Daniel L Beskind
- Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine - (Clinical Scholar Track)
- (520) 626-6312
- UA South, Rm. 2253
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- dbeskind@aemrc.arizona.edu
Dan Beskind, MD, MPH, joined the department in 2002, coming from St. Joseph’s Hospital in Tucson. He is the emergency medical services director at Banner - University Medical Center South. He is a co-developer of the educational series, “Advanced Disaster Preparedness & Response,” a four-hour course for health professionals designed to improve care for disaster victims. He also is the head of the UA College of Medicine – Tucson medical student Resuscitation Education and CPR Training Group, known as REACT. The Resuscitation Research Group, in collaboration with the UA Sarver Heart Center, pioneered the research and advocacy of chest-compression-only CPR.
Previously he served as physician evaluator and triage for patients in the Hurricane Katrina disaster for the Arizona Department of Health Services, Pima County and as a member of Disaster Preparedness Committee National Association of Emergency Medicine Service Physicians.
Dr. Beskind received his medical degree from the University of Vermont College of Medicine in Burlington and completed residency training at the University of Arizona. Also at the UA, he completed a fellowship in emergency medical services and a master’s degree in public health.
He has published book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed publications, has been named Best Doctor for the past five years and voted best medical student educator by UA medical students.
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Child restraint devices, a comparison of their use in different cultural populations
- M.D.
- University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, Vermont, United States
- B.A. Spanish and Zoology
- University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, United States
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2014 - Ongoing)
- Banner University South Campus (2008 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2003 - 2014)
- Southwest Preventive Health (2002 - 2005)
- Canyon Ranch Health Resort (1999 - 2005)
- St. Joseph's Hospital (Emergency Medicine Associates) (1996 - 2002)
- The Arizona Emergency Medicine Research Center (1996 - 1997)
- St. Joseph's Hospital (1995 - 1997)
- Department of Emergency Medicine, UMC (1995 - 1996)
- Best Doctors Tucson Lifestyle magazine
- Spring 2019
- Best Doctors
- Tucson Lifestyle magazine, Fall 2018
- One of Best emergency physicians
- Tucson Lifestyle magazine, Fall 2017
- Voted one the Best Emergency Medicine Physicians
- Tucson Lifestyle Magazine Best Doctors award, Fall 2016
- Tucson Lifestyle Magazine Best Doctors award, Fall 2015
Licensure & Certification
- Board certified in EM, ABEM (2016)
- EMS Board Certification, ABEM (2019)
EMS research interestsREACT- CPR research interests
I teach in Societies to the medical students
2024-25 Courses
CPR Instruction
EMD 880 (Spring 2025)
2023-24 Courses
CPR Instruction
EMD 880 (Spring 2024)
2022-23 Courses
EMD 800A (Spring 2023) -
CPR Instruction
EMD 880 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
CPR Instruction
EMD 880 (Spring 2022) -
EMD 800A (Spring 2022) -
CPR Instruction
EMD 880 (Fall 2021)
2019-20 Courses
CPR Instruction
EMD 880 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
CPR Instruction
EMD 880 (Fall 2018)
Scholarly Contributions
- Beskind, D. L. (2021). Availability and Use of Medications by Prehospital Providers Trained to Manage Medical Complications of Patients in Hazardous Materials Incidents.. American Journal of Disaster Medicine.. doi:https://doi.org/10.5055/ajdm.2021.0404
- Rice, A. D., Beskind, D. L., Gaither, J. B., Jado, I., Bradshaw, H., Patanwala, A. E., Tolson, J., Murugesan, A., & Roberts, S. (2021). Can Emergency Medical Services Utilization Rates Be Used to Measure the Success of An Alcohol Amnesty Policy?. Prehospital Emergency Care. doi:10.1080/10903127.2020.1771488
- Beskind, D. L. (2020). Efficacy of a Five-minute Compression-only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Class compared to thirty-minute instruction among college students.. Resuscitation plus, 3(100012). doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resplu.2020.100012
- Panchal, A., Keim, S., Ewy, G., Kern, K., Hughes, K. E., & Beskind, D. (2019). Development of a Medical Student Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Elective to Promote Education and Community Outreach. Cureus, 11(4), e4507.More infoOne of the barriers to improving cardiac arrest survival is the low rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) provision. Identifying this as a public health issue, many medical students often assist in training the community in CPR. However, these experiences are often short and are not associated with structured resuscitation education, limiting the student's and the community's learning. In this assessment, we identified a need and developed a curriculum, including defined goals and objectives, for an undergraduate medical education (UME) elective in CPR.
- Spaite, D. W., Beskind, D. L., Smith, J. J., Waters, K. E., Rice, A., Mhayamaguru, K., & Gaither, J. B. (2018). Use of Distance Education Tools to Improve the Rural EMS Experience for EMS Fellows. Prehospital Emergency Care.More infoGaither JB, Mhayamaguru KM, Rice A, Waters KE, Smith JJ, Beskind D, Spaite DW. Use of Distance Education Tools to Improve the Rural EMS Experience for EMS Fellows. Prehospital Emerg Care 2018;22(1):152-153.
- Beskind, D. L., Stolz, U., Thiede, R., Hoyer, R., Robertson, W., Brown, J., Ludgate, M., Tiutan, T., Shane, R., McMorrow, D., Pleasants, M., Kern, K. B., & Panchal, A. R. (2017). Viewing an ultra-brief chest compression only video improves some measures of bystander CPR performance and responsiveness at a mass gathering event. Resuscitation, 118, 96-100.More infoCPR training at mass gathering events is an important part of health initiatives to improve cardiac arrest survival. However, it is unclear whether training lay bystanders using an ultra-brief video at a mass gathering event improves CPR quality and responsiveness.
- Beskind, D. L., Rhodes, S. M., Stolz, U., Birrer, B., Mayfield, T. R., Bourn, S., & Denninghoff, K. (2016). When should you test for and treat hypoglycemia in prehospital seizure patients?. Prehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors, 18(3), 433-41.More infoSeizure is a frequent reason for activating the Emergency Medical System (EMS). Little is known about the frequency of seizure caused by hypoglycemia, yet many EMS protocols require glucose testing prior to treatment. We hypothesized that hypoglycemia is rare among EMS seizure patients and glucose testing results in delayed administration of benzodiazepines.
- Beskind, D. L., Stolz, U., Gross, A., Earp, R., Mitchelson, J., Judkins, D., Bowlby, P., & Guillen-Rodriguez, J. M. (2016). A comparison of the prehospital motor component of the Glasgow coma scale (mGCS) to the prehospital total GCS (tGCS) as a prehospital risk adjustment measure for trauma patients. Prehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors, 18(1), 68-75.More infoThis study compared the prehospital motor component subscale of the Glasgow Coma Scale (mGCS) to the prehospital total GCS (tGCS) score for its ability to predict the need for intubation, survival to hospital discharge, and neurosurgical intervention in trauma patients.
- Beskind, D. L., Stolz, U., Thiede, R., Hoyer, R., Burns, W., Brown, J., Ludgate, M., Tiutan, T., Shane, R., McMorrow, D., Pleasants, M., & Panchal, A. R. (2016). Viewing a brief chest-compression-only CPR video improves bystander CPR performance and responsiveness in high school students: A cluster randomized trial. Resuscitation, 104, 28-33.More infoCPR training in schools is a public health initiative to improve out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survival. It is unclear whether brief video training in students improves CPR quality and responsiveness and skills retention.
- Nuno, T., Nayak, S., Burns, W., & Beskind, D. L. (2016). Abstract 12023: The Effectiveness Teaching Continuous Chest Compression CPR Using a Combined Program of Watching a Brief Video, Seeing a Live CPR Demonstration Performed on a Mannequin and Using the Celtic Cell Phone Application for Real Time Feedback. Circulation.More infoIntroduction: CPR training via cell phone application is an effective way to train laypersons in CPR. However, it is unclear whether using a combination of watching a brief video and live demonstration of CPR as well as receiving real time feedback via a cell phone application improves CPR quality, responsiveness and confidence. Objective: To determine if viewing a brief chest compression only (CCO) CPR video, watching a live demonstration and receiving real time feedback via the Celtic cell phone app. is an effective modality in training laypersons CCO-CPR leading to improved performance, responsiveness, and confidence. Methods: This was a prospective cohort control analysis from June 2014 till January 2016. Participants had little or no previous CPR training. Participants were consented and filled out an 8-question survey regarding baseline confidence in performing CPR. A CPR content quiz was answered to determine fluency in CPR. All participants then performed CPR on a mannequin while receiving real ti...
- Beskind, D. L. (2015). Viewing a brief Chest Compression only CPR video improves Bystander CPR Performance and Responsiveness in High School Students; A cluster randomized trial. Resuscitation.
- Beskind, D. L., Hiller, K. M., Stolz, U., Bradshaw, H., Berkman, M., Stoneking, L. R., Fiorello, A., Min, A., Viscusi, C., & Grall, K. J. (2014). Does the experience of the writer affect the evaluative components on the standardized letter of recommendation in emergency medicine?. The Journal of emergency medicine, 46(4), 544-50.More infoThe Standardized Letter of Recommendation (SLOR) was developed in an attempt to standardize the evaluation of applicants to an emergency medicine (EM) residency.
- Brown, J., Tiutan, T., Thiede, R., Stoltz, U., Smith, M. J., Smith, A. C., Shane, R., Pleasants, M., Panchal, A. R., Mcmorrow, D., Ludgate, M., Hoyer, R., Burns, W., Brown, J. M., & Beskind, D. L. (2014). Abstract 260: Impact of Viewing an Ultrabrief Chest Compression--Only Video or Teaching a Chest Compression--Only Class on Lay Bystander CPR Performance in a High School. Circulation, 130.More infoIntroduction: Cardiac arrest is responsible for 300,000 deaths in the United States. Bystander CPR has been shown to improve survival, but is only performed 30-50% of the time. Objectives: To determine if a chest compression-only (CCO) ultra-brief video (UBV) and a CCO-CPR class are effective at teaching CCO-CPR to high school students. Methods: This was a prospective cluster-randomized controlled trial with three arms: 1) CCO- UBV, 2) CCO-Class, 3) a control group (college recruiting video). High school students enrolled in a health course were randomized by class into of the 3 study arms. CPR performance was assessed with Laerdal Skillreporter mannequins after presentation of a scenario (sudden witnessed collapse) before (Pre), after (Post), and at 2 months following each intervention. CPR performance measures included the following: calling 911/starting compressions within 2 minutes, mean rate and depth of compressions. Results: 168/206 students 14-18 years of age, representing 5 classes, participated in this study. Results are shown in the Table. The proportion of participants that called 911 and/or started compressions within 2 minutes, as well as chest compression rate, significantly improved following the UBV and CCO-Class Post and at 2 months. Chest compression depth significantly improved following the CCO-Class both Post and at 2 months. No performance measure improved Pre to Post for the control arm. Limitations: More than one model of mannequin was used, observers and participants were not blinded to the intervention, and the study population represented a single public high school. Conclusions: A CCO-UBV and a brief CCO-CPR Class were effective at increasing the likelihood of calling 911, initiating CCO-CPR within 2 minutes and improving chest compression rate up to 2 months after the video or class in a population of high school students. The CCO-CPR class also significantly improved chest compression depth up to 2 months after the class.
- Hiller, K., Viscusi, C., Beskind, D., Bradshaw, H., Berkman, M., & Greene, S. (2014). Cost of an acting intern: clinical productivity in the academic emergency department. The Journal of emergency medicine, 47(2), 216-22.More infoA few studies suggest that an increasing clinical workload does not adversely affect quality of teaching in the Emergency Department (ED); however, the impact of clinical teaching on productivity is unknown.
- Beskind, D. L. (2013). Cost of an Acting Intern: Clinical Productivity in the Academic Emergency Department. The Journal of Emergency Medicine.
- DeLuca, L. A., Simpson, A., Beskind, D., Grall, K., Stoneking, L., Stolz, U., Spaite, D. W., Panchal, A. R., & Denninghoff, K. R. (2012). Analysis of automated external defibrillator device failures reported to the Food and Drug Administration. Annals of emergency medicine, 59(2), 103-11.More infoAutomated external defibrillators are essential for treatment of cardiac arrest by lay rescuers and must determine when to shock and if they are functioning correctly. We seek to characterize automated external defibrillator failures reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and whether battery failures are properly detected by automated external defibrillators.
- Gaither, J. B., Spaite, D. W., Bobrow, B. J., Denninghoff, K. R., Stolz, U., Beskind, D. L., & Meislin, H. W. (2012). Balancing the potential risks and benefits of out-of-hospital intubation in traumatic brain injury: the intubation/hyperventilation effect. Annals of emergency medicine, 60(6), 732-6.
- Beskind, D. L., Keim, S. M., Spaite, D. W., Garrison, H. G., Lerner, E. B., Howse, D., & Maio, R. F. (2011). Risk adjustment measures and outcome measures for prehospital trauma research: recommendations from the emergency medical services outcomes project (EMSOP). Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 18(9), 988-1000.More infoThe objectives were to conduct a comprehensive, systematic review of the literature for risk adjustment measures (RAMs) and outcome measures (OMs) for prehospital trauma research and to use a structured expert panel process to recommend measures for use in future emergency medical services (EMS) trauma outcomes research.
- Beskind, D. L., Lessen, A., McLaughlin, M., & Winegard, B. (2008). Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Dental Pain in the Emergency Department - eScholarship. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health.
- Beskind, D. (1998). Jacob. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 31(1). doi:10.1016/S0196-0644(98)70298-7
- Beskind, D. L., & Keim, S. M. (1994). Choreoathetotic movement disorder in a boy with Mycoplasma pneumoniae encephalitis. Annals of emergency medicine, 23(6), 1375-8.More infoWe present a case of a 10-year-old boy who presented to the emergency department with high fever, acute choreoathetosis, weakness, and dysarthria. An EEG showed generalized slowing, and serologies defined an acute case of Mycoplasma pneumoniae encephalitis. This report describes the most common presentations, therapy, and outcomes of M pneumoniae encephalitis.
- Beskind, D. L. (1993). Swimming and asthma: Benefits and deleterious effects. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 22(5), 870. doi:10.1016/s0196-0644(05)80818-2
Proceedings Publications
- Bradshaw, H. R., Beskind, D. L., Rice, A. M., Sid, P., Gaither, J. B., Jeffery, T., Abhijay, M., & Samantha, R. (2019, Jan). Implementation of a Medical Amnesty / Good Samaritan Policy by a Large Public University is Not Associated with an Increase in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Alcohol Related Patient Encounters. In Annual Meeting of the National Association of EMS Physicians.
- Gaither, J. B., Mhayamaguru, K., Rice, A., Waters, K. E., Smith, J. J., Beskind, D. L., & Spaite, D. W. (2018, Jan). Use of Distance Education Tools to Improve the Rural EMS Experience for EMS Fellows. In NAEMSP National Scientific Assembly.More infoGaither JG, Mhayamaguru KM, Rice A, Waters KE, Smith JJ, Beskind D, Spaite DW. Use of Distance Education Tools to Improve the Rural EMS Experience for EMS Fellows. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of EMS Physicians, January 10-13, 2018, San Diego, California.
- Walter, F. G., Shirazi, F., Smith, J., Beskind, D. L., French, R. N., Gaither, J. B., & Rice, A. (2020, January). EMS Medical Directors' Advanced Hazmat Life Support for Tox-Medics. National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) 2020 Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA: NAEMSP.More infoFull day pre-conference workshop presentation
- Walter, F. G., Walter, F. G., Walter, F. G., Shirazi, F., Shirazi, F., Shirazi, F., Smith, J., Smith, J., Smith, J., Beskind, D. L., Beskind, D. L., Beskind, D. L., French, R. N., French, R. N., French, R. N., Gaither, J. B., Gaither, J. B., Gaither, J. B., Rice, A., , Rice, A., et al. (2020, January). EMS Medical Directors Advanced Hazmat Life Support for Tox-Medics. National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) 2020 Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA: NAEMSP.More infoFull day pre-conference workshop presentation
- Beskind, D. L. (2019, May). Effectiveness of a five minute hands only teaching class in College Students. National Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. Las Vegas, NV: SAEM.More infoOral presentation at the National meeting
- Beskind, D. L. (2015, March). The Effectiveness of teaching high school students CCO-CPR using an Ultra Brief Video.. Western Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. Tucson, Arizona: Society of Academic Emergency Medicine.
- Beskind, D. L. (2015, March). The effectiveness of teaching CCO-CPR using an ultra brief video at a mass gathering event on lay person CPR performance. Western Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. Tucson, Arizona: Society of Academic Emergency Medicine.
- Beskind, D. L. (2015, May). The effectiveness of teaching CCO-CPR using an ultra brief video at a mass gathering event on lay person CPR performance. National Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. San Diego, California: Society of Academic Emergency Medicine.
- Beskind, D. L. (2015, May). The effectiveness of teaching high school students CCO-CPR using an brief video. National Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. San Diego, California: Society of Academic Emergency Medicine.
- Hiller, K. M., Beskind, D. L., Bradshaw, H. R., Berkman, M. R., Viscusi, C. D., Min, A. A., Grall, K., & Stoneking, L. R. (2013, June). How Much do Students Cost? Clinical Productivity in the Academic Emergency Department. Western Regional Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Conference.More infoLong Beach, CA
Poster Presentations
- Beskind, D. L. (2019, March). Effectiveness of a five minute hands only teaching class in College Students. Western Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. Napa Valley. VS: UC Davis.More infoResearch project in REACT with oral presentation
- Beskind, D. L. (2017, November). Resuscitation Education and CPR Training Group. AAMC: Association of American Medical Colleges Learn Serve Lead Conference. Boston, Massachusetts.More infoEducational poster at the conference
- Gaither, J. B., Tony, R., Shawn, T., Brian, K., Brian, S., Mary, K., French, R. N., Beskind, D. L., Munn, R., Hannan, P., & Rice, A. (2022, January).
University Emergency Medical Services Guidelines - Prehospital guidelines for the care of patients with emergency medical conditions
. https://emergencymed.arizona.edu/ems-private/public/admin-guidelines - Spaite, D. W., Spaite, D. W., Beskind, D. L., Beskind, D. L., Smith, J. J., Smith, J. J., Waters, K. E., Waters, K. E., Rice, A., Rice, A., Mhayamaguru, K., Mhayamaguru, K., Gaither, J. B., & Gaither, J. B. (2018, Jan). Use of Distance Education Tools to Improve the Rural EMS Experience for EMS Fellows. Prehospital Emergency Care.More infoGaither JB, Mhayamaguru KM, Rice A, Waters KE, Smith JJ, Beskind D, Spaite DW. Use of Distance Education Tools to Improve the Rural EMS Experience for EMS Fellows. Prehospital Emerg Care 2018;22(1):152-153.