Marc L Miller
- Professor, Law
- Endowed Chair, Ralph W Bilby-Law
- Professor, Public Health
- Professor, Global Change - GIDP
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 626-2414
- College of Law Building, Rm. 248
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- miller47@arizona.edu
- J.D. Law
- University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, United States
- B.A. Politics, Philosophy and Economics
- Pomona College, Claremont, California, United States
Work Experience
- University of Arizona Rogers College of Law (2011 - 2012)
- University of Arizona Rogers College of Law (2006 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona Rogers College of Law (2005 - 2006)
- Emory Law School (2003 - 2005)
- Emory Law School (1998 - 2006)
- Emory Law School (1995 - 1998)
- Stanford Law School (1995 - 1996)
- Duke School of Law (1995)
- Emory Law School (1988 - 1995)
- Vera Institute of Justice (1987 - 1988)
- United States Department of Justice (1985 - 1987)
- United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit (1984 - 1985)
No activities entered.
2017-18 Courses
Sustainabilty+Env Policy
LAW 603J (Spring 2018) -
Sustainabilty+Env Policy
PA 603J (Spring 2018)
2016-17 Courses
Sustainabilty+Env Policy
ANTH 603J (Spring 2017) -
Sustainabilty+Env Policy
LAW 603J (Spring 2017)
2015-16 Courses
Sustainabilty+Env Policy
ANTH 603J (Spring 2016) -
Sustainabilty+Env Policy
ECOL 603J (Spring 2016) -
Sustainabilty+Env Policy
LAW 603J (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. F. (2015). Criminal Procedures: Cases, Statutes & Executive Materials, 5th edition. Wolters Kluwer.More infoThe authors present a student-friendly, comprehensive survey of the laws and practices at work between the time a person is charged and when the courts resolve the offender’s conviction and sentence. In the Fifth Edition, the authos have updated the selection of cases and statutes and expanded discussions of important topics. Covering in detail the “bail-to-jail” portions of the criminal process, this casebook features: Extensive use of documents from multiple institutions including U.S. Supreme Court cases, state high court cases, state and federal statutes, rules of procedure, and prosecutorial policies; a real world perspective that focuses on high-volume issues of current importance to defendants, lawyers, courts, legislators, and the public; interdisciplinary examination of the impact that different procedures have on the enforcers, lawyers, courts, communities, defendants, and victims; and frequent use of Problems that gives the instructor options for applying concepts and doctrines in realistic practice settings.
- Miller, M. L., & Fabian, R. N. (2004). Harmful Invasive Species : Legal Responses. Washington, DC: Environmental Law Institute.
- Miller, M. L., & Morris, N. (1987). Predictions of Dangerousness in the Criminal Law. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, Research in Brief.
- Miller, M. L., & Chin, J. (2014). Illegally Crossing Borders: The Limits of State Criminal Immigration Laws. In Strange Neighbors: The Role of States in Immigration Policy. New York: New York University Press.
- Miller, M. L. (2014). There Ought to be a Law! The Peculiar Absence of Broad Federal Harmful Nonindigenous Species Legislation. In Invasive Species in a Globalized World: Ecological, Social and Legal Perspectives on Policy. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. (2012). Reporting for Duty: The Universal Prosecutorial Accountability Puzzle and an Experimental Transparency Alternative. In The Prosecutor in Transnational Perspective. Washington, DC: Oxford University Press.More infoThis chapter explores an emerging experiment among American prosecutors who use websites and annual reports to describe for constituents and other observers the patterns of decisions in their offices. This modest mechanism may point toward a larger response to the prosecutorial accountability deficit: functional transparency. The first part of the chapter focuses on two examples of websites and annual reports: those of the Washington State District Attorney in Kitsap County and the Tennessee District Attorney General in Shelby County. The second part connects this public reporting strategy to the two existing strategies that prosecutors around the world use to address the accountability deficit: electoral accountability in the United States, and bureaucratic accountability in Europe, Japan, and elsewhere. It suggests that in the face of increasing caseloads and limited resources, the two traditional responses to the accountability deficit are converging in both American and civil-law systems. The third part discusses how the intriguing but limited development of prosecutorial websites and annual reports can amplify the effects of the more traditional accountability strategies for prosecutors. It asks whether websites and reports might be a third piece of the accountability puzzle—one that would fall under the general heading of transparency.
- Miller, M. L., Chin, G. J., & Byrne Hessick, C. (2012). Arizona Senate Bill 1070: Politics Through Immigration Law. In Arizona Firestorm Global Immigration Realities, National Media, and Provincial Politics. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Miller, M. L. (2011). Biological Invasions: Federal and States Law. In Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
- Miller, M. L., Liverman, D. M., & Overpeck, J. (2011). Global Climate Change as a Local Phenomenon. In Navigating Climate Change Policy : the Opportunities of Federalism(p. 276). Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press (Edge Book Series).
- Miller, M. L., & Engel, K. H. (2009). State Governance: Leadership on Climate Change. In Agenda for a Sustainable America(pp 441-459). Washington, DC: ELI Press.More infoThis book is a comprehensive assessment of U.S. progress toward sustainable development and a roadmap of necessary next steps toward achieving a sustainable America. Packed with facts, figures, and the well-informed opinions of thirty-two experts, it provides an illuminating snapshot of sustainability in the United States today. And each of the contributors suggests where we need to go next, recommending three to five specific actions that we should take during the next five to ten years. It thus offers a comprehensive agenda that citizens, corporations, nongovernmental organizations, and government leaders and policymakers can use to make decisions today and to plan for the future.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. (2009). Subjective and Objective Discretion of Prosecutors. In Criminal Law Conversations. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Miller, M. L. (2004). Sentencing "Reform" Through Sentencing Information Systems. In The Future of Imprisonment(pp 121-153). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Miller, M. L. (2004). The Paradox of U.S. Alien Species Law. In Harmful Invasive Species : Legal Responses. Washington, DC: Environmental Law Institute.
- Miller, M. L., & Chanenson, S. (2005). Norval Morris. In Encyclopedia of Prisons and Correctional Facilities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Miller, M. L., & Gunderson, L. H. (2004). Introduction : Biological and Cultural Camouflage : the Challenges of Seeing the Harmful Invasive Species Problem and Doing Something About It. In Harmful Invasive Species : Legal Responses. Washington, DC: Environmental Law Institute.
- Miller, M. L. (1986). Changing Legal Paradigms in Juvenile Justice. In Intervention Strategies for Chronic Juvenile Offenders : Some New Perspectives. New York: Greenwood Press.
- Miller, M. L. (1986). Legal Constraints on Intervention Programs in Public Schools. In Intervention Strategies for Chronic Juvenile Offenders : Some New Perspectives. New York: Greenwood Press.
- Lopez Hoffman, L., Lopez Hoffman, L., Miller, M. L., Miller, M. L., Ram, S., Ram, S., Bethard, S. J., Bethard, S. J., Currim, F., Currim, F., Lien, A., Lien, A., Pidot, J. R., Pidot, J. R., Scott, T. A., Scott, T. A., Baldwin, E., Baldwin, E., Emerson, K., & Emerson, K. (2020). NEPA performance: A framework for assessing EIAs. Environmental Impact Assessment Review.
- Presnall, C. K., Lopez Hoffman, L. -., & Miller, M. L. (2015). Adding Ecosystem Services to Environmental Impact Assessments: More sequins on a Bloated Elvis or Rockin Idea?. Ecological Economics.
- Lopez Hoffman, L. -., Breshears, D. D., Allen, C. D., & Miller, M. L. (2013). Key landscape ecology metrics for assessing climate change adaptation options: rate of change and patchiness of impacts. Ecosphere, 4(8), Article 101, pages 1-18.More infoSpecial Feature: Sustainability on the Border.New journal - no impact factor yet.
- Miller, M. L., Lopez Hoffman, L., & Presnall, C. (2015). Adding Ecosystem Services to Environmental Impact Analyses: More Sequins on a “ Bloated Elvis ” or Rockin' Idea?. Ecological Economics, 115(2015), 29-38.
- Miller, M. L., & Caplinger, S. (2012). Prosecution in Arizona: Practical Problems, Prosecutorial Accountability, and Local Solutions. Crime and Justice, 41(1), 265-310.
- Miller, M. L., & Chin, G. J. (2011). The Unconstitutionality of State Regulation of Immigration Through Criminal Law. Duke Law Journal, 62(251), 251-314.
- Miller, M. L., & Mee, N. (2011). Here Comes the Sun: Solar Power Parity with Fossil Fuels. William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review, 36(119), 119-152.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. F. (2010). The Worldwide Accountability Deficit for Prosecutors. Washington and Lee Law Review, 67(1587), 1587-1620.
- Miller, M. L., Brickey, C., Engel, K., Jacobs, K., Luecke, D. F., Matter, J., Overpeck, J., & Udall, B. (2010). How to Take Climate Change Into Account: A Guidance Document for Judges Adjudicating Water Disputes. The Environmental Law Reporter, 40(12), 11215-11228.
- Miller, M. L., Chin, G. J., Hessick, C. B., & Massaro, T. (2010). A Legal Labyrinth: Issues Raised by Arizona Senate Bill 1070. Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, 25(1), 47-92.
- Miller, M. L., Presnall, C., & Lopez-Hoffman, L. (2010). Can the Deepwater Horizon Trust Take Account of Ecosystem Services and Fund Restoration of the Gulf?. Environmental Law Reporter, 40(11), 11129-.
- Miller, M. L., & Chanenson, S. L. (2009). Shaping Modern Sentencing: Three Giants. Federal Sentencing Report, 21(4), 227-234.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. F. (2008). Dead Wrong. Utah Law Review, 2008(1), 19.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. F. (2008). Leaky Floors: State Law Below Federal Constitutional Limits. Arizona Law Review, 50(1), 227-259.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. F. (2008). The Black Box: The Reasons Behind Procecutors' Declination Choices. Iowa Law Review, 94(1), 125-196.
- Miller, M. L. (2005). A Map of Sentencing and a Compass for Judges: Sentencing Information Systems, Transparency, and the Next Generation of Reform. Columbia Law Review, 105(4), 1351-1395.
- Miller, M. L., & Aplet, G. H. (2005). Applying Legal Sunshine to the Hidden Regulation of Biological Control. Biological Control, 35(1), 358-365.
- Miller, M. L., & Weisberg, R. (2005). Sentencing Lessons. Stanford Law Review, 58(1), 1-36.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. (2005). The Wisdom We have Lost: Sentencing Information and Its Uses. Stanford Law Review, 58, 361-380.
- Miller, M. L. (2004). Domination and Dissatisfaction: Prosecutors as Sentencers. Stanford Law Review, 56(5), 1211-1269.
- Miller, M. L. (2004). Sentencing Equality Pathology. Emory Law Review, 54(5), 271-290.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. (2004). Secret Police and the Mysterious Case of the Missing Tort Claims. Buffalo Law Review, 52, 757-791.More infoInvited for inaugural essay issue
- Miller, M. L. (2003). NIS, WTO, SPS, WIR - Does the WTO Substantially Limit the Ability of Countries to Regulate Harmful Nonindigenous Species. Emory International Law Review, 17(3), 1059-1089.
- Miller, M. L., & Goodman, R. (2003). Public Lands for the Public's Health. Environmental Law Reporter, 33(3), 10217.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. (2003). Honesty and Opacity in Charge Bargains. Stanford Law Review, 55(4), 1409-1417.More infoResponse to Gerald E. Lynch, "Screening versus Plea Bargaining: Exactly What Are We Trading Off" 55 Stanford Law Review 1399 (2003)
- Miller, M. L. (2002). Immigration Law: Assessing New Immigration Enforcement Strategies and the Criminalization of Migration. Emory Law Journal, 51(3), 963-976.More infoIntroduction The 2002 Randolph W. Thrower Symposium: Immigration Law: Assessing New Immigration Enforcement Strategies and the Criminalization of Migration
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. (2002). The Screening/Bargaining Tradeoff. Stanford Law Review, 55(1), 29-118.
- Miller, M. L., & Shanor, C. (2001). Pardon Us: Systematic Presidential Pardons Pardon Power and Sentencing Policy: A: Guidance for Pardons. Federal Sentencing Reportor, 13(3/4), 139-146.
- Miller, M. L., Pitts, K., Miller, M. L., & Pitts, K. (2000). Interim Report, Policy & Regulation Working Group of the National Invasive Species Advisory Council. National Invasive Species Advisory Council.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. (1999). Empty Heart, Vibrant Corpus. Federal Sentencing Report, 12(2), 86-91.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. F. (1999). Your Cheatin' Heart(land): The Long Search for Administrative Sentencing Justice. Buffalo Criminal Law Review, 2(2), 723-814.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. (1998). Teaching Holistic Sentencing. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 10(6), 338-343.
- Miller, M. L. (1995). Rehabilitating the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Judicature, 78(4), 180-188.
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1994). Disproportionate Imprisonment of Low-Level Drug Offenders. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 7(1), 3-6.More infoPart of the Editors' Observations
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1994). Guiding the Discretion of U.S. Attorneys: Department of Justice Policies, 1980-1994. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 6(6), 299-301.More infoEditor's Observations
- Miller, M. L. (1993). True Grid: Revealing Sentencing Policy. U.C. Davis Law Review, 25(3), 587-616.
- Miller, M. L., & Aplet, G. (1993). Biological Control: A Little Knowledge Is a Dangerous Thing. Rutgers Law Review, 45(2), 285-334.
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1993). Chasm between the Judiciary and Congress over Mandatory Minimum Sentences,. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 6(2), 59-62.
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1993). Contrasting Approaches toward Guidelines and Departures in Six Circuits Contrasts among Circuits. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 5(5), 243-245.More infoEditor's Observations
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1993). Unfulfilled Potential for Independent Federal Sentencing Research, The Independent Research on Federal Sentencing. Federal Sentencing Report, 6(1), 3-5.More infoEditor's Observations
- Miller, M. L. (1992). Purposes at Sentencing. Southern California Law Review, 66(1), 413-482.
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1992). Amending the Guidelines The Amendment Process and Guidelines Reform. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 4(6), 307-309.More infoEditor's Observations
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1992). Departures Visible and Invisible: Perpetuating Variation in Federal Sentences Developments in the Use of Departures. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 5(1), 3-5.More infoEditor's Observations
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1992). Suggestions for the President and the 103rd Congress on the Guideline Sentencing System. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 5(4), 187-189; 239.
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1991). Developing Intermediate Sanctions Intermediate Sanctions. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 4(1), 3-5.More infoEditor's Observations
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1991). Honoring Judicial Discretion under the Sentencing Reform Act Reexamining the Statute. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 3(5), 235-238.More infoEditor's Observations
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1991). Perspectives on Disparity in Guideline Research Perspectives on Disparity in Guideline Research. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 4(3), 123-125.More infoEditor's Observations
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1991). Plea Bargained Sentences, Disparity and Guideline Justice Plea Bargaining under the Guidelines. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 3(4), 175-178.More infoEditor's Observations
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1991). Taking Purposes Seriously: The Neglected Requirement of Guideline Sentencing Purposes at Sentencing. Federal Sentencing Report, 3(6), 295-297.More infoEditor's Observations
- Miller, M. L. (1990). Georgia's Historical Law Schools - Part III: Emory: The Creation of a National Law School Legal History. Georgia State Bar Journal, 27(2), 88-95.
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1990). Emerging Proportionality Law for Measuring Departures, The. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 2(8), 255-256.More infoEditor's Notes
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1990). Offender Characteristics and Victim Vulnerability: The Differences between Policy Statements and Guidelines. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 3(1), 3-7.More infoEditor's Observations
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1990). The Commission Under Fire: Constructive Advice or Destructive Attack?. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 2(7), 207-209.
- Miller, M. L., & Guggenheim, M. (1990). Pretrial Detention and Punishment. Minnesota Law Review, 75(2), 335-426.
- Miller, M. L. (1999). Guidelines are not enough: The need for written sentencing opinions. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 7(1), 3-24.
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1989). Handcuffing the Sentencing Judge: Are offender characteristics becoming irrelevant? Are Congressionally mandated sentences displacing judicial discretion. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 2(6), 189-191.
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1989). The Relevant Conduct Controversy. Federal Sentencing Review, 2(5), 130.More infoEditor's Notes
- Miller, M. L., & Morris, N. (1988). Predictions of Dangerousness: An Argument for Limited Use. Violence & Victims, 7(4), 263.
- Miller, M. L., & Morris, N. (1986). Predictions of Dangerousness: Ethical Concerns and Proposed Limits. Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy, 2(2), 393-444.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. F. (1986). In Your Court: State Judicial Federalism in Capital Cases. Urban Lawyer, 18(3), 659-706.
- Miller, M. L., & Morris, N. (1985). Predictions of Dangerousness. Crime and Justice, 6(1985), 1-50.
- Miller, M. L. (1983). Diversity Jurisdiction Over Alien Corporations. University of Chicago Law Review, 50(4), 1458.
- Miller, M. L. (2009, October 17). Using a VAP (Visiting Assistant Professor) to Prepare for the Market and the Democratization of the Academy. Aspiring Law Professors Conference. Tempe, AZ: Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law--Arizona State University.
- Miller, M. L. (2011, Fall). Crime and Punishment Revisited: Sentencing in a Post-Plata World. Univeristy of California-Davis.
- Miller, M. L. (2011, Spring). Blasting a Big Hole in a Sinking Ship: Adapting to Invasive Species and to Climate Change. University of Chicago. Chicago, IL.
- Miller, M. L. (2011, Winter). Arizona Plus. Association of American Law Schools. San Francisco, CA.
- Miller, M. L. (2010, August 26-28). State Criminal Enforcement of Immigration Laws. 2nd Annual Western Criminal Law Scholars Workshop. University of Colorado/Denver University.
- Miller, M. L. (2010, February 12). Supreme Court Selected Criminal Law Decisions and Trends. United States Court of Appeal Ninth Circuit District of Arizona Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ: United States Court of Appeal Ninth Circuit District of Arizona.
- Miller, M. L. (2010, January 7). Climate Change and Legal Practice. Continuing Legal Education Lecture. Phoenix, AZ: State Bar of Arizona.
- Miller, M. L. (2010, October 8). State Criminal Enforcement of Immigrations Laws. 1st Annual Western Criminal Law Scholars Workshop. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State University.
- Miller, M. L. (2010, September 2). Discretion in Federal and State Immigration Law. American Constitution Society Panel. Tucson, AZ: American Constitution Society for Law and Policy.
- Miller, M. L., & Farber, D. (2010, April). A Simple But Fundamental Step: Put All EISs & EAs on the Web. President's Council on Environmental QualityU.S. Institute for Conflict Resolution.
- Miller, M. L. (2009, June 29). Lobbying for Constitutionally Suspect Legislation: Ethical Duties to Clients and to the Legislature. Continuing Legal Education for Small & Mid-sized Law Firms in Phoenix. Phoenix, AZ: Collins, May, Potenza, Baran & Gillespie.
- Miller, M. L. (2008, February 2). See No Evil. Judicial Transparency. Villanova, PA: Villanova School of Law.
- Miller, M. L. (2008, September 11). The Internal Regulation of Executive Discretion: Theory in Search of Environmental Applications. Environmental Breakfast Club. Tucson, AZ: Environmental Breakfast Club.
- Miller, M. L. (2006, August 6-8). Sentencing Information: The Next Generaltion of Sentencing Reform. Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA: National Association of Sentencing Commissions.
- Miller, M. L. (2006, October 27-28). Reasons Behind Prosecutor's Declination Decisions. First Annual Empirical Legal Studies Conference. Austin, TX: University of Texas.
- Miller, M. L. (2006, September 07). Subjective and Objective Perspectives on Judicial and Prosecutorial Sentencing Discretion. Executive Sessions. Stanford, CA: Stanford Criminal Justice Center.
- Miller, M. L. (2005, April 8-9). Tort Claims For Harm From Invasive Species. American Law Institute Workshop. Washington, DC: Amercian Bar Association.More infoWorkshop on endangered species
- Miller, M. L. (2005, January). Hidden Wisdom: Accessibility and Transparency of Sentencing Information. Columbia Law School. New York, NY: Columbia Law School.
- Miller, M. L. (2005, March 29). Lawless' Prosecutorial Power and Reason as Law. Hoffinger Criminal Justice Colloquium Lecture. New York, NY: New York University School of Law.
- Miller, M. L. (2004, February). Crimes and Punishments: Prosecutorial Domination of Sentencing Power. Stanford Law School. Stanford, CA: Stanford Law School.
- Miller, M. L. (2004, January 27-29). Is a Biological Control Law the Answer?. Science and Decision-Making in Biological Control of Weeds. Denver, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture.
- Miller, M. L. (2003, April 11). The Federal Sentencing Travesty. American Constitution Society. Stanford, CA: Stanford Law School.
- Miller, M. L. (2003, April 24). Sentencing Reform: The Sentencing Information System Alternative to Sentencing Guidelines. Houston Scholarship Colloquium. Houston, TX: University of Houston Law Center.
- Miller, M. L. (2003, April 4). The Screening/Bargaining Tradeoff. The Screening/Bargaining Tradeoff Symposium. New Orleans, LA: Tulane Law School.
- Miller, M. L. (2003, February 4). The Screening/Bargaining Tradeoff. The Screening/Bargaining Tradeoff Symposium. Stanford, CA: Stanford Law School.
- Miller, M. L. (2002, November 8). Sentencing Sans Purposes: The Steady Drift Towards "Out of Guideline" Sentences. Conference on Federal Sentencing Reform. New Haven, CN: Yale Law School.
- Miller, M. L. (2002, September 23). Cumberland Island: The Ownership and Use of Nature and History. Emory University Environmental Faculty. Atlanta, GA: Emory University.
- Miller, M. L. (2001, April 12). The Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Misdemeanors: Big Lessons from Small Injustices. Presentation. LaGrange, GA: Cedar Hill Society.
- Miller, M. L. (2001, August 1). NIS, WTO, SPS, WIR: Does the WTO Substantially Limit the Ability of Countries to Regulate Harmful Non-Indigenous Species?. World Association of International Studies. Stanford, CA: Stanford University.
- Miller, M. L. (2001, August 11). Scientists, Lawyers and Bureaucrats: Will the New Federal Policy for Harmful Invasive Species Help?. Pacific Forum. Moss Landing, CA: Montery Bay Aquarium Research Institute.
- Miller, M. L. (2001, June 26). Cumberland Island: The Ownership and Use of Nature and History. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Conference. Charleston, SC: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
- Miller, M. L. (2001, May 31-June 1). NIS, WTO, SPS, WIR: Does the WTO Substantially Limit the Ability of Countries to Regulate Harmful Non-Indigenous Species?. Conference. Istanbul, Turkey: Bogazici University.
- Miller, M. L. (2001, October 5). The Screening/Bargaining Tradeoff. Faculty Colloguium. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University College of Law.
- Miller, M. L. (2000, February 28). Five Sentencing Myths: Three Sentencing Mysteries. Sentencing Workshop for Federal Defenders and Panel Attorneys. Washington, DC: Federal Judicial Center.
- Miller, M. L. (2000, January 12-14). Sentencing Departures: The "Answer" or the "Problem?". Confernece. St. Louis, MO: St. Louis University.
- Miller, M. L. (2000, June 12). Sentencing in the Law School Curriculum: Another Kind of Mandatory Minimum. Conference on Criminal Justice in the New Millennium. Washington, DC: Association of American Law Schools--Criminal Justice Section.
- Miller, M. L. (1999, December 10-11). The Paradox of the United States Alien Species Law. Conference. Bonn, Germany: IUCN World Conservation Congress.
- Miller, M. L. (1999, September 14). The Lost Parsimony Concept and the Continuing Search for Sentencing Justice. Conference. Las Vegas, NV: Federal Defenders of the Ninth Circuit.
- Miller, M. L. (1997, October 17). The Pepinero Wars: The Challenge of Conservation in the Galapagos. Conference. San Francisco, CA: California Academy of Sciences.
- Miller, M. L. (1996, March 8). Lessons from Executive Order 11987 (May 24, 1977) on the Regulation of Harmful Non-indigenous Species. Public Interest Environment Law Conference. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon School of Law.
- Miller, M. L. (1995, November 2). Corrections Entitlements: Cells vs. Cops and Cells vs. Classrooms. Jurisprudence and Social Policy. Berkeley, CA: University of California at Berkeley.
- Miller, M. L. (1994, August 17-September 2). The History of Executive Order 11987: Problems with the Regulation of Non-Indigenous Species. Conference. Aspen, CO: Aspen Global Change Institute.
- Miller, M. L. (1994, January). Virtues of Biological Control Regulation. Proceedings of the 1994 U.S. Department of Agriculture Gypsy Joth Research Forum. Annapolis, MD: USDA.
- Miller, M. L. (1994, January). Why Biologists and Researchers Should Support Regulation of Biological Controls. Gypsy Moth Research Forum. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Department of Agriculture Interagency Gypsy Moth Research Forum.
- Miller, M. L. (1994, November 28). The Intersection of Law and Biology: Biological Control and the Introduction of Non-Indigenous Species. Environmental Policy Forum. Stanford, CA: Stanford University.
- Miller, M. L. (1994, October 26-28). The Modern Chicago School of Criminology: An Exploration in Honor of Norval Morris. Conference. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago.
- Miller, M. L. (1992, February 21-22). Purposes at Sentencing. Seminar. Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California Law Center.
- Miller, M. L. (1992, July 13). Origins of the Corporate Sentencing Guidelines. New Jersey Corporate Counsel Association. New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Corporate Counsel Association.
- Miller, M. L. (1992, March 22-24). The Disappointing Sentencing Guidelines. Annual Conference. Sea Island, GA: National Association of Former U.S. Attorneys.
- Miller, M. L. (1992, October 16). The State of the Sentencing Guidelines: Images of Stability, Hints of Anarchy. Annual White Collar Crime Seminar. Atlanta, GA: Emory University School of Law.
- Miller, M. L. (1991, April 10). Grappling with the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Legal Seminar. Atlanta, GA: Atlanta Bar Association Criminal Law Section.
- Miller, M. L. (1991, January 14-16). Sentencing Discretion and Appellate Review. Joint Circuit Conference. Charleston, SC: U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Sixth and Eight Circuits.
- Miller, M. L. (1991, October 17). Plea Bargaining and Sentencing Under the Guidelines. Annual White Collar Crime Seminar. Atlanta, GA: Institute of Continuing Legal Education (GA).
- Miller, M. L. (1989, January 6). The Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA: American Association of Law Schools.
- Miller, M. L. (1989, September 21). Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Legal Seminar. Atlanta, GA: Atlanta Bar Association Criminal Law Section.
- Miller, M. L. (1987, February). Congressional Oversight of Foreign Affairs: Iran and Nicaragua. Seminar. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago, Department of Political Science.
- Miller, M. L. (1987, October). Pretrial Detention and the Abuse of Predictions. Annual Conference. Hartford, CT: National Pretrial Services Association.
- Miller, M. L. (1986, February). State Judicial Federalism in Capital Cases. Conference on Federalism Issues. Washington, DC: The Academy for State and Local Government.
- Miller, M. L. (1985, May). Predictions of Dangerousness. Conference on the Prediction of Criminal Violence. Indianapolis, IN: Indianapolis Lawyers Commission.
- Miller, M. L. (1984, June). Predictions of Dangerousness. Law and Society Conference. Boston, MA: Law and Society Association.
- Miller, M. L. (1983, Fall). Gandhi as a Radical Lawyer. Seminar--South Asia Outreach. Chiago, IL: University of Chicago.
- Miller, M. L. (1999. Wise Masters(pp 1751-1755).More infoBook Review--Judicial Policy Making and the Modern State: How the Courts Reformed America's Prisons--Malcolm Feely & Edward Rubin.
- Presnall, C., Lopez Hoffman, L. -., & Miller, M. L. (2013, February). An ecosystem services approach to environmental impact assessments: useful tool or business as usual?. Environmental Policy Working Paper (X). Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona..
- Miller, M. L. (2010, Fall). Taking Climate Change into Account: A Guidance Document for Judges Adjudicating Water Disputes. The National Judicial College.More infoWith Jonathan Overpect, Kisten Engel, Kathy Jacobs, Julia Jolley, Dan Luecke and Carolyn Brickey, a report from the workshop with federal and state judges.
- Miller, M. L. (2010, November). The Constitutionality of SB 1070 and Other State Immigration Laws. American Constitution Society.More infoIssue Brief
- Miller, M. L., & Overpeck, J. (2010, October). Climate Change and the Practice of Law. Arizona Attorney Magazine. http://www.azattorneymag-digital.com/azattorneymag/201010/#pg33More infoMagazine is distributed to all members of the Arizona Bar Association. Circulation 20,000.
- Miller, M. L. (2008, February). The President and Congress on Crack. Dallas Morning News.
- Miller, M. L. (2007, Spring). Amicus Brief to the Supreme Court of the United States for Law Profesors and Former United States Attorneys. Washington, DC.More infoLead Counsel. Rita v. United States
- Miller, M. L., Mayfield, J., & Adams, A. (2005, Fall). The Ownership of History & Nature: The Legal Battles over Cumberland Island.
- Miller, M. L. (2004, July). Go Slow: A Recommendation for Responding to "Blakely v. Washington" in the Federal System. U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary.More infoWritten testimony submitted.
- Miller, M. L. (2004, July). Letter to Secretary Ann Beneman. United States Department of Agriculture--Annimal and Plant Health Inspection Service.More infoIn reponse to APHIS changing its public information and access policies with regard to biological controls.
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. (2003, April). The Right to Refuse Consent Is in Danger. Los Angeles Times.More infoOn Criminal Procedure after 9/11
- Miller, M. L., & Wright, R. (2003, December). Prosecutor Rex. Philadephia Inquirer.
- Miller, M. L. (2020, Winter). NIS, WTO, SPS, WIR: Does the WTO Substantially Limit the Ability of Countries to Regulate Harmfull Non0indigenous Species?. Halle Institute Paper Series.More infoPart of a multi-disciplinary series of papers on globalization aimed at undergraduates.
- Miller, M. L., & Mayfield, J. (2001, October). Cumberland Island: Constructing and Deconstructing Wilderness and History. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Services Center.
- Miller, M. L. (2001, Spring). United States v Charlie Liteky. 11th Circuit Court of the United States.More infoLead Counsel
- Miller, M. L., & Kennedy, D. (1995, October 11). Galapagos Islands: Trouble in the Middle of Nowhere. Stanford Report.
- Miller, M. L., & Kennedy, D. (1995, October 12). Saving the Galapagos. New York Times.More infoOp-ed piece, section A 15
- Miller, M. L., & Freed, D. J. (1987, December). Departure Sentences Under the United States Sentencing Commission Guidelines: Interim Report of the Ad Hoc Sentencing Study Group. Vera Institute.