Christine E Kollen
- (520) 305-0495
- Main Library, Rm. A501
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- kollen@arizona.edu
- M.L.S. Library Science
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- B.S. Geology
- University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2011 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2008 - 2011)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1997 - 2008)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1993 - 1997)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1989 - 1993)
- MLA Hypothesis Research Training Quality Award
- MLA, Medical Library Association, Fall 2019
Data Management; Data Curation; Geography; Maps; Geospatial Data; Geoportals
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Kollen, C. E., Kouper, I., Fear, K., Ishidu, M., & Williams, S. (2017). Research Data Services Maturity in Academic Libraries.. In Curating Research Data.(pp 153-170). Chicago, Illinois: Association of College and Research Libraries.
- Elliott, C. M., Feeney, M. E., Kollen, C. E., & Reyes-Escudero, V. (2015). A DH State of Mind: Libraries and the Digital Humanities. In Supporting Digital Humanities for Knowledge Acquisition in Modern Libraries(pp 132-155). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, an impreint of IGI Global.
- Andrade, R., & Kollen, C. (2012). Using needs assessment to develop research and grant support services. In Advances in Librarianship(pp 83--111).
- Oliver, J. C., Rios, F., Kollen, C. E., & Hickson, B. (2019). Data Science Support at the Academic Library. Journal of Library Administration, 59(3), 241-257. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2019.1583015
- Kollen, C., Dietz, C., Suh, J., & Lee, A. (2013). Geospatial data catalogs: Approaches by academic libraries. Journal of Map & Geography Libraries, 9(3), 276--295.
- Feeney, M., Kollen, C., & Reyes-Escudero, V. (2011). A Century of Mexican and Mexican American Press: Preserving the Past Online. Microform & Digitization Review, 40(4), 158--167.
Proceedings Publications
- Feeney, M. E., Feeney, M. E., Kollen, C. E., Kollen, C. E., Reyes-Escudero, V., Reyes-Escudero, V., Feeney, M. E., Kollen, C. E., & Reyes-Escudero, V. (2014, August). Historic Mexican and Mexican American Press Collection: Expanding Access to a Different Point of View. In International Federation of Libraries and Associations (IFLA) World Library and Information Congress.
- Pfander, J. L., Kollen, C. E., & Greenfield, L. (2004, August). The Geographic Literate Student: The Arizona Electronic Atlas Experiment.. In ESRI 4th Annual Education Users Conference. August 7-10, 2004, San Diego, CA..
- Carol, M., Craig, H., Kollen, C. E., & Nicole, K. (2020, October). A New Way to Discover our Map Collections: Introducing MAGIRT’s Online Maps Directory. Western Association of Map Libraries Annual Meeeting. Virtual: Western Association of Map Libraries.
- Kollen, C. E., Carol, M., Paige, A., Craig, H., Nicole, K., & Angie, L. (2020, July). Online Guide to U.S. Map Collections: Project Update. ALA Annual Conference. Virtual: American Libraries Association.
- Oliver, J. C., Kiri, C., Kollen, C. E., Ly, C., & Rios, F. (2020, October). How Not to run a Data Visualization Challenge. MDLS. Virtual: Midwest Data Librarians.
- Kollen, C. E. (2019, June). Addressing Changes in Technical Support for the Spatial Data Explorer: Exploring other options and solutions for geospatial data. American Libraries Association Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.: American Libraries Association.More infoPresentation as part of the MAGIRT Geographic Technologies Committee meeting
- Kollen, C. E. (2019, September). Future of the Map Scanning Registry. Western Association of Map Libraries Conference. Reno, Nevada: Western Association of Map Libraries.More infoThe Map Scanning Registry, http://mapregistry.library.arizona.edu, was created in 2006 in response to discussions at the Map Libraries in Transition Conference, where attendees expressed a need to find out what map scanning projects are being planned, in process or completed to avoid duplication of effort. At about the same time, WAML developed the Scanning Projects Clearinghouse. In 2012, MAGIRT and WAML agreed to combine the two sites together, records from the Scanning Projects Clearinghouse were added to the Map Scanning Registry. The Registry has been available for 13 years, is it still needed? How often do librarians refer to it? Does it need to be revamped, is there additional information that could be included to make it more useful? This presentation will describe the registry, provide usage statistics, share the results of a recent survey, and conclude with an open discussion on the future of the Map Scanning Registry.
- Kollen, C. E. (2018, May). Implementing New Data Management and Curation Services at the University of Arizona (UA): Lessons learned from the UA Data Management and Data Curation Pilot. IASSIST and CARTO 2018. Montreal, Canada: IASSIST and CARTO.More infoThe development of efficient data management and curation services will allow researchers to devote more time to research, support the goal of developing a research data ecosystem that facilitates data reproducibility, and have a positive impact on the institution’s overall prestige and success in obtaining grant funds. The University of Arizona (UA) Libraries, in collaboration with the UA Office of Research, Discovery, and Innovation and the UA University Information and Technology Services, has been providing data management services to campus for the past several years. Are we providing data management services that UA researchers need, what other services should we offer? To answer these questions, we conducted a campus survey, followed up with the Data Management and Data Curation Pilot. The pilot, working with research projects from education, wildlife biology, entomology, cancer research, and public health, provided an in-depth assessment of specific services, tools, training, support, and technology infrastructure researchers need to effectively and efficiently manage and curate their research data. This presentation will provide details on the research projects involved with the pilot, what services and tools were implemented, results of exit interviews with each research project, development of general and specific recommendations, and progress toward implementation. https://osf.io/fsx4t/
- Kollen, C. E. (2017, May). Research Data Management at the University of Arizona. Rangelands Partnership Annual Meeting 2017. Logan Utah: Rangelands.
- Kollen, C. E. (2017, May). Research Data Services Maturity in Academic Libraries. ACRL e-Learning Webinar: Curating Research Data. Online: American Libraries Association, Association of College and Research Libraries.More infoPresentation based on book chapter, Research Data Services Maturity in Academic Libraries. One of four presentations to promote the book, Curating Research Data
- Kollen, C. E. (2017, Sept. 4). Research Data Life Cycle:. Entre Pares 2017. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico: Consorcio Nacional de Recursos de Información Científica y Tecnológica.More infoShare our experience and process that the University of Arizona uses to consider the life cycle or duration of research stored in our repositories.
- Kollen, C. E. (2017, Sept. 5). Digital Preservation at the University of Arizona Libraries. Entre Pares 2017. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.More infoPanel presentation for program, Alternatives for the Organization, Storage and Preservation of Digital Collections
- Kollen, C. E. (2016, October). Developing Data Management Services: What Support do Researchers Need?. IT Summit. Tucson, Arizona.More infoThe past several years has seen an increasing emphasis on providing access to the results of research, both publications and data. The majority of federal grant funding agencies require that researchers include a data management plan as part of their grant proposal. In response, the University of Arizona Libraries, in collaboration with the Office of Research and Discovery and the University Information Technology Services, has been providing data management services and resources to the campus for the past several years. In 2014, we conducted a research data management survey to find out how UA researchers manage their research data, determine the demand for existing services and identify new services that UA researchers need. In the fall of 2015, the Data Management and Data Publication and Curation (DMDC) Pilot was started to determine what specific services and tools, including training and support and the needed technology infrastructure, researchers need to effectively and efficiently manage and curate their research data. This presentation will present what data management services we currently are offering, discuss findings from the 2014 survey, and present initial results from the DMDC pilot.
- Kollen, C. E., Ippoliti, C., Koshoffer, A., Julian, R., Rozum, B., & Minor, D. (2016, November). Creating a campus-wide research data services committee: The good, The bad, and The .... ASIST WebinarASIST.More infoPart 1: Building bridges and planting seedsPart 2: Launching your collaboration
- Kollen, C. E., Koshoffer, A., Julian, R., Ippoliti, C., Rozum, B., & Minor, D. (2016, December). Creating a campus-wide research data services committee: The good, The bad, and The .... National Network of Libraries of Medicine WebinarNational Network of Libraries of Medicine.More infoPart 1: Building Bridges and Planting SeedsPart 2: Launching your collaboration
- Kollen, C. E. (2015, March). Enabling Global Solutions for Agricultural and Nutrition Challenges through Linked Open Data. Research Data Alliance 5th Plenary. San Diego, California: Research Data Alliance.
- Kollen, C. E., & Hickson, B. (2015, April). Arizona Geospatial Data Portal Project. Formation of Regional Religious Systems in Greater China. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona, East Asian Studies.
- Kollen, C. E., & Hickson, B. (2015, October). Geospatial Data: Implementing Open Geoportal at the University of Arizona. GIS Cooperative. University of Arizona: City of Tucson.
- Kollen, C. E., & Hickson, B. (2015, September). Geospatial Data Discovery & Access: Implementing Open Geoportal at the University of Arizona. Arizona Geographic Information Council Education and Training Symposium. Prescott, Arizona: Arizona Geographic Information Council.
- Kollen, C. E., Kouper, I., Fear, K., Ishidu, M., & Williams, S. (2015, June). Developing Research Data Services Visions(s): An Analysis of North American Academic Libraries. IASSIST. Minneapolis, Minnesota: IASSIST.
- Feeney, M. E., Kollen, C. E., & Reyes-Escudero, V. (2014, August). Historic Mexican and Mexican American Press Collection: Expanding Access to a Different Point of View. International Federation of Libraries and Associations (IFLA) World Library and Information Congress. Lyon, France.
- Kollen, C. E., Ishida, M., Williams, S., Fear, K., Kouper, I., & Roark, K. (2014, October). Building a Community of Practice for Research Data Services: Experience of CLIR/DLF E-Research Peer Networking & Mentoring Group. Digital Library Federation Forum. Atlanta, Georgia: Digital Library Federation.
- Feeney, M. E., Kollen, C. E., & Reyes-Escudero, V. (2011, November). Historical Mexican and Mexican-American Press: Imagining the Future by Preseving the Past Online. Arizona State Library Association Conference. Tucson, Arizona: Arizona State Library Association.More infoImagine the future: a century of Mexican and Mexican-American newspapers and magazines digitized and freely-available online for researchers and the community to read. Come hear about how a project at the University of Arizona Libraries has accomplished this! The Historical Mexican and Mexican-American Press project focused on digitizing publications from Tucson, El Paso, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sonora, Mexico, ranging from the mid-1800s through the 1980s. These newspapers and magazines covered important events in Mexican-American history, from the Mexican Revolution to the Bracero Program to the Chicano Movement. The presenters will discuss the origin of the project, selection of the publications for digitization, and challenges experienced during the project. We will also show the digitized newspapers and talk about the impact of making them available online.
Poster Presentations
- Hallie, P., Carol, M., Paige, A., Kollen, C. E., & Nicole, K. (2018, June). Online Guide to U.S. Map Collections: A Call to Action. ALA Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA: American Libraries Association.
- Kollen, C. E. (2016, June). Spatial Data Explorer: Providing Discovery and Access to Geospatial Data at the University of Arizona. American Library Association Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida: American Library Association.
- Kollen, C. E., & Bell, M. E. (2016, October). Data Management and Curation: Services and Resources. IT Summit. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona.More infoAre you or the researchers you work with writing a grant proposal that requires a data management plan? Are you working on a research project and have questions about how to effectively and efficiently manage your research data? Are you interested in sharing your data with other researchers? We can help! For the past several years, the University of Arizona (UA) Libraries, in collaboration with the Office of Research and Discovery and the University Information Technology Services, has been providing data management services and resources to the campus. We are interested in tailoring our services and resources to what you need. We conducted a research data management survey in 2014 and are currently working on the Data Management and Data Curation and Publication (DMDC) pilot. This poster will describe what data management and curation services we are currently providing, and ask for your feedback on potential new data management services and resources.