Colleen K Cagno
- Professor, Family and Community Medicine - (Clinical Scholar Track)
- (520) 694-1317
- Alvernon Admin Offices, Rm. 222B
- Tucson, AZ 85724
- colleenc@arizona.edu
- M.D. Medicine
- The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia), United States
- B.A. Biology and Women's Studies
- The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia), United States
Work Experience
- University of Arizona College of Medicine (2016 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona Family Medicine Residency (2009 - 2014)
- University of Arizona Family Medicine Residency (2007)
- University of Arizona College of Medicine (2006 - 2012)
- University of Arizona Family Medicine Residency (2004 - 2007)
- Outstanding Achievement in Teaching by a Block
- University of Arizona College of Medicine-Tucson, Spring 2022
- College of Medicine Faculty Mentoring Award, University of Arizona
- College of Medicine University of Arizona, Spring 2021
- Certificate of Recognition
- From UA COM-T Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Fall 2020
- University of Arizona Annual Service Award 20 Year Award
- Summer 2020
- Academy of Medical Education Scholars
- Fall 2019
- Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians (FAAFP)
- AAFP, Fall 2018
- Virginia and Vernon Furrow Award for Clinical Science Teaching in Undergraduate Medical Curriculum
- University of Arizona College of Medicine, Fall 2017
- COM Mentor Award Nominee
- Spring 2016 (Award Nominee)
- Academy of Medical Education Scholars Research Grant Award
- University of Arizona, Fall 2015
- Faculty Professionalism Recognition
- Office of Medical Student Education and Educational Affairs, Fall 2015
- Nikitas J. Zervanos Outstanding Program Director Award
- Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors, Fall 2014 (Award Nominee)
- Vernon and Virginia Furrow Award for Excellence in Graduate Medical Education
- College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Fall 2014
- Dean’s List for Excellence in Teaching, Year III and IV
- University of Arizona College of Medicine, Fall 2013
- Bronze Level Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors (AFMRD) 2012 Program Director Recognition Award
- Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors (AFMRD), Spring 2012
- Faculty Marshall Convocation
- University of Arizona College of Medicine, Spring 2012
- Best Doctors in America
- Spring 2009
- Tucson Lifestyles Magazine, Top Doctors
- Spring 2009
Licensure & Certification
- Certified in ALSO (Advisory Faculty), ALSO (2012)
- Nexplanon certified (2013)
- Arizona State Medical License (2003)
- American Board of Family Medicine (2003)
- Fetal Monitoring Credentialing Program, Perinatal Quality Foundation (2017)
- Basic Life Support, AHA (2018)
- NRP, AAP (2018)
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Doctor & Patient/Societies
MED 815B (Spring 2025) -
Teaching Clin Skills
MED 896C (Spring 2025) -
Doctor & Patient/Societies
MED 815A (Fall 2024) -
Doctor & Patient/Societies
MED 815C (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Doctor & Patient/Societies
MED 815B (Spring 2024) -
Doctor & Patient/Societies
MED 815A (Fall 2023) -
Doctor & Patient/Societies
MED 815C (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Doctor & Patient/Societies
MED 815B (Spring 2023)
2021-22 Courses
Doctor & Patient/Societies
MED 815B (Spring 2022) -
Doctor & Patient/Societies
MED 815C (Fall 2021) -
Transition to Clerkships
MED 828 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Az Sr Clinical Fcm/Ahec
FCM 891A (Spring 2021) -
Newborn Baby Care
FCM 896N (Fall 2020) -
Transition to Clerkships
MED 828 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Transition to Clerkships
MED 828 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Transition to Clerkships
MED 828 (Fall 2018)
Scholarly Contributions
- Cagno, C. K. (2023).
Core Outcomes of Residency Training 2022 (Provisional)
. Annals of Family Medicine. doi:10.1370/afm.2977 - Newton, W., Cagno, C. K., Hoekzema, G. S., & Edje, L. (2023). Core Outcomes of Residency Training 2022 (Provisional). Annals of family medicine, 21(2), 191-194.
- Cagno, C. K., Potts, S., Hoekzema, G. S., & Anthony, E. (2022). Shaping GME Through Scenario-Based Strategic Planning: The Future of Family Medicine Residency Training. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 14(4), 499-504. doi:10.4300/jgme-d-22-00505.1
- Cagno, C. K. (2021).
Investigating the Relationship between Resident Physician Implicit Bias and Language Use during a Clinical Encounter with Hispanic Patients
. Health Communication, 38(1), 124-132. doi:10.1080/10410236.2021.1936756More infoPrior research suggests that the implicit biases of physicians are negatively associated with quality of medical care and patient satisfaction among minority patients. However, relatively little is known about how physicians express these subtle forms of bias in patient interactions. This study examined the implicit and explicit anti-Hispanic biases of 53 resident physicians and the relationship between anti-Hispanic bias and language use during outpatient medical appointments with 291 Hispanic patients. Physician implicit bias was positively associated with use of interrogatives and work-related words and negatively associated with the use of prepositions and relativity-related words (e.g., words related to time and the future). These findings contribute to the growing body of evidence suggesting that, in addition to nonverbal and paraverbal behaviors, providers may communicate implicit bias to patients through the words they use during a clinical visit. - Hoekzema, G. S., Hoekzema, G. S., Cagno, C. K., & Cagno, C. K. (2021). A Wealth of Data, a Paucity of Outcomes: What Can We Learn From the ACGME Accreditation Data System?. Family Medicine, 53(7), 580-582. doi:10.22454/fammed.2021.277492
- Wolsiefer, K., & Cagno, C. K. (2021). Investigating the relationship between resident physician implicit bias and language use during a clinical encounter with Hispanic patients.. Health Communication, 1-9. doi:doi: 10.1080/10410236.2021.1936756.
- Cagno, C. K., & Gordon, P. R. (2012). Videos in clinical medicine. Neonatal circumcision. The New England journal of medicine, 367(2), e3.
- Cagno, C. K., Pettit, J. M., & Weiss, B. D. (2012). Prevention of perinatal group B streptococcal disease: updated CDC guideline. American family physician, 86(1), 59-65.More infoGroup B streptococcus is the leading cause of early-onset neonatal sepsis in the United States. Universal screening is recommended for pregnant women at 35 to 37 weeks' gestation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently updated its guideline for the prevention of early-onset neonatal group B streptococcal disease. The new guideline contains six important changes. First, there is a recommendation to consider using sensitive nucleic acid amplification tests, rather than just routine cultures, for detection of group B streptococcus in rectal and vaginal specimens. Second, the colony count required to consider a urine specimen positive is at least 104 colony-forming units per mL. Third, the new guideline presents separate algorithms for management of preterm labor and preterm premature rupture of membranes, rather than a single algorithm for both conditions. Fourth, there are minor changes in the recommended dose of penicillin G for intrapartum chemoprophylaxis. Fifth, the guideline provides new recommendations about antibiotic regimens for women with penicillin allergy. Cefazolin is recommended for women with minor allergies. For those at serious risk of anaphylaxis, clindamycin is recommended if the organism is susceptible [corrected] and vancomycin is recommended if there is clindamycin resistance or if susceptibility is unknown. [corrected]. Finally, the new algorithm for secondary prevention of early-onset group B streptococcal disease in newborns should be applied to all infants, not only those at high risk of infection. The algorithm clarifies the extent of evaluation and duration of observation required for infants in different risk categories.
- Gordon, P. R., & Cagno, C. K. (2012). Neonatal Circumcision. New England Journal of Medicine, 367(2), e3. doi:10.1056/nejmvcm0810449
- Shisslak, C. M., Mays, M. Z., Crago, M., Jirsak, J. K., Taitano, K., & Cagno, C. (2006). Eating and weight control behaviors among middle school girls in relationship to body weight and ethnicity. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 38(5), 631-3.More infoThis study examined the links among body mass index (BMI), weight control practices, binge eating, and eating disorders in 1164 middle school girls. Both the prevalence and frequency of weight control behaviors increased as BMI increased, but binge eating was reported approximately equally by girls across the BMI spectrum.
- Beskind, D. L., Hughes, K., Stilson, B., Cagno, C. K., & Wilson, E. (2024). ‘Learning Outcomes of Simulation-Based Education in Preclinical Curriculum: A Pilot Study’. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA: Society of Simulation in Healthcare.
- Cagno, C. K. (2024, May). ‘Good to Great: Lessons Learned from FM AIRE residency programs using self-study to redesign residency training’. Societies of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Conference.
- Cagno, C. K., Eckstein, B., Kolman, K. B., Kolman, K. B., Eckstein, B., & Cagno, C. K. (2023). ‘Cultivating Competency: Enhancing Faculty Skills in Feedback’. Virtual ACOFP Faculty Development and Program Directors Workshop: 2024American College of Osteopathic Physicians (ACOFP).
- Cagno, C. K., Viscusi, C. D., Lee, E., Moynahan, K., & Moynahan, K. F. (2024, September).
Mentor in Training: Integration of Residents in Learning Communities
. Learning Communities Institute 21st Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM: LCI. - Meehan, E., Cagno, C. K., Sunderman, K. A., Kolman, K. B., Person-Rennell, N., Aldulaimi, S., & Casillas, P. (2024, May).
Enhanced Curriculum and Improved Resident Competency within FM-Obstetrics in a Multi-Clinic System
. Society of Teachers in Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference. Los Angeles, CA: Society of Teachers in Family Medicine (STFM). - Cagno, C. K. (2023). 10-Tips: Effectively Running Virtual Meetings. Learning to Lead UAHS.
- Cagno, C. K. (2023). ‘RC Update’. Competency Based Medical Education Summit. Anaheim, CA: ABFM.
- Cagno, C. K. (2023). ‘RC Update’. Family Medicine Leadership Conference.
- Cagno, C. K., Karra, R., Viscusi, C. D., & Moynahan, K. F. (2023). ‘Sustaining Mentoring Relationships Longitudinally: One LC’s Intervention’. Learning Communities Institute 20th Annual Meeting.
- Corral, J., Cagno, C. K., Parikh, T. M., & Murrain, V. E. (2021, April). Co-creation of anti-racist MD program: Students and faculty changing curricula, assessment, faculty development, scholarships and more.. Group on Student Affairs – OSR Spring Meeting, AAMC.AAMC.
- Goel, S., Parikh, T. M., Armin, J. S., Ortiz, M., Cagno, C. K., Murrain, V. E., Rodriguez, N., Dickerson, F., & Corral, J. (2021, April). Creating Antiracist MD Program by Transforming Assessments, Faculty Development, Scholarships. AAMC GSA-OSR. Virtual: AAMC.
- Hoekzema, G., Anthony, E., & Cagno, C. K. (2021, February). ‘Specialty Update: Family Medicine Question & Answer’, participated in virtual Q&A session. ACGME Annual Educational Conference Virtual Exper. ACGME.
- Hoekzema, G., Anthony, E., & Cagno, C. K. (2021, March). RC-FM-Update. AAFP Residency Leadership SummitAAFP.
- Wolsiefer, K., & Cagno, C. K. (2020, Fall). Examining the effectiveness of active learning workshops in mitigating implicit anti-Hispanic bias among physicians. Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention. Virtual: Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP).
- Cagno, C. K. (2020, August). Head to Toe: Approach to Common Issues in Newborn Care. Intensive Update and Board Review Virtual Course. Virtual Course: American College of Osteopathic Physicians (ACOFP).
- Cagno, C. K., Armin, J. S., & Murrain, V. E. (2020, July / Summer). Mitigating Unconscious Bias in Health Care. Presentation for American College of Osteopathic Physicians (ACOFP) National Live Webinar. Virtual - live: ACOFP.
- Cagno, C. K., Cagno, C. K., Murrain, V. E., & Murrain, V. E. (2020, March). Implicit Bias in FM Residency: What FM Educators can do to Explicitly Address It. 2020 ACOFP 57th Annual Convention and Scientific Seminars Faculty Development and Program Directors Workshop. New Orleans, LA: American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians.
- Cagno, C. K., & Aufderheide, R. (2017, March). Educational Scholarship. Building the Next Generation of Academic Physicians (BNGAP). 2017 Southwest Regional. Academic Medicine Career Development Conference. Arizona Health Sciences Center: University of Arizona.
- Cagno, C. K. (2016, June). Professional Development of Community Health Workers: Innovative Programming from an Arizona AHEC Perspective. National AHEC Organization 2016 Conference. Washington, DC.
- Pettit, J. M., & Cagno, C. K. (2016, January). Refugee prenatal group visits. Global Health Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona COM-T Global Health Distinction Track.
- Cagno, C. K., & Murrain, V. E. (2020, March). Implicit Bias in FM Residency: What FM Educators can do to Explicitly Address It. 2020 ACOFP 57th Annual Convention and Scientific Seminars Faculty Development and Program Directors Workshop. New Orleans, LA: American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians.
- Pettit, J. M., & Cagno, C. K. (2015, April). Resident as Educator. STFM. Orlando, FL.
- Pettit, J. M., & Cagno, C. K. (2015, June 2015). Resident as Teacher. UAFMRP Teaching Day. UAFMRP.
- Pettit, J. M., Pettit, J. M., Pettit, J. M., Cagno, C. K., Cagno, C. K., Cagno, C. K., Reed, H. A., Reed, H. A., & Reed, H. A. (2015, July). FM Intern Orientation to Labor and Delivery. UAFMRP Intern Orientation. BUMC-T, Maternal Outpatient Room.More infoSimulation orientation of cervical exams, AROM, estimation of blood loss with postpartum hemorrhage, normal delivery
- Ryan, A. M., Ryan, A. M., Cagno, C. K., Cagno, C. K., Khalife, T., Khalife, T., Ryan, A. M., Cagno, C. K., & Khalife, T. (2015, June). From Clinic To Community: Applying Medical-Legal Partnership Education, Services And Advocacy Model To Improve Refugee Health. North American Refugee Health Conference. Toronto, Canada: North American Refugee Health Conference.
- Moran, E. A., & Cagno, C. K. (2013, May). Morning Pearls: A Daily Structured Educational Activity. STFM Annual Conference. Baltimore, Maryland: STFM.
Poster Presentations
- Cagno, C. K. (2016, August). Integrating BLSO into Pre-clinical Medical School Education: A Pilot Study. AAFP Family Centered Maternity Care Conference. Madison, WI: AAFP.
- Armin, J. S., Cagno, C. K., & Valenzuela, C. P. (2022). Individualizing and contextualizing patient experiences: A report on an elective about the histories of health inequity in the United States. Learn Serve Lead 2023: AAMC Annual Meeting.
- Larez, R., Diaz-Hanson, J., Cagno, C. K., & Armin, J. S. (2023). 'Promoting an Anti-Racist Curriculum: Result of an Evaluation at COM-T.'. College of Medicine – Tucson Research Day.
- Cagno, C. K. (2015, August). Novel Approach to Identifying and Assisting Problem Learners. AAFP Program Director’s Workshop.
- Cagno, C. K. (2016, April). Shifting the Balance: Two Residency Practices’ Efforts to Capture more 99214s. 2016 STFM Annual Spring Conference. Minneapolis, MN: STFM.
- Cagno, C. K., & Wolsiefer, K. (2020, Fall). Examining the effectiveness of bias reduction training in mitigating implicit anti-Hispanic bias among resident physicians.. 2021 Societies of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference. Virtual.
- Kolman, K. B., Kolman, K. B., Stevenson, A. E., Stevenson, A. E., Pettit, J. M., Pettit, J. M., Cagno, C. K., & Cagno, C. K. (2017, Feb). A Comparison of MS2 students taking Basic Life Support in Obstetrics credentialing course with a 1 hour lunch presentation.. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education.More infoWe hope to demonstrate through evaluation that the BLSO course improves medical students’ knowledge of, skill and self-assessment in managing normal deliveries and obstetrical emergencies through practice of standardized skills in a collegial team based approach.
- Jordahl-Iafrato, M. A., Pettit, J. M., & Cagno, C. K. (2017, December). Shifting the Balance: How Capturing More 99214s Can Benefit Your Residency Practice. Conference on Practice Improvement. Louisville, KY: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.
- Kolman, K. B., Stevenson, A. E., Pettit, J. M., & Cagno, C. K. (2017, Feb). A Comparison of MS2 students taking Basic Life Support in Obstetrics credentialing course with a 1 hour lunch presentation.. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education.More infoWe hope to demonstrate through evaluation that the BLSO course improves medical students’ knowledge of, skill and self-assessment in managing normal deliveries and obstetrical emergencies through practice of standardized skills in a collegial team based approach.
- Kolman, K. B., Stevenson, A. E., Pettit, J. M., & Cagno, C. K. (2017, Feb). The Basic Life Support in Obstetrics Course: Priming Preclinical Medical Students for Action. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education.More infoWe hope to demonstrate through evaluation that the BLSO course improves medical students’ knowledge of, skill and self-assessment in managing normal deliveries and obstetrical emergencies through practice of standardized skills in a collegial team based approach.
- Pettit, J. M., Jordahl-Iafrato, M. A., & Cagno, C. K. (2016, April). Shifting the Balance: Two Residency Practices’ Efforts to Capture more 99214s. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Minneapolis, MN.
- Cagno, C. K. (2015, April). Group prenatal care to improve health care delivery in the Bhutanese refugee community.. STFM Annual Spring Conference. Orlando, FL: STFM.
- Ryan, A. M., Ryan, A. M., Cagno, C. K., Cagno, C. K., Khalife, T., Khalife, T., Ryan, A. M., Cagno, C. K., & Khalife, T. (2015, June). Development of a Refugee Prenatal Group Model to Improve Health Outcomes Among Somali Refugees – A Community Partnership. North American Refugee Health Conference. Toronto, Canada: North American Refugee Health Conference.
- Ryan, A. M., Ryan, A. M., Moran, E. A., Moran, E. A., Cagno, C. K., & Cagno, C. K. (2015, April). From Clinic to Community: Expanding MLP Education and Services to Improve Refugee Health. 2015 National Medical Legal Partnership Summit. McLean, Virginia: Boston University College of Medicine.
- Moran, E. A., & Cagno, C. K. (2007, April). Improving Somali Refugee Prenatal Care in a Family Medicine Residency: A Model for Group Prenatal Care. STFM Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois: STFM.
Other Teaching Materials
- Cagno, C. K. (2019. Effective Clinical Precepting. You Tube video.More infoYou Tube animated video using Powtoon on subject of effective clinical precepting based on published studies and input from UA FM residency faculty and residents.
- Cagno, C. K., & Pettit, J. M. (2017. Constipation: Evaluation and Treatment in Infants and Children. Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Resource.More infoThe Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Resource is a peer-reviewed curricula available through subscription that houses nearly 140 peer-reviewed, case-based presentations, quizzes, and facilitators' guides for family medicine education.
- Pettit, J. M., & Cagno, C. K. (2017. Gastroenteritis in Children: Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention. Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Resource.More infoPeer-Reviewed Curricula for Family Medicine Residency ProgramsThe Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Resource is a peer-reviewed curricula available through subscription that houses nearly 140 peer-reviewed, case-based presentations, quizzes, and facilitators' guides for family medicine education.
- Cagno, C. K. (2016. Male External GU and DRE Exam Video. UA COM.
- Casillas, P., & Cagno, C. K. (2024, May). ‘Enhanced Curriculum and Improved Resident Competency within FM-Obstetrics in a Multi-Clinic System’. Societies of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Conference.
- Cagno, C. K., & Koekzema, G. (2020, November). ACGME RC FM Citation Trends. ABFM, Starfield Summit IV Re-envisioning Family Medicine Residency Education. https://residency.starfieldsummit.com/background-briefs