Karyn B Kolman
- Associate Professor, Family and Community Medicine - (Clinical Scholar Track)
- Vice Chair, Education - Family and Community Medicine
- (520) 626-6871
- Alvernon Admin Offices, Rm. 230G
- Tucson, AZ 85724
- kbkolman@arizona.edu
- B.S. Biology
- College of William and Mary, Wiliamsburg, Virginia, United States
- M.D. Medicine
- Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York, United States
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, College of Medicine (2013 - Ongoing)
- University of New Mexico, School of Medicine (2011 - 2013)
- St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program (2010 - 2011)
- MedPro (2008 - 2009)
- MedPro, Dept of Family Medicine (2007 - 2008)
- MedPro, Dept of Family Medicine (2006 - 2008)
- Faculty Mentor Award
- University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson, Fall 2024
- Best systematic review published in 2022-2023
- Best Evidence in Medical Education Council of the International Association for Health Professions Education, Summer 2023
- Excellence in Teaching on the Inpatient Service Award
- University of Arizona COM at South Campus Family Medicine Residency, Summer 2019
- University of Arizona COM at South Campus Family Medicine Residency, Summer 2018
- Clinical Excellence Award
- BannerHealth, Spring 2019 (Award Nominee)
- Residency Teacher of the Year Award
- University of Arizona COM at South Campus Family Medicine Residency, Summer 2017
- Excellence in Medical Education
- Univeristy of Arizona COM at South CampusFamily Medicine Residency Program, Summer 2016
Licensure & Certification
- Board Certification, American Board of Family Medicine (2004)
No activities entered.
2020-21 Courses
FCM 800 (Spring 2021)
Scholarly Contributions
- Daniel, M., Gottlieb, M., Wooten, D., Stojan, J., Haas, M. R., Bailey, J., Evans, S., Lee, D., Goldberg, C., Fernandez, J., Jassal, S. K., Rudolf, F., Guluma, K., Lander, L., Pott, E., Goldhaber, N. H., Thammasitboon, S., Uraiby, H., Grafton-Clarke, C., , Gordon, M., et al. (2022). Virtual interviewing for graduate medical education recruitment and selection: A BEME systematic review: BEME Guide No. 80. Medical teacher, 44(12), 1313-1331.More infoThe COVID-19 pandemic caused graduate medical education (GME) programs to pivot to virtual interviews (VIs) for recruitment and selection. This systematic review synthesizes the rapidly expanding evidence base on VIs, providing insights into preferred formats, strengths, and weaknesses.
- Griesbach, S., Theobald, M., Kolman, K., Stutzman, K., Holder, S., Roett, M. A., Friend, L., Dregansky, G. V., Frazier, W., & Lewis, G. R. (2021). Joint Guidelines for Protected Nonclinical Time for Faculty in Family Medicine Residency Programs. Family medicine, 53(6), 443-452.More infoFamily medicine faculty face increasing expectations for clinical productivity. These expectations impinge on academic and education time and make it difficult to pursue research or scholarly activities. A task force convened by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine created national guidelines to protect nonclinical time for family medicine faculty.
- Kolman, K. B., Howe, C. L., & Freeman, J. (2020). Hypoglycemia with insulin and sulfonylureas. Canadian Family Physician.
- Jordahl-Iafrato, M. A., Reed, H., Hadley, S. K., & Kolman, K. B. (2019). A systematic approach to chronic abnormal uterine bleeding. The Journal of family practice, 68(2), 82;84;86;92.More infoThe care you provide to women of childbearing age who are bleeding gets an assist from an established classification system of 9 causes and a range of therapies.
- Kolman, K. B. (2019). Cystitis and Pyelonephritis: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention. Primary care, 46(2), 191-202.More infoUrinary tract infections, including cystitis and pyelonephritis, are the most common bacterial infection primary care clinicians encounter in office practice. Dysuria and frequency in the absence of vaginal discharge and vaginal irritation are highly predictive of cystitis. Urine culture is recommended for the diagnosis and management of pyelonephritis, recurrent urinary tract infection, and complicated urinary tract infections. Antibiotics targeted toward Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, and Staphylococcus saprophyticus are the recommended treatment. The duration of treatment varies by specific drug and type of infection, ranging from 3 to 5 days for uncomplicated cystitis to 7 to 14 days for pyelonephritis.
- Kolman, K. B., & Losey, K. R. (2018). Worsening dyspnea. The Journal of family practice, 67(1), 39-42.More infoA 62-year-old woman presented with a 2- to 3-week history of fatigue, nonproductive cough, dyspnea on exertion, and intermittent fever/chills. Her medical history was significant for rheumatoid arthritis that had been treated with methotrexate and prednisone for the past 6 years. The patient was currently smoking half a pack a day with a 40-pack year history. The patient was a lifelong resident of Arizona and had previously worked in a stone mine. WHAT IS YOUR DIAGNOSIS? HOW WOULD YOU TREAT THIS PATIENT?
- Kolman, K. B., Hadley, S. K., & Jordahl-Iafrato, M. A. (2015). Long-acting reversible contraception: who, what, when, and how. The Journal of family practice, 64(8), 479-84.More infoThis review provides practical tips--and dispels some common misconceptions--about these devices, which have higher rates of patient satisfaction and lower rates of failure than any other reversible contraceptives..
- Kolman, K. B., Mathieson, K. M., & Frias, C. (2007). A comparison of transcutaneous and total serum bilirubin in newborn Hispanic infants at 35 or more weeks of gestation. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM, 20(3), 266-71.More infoTranscutaneous bilirubin (TcB) measurement in newborns has been studied extensively in the non-Hispanic population, but its usefulness in the Hispanic population remains unclear. We evaluate the accuracy of TcB measurements in assessing jaundice in Hispanic neonates by using total serum bilirubin (TSB) measurements as the reference standard and determine the TcB level that can be used to identify neonates at risk for clinically significant jaundice (above the 95th percentile).
- Cagno, C. K., Kolman, K. B., & Eckstein, B. (2023). ‘Cultivating Competency: Enhancing Faculty Skills in Feedback’. Virtual ACOFP Faculty Development and Program Directors Workshop: 2024American College of Osteopathic Physicians (ACOFP).
- Kolman, K. B., Armin, J. S., Meehan, E., & Shirai, Y. (2024, March). Using FRAHME framework to establish a Medical Humanities Curriculum in a Family Medicine Residency Program. Arizona Academic Family Medicine Innovation Conference (AAFMIC). Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona.
- Kolman, K. B., Armin, J. S., Meehan, E., & Shirai, Y. (2024, November). Utilizing FRAHME to Develop a Medical Humanities Curriculum for the Family & Community Medicine Residency Program. American Association pf Medical Collegages Conference. Atlanta, GA: American Association pf Medical Collegages.
- Kolman, K. B., Meehan, E., & Sunderman, K. A. (2024, May). Implementing a Novel Competency-Based Group Evaluation System of Residents that Simultaneously Promotes Faculty Development. Society of Teachers in Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference. Los Angeles, CA: Society of Teachers in Family Medicine (STFM).
- Meehan, E., Cagno, C. K., Sunderman, K. A., Kolman, K. B., Person-Rennell, N., Aldulaimi, S., & Casillas, P. (2024, May).
Enhanced Curriculum and Improved Resident Competency within FM-Obstetrics in a Multi-Clinic System
. Society of Teachers in Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference. Los Angeles, CA: Society of Teachers in Family Medicine (STFM). - Meehan, E., Kolman, K. B., Gubner, J. M., Streightiff, S. R., Armin, J. S., & Shirai, Y. (2024, March). Medical Humanities Curriculum for Residency: Learning, Unlearning, and Relearning to Build Resilience, Humility, Compassion, and Community.. University of Arizona Conference on Writing and Well-being. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona.
- Shirai, Y., Meehan, E., Armin, J. S., & Kolman, K. B. (2024, November).
Utilizing FRAHME to Develop a Medical Humanities Curriculum for the Family & Community Medicine Residency Program
. Association of American Medical Colleges 2024 Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA: Association of American Medical Colleges. - Shirai, Y., Meehan, E., Armin, J. S., & Kolman, K. B. (2024, September).
A Medical Humanities Track and Curriculum: Cultivating Healing and Wonder in Resident Trainees
. University of Arizona Wellness and Wonder Exposition. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona. - Kolman, K. B., Donnelly, A., Pippit, K., Ott, T., Hischier, B., & Walters, E. (2023, May). Lessons Learned from two STFM Online Faculty Development Programs. Society of Teachers in Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference. Tampa, FL: Society of Teachers in Family Medicine.
- Pettit, J. M., Allen, A. M., Aldulaimi, S., Armin, J. S., Meehan, E., Elliott, T., & Kolman, K. B. (2020, May). Roadmap to research: Improving the resident research experience with an innovative scholarly project curriculum. Society for Teachers of Family Medicine.
- Kolman, K. B. (2018, May). Foundational Faculty Training: Using the STFM Residency Faculty Fundamentals Certificate Program. STFM Annual Spring Conference. Washington, DC: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.
- Kolman, K. B. (2018, May). Meet the Mentor: STFM Residency Faculty Fundamentals Certificate Program. STFM Annual Spring Conference. Washington, DC: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.
- Kolman, K. B., & Murrain, V. E. (2017, March). Patient Handoffs: Implementation of an Institutional Training Workshop. ACGME Annual Education Conference. Orlando, FL: ACGME.
- Reed, H. A., Jordahl-Iafrato, M. A., & Kolman, K. B. (2016, July). Family Medicine Intern Orientation to Labor and Delivery. UACOM South Campus Family Medicine Intern Orientation. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona College of Medicine at South Campus Family Medicine Residency.
Poster Presentations
- Moore-Monroy, M. J., & Kolman, K. B. (2019, April). Docs on Bikes: An Innovative Educational Program on Social Determinants of Health and Healthcare Disparities. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference. Toronto, Ontario Canada: Society.
- Kolman, K. B., Stevenson, A. E., Pettit, J. M., & Cagno, C. K. (2017, Feb). The Basic Life Support in Obstetrics Course: Priming Preclinical Medical Students for Action. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education.More infoWe hope to demonstrate through evaluation that the BLSO course improves medical students’ knowledge of, skill and self-assessment in managing normal deliveries and obstetrical emergencies through practice of standardized skills in a collegial team based approach.