Michael M Brewer
- Senior Information Resources Officer
- Librarian
- (520) 307-2771
- Main Library, Rm. A517
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- brewerm@arizona.edu
- M.L.I.S Library Science
- University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
- Other Master's Certificate in Cultural Studies
- University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
- Other Master's Certificate in Russian & East European Studies
- University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
- M.A. Russian Language, Literature, & Linguistics
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Varlam Shalamov's Kolymskie Rasskazy: The Problem of Ordering
- B.A. Russian
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- American Library Association ETS Best Free Reference Websites for 2015
- ALA Reference and User Services Association's Emerging Technologies in Reference Section, Fall 2015
- Eugene G. Sander Award for Advocacy & Shared Governance
- Appointed Professionals Advisory Council, Spring 2014
- Outstanding and dedicated service to the ALA Office for Information Technology Policy
- Office for Information Technology Policy, American Library Association, Summer 2008
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Brewer, M. M., & Perry, G. J. (2017). Working at the Speed of Scale. In Transforming Medical Library Staff for the 21st Century. Rowan and Littlefield.
- Brewer, M. M. (2010). “Bathhouses Black and White” (“Black Bathhouse” [1967] and “White Bathhouse” [1968] by Vladimir Vysotskii). In The Russian Reader(pp 43-46). Durham & London: Duke University Press.More infoSongs by Vladimir Vysotskii translated by Michael Brewer
- Brewer, M. M., Sult, L. A., Blakiston, R. L., Kline, E., & Mery, Y. D. (2010). Integrating an Online Credit IL Course into the Freshman Writing Program in a University Setting. In Best Practices for Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Courses. Chicago: ACRL.
- Mery, Y. D., Blakiston, R. L., Kline, E., Sult, L. A., & Brewer, M. M. (2010). Developing an online credit –bearing information fluency course: Lessons learned. In Best practices for credit-Bearing information literacy courses. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries.
- Brewer, M. M. (2011). Изображение пространства и времени в лагерной литературе: «Один день Ивана Денисовича» и Колымские рассказы»” [The Representation of Space and Time in Camp Literature: "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" and Kolyma Tales]. Shalamovskii Sbornik, 4.
- Brewer, M. M., Jeanne, V., & Robyn, H. E. (2011). Competency-Based Hiring, Job Description, and Performance Goals: The Value of an Integrated System. Journal of Library Administration, 51(7/8), 673-691.
- Brewer, M. M. (2009). Romanization of Cyrillic Script: Core Competencies and Basic Research Strategies for Slavic Students, Scholars, & Educators.. Slavic and East European Information Resources, 10(2/3), 244-256.
- Brewer, M. M., & Zitser, E. (2009). Isn't There an iPhone App for That?: Information Literacy for Students in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. AAASS Newsnet, 1-5.
- Brewer, M. M., & Zitser, E. (2009). Slavic Information Literacy. A Special Double issue of Slavic & East European Information Resources. Slavic and East European Information Resources, 10(2/3).
- Brewer, M. M., & Zitser, E. (2009). Slavic Information Literacy: Past, Present, and Future.. Slavic and East European Information Resources, 10(2/3), 117-124.
- Brewer, M. M. (2008). Review of The Cinema of Russia and the Former Soviet Union.. Slavic and East European Information Resources, 9(3), 336-338.More infoThis is a substantive, analytical review
- Brewer, M. M. (2007). Review of The Rock & Roll Film Encyclopedia, by Kenneth John Muir.. Library Journal, 9(120), 132.
- Brewer, M. M. (2007). Review of Virtual Slavica: Digital Libraries, Digital Archives, edited by Michael Neubert.. Slavic Review, 66(2), 313-315.More infoThis is a substantive, analytical review
- Brewer, M. M., Robert, M., Marianne, B., Lee, D. R., & Huff Eibl, R. (2007). Finding Information in a New Landscape: Developing New Service and Staffing Models for Mediated Information Services.. College & Research Libraries.
- Brewer, M. M. (2006). Identifying Holdings Unique to Your Library's Collections Using WorldCat.. Slavic and East European Information Resources, 7(4), 115-121.
- Brewer, M. M. (2006). Sources for Slavic & East European Library Materials: AAASS's New Collaborative Online Database.. Slavic and East European Information Resources, 7(1), 57-63.
- Brewer, M. M. (2005). You Can't Get There from Here, or How Do I Become a Slavic Studies Librarian?. Slavic and East European Information Resources, 6(1), 31-56.
- Brewer, M. M. (2004). Review of Кино Оттепели (Thaw Cinema) [Interactive CD-ROM].. Slavic and East European Information Resources, 5(1/2), 199-201.More infoThis is a substantive, analytical review
- Brewer, M. M. (2003). Review of Bibliography of Slavic Literature by Dasha Culic Nisula.. Slavic and East European Journal, 47(3), 539-540.More infoThis is a substantive, analytical review
- Brewer, M. M., & Marianna, T. C. (2003). Slavic Studies Librarians in the Profession.. AAASS Newsnet, 43(6), 11-15.
- Brewer, M. M. (2002). Using JAKE: A Guide for the Slavic Specialist.. Slavic and East European Information Resources, 3(4), 79-84.
- Brewer, M. M. (2020, October). International & Area-Studies Collections in the Post-COVID Academic Environment: Prospects for Cooperative Collection Development. Middle Eastern Librarians Association Annual Conference. Online: Middle Eastern Librarians Association.More infoThe global pandemic has dramatically accelerated an existing crisis in research library collecting. The near-term restrictions in global supply of published literature—particularly material that is produced primarily in print—will be exacerbated by economic contractions in the publishing landscape as well as in library budgets. Though circumstances are still in flux on campuses across the United States and Canada, COVID-19 will likely have long-term impacts on the availability of research materials for scholarship in North America and beyond. Those responsible for collecting international and area studies material have expressed alarm at impending budget cuts that threaten to endanger the production of knowledge in the region. This potential loss imperils the collective mission of our institutions to ensure continuing access to cultural heritage, and undermines the values of diversity of collections and research perspectives to support intellectual inquiry. Cuts to international collecting, if enacted without regard to the collective whole, may result in the irrevocable loss of research resources for future scholarship. Through a series of information-gathering initiatives and timely conversations to shed light on how research libraries are responding to these challenges, CRL will identify opportunities for greater collaboration and collective action in collection management to ensure broadest coverage, and then devise an action plan to leverage this collective intelligence at the network level. This panel of members of the area-studies community will discuss outcomes learned to date, focusing on impacts, challenges, and opportunities from the Middle East collection perspective.Michael Brewer, Senior Information Resources Officer, University of ArizonaMohamed Hamed, Middle Eastern & Near Eastern Studies Librarian, UC BerkeleyEvyn Kropf, Librarian for MENA Studies and Religious Studies, University of MichiganMatt Marostica, AUL for Public Services and Collection Development, Stanford UniversityMarlis Saleh, Bibliographer for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Chicago
- Brewer, M. M. (2019, November). Challenges in Collection Management: At the Confluence of Patron-Driven and Course-Driven Acquisitions. Charleston Conference. Charleston, South Carolina.More infoInvited presentation given at the annual GOBI Library/Publisher event at the Charleston Conference
- Brewer, M. M. (2016, Summer). Copyright Tools You Can Use: Leveraging OITP's Copyright Tools Program for Individual or Institutional Use. American Library Association National Conference. Orlando, Florida: American Library Association.
- Brewer, M. M. (2012, Spring). The Embedded Library: How the University of Arizona Libraries are Taking it to their Users. California Conference on Library Instruction “Embedded Librarians: Reaching People Where They Learn”. Sacramento, California: California Conference on Library Instruction.
- Brewer, M. M., & DeLong, K. (2012, Fall). Professional Competencies. ARL/ACRL Human Resources Symposium. Washington, D.C.: ARL/ACRL.
- Brewer, M. M., Pilch, J., Grant, B., Fowler, G., & Palmer, S. (2010, Fall). Copyright Wars: Finding a Balance between Rights and Access to Copyrighted Works in Slavic and Eurasian Studies. ASEEES National Convention. Los Angeles, California: ASEEES.More infoRoundtable Presentation
- Brewer, M. M., Stim, R., & Richman, C. (2010, Summer). Digital Rights and Permissions: New Challenges.. A Preconference Seminar at the Society for Scholarly Publishing Conference. San Francisco, California: Society for Scholarly Publishing.More infoI was unable to attend this panel due to a last minute flight cancellation (fog in San Francisco). My prepared statement and materials were emailed to the panel organizer to be distributed to seminar participants.
- Brewer, M. M. (2009, Fall). Practical Copyright Approaches for Dealing with Orphan Works. AAASS National Convention. Boston, Massachussets: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies.
- Brewer, M. M. (2009, Summer). ALA/OITP Copyright Tools for Teaching the Ethical and Legal Use of Information. Online Copyright Course. Online Presentation: The Center for Intellectual Property, University of Maryland University College.
- Brewer, M. M., Kasinec, E., Mestrovic Deyrup, M., Guillian, J. C., & Zitser, E. A. (2008, Fall). Teaching Information Literacy in Slavic Studies. AAASS National Convention. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies.
Poster Presentations
- Brewer, M. M. (2012, Spring). Digital Course Materials: Expanding Access & Reducing the Cost of Enrollment.. Living the Future 8. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Libraries.
- Cuillier, C. A., Huff-Eibl, R. K., & Brewer, M. M. (2012, April). To Fee or Not to Fee: Building Student Support for Additional Library Revenue. Living the Future Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Libraries.More infoThe University of Arizona has had a student library fee since 2006. The fee started out at $15/year for students and now stands at $120/year. In FY2011-12, fee revenue for the University Libraries is expected to be about $3.5 million—a critical chunk of our budget. This poster will describe the approach that enabled the Libraries to successfully implement a fee. Garnering support from student government leaders and advisory boards has been crucial. The poster will also detail how student fee money is used, challenges we’ve faced, and strategies that might work at your institution.
- Brewer, M. M. (2009, Summer). Copyright 101: Everything You Wanted to Know About Copyright But Were Afraid to Ask — Preservation & Replacement.. ALA Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois: American Library Assoication.More infoThis poster session was also presented in 2007 and 2008 at the ALA Annual Conference. While the content was only slightly different (due to minor changes in the law), the fact that it was presented multiple times to large audiences, shows that it continued to have value.
- Brewer, M. M. (2012, July). "Digital Slider" Public Domain Tool. ALA Office for Information Technology Policy. http://librarycopyright.net/resources/digitalslider/More infoSignificantly updated functionality and content for online version in 2012.
- Brewer, M. M. (2012, July). The Copyright Genie. ALA Office for Information Technology Policy. http://librarycopyright.net/resources/genie/
- Brewer, M. M. (2010, July). Section 108 Spinner. ALA Office for Information Technology Policy. http://librarycopyright.net/resources/spinner/More infoSignificantly updated content and functionality in 2010.
- Brewer, M. M. (2009, July). Exceptions for Instructors eTool. ALA Office for Information Technology Policy. http://librarycopyright.net/etool/
- Brewer, M. M. (2009, July). Fair Use Evaluator. ALA Office for Information Technology Policy. http://librarycopyright.net/resources/fairuse/
- Brewer, M. M. (2008, July). Section 108 Spinner. ALA Office for Information Technology Policy. http://librarycopyright.net/resources/spinner/More infoThe Section 108 Spinner was published in print (as a wheel chart) as well as online. It was fully revised and updated in 2010 with additional functionality and content.
- Brewer, M. M. (2007, July). "Digital Slider" Public Domain Tool. ALA Office for Information Technology Policy. http://librarycopyright.net/resources/digitalslider/More infoPublished in print (in slide chart format) and online. The online version was been fully updated and revised in 2012 with new functionality and content.