Kimberly A Chapman
- Library Services Professional
- (520) 626-1910
- Main Library, Rm. A501
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- kimberlychapman@arizona.edu
- M.L.I.S
- The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
- B.A. English and Humanistic Studies
- University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Work Experience
- University of Arizona Libraries (2014 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona Libraries (2010 - 2014)
- University of Arizona Libraries (2008 - 2010)
- University of Arizona Libraries (2007 - 2008)
- University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas (2004 - 2007)
- University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas (2003 - 2004)
Scholarly communications, open access initiatives, digital collections, institutional repositories, citation analysis
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Kipphut-Smith, S., Boock, M., Chapman, K., & Willi Hooper, M. (2018). Measuring Open Access Policy Compliance: Results of a Survey. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 6(1), eP2247. doi:10.7710/2162-3309.2247
- Carscaddon, L., & Chapman, K. (2013). Twitter as a marketing tool for libraries. Marketing with social media: A LITA guide, 147--163.
- Chapman, K., Carscaddon, L., & Del Bosque, D. C. (2008). Take a gamble on Web 2.0! What you want to know and are afraid to ask.
- Del Bosque, D. C., & Chapman, K. (2008). Users 2.0: Technology at your service.
- Del Bosque, D. C., Chapman, K., & Carscaddon, L. (2008). Demystifying Web 2.0 for librarians 2008.
- Del Bosque, D. C., & Chapman, K. (2007). Demystifying Web 2.0 for librarians: From technonovice to technopro.
- Del Bosque, D., & Chapman, K. (2007). Your place or mine? Face-to-face reference services across campus. New Library World, 108, 247--262.
- Chapman, K., & Del Bosque, D. (2005). Building Skills F2F-Using Chat Reference Techniques!. Brick and Click Libraries: Proceedings of an Academic Library Symposium, 24.
- Del Bosque, D. C., & Chapman, K. (2005). Chucking chat: Going to where our students really are.
- Del Bosque, D., & Chapman, K. (2004). Ask a UT system librarian: A multi-campus chat initiative supporting students at a distance. Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 9, 24. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/J136v09n03_06More infoUniversity of Texas System libraries initiated a chat reference program to support distance learners enrolled at University of Texas component institutions, including the UT Telecampus Digital Library. Librarians at several geographically distant campuses staffed the collaborative chat reference service.Librarians assisted students at other UT System campuses, in effect becoming “distance librarians” who must have thorough knowledge of both their own library resources and the resources available at other campus libraries.Librarians at The University of Texas at San Antonio share their experiences with this collaborative chat reference service.
Proceedings Publications
- Oxnam, M. G., & Chapman, K. A. (2015, March 25-28). Renewing Our Value: The Library’s Role with Online Faculty Evaluations. In Association of College and Research Libraries - ACRL 2015.More infoAbstract: Learn about online faculty evaluation tools being implemented at many academic institutions and how libraries can play a central role in supporting these tools and the faculty who use them! There are increasing trends to move traditional, paper-based annual review processes for faculty to online systems. Learn about UA Vitae, the online faculty evaluation tool at the University of Arizona and the numerous opportunities for libraries to demonstrate leadership and support to campus through business intelligence, information management, contract negotiations, training and many other forms of support!
- Chapman, K. A., Oxnam, M. G., & Frumkin, J. A. (2015, Spring). Stewarding the Scholarly Record at the University of Arizona. Spring 2015 CNI Membership Meeting. Seattle, WA.: Coalition for Networked Information (CNI).More infoAbstract:The University of Arizona Libraries has an evolving strategy to steward the scholarly record of the institution. As a key component of this strategy the Libraries have a leadership role in implementing UA Vitae, a mandated online faculty activity reporting system with initial focus on supporting the faculty evaluation process. In partnership with the Office of the Provost and Campus Computing, the Libraries contribute expertise in support of this campus initiative. Leveraging the data from this effort to capture a more holistic view of the scholarly record provides opportunities for the Libraries to partner on approaches to utilizing, stewarding, and exposing the scholarly record. This presentation will describe the University and the Library’s evolving strategies in regard to defining and stewarding the scholarly record, our experiences with the build-out of the faculty activity reporting system, and next steps in bringing together information and systems that are transforming our University.
- Pfander, J. L., Martin, D. J., & Chapman, K. A. (2008, April). New Traditions and Transitions: A Web Portal to Discover, Create and Exchange Knowledge of the Sonoran Desert.. 11th Biennial USAIN Conference, Wooster, OH, April 29, 2008.
Poster Presentations
- Chapman, K. A., & Oxnam, M. G. (2015, June 8th-11th). The Road Forward: Faculty Reporting System, Institutional Repository, and Research Portal Integration at the University of Arizona. OR2015: 10th International Conference on Open Repositories. Indianapolis, IN.More infoAbstract: How has the launch of “UA Vitae”, an online reporting system supporting the faculty annual review process at the University of Arizona, impacted the institutional repository? Explore the relationship between the “UA Vitae” system and the UA Campus Repository; learn about the current reality and the potential that is just around the corner! In addition, learn how the UA Campus Repository data is integrated into the brand-new Research Arizona Portal that shares and showcases faculty research from Arizona universities. Workflow processes have potholes,but we’re driving forward to collaborate and promote the University’s research output. This poster shows what is “under the hood” in terms of desired and actual workflows. In addition,we’ll discuss faculty participation in making content available across systems. We’ll describe the similarities and differences between system objectives, and discuss how we’ve approachedcommon goals. This presentation will focus on the business relationships in place to make collaboration work, in addition to highlighting both bumps-in-the-road and destinations reached!
- Lee, D. R., & Chapman, K. A. (2014, March). Vision Smashing Into Reality: Implementing Core Service Models. Library Publishing Forum 2014. Kansas City, Missouri: Library Publishing Coalition.More infoPoster presentation at Library Publishing Forum; published in online proceedings.
- Carscaddon, L., & Chapman, K. (2012, June). You Tweetin' @ Me? Social Media in ARL Libraries -- Hype or Reality?. American Library Association Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA.
- Chapman, K., & Oxnam, M. (2011, Spring). Revolutionary Repository Services. Association of College & Research Libraries Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
- Carscaddon, L., & Chapman, K. (2008, Summer). Friday Socials: Workshops on the Web 2.0 World. Continuing Library Education Network Exchange Training Showcase, American Library Association Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA.
- Del Bosque, D. C., & Chapman, K. (2005, Spring). Birds, banners, and branding: Marketing the UTSA library instruction program. Association of College and Research Library's 12th National Conference.