Shelley Rodrigo
- Writing Specialist
- Senior Director, Writing Program
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-1836
- Modern Languages, Rm. 445
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- rrodrigo@arizona.edu
Rochelle (Shelley) Rodrigo is the Senior Director of the Writing Program; Professor in the Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English (RCTE) program; Writing Scholar (Continuing Status) in the Department of English; and Affiliate Faculty with the School of Information at the University of Arizona. She researches how “newer” technologies better facilitate communicative interactions, specifically teaching and learning. Shelley recently co-authored the award-winning Teaching Literacy Online; is working on the fourth co-authored edition of The Wadsworth/Cengage Guide to Research, and co-edited Rhetorically Rethinking Usability. Her scholarly work has appeared in journals such as College Composition and Communication, Composition Forum, Composition Studies, Computers and Composition, Technical Communication Quarterly, Teaching English in the Two-Year College¸ as well as various edited collections. In 2022 she became a Research Associate with The Readability Consortium and a Distinguished Fellow in the Center for University Education Scholarship (CUES) at the University of Arizona. In 2021 she was elected Vice President of the National Council of Teachers of English (a 4-year term including President in 2024) and won the Arizona Technology in Education Association’s Ruth Catalano Friend of Technology Innovation Award. In 2018 she became an Adobe Education Leader, in 2014 she was awarded Old Dominion University’s annual Teaching with Technology Award, in 2012 the Digital Humanities High Powered Computing Fellowship, and, in 2010 she became a Google Certified Teacher/Innovator.
- Ph.D. Rhetoric, Composition, & Linguistics
- Arizona State University, Tempa, Arizona, United States
- Motivation and Play: How Faculty Continue to Learn New Technologies
- M.A. Rhetoric and Composition
- Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, United States
- M.A. Humanities (Film Studies)
- Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, United States
- Alien as Pornographic Text
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2023 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2018 - 2023)
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2015 - 2018)
- Old Dominion University (2011 - 2015)
- Mesa Community College, Mesa, Arizona (2002 - 2011)
- Maria Teresa Velez Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award
- University of Arizona’s Commission on the Status of Women, Fall 2024 (Award Nominee)
- 2025 Divergent Award for Excellence in Literacy in a Digital Age Research Publication
- Initiative for Literacy in a Digital Age Research, Spring 2024
- Assessment Champion Award, University of Arizona Student Success Awards
- University of Arizona Student Success, Spring 2024 (Award Nominee)
- Research Associate
- The Readability Consortium, Fall 2022
- Distinguished Fellow
- Center for University Education Scholarship, University of Arizona, Summer 2022
- Elected, Vice President of NCTE
- National Council of Teachers of English, Summer 2021
- Ruth Catalano Friend of Technology Innovation Award
- Arizona Technology in Education Association, Winter 2020
- Inclusive Leadership Cohort Certificate program
- University of Arizona, Spring 2020
- Adobe Education Leader
- Adobe, Spring 2019
- Elected, Executive Committee
- National Council of Teachers of English, Fall 2017
- Fellow, IT Leadership Academy
- University of Arizona, Fall 2017
- Elected, College Section Committee
- National Council of Teachers of English, Fall 2015
- Teaching with Technology Award
- Old Dominion University, Spring 2014
- Elected to Nominating Committee
- Conference on College Composition and Communication, Fall 2013
- Fellow, Humanities High Performance Computing Collaboratory
- National Endowment for the Humanities funded summer institute hosted by the University of Illinois’ Institute for Computing in Humanities, Arts, and Social Science and the University of South Carolina’s Center for Digital Humanities (CDH), Spring 2012
- Elected to Executive Committee
- Two-Year College English Association-West, Fall 2011
- Conference on College Composition and Communication, Spring 2010
- Two-Year College English Association-West, Fall 2008
- Participant, Google Academy
- Google, Summer 2010
- Elected to College Section Nominating Committee
- The National Council of Teachers of English, Summer 2008
- Residential Faculty Excellence Award
- Mesa Community College, Spring 2008
- Invited Participant, A Test of Leadership: Committing to Advance Postsecondary Education for all Americans
- United States Department of Education, Summer 2007
Licensure & Certification
- Google Certified Educator Levels 1, Google (2015)
- Google Certified Educator Level 2, Google (2015)
- Quality Matters Certified Master Reviewer, Quality Matters (2011)
- Google Certified Teacher/Innovator, Google (2010)
- Quality Matters Certified Peer Reviewer, Quality Matters (2008)
- Adobe Educational Leader, Adobe (2018)
writing/composition, digital writing/composition, film, women and film, digital writing research methods, theories of networks
teaching writing with/through technologies, teaching with technologies, mentoring, professional development, ePortfolios, WAC/WID, higher education administration, leadership
2024-25 Courses
ENGL 920 (Spring 2025) -
Portfolios Prof./Tech. Writing
ENGL 494P (Spring 2025) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
First-Year Composition
ENGL 102 (Summer I 2024) -
ENGL 920 (Spring 2024) -
First-Year Composition
ENGL 101 (Spring 2024) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Spring 2024) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
ENGL 920 (Spring 2023) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2022) -
First-Year Composition
ENGL 101 (Fall 2022) -
Rsrch Mthd Rhetoric+Comp
ENGL 597R (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
First-Year Composition
ENGL 101 (Summer I 2022) -
Portfolios Prof./Tech. Writing
ENGL 494P (Summer I 2022) -
ENGL 920 (Spring 2022) -
ENGL 920 (Fall 2021) -
First-Year Composition
ENGL 101 (Fall 2021) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Fall 2021) -
Literature and Film
ENGL 300 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
First-Year Composition
ENGL 101 (Summer I 2021) -
Portfolios Prof./Tech. Writing
ENGL 494P (Summer I 2021) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Spring 2021) -
First-Year Composition
ENGL 101 (Fall 2020) -
Studies in Rhetoric+Comp
ENGL 696E (Fall 2020) -
Writing Studio
ENGL 197B (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Portfolios Prof./Tech. Writing
ENGL 494P (Summer I 2020) -
Special Topics
SBS 195A (Summer I 2020) -
First-Year Composition
ENGL 102 (Spring 2020) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Spring 2020) -
Literature and Film
ENGL 300 (Winter 2019) -
Honors Thesis
ENGL 498H (Fall 2019) -
Teaching Of Composition
ENGL 410 (Fall 2019) -
Teaching Of Composition
ENGL 510 (Fall 2019) -
Technical Writing
ENGL 308 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Honors Thesis
ENGL 498H (Summer I 2019) -
Portfolios Prof./Tech. Writing
ENGL 494P (Summer I 2019) -
First-Year Composition
ENGL 102 (Spring 2019) -
Intro Adobe Creative Cloud
SBS 350 (Spring 2019) -
Studies in Rhetoric+Comp
ENGL 696E (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Fall 2018) -
Intro Adobe Creative Cloud
SBS 350 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Business Writing
ENGL 307 (Summer I 2018) -
Portfolios Prof./Tech. Writing
ENGL 494P (Summer I 2018) -
First-Year Composition
ENGL 102 (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
ENGL 299 (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Spring 2018) -
Literature and Film
ENGL 300 (Spring 2018) -
Portfolios Prof./Tech. Writing
ENGL 494P (Spring 2018) -
First-Year Composition
ENGL 102 (Fall 2017) -
Rsrch Mthd Rhetoric+Comp
ENGL 597R (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
First-Year Composition
ENGL 102 (Summer I 2017) -
Business Writing
ENGL 307 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
ENGL 599 (Spring 2017) -
Literature and Film
ENGL 300 (Spring 2017) -
ENGL 591 (Fall 2016) -
Technical Writing
ENGL 308 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Literature and Film
ENGL 300 (Summer I 2016) -
First-Year Composition
ENGL 102 (Spring 2016) -
Hist Stds Rhetoric+Comp
ENGL 696S (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Rodrigo, R., & Mitchum, C. (2024). Teaching Literacy Online: Observing, Analyzing, and Producing in Multiple Media. National Council of Teachers of English.More infoMitchum, Catrina, and Rochelle Rodrigo. Teaching Literacy Online: Observing, Analyzing, and Producing in Multiple Media. National Council of Teachers of English Press, 2024. (50%)
- Miller-Cochran, S. K., & Rodrigo, R. L. (2017). The Cengage Guide to Research, 3rd edition. Boston: Cengage Learning.
- Miller-Cochran, S. K., & Rodrigo, R. L. (2014). The Wadsworth Guide to Research, 2nd edition. Boston: Wadsworth/Cengage.
- Miller-Cochran, S., & Rodrigo, R. (2009). Rhetorically Rethinking Usability: Theories, Practices, and Methodologies.. Hampton Press.
- Miller-Cochran, S. K., & Rodrigo, R. L. (2009). The Wadsworth Guide to Research. Boston: Wadsworth/Cengage.
- Rodrigo, R. (2023). So, you want to be an OWPA. In PARS in Charge: Resources and Strategies for Online Writing Program Leaders. WAC Clearinghouse.
- Bose, D. K., & Rodrigo, R. (2021). Teaching Ethically Online: Using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Pre-Designed Courses (PDCs). In English Studies Online(pp 258-281). Parlor Press.
- Mitchum, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2021). Administrative Policies and Pre-Designed Courses (PDCs): Negotiating Instructor and Student Agency.. In Scaling Academic Writing: Working With and Against Shared Curricula(pp 29-44). Peter Lang.
- Romberger, J., & Rodrigo, R. (2021). Actors and Allies: Faculty, IT Work, and Writing Program Support. In Transformations: Change Work Across Writing Programs, Pedagogies, and Practices(pp 146-164). Utah State University Press.
- Romberger, J., & Rodrigo, R. (2020). Playing with Theory in Graduate Writing Groups. In Learning from the Lived Experiences of Graduate Student Writers(pp 242-256). https://upcolorado.com/utah-state-university-press/item/3785-learning-from-the-lived-experiences-of-graduate-student-writers: Utah State University Press.
- Rodrigo, R., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2019). Acknowledging Disciplinary Contributions: On the Importance of Community College Scholarship to Rhetoric and Composition. In Composition, Rhetoric, and Disciplinarity: Traces of the Past, Issues of the Moment, and Prospects for the Future. Logan: Utah State University Press.
- Miller-Cochran, S., & Rodrigo, R. (2018). Acknowledging Disciplinary Contributions: On the Importance of Community College Scholarship to Rhetoric and Composition. In Composition, Rhetoric, and Disciplinarity. Logan: Utah State University Press.
- Rodrigo, R., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2018). Acknowledging Disciplinary Contributions: On the Importance of Community College Scholarship to Rhetoric and Composition. In Composition, Rhetoric, and Disciplinarity(pp 53-69). Logan: Utah State University Press.
- Rodrigo, R., & Ramirez, C. D. (2018). Balancing Institutional Demands with Effective Practice: A Lesson in Curricular & Professional Development. In Professional Development in Online Teaching and Learning in Technical communication: A Ten Year Retrospective. Boca Raton, FL: Routledge.
- Benander, R. E., O’Laughlin, N. J., Rodrigo, R., Stevens, C. P., & Zaldivar, M. (2017). How Important Is the Technology?. In Field Guide to Eportfolio: Why It Matters for Learning(pp 99-105). Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U).
- Rodrigo, R., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2016). QEP Evaluation as Opportunity: Teaching and Learning through the Accreditation Process. In Reclaiming Accountability: Improving Writing Programs through Accreditation and Large-Scale Assessments(pp pp. 36-51). Logan: Utah State University Press.
- Rodrigo, R. (2015). Chapter 16. OWI on the Go. In Foundational Practices in Online Writing Instruction. The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press. doi:10.37514/PER-B.2015.0650.2.16
- Rodrigo, R. (2015). Online Writing Instruction on the Go. In Foundational Practices in Online Writing Instruction(pp 493-516). The WAC Clearinghouse.
- Rodrigo, R. (2017). Writing a Wiki Resource Guide for a Literature Survey Course. In Teaching Literature with Digital Technology: Assignments(pp 50-68). Bedford/St. Martin’s.
- Rodrigo, R., & Romberger, J. (2015). Frugal Realities: Hacker Pedagogies and Scrappy Students in an Online Program. In The New Normal: Pressures on Technical Communication Programs in the Age of Austerity(pp 89-106). Baywood Publishing Company.
- Kidd, J., & Rodrigo, R. (2014). Getting Uncomfortable: Identity Exploration in a Multi-Class Blog. In Web Writing: Why and How for Liberal Arts Teaching and Learning(pp 161-174). University of Michigan Press/Digital Culture Books.
- Rodrigo, R., & Purzycki, K. (2013). Making Learning Reel: Student-Made Videos on Mobile Devices. In Enhancing Instruction with Visual Media: Utilizing Video and Lecture Capture(pp 266-279). IGI Global.
- Skorupski, K. J., Rodrigo, R., Mitchum, C., Leach, A. R., & Haverland, A. C. (2024). There and Back Again: Finding, Implementing, and Assessing a Digital Reading, Research, and Writing Application. Advances in Online Education: A Peer-Reviewed Journal, 2(2).
- Rodrigo, R., & Rodrigo, R. (2022). Readability Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction, 16(4), 214-324.More infoSofie Beier, Sam Berlow, Esat Boucaud, Zoya Bylinskii, Tianyuan Cai, Jenae Cohn, Kathy Crowley, Stephanie L. Day, Tilman Dingler, Jonathan Dobres, Jennifer Healey, Rajiv Jain, Marjorie Jordan, Bernard Kerr, Qisheng Li, Dave B. Miller, Susanne Nobles, Alexandra Papoutsaki, Jing Qian, Tina Rezvanian, Shelley Rodrigo, Ben D. Sawyer, Shannon M. Sheppard, Bram Stein, Rick Treitman, Jen Vanek, Shaun Wallace and Benjamin Wolfe, "Readability Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach." Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction, vol. 16, no. 4, 2022, pp 214-324.
- Mitchum, C., Rodrigo, R., Schmidt, N., Skorupski, K. J., Skorupski, K. J., Schmidt, N., Rodrigo, R., & Mitchum, C. (2022). Who’s on First? Software Design’s impact on Teaching and Learning. Currents in Teaching & Learning.
- Mitchum, C., Schmidt, N., Skorupski, K. J., & Rodrigo, R. (2022). Knowing Who’s On Your Team: Pedagogical Expertise and the Impact on Software Design. Currents in Teaching and Learning, 13(2), 6-16.
- Rodrigo, R., Skorupski, K. J., Schmidt, N., & Mitchum, C. (2022). Knowing Who’s On Your Team: Pedagogical Expertise and the Impact on Software Design. Currents in Teaching and Learning, 13(2), 6-16.
- Skorupski, K. J., Schmidt, N., Rodrigo, R., & Mitchum, C. (2022). Who’s on First? Software Design’s impact on Teaching and Learning. Currents in Teaching and Learning, 13(2), 6-16.More infoMitchum, Catrina, Nicole Schmidt, Kayle Skorupski, and Rochelle Rodrigo. “Knowing Who’s On Your Team: Pedagogical Expertise and the Impact on Software Design.” Currents in Teaching and Learning, vol. 13. No. 2, 2022, pp. 6-16. (25%)
- Mitchum, C., Schmidt, N., Skorupski, K. J., & Rodrigo, R. (2020). Who’s on First? Software Design’s impact on Teaching and Learning. Currents in Teaching & Learning.
- Rodrigo, R., Skorupski, K. J., Schmidt, N., & Mitchum, C. (2020). Knowing Who’s On Your Team: Pedagogical Expertise and the Impact on Software Design. Currents in Teaching and Learning.
- Henthorn, J., & Rodrigo, R. (2020). Slicing and Dicing: Using Video Editing Software to Teach Film. Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching, 5(1).More infoTraditionally, formal film analysis is taught by watching films and identifying and analyzing formal film elements either in class discussion or course papers. Having students use video editing software by “slicing and dicing” existing films enables them to incorporate applied practices into their critical analysis, building confidence in their ability to identify and discuss formal elements of film because they have used these elements to create videos of their own. Even with a variety of video editing software available, few studies exist on using video editing software as a pedagogical tool for teaching film, specifically teaching formal elements about how films are put together and make meaning. This study gauges students’ perceptions on learning basic film studies concepts from more actively engaged “slicing and dicing” activities as compared to traditional reading, viewing, lecturing, and discussion activities.
- Mitchum, C., Rodrigo, R. L., & Staples, S. L. (2020). Remaining Inclusive: Crisis Correspondence Packets for Student Completion of Spring 2020 (COVID19) Writing Courses. Composition Forum, 5.More infoThis program profile describes the process the Writing Program at the University of Arizona took to create a pathway to course completion for students during the pandemic-induced remote transition in Spring 2020. While the majority of students continued to have access to the hardware and software necessary to complete the term online, some students did not have these critical access requirements. We designed an independent study style correspondence packet that harkens back to traditional distance education offerings. Recognizing that students might not have access to the web or library for research, instructional materials, or printers, the packets allowed students to use the resources to which they had access and mail in their materials to complete their courses. Designing and implementing this course packet allowed us to continue our mission of inclusion in a moment of crisis by meeting our students where they were as they were displaced from the institutional spaces they had been relying upon to finish their coursework. This work has given us language to use in helping our instructors continue to support their students in crisis.
- Rodrigo, R., & Sturman, S. (2020). Imagining Online Corequisite Courses. Composition Studies, 48(2).
- Rodrigo, R. (2019). From the College Section Chair: What Is the College Section? What Should It Be?. College English, 81(6), 481-4.
- Rodrigo, R., & Ramirez, C. D. (2016). Balancing Institutional Demands with Effective Practice: A Lesson in Curricular & Professional Development. Technical Communication Quarterly, 31.More infoSpecial Issue in Technical Communication Quarterly
- Ramírez, C. D., & Rodrigo, R. (2017). Balancing Institutional Demands with Effective Practice: A Lesson in Curricular and Professional Development. Technical Communication Quarterly, 26(3), 314-328. doi:10.1080/10572252.2017.1339529
- Rodrigo, R., & Ramirez, C. D. (2017). Balancing Institutional Demands with Effective Practice: A Lesson in Curricular & Professional Development. Technical Communication Quarterly, 26(3), 314-328. doi:10.1080/10572252.2017.1339529
- Rodrigo, R., & Romberger, J. (2017). Managing Digital Technologies in Writing Programs: Writing Program Technologists & Invisible Service. Computers and Composition, 44, 67-82. doi:10.1016/j.compcom.2017.03.003
- Rodrigo, R., Miller-Cochran, S., Roen, D., Jolayemi, E., Spiegel, C. L., & Mitchum, C. (2014). DIY Mentoring: Developing Personal Learning Networks. Enculturation, 17.
- Rodrigo, R. (2013). Can You Digg It?: Using Web Applications in Teaching Research. Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy.
- Rodrigo, R. (2012). Why We Won't See Textbooks in Our Disciplinary Rear View Mirror in the Near Future.. Teaching English in the Two-Year College, 39(3), 309-311.
- Yang, C., Tamarkin, M., Sparrow, J., Rodrigo, R., Meier, T., Mcguthry, J. W., Mcdonald, R. H., Lopresti, F., Landry, S. G., Diggs, D. T., Difilipo, S., Childs, M., & Bantz, D. A. (2010). You 3.0: The Most Important Evolving Technology. Educational Review, 45(6), 31-32.More infohat technology evolves is a given. Not as well understood is the impact of technological evolution on each of us individually—on you, your skill development, your career, and your relationship with your work community. How is technology evolving, and how is this changing your work? How are people, positions, and processes changing, and what is the role of evolving technology in causing these changes? How are you evolving, and how does this affect your use of technology? What is the “evolving you”—You 3.0? T You 3.0
- Miller-cochran, S. K., Rodrigo, R. L., & Miller-cochran, S. K. (2006). Determining effective distance learning designs through usability testing. Computers and Composition, 23(1), 91-107. doi:10.1016/j.compcom.2005.12.002More infoTo add to the developing understanding of Web-based writing instruction, we conducted usability testing to assess the design of our online first-year composition courses at a large community college in the Southwest. Beyond the course-specific results, this study offers two primary contributions. First, it offers a model for conducting usability testing of Web-based writing classes to diagnose potential design problems in a course. This includes providing an indication of what kinds of results and data teachers should expect to gather, how to interpret that data, where to go for assistance, whom to involve in the testing process, and what to do with the results. Second, this study provides an initial understanding of guidelines for course design using Web-based technologies. These guidelines were developed by examining writing classes in the study and then comparing the results with already established principles of design from usability engineering.
Proceedings Publications
- Rodrigo, R. (2023). Assigning and Assessing: Creative and Digital Literacies. In Computers and Writing Annual Conference, 2022, 53-70.
- Verma, A. K., Rodrigo, R., Mize, M., & Jovanovic, V. M. (2016). Use of ePortfolio as Integrated Learning Strategy in Computer Integrated Manufacturing Online Course. In 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings.
- Rodrigo, R. (2025). 360° Support of Faculty in the Age of AI.. YÖMEGA Derneği Konuşmalar Serisi 2025. Online: YÖMEGA.
- Barrows, J. D., Cons, T. R., Halla, M., Miller-Cochran, S., & Rodrigo, R. (2024). “Designing Writing Assignments that Lean into Generative AI”. 2024 IT Summit. University of Arizona.
- Hodgson, J., Taylor, T., Buckner, M. J., & Rodrigo, R. (2024). Designing and Assessing Generative AI Student Projects. Adobe Digital Literacy Café. Online: Adobe.
- Rodrigo, R. (2024). Navigating the Weird & Wonderful: Reflecting on 26 years of Playing English in Higher Education and a Workshop. Two-Year College English Association National Conference. Spokane, WA: Two-Year College English Association.
- Rodrigo, R. (2024). Sustaining Saying ‘Yes.’. The Online Writing Instruction Community 2024 Symposium. Online: The Online Writing Instruction Community.
- Rodrigo, R., Barrows, J. D., Cons, T. R., Halla, M., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2024, August). Designing Writing Assignments that Lean in to Gen AI. UA IT Summit. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
- Rodrigo, R., Barrows, J. D., Cons, T. R., Halla, M., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2024, September). Designing Writing Assignments that Lean in to Gen AI. Arizona English Teachers Association. Tucson, AZ: Arizona English Teachers Association.
- Rodrigo, R., Barrows, J. D., Gupta, A., Clark, J. A., Leach, A. R., Dang, A. T., Mapes, A. C., & Brooks, C. F. (2024, June). Digital Reading, Notetaking, and Annotating Practices. Computers and Writing. Fort Worth, TX: Computers and Writing.
- Crowley, K., Treitman, R., Nobles, S., & Rodrigo, R. (2022, Spring). Personalized Reading Formats Make Better Readers. South by Southwest (SxSW) EDU. Austin, TX: SxSW.
- Rodrigo, R. (2023). Generative AI & Writing. Fall Faculty Orientation. Hardwick, MA: Eagle Hill School.
- Rodrigo, R. (2023). Let’s Talk about Reading, Baby: How It Is and How It Could Be. Old Dominion University’s 44th Annual Spring Conference on the Teaching of Writing. Norfolk, VA: Department of English, Old Dominion University.
- Rodrigo, R. (2023). ‘Teaching’ Reading: Let’s Get Over Feelin’ Mad and Sad and Bad. Old Dominion University’s 44th Annual Spring Conference on the Teaching of Writing. Norfolk, VA: Old Dominion University, Department of English.
- Rodrigo, R., Day, S., Sawyer, B., & Giroux, A. (2023, March). Improve STEM Education by Implementing Individualized Format Readability. Florida Engineering Education Conference (FEEC). Orlando, FL: Florida Engineering Education Conference (FEEC).
- Rodrigo, R., Gupta, A., Harrison, B., & Treitman, R. (2023). Individualized Format Readability: The Messy Research Processes of Educational Technologies. CUES Inside UAZ-Funded Scholarship. Tucson, AZ: CUES, The University of Arizona.
- Rodrigo, R., Rodrigo, R., Mapes, A. C., Gupta, A., Brooks, C. F., Dang, A. T., Clark, J. A., Clark, J. A., Leach, A. R., Leach, A. R., Gupta, A., Mapes, A. C., Ginosian, K., Brooks, C. F., & Dang, A. T. (2023, February). Adapting Digital Reading Assignments for Efficiency & Efficacy. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL: Conference on College Composition and Communication.
- Ginosian, K., Rodrigo, R., Gupta, A., Mapes, A. C., Leach, A. R., Brooks, C. F., Clark, J. A., Clark, J. A., Brooks, C. F., Leach, A. R., Mapes, A. C., Gupta, A., Ginosian, K., & Rodrigo, R. (2022, January). Update: Readability Research at the University of Arizona. Adobe Readability Group. Online: Adobe.
- Gupta, A., Leach, A. R., Dang, A. T., Clark, J. A., Brooks, C. F., Rodrigo, R., Mapes, A. C., Mapes, A. C., Rodrigo, R., Brooks, C. F., Dang, A. T., Clark, J. A., Gupta, A., & Leach, A. R. (2022, January). Technology, Reading, and Strategies to Reduce Anxiety. Writing & Wellbeing. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona.
- Mitchum, C., Rodrigo, R., Haverland, A. C., Skorupski, K. J., & Leach, A. R. (2022, March 18, 2022). The Value of Custom Educational Technology In Reading, Research, And Writing Across Disciplines. OLC Innovate 2022. Virtual: Online Learning Consortium.More infoDate: Monday, March 28th Time: 11:30 AM to 12:15 PM Conference Session: Concurrent Session 2 Session Modality: Virtual Lead Presenter: Catrina Mitchum (University of Arizona) Co-presenters: Rochelle Rodrigo (University of Arizona), Arin Haverland (Community Portal Self Registration Account), Kayle Skorupski (University of Arizona), Anna Leach (University of Arizona) Track: Research: Designs, Methods, and Findings Location: Zoom Room 2 Session Duration: 45min Brief Abstract: Understanding how students experience the use of and interpret the value of tools intended for specific purposes is an important element of teaching with technology online. This session will present data from students on their perceptions of value and experiences implementing PowerNotes in their reading, research, and writing across disciplines.
- Rodrigo, R. (2022, March-April). Scaffolding the Writing Process with Digital Tools; Parts 1 & 2. Arizona Western College Spring Writing Institute. Online: Arizona Western College.
- Rodrigo, R., & Davis, T. M. (2022, May). Assigning & Assessing Creative & Digital Literacies. Computers & Writing. Greenville, NC: Computers & Writing.
- Rodrigo, R., Dang, A. T., Gupta, A., Leach, A. R., Clark, J. A., Ginosian, K. V., Mapes, A. C., Brooks, C. F., & Dang, A. T. (2022, January). Update: Readability Research at the University of Arizona. Adobe Readability Group. Online: Adobe.
- Rodrigo, R., Mapes, A. C., Brooks, C. F., Clark, J. A., Leach, A. R., Gupta, A., Dang, A. T., & Ginosian, K. (2022, January). Technology, Reading, and Strategies to Reduce Anxiety. Writing and Wellbeing Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona, General Educatoin.
- Rodrigo, R., Rodrigo, R., Mitchum, C., Koenig, S. R., Mitchum, C., & Koenig, S. R. (2022, July). Using Labor-Based Single-Point Rubrics to Love Ourselves and Our Students. NCTE Homecoming. Louisville, KY: National Council of Teachers of English.
- Henthorn, J., & Rodrigo, R. (2021, May). Slicing & Dicing: Using video editing software to teach film. The Academy of Fellows for Teaching & Learning Roundtable. online: University of Cincinnati.
- Rodrigo, R. (2021, August). Multimedia to Learn vs. Learning Multimedia. Adobe Innovation Grant Fellows session. online: Swinburne University of Technology.
- Rodrigo, R. (2021, August). The UDL Functionality is There; Do They Know How to Use It?. OWI Symposium. Online: OWI Symposium.
- Rodrigo, R., & Davis, T. M. (2021, April). Assigning and Assessing Creative & Digital Literacies. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Online: Conference on College Composition and Communication.
- Rodrigo, R., & Davis, T. M. (2021, September). Assessing Creative & Digital Literacies When Assigning Video. Annual Conference of Arizona English Teachers Association. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona English Teachers Association.
- Rodrigo, R., & Mize, M. (2021, July). Making Multimedia Matter: Curating and Evaluating Artifacts for Identity Construction. Annual conference for The Association for Authentic, Experiential, & Evidence-Based Learning. online: The Association for Authentic, Experiential, & Evidence-Based Learning.
- Rodrigo, R., Clark, J. A., Dang, A. T., Gupta, A., Ginosian, K. V., Leach, A. R., Brooks, C. F., & Mapes, A. C. (2021, July). Creativity for the Future Using Liquid Mode or Digital Readability & Personalized Reading Formats. Adobe for Education Summit Pre-Conference. online: Adobe.More infoKeynote
- Rodrigo, R., Leach, A. R., Clark, J. A., Dang, A. T., Gupta, A., Ginosian, K. V., Brooks, C. F., & Mapes, A. C. (2021, July). VRL, Digital Readability & College Students. Adobe for Education Summit. online: Adobe.
- Rodrigo, R., Mapes, A. C., Brooks, C. F., Clark, J. A., Leach, A. R., Gupta, A., Dang, A. T., & Ginosian, K. V. (2021, November). Adopting Digital Readability Hacks: Motivation & Inhibitors. Adobe Readability Research Symposium. online: Adobe.
- Treitman, R., Sawyer, B., & Rodrigo, R. (2020, October). This Changes Everything: New Approaches to Reading. Adobe Max. Online: Adobe.
- Mitchum, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2020, December). Peer Reviewing Annotated Bibliographies. Showcase Across the Disciplines: My Most Effective Review. Online: WAC Clearinghouse.
- Mitchum, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2020, June). Student’s Expectations vs. Experiences of Course Design in Online Writing Courses. Online Learning Consortium, Innovate. Online: Online Learning Consortium.
- Mitchum, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2020, June). Teaching a Pre-Designed Course. Online Learning Consortium, Innovate. Online: Online Learning Consoritum.
- Rodrigo, R. (2020, August). OWPA: Why Design Matters, Labor Based Grading Rubrics. OWI Symposium August 2020: Small Online Writing Instruction. Online: The Online Writing Instruction Community.
- Rodrigo, R. (2020, August). Teaching Online Main Dish: Building Relationships. University of Arkansas Composition Fall 2020 Convocation. Online: University of Arkansas.
- Rodrigo, R. (2020, March). Keep Calm (& Compassionate) and Move Everything Online. Webinar hosted by W. W. Norton for Transition to Remote Learning. Online: W. W. Norton.
- Rodrigo, R. (2020, May). Designing for Online Teaching. Seminar in the Art of Teaching Writing. Online: University of California, Berkeley.
- Rodrigo, R. (2020, November). Faculty Professional Growth with Adobe Creative Cloud, An Example from UArizona. Adobe Innovation Grant Fellows Meeting. Online: Swinburne University.
- Rodrigo, R., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2020, July). Engaging Mobile Devices. Back to School Better Conference. Online: Cengage Publishing.
- Treitman, R., Jordan, M., Sawyer, B., & Rodrigo, R. (2020, July). Acrobat & Reader – New Reading Paradigms. New Reading Research. Adobe Education Summit. Online: Adobe.
- Mitchum, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2019, January). ‘If I could turn back time’: Student’s Perspective of Time Management. Global Society of Online Literacy Educators. Online: Global Society of Online Literacy Educators.
- Mitchum, C., Mitchum, C., Rodrigo, R., & Rodrigo, R. (2019, Apring). Investigating Online Expectations for Programmatic Assessment. Online Learning Consortium, Innovate. Denver, CO: Online Learning Consortium.
- Mitchum, C., Rodrigo, R., & Parker, C. (2019, April). Pre-Designed Online Courses: The Good, Bad, and Ugly. Webinar presentation for the Global Society of Online Literacy Educators. Online: Global Society of Online Literacy Educators.
- Rodrigo, R. (2019, June). Master, Templated, Canned Courses, Oh My!. Computers and Writing. East Lansing, MI.
- Rodrigo, R. (2019, June). TLDR: What Do Those Technology Privacy Statements REALLY Say?: Theorizing Privacy.. Computers and Writing. East Lansing, MI.
- Rodrigo, R. (2019, October). Digital Textbooks and Inclusive Access: And whether they’re right for You and Your Program. Bedford WPA Summit. Nashville, TN: Bedford/Macmillan.
- Rodrigo, R., & Davis, T. M. (2019, Fall). Introducing Adobe Creative Cloud to Students One Micro-Activity at a Time. UA IT Summit. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
- Rodrigo, R. (2018, May). Sure, there’s an app for that; however, how do you know it’s working?. Computers & Writing. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University.
- Rodrigo, R. (2018, October). Moving from ‘Writing to Learn’ to “Multimedia to Learn’: How and Why. Writing on the Edge conference. Glen Illyn, IL: College of DuPage.
- Rodrigo, R., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2018, February). Adobe Creative Cloud in the Writing Programs @UA. Adobe Creative Campus. Tucson, AZ: Adobe & University of Arizona.
- Rodrigo, R., Eyres, B., Walton, S., & Nielson, C. (2018, October). Using Data to Improve Student Success in eCourses. TYCA-West. Salt Lake, UT: TYCA-West.
- Rodrigo, R. (2017, October). Let's Get Meta: Designing Interactive Webinars. Webinar presentation for the Global Society of Online Literacy Educators.. online: Global Society of Online Literacy Educators.
- Rodrigo, R. (2017, October). Small Data & Slow Analytics: Learning Analytics, Single Instructors, and Individual Students. TYCA-West. Glendale, AZ: TYCA-West.
- Rodrigo, R., & Mize, M. (2017, January). Recording Your Excellent Adventure: Archiving for Transparency and Transfer in Faculty Development. 8th annual Forum on Digital Learning and ePortfolios. San Francisco, CA: Association of American Colleges and Universities.
- Ramirez, C. D., Rodrigo, R., & Hill, Z. (2016, October/Fall). Flat World, Well-Rounded Students: Incorporating Intercultural and Global Gateways in Professional & Technical Writing Courses. Two Year College English Association for the Western Region. Las Vegas, Nevada: College of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas.More infoA Report on newly revised professional and technical writing curriculum that focuses on incorporating instruction related to intercultural and global communication, specifically the results of an assignment of in a 300 level business writing course that asks students to research regional global communication styles.
- Rodrigo, R. (2016, April 7). Game Design as Scholarship. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Houston, TX: Conference on College Composition and Communication.
- Rodrigo, R. (2016, January 8). Building to Learn, Learning to Build Learning (Keynote). Exploring Innovation Conference. Glendale, AZ: Glendale Community College.
- Rodrigo, R. (2015, February 19). Lost & Found in a Wonderland of Mobile Learning (Workshop). Wired & Inspired. Las Vegas, NV: Cengage’s Team-Up Professional Development group.
- Rodrigo, R. (2015, February 6). Multimedia-to-Learn. TechTalks. Scottsdale, AZ: Scottsdale Community College.
- Rodrigo, R. (2015, May 29). Moving from Writing-to-Learn to Multimedia-to-Learn: How and Why. Computers & Writing Conference. Stout, MI: Computers & Writing Conference.
- Rodrigo, R., & Bingham-Risher, R. (2015, July 18). Partnering Accreditation Prompted Writing Programs and Academic Writing Programs: Wedded Bliss or Marriage of Convenience?. Council of Writing Program Administrators. Boise, ID: Council of Writing Program Administrators.
- Miller-Cochran, S., & Rodrigo, R. (2014, February). The Persistence of False Dichotomies: Rethinking Approaches to Teaching and Tutoring Research-Based Writing. Southeast Writing Center Association Conference. Greenville, NC: Southeast Writing Center Association Conference.
- Rodrigo, R. (2014, May 2). Resident Feminist: Alice in the Wonderland of So-Lo-Mo Learning. Gender, Bodies & Technology Conference. Blacksburg, VA: Gender, Bodies & Technology Conference.
- Rodrigo, R. (2014, November 14). 'Can You Digg It?' Using Web & Mobile Applications in Teaching Research Processes. Writing Program Guest Speaker. Muncie, IN: Ball State University.More infoEvent included both the presentation "'Can You Digg It?' Using Web & Mobile Applications in Teaching Research Processes" and the workshop "Facilitating and Teaching 21st Century Research Processes"
- Rodrigo, R. (2014, October 11). Introduction to Hacker Pedagogy. Virginia Association of Teachers of English. Williamsburg, VA: Virginia Association of Teachers of English.
- Rodrigo, R. (2014, October 25). Times Are a Changin’: TE@TYC in the 21st Century. TYCA-NorthEast. Baltimore, MD: TYCA-NorthEast.
- Rodrigo, R. (2014, October 9). Converting to Multimodal Assignments: Design, Delivery, & Assessment. Cengage 2014 TeamUp English Composition Conference. Atlanta, GA: Cengage.
- Rodrigo, R., & Romberger, J. (2014, July 18). Actors and Allies: The English Techie Evolve. Conference of the Council of Writing Program Administrator. Normal, IL: Conference of the Council of Writing Program Administrator.
- Miller-Cochran, S., & Rodrigo, R. (2013, March). Using the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing in the Classroom: Why and How. TYCA Southeast. Greenville, SC: TYCA Southeast.
- Rodrigo, R. (2013, August 16). Digging 21st Century Research (Keynote). First Year Writing Program Workshop. University Center, MI: Saginaw Valley State University.
Poster Presentations
- Rodrigo, R. (2023, February). #WPAlife: Using Shared Documents to Digitally Manage a Writing Program. Conference on College Composition & Communication. Chicago, IL: Conference on College Composition & Communication.
- Mitchum, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2020, January). Teaching a Pre-Designed Course. Global Society of Online Literacy Educators. Online: Global Society of Online Literacy Educators.
- Chen, G., Chen, G., Christian, S., Christian, S., Mitchum, C., Mitchum, C., Rodrigo, R., & Rodrigo, R. (2019, October). Student Expectations of and Experiences with Online Writing Instruction (OWI). University of Arizona IT Summit. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
- Mitchum, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2019, April). Available Means for Teaching & Learning: Instructional Design and Technical Communication. Online Learning Consortium, Innovate. Denver, CO: Online Learning Consortium.
- Mitchum, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2019, June). Student Perceptions of ‘Good’ Online Student Characteristics. Computers and Writing. East Lansing, MI.
- Mitchum, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2019, March). Targeted Revisions for Peer Review with Eli Review. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Pittsburgh, PA: Conference on College Composition and Communication.
- Mitchum, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2019, October). Improving Online Presence through Self-Check. University of Arizona IT Summit. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
- Mize, M., & Rodrigo, R. (2019, November). Playing with Tech: Encouraging Students to Explore with Digital Apps. National Council of Teachers of English. Baltimore, MD: National Council of Teachers of English.
- Rodrigo, R., & Mize, M. (2016, November 19). ePortals: Playing with the Design Process for Pedagogical Purposes. National Council of Teachers of English. Atlanta, GA: National Council of Teachers of English.
- Rodrigo, R., & Mize, M. (2016, October 26). Come Train with Us, Forever and Ever: Ongoing Support for Faculty Using E-Portfolios. EDUCAUSE Annual Convention. Anaheim, CA: EDUCAUSE.
- Rodrigo, R., & Mize, M. (2015, March 19). DIY Advising: ePortfolios as Site for Self-Determination. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL: Conference on College Composition and Communication.
- Rodrigo, R., & Mize, M. (2015, November 21). Developing Archival Habits of Mind: Portfolio as Praxis, Process, and Production. National Council of Teachers of English. Minneapolis, MN: National Council of Teachers of English.
- Rodrigo, R., & Reed, S. (2015, March 20). Writing Studies LIFE: Playing Visible and Invisible Professional Development. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL: Conference on College Composition and Communication.
- Rodrigo, R., Mize, M., Draper, D., Yusef, W., & Carl, S. (2015, July 29). Back to the Digital Future: Analyzing UTAUT to Predict Student Usage of ePortfolios. Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning.. Boston, MA: Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning..
- Rodrigo, R., Mize, M., Draper, D., Yusef, W., & Carl, S. (2015, July 29). Raiders of the Lost Archive: Making New Connections from Collections. Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning. Boston, MA: Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning.
- Rodrigo, R., Davies, L., Carter-Tod, S., Capwell Giles, J. C., & Reyes, B. (2024, April). WORKSHOP
“Using Leadership Frameworks to Work through Diversity Scenarios” (with Laura Davies, Sheila Carter-Tod, Janelle Capwell, & Berte Reyes). Conference on College Composition and Communication. Spokane, WA, 3 April 2024. (25%)
. Conference on College Composition and Communication. - Rodrigo, R. (2023, January).
“The Essay’s Future: We Talk to 4 Teachers, 2 Experts, and 1 AI Chatbot.”Greg Toppo. The 74. 19 December 2022.
Reprint “How ChatGPT will reshape the future of the high school essay.” Greg Toppo. Fast Company. 31 January 2023.
. The 74; Fast Company. - Rodrigo, R. (2023, June). INTERVIEW
“Alternate Grading Practices.” Futures in Digital Learning Podcast. 2023. 28 June 2023.
. Futures in Digital Learning Podcast. - Rodrigo, R., Davies, L., Jensen, D., & Jacobson, B. (2023, November).
. Conference on English Leadership.
Reimaging and Restoring Connections between Secondary and College Sites of Writing, a Roundtable” (with Laura Davies, Darin Jensen, & Brad Jacobson). Conference on English Leadership, Columbus, OH, 20, November 2023. - Rodrigo, R. (2022, April). INTERVIEW
“College and High School English Teachers Help Us Better Understand College-Ready Writing and How to Close the Gap.” Kristi Hemingway. EdCuration. 28 April 2022.
. EdCuration. - Rodrigo, R. (2022, July).
“How to Master Needed College Writing Skills.” Jackson Nimesheim. U.S. News & World Report. 18 July 2022.
. U.S. News & World Report. - Rodrigo, R. (2022, March).
“Using Date to Guide Student Nudging.” Tenisha Baca and Beth Eyres. Two Profs in a Pod. 11 March 2022.
. Podcast: Two Profs in a Pod. - Rodrigo, R. (2021, August). Adobe Sign for Education: Voice of the Customer Series, featuring University of Arizona. Voice of the Customer Series, Adobe. https://www.adobeforeducation.com/voice-of-the-customer-series-featuring-university-of-arizonaMore infoInterview
- Rodrigo, R. (2021, July). Roundtable Facilitator: Reimagining student assessment and self-assessment. Adobe for Education Summit.More infoInvited to facilitate conversation.
- Mitchum, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2020, August). Breaking up the Buffet: Writing Teaching Online Tidbits. AASL Graduate Students Blog. https://www.aaal-gsc.org/post/breaking-up-the-buffet-writing-teaching-online-tidbits
- Mittha, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2020, November). How Adobe is empowering students to read and learn more. Adobe Blog. https://blog.adobe.com/en/2020/11/30/how-adobe-empowering-students-to-read-learn-more.html#gs.u6vgthMore infoArticle based on an interview with me.
- Rodrigo, R. (2020, October). An Interview with Dr. Shelley Rodrigo, University of Arizona. Readability Matters Website. https://readabilitymatters.org/articles/interview-dr-shelley-rodrigo-university-of-arizonaMore infoAn article based on an interview with me.
- Rodrigo, R., & Davis, T. M. (2020, July). Digital & Creative Literacies: What, Why, & How. Adobe Education Summit.More infoWorkshop
- Henthrone, J., Mize, M., & Rodrigo, R. (2019, June). Digital Machiavels: Ethically Fostering 21st Century Digital Pedagogy through 20th Century Admin. Conference Workshop at Computers and Writing.
- Mitchum, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2019, March). Facilitating Best Practices for Online Teaching: ‘Online Teaching Behaviors Self-Check.'. Roundtable at Conference on College Composition and Communication.
- Mitchum, C., Parker, C., & Rodrigo, R. (2019, April). Pre-Designed Online Courses: The Good, Bad, and Ugly. Roundtable at Online Learning Consoritum.
- Rodrigo, R. (2019, July). Designing Adobe CC MicroLessons to Share with Faculty & Students: How (a mini-workshop). Adobe Education Leaders Summit.
- Rodrigo, R. (2018, April). Sure, there’s an app for that; however, how do you know it’s working?. Workshop at Online Learning Consortium's Innovations Conference.
- Rodrigo, R. (2018, March). Developing Interactive Online Synchronous Sessions with Google Slides. Teacher-to-Teacher Roundtables at the Conference on College Composition and Communication.
- Rodrigo, R. (2018, October). If I read another bad paper I'll scream!: Alternatives to typical Research and/or Term Papers.. Workshop at the Writing on the Edge Conference.
- Rodrigo, R. (2018, October). Writing Across the Digital Curriculum. Workshop at the Writing on the Edge Conference.
- Rodrigo, R. (2018, September). Surveying-->Knowing-->Serving Students. Roundtable at the Annual Arizona English Teacher's Association conference.
- Rodrigo, R. (2017, October). Let’s Get Meta: Designing Interactive Webinars!. Webinar presented for the Global Society of Online Literacy Educators.
- Rodrigo, R. (2015, November). Algorithms & Pedagogy: Or, Why It Is Difficult to Use Big Pedagogical Data as an Individual Instructor?. MediaCommons: A Digital Scholarly Network. http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/question/what-opportunities-are-available-influence-way-algorithms-are-programmed-written-execute-10
- Rodrigo, R. (2014, August 16). “target=blank.”. Podcast interview for the Plugs, Play, Pedagogy podcast. Ed. Kyle Stedman. http://writingcommons.org/about/blog/entry/setting-up-class-1
- Rodrigo, R. (2014, January). Strategy Guide: Reading on the Go. readwritethink. http://www.readwritethink.org/professional-development/strategy-guides/reading-30999.html
- Rodrigo, R. (2014, October). Remixing the Concept of Author, or Not. MediaCommons: A Digital Scholarly Network. http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/question/how-has-reblogging-and-reblogging-culture-sites-tumblr-and-twitter-complicated-notion-aut-2
- Rodrigo, R. (2013, January). Build it, Throw a Party, then Woo ‘em In. MediaCommons: A Digital Scholarly Network. http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/question/how-do-we-build-digital-cohorts-and-academic-communities/response/build-it-throw-party-then
- Rodrigo, R. (2013, June). Step Right Up, Join the BYOE Circus. MediaCommons: A Digital Scholarly Network. http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/question/what-does-use-digital-teaching-tools-look-classroom/response/step-right-join-byoe-circus
- Rodrigo, R. (2013, October). Open Source Education. Email interview for the Quest: Trends, Teachers & Tips in Quest Based Learning newsletter. http://bit.ly/1mQFQqR