Jeannine E Relly
- Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Inclusion
- Professor
- Professor, School of Government and Public Policy
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-1112
- Douglass, Rm. 200W
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- jrelly@arizona.edu
Dr. Jeannine Relly's (she/her) research focuses on global and domestic influences on news media systems, government information policy, press-state relations, democratic institutions in countries in conflict, post-conflict, and political or economic transition. She also has a line of research focused on formal and informal institutions related to the policy issue of public corruption. Her research and outreach with collaborators has been conducted in Afghanistan, India, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, the U.S., the West Bank and Gaza, and Yemen.
Dr. Relly holds a an appointment in the School of Journalism and a courtesy appointment with the School of Government and Public Policy. She is an affiliated faculty member with the university's Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, and Center for Border and Global Journalism. She is a former head of the International Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and served as the chair of the organization's Elected Standing Committee on Professional Freedom and Responsibiity. She is a former research fellow of The Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy and has served on the advisory board of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Institute at The University of Arizona. Dr. Relly received a Fulbright-Nehru grant to conduct research for five months in India (2016-2017). She currently serves on the Humanitarian Assistance Technical Support Faculty.
In the School of Journalism, Dr. Relly oversaw diversity and inclusion initiatives for more than five years.
Before joining the faculty, Dr. Relly worked for more than a dozen years as a journalist reporting in a number states, the Caribbean and the Mexico-U.S. borderlands.
- Ph.D. Public administration
- Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, United States
- The global diffusion of access to information laws in developing countries: A contextual interpretation
- M.A. Journalism
- The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- B.S. Human nutrition
- Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Work Experience
- The University of Arizona (2015 - Ongoing)
- The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2009 - 2015)
- The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2004 - 2009)
- 2022 AEJMC James A. Tankard Jr. Book Award
- Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Summer 2022
- 2022 AEJMC-Knudson Latin America Book Award
- Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Summer 2022
- Frank Luther Mott/Kappa Tau Alpha Research Award
- Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Summer 2022
- Research Fellow in Digital Journalism
- Columbia School of Journalism School's Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Spring 2019
- Fellow, Institute for Diverse Leadership in Journalism
- Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Fall 2018
- Excellence in Mentoring Award
- Office for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence, The University of Arizona, Spring 2018
- Fulbright-Nehru Scholar Award to conduct research in India
- J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, Fulbright Commission/ the Council for International Exchange of Scholars and the United States-India Educational Foundation, Fall 2016
- Recognition of Outstanding Service and Dedication
- International Communication Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Summer 2016
- Best Data Visualization Project
- Institute for Justice & Journalism Migrahack, Spring 2015
- Research Fellowship
- The Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, Fall 2013
- Award for Collaboration and Inovation
- The University of Arizona Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry, Summer 2013
- Best Journalism Research Paper Award
- African Journalism Studies (formerly Ecquid Novi African Journalism Studies), Summer 2013
- Top Paper Award
- International Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Summer 2013
- Emerging Scholars Program Grant
- Association for Education in Journalismand Mass Communication, Winter 2012
- Inaugural Teaching Grant (co-awardee)
- Newspaper Division of the Association forEducation in Journalism and Mass Communication, Summer 2011
- Robert L. Stevenson Top Faculty Paper Award
- International Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Summer 2010
- Outstanding Honors Faculty Member
- The University of Arizona Honors College, Spring 2008
- Arizona Five Star Faculty Award
- The University of Arizona Honors College, Spring 2007 (Award Finalist)
- The University of Arizona Outstanding Female Faculty Member of the Year
- Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society, Spring 2007
- Hugh and Jan Harelson Excellence in Teaching Award
- The University of Arizona School of Journalism, Spring 2006
- The University of Arizona School of Journalism, Spring 2005
- The University of Arizona School of Journalism, Spring 2004
No activities entered.
2023-24 Courses
GLO Independent Study
GLO 599 (Spring 2024) -
GLO Capstone
GLO 698 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
GLO Capstone
GLO 698 (Summer I 2023) -
Disinformation & Info Security
GLO 460 (Spring 2023) -
Disinformation & Info Security
GLO 560 (Spring 2023) -
GLO Capstone
GLO 698 (Spring 2023) -
GLO Independent Study
GLO 599 (Spring 2023) -
Media & Humanitarian Crises
GLO 490 (Spring 2023) -
Media & Humanitarian Crises
GLO 590 (Spring 2023) -
GLO Independent Study
GLO 499 (Fall 2022) -
GLO Independent Study
GLO 599 (Fall 2022) -
Media Ethics & Representation
GLO 435 (Fall 2022) -
Media Ethics & Representation
GLO 535 (Fall 2022) -
Studies of Global Media
GLO 101 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Media and Human Rights
GLO 455 (Summer I 2022) -
Media and Human Rights
GLO 555 (Summer I 2022) -
Media and Human Rights
HRTS 555 (Summer I 2022) -
Disinformation & Info Security
GLO 460 (Spring 2022) -
Disinformation & Info Security
GLO 560 (Spring 2022) -
GLO Capstone
GLO 698 (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
JOUR 599 (Spring 2022) -
Master's Report
JOUR 909 (Spring 2022) -
Media Apprenticeship
JOUR 405 (Spring 2022) -
Free Express & Right to Info
GLO 440 (Fall 2021) -
Free Express & Right to Info
GLO 540 (Fall 2021) -
GLO Independent Study
GLO 599 (Fall 2021) -
Independent Study
JOUR 599 (Fall 2021) -
Master's Report
JOUR 909 (Fall 2021) -
Media Apprenticeship
JOUR 405 (Fall 2021) -
Media Apprenticeship
JOUR 505 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Independent Study
JOUR 499 (Summer I 2021) -
Media & Humanitarian Crises
GLO 490 (Summer I 2021) -
Media & Humanitarian Crises
GLO 590 (Summer I 2021) -
Disinformation & Info Security
GLO 460 (Spring 2021) -
Disinformation & Info Security
GLO 560 (Spring 2021) -
HRTS Masters Capstone
HRTS 909 (Spring 2021) -
Master's Report
JOUR 909 (Spring 2021) -
Media Apprenticeship
JOUR 405 (Spring 2021) -
Media Apprenticeship
JOUR 505 (Spring 2021) -
Master's Report
JOUR 909 (Fall 2020) -
Media Apprenticeship
JOUR 405 (Fall 2020) -
Media Apprenticeship
JOUR 505 (Fall 2020) -
Media Cover/Intl Crises
JOUR 496F (Fall 2020) -
Media Cover/Intl Crises
JOUR 596F (Fall 2020) -
Media Cover/Intl Crises
MENA 496F (Fall 2020) -
Media Cover/Intl Crises
MENA 596F (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Master's Report
JOUR 909 (Spring 2020) -
Media & Terrorism
JOUR 402 (Spring 2020) -
Media & Terrorism
JOUR 502 (Spring 2020) -
JOUR 910 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
JOUR 599 (Fall 2019) -
Master's Report
JOUR 909 (Fall 2019) -
Media & Terrorism
JOUR 402 (Fall 2019) -
Media & Terrorism
JOUR 502 (Fall 2019) -
Media Apprenticeship
JOUR 405 (Fall 2019) -
Media Apprenticeship
JOUR 505 (Fall 2019) -
JOUR 910 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Independent Study
JOUR 599 (Summer I 2019) -
Master's Report
JOUR 909 (Spring 2019) -
Media & Terrorism
JOUR 402 (Spring 2019) -
Media & Terrorism
JOUR 502 (Spring 2019) -
Survey of Research Mthds
JOUR 589 (Spring 2019) -
JOUR 910 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
JOUR 599 (Fall 2018) -
Jour Theory & Practice
JOUR 508 (Fall 2018) -
Master's Report
JOUR 909 (Fall 2018) -
Media & Terrorism
JOUR 402 (Fall 2018) -
Media & Terrorism
JOUR 502 (Fall 2018) -
JOUR 910 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Independent Study
JOUR 599 (Summer I 2018) -
Master's Report
JOUR 909 (Spring 2018) -
Media & Terrorism
JOUR 402 (Spring 2018) -
Media & Terrorism
JOUR 502 (Spring 2018) -
Survey of Research Mthds
JOUR 589 (Spring 2018) -
JOUR 910 (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
JOUR 599 (Fall 2017) -
Jour Theory & Practice
JOUR 508 (Fall 2017) -
Master's Report
JOUR 909 (Fall 2017) -
Media & Terrorism
JOUR 402 (Fall 2017) -
Media & Terrorism
JOUR 502 (Fall 2017) -
JOUR 910 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Independent Study
JOUR 599 (Summer I 2017) -
Reporting the News
JOUR 205 (Spring 2017) -
Survey of Research Mthds
JOUR 589 (Spring 2017)
Scholarly Contributions
- Relly, J. E., & Gonzalez, C. (2020). Red light, green light: To report and survive in Mexico in times of violence. Austin, TX: The University of Texas Press.
- Relly, J. E., & Gonzalez de Bustamante, C. (2017). Global and domestic networks advancing prospects for institutional and social change: The collective action response to violence against journalists.. Sage.More infoCo-author assisted with interviews and reading the revisions of the manuscript with line edits.Monograph included commentaries from four experts in political science, communication and journalism studies: Kathleen Staudt, Rune Ottosen, Sallie Hughes, and Silvio Waisbord.
- Relly, J. E., Zanger, M. E., & Banchero, P. (2020). Toward a Framework for Studying Democratic Media Development and 'Media Capture': The Iraqi Kurdistan Case. In Media, Development and Democracy: Historical and Current Connections.
- Relly, J. E., & Gonzalez de Bustamante, C. (2017). Global violence against journalists: The power of impunity and emerging initiatives to evoke social change. In The Routledge Companion to Media & Human Rights.
- Gonzalez de Bustamante, C., & Relly, J. E. (2016). Use of social media along the northern border in violent times. In Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. Routledge.
- Relly, J. E., & Gonzalez de Bustamante, C. (2016). Periodistas en peligro: un studio de influencias sobre periodistas en el norte de Mexico.. In Medios de comunicación, poder y violencia en las regiones de México. Universidad Veracruzana.More infoColleague did fieldwork with lead author and edited every version. This is the Spanish version of a seminal article published in a journal.
- Relly, J. E., & Sabharwal, M. (2015). Perceptions of transparency of government policymaking: A cross-national study. In Public Administration.
- Relly, J. E. (2011). Corruption, secrecy, and access-to-information legislation in Africa: A cross-national study of political institutions. In Research in Social Problems and Public Policy – Government Secrecy(pp 325-352). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
- Relly, J. E. (2011). Institutions of information access and constraint: The cases of China and India. In E-Governance and cross- boundary collaboration: Innovations and advancing tools(pp 247-269). Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
- Relly, J. E. (2010). A comparative study of E-government and political indicators in developing nations with and without access-to-information laws. In Comparative E-Government: An examination of E-Government across countries(pp 525-542). New York: Springer.
- Gonzalez de Bustamante, C., & Relly, J. (2015). Professionalism under the threat of violence: Journalism, self-reflexivity, and the potential for collective professional autonomy. Journalism Studies.
- Relly, J. E., & Pakanati, R. (2020). Deepening Democracy Through a Social Movement: Networks, Information Rights and Online-and-Offline Activism. International Journal of Communication.
- Relly, J. E., Pakanati, R., Sabharwal, M., & Schwalbe, E. H. (2020). A decade in the making: A study of implementation of India’s Right to Information Act. World Development.
- Schwalbe, C. B., & Mace, M. (2020). "From Robots to Humans: Newspaper Coverage of Mars in the United States and the United Kingdom 2011–2016". Journalism Studies, 21(13), 1913–1932. doi:0.1080/1461670X.2020.1799238
- Relly, J. E., & Hutchins, M. J. (2019). The influence of “dark networks” on citizens’ confidence in democratic institutions in Mexico. The Social Science Journal, 56(4), 555-564. doi:doi.org/10.1016/j.soscij.2018.10.005
- Relly, J. E., Chordiya, R., Sabharwal, M., & Berman, E. (2019). Organizational protection for whistleblowers: A cross-national study. Public Management Review, 22(4), 527-552. doi:doi.org/10.1080/14719037.2019.1599058
- Schwalbe, E. H., Cruikshank, S. A., Relly, J. E., & Schwalbe, C. B. (2019). "Human Security as a Conceptual Framework: The Case of Palestinian Journalists". Journalism Studies, 20(13), 1920-1939. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2018.1543555
- Gonzalez de Bustamante, C., & Relly, J. E. (2016). The practice and study of journalism in zones of violence in Latin America: Mexico, a case study. Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies, 5(1), 55-73.
- Relly, J. E., & Schwalbe, C. (2016). How business lobby networks shaped the U.S. Freedom of Information Act: An examination of 60 years of Congressional testimony. Government Information Quarterly, 33(3), 404-416.More infoColleague worked on careful editing and questions throughout the submission and revision process. Also assisted with validating data. Colleague did entire conversion of extensive reference list from 60 years of Congressional testimony.
- Relly, J. E., & Zanger, M. (2016). The enigma of news media development with multi-pronged "capture": The Afghanistan case. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism., attached(waiting for hard copy publication / online to date), 1-23.More infoMy colleague worked with me on the study design and with funding for our research assistant who conducted fieldwork in Afghanistan in Dari and Pashto, along with the translation and transcription. She also helped to edit every version from conference paper to blind review and revisions.AbstractThis qualitative study of influences on a purposive sample of Afghan journalists was carried out in the year after the US military mission was declared over. After more than a hundred million dollars of Western government funding had been invested in development of liberal democratic journalism, the study found the paradox of news media ‘capture’. We conceptualize this phenomenon further into political, bureaucratic, foreign-donor, and violent-actor capture. The study concludes that in countries with heavy foreign intervention, where imported journalism values are layered upon previous and continued institutional arrangements and where violence and instability continue unabated, news media work is prone to ‘capture’ by a variety of actors outside media organizations. We suggest that future research could refine a typology with six distinct forms of capture – economic, political, cultural, legal, bureaucratic, and societal.
- Schwalbe, C. B., & Relly, J. E. (2016). "How Business Interests Shaped the U.S. Freedom of Information Act: An Examination of 50 Years of Congressional Testimony". Government Information Quarterly.
- Relly, J. E., Zanger, M., & Fahmy, S. (2015). Democratic norms and forces of gatekeeping: A study of influences on Iraqi journalists’ attitudes toward government information access. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.
- Relly, J. E., Zanger, M., & Fahmy, S. (2015). News media in a fragile state: Journalists’ perceptions of professional ethics in post-Ba'athist Iraq. Mass Communication and Society.
- Gonzalez de Bustamante, C., & Relly, J. (2014). Journalism in times of violence: Social media use by U.S. and Mexican journalists working in northern Mexico. Digital Journalism.
- Relly, J. E., Zanger, M., & Shahira, F. (2014). Professional role perceptions among Iraqi Kurdish journalists from a “state within a state". Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism.
- Relly, J. E., Relly, J. E., Gonzalez de Busamante, C., & Gonzalez de Busamante, C. (2014). Silencing Mexico: A study of influences on journalists in the northern border states. International Journal of Press/Politics, 19(1), 108-131.
- Relly, J. E. (2012). Examining a model of vertical accountability: A cross-national study of the influence of information access on control of corruption. Government Information Quarterly, 29(3), 335-345.
- Relly, J. E. (2012). Freedom of information laws and global diffusion: Testing Rogers's model. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 89(3), 431-457.
- Relly, J. E. (2012). News media constraints and freedom of information legislation in developing countries. International Communication Research Journal.More info;Your Role: Author;Full Citation: Relly, J.E. (2012). News media constraints and freedom of information legislation in developing countries. International Communication Research Journal, 47(1-2), 2-25.;
- Relly, J. E., & Schwalbe, C. (2013). Watchdog journalism: India's three largest English-language newspapers and the Right to Information Act. Asian Journal of Communication, 23(3), 284-301.More infoColleague assisted in reviewing study design, coding, and a short passage in the literature review. Colleague also edited every revision and good questions.
- Relly, J. E., & Schwalbe, C. B. (2012). "Watchdog Journalism: India's Three Largest English-Language Newspapers and the Right to Information Act". Asian Journal of Communication, 23(3), 284-301.
- Cuillier, D. L., & Relly, J. E. (2010). A comparison of political, cultural, and economic indicators of access to information in Arab and non-Arab states. Government Information Quarterly, 27(4), 360-370. doi:10.1016/j.giq.2010.04.004More infoAs more and more countries adopt access-to-information (ATI) laws to advance economic development and democratic self-governance, efforts are under way to foster ATI movements in the Arab world. While one nation in that region already has adopted the legislation, the likelihood of adoption in other Arab states is unknown. This comparative study analyzed 12 quantitative indicators measuring political, cultural, and economic factors associated with access to information. Results indicate that Arab countries, as a whole, contrast sharply in nearly all areas with non-Arab countries that have ATI laws and are consistent with non-Arab countries that do not have ATI laws. However, the study also found that the most recent ATI law adopters had weaker political, cultural, and economic enabling environments for government information access, which may portend a global phenomenon that will continue and could explain the interest in adopting the legislation in the Arab world. Findings also suggest that while a handful of Arab countries might have the wealth to effectively implement ATI laws, political and cultural conditions may be substantial obstacles for greater government transparency. Other results regarding the use of quantitative indicators of ATI adoption, particularly structural pluralism, are discussed.
- Fahmy, S., Relly, J., & Wanta, W. (2010). President’s power to frame stem cell views limited. Newspaper Research Journal, 31(3), 62-74.
- Relly, J. E., & David, C. (2010). A comparison of political, cultural, and economic indicators of access to information in Arab and non-Arab states. Government Information Quarterly, 27(4), 360-370.
- Relly, J. E., & Sabharwal, M. (2009). Perceptions of transparency of government policymaking: A cross-national study. Government Information Quarterly, 26(1), 148-157.More infoThe article was listed among Government Information Quarterly’s most cited articles since 2009 on the journal’s website.
- Relly, J. E., & Feeney, M. (2022, July). Informed Learning in Global Media Studies. Creating Informed Learners in the Classroom (CILC) Symposium.
- Relly, J. E., Rabbi, F., & Sabharwal, M. (2019, June). Governance, accountability institutions and marginalized groups: The case of India. 2019 Public Management Research Conference. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Public Management Research Association (PMRA).
- Relly, J. E., & Zanger, M. E. (2018, My). ISIS, tradition and oil as forms of ‘capture’: The impact of violence, politics, culture and economic crisis on journalists in Kurdistan Iraq. International Communication Association Annual Conference. Prague, Czech Republic: International Communication Association.
- Relly, J. E. (2017, December). Basta Ya: Grassroots and Global Efforts to Stop Violence against Journalists in Mexico. The University of Arizona Center for Latin American Studies' Fall Lecture Series. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona Center for Latin American Studies.
- Relly, J. E., & González de Bustamante, C. (2017, May). When violence enters the workplace: A qualitative look at gender roles among journalists in northern Mexico. International Communication Association and Binational Association of Schools of Communication Pre-Conference. San Diego, CA: International Communication Association and Binational Association of Schools of Communication.
- Relly, J. E., & Pakatani, R. (2017, August). Toward a global model of agenda building and gatekeeping: Collective action and Right to Information legislation in the India case. Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication Annual Conference. Chicago, IL: Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication International Communication Division.
- Relly, J. E., & Pakatani, R. (2017, June). Pressing for public accountability: Civil society organizations, social activists, journalists and the Indian Right to Information Act. 5th Global Conference on Transparency Research. Limerick, Ireland: The University of Limerick and The University of Baltimore.
- Relly, J. E., Camaj, L., & Pakatani, R. (2017, May). The impact of freedom of information laws on journalists' news production: FOI laws as channels of newsgathering in Bulgaria and India. International Communication Association Conference. San Diego, CA: International Communication Association.
- Relly, J. E., Chordiya, R., Sabharwal, M., & Berman, E. M. (2017, October). Protecting whistleblowers as an anti-corruption strategy: A multi-dimensional approach. Southeastern Conference for Public Administration. Hollywood, Florida: American Society for Public Administration, Southern Florida Chapter.
- Relly, J. E., Yunjuan, L. L., Cruikshank, S. A., & Wellars, B. (2017, November). A thematic meta-analysis of big data research in communication and journalism research.. Future of Media and Communication Research: Media Ecology and Big Data - International Conference. Shanghai, China: The Center for Information And Communication Studies, Fudan University, P. R. China & E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, Ohio University, U.S.A..
- Relly, J. E. (2016, May). The Mexican press, democracy, and violence: Conceptualizing resistance and resilience in the profession. Latin American Studies Association Congress. New York, NY: Latin American Studies Association.
- Relly, J. E., & Zanger, M. E. (2016, October). Civil society, journalists, and India's Right to Information Act. O. P. Jindal Global University and Stanford University Conference on "Deliberative democracy: Institutions, law and people". New Delhi, India: O. P. Jindal Global University and Stanford University.
- Relly, J. E., Chordiya, R. V., Sabharwal, M., & Berma, E. (2016, March). Impact of ethical leadership and legal human resources practices on the work environment of public employees in South Asia. Fred Riggs Symposium: Rethinking Public Service Ethics: Cross-cultural Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges. American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. Seattle, WA: American Society for Public Administration.
- Relly, J. E., & González de Bustamante, C. (2015, August). Transnational and domestic networks and institutional change: A study investigating the collective action response to violence against journalists in Mexico. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Cultural and Critical Studies Division. San Francisco, CA: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
- Relly, J. E., & González de Bustamante, C. (2014, August). Professionalism under the threat of violence: Journalism, self-reflexivity, and the potential for collective professional autonomy. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Cultural and Critical Studies Division. Montreal, Canada: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
- Relly, J. E., & González de Bustamante, C. (2013, August). “Journalism in times of violence: Uses and practices of social media along the U.S.-Mexico border. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. Washington, DC: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, International Communication Division.
- Relly, J. E., Fahmy, S. S., & Zanger, M. E. (2013, August). Journalists’ perceptions of professional ethics norms in post-Ba’athist Iraq. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. Washington, DC: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, International Communication Division.
- Relly, J. E., Fahmy, S. S., & Zanger, M. E. (2013, June). Democratic norms and social learning: A study of influences on Iraqi journalists' attitudes toward information access. International Communication Association Annual Conference. London, England: International Communication Association Annual Conference, Political Communication Division.
- Relly, J. E. (2011, May 2011). Testing vertical accountability: A cross-national study of the influence of information access on the control of corruption. First Global Conference on Transparency Research. Newark, NJ: Rutgers University.
- Relly, J. E., & Schwalbe, C. B. (2011, August). Framing corruption: India’s three largest English-language newspapers and the Right to Information Act. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. St. Louis, MO: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, International Communication Division.
- Relly, J., & Schwalbe, C. B. (2011, August). "Framing Corruption: India's Three Largest English-Language Newspapers and the Right to Information Act". Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis. St. Louis.
- Relly, J. E. (2010, August). “Do journalists have information access? Exploring news media freedom and colonial heritage in 42 nations. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. Denver, CO: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, International Communication Division.
- Relly, J. E., & Cuillier, D. L. (2010, June). Comparing political, cultural, and economic indicators of access to information in Arab and non-Arab states. International Communication Association Annual Conference. Singapore: International Communication Association, Communication Law and Policy.
- Relly, J. E. (2009, May). The diffusion of access-to-information legislation: A cross-national contextual analysis. International Communication Association annual conference. Chicago, IL: International Communication Association, Communication Law and Policy Division.
- Relly, J. E. (2007, April). Does access to information legislation influence the level of corruption in developing countries?. Western Social Science Association Annual Conference. Calgary, Canada: Western Social Science Association, Political Science Division.
- Relly, J. E., & Sabharwal, M. (2007, October). Do economic and political institutions contribute to transparency in governance?. Conference on Governance, Institutions, and Networks. St. Augustine, Trinidad: The University of the West Indies, Department of Behavioral Sciences.
- Relly, J. E. (2006, August). Policy issue networks and the U.S. Freedom of Information Act: An examination of 50 years of Congressional testimony. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Communication Law and Policy Division.
- Relly, J. E., & Sabharwal, M. (2006, April). Countries with access to information laws: An examination of political and economic institutions. Midwestern Political Science Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL: Midwestern Political Science Association.
- Relly, J. E., & Sabharwal, M. (2006, April). Do nations with access to information laws govern better than countries without the law?. Western Social Science Association Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ: Western Social Science Association, Political Science Division.
- Relly, J. E. (2005, July). “Emerging economies and democracies in Asia: Access to information laws, the media, and the Millennium Development Goals. 14th Annual Asian Media Information and Communication Centre Conference. Beijing, China: Asian Media Information and Communication Centre.