
Fernando Rios
- Associate Specialist
- (520) 621-3881
- Main Library, Rm. A501
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- frios@arizona.edu
As the Research Data Management Specialist in the Libraries' Research Engagement Office, I focus on supporting academic research in the areas of data management planning, research workflows, reproducibility, data and software curation, archiving and sharing, and open science. Additionally, I'm responsible for managing the University of Arizona Research Data Repository (ReDATA). My research interests have recently revolved around software archiving and preservation in the context of research reproducibility and reuse. I've also been active in software development in academia and in industry where I've worked on projects in the areas of geographic information systems, groundwater modeling, and incident management.
- Lois Olsrud Faculty Excellence Award
- University of Arizona Libraries, Summer 2022
- Best Poster, IDCC 2017
- Digital Curation Centre, Spring 2017
- Best Student Presentation
- Western New York GIS User Group, Spring 2014
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Oliver, J. C., Rios, F., Carini, K., & Ly, C. (2024). Data services at the academic library: a natural history of horses and unicorns. Journal of eScience Librarianship, 13(2), e780. doi:10.7191/jeslib.780
- Rios, F., & Ly, C. (2021). Implementing and managing a data curation workflow in the cloud. Journal of eScience Librarianship.
- Rios, F., Laserre, M., McAllister, K. S., & Ruggill, J. (2020). Sustaining Software Preservation Efforts Through Use and Communities of Practice. International Journal of Digital Curation, 15(1). doi:10.2218/ijdc.v15i1.696
- , ., & , . (2019). Software Citation Implementation Challenges. arXiv.More infoThe main output of the FORCE11 Software Citation working group(https://www.force11.org/group/software-citation-working-group) was a paper onsoftware citation principles (https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.86) published inSeptember 2016. This paper laid out a set of six high-level principles forsoftware citation (importance, credit and attribution, unique identification,persistence, accessibility, and specificity) and discussed how they could beused to implement software citation in the scholarly community. In a series oftalks and other activities, we have promoted software citation using theseincreasingly accepted principles. At the time the initial paper was published,we also provided guidance and examples on how to make software citable, thoughwe now realize there are unresolved problems with that guidance. The purpose ofthis document is to provide an explanation of current issues impactingscholarly attribution of research software, organize updated implementationguidance, and identify where best practices and solutions are still needed.[Journal_ref: ]
- Oliver, J. C., Rios, F., Kollen, C. E., & Hickson, B. (2019). Data Science Support at the Academic Library. Journal of Library Administration, 59(3), 241-257. doi:10.1080/01930826.2019.1583015
- Rios, F., & Fearon, D. (2019). Data Curation Primer: Microsoft Access Databases. Data Curation Network.More infoA primer to inform data curation of datasets in the Microsoft Access database format. This effort is part of the Data Curation Network project.
- Radio, E., Rios, F., Hickson, B. J., Oliver, J. C., & Wallace, N. A. (2018). Manifestations of metadata structures in research datasets and their ontic implications. Journal of Library Metadata, 17(3-4), 161-182. doi:10.1080/19386389.2018.1439278
- Rios, F. (2018). Incorporating Software Curation into Research Data Management Services: Lessons Learned. International Journal of Digital Curation, 13(1). doi:10.2218/ijdc.v13i1.608
- Meyerson, J., Vowell, Z., Hagenmaier, W., Leventhal, A., Roke, E. R., Rios, F., & Walsh, T. (2017). The Software Preservation Network (SPN): A Community Effort to Ensure Long Term Access to Digital Cultural Heritage. D-Lib Magazine, 23(5/6).
- Rios, F., Almas, B., Contaxis, N., Jabloner, P., & Kelly, H. (2017). Exploring Curation-ready Software: Use Cases. Open Science Framework.
- Rios, F., Almas, B., Jabloner, P., Contaxis, N., & Chassanoff, A. (2017). Report: Making Software Curation-ready. Open Science Framework.
- Katz, D. S., Niemeyer, K. E., Smith, A. M., Rios, F., Anderson, W. L., Boettiger, C., Hinsen, K., Hooft, R., Hucka, M., Lee, A., Loffler, F., & Pollard, T. (2016). Software vs. data in the context of citation. PeerJ Preprints.
- Rios, F. (2016). Preserving and Sharing Software for Transparent and Reproducible Research: A Review. Open Science Framework.
- Rios, F. (2016). The Pathways of Research Software Preservation: An Educational and Planning Resource for Service Development. D-Lib Magazine, 22(7/8).
- Rios, F., & Almas, B. (2016). Preserving Digital Scholarship In Perseids: An Exploration. Zenodo.
- Rios, J. F., & Renschler, C. S. (2016). A New Combined Assessment of Mixed Uncertainty in Spatial Models: Conceptualization and Implementation. Transactions in GIS, 21, 661-682.
- Rios, F. (2015). A new combined uncertainty and sensitivity assessment of spatial models with object-based features. Doctoral Dissertation.
- Ye, M., Rios, J. F., & Shi, L. (2014). A New ArcGIS-Based Software of Uncertainty Analysis for Nitrate Load Estimation. Groundwater, 52(5), 649--650.
- Rios, F. (2013). Preliminary Study of Nitrate Levels in Groundwater at Lime Lake, NY. Zenodo.
- Rios, J. F., Ye, M., Wang, L., Lee, P. Z., Davis, H., & Hicks, R. (2013). ArcNLET: A GIS-based software to simulate groundwater nitrate load from septic systems to surface water bodies. Computers and Geosciences, 52, 108 - 116.
- Wang, L., Ye, M., Rios, J. F., Fernandes, R., Lee, P. Z., & Hicks, R. W. (2013). Estimation of nitrate load from septic systems to surface water bodies using an ArcGIS-based software. Environ Earth Sci, 70(4), 1911--1926.
- Bazargan, S., Heinig, N. F., Rios, J. F., & Leung, K. T. (2012). Electronic transport in tin(IV) oxide nanocrystalline films: Two-medium transport with three-dimensional variable-range hopping mechanism for the ultrasmall nanocrystallite size regime. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(8), 4979-4985.
- Rios, J. F., Ye, M., & Wang, L. (2011). uWATER-PA: Ubiquitous WebGIS Analysis Toolkit for Extensive Resources -- Pumping Assessment. Ground Water, 49(6), 776--780.
- Rios, F. (2010). A GIS-based model for estimating nitrate fate and transport from septic systems in surficial aquifers. Masters Thesis.
- Ebrahimi, M., Rios, J. F., & Leung, K. T. (2009). Dissociative adsorption and thermal evolution of acetic acid on Si(100)2×1: Surface-mediated formation of ketene and acetaldehyde from unidentate and bidentate acetate adsorbates. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113(1), 281-289.
- Rios, F. (2024, Feb 15). Curating Simulation Data Panel. Data Curation Network Webinar SeriesData Curation Network.
- Oliver, J. C., & Rios, F. (2023, March). Getting what you pay for in research data services. Empirical Librarians Conference. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
- Rios, F., Harp, M., Perry, G. J., & Jennifer, M. (2023, April). Navigating the 2023 NIH data management and sharing policy. Tri-University Research Administration Conference. Online: University of Arizona, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University.
- Rios, F., Heather, S., L, W., Girmaye, M., & Wanda, M. (2023, October). Curating simulation-based research. Data Curation Network Workshop for Specialized Data Types. Duke University, Durham, NC: Data Curation Network.
- Rios, F., Harp, M., & Blanchard, B. (2022). A Tri-University Approach to Strengthen Arizona Research Data Management Services. AzLA Webinar.
- Schultz, L. A., Rios, F., & Dubinsky, E. (2022, September). Digging Into DPIs. COGR Webinar SeriesCouncil on Governmental Relations.More infoDigital Persistent Identifiers (DPIs) have emerged as a potential compliance tool for agencies and institutions in the area of research security, and NSPM-33 makes clear that federal research funding agencies must establish policies for funded researchers to register with DPI services. So, it’s critical for research administrators to have a solid understanding of what DPIs are and how they work. This webinar will provide essential information about how DPIs are used in SciENcv, data management and sharing, tracking scholarly activities, and tracking funding. This webinar was rescheduled to September 23 from its original date of August 25
- Oliver, J. C., Rios, F., Kollen, C. E., Carini, K., & Ly, C. (2020, October). How not to run a data visualization contest. Midwest Data Librarian Symposium.
- Rios, F. (2020, February). Sustaining Software Preservation Efforts Through Use and Communities of Practice. International Digital Curation Conference.
- Boehm, R., Rios, F., & Blake, M. (2019, May). Distributed, dynamic, accessible: Cooperative planning for a community-created data rescue toolkit. Research Data Access and Preservation Summit. Miami, FL.
- Rios, F., & Lassere, M. (2019, November). Seminar on Born-Digital Media Preservation. World Digital Preservation Day. University of Arizona.More infoBest practices for disk imaging, capture and emulation in order to preserve and access digital materials stuck on aging born-digital media. Part of the SPN FCoP grant project
- Rios, F. (2018, August). Data Management for Undergrads: Approach and Experience. Mountain West Data Librarian Symposium. Boulder, Colorado.
- Rios, F. (2018, February). Incorporating Software Curation into Research Data Management Services: Lessons Learned. 13th International Digital Curation Conference.
- Rios, F. (2017, April). Software Preservation in Research Data Management. Research Data Access and Preservation Summit. Seattle, WA.
- Rios, F. (2017, June). Preserving Research Software in Support of Scholarship. NDSR Enrichment Session. George Washington University: National Digital Stewardship Residency Program.More infoInvited talk
- Rios, F. (2017, May 1, 2017). Integrating Software Curation Into Existing Data Management Workflows. PresQT Workshop. University of Notre Dame, South Bend Indiana.
- Rios, F., Altman, M., Johnson, R., & Spies, J. (2016, December). Building tools and services to support research software preservation and sharing. CNI Fall 2016 Meeting. Washington, DC.
Poster Presentations
- Rios, F. (2018, November). Open Science Framework: A Tool for Collaboration, Project Management, and Publication. University of Arizona IT Summit. Tucson, AZ.
- Rios, F. (2017, April). Software Preservation in Research Data Management. Research Data Access and Preservation Summit. Seattle, Washington.
- Rios, F. (2017, February). A Research Software Management Toolbox for Data Management Specialists. International Digital Curation Conference. The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK..
Other Teaching Materials
- Rios, F., Wynholds, L., Shimon, H., Misgna, G., & Marsolek, W. (2024. Simulations Curation Curriculum. Data Curation Network.
- Herman, J., Usher, W., Whealton, C., Hadka, D., xantares, ., Rios, F., bernardoct, ., Mutel, C., & Engelen, J. (2017, August). Salib/Salib: Joss Paper. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.598306
- Usher, W., Herman, J., Hadka, D., xantares, ., bernardoct, ., Rios, F., Mutel, C., & Engelen, J. (2016, February). SALib: Improvements to Morris sampling and Sobol groups/distributions. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.46450