Nicole F Pagowsky
- Librarian
- (Zoo) mph-one
- Main Library, Rm. A204
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- nfp@arizona.edu
Nicole Pagowsky is an Associate Librarian in the Student Learning and Engagement department at the University of Arizona Libraries. She holds her second Master's in Instructional Design. Nicole is a liaison to the School of Information and specializes in critical information literacy, instruction programs, inclusive pedagogy, and student motivation; and has published and presented on these topics nationally. She co-edited two volumes for the Association of College & Research Libraries Press on critical library pedagogy, which received the Ilene F. Rockman Publication of the Year Award in 2017. In 2019 Nicole and colleagues received the ACRL Special Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation for the international Critical Librarianship & Pedagogy Symposium that Nicole developed and led since 2015 through present via the UArizona Libraries. In 2021 she was awarded the highly prestigious Miriam Dudley Award for Instruction Librarian of the Year. As adjunct faculty, Nicole is also the instructor for LIS 581: Information Literacy Pedagogy through the iSchool, which is part of the Instruction & Teaching for Librarians & Information Professionals graduate certificate.
- M.S. Instructional Design and Educational Technology
- University of Arizona
- M.L.I.S
- University of Arizona
- B.A. Communication Sciences and Rhetorical Studies
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- ACRL Academic Library Services for Graduate Students Interest Group Notable Works
- Association of College of Research Libraries, Summer 2024
- Library Instruction Round Table Top Twenty Library Instruction Article of 2021
- Library Instruction Roundtable (LIRT) - American Library Association (ALA), Spring 2022
- Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award
- Association of College and Research Libraries - Instruction Section, Spring 2021
- ACRL-IS Special Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation
- Association of College & Research Libraries - Instruction Section, Spring 2019
- Ilene F. Rockman Publication of the Year Award
- Association of College and Research Libraries, Spring 2017
- Outstanding Professional Development Award
- Association of College & Research Libraries - University Libraries Section, Spring 2016
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
How to Teach Info Literacy
LIS 581 (Fall 2024)
2022-23 Courses
Info Literacy Pedagogy
LIS 581 (Spring 2023)
2021-22 Courses
Info Literacy Pedagogy
LIS 581 (Spring 2022)
2020-21 Courses
Info Literacy Pedagogy
LIS 581 (Spring 2021)
2019-20 Courses
Info Literacy Pedagogy
LIS 581 (Spring 2020)
2018-19 Courses
Info Literacy Pedagogy
LIS 581 (Spring 2019)
2017-18 Courses
Info Literacy Pedagogy
LIS 581 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Info Literacy Pedagogy
LIS 581 (Fall 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Pagowsky, N. F., & Kelly, M. (2016). Critical Library Pedagogy Handbooks vol. 1 & 2. Chicago, IL: Association of College & Research Libraries Press.
- Pagowsky, N., & Rigby, M. E. (2014). The librarian stereotype: Deconstructing presentations and perceptions of information work. Chicago: ACRL Press.
- Pagowsky, N. F., Freundlich, S., Gammons, R., & Drabinski, E. (2023). Teaching from the outside: Inclusive pedagogy and the adjunct instructor. In Exploring inclusive and equitable pedagogies: Creating space for all learners(pp 567-588). Chicago, IL: ACRL Press.More infoEditors: Brown, R., Foster, E., Nichols, J., Mallon, M., Santiago, A., & Seale, M.
- Pagowsky, N. F., Mery, Y. D., & Stoffle, C. J. (2020). Teaching future library educators using the Framework: A new certificate. In The information literacy framework: Case studies of successful implementation. Lanham, MD: Rowan and Littlefield.
- Pagowsky, N. F., & DeFrain, E. (2014). Memes on the menu: Tasty tactics to get your athletes on track. In The embedded librarian’s cookbook: Recipes for making long-term connections. Chicago: ACRL Press.
- Pagowsky, N. F., & Rigby, M. E. (2014). Contextualizing ourselves: The identity politics of the librarian stereotype. In The librarian stereotype: Deconstructing presentations and perceptions of information work. Chicago: ACRL Press.
- Seale, M., Pagowsky, N. F., & Mirza, R. (2024). Special issue: Libraries and/as Extraction. Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship, 10.More infoCo-edited special issue of CJAL, also co-authored introduction to issue in a separate entry
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2022). College & Research Libraries - Guest editor for special issue on one-shots and library instruction programs, September 2022. College & Research Libraries, 83(5), 713-853.More infoGuest editor for special issue
- Nicholson, K. P., Pagowsky, N. F., & Seale, M. (2019). Just-in-time or just-in-case? Time, learning analytics, and library value. Library Trends, 68(1), 54-75. doi:10.1353/lib.2019.0030
- Pagowsky, N., DeFrain, E., Hathcock, A., Masland, T., Pho, A., Rigby, M., & Roberto, K. (2016). Reader Response [to Eric Jennings, “The librarian stereotype: How librarians are damaging their image and profession". College & Undergraduate Libraries, 23(2), 217-220.
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2015). A Pedagogy of Inquiry. Communications in Information Literacy, 9(2).
- Pagowsky, N. F., & Wallace, N. A. (2015). Black Lives Matter! Shedding library neutrality rhetoric for social justice. College & Research Libraries News, 76(4), 196-200.
- Wallace, N. A., & Pagowsky, N. F. (2015). Black Lives Matter! Shedding library neutrality rhetoric for social justice. College & Research Libraries News.
- Pagowsky, N. F., & DeFrain, E. (2014). Ice ice baby: Are librarian stereotypes freezing us out of instruction?. In the Library with the Lead Pipe.
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2013). Taking a trek with SCVNGR: Developing asynchronous, mobile orientations and instruction for campus. ACRL TechConnect.
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2013). Test-driving Purdue’s Passport gamification platform for library instruction. ACRL TechConnect.
- Pagowsky, N. F., & Hammond, J. (2012). A programmatic approach: Systematically tying the library to campus-wide retention efforts. College & Research Libraries News, 73(10), 582-594.
Proceedings Publications
- Lacey, S., Clement, K., Nataraj, L., & Pagowsky, N. F. (2023). Making Publishing Less Painful: Shifting to a Relational Peer-Review Process. In Urban Libraries Journal, 29, 1-10.
- Bruce, S., Gibson, C., Kaufman, K., Clarence, M., Pagowsky, N., & Hammons, J. (2024, April). (Invited panelist) Celebrating 50 Years of Information Literacy: A Panel Discussion. The Ohio State University Celebrating 50 Years of IL Webinar Series. Online: The Ohio State University Libraries.
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2024, April). (Invited keynote) Orchestrating the critical: Library instruction programs and our labor. Big Ten Academic Alliance Conference. Online: BTAA.More infoConceptualizing and incorporating critical information literacy into our instruction programs at the intersections of pedagogy, campus dynamics, relationships with faculty, threats to higher education, and burnout in our labor of primarily one-shot instruction models. Discussions for more sustainable library instruction programs are brought forward with an example of UArizona Libraries' critical information literacy tutorials that engage a Teach the Teacher approach.
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2024, August). (Invited talk) One-shots and information literacy programs. University of Southern California Libraries. Online: USC.More infoInvited presentation to inform/instruct USC Libraries' information literacy program.
- Clement, K., Lacey, S., Nataraj, L., & Pagowsky, N. F. (2023, May). Making publishing less painful: Shifting to a relational peer-review process. Library Association of CUNY (LACUNY). NYC: LACUNY.
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2023, August). Critical information literacy in curricula: Designing for librarian and faculty collaboration. Digital Pedagogy Institute. University of Waterloo, Canada.
- Pagowsky, N. F., Almeida, N., Arellano Douglas, V., Becerra, M., Clement, K., Donovan, C., Gadsby, J., Lechtenberg, U., & Schlesselman-Tarango, G. (2022, November). College & Research Libraries: One-Shots Special Issue Conversations, Part 2 of 2. Special Issue Webinars. Online: ACRL.More infoWebinar about the special issue, moderated by Nicole Pagowsky (author and special issue guest editor) with authors.
- Pagowsky, N. F., Brecher Cook, D., Lacey, S., Leung, S., Nataraj, L., Nicholson, K. P., Pho, A., Seale, M., Tranfield, W., & Worsham, D. (2022, October). College & Research Libraries: One-Shots Special Issue Conversations, Part 1 of 2. Special issue webinars. Online: ACRL.More infoSpecial issue conversations, moderated by Nicole Pagowsky (author and special issue guest editor) and authors.
- Pagowsky, N. F., Hostetler, K., Lourenco, M., O'Hare, S., Mery, Y. D., & MacMillan, M. (2021, October). Learning to teach in MLIS programs: Research, experiences, and ways forward. Webinar: Project Information Literacy + University of Arizona School of Information. Zoom: Project Information Literacy & University of Arizona School of Information.
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2020, April). Leaving the one-shot: Through a feminist approach to designing an instruction program. New England Library Instruction Group Speaker Session. Online: Association of College & Research Libraries.More infoInvited keynote speaker on special instruction topic
- Gammons, R., Drabinski, E., Freundlich, S., & Pagowsky, N. F. (2019, April). 'I appreciate your no-nonsense takes': Adjunct instructors and the future of the MLIS. Association of College & Research Libraries Conference. Cleveland, OH.
- Mery, Y. D., Stoffle, C. J., & Pagowsky, N. F. (2019, September). Information Literacy in a Global Context: Incorporating the ACRL Framework into Preservice Education for Information Professional. The Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) National Confernce. Knoxville, TN: ALISE.
- Stoffle, C. J., Pagowsky, N. F., Mery, Y. D., & Gunder, A. C. (2018, October). New Information Literacy Certificate at the University of Arizona School of Information: How, Why, and What?. Arizona Library Association Conference. Mesa, AZ.
- Nicholson, K., Pagowsky, N. F., & Seale, M. (2017, Summer). Curriculum, Social Justice, and the Framework. ALA Annual 2017, Preconference. Chicago, IL: ACRL Instruction Section.
- Pagowsky, N. F., Drabinski, E., & Shirazi, R. (2017, Spring). Who steers the boat? On women in a feminized profession. Association of College and Research Libraries 2017. Baltimore, MD.
- Bose, D. K., Godfrey, J. S., Pagowsky, N. F., & Sult, L. A. (2016, February). Collaborating at scale at The University of Arizona. Association of College & Research Libraries: Framing the Framework webinar series, Webinar 2ACRL.More infoPresentations on collaborations between university libraries and writing programs on using the new ACRL Framework and WPA Outcomes.
- DeFrain, E., Glassman, J., Pagowsky, N. F., & Worsham, D. (2016, June). Breaking it Down and Climbing Back Up: Learning Theories and Approaches to Instruction. Library Instruction West. Salt Lake City, UT.
- Ellenwood, D., Elmborg, J., Harker, Y., Pagowsky, N. F., & Seeber, K. (2016, June). Authority is Constructed and Contextual: A Critical View. American Library Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
- Pagowsky, N. F., & Elliott, C. M. (2016, September). Shushing the Librarian Stereotype. Women's Salon Series. Tucson, AZ: Women's Salon Series.
- Seeber, K., Critten, J., Pagowsky, N. F., & Rowland, D. (2016, June). Critical Foundations: Intersections between Critical Librarianship and First-Year Experience. Library Instruction West. Salt Lake City, UT.
- Battista, A., & Pagowsky, N. F. (2015, January). Digital badges and general education revision: Recognizing learning across an integrative curriculum. CUNY Games Festival 2.0. New York, New York.
- Drabinski, E., McElroy, K., Pagowsky, N. F., Pho, A., & Ettarh, F. (2015, June). But we're neutral! And other fictions confronted by #critlib. American Library Association Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA.
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2015, April). Keynote: Transforming our image through a compass of critical librarianship. Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians Conference. Manitowoc, WI: Wisconsin ACRL Chapter.More infoInvited keynote presentation
- Pagowsky, N. F., & Elliott, C. M. (2015, March). Shushing the librarian stereotype. Confluencenter Show & Tell. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Confluencenter.
- Pagowsky, N. F., & McElroy, K. (2015, November). Introduction to critical library pedagogy. Association of College & Research Libraries, WebinarACRL.More infoInvited presentation
- Ford, E., Pagowsky, N. F., & Pho, A. (2014, June). Dive into digital badges! A badge curriculum workshop. American Library Association Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
- Lee, Y., Pagowsky, N. F., & Pho, A. (2013, June). Achievement unlocked: Tracking and assessing user learning through digital badges. American Library Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2013, March). Librarian Wardrobe: Style and stereotypes of information workers. Museum of Contemporary Art Tucson Artist Lecture Series. Tucson, AZ: Museum of Contemporary Art Tucson.
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2012, October). Librarian Wardrobe beyond the bun: Style perceptions of library workers. LIM College Fashion: Now & Then Symposium. New York, New York: LIM College.
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2019. Review of the book Instructional design for LIS professionals: A guide for teaching librarians and information professionals by M. Wong.
- DeFrain, E., & Pagowsky, N. F. (2017, January). Intentional Instructional Design: The Workshop. UCLA Libraries.More infoInvited workshop to UCLA instruction librarians on instructional design.
- DeFrain, E., & Pagowsky, N. F. (2014, August). The survey of use of emerging technologies in information literacy instruction. Primary Research Group.
- Pagowsky, N. F. (2013, September). Keeping up with... Digital badges for instruction.. ACRL Keeping Up With Series. http://www.ala.org/acrl/publications/keeping_up_with/digital_badgesMore infoAdded to MERLOT database through peer/editor review in 2015.