Susan Miller-Cochran
- Professor, English
- Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- Chemistry, Rm. 129
- Tucson, AZ 85719
- millercochran@arizona.edu
Susan Miller-Cochran is professor of English and Executive Director of General Education in the Office of the Provost at the University of Arizona. She teaches undergraduate courses in rhetoric and composition and graduate courses in the doctoral program in Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English (RCTE). She served as Director of the UA Writing Program from 2015-2019. Before joining the faculty at UA, she was a faculty member at North Carolina State University (2006-2015) where she directed the First-Year Writing Program. Prior to NCSU, she was a faculty member in English at Mesa Community College (AZ). She also taught writing and applied linguistics and co-developed the first online course in the English Department as a graduate student at Arizona State University.
Her research focuses on writing in the disciplines, technology in writing instruction, writing program and higher education administration, labor in writing programs, and L2 writing. Her work has appeared in the journals WPA: Writing Program Administration, College Composition and Communication, Composition Studies, Computers and Composition, Enculturation, and Teaching English in the Two-Year College, as well as several edited collections. She is a co-editor of Composition, Rhetoric, and Disciplinarity (Utah State UP, 2018); Rhetorically Rethinking Usability (Hampton Press, 2009); and Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition (National Council of Teachers of English, 2002). She is also a co-author of An Insider’s Guide to Academic Writing (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2017), The Cengage Guide to Research (Wadsworth/Cengage, 2017), and Keys for Writers (Cengage, 2016). She has been the PI or co-PI on fifteen separate grants related to technology, writing instruction, and classroom design (totaling nearly $120,000). She has served on the Executive Committee of the Conference on College Composition and Communication and the Executive Board of the Council of Writing Program Administrators, and she is a Past President of the Council of Writing Program Administrators (2015-2017).
- Ph.D. English: Rhetoric, Composition, and Linguistics
- Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, United States
- Teaching Writing at a Distance: Exploring Instructional Decisions and Learning Perceptions
- MTESL Teaching English as a Second Language
- Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, United States
- Questioning the Existence of the Inflection Phrase in Indonesian
- B.A. English Literature
- Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, United States
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2015 - Ongoing)
- North Carolina State University (2013 - 2015)
- North Carolina State University (2006 - 2013)
- Mesa Community College, Mesa, Arizona (2000 - 2006)
- CCCC Writing Program Certificate of Excellence
- Conference on College Composition and Communication, Spring 2018
Licensure & Certification
- ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification, National Restaurant Association (2020)
Higher education, general education, rhetoric and composition, first-year writing, multilingual and second language writing, teacher preparation, composition theory, writing program administration, computers and writing, distance learning, instructional technology
General education, writing across the curriculum, curricular design, rhetoric and composition, writing program administration, instructional technologies, multilingual and second language writing, labor practices in writing programs and higher education, scholarship of teaching and learning
2024-25 Courses
ENGL 920 (Spring 2025) -
Special Topics in Humanities
HNRS 195J (Spring 2025) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2024) -
General Education Portfolio
UNIV 301 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
ENGL 920 (Spring 2024) -
Special Topics in Humanities
HNRS 195J (Spring 2024) -
Studies in Rhetoric+Comp
ENGL 696E (Spring 2024) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
ENGL 920 (Spring 2023) -
Special Topics in Humanities
HNRS 195J (Spring 2023) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2022) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Fall 2022) -
Intro to General Ed Experience
UNIV 101 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
ENGL 920 (Spring 2022) -
Teaching Of Composition
ENGL 510 (Spring 2022) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
ENGL 920 (Spring 2021) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Spring 2021) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2020) -
First-Year Composition
ENGL 102 (Fall 2020) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
ENGL 920 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Spring 2020) -
Studies in Rhetoric+Comp
ENGL 696E (Spring 2020) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2019) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Business Writing
ENGL 307 (Summer I 2019) -
ENGL 920 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
ENGL 499 (Spring 2019) -
Studies in Rhetoric+Comp
ENGL 696E (Spring 2019) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2018) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Fall 2018) -
Rsrch Mthd Rhetoric+Comp
ENGL 597R (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Engl Comp ESL Students
ENGL 108 (Summer I 2018) -
ENGL 920 (Spring 2018) -
First-Year Composition
ENGL 102 (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Spring 2018) -
Studies in Rhetoric+Comp
ENGL 696E (Spring 2018) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2017) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Engl Comp ESL Students
ENGL 108 (Summer I 2017) -
ENGL 920 (Spring 2017) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2016) -
Studies in Rhetoric+Comp
ENGL 696E (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
First-Year Composition
ENGL 102 (Summer I 2016) -
Hist Stds Rhetoric+Comp
ENGL 696S (Spring 2016) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Spring 2016) -
ENGL 593 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Miller-Cochran, S. (2022). Making Administrative Work Visible: Data-Driven Advocacy for Understanding the Labor of Writing Program Administration. Utah State University Press.
- Miller-Cochran, S. (2022). An Insider's Guide to Academic Writing (3rd edition). Macmillan.
- Stamper, R. S., Cochran, W. S., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2022). An Insider's Guide to Academic Writing. Macmillan Learning (Bedford/St. Martin's).
- Miller-Cochran, S., Cochran, W. S., & Stamper, R. (2019). An Insider's Guide to Academic Writing (2nd edition). Macmillan Learning.
- Buck, R., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2021). Advocating Together: Pros and Cons of Cross-Rank Collaboration as a Strategy for Advocacy. In Transformations: Change Work Across Writing Programs, Pedagogies, and Practices.
- Mapes, A. C., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2019). Framing Graduate Teaching Assistant Preparation around Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies. In (Re)Considering What We Know: Learning Thresholds in Writing, Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy(pp Chapter 11). Utah State Press.
- Miller-Cochran, S. (2021). Reflecting on and Learning from the Past to Imagine the Future. In Pedagogy Perspectives on Cognition and Writing(pp vii-xi). Parlor Press.
- Schwaller, E. J., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2020). Writing Pedagogy Education: Preparing and Professionalizing Graduate Students as Writing Instructors. In Graduate Student Development and Preparation. Josey-Bass.
- Miller-Cochran, S., & Mapes, A. C. (2019). Framing Graduate Teaching Assistant Preparation around Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies. In (Re)Considering What We Know: Learning Thresholds in Writing, Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy(pp Chapter 11). Utah State Press.
- Graziano, L., Halasek, K., Miller-Cochran, S., Napolitano, F., & Szymanski, N. (2020). A Return to Portland: Making Work Visible through the Ecologies of Writing Program Administration at Five Institutions. WPA: Writing Program Administration.
- Adler-Kassner, L., Cox, A., Elston, M. M., Garcia de Mueller, G., Kumari, A., Manivanna, V., Miller-Cochran, S., Moroski, K., Olejnik, M., O'Neill, P., Poe, M., Powell, A., Reid, S., & Roundtree, S. V. (2019). Building a Twenty-First Century Feminist Ethos: Three Dialogues for WPAs. WPA: Writing Program Administration, 42(2), 13-36.
- Barrows, J. D., Cons, T. R., Halla, M., Miller-Cochran, S., & Rodrigo, R. (2024). “Designing Writing Assignments that Lean into Generative AI”. 2024 IT Summit. University of Arizona.
- Cochran, W. S., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2024). “Writing and Well-Being/Writing into Mindfulness: A Reflection on Two Innovative Course Designs at the University of Arizona". Advanced Writing Symposium at the University of Southern California. University of Southern California.
- Diroberto, K. L., Manone, E., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2024). “Critical Connections: A Collaborative Approach to Assessing Critical Thinking across Arizona’s Three State Universities”. AZ Transfer Summit. Ft. McDowell, AZ.
- Mejia Mayorga, J. F., Miller-Cochran, S., & Smith, J. E. (2024).
“Supporting Learning and Fostering Well-Being: Reflective Writing for First-Year Students in UNIV 101”
. Annual Conference on Writing and Well-Being. University of Arizona. - Mejia Mayorga, J. F., Miller-Cochran, S., & Smith, J. E. (2024). “Supporting Student Agency and Success: Reflective Writing in UNIV 101”. Annual Conference on Writing and Well-Being. University of Arizona.
- Miller-Cochran, S. (2024). “Mindful Leadership for Writing Program Administrators: Exercising Compassion through(out) Reflection”. Council of Writing Program Administrators Workshop.
- Miller-Cochran, S., Halla, M., Cons, T. R., Barrows, J. D., & Rodrigo, R. (2024, August). Designing Writing Assignments that Lean in to Gen AI. UA IT Summit. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
- Miller-Cochran, S., Halla, M., Cons, T. R., Barrows, J. D., & Rodrigo, R. (2024, September). Designing Writing Assignments that Lean in to Gen AI. Arizona English Teachers Association. Tucson, AZ: Arizona English Teachers Association.
- Miller-Cochran, S. (2021, April). Aligning Curricular Design with Outcomes, Assessment, and Values: Lessons from the Gen Ed Refresh. Student Success Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
- Miller-Cochran, S. (2021, August). How to Teach WID in First-Year Writing Without Being an Expert in Every Discipline. International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Online (originally Ft. Collins, Colorado): Association for Writing Across the Curriculum.
- Miller-Cochran, S. (2021, March). Compassionate Leadership: A WPA’s Guide to Wellness Literacies and Ecologies of Well-Being in Writing Programs. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Online (originally Spokane, WA): National Council of Teachers of English.
- Miller-Cochran, S., Horton, A., & Christen, J. (2021, August). Scaffolding from Foundations: Connecting Foundations Writing with General Education Writing Requirements. International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Online (originally Ft. Collins, Colorado): Association for Writing Across the Curriculum.
- Miller, T. P., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2020, January). Resisting Corporatization and Developing Well-Being through Collaborative Leadership. Conference on Writing and Well-Being. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Conference on Writing and Well-Being.
- Miller-Cochran, S. (2020, February). On the Importance of Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines. ASU Composition Conference. Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University.
- Miller-Cochran, S. (2020, February). Writing Transfer from Foundations to the Major. University of Arizona Student Success Conference.
- Miller-Cochran, S., & Rodrigo, R. (2020, July). Engaging Mobile Devices. Back to School Better Conference. Online: Cengage Publishing.
- Miller-Cochran, S., Mayorga, J. M., & Anderson, B. (2020, January). "Promoting Students' Well-Being: Positive Approaches to Reimagining College Writing". Conference on Writing and Well-Being. University of Arizona.
- Miller-Cochran, S., Ramirez, C. D., Kohler, A. T., Frey, J. J., Maid, B., Morse, T. A., & Saidy, C. (2020, January). Fostering Well-Being in Writing Programs. Conference on Writing and Well-Being. University of Arizona.
- Anderson, B., Cochran, W. S., Frey, J. J., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2019, April). Writing to Flourish and Sustainable Well-Being. Symposium on Writing and Well-Being. National University of Ireland--Galway.
- Cochran, W. S., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2019, October). An Interactive Symposium on Writing to Flourish: A Positive Approach to Writing. Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference. Bozeman, MT: Montana State University.
- Miller-Cochran, S. (2019, December). Working with Multilingual Student Writers. Professional Development Day. Davis, CA: University of California, Davis.
- Miller-Cochran, S. (2019, July). Ecologies of Well-Being in Writing Programs. Annual meeting of the Council of Writing Program Administrators. Baltimore, MD: Council of Writing Program Administrators.
- Miller-Cochran, S. (2019, March). Reflective Practice, Stress Reduction, and Self-Efficacy in Graduate School. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Pittsburgh, PA.