Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2008.
- II, W. Z., Hanson, A. T., Sauceda, J. A., & Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2008). Evaluation of submerged surface flow (SSF) constructed wetlands for recirculating tilapia production systems. Aquacultural Engineering, 39(1), 16-23.More infoAbstract: A recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) treating tilapia production wastewaters used a two-step process combining a simple clarifier and a submerged surface flow (SSF) constructed wetlands for suspended solids removal and removal of nitrogenous compounds. This system successfully supported a commercial scale level of production (>35 kg/m3) for over 36 months of operation. The innovative SSF wetland design incorporated a high hydraulic loading rate (3.03 m/day), larger effective diameter media (380 mm), and a deeper bed depth (0.90 m) than previously suggested design guidelines. The SSF wetland flow pattern was characterized as plug flow with dispersion, but this analysis based on bed volume data indicated that media porosity was reduced from an assumed design value of 54-27% under operating conditions. The TSS, TAN, NO2-N, and NO3-N, percent mass removal for the SSF wetlands was 67.2, 46.0, 87.0, and 40.6, respectively. The TSS, TAN, NO2-N, and NO3-N mass removal for the SSF wetlands was 8.21, 0.58, 0.63, and 0.93 g/(m2 day), respectively. Optimal performance of the SSF wetlands with simultaneous removal of TAN and NO2-N, and NO3-N occurred at TAN loadings less than 6.0 g/(m2 day). Bed depth and hydraulic loading rates were major factors controlling this aerobic/anaerobic removal of nitrogen. The wetlands appeared to be oxygen limited at very high TAN loadings above 6.0 g/(m2 day). Site elevation (1189 m) and warm culture temperatures (∼25 °C) contributed, but supplemental aeration could provide better TAN removal. Summary of design parameters were presented. Mean KT values calculated for TSS, TAN, NO2-N, and NO3-N were 9.861, 0.614, 20.033, and 8.292 days-1 compared favorably to other SSF systems.
- Zerai, D. B., Fitzsimmons, K. M., Collier, R. J., & Duff, G. C. (2008). Evaluation of brewer's waste as partial replacement of fish meal protein in nile tilapia, oreochromis niloticus, diets. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 39(4), 556-564.More infoAbstract: Brewer's waste is one of the promising protein source by-products for fish diets. A 10-wk feeding trial experiment involving five different diets with increasing levels of brewer's waste (32% crude protein) was carried out to evaluate the use of brewer's waste in tilapia diets in place of fish meal. Growth performance was compared against a control diet formulated to have similar composition to a typical commercial diet. Four experimental diets replaced successively 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the fish meal protein with brewer's waste. The diets were isonitrogenous and isocaloric. Results indicated that weight gain did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) with up to 50% replacement. Feed intake and utilization were depressed at high levels of brewer's waste. In addition, methionine of high replacement level diets was low. The results of the digestibility trial demonstrated that the brewer's waste used in this study has an apparent digestibility coefficient for protein of 70%. It was concluded that 50% of the fish meal protein in a typical commercial diet could be replaced with brewer's waste with no adverse effect on growth and feed utilization for tilapia. © Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2008.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2005). Tilapia culture. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 2005(46), 563-590.
- Glenn, E. P., Bymers, L., Fitzsimmons, K., & Nelson, S. G. (2005).
Diversity and biomass dynamics of marine algae in Biosphere II's tropical reef macrocosm
. Ecological Engineering, 25(4), 442-456. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2005.07.014More infoAbstract Macrocosms can be used to study complex ecological processes in a small physical space, but the validity of the studies depends on how well the macrocosm simulates natural ecosystem functions. We measured the standing crop of macroalgae and nutrient levels over 4 years in the Biosphere II macrocosm tropical reef biome at Oracle, Arizona. Ten years after this system was closed to outside introductions, it still contained 35 species of macroalgae, within the range found on natural reefs. The macroalgae community was recognizable as a late-successional, coralline algal turf community similar to those found in the low-energy portions of inner tropical reefs. However, biomass values for the most abundant species were in a continual state of flux over the study, and no single species was dominant. Nutrient levels were also unexpectedly dynamic, with dissolved inorganic phosphorous, nitrate, and ammonium each varying by a factor of 10 over the study. The dynamic nature of biomass and nutrient cycles would make it difficult to use this macrocosm for controlled studies. On the other hand, the community dynamics in the Biosphere II ocean may shed light on processes controlling biodiversity and succession on natural reefs. The apparently chaotic swings in biomass and nutrient levels suggested that the paradox of the plankton, which explains how seemingly uniform aquatic environments can support a wide diversity of planktonic forms, may apply to reef macroalgae as well. The Biosphere II ocean biome demonstrates that a diverse macroalgal reef community can be restored relatively easily, supporting the feasibility of actively restoring damaged natural reefs. Macrocosms such as this could be used in manipulative experiments to study the effects of nutrient enrichment and herbivory on coral–algal phase shifts. - Glenn, E. P., Fitzsimmons, K., Mckeon, C., Napolean, S., Nelson, S. G., & Ryder, E. (2004).
Effect of water motion on the cultivation of the economic seaweed Gracilaria parvispora (Rhodophyta) on Molokai, Hawaii
. Aquaculture, 238(1), 207-219. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2004.05.019More infoAbstract A cage culture system was previously developed for the red alga Gracilaria parvispora Abbott on Molokai, HI; however, yields have shown marked variation, even among cages with identical stocking rates and fertilization treatments. Water motion, which can be affected by location and arrangement of the cages in the grow-out area, was hypothesized to be a factor contributing to the variation in yield. To examine this, the growth rates of thalli and the development of sporelings in relation to water motion were determined in replicated trials both in tanks and in small-scale field experiments. Generally, water motion had a substantial effect on both thallus growth rate and spore development. In the tank cultures of thalli, water velocities ranged up to 13.7 cm s −1 , and relative growth rates (RGRs) ranged from 2.8% to 8.9% day −1 . In the lagoon, water velocities ranged between 3.6 and 11.6 cm s −1 . Relative growth rates of the thalli in the lagoon trials were 0.02–10.3% day −1 . Sporeling density, a measure of spore development, was also significantly affected by water motion. In the tank trials, water motion ranged from near 0 to 6.50 cm s −1 , and sporeling densities ranged from 1.4 cm −2 at lower water motion levels to 11.6 sporelings cm −2 at higher levels. Similar results were obtained in lagoon trials, with sporeling densities ranging from 0.2 to 6.7 cm −2 . However, sporeling length was not significantly correlated with water motion. In previous trials, we have been able to achieve high sporeling densities, but elongation of sporelings has been inhibited. In the present trials, we were able to break the apparent sporeling dormancy by incubating the sporelings in tanks enriched in nutrients supplied by fish cultures. Consideration of the effects of water motion is important in designing culture systems for species of Gracilaria and other marine algae. The results also suggest that nutrients play a key role in regulating the early development of G. parvispora sporelings. - McIntosh, D., Ryder, E., Dickenson, G., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2004). Laboratory determination of a phosphorus leaching rate from trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) feces. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 35(4), 506-512.More infoAbstract: In order to reduce the impact that trout farm effluent can have on receiving water, it imperative to reduce the overall phosphorus (P) loading of these effluents. In response, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) is issuing new effluent regulations for aquaculture. Therefore, efficient removal of P from effluent water is becoming increasingly important. The goal of this project was to determine the leaching rate of total and reactive P from trout feces under different water temperatures and water velocities immediately after evacuation. Scatter plots of the P load in the experimental containers over time were created for each fish/fecal sample and regression analysis was used to determine P leaching rates. Results from this study suggest that reactive phosphorus leaching rates are not affected by water velocities between 0.027 and 0.134 m/sec. However, at higher temperatures, reactive P leaches 1.92-mg PO4/hr per g feces faster (F1.52 = 4.6445, P = 0.0358) than at lower temperatures. Mean reactive phosphorus leaching rates were 2.88 ± 0.704 and 0.96 ± 0.581mg PO4/hr/g feces, for the high and low temperatures, respectively. On the other hand, total P does not appear to be affected by either water velocity or temperature. Mean total P leaching rate is 4.50 ± 1.053 mg PO4/hr per g feces. This study suggests that removal time of feces from the system is critical in reducing the overall P load in effluent. © Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2004.
- Bonani, G., Broecker, W. S., Fitzsimmons, K., Glenn, E. P., Hadjas, I., Hammond, D. E., Langdon, C., Nelson, S. G., & Peng, T. S. (2003).
Effect of elevated CO2 on the community metabolism of an experimental coral reef
. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly. - Bonani, G., Broecker, W. S., Fitzsimmons, K., Glenn, E. P., Hajdas, I., Hammond, D. E., Langdon, C., Nelson, S. G., & Peng, T. (2003).
Effect of elevated CO2 on the community metabolism of an experimental coral reef
. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 17(1). doi:10.1029/2002gb001941More info[1] The effect of elevated pCO2 on the metabolism of a coral reef community dominated by macroalgae has been investigated utilizing the large 2650 m3 coral reef mesocosm at the Biosphere-2 facility near Tucson, Arizona. The carbonate chemistry of the water was manipulated to simulate present-day and a doubled CO2 future condition. Each experiment consisted of a 1–2 month preconditioning period followed by a 7–9 day observational period. The pCO2 was 404 ± 63 μatm during the present-day pCO2 experiment and 658 ± 59 μatm during the elevated pCO2 experiment. Nutrient levels were low and typical of natural reefs waters (NO3− 0.5–0.9 μM, NH4+ 0.4 μM, PO43− 0.07–0.09 μM). The temperature and salinity of the water were held constant at 26.5 ± 0.2°C and 34.4 ± 0.2 ppt. Photosynthetically available irradiance was 10 ± 2 during the present-day experiment and 7.4 ± 0.5 mol photons m−2 d−1 during the elevated pCO2 experiment. The primary producer biomass in the mesocosm was dominated by four species of macroalgae; Haptilon cubense, Amphiroa fragillisima, Gelidiopsis intricata and Chondria dasyphylla. Algal biomass was 10.4 mol C m−2 during the present-day and 8.7 mol C m−2 and during the elevated pCO2 experiments. As previously observed, the increase in pCO2 resulted in a decrease in calcification from 0.041 ± 0.007 to 0.006 ± 0.003 mol CaCO3 m−2 d−1. Net community production (NCP) and dark respiration did not change in response to elevated pCO2. Light respiration measured by a new radiocarbon isotope dilution method exceeded dark respiration by a factor of 1.2 ± 0.3 to 2.1 ± 0.4 on a daily basis and by 2.2 ± 0.6 to 3.9 ± 0.8 on an hourly basis. The 1.8-fold increase with increasing pCO2 indicates that the enhanced respiration in the light was not due to photorespiration. Gross production (GPP) computed as the sum of NCP plus daily respiration (light + dark) increased significantly (0.24 ± 0.03 vs. 0.32 ± 0.04 mol C m−2 d−1). However, the conventional calculation of GPP based on the assumption that respiration in the light proceeds at the same rate as the dark underestimated the true rate of GPP by 41–100% and completely missed the increased rate of carbon cycling due to elevated pCO2. We conclude that under natural, undisturbed, nutrient-limited conditions elevated CO2 depresses calcification, stimulates the rate of turnover of organic carbon, particularly in the light, but has no effect on net organic production. The hypothesis that an increase pCO2 would produce an increase in net production that would counterbalance the effect of decreasing saturation state on calcification is not supported by these data. - McIntosh, D., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2003). Characterization of effluent from an inland, low-salinity shrimp farm: What contribution could this water make if used for irrigation. Aquacultural Engineering, 27(2), 147-156.More infoAbstract: Coastal aquaculture can contribute to eutrophication of receiving waters. New technologies and improved management practices allow the aquaculture industry to be more sustainable and economically viable. Current practices, however, do not provide an additional use for effluent water. Nitrogen, phosphorus and other effluent compounds could be valuable plant nutrients. Inflow and effluent water from an inland, low-salinity shrimp farm, were monitored. Bi-weekly analysis included total nitrogen, ammonia-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, total phosphorus, reactive phosphorus, alkalinity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS) and volatile suspended solids (VSS), as well as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH. Alkalinity and total nitrogen decreased during the in-pond residency. The other parameters increased while in the ponds. The potential benefit of having nutrient enriched wastewater to irrigate field crops was substantial, supplying between 20 and 31% of the necessary nitrogen fertilizer for wheat production. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
- McIntosh, D., King, C., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2003). Tilapia for biological control of giant salvinia. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 41(1), 28-31.More infoAbstract: In August 1999, giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta Mitchell) was found along the lower Colorado River in irrigation drainages. To investigate the slow spread and apparent control of giant salvinia in this region, the herbivorous fish, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Trewavas), was examined as a biological control agent. The study was conducted in a 5,000-L recirculating system. One of four treatments was assigned to each of twenty 200-L tanks after they were stocked with tilapia at a density of five fish per tank. The first treatment group, the giant salvinia control, contained giant salvinia only; group two, the fish control, contained fish only and was fed a commercial diet; group three, the giant salvinia and fish minus feed treatment, contained fish and giant salvinia; and group four, the giant salvinia and fish plus feed treatment, contained fish and giant salvinia, as well as being fed a commercial diet. Changes in giant salvinia biomass were statistically different among all treatments (p < 0.0001, F2, 12 = 49.4370), with greatest change occurring in the giant salvinia and fish minus feed treatment (-491 g). Average fish growth was 13.7 g greater in the giant salvinia and fish plus feed treatment than either the fish control treatment or the salvinia and fish minus feed treatments. These findings could explain why giant salvinia has had limited dispersal on the Lower Colorado River, as tilapia are ubiquitous.
- Watanabe, W. O., Losordo, T. M., Fitzsimmons, K., & Hanley, F. (2002). Tilapia Production Systems in the Americas: Technological Advances, Trends, and Challenges. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 10(3-4), 465-498.More infoAbstract: Tilapia is the common name applied to three genera of fish in the family Cichlidae: Oreochromis, Sarotherodon, and Tilapia. The species that are most important for aquaculture are in the genus Oreochromis, including the Nile tilapia, O. niloticus, the Mozambique tilapia, O. mossambicus, the blue tilapia, O. aureus, and O. urolepis hornorum. Fish farmers are now growing many strains of these parent species along with many hybrid strains. Native to Africa and the Middle East, these species have become the second most common farm raised food fish in the world. In the 1960s and 1970s tilapia culture was aimed at the production of food for local consumption, utilizing primarily extensive or semiintensive culture methods with minimal inputs of fertilizer or feeds. However, tilapia culture has expanded rapidly during the last decade as a result of technological advances associated with the intensification of culture practices. These include the development of new strains and hybrids, monosex male culture, formulated diets, a variety of semiintensive and intensive culture systems (e.g., ponds, cages, tanks, and raceways) and the utilization of greenhouses, geothermal, or industrial waste heat and advanced water treatment methods. Marketing programs have also nurtured a growing demand for tilapia in domestic and international markets. Annual worldwide production of cultured tilapia was less than 200,000 metric tons (mt) in 1984 and increased to 1,100,000 mt in 1999. In the Americas, the increased production of farmed tilapia is due in large part to their adaptability to a diverse array of production systems. These include subsistence level, extensive pond culture in the Eastern Caribbean, integrated animal-fish culture in Guatemala and Panama, semiintensive pond culture in Honduras, intensive pond culture in Colombia, Costa-Rica and Jamaica, semiintensive cage culture in several countries, intensive flowthrough tank and raceway culture in the U.S., and a variety of highly intensive indoor recirculating tank culture in the U.S. In addition, there is increasing production of tilapia in shrimp ponds in Ecuador to ameliorate shrimp disease problems. In this article, representatives of various systems are compared with respect to technological approaches and constraints. Poor management of tilapia genetic resources is causing a loss of productivity, and research in genetics and selective breeding will be needed to improve production efficiency, fillet yields, and environmental tolerance. Continuing nutritional studies will also be needed to increase efficiency and profitability. With intensification, infectious diseases have become more serious, and fish health management through biosecurity procedures, environmental manipulation, reduction of stress, nutrition, genetics, and the use of prophylactic therapeutics will be essential. Increasing waste production will require novel methods for integrating tilapia culture with the production of other valuable crops to maximize nutrient recovery and minimize pollution. Market development and quality control will be critical to ensure market growth.
- Glenn, E. P., Brown, J. J., Fitzsimmons, K. M., & Smith, S. E. (1999). Halophytes for the treatment of saline aquaculture effluent. Aquaculture, 175(3), 255-268. doi:10.1016/s0044-8486(99)00084-8More infoWe determined the feasibility of using salt-tolerant plants (halophytes) as biofilters to remove nutrients from saline aquaculture wastewater. Suaeda esteroa, Salicornia bigelovii and Atriplex barclayana (Chenopodiaceae), species with potential as forage and oil seed crops, were grown in sand in draining containers (lysimeters) in a greenhouse experiment. They were irrigated to meet evapotranspiration demand and to produce a 0.3 leaching fraction, using aquaculture effluent generated from an intensive tilapia culture system. The effluent salinity was increased with NaCl to make salinity treatments of 0.5, 10 and 35 ppt. The plant–soil system removed 98% and 94% of the applied total and inorganic nitrogen, respectively. It removed 99% and 97% of the applied total and soluble reactive phosphorus, respectively. High removal rates occurred despite the high leaching fraction. Salt inhibited (P
- Glenn, E. P., Akutigawa, M., Brown, J. J., Fitzsimmons, K., Moore, D. J., Napolean, S., & Tanner, R. (1998).
A sustainable culture system for Gracilaria parvispora (Rhodophyta) using sporelings, reef growout and floating cages in Hawaii
. Aquaculture, 165(3), 221-232. doi:10.1016/s0044-8486(98)00263-4More infoAbstract A culture system for the edible, red seaweed, Gracilaria parvispora Abbott (long ogo), was developed in Hawaii that utilized a hatchery to produce tetrasporophyte and gametophyte life stages of the seaweed, reef growout of sporelings to harvest size adults, and multiplication of the harvested thalli in floating cages prior to sale. A central cooperative operated the hatchery and floating cages, and marketed the product. Sporelings from the hatchery were distributed to coastal residents who established patches of seaweed on the reef and sold their harvest to the cooperative. Mean relative growth rate of seaweed in the cages over 52 weeks was 2.64% d −1 and productivity was 14.8 g m −2 d −1 (dry weight), within the range of intensive culture systems. Cage cultures were not sensitive to water motion over the range of 4–14 cm s −1 but growth and productivity tended to be higher in summer and spring than in winter. The culture system potentially overcomes problems that have hindered development of a sustainable supply of this species: low availability of wild stocks due to overharvesting; low productivity of spore cultures; and deterioration of vegetative cultures over time. Some of the elements may be applicable to other areas where wild stocks of Gracilaria have been overharvested. - Fitzsimmons, K., Dickenson, G., Brand, C., & Davis, J. (1997). Effects of reducing dietary lipid levels on growth and body composition of hybrid tilapia in an intensive recirculating-water system. Progressive Fish-Culturist, 59(4), 293-296.More infoAbstract: Juvenile hybrids of Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus x blue tilapia O. aureus reared in an intensive recirculating-water system were fed isonitrogenous (30% protein), isocaloric (2,870) kcal/kg digestible energy) diets with varying levels of dietary lipids. Diets containing 3, 6, and 8% lipids were fed at a rate of 3% of biomass per day. Fish grew from 68 g to 250 g in 91 d. Specific growth rates and feed efficiency ratios were not significantly different between treatments. Examination of fat levels in fillets and livers did not demonstrate any trend as lipid levels in diets decreased. The amount of fat in the viscera did not decrease with a reduction of lipid in the diets. It was concluded that lower fat levels could be used in feeds for intensive production systems if the caloric value of the diet is balanced with suitable carbohydrates. In addition, fat level in the final fillet product will not be reduced by lowering the dietary fat level in fish feed within the range of 3% to 8% lipid.
- Glenn, E. P., Fitzsimmons, K. M., & Riley, J. J. (1997). Halophyte irrigation: an overlooked strategy for management of membrane filtration concentrate. Desalination, 110(3), 197-211. doi:10.1016/s0011-9164(97)00099-4More infoIt is argued that the preferred paradigm for utilizing membrane filtration concentrate conceptually, and legally in Arizona, is to view it as an agricultural water management opportunity rather than a wastewater disposal problem. Halophyte farms irrigated with concentrate at a 5% leaching rate are projected to be productive for over 100y in southern Arizona without affecting the quality of the underlying groundwater any more than conventional agriculture. The authors recommend that halophyte irrigation be included in the management options for membrane filtration concentrate at current and future sites.
- Bolla, R. I., Fitzsimmons, K., Koslowski, P., Weaver, C., & Winter, R. E. (1987).
Characterization of a Nonparasitic Isolate of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.
. Journal of Nematology.
Proceedings Publications
- Fitzsimmons, K., Schulz, U., & Myo, H. N. (2020, Spring). Proceedings of First International Symposium on the Utilization of Myanmar's Mangrove Ecosystems for Human Wellbeing, Biodiversity Increase and Coastal Protection. In First International Symposium on the Utilization of Myanmar's Mangrove Ecosystems for Human Wellbeing, Biodiversity Increase and Coastal Protection, 45.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2019, June). ASIA LEADS GLOBAL TILAPIA PRODUCTION AND MARKETS IN 2019. In ISTA 12, 12, 1-9.
- Fitzsimmons, K., & Meenakshisundaram, M. (2019, June). Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. In ISTA 12 Twelfth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture, 12, 229.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2012, Fall). Position of tilapia among primary farmed fish and aquaculture technical difficulties. In 9th International Tilapia Industry Development Forum, 25-31.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2012, Fall). Tilapia Production and Market Situation in 2012. In 9th International Tilapia Industry Development Forum, 36-42.
- Abidemi-iromini, A. O., Eze, R. N., Liping, L., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2011). Comparative assessment of parasite infestation of tilapia in natural and cultured environments.. In ISTA.
- Akinduyite, I., Fagbenro, O., Fitzsimmons, K., & Liping, L. (2011).
Acute toxicity of aqueous Morinda lucida leaf extracts to Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus 1857).
. In ISTA 9. - Anane-taabeah, G., Frimpong, E. A., Amisah, S., Liping, L., Fitzsimmons, K., Agbo, N. W., & Agbo, N. W. (2011).
Constraints and opportunities in cage aquaculture in Ghana.
. In Ninth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. - Baqui, M. A., Bhujel, R. C., Liping, L., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2011).
A hands-on training helped proliferation of tilapia culture in Bangladesh.
. In ISTA 9.More infoRealizing the need to develop appropriate skills of extension worker, 2 Fisheries Training and Extension Project (FTEP-II) funded by Department of International Development (DFID), UK focused to develop the skills of DOF officials as trainers. The main goal of the project was to demonstrate the direct benefits to the poor that could result in by improving the capacity of trainers and by supporting the application of this capacity in extension service delivery. Under the project, a group of selected DOF officers (extension workers) were sent to the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) based in Thailand for training on mono-sex hatchery management and cage culture of tilapia in 2001. Thinking to apply the knowledge and skills gained through 4-week hands-on training, one of them upon his return to workplace (Fish Breeding and Training Center, Raipur) collected F6 generation of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) from Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) which was originally from ICLARM, now World Fish Center. Applying selective breeding high quality seeds of GIFT were produced and 3.7 million seeds were distributed among the farmers during 2002. By motivating the private farmer and providing the technical support, a mono-sex tilapia hatchery and grow-out farm (Ambar Fisheries) was established in Laxmipur district in 2002. In the same year, cage culture was promoted among private entrepreneurs. As a result, 40 cages (6mX3mX1.5m=27m) were set in the Dakatia River in Chandpur. Following the success, cage culture expanded to Laxmipur district in 2006 due to which demand for seed increased. Under the technical assistance of the same person, Pioneer Fisheries and hatcheries started its operation in Chandpur district in the same year. After the success of these first few hatcheries which produced several millions of high quality sexreversed tilapia fry, many others showed interest. At least four hatcheries came into operation between 2006 and 2008 in mid-southern part of Bangladesh. After this, proliferation of monosex hatcheries and cage culture started in many parts of Bangladesh. About 3,500 cages are in operation now in Chandpur along the Dakatia River, 500 cages in Laxmipur along the Meghna River. Culture involves stocking of 37-40 sex-reversed tilapia fry of 20-25 g size per m. Fish grow around 400 g in 6-7 months giving around 15kg/m productivity when fed floating feeds. Mortality remains - Liping, L., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2011, Fall). Better Science, Better Fish, Better Life. In Ninth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture.
- Rakocy, J. E., Bailey, D. S., Shultz, R. C., Danaher, J. J., Liping, L., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2011, April).
A commercial-scale aquaponic system developed at the University of the Virgin Islands.
. In ISTA 9, 1. - Al-Nagaawy, A. M., Diab, A. S., Elghobashy, H., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2008).
Accumulation and elimination of copper and lead from O. niloticus fingerlings and consequent influence on their tissue residues and some biochemical parameters.
. In ISTA 8. - Alla, H. M., Diab, A. S., El-Ghany, N. A., Elghobashy, H., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2008).
A trial for treatment of ichthyophonosis in cultured Oreochromis niloticus using fucus and neem plants.
. In ISTA 8.More infoA growing concern for the high consumption of antibiotics in aquaculture has initiated a search for alternative methods of disease control. Improved resistance against infectious diseases can be achieved by the use of probiotics. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of some probiotics on the immune response of O. niloticus. The experimental fish were divided into three groups, the first group was fed on diet supplemented with dead Saccharomyces cerevisae yeast, the second group was fed on diet supplemented with live Bacillus subtilis and Saccharomyces Cerevisae and the third group was served as control fed on probiotic-free diet. Six weeks later the results indicated that, the fish groups which received diet supplemented with probiotics revealed significant increase in non specific immune response as detected in vitro phagocytic activity test. Histologically, the spleen and liver showed great activation of melano-macrophage centers and kupffer cells. The probiotic fed fish groups showed high resistance to the challenged pathogenic microorganisms. - Amal, A. M., Diab, A. S., Elghobashy, H., Fitzsimmons, K., Nur-Nazifah, M., Sabri, M. Y., Siti-Zahrah, A., & Zamri-Saad, M. (2008, May). Determination of LD50 for Streptococcus agalactiae infections in red tilapia and GIFT.. In ISTA 8, 1.
- Brown, T. W., Diab, A. S., Elghobashy, H., Fitzsimmons, K., Jchappell, J. A., Purcell, T., Brown, T. W., Diab, A. S., Elghobashy, H., Fitzsimmons, K., Jchappell, J. A., & Purcell, T. (2008).
. In ISTA 8.More infoRecent research and demonstration efforts which were supported by Alabama Cooperative Extension System and the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station through the Black Belt Initiative and the Alabama Catfish Producers Association enabled some new developments in aquaculture production technology. First, in a project focused on use of alternative energy and energy conservation, a controlled environment aquaculture project was undertaken which used shelled corn and wood pellets as fuel for winter heating two greenhouses. One greenhouse was equipped with a simple fish production system comprised of two elongated, plywood and plastic lined tanks which held a total volume of about 55,000 gallons of water. No bio-filter structure was used. Life support was provided by 2 Sweetwater blowers of 1.5 H.P. each and a very low level (1-6%) daily water exchange. The second greenhouse was set up to produce plants and initially greenhouse tomatoes were cultured. The culture media was composted cotton gin waste placed in troughs excavated in the substrate soil. Two tomato cultivars were planted (Geronimo and Blitz) as transplants in October at a total of 600 plants in the 30 x 96 foot house. Fertilizers were applied pre-plant and subsequently on an as needed basis. Irrigation was provided both from a nearby rain- filled reservoir and water being removed from the fish house as water was exchanged. The fish system allows production of 10-12 tons of Tilapia per annual cycle. This equates to 350-400,000 pounds per acre per year. Tomato production was similarly robust at about 10,000 pounds per cycle. Two cycles per year would normally be cultured so about 10-12 tons per greenhouse of this size per year. This computes to 300-360,000 pounds of tomatoes per acre per year. - Diab, A. S., El-Atta, M. E., Elghobashy, H., Fitzsimmons, K., & Tantawy, M. M. (2008).
Bacterial causes of skin ulcers affection in Tilapia nilotica (Orechromis niloticus) with special referances to its control.
. In ISTA 8. - Diab, A. S., Elghobashy, H., Fitzsimmons, K., & Shoemaker, C. A. (2008).
Concurrent infections (parasitism).
. In ISTA 8. - Diab, A. S., Elghobashy, H., Fitzsimmons, K., HoongYip, Y., Kamaruzzaman, N., Khaw, H. L., Nguyen, N. H., Ponzoni, R. W., & Rizal, A. B. (2008). Genetic improvement of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) - present and future.. In ISTA.More infoWe mainly (but not exclusively) draw upon research and development work carried out by The WorldFish Center (WorldFish). We review the current state of development of selection programs that have had a main focus on growth rate and body traits. There is evidence of sustained gains of 10 to 15 per cent per generation over more than six generation. To date, these gains have not been accompanied by any undesirable correlated response. The prospects for altering sexual dimorphism and the shape of the fish appear to be very limited, however. We also examine the issue of the appropriate environment for selection. Not surprisingly, experimental evidence on genotype by environment interaction suggests that this is more likely to be of importance when the environments in question are markedly dissimilar. We argue that no universal guidelines can be prescribed regarding the need for more than one selection program to cope with different production environments, but that instead, each case should be examined in its own right. Finally, we discuss traits likely to be candidates for inclusion in future, more elaborate, breeding objectives for Nile tilapia, and comment on selection methods that may be implemented in the future.
- Fitzsimmons, K., McIntosh, D., & Tk, B. (2003).
Aquaculture development potential in Arizona: A GIS-based approach.
. In ISTA 7.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2023, March). Global Tilapia Production and Markets: Update 2022. Aquaculture America 2023. New Orleans, LA: World Aquaculture Society.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Campbell, K., McLean, E., & Barrows, F. (2023, March). F3:Accelerating the race to replace the fish in fish feed. Aquaculture America 2023. New Orleans: World Aquaculture Society.
- Fitzsimmons, K., McCoy, T., & Davidowitz, G. (2023, March). Evaluation of growth rate effects in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus and butter lettuce Lactuca sativa from mealworm substitution in feed in RAS.. Aquaculture America 2023. New Orleans.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2022, March). Global Tilapia Production and Markets 2022. World Aquaculture Meetings. San Diego, California: World Aquaculture Society.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2022, October). Transition of aquafeeds to alternative ingredients from fish meal and fish oil.. World Ocean Forum. Barcelona, Spain: World Ocean Council.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2022, September). The transition to include novel feed ingredients and what it means for the sustainability of the industry. Global Shrimp Forum. Utrecht, Netherlands.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2021, August). How aquaculture can be the green protein machine. Webinar. Global on line: Spheric Research.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2021, December). Three presentations at conference. 6th Regional Aquaculture Production Conference - MENA. Dubai, United Arab Emirates: US Soybean Export Council.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2021, June). "Aquafeeds: The Fastest Growing Demand for Grain of any Animal Feed". Webinar Series for NORTHERN CROPS INSTITUTE, NDSU. Online: NORTHERN CROPS INSTITUTE.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2021, November). International Trade in Tilapia Products. International Fish Congress. Sao Paulo Brazil - ZOOM: International Fish Congress.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2021, September). Importance of Global Aquaculture: Fastest Growing Demand in Feed Segment. 1St USSEC Soy Excellence Center Maghreb Aquaculture conference. on-line Casablanca, Morocco: US Soybean Export Council.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2019, July). Global Aquaculture Product Outlook. USSEC 5th Regional Aquaculture Production Conference, MENA. Dubai, UAE: US SOY.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2019, July). International Aquaculture Markets. USSEC 5th Regional Aquaculture Production Conference -MENA. Dubai, UAE: US SOY.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2019, July). Tilapia and Aquaponics: Urban Farming and Low Food Miles. USSEC 5th Regional Aquaculture Production Conference - MENA. Dubai, UAE: US SOY.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2019, June). ASIA LEADS GLOBAL TILAPIA PRODUCTION AND MARKETS IN 2019. World Aquaculture Society - Asia Pacific Chapter. Chennai, India: World Aquaculture Society.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2019, June). PROMOTION OF NOVEL INGREDIENTS AS FISHMEAL REPLACEMENTS: F3 CONTEST AND A FEED INNOVATION NETWORK. World Aquaculture Society - Asia Pacific Chapter meeting. Chennai , India: World Aquaculture Society.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2019, September). Shrimp fattening and polyculture for mangrove protection and restoration. Pathein and Hokkaido Universities Joint Symposium 2019. Pathein, Myanmar: Hokkaido University.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Khaine, N. E., & Stolz, H. (2019, June). Detection of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) Infection in Penaeus monodon cultured in trap and hold farming. World Aquaculture Society Asia Pacific Chapter. Chennai, India: WAS.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Scholz, U., Romatzki, S., & Stolz, H. (2019, November). SHRIMP FATTENING AS PART OF A SUSTAINABLE POLYCULTURE SYSTEM IN MANGROVE HABITATS. First International Symposium on the Utilization of Myanmar's Mangrove Ecosystems for Human Wellbeing, Biodiversity Increase and Coastal Protection. Yangon, Myanmar: MYSAP.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2018, April). Aquaculture development in Myanmar. Monterey Bay - Seafood Watch Meeting. Utrect, NETHERLANDS: MBA - Seafood Watch.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2018, Dec 2018). Tilapia Markets and Production in 2018. Aquaculture Asia 2018. Bangkok: Asian Institute of Technology.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2018, February). 1. Global Tilapia Production 2. Global Tilapia Markets.. Skretting Feeds annual conference. Aswan, EGYPT: Skretting - NUTRECO.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2018, February). 2018 Tilapia Update. US Aquaculture Conference. Las Vegas, NV: World Aquaculture Society and US Tilapia Association.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2018, July). Global Production and Markets for Tilapia and Tilapia Products. MiddleEast and Africa Aquaculture Conference. Cairo, EGYPT: US Soybean Export Council.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2018, March). Aquaculture Best Practices. ASEAN Best Aquaculture Practices. Bangkok, THAILAND: ASEAN and Thai Department of Fisheries.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2018, October). Aquaculture constraints in Myanmar. Our Oceans conference. Bali, INDONESIA: Our Oceans and Indonesian Department of Fisheries.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2018, September). Aquaculture Governance in Myanmar. Wageningen University Global Aquaculture Governance. Utrect, NETHERLANDS: MBA Seafood Watch and Wageningen U..
- Mclain, J. E., Fitzsimmons, K., Meixner, T., Abrell, L. M., & Lynch, R. (2018, March). Might recycled water solve the problem of toxin-producing algae?. Science of the Environment Earth Day Student Presentation. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2017, August). Tilapia: The Future Fish. International Workshop on Tilapia. Chennai, INDIA: Tamil Nadu Fisheries University.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2017, July). Myanmar Experience in On Boarding Farmers Supporting Small-Holders Toward Market Access, Using Certification as Scheme for Improvement. Asia Pacific Aquaculture. KL, Malaysia: WAS - APC.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2017, July). Professional Advancement Through Volunteer Opportunities. Asia Pacific Aquaculture. Putra World Trade Center, KL, Malaysia: APC - WAS.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2017, June). Supply and demand in Tilapia Markets. World Aquaculture Meetings 2017. CapeTown, Sount Africa: World Aquaculture Society.
- Fitzsimmons, K., & LWIN TUN, K. (2017, July). 2017 - Supply and Demand in Tilapia Markets. Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2017. Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: WAS - APC.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Tun, S., Lwin, K., & Lwin, M. (2017, July). Environmental Improvement in South East Asia Aquaculture: The Success Stories, Challenges and Future Insights. Asia Pacific Aquaculture 2017. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Asia Pacific Chapter of World Aquaculture Society.
- Kyi, H. H., Aranguren, L. F., Dhar, A., Mclain, J. E., Fitzsimmons, K., & Lwin Tun, K. (2017, July). Identification of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) in black tiger shrimp (Penaeua monodon), Pacific white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei), and fresh water shrimp (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). World Aquaculture Society APA 17. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2016, Feb). Partnerships in Development and Use of Aquaponics as a Novel Technology. The Social Impact of Economic Innovations. Salt Lake City: Choice International.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2016, November). Aquaculture and Past Experience with Seawater, Energy and Agricultural Systems. Seawater, Energy and Agricultural Systems Forum. MASDAR Abu Dhabi, UAE: MASDAR.
- Mclain, J. E., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2016, October). Sustainable seafood development in Burma. 2016 International Burma Studies Conference. Dekalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Burma Studies Department.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2015, April). Market Stability: Why Tilapia Supply and Demand have Avoided the Boom and Bust of other Commodities. Tilapia 2015. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Infofish FAO.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2015, April). USA: World’s Largest Tilapia Market. Tilapia 2015. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: InfoFish FAO.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2015, October). Supply and Demand in Global Tilapia Markets. Southern Africa Aquaculture Conference. Polokwane, South Africa: University of Limpopo and FAO.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2014, May). Aquaponics Shortcourse - 5 lectures. Aquaponics Shortcourse. University of Guelph, Guelph Canada: Noa Fisheries.
- Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2012, June). Tilapia and carp polyculture. USSEC Yangon, Burma. Yangon, Burma: US Soybean Export Council.
- Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2013, Aug). Progress in research in tilapia biology. Brazilian Conference on Animal Science. Campinas, SP, Brazil: Brazilian Association of Animal Science.
- Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2013, December). Control of EMS with tilapia polyculture. Asia Pacific Aquaculture. Ho Chi Minh, VietNam: World Aquaculture Society.
- Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2013, July). Early Mortality Syndrome in Marine Shrimp - causes and controls. Multiple (Bangkok and Pattaya, Thailand; Surabaya and Lombok, Indonesia; Cau Ma, Vung Tau, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam). Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand: USSEC.
- Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2013, July). Potential for Softshell crab, seaweed and tilapia production in Brunei. Brunei Fisheries. Brunei.
- Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2013, June). Polyculture of tilapia and carps. USSEC workshop, Mandalay, Burma. Mandalay, Burma: USSEC.
- Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2013, March). Farming Desert Coastlines. Desert Aquaculture - Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE.
- Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2013, Sept). College of Agriculture and Life Sciences as partner for Research and Education. faculty visit to UEMA. Sao Luis, Brazil: UEMA.
- Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2013, Sept). Global Markets for Tilapia. Tilapia Symposium. Rio de Janeiro: UN FAO - INFOPESCA.
- Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2013, Sept). Role of tilapia in global trade of whitefish. CONXEMAR. Vigo, Spain: UN FAO.
- Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2013, Sept). Water Resource Management in the Arabian Penisula. Arizona Hydrological Society. Doubletree Hotel Tucson.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2013, March). Integration of aquaculture and agriculture in arid coastal regions. International Conference on Agricultural Technologies in Arid Lands. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2013, February). Organize, chair and lead presentation for Tilapia Session at World Aquaculture meetings. Organize, chair and lead presentation for Tilapia Session at World Aquaculture meetings.. Nashville, TN.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2013, November). Tenth International Tilapia Conference. Tenth International Tilapia Conference. Dalian, China.
- Fitzsimmons, K. M. (2013, November). Innovaciones en las tecnicas de produccion de tilapia y perspectiva del mercado mundial. La acuacultura: Una alternativa para la alimentacion en Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico: CONAPESCA.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2012, March). Organize, chair and lead presentation for Tilapia Session at US Aquaculture meetings. US Aquaculture Meetings. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2012, November). Ninth International Tilapia Conference. Ninth International Tilapia Conference. HaiNan, China.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2012, October). Grey Water Use Information Exchange - WRRC. Grey Water Use Information Exchange. Tucson: WRRC.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2012, September). Organize, chair and lead presentation for Tilapia Session at World Aquaculture meetings. World Aquaculture meetings. Prague, Czech Republic.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2011, August). Integrated Aquaculture-Agriculture - Summer 2011 - 5 Continents - 5 Weeks - 5 Slides - 5 Minutes. Annual CEAC Research Reports and Retreat. Tucson, AZ: CEAC.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2011, April). ISTA 9. ISTA 9. Shanghai, China.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2011, August). Sustainable Aquaculture and Agriculture in Guyana. Short course in the Amazon basin. Bina Hill, Region 9 Guyana.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2011, January). Guest lecture. Guest lecture. Mymensingh, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Agricultural University.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2011, January). Keynote address. World Aquaculture Society Conference. Kochi, India: World Aquaculture Society.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2011, January). Sustainable Aquaculture in Rural India. Farmer to Farmer Aquaculture workshop. Raichur, India.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2011, July). Tilapia - Shrimp polyculture systems. CP Prima. Jakarata, Indonesia: CP Prima.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2011, March). Organize, chair and lead presentation for Tilapia Session at US Aquaculture meetings. US Aquaculture Meetings. New Orleans, LA.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2011, November). Production and processing for tilapia, Chiapas, Mexico. aquaculture confernce. Tuxtla Guttierez, Chiapas, Mexico.More infoInternet/intranet
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2011, October). Aquaponics and Integrated Aquaculture and Agriculture. Guest Lecture. Thuwal, Saudia Arabia: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2011, September). Tilapia Production and Markets, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Aquaponics conference. Cancun, Mexico.
Poster Presentations
- Fitzsimmons, K., Mclain, J., Lynch, R., Meixner, T., & Abreil, L. (2018, Feb). Might recycled water inhibit toxin-producing algae?. Water Resources Center. Tucson: WRRC.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Meixner, T., Abrell, L. M., & Mclain, J. E. (2018, February). Might recycled water solve the problem of toxin-producing algae?. University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center 2018 Annual Conference. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center.
- Fitzsimmons, K., Stevens, S. J., & Korchmaros, J. D. (2017, June). Structural interventions in Myanmar to advance women’s economic independence to reduce substance use and other health risk behavior. International Woman’s and Children’s Health and Gender Group Conference (InWomen Conference). Montreal, Canada.
- Mclain, J. E., Fitzsimmons, K., Lynch, R., Mclain, J. E., Fitzsimmons, K., & Lynch, R. (2017, March). Might recycled water inhibit toxin-producing algae?. Water Resources Research Center Annual Conference. Tucson, Arizona: WRRC.
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2021. Kevin Fitzsimmons, Ph.D on Aquaponics, Aquaculture and Global Developments WEBINAR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KgPYDo0rvQ.More infoKevin Fitzsimmons, Ph.D on Aquaponics, Aquaculture and Global Developments
- Fitzsimmons, K. (2021. Webinar - Status of tilapia culture and markets in China and globally(pp Webinar). Asia.More infoWEBINAR
- Fitzsimmons, K., Bartley, D., Philips, M., Arthur, R., & Bondad-Reantaso, M. (2023, March). Volume 15, Issue Special Issue 1Tilapia health: quo vadis? Guest Editors: Devin Bartley, Michael Philips, Kevin Fitzsimmons, Richard Arthur, Melba G. Bondad-Reantaso. This supplement was supported by a grant from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsPages: 1-212February 2023. Reviews in Aquaculture.More infoSpoecial issue of journal. Selected articles fromn 2022 virtual conference
- Tran, L., Nunan, L., Redman, R., Lightner, D., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2013, Fall). EMS/AHPNS: Infectious disease caused by bacteria. Global Aquaculture Advocate.More infoVolume 15, pgs 18-20
- Al-Ghanem, K., Alam, A., Al-Hafedh, Y., & Fitzsimmons, K. (2011, Fall). Tilapia Aquaculture in Saudi Arabia - Farming with seaweed may improve economic, environmental sustainability. Global Aquaculture Advocate.More infoVolume 3, pgs 26-27
- Fitzsimmons, K. -. (2010, Fall). Arizona Aquaculture Website.