Anthony R Sanchez
- Associate Librarian
- Lead, Research Incubator Unit
- Main Library, Rm. A206
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- arsanchez@arizona.edu
Anthony is a librarian and liaison for the social sciences, the unit lead for the Research Incubator, and a co-founder of the CATalyst Studios makerspace.
He works with faculty and students supporting their research, managing collections, and promoting course integrations of library resources.
- M.A. Information Resources and Library Science
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- B.A. English Literature
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
Work Experience
- University of Arizona (2016 - Ongoing)
- University of California, Riverside (2013 - 2016)
- Phoenix Community College (2012 - 2013)
- Glendale Community College (2008 - 2012)
- Leadership and Career Development Program Fellow
- Association of Research Libraries, Spring 2020
- Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM) 2019 Scholarship Award
- Institute of Museum and Library Services, Summer 2019
- Special Certificate of Recognition & Appreciation
- Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Instruction Section, Spring 2019
Peer learning models, ethical archiving practices, representation in technology literacy
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Sanchez, A. R., & Mery, Y. D. (2023). The Critical Librarianship and Pedagogy Symposium: Reflections, Revisions, and New Works. Association of College & Research Libraries.
- Sanchez, A. R., Dolan-Sanchez, D., & Lazaro, V. P. (2020). Who Belongs in the Makerspace?: Experiences of Women of Color in an Academic Library Makerspace. In Re-Making the Library Makerspace: Critical Theories, Reflections, and Practices(p. 334). Library Juice Press.
- Cooper, D., Ball, T., Boyer-Kelly, M. N., Carr-Wiggin, A., Cornelius, C., Cox, J. W., Dupont, S., Fullerton, C., Gagné, M., Garton, S., Ghezzi, R. W., Guittar, M., Komeiji, K., Laroque, S., Lar-son, K., Lawson, K., Lee, D., Linton, J., Logan, J., , Long, K., et al. (2019). When Research is Relational Supporting the Research Practices of Indigenous Studies Scholars. Ithaka S+R Libraries & Scholarly Communication Research Report.
- Reyes-Escudero, V., Sanchez, A. R., Wallace, N. A., & Boyer-Kelly, M. N. (2019). Research Practices of Indigenous Studies Scholars at the University of Arizona: An Ithaka S+R Report. Ithaka S+R Libraries & Scholarly Communication Research Report.
Proceedings Publications
- Sanchez, A. R., Gregory, L., & Matlin, T. (2016, Spring). Proceedings from "How do we advocate for underrepresented students?: A panel on how critical pedagogy and social justice value the student experience". In California Academic & Research Libraries (CARL) 2016.
- Reyes-Escudero, V., Wallace, N. A., & Sanchez, A. R. (2019, October). Long Road Trips: Driving Ethical Stewardship of Indigenous Archival Materials Through Tribal Consultations. 2019 International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums. Temecula, CA: Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, & Museums.
- Sanchez, A. R., Petersen, G., Shim, K., Long, K., Peper, M., & Cornelius, C. (2019, April). Indigenous Inquiry: Seeking to Understand and Better Support Indigenous Studies Scholars on U.S. Occupied Institutional Land. ACRL 2019 Conference. Cleveland, OH: ACRL.More infoThis panel will include presentations from four teams of researchers working collaboratively on a multi-institutional study at their respective institutions. This unique approach enabled the methods to be flexibly adjusted to each unique institutional context, as per best practices in Indigenous research methodologies, while also allowing for cross-institutional similarities.
- Cooper, D., Lee, D., & Sanchez, A. R. (2018, September). Decolonizing Library Research with Indigenous Methodologies. Joint Conference of Librarians of Color 2018. Albuquerque, NM: Joint Council of Librarians of Color.More infoAcademic library practices that are inclusive to Indigenous communities are grounded in the recognition that Indigenous cultures feature unique experiences and knowledges. This work cannot be fully supported without a commitment to decolonization, including through changes to leadership, management and organizational practices. Academic librarians at 12 institutions are conducting a qualitative study on supporting Indigenous Studies scholars utilizing Indigenous methodologies in collaboration with Ithaka S+R.
- Dewland, J. C., Sanchez, A. R., Davey, K., Schmand, K., & Wood-Hromidko, L. (2018, October). Best Practices for Integrating STEAM into Library Programs. TENWEST Festival 2018 - STEM Connect. Tucson, AZ: TENWEST.
- Sanchez, A. R. (2018, June). Sustainability: Reanimating 3D/VR Objects. Institute of Museum and Library Services Lib3D/VR Forum B. University of Oklahoma: Institute of Museum and Library Services.More infoDiscussion on the topic of "Sustainability: Reanimating 3D/VR Objects." Using the case study of Dr. Bryan Carter's "Virtual Harlem" to discuss opportunities for open standardization and archiving of 3D/VR projects.
- Sanchez, A. R., Nichols, J. T., Melo, M., Cook, M., & Bozgeyikli, L. (2018, June). The Academic Library's Role In Supporting Virtual Reality: A Panel On Development and Discovery. American Library Association 2018 Annual Conference. New Orleans: ALA.
- Sanchez, A. R., Purdy, T. S., & Lassere, M. (2018, March). Creating a framework for the ethical access of culturally sensitive Indigenous Studies archive materials. National Forum on Ethics and Archiving the Web. New York, New York: Rhizome.More infoMissed conference due to blizzard. Anthony Sanchez presented paper in my absence.
- Nichols, J. T., Wallace, N. A., Sanchez, A. R., & Hussman, S. J. (2017, May). Positioning libraries at the center of digital scholarship on campus. Digital Initiatives Symposium. San Diego, CA: University of San Diego.
- Sanchez, A. R. (2017, June). Building Makerspace Communities. University of Oklahoma Libraries Invited Lecture. Bizzell Memorial Library, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Libraries.More infoAnthony Sanchez, Research & Learning Librarian at the University of Arizona will discuss the development of an operational innovation space while maintaining a vision of discovery and informal learning.By discussing UA Library’s specific experience and model, he will explore how cultivating relationships on campus to serve the institutional mission of curriculum and scholarship is essential to the long-term success of a sustainable maker community.
- Sanchez, A. R., & Nichols, J. T. (2017, March). Division of Labor: Exploring inherent tensions between philosophies of open-ended learning and organizational bureaucracy. ACRL 2017 Conference. Baltimore, MD: ACRL.More infoThe emergence of the makerspace within libraries has led to many new approaches to services and staffing models. This session will explore tensions between operating an innovation space and maintaining a vision of discovery and informal learning. Through discussion of our specific experience and model, we will understand how cultivating relationships on campus to serve the institutional mission of curriculum and scholarship is essential to the long-term success of any similar initiative.
- Nichols, J. T., & Sanchez, A. R. (2016, November). Get Your Hands Dirty!: A Technology Sandbox For Library Services. Arizona Library Association Annual Conference: Libraries Transform. Tucson, Arizona: Arizona Library Association.
- Sanchez, A. R., & Nichols, J. T. (2016, Fall). Assembly Not Required: Cultivating Learning Communities Through Technology & Makerspaces. Information Technology (IT) Summit at the University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ: Office of the Chief Information Officer.
- Sanchez, A. R., Mason, J., & Koziar, K. (2016, Summer). Beyond Books: Reprogramming Student Engagement in the Library. American Association for the Advancement of Science – Pacific Division Library Science Symposium. San Diego, CA: American Association for the Advancement of Science.More infoWhen faced with limited time to provide traditional library services, librarians are offered an opportunity to rethink library reference and instruction models. Couple this opportunity with increasingly interdisciplinary research, university libraries are in a unique position to create a space which encourages and supports creative collaboration across disciplines while augmenting reference and instruction services. The University of California Riverside (UCR) Library is meeting this challenge by partnering with the UCR University Honors (UH) program. The University Honors Peer Researcher Fellowship and Innovation Program is a one-year pilot program designed to foster curiosity and exploration for students, while providing experiential learning opportunities to build a strong learning community of peer instructors who share skills, experiences, and knowledge
Poster Presentations
- Sanchez, A. R., Nichols, J. T., & Teetor, T. S. (2017, October). University of Arizona Libraries iSpace. Information Technology (IT) Summit at the University of Arizona. University of Arizona: University Information Technology Services.
Case Studies
- Sanchez, A. R., & Nichols, J. T. (2018. UA iSpace(pp 2-3).