Yvonne D Mery
- Librarian
- Lead, Instructional Design and eLearning Unit
- (520) 626-3850
- Main Library, Rm. B209
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- ymery@arizona.edu
- Featured Teaching Librarian
- Association of College & Research Libraries Instruction Section, Fall 2020
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Digital Learning Design & App
LIS 583 (Spring 2024) -
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Spring 2024) -
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Spring 2023) -
eLearning for Librarians
LIS 583 (Spring 2023) -
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Spring 2022) -
eLearning for Librarians
LIS 583 (Spring 2022) -
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Spring 2021) -
eLearning for Librarians
LIS 583 (Spring 2021) -
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Summer I 2020) -
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Spring 2020) -
eLearning for Librarians
LIS 583 (Spring 2020) -
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Summer I 2019) -
eLearning for Librarians
LIS 583 (Spring 2019) -
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Summer I 2018) -
eLearning for Librarians
LIS 583 (Spring 2018) -
Rsrch Mth/Libr+Info Prof
LIS 506 (Fall 2017)
Scholarly Contributions
- Mery, Y. D., & Sanchez, A. R. (2023). The Critical Librarianship and Pedagogy Symposium: Reflections, Revisions, and New Works. Association of College & Research Libraries.
- Mery, Y. D., & Newby, J. (2014). Online by Design: The Essentials of Creating Information Literacy Courses. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
- Stoffle, C. J., Mery, Y. D., & Pagowsky, N. F. (2020). Teaching future library educators using the Framework: A new certificate. In The information literacy framework: Case studies of successful implementation. Lanham, MD: Rowan and Littlefield.
- Pagowsky, N. F., Mery, Y. D., & Stoffle, C. J. (2018). Teaching future library educators using the Framework: A new certificate. In The information literacy framework: Case studies of successful implementation. Rowan and Littlefield.
- Mery, Y. D., Blakiston, R. L., Kline, E., Sult, L. A., & Brewer, M. M. (2010). Developing an online credit –bearing information fluency course: Lessons learned. In Best practices for credit-Bearing information literacy courses. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries.
- Mery, Y. D. (2022). Designing Online Tutorials. Library Technology Reports.
- Mery, Y. D., Zeidman-Karpinski, A., & Vieger, R. (2022). Reuse and Remix: Creating and adapting open educational tutorials for information literacy
. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 22(3), 559-569. doi:https://doi.org/10.1353/pla.2022.0038 - Mery, Y. D. (2020). Sidecar Learning: a new e-learning platform for librarians. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 108(4). doi:https://doi.org/10.5195/jmla.2020.1048
- Mery, Y. D., Cohen, N., Eagleson, L. E., Pfander, J. L., Prethchel, J., & Holdsworth, L. (2016). A survey of information literacy credit courses in U.S. academic libraries: Prevalence and characteristics.. Reference Services Review, 44(4).
- Mery, Y. D., Sult, L. A., Kline, E., & DeFrain, E. (2014). A new tool for online instruction: Evaluating the effectiveness of the Guide on the Side. Communications in Information Literacy, 8(1).
- Mery, Y. D., Sult, L. A., Kline, E., & Blakiston, R. L. (2013). A New Approach to Online Database Instruction: Developing the Guide on the Side. Reference Services Review, 41(1).
- Mery, Y. D., Newby, J., & Peng, K. (2012). Why one-shot information literacy sessions are not the future of instruction: A case for online credit courses. College and Research Libraries, 73(4).
- Mery, Y. D., Newby, J., & Peng, K. (2011). Assessing the reliability and validity of locally developed information literacy test items.. Reference Services Review, 39(1).
Proceedings Publications
- Mery, Y. D. (2017, March). The Guide on The Side: Using Open-Source Software to Create Authentic Information Literacy Learning Experiences for Undergraduate Students. In 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 11, 395-400.
- Mery, Y. D., Sult, L. A., & DeFrain, E. (2013, June). A New Spin on an Old Classic: Effective Online Database Instruction.. In LOEX 2013 Annual Conference Proceedings.
- Mery, Y. D., Blakiston, R. L., & Sult, L. A. (2011, December). Developing an Online Credit-bearing Information Fluency Course: Lessons Learned. In LOEX 2009: Blazing Trails on the Path to Information Literacy.
- Mery, Y. D., & Blakiston, R. L. (2010, April). From Dull to Dynamic: Using Rapid e-learning Tools to Create Engaging Course Materials. In 15th Annual Technology, Colleges, and Community Worldwide Online Conference..
- Mery, Y. D., & Blakiston, R. L. (2010, April). From dull to dynamic: Using rapid e-learning tools to create engaging course materials. In 15th Annual TCC Online Conference.
- Mery, Y. D., & Blakiston, R. L. (2010, January). Scenario-based e-learning: Putting the student in the driver’s seat. In 26th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning Conference Refereed Proceedings.
- Mery, Y. D., Feeney, M. E., Duncan, L. E., & Wallace, N. A. (2023, March 17). ttyl: Designing text-message based instruction for primary source literacy. Association of College & Research Libraries Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Pagowsky, N. F., Hostetler, K., Lourenco, M., O'Hare, S., Mery, Y. D., & MacMillan, M. (2021, October). Learning to teach in MLIS programs: Research, experiences, and ways forward. Webinar: Project Information Literacy + University of Arizona School of Information. Zoom: Project Information Literacy & University of Arizona School of Information.
- Pagowsky, N. F., Stoffle, C. J., & Mery, Y. D. (2019, September). Information Literacy in a Global Context: Incorporating the ACRL Framework into Preservice Education for Information Professional. The Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) National Confernce. Knoxville, TN: ALISE.
- Gunder, A. C., Mery, Y. D., Pagowsky, N. F., & Stoffle, C. J. (2018, October). New Information Literacy Certificate at the University of Arizona School of Information: How, Why, and What?. Arizona Library Association Conference. Mesa, AZ.
- Sult, L. A., & Mery, Y. D. (2017, Summer). Interactive Instruction for All: Using Efficacy Studies to Guide Best Practices in Tutorial Design. Special Libraries Association Annual Conference. Phoenix, Arizona: Special Libraries Association.
- Dewland, J. C., & Mery, Y. D. (2016, November). Supporting Business Students with Online Tools.. Implementing ACRL’s Information Literacy Framework: Instructional Strategies and Collaborative Opportunities Conference. Mesa, AZ: Maricopa Community College.More infoThe award winning Guide on the Side (GOTS) software was developed in order to teach students how to use a database in a more scalable manner than the traditional in-person one-shot session. It adds an element of interactivity to tutorials that allows students to learn how to use a database with authentic tasks and instant feedback. Available as open-source software to any institution, since its creation the GOTS software has been successfully used by libraries across the U.S. to guide students through the complexities of database searching. Librarians at the University of Arizona, have been using the GOTS to teach business students how to search sophisticated databases to locate company, industry, and demographic information in order to fulfill assignment requirements and extend the in-class instruction. In this session, the presenters will demonstrate how a collaboration between librarians, faculty, and instructional designers has led to the creation and implementation of a successful suite of tutorials, videos, assignments, and quizzes. Attendees will learn how to install and use the GOTS in order to create effective and interactive tutorials that can be used to successfully implement the ACRL Framework. They will also be able to create thematic maps for their instruction that will allow them to ensure that they have consistency without rote repetition over all of their learning modules. Presenters will also demonstrate the suite of activities they have created to support business courses.
- Mery, Y. D. (2016, 02/16). Engaging Students through Online Tutorials. Association of Christian Librarians Virtual Conference. Online.
- Blakiston, R. L., Sult, L. A., & Mery, Y. D. (2015, June). Creating Better Tutorials Through User-Centered Instructional Design. American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA.More infoFull day preconference workshop for the Library Information Technology Association (LITA)
- Mery, Y. D. (2014, October). E-learing: What Every Trainer Needs to Know. Greater Tucson Chapter of the Association for Talent Development Meeting. Tucson, AZ: Greater Tucson Chapter of the Association for Talent Development.
- Mery, Y. D., & See, A. (2014, February). Creating Dynamic Online Tutorials. Arizona State Library Training Session. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State Library Training.
- Mery, Y. D., & See, A. (2014, September). You're Doing it Wrong: Ten Rules to Break to Create Awesome Tutorials. ACRL E-learning WebcastAssociation of College and Research Libraries.
- Mery, Y. D., & Newby, J. (2013, November). Scaling IL Assessment: Building a Foundation at the University of Arizona Libraries. Greater Western Library Alliance Learning Summit. Las Vegas, NV: Greater Western Library Alliance.
- Mery, Y. D., & Sult, L. A. (2013, July). Creating Great Tutorials. Instruction, First-Year, and Assessment Librarians Summit. Tempe, AZ: Arizona State Univeristy Librareis.
- Mery, Y. D., & Sult, L. A. (2013, June). The Guide on the Side: A Transformation in Database Instruction. American Library Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL: Library and Information Technology Association.
- Mery, Y. D., Sult, L. A., & DeFrain, E. (2013, May). A New Spin on an Old Classic: Effective Online Database Instruction. 41st Annual LOEX (Library Orientation Exchange). Nashville, TN: LOEX (Library Orientation Exchange).
- Mery, Y. D., & Blakiston, R. L. (2012, February). Innovative Models for Integrating Information Literacy Across Campus. EDUCAUSE West/Southwest Regional Conference. Portland, OR.
- Mery, Y. D., Newby, J., & Pfander, J. L. (2012, April). Online Credit Courses: Providing Effective Learning Environments for Students. Living the Future 8 Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Libraries.
- Mery, Y. D. (2011, November). Engaging Students with Interactive Tutorials. Arizona Library Association 2011. Tucson, AZ: Arizona Library Association.
- Mery, Y. D., Blakiston, R. L., Kline, E., & Sult, L. A. (2011, March). The Accidental Instruction Design Librarian or: How I learned to stop worrying and love e-learning. Association of College and Research Libraries Conference. Philadelphia, PA.More info3-hour workshop
- Mery, Y. D., & Blakiston, R. L. (2010, August). Scenario-Based E-Learning: Putting the Student in the Driver’s Seat. Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning. Madison, WI.
- Mery, Y. D., & Blakiston, R. L. (2010, November). Beyond the Static Tutorial: Bringing Concepts to Life Through Online Scenario-Based Activities. Arizona Library Association (AzLA) Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
- Mery, Y. D., Blakiston, R. L., & Sult, L. A. (2009, May). Developing an Online Credit-bearing Information Fluency Course: Lessons Learned. LOEX Annual Conference 2009: Blazing Trails. Albuquerque, NM.
- Mery, Y. D., Newby, J., & Greenfield, L. (2009, February). Best practices in Information Literacy Assessment. University of Arizona, Assessment 2009 Showcase. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
- Mery, Y. D., & Evangeliste, M. (2008, April). Can Libraries be Sold Like soap? Utilizing Social Marketing to Connect Diverse Users with Library Services And Resources. California Academic and Research Libraries Association Annual Conference. Irvine, CA: California Academic and Research Libraries Association.
Poster Presentations
- Mery, Y. D. (2020, July). Using Interactive Guides in the Health Sciences: Teaching Online Was Never Easier. Medical Library Association 20 vConference. Virtual (Portland, OR): Medical Library Assoication.
- Mery, Y. D., Newby, J., & Greenfield, L. (2011, April). An Historic Collaboration Goes Digital: Supporting a History Information Literacy Program Online. Association of College and Research Libraries Conference 2011. Philadelphia, PA: Association of College and Research Libraries.
- Mery, Y. D., Newby, J., & Peng, K. (2010, October). Learning in an Online Environment: Assessment of an Online Information Literacy Credit Course. Association of Research Libraries Library Assessment Conference. Baltimore, MD: Association of Research Libraries.