Rachel Elizabeth Gallery
- Professor
- Founding Director, Lovejoy Center for Bridging Biodiversity, Conservation Science and Policy
- Professor, Genetics - GIDP
- Professor, Applied BioSciences - GIDP
- Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP
- Professor, Global Change - GIDP
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 626-4685
- Environment and Natural Res. 2, Rm. N335
- Tucson, AZ 85719
- rgallery@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- B.S. Biology
- American University
Work Experience
- Department of Zoology, University of Oxford (2007 - 2009)
- New Voices National Adacemies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
- National Adacemies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, Spring 2024
- Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Award
- SNRE, Spring 2020
- Fulbright Scholar
- Fulbright, Spring 2019
- David E. Cox Faculty Teaching Award
- CALS, Fall 2017
- Tucson Public Voices Fellowship
- Women’s Foundation of Southern Arizona and The Op Ed Project, Fall 2017
- Outstanding Course (RNR 316)
- SNRE, Spring 2017
- AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Teaching Award
- UA, Fall 2016 (Award Finalist)
- SNRE Outstanding Course
- Spring 2016
- Research Career Development Award
- University of Arizona, CALS, Fall 2015
- Packard Foundation UA Nominee
- Spring 2014 (Award Nominee)
- UA SNRE Outstanding Scholarly Achievement
- Spring 2014
- SNRE Outstanding Course Award (Nominee)
- SNRE, Spring 2013 (Award Nominee)
- UA Institute of the Environment Annual Report
- UA Institute of the Environment Annual Report. "Scratching the (Soil) Surface to Protect Native Plants." http://environment.arizona.edu/files/reports/2013-report.pdf, Spring 2013
- UA News, Faculty Exploratory Research Grant
- "Disturbance, soil biotic communities, and invasibility of Southwestern Grasslands."http://environment.arizona.edu/news/fergs--2012/overview, Fall 2012
- AAAS News
- AAAS News. "Climate scientists cautiously hopeful after a day of Congressional visits."http://www.aaas.org/news/releases/2011/0302am_climate_day.shtml, Spring 2011
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Nat Resources-Ecology
RNR 316 (Spring 2025) -
Phy Aspects Of Arid Land
ARL 565 (Fall 2024) -
Phy Aspects Of Arid Land
GEOG 565 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Careers in Conservation
RNR 195A (Spring 2024) -
Nat Resources-Ecology
RNR 316 (Spring 2024) -
Careers in Conservation
RNR 195A (Fall 2023) -
Nat Resources-Ecology
RNR 316 (Fall 2023) -
Natural Resources Seminr
RNR 496B (Fall 2023) -
RNR 910 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
RNR 393 (Summer I 2023) -
Careers in Conservation
RNR 195A (Spring 2023) -
Directed Research
RNR 392 (Spring 2023) -
RNR 493 (Spring 2023) -
Careers in Conservation
RNR 195A (Fall 2022) -
RNR 493 (Fall 2022) -
Nat Resources-Ecology
RNR 316 (Fall 2022) -
Natural Resources Seminr
RNR 496B (Fall 2022) -
Phy Aspects Of Arid Land
ARL 565 (Fall 2022) -
Renewable Nat Resources
RNR 696A (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Independent Study
RNR 399 (Summer I 2022) -
RNR 493 (Summer I 2022) -
Careers in Conservation
RNR 195A (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
RNR 399 (Spring 2022) -
RNR 493 (Spring 2022) -
Nat Resources-Ecology
RNR 316 (Spring 2022) -
Careers in Conservation
RNR 195A (Fall 2021) -
ENVS 920 (Fall 2021) -
Nat Resources-Ecology
RNR 316 (Fall 2021) -
Natural Resources Seminr
RNR 496B (Fall 2021) -
Rsrch Ecology+Evolution
ECOL 610A (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
RNR 493 (Summer I 2021) -
Careers in Conservation
RNR 195A (Spring 2021) -
ENVS 920 (Spring 2021) -
Careers in Conservation
RNR 195A (Fall 2020) -
ENVS 920 (Fall 2020) -
RNR 920 (Fall 2020) -
Nat Resources-Ecology
RNR 316 (Fall 2020) -
Phy Aspects Of Arid Land
ARL 565 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
ENVS 920 (Spring 2020) -
RNR 920 (Spring 2020) -
ENVS 920 (Fall 2019) -
RNR 920 (Fall 2019) -
Nat Resources-Ecology
RNR 316 (Fall 2019) -
Natural Resources Seminr
RNR 496B (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Directed Research
ECOL 492 (Spring 2019) -
ENVS 920 (Spring 2019) -
RNR 920 (Spring 2019) -
Directed Research
ECOL 492 (Fall 2018) -
Directed Research
RNR 492 (Fall 2018) -
ENVS 920 (Fall 2018) -
RNR 920 (Fall 2018) -
RNR 493 (Fall 2018) -
Nat Resources-Ecology
RNR 316 (Fall 2018) -
Natural Resources Seminr
RNR 496B (Fall 2018) -
Phy Aspects Of Arid Land
ARL 565 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Directed Research
RNR 492 (Spring 2018) -
RNR 920 (Spring 2018) -
Ecosystem Ecology
RNR 458 (Spring 2018) -
Ecosystem Ecology
RNR 558 (Spring 2018) -
Natural Resources Seminr
RNR 496B (Spring 2018) -
ENVS 920 (Fall 2017) -
RNR 920 (Fall 2017) -
RNR 493 (Fall 2017) -
Nat Resources-Ecology
RNR 316 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
RNR 920 (Spring 2017) -
Ecosystem Ecology
RNR 458 (Spring 2017) -
Ecosystem Ecology
RNR 558 (Spring 2017) -
RNR 920 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
RNR 499 (Fall 2016) -
Independent Study
RNR 599 (Fall 2016) -
Nat Resources-Ecology
RNR 316 (Fall 2016) -
Phy Aspects Of Arid Land
ARL 565 (Fall 2016) -
Phy Aspects Of Arid Land
GEOG 565 (Fall 2016) -
Renewable Nat Resources
RNR 696A (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
RNR 920 (Spring 2016) -
Ecosystem Ecology
RNR 458 (Spring 2016) -
Ecosystem Ecology
RNR 558 (Spring 2016) -
Natural Resources Seminr
RNR 496B (Spring 2016) -
Renewable Nat Resources
RNR 696A (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Gallery, R. E. (2014). Ecology of Tropical Rainforests. In The Plant Sciences - Ecology and the Environment. Springer.
- Gallery, R. E. (2014). Ecology of Tropical Rain Forests. In Ecology and the Environment(pp 247--272). Springer New York.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015). Ecology of Plants in Tropical Rainforests. In The Plant Sciences - Ecology and the Environment. Springer.
- Farella, M., Barnes, M., Breshears, D. D., Mitchell, J., Van Leeuwen, W. J., & Gallery, R. E. (2021). Evaluation of vegetation indices and imaging spectroscopy to estimate foliar nitrogen across disparate biomes. Ecosphere, in press.
- Lasso, E., & Gallery, R. E. (2021). Homeostatic Response to Three Years of Experimental Warming Suggests High Intrinsic Natural Resistance in the Páramos to Warming in the Short Term.. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. doi:doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.615006
- Dove, N., Billings, S., Botthoff, J., Carey, C., Cisco, C., DeForest, J., Fairbanks, D., Fierer, N., Gallery, R. E., & al, e. (2020). Continental-scale patterns of extracellular enzyme activity in the subsoil: An overlooked reservoir of microbial activity.. Environmental Research Letters. doi:doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abb0b3
- Espinosa, N. J., Moore, D. J., Rasmussen, C., Fehmi, J. S., & Gallery, R. E. (2020). Woodchip and biochar amendments differentially influence microbial responses, but do not enhance plant recovery in disturbed semiarid soils. Restoration Ecology.
- Fairbanks, D., Shepard, C., Murphy, M., Rasmussen, C., Chorover, J. D., Rich, V., & Gallery, R. E. (2020). Depth and topographic controls on microbial activity in a recently burned sub-alpine catchment.. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107844
- Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., & Gallery, R. E. (2020). Biochar and woodchip amendments alter restoration outcomes, microbial processes, and soil moisture in a simulated semi-arid ecosystem. Restoration Ecology.
- Gallery, R. E., Breshears, D. D., & Farella, M. M. (2020). Predicting drivers of collective soil function with woody plant encroachment in complex landscapes.. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125, e2020JG005838.
- Gallery, R. E., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., Moore, D. J., & Espinosa, N. (2020). Woodchip and biochar amendments elicit different microbial responses and revegetation success in semi-arid ecosystem soils. Restoration Ecology.
- Gallery, R. E., Rasmussen, C., & Fehmi, J. S. (2020). Biochar and woodchip amendments alter restoration outcomes, microbial processes, and soil moisture in a simulated semi-arid ecosystem. Restoration Ecology.
- Kariuki, S., Gallery, R. E., Sparks, J. P., Gimblett, R., & McClaran, M. P. (2020). Soil microbial activity is resistant to recreational camping disturbance in a Prosopis dominated semiarid savanna. Applied Soil Ecology, 147, 103424.
- Mcclaran, M. P., Gimblett, H. R., Sparks, J., Gallery, R. E., & Kariuki, S. (2020). Soil microbial activity is resistant to recreational camping disturbance in a Prosopis dominated semiarid savanna.. Applied Soil Ecology.
- Arnold, A. E., Gallery, R. E., Garber, N. P., Uren, J. M., Mannan, R. W., & Taylor, M. (2018). Age-related variation in the oral microbiome of urban Cooper's hawks (Accipiter cooperii). BMC Microbiology.
- Brewer, T. E., Aronson, E. L., Arogyaswamy, K., Billings, S. A., Botthoff, J. K., Campbell, A. N., Dove, N. C., Fairbanks, D., Gallery, R. E., Hart, S. C., & others, . (2019). Ecological and genomic attributes of novel bacterial taxa that thrive in subsurface soil horizons. MBio, 10(5), e01318--19.
- Brewer, T., Aronson, E., Arogyaswamy, K., Billings, S., Botthoff, J., Campbell, A., Dove, N., Fairbanks, D., Gallery, R. E., & al, e. (2019). Ecological and genomic attributes of novel bacterial taxa that thrive in subsurface soil horizons.. mBio. doi:10:e01318-19
- Docherty, K., Borton, H., Espinosa, E., Frost, G., Gebhardt, M., Gil-Loaiza, J., Gutknecht, J., Maes, P., Mott, B., Rodrigues, P., Walser, O., & Gallery, R. E. (2015). Key edaphic properties largely explain temporal and geographic variation in soil microbial communities across four biomes.. PLOS ONE.
- Espinosa, N. J., Moore, D. J., Rasmussen, C., Fehmi, J. S., & Gallery, R. E. (2019). Buried woodchips or biochar as a means of soil productivity and carbon restoration: Effects on microbial activities, soil carbon cycling and plant cover in a semiarid ecosystem. AGUFM, 2019, B21J--2332.
- Gallery, R. E., Dietze, M. C., Cobb, N. S., Breshears, D. D., Wion, A., Carroll, C. J., Meneses, N., Field, J. P., Law, D. J., & Redmond, M. D. (2019). Targeting extreme events: Complementing near-term ecological forecasting with rapid experiments and regional surveys.. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7(183).
- Gallery, R. E., U'Ren, J., Curiel Yuste, J., & Lasso, E. (2019). Community and Functional Traits of Plants and Soil Microbes Change with Experimental Warming in Andean Alpine Ecosystems (Paramo), Soil Fluxes Do Not. AGUFM, 2019, B51G--2324.
- Gebhardt, M., & Gallery, R. E. (2019). Modeling soil nutrients, microbial biomass, and soil activity in areas undergoing woody shrub encroachment. AGUFM, 2019, B13E--2549.
- Lybrand, R. A., Austin, J. C., Fedenko, J., Gallery, R. E., Rooney, E., Schroeder, P. A., Zaharescu, D. G., & Qafoku, O. (2019). A coupled microscopy approach to assess the nano-landscape of weathering. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1--14.
- Lybrand, R., Austin, J., Chu, R. K., Qafoku, O., Resch, T., Rooney, E., Schroeder, P. A., Tfaily, M. M., Toyoda, J., Shutthanandan, V., & others, . (2019). Identifying the organic and inorganic products of incipient weathering in natural environments. AGUFM, 2019, B34B--04.
- Moore, D. J., Trahan, N. A., Gallery, R. E., & Lybrand, R. (2017). Disturbance alters the relative importance of topographic and biogeochemical controls on microbial activity in temperate montane forests. Forests.
- Qafoku, O., Lybrand, R. A., Shutthanandan, V., Gallery, R. E., Austin, J. C., Schroeder, P. A., Fedenko, J., Rooney, E., & Zaharescu, D. G. (2019). A Correlative Bimodal Surface Imaging Method to Assess Hyphae-Rock Interactions.. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 2436--2437.
- Rasmussen, C., Gallery, R. E., & Fehmi, J. S. (2015). Passive soil heating using an inexpensive infrared mirror design – a proof of concept.. SOIL, 631-639. doi:doi:10.5194/soil-1-631-2015
- Rebecca, L., Gallery, R. E., Nicole, T., & Moore, D. J. (2017). Topographic and geochemical controls on microbial activity in undisturbed and disturbed forests.. Forests.
- Redmond, M. D., Law, D. J., Field, J. P., Meneses, N., Carroll, C. J., Wion, A. P., Breshears, D. D., Cobb, N. S., Dietze, M. C., & Gallery, R. E. (2019). Targeting Extreme Events: Complementing Near-Term Ecological Forecasting With Rapid Experiments and Regional Surveys. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7, 183.
- Shaffer, J. P., U'Ren, J. M., Baltrus, D. A., Gallery, R. E., & Arnold, A. E. (2016). An endohyphal bacterium (Chitinophaga, Bacteroidetes) influences carbon source use by Fusarium keratoplasticum (F. solani species complex, Nectriaceae). Frontiers in Microbiology, In revision.
- Taylor, M. J., Mannan, R. W., U’Ren, J. M., Garber, N. P., Gallery, R. E., & Arnold, A. E. (2019). Age-related variation in the oral microbiome of urban Cooper’s hawks (Accipiter cooperii). BMC microbiology, 19(1), 47.
- Arnold, A. E., Baltrus, D. A., Davis, A. S., Dalling, J. W., Gallery, R. E., Sarmiento, C., Zalamea, P., & Justin, S. P. (2018). Context-dependent and variable effects of endohyphal bacteria on interactions between fungi and seeds. Fungal Ecology, 36, 117-127. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2018.08.008
- Docherty, K., Gallery, R., Blevins, K., Travers, P., & Kao, R. H. (2018). Continental Scaling of Bacterial, Archaeal and Fungal Communities: Preliminary Results from the NEON Soil Microbe Prototype.
- Eagle, V. A., Espinosa, N. J., & Gallery, R. E. (2018). Community Level Physiological Profiling: Microbial Responses to Experimental Warming in Semiarid Soils. AGUFM, 2018, B33O--2893.
- Lybrand, R. A., Gallery, R. E., Trahan, N. A., & Moore, D. J. (2018). Disturbance alters the relative importance of topographic and biogeochemical controls on microbial activity in temperate montane forests. Forests, 9(2), 97.
- Shaffer, J. P., UâRen, J. M., Gallery, R. E., Baltrus, D. A., & Elizabeth, A. (2018). Supplementary Material An Endohyphal Bacterium (Chitinophaga, Bacteroidetes) Alters Carbon Source Use by Fusarium keratoplasticum (F. solani species complex, Nectriaceae).
- Shaffer, J. P., Zalamea, P., Sarmiento, C., Gallery, R. E., Dalling, J. W., Davis, A. S., Baltrus, D. A., & Arnold, A. E. (2018). Context-dependent and variable effects of endohyphal bacteria on interactions between fungi and seeds. Fungal Ecology, 36, 117--127.
- Araldi-Brondolo, S. J., Spraker, J., Shaffer, J. P., Woytenko, E. H., Baltrus, D. A., Gallery, R. E., & Arnold, A. E. (2017). Bacterial Endosymbionts: Master Modulators of Fungal Phenotypes.. Microbiology spectrum, 5(5).
- Araldi-Brondolo, S. J., Spraker, J., Shaffer, J. P., Woytenko, E. H., Baltrus, D. A., Gallery, R. E., & Arnold, A. E. (2017). Bacterial endosymbionts: master modulators of fungal phenotypes. The Fungal Kingdom, 981--1004.
- Gallery, R. E., & Lasso, E. (2017). Soil microbial responses to climate warming in Northern Andean alpine ecosystems. AGUFM, 2017, B53I--04.
- Gebhardt, M., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., & Gallery, R. E. (2017). Soil amendments alter plant biomass and soil microbial activity in a semi-desert grassland. Plant and soil, 419(1-2), 53--70.
- Shaffer, J. P., U'Ren, J. M., Gallery, R. E., Baltrus, D. A., & Arnold, A. E. (2017). An endohyphal bacterium (Chitinophaga, Bacteroidetes) alters carbon source use by Fusarium keratoplasticum (F. solani species complex, Nectriaceae). Frontiers in microbiology, 8, 350.
- Shaffer, J. P., Sarmiento, C., Zalamea, P., Gallery, R. E., Davis, A. S., Baltrus, D. A., & Arnold, A. E. (2016). Diversity, specificity, and phylogenetic relationships of endohyphal bacteria in fungi that inhabit tropical seeds and leaves. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 116.
- Shaffer, J. P., Sarmiento, C., Zalamea, P., Gallery, R. E., Davis, A. S., Baltrus, D. A., Arnold, A. E., Shaffer, J. P., Sarmiento, C., Zalamea, P., Gallery, R. E., Davis, A. S., Baltrus, D. A., & Arnold, A. E. (2016). Diversity, Specificity, and Phylogenetic Relationships of Endohyphal Bacteria in Fungi that Inhabit Tropical Seeds and Leaves. Frontiers Ecology and Evolution. doi:https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2016.00116
- Docherty, K. M., Borton, H. M., Espinosa, N., Gebhardt, M., Gil-Loaiza, J., Gutknecht, J. L., Maes, P. W., Mott, B. M., Parnell, J. J., Purdy, G., & others, . (2015). Key edaphic properties largely explain temporal and geographic variation in soil microbial communities across four biomes. PLoS One, 10(11).
- Docherty, K. M., Borton, H. M., Espinosa, N., Gebhardt, M., Gil-Loaiza, J., Gutknecht, J. L., Maes, P. W., Mott, B. M., Parnell, J. J., Purdy, G., & others, . (2015). Key edaphic properties largely explain temporal and geographic variation in soil microbial communities across four biomes. PloS one, 10(11), e0135352.
- Fairbanks, D., Green, K., Murphy, M. A., Shepard, C., Chorover, J., Rich, V. I., & Gallery, R. E. (2015). Effects of redox fluctuations on microbial community ecology post-wildfire in a high elevation mixed-conifer catchment in northern New Mexico.. AGUFM, 2015, B23C--0627.
- Field, J. P., Breshears, D. D., Law, D. J., Villegas, J. C., L'opez-Hoffman, L., Brooks, P. D., Chorover, J., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Gallery, R. E., Litvak, M. E., & others, . (2015). Critical Zone services: Expanding context, constraints, and currency beyond ecosystem services. Vadose Zone Journal, 14(1).
- Field, J. P., Breshears, D. D., Law, D. J., Villegas, J. C., Lopez-Hoffman, L., Brooks, P. D., Chorover, J., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Gallery, R. E., Litvak, M. E., & others, . (2015). Critical zone services. Vadose Zone Journal, 14(1).
- Field, J. P., Breshears, D. D., Law, D. J., Villegas, J. C., Lopez-Hoffman, L., Brooks, P. D., Chorover, J., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Gallery, R. E., Litvak, M. E., Lybrand, R. A., McIntosh, J. C., Meixner, T., Niu, G., Papuga, S. A., Pelletier, J. D., Rasmussen, C. R., & Troch, P. A. (2015). Critical Zone Services: Expanding Context, Constraints, and Currency beyond Ecosystem Services. VADOSE ZONE JOURNAL, 14(1).
- Field, J. P., Field, J. P., Breshears, D. D., Breshears, D. D., Law, D. J., Law, D. J., Villegas, j. C., Lopez Hoffman, L. -., Brooks, P. D., Lopez Hoffman, L. -., Chorover, J., Brooks, P. D., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Chorover, J., Gallery, R. E., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Gallery, R. E., Litvak, M. E., Litvak, M. E., , Lybrand, R., et al. (2015). Critical zone services: Expanding context, constraints, and curency beyond ecosystem services.. Vadose Zone Journal, 1-7.
- Gebhardt, M., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., & Gallery, R. E. (2015). Soil degradation and amendment effects on soil properties, microbial communities, and plant growth. AGUFM, 2015, B23C--0611.
- Gilbert, J. A., Meyer, F., Jansson, J., Gordon, J., Pace, N., Tiedje, J., Ley, R., Fierer, N., Field, D., Kyrpides, N., Gloeckner, F., Klenk, H., Wommack, K. E., Glass, E., Docherty, K., Gallery, R., Stevens, R., & Knight, R. (2015). The Earth Microbiome Project: Meeting report of the "1st EMP meeting on sample selection and acquisition" at Argonne National Laboratory October 6(th) 2010.. STANDARDS IN GENOMIC SCIENCES, 3(3), 249-253.
- Rasmussen, C., Gallery, R. E., & Fehmi, J. S. (2015). Passive soil heating using an inexpensive infrared mirror design – a proof of concept. Soil, 1, 631-639. doi:10.5194/soil-1-631-2015
- Rasmussen, C., Gallery, R. E., & Fehmi, J. S. (2015). Passive soil heating using an inexpensive infrared mirror design--a proof of concept. Soil, 1(2), 631.
- Rocca-Serra, P., Walls, R., Parnell, J., Gallery, R. E., Zheng, J., Sansone, S., & Gonzalez-Beltran, A. (2015). Modeling a microbial community and biodiversity assay with OBO Foundry ontologies: the interoperability gains of a modular approach. Database : the journal of biological databases and curation, 2015.More infoThe advent of affordable sequencing technology provides for a new generation of explorers who probe the world's microbial diversity. Projects such as Tara Oceans, Moorea Biocode Project and Gut Microbiome rely on sequencing technologies to probe community diversity. Either targeted gene surveys (also known as community surveys) or complete metagenomes are evaluated. The former, being the less costly of the two methods, relies on the identification of specific genomic regions, which can be used as a proxy to estimate genetic distance between related species in a Phylum. For instance, 16 S ribosomal RNA gene surveys are used to probe bacterial communities while internal transcribed spacer surveys, for example, can be used for probing fungal communities. With the explosion of projects and frenzy to explore new domains of life, scientists in the field have issued guidelines to report minimal information (following a checklist), ensuring that information is contextualized in a meaningful way. Yet the semantics of a checklist are not explicit. We demonstrate here how a tabular template can be used to collect information on microbial diversity using an explicit representation in the Resource Description Framework that is consistent with community agreed-upon knowledge representation patterns found in the Ontology for Biomedical Investigations.
- Rocca-Serra, P., Walls, R., Parnell, J., Gallery, R., Zheng, J., Sansone, S., & Gonzalez-Beltran, A. (2015). Modeling a microbial community and biodiversity assay with OBO Foundry ontologies: the interoperability gains of a modular approach. DATABASE-THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL DATABASES AND CURATION.
- Rocca-Serra, P., Walls, R., Parnell, J., Gallery, R., Zheng, J., Sansone, S., & Gonzalez-Beltran, A. (2015). Modeling a microbial community and biodiversity assay with OBO Foundry ontologies: the interoperability gains of a modular approach. Database, 2015.
- Bagchi, R., Gallery, R. E., Gripenberg, S., Gurr, S. J., Narayan, L., Addis, C. E., Freckleton, R. P., & Lewis, O. T. (2014). Pathogens and insect herbivores drive rainforest plant diversity and composition. Nature, 506(7486), 85--88.
- Bagchi, R., Gallery, R. E., Gripenberg, S., Gurr, S. J., Narayan, L., Addis, C. E., Freckleton, R. P., & Lewis, O. T. (2014). Pathogens and insect herbivores drive rainforest plant diversity and composition. Nature, 506(7486), 85.
- Field, J. P., Breshears, D. D., Law, D. J., Villegas, J., Lopez Hoffman, L. -., Brooks, P. D., Chorover, J., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Gallery, R. E., Litvak, M. E., Lybrand, R., Mcintosh, J. C., Meixner, T. -., Niu, Y. -., Papuga, S. A., Pelletier, J. D., Rasmussen, C. -., & Troch, P. A. (2014). Critical Zone Services: Expanding Context, Constraints, and Currency beyond Ecosystem Services. Vadose Zone Journal.
- Gallery, R. E. (2014). Ecology of tropical rain forests. Ecology and the Environment, 1--22.
- Gripenberg, S., Bagchi, R., Gallery, R. E., Freckleton, R. P., Narayan, L., & Lewis, O. T. (2014). Testing for enemy-mediated density-dependence in the mortality of seedlings: field experiments with five Neotropical tree species. Oikos, 123(2), 185--193.
- Kluger, C. G., Dalling, J. W., Gallery, R. E., Sanchez, E., Weeks-Galindo, C., & Arnold, A. E. (2014). Host generalists dominate fungal communities associated with seeds of four neotropical pioneer species. JOURNAL OF TROPICAL ECOLOGY, 24, 351-354.
- Gripenberg, S., Bagchi, R., Gallery, R., Freckleton, R., Narayan, L., & Lewis, O. (2012). Insects and plant pathogens as agents of density-dependent seedling mortality: Field experiments with five Neotropical tree species. Oikos.
- Kao, R. H., Gibson, C. M., Gallery, R. E., Meier, C. L., Barnett, D. T., Docherty, K. M., Blevins, K. K., Travers, P. D., Azuaje, E., Springer, Y. P., & others, . (2012). NEON terrestrial field observations: designing continental-scale, standardized sampling. Ecosphere, 3(12), 1--17.
- Kao, R., Gibson, C., Gallery, R., Meier, C., Barnett, D., Docherty, K., Blevins, K., Travers, P., Azuaje, E., Springer, Y., Thibault, K., McKenzie, V., Keller, M., Alves, L., Hinckley, E., Parnell, J., & Schimel, D. (2012). NEON terrestrial field observations: designing continental-scale, standardized sampling. Ecosphere.More infohttp://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES12-00196.1
- Yilmaz, P., Kottmann, R., Field, D., Knight, R., Cole, J. R., Amaral-Zettler, L., Gilbert, J. A., Karsch-Mizrachi, I., Johnston, A., Cochrane, G., Vaughan, R., Hunter, C., Park, J., Morrison, N., Rocca-Serra, P., Sterk, P., Arumugam, M., Bailey, M., Baumgartner, L., , Birren, B. W., et al. (2012). Minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications. NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY, 29(5), 415-420.
- Kao, R. H., Gibson, C. M., Gallery, R. E., Meier, C. L., Barnett, D. T., Docherty, K. M., Blevins, K. K., Travers, P. D., Azuaje, E., Springer, Y. P., Thibault, K. M., Mckenzie, V. J., Keller, M., Alves, L. F., Hinckley, E. S., Parnell, J., & Schimel, D. (2011). NEON terrestrial field observations: designing continental-scale, standardized sampling. ECOSPHERE, 3(12).
- Yilmaz, P. (2011). The" minimum information about an environmental sequence"(MIENS) specification.
- Yilmaz, P., Kottmann, R., Field, D., Knight, R., Cole, J. R., Amaral-Zettler, L., Gilbert, J. A., Karsch-Mizrachi, I., Johnston, A., Cochrane, G., & others, . (2011). Minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications. Nature biotechnology, 29(5), 415.
- Yilmaz, P., Kottmann, R., Field, D., Knight, R., Cole, J. R., Amaral-Zettler, L., Gilbert, J. A., Karsch-Mizrachi, I., Johnston, A., Cochrane, G., Vaughan, R., Hunter, C., Park, J., Morrison, N., Rocca-Serra, P., Sterk, P., Arumugam, M., Bailey, M., Baumgartner, L., , Birren, B. W., et al. (2011). Minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications. Nature Biotechnology, 29(5), 415-420.More infoPMID: 21552244;PMCID: PMC3367316;Abstract: Here we present a standard developed by the Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC) for reporting marker gene sequences-the minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS). We also introduce a system for describing the environment from which a biological sample originates. The 'environmental packages' apply to any genome sequence of known origin and can be used in combination with MIMARKS and other GSC checklists. Finally, to establish a unified standard for describing sequence data and to provide a single point of entry for the scientific community to access and learn about GSC checklists, we present the minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS). Adoption of MIxS will enhance our ability to analyze natural genetic diversity documented by massive DNA sequencing efforts from myriad ecosystems in our ever-changing biosphere.
- Yilmaz, P., Kottmann, R., Field, D., Knight, R., Cole, J., Amaral-Zettler, L., Gilbert, J., Karsch, M. I., Johnston, A., Cochrane, G., Vaughan, R., Hunter, C., Park, J., Morrison, N., Rocca-Serra, P., Sterk, P., Arumugam, M., Blaser, M., Bork, P., , Chain, P., et al. (2011). Minimum Information about a MARKer gene Sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about and (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications. Nature Biotechnology, 29, 415-420.
- Bagchi, R., Swinfield, T., Gallery, R. E., Lewis, O. T., Gripenberg, S., Narayan, L., & Freckleton, R. P. (2010). Testing the Janzen-Connell mechanism: Pathogens cause overcompensating density dependence in a tropical tree. Ecology Letters, 13(10), 1262-1269.More infoPMID: 20718845;Abstract: Ecology Letters (2010)The Janzen-Connell hypothesis is a leading explanation for plant-species diversity in tropical forests. It suggests that specialized natural enemies decrease offspring survival at high densities beneath parents, giving locally rarer species an advantage. This mechanism, in its original form, assumes that density dependence is overcompensating: mortality must be disproportionately high at the highest densities, with few offspring recruiting below their parents. We tested this assumption using parallel shadehouse and field density-series experiments on seedlings of a tropical tree, Pleradenophora longicuspis. We found strong, overcompensating mortality driven by fungal pathogens, causing 90% (shadehouse) or 100% (field) mortality within 4 weeks of germination, and generating a negative relationship between initial and final seedling densities. Fungicide treatment led to much lower, density-independent, mortality. Overcompensating mortality was extremely rapid, and could be missed without detailed monitoring. Such dynamics may prevent dead trees from being replaced by conspecifics, promoting coexistence as envisioned by the Janzen-Connell hypothesis. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/CNRS.
- Bagchi, R., Swinfield, T., Gallery, R. E., Lewis, O. T., Gripenberg, S., Narayan, L., & Freckleton, R. P. (2010). Testing the Janzen-Connell mechanism: pathogens cause overcompensating density dependence in a tropical tree. Ecology letters, 13(10), 1262--1269.
- Docherty, K. M., Borton, H. M., Espinosa, N., Gebhardt, M., Gil-Loaiza, J., Gutknecht, J. L., Maes, P. W., Mott, B. M., Parnell, J. J., Purdy, G., Rodrigues, P. A., Stanish, L. F., Walser, O. N., & Gallery, R. E. (2010). Key Edaphic Properties Largely Explain Temporal and Geographic Variation in Soil Microbial Communities across Four Biomes. PLOS ONE, 10(11).
- Gallery, R. E., J., D., & Dalling, J. W. (2010). Interspecific variation in susceptibility to fungal pathogens in seeds of 10 tree species in the neotropical genus Cecropia. Journal of Ecology, 98(1), 147-155.More infoAbstract: 1. Species differences in susceptibility to pathogens acting at early life history stages may strongly influence the abundance and distribution of tropical trees. Here, we test the susceptibility of 10 congeners of the pioneer genus Cecropia to fungal seed and seedling pathogens and compare interspecific differences in intrinsic seed defences with survival. 2. Pathogens were experimentally removed through fungicide addition and/or autoclave sterilization of forest soil to determine the relative importance of fungal versus other microbial pathogens. Treatments were applied during a 4-month seed incubation (pre-emergence) phase or during an 8-week germination phase to distinguish between seed and seedling mortality. 3. Overall, seedling emergence after incubation in fungicide-treated, autoclaved soil was twice that in live soil, with significant positive effects of fungicide for six of 10 species. Pathogen infection occurred while seeds were quiescent in soil; fungicide addition during germination had no effect on emergence. Seedling emergence after burial ranged from 6 to 58%, indicating large interspecific variation in the capacity for Cecropia seeds to persist in the seed bank. Neither interspecific variation in survivorship, nor the relative strength of fungicide effects on survivorship was correlated with seed defence traits. 4. For four species, measurements of fungicide effects on emergence were coupled with direct measurements of the fungal and bacterial infection of seeds and seedlings. For two species, fungicide addition resulted in lower fungal infection rates and higher emergence success. However, Cecropia peltata, the species with the highest overall emergence success, also had the highest fungal infection rate. This suggests that either C. peltata was infected by a different suite of fungi than other congeners, or that fungi had low pathogenicity when colonizing this host species. 5. Synthesis. Our study shows strong interspecific variation in seed survival and susceptibility to fungal infection among congeneric tree species with similar life history. These differences are likely to influence recruitment success from the soil seed bank and may play a role in species coexistence. © 2009 British Ecological Society.
- Gallery, R. E., Moore, D. J., & Dalling, J. W. (2010). Interspecific variation in susceptibility to fungal pathogens in seeds of 10 tree species in the neotropical genus Cecropia. Journal of Ecology, 98(1), 147--155.
- Gilbert, J. A., Meyer, F., Jansson, J., Gordon, J., Pace, N., Tiedje, J., Ley, R., Fierer, N., Field, D., Kyrpides, N., & others, . (2010). The earth microbiome project: meeting report of the “1 st EMP meeting on sample selection and acquisition” at Argonne National Laboratory October 6 th 2010. Standards in genomic sciences, 3(3), 249.
- Gilbert, J. A., Meyer, F., Jansson, J., Gordon, J., Pace, N., Tiedje, J., Ley, R., Fierer, N., Field, D., Kyrpides, N., Glöckner, F., Klenk, H., Wommack, K. E., Glass, E., Docherty, K., Gallery, R., Stevens, R., & Knight, R. (2010). The earth microbiome project: Meeting report of the "1 st EMP meeting on sample selection and acquisition" at Argonne National Laboratory October 6 th 2010. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 3(3), 249-253.More infoPMID: 21304728;PMCID: PMC3035312;Abstract: This report details the outcome the first meeting of the Earth Microbiome Project to discuss sample selection and acquisition. The meeting, held at the Argonne National Laboratory on Wednesday October 6 th 2010, focused on discussion of how to prioritize environmental samples for sequencing and metagenomic analysis as part of the global effort of the EMP to systematically determine the functional and phylogenetic diversity of microbial communities across the world.
- Gripenberg, S., Bagchi, R., Gallery, R. E., Freckleton, R. P., Narayan, L., & Lewis, O. T. (2010). Testing for enemy-mediated density-dependence in the mortality of seedlings: field experiments with five Neotropical tree species. OIKOS, 123(2), 185-193.
- Sanchez, E., Gallery, R., & Dalling, J. W. (2010). Importance of nurse logs as a substrate for the regeneration of pioneer tree species on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. JOURNAL OF TROPICAL ECOLOGY, 25, 429-437.
- Sterk, P., Gordon, J., White, O., Johnston, A., Nakielny, S., Weinstock, G., Arumugam, M., Guralnick, R., Neufeld, J., Wilke, A., & others, . (2010). The “minimum information about an environmental sequence”(MIENS) specification. Nature Precedings, 1--1.
- Bagchi, R., Gallery, R. E., Gripenberg, S., Gurr, S. J., Narayan, L., Addis, C. E., Freckleton, R. P., & Lewis, O. T. (2009). Pathogens and insect herbivores drive rainforest plant diversity and composition. NATURE, 506(7486), 85-+.
- Gallery, R. E., Dalling, J. W., & Arnold, A. E. (2009). Diversity, host affinity, and distribution of seed-infecting fungi: A case study with Cecropia. ECOLOGY, 88(3), 582-588.
- Sanchez, E., Gallery, R., & Dalling, J. W. (2009). Importance of nurse logs as a substrate for the regeneration of pioneer tree species on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 25(4), 429--437.
- U'ren, J. M., Dalling, J. W., Gallery, R. E., Maddison, D. R., Davis, E. C., Gibson, C. M., & Arnold, A. E. (2009). Diversity and evolutionary origins of fungi associated with seeds of a neotropical pioneer tree: a case study for analysing fungal environmental samples. mycological research, 113(4), 432--449.
- Gallery, R. E., Moore, D. J., & Dalling, J. W. (2008). Interspecific variation in susceptibility to fungal pathogens in seeds of 10 tree species in the neotropical genus Cecropia. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 98(1), 147-155.
- Kluger, C. G., Dalling, J. W., Gallery, R. E., Sanchez, E., Weeks-Galindo, C., & Arnold, A. E. (2008). Host generalists dominate fungal communities associated with seeds of four neotropical pioneer species. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 24(3), 351--354.
- Gallery, R. E., Dalling, J. W., & Arnold, A. E. (2007). Diversity, host affinity, and distribution of seed-infecting fungi: a case study with Cecropia. Ecology, 88(3), 582--588.
- Gallery, R. E., Dalling, J. W., Wolfe, B. T., & Arnold, A. E. (2007). The influence of seed source, habitat and fungi on Cecropia seed survival in two Neotropical forests. Theory and its seed dispersal, application in a changing world. CABI Press, Wallingford, UK, 479--498.
- U'ren, J. M., Dalling, J. W., Gallery, R. E., Maddison, D. R., Davis, E. C., Gibson, C. M., & Arnold, A. E. (2007). Diversity and evolutionary origins of fungi associated with seeds of a neotropical pioneer tree: a case study for analysing fungal environmental samples. MYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 113, 432-449.
- Husband, R., Herre, E. A., Turner, S. L., Gallery, R., & Young, J. (2002). Molecular diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and patterns of host association over time and space in a tropical forest. Molecular Ecology, 11(12), 2669--2678.
Proceedings Publications
- Espinosa, N. J., Gebhardt, M., Fairbanks, D., & Gallery, R. E. (2019). Microbes in Terrestrial Biogeochemical Cycles: Linking Processes to Ecosystem Function and Environmental Change I. In AGU Fall Meeting 2019.
- Espinosa, N., Moore, D. J., Berryman, E., & Gallery, R. E. (2019). Changes in Microbial Communities and Biogeochemistry Along a 20-Year Chronosequence of Fire History.. In SSSA International Soils Meeting.
- Lasso, E., Gallery, R., Garz'on-L'opez, C., & Curiel-Yuste, J. (2019). Homeostatic response of carbon exchange related process to experimental warming in tropical alpine ecosystems (Paramos) of the Northern Andes.. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21.
- Lybrand, R., Zaharescu, G. D., Austin, J., China, S., Gallery, R. E., Schroeder, P. A., Veghte, D., & Qafoku, O. (2019). Ice Formation and Microbes: A Microscale Perspective on Interactive Biophysical Weathering Agents in the Critical Zone. In ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2019).
- Espinosa, N. J., & Gallery, R. E. (2018). The responses of microbial community activity and biomass to passive warming in a semiarid ecosystem. In 2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10).
- Fairbanks, D., Gebhardt, M., Espinosa, N. J., & Gallery, R. E. (2018). The Role of Microbes in Terrestrial Biogeochemical Cycles: Linking Responses to Ecosystem Processes and Environmental Change I. In AGU Fall Meeting 2018.
- Fairbanks, D., Muscarella, C. R., Murphy, M. A., Chorover, J., Rich, V. I., & Gallery, R. E. (2018). Soil biogeochemistry and microbial community recovery post-wildfire in a mixed conifer forest in northern New Mexico. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Gallery, R. E., U'Ren, J., & Lasso, E. (2018). Plant and Soil Microbial Responses to Experimental Warming in Northern Andean Alpine Ecosystems. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Chorover, J., Brooks, P. D., Gallery, R. E., McIntosh, J. C., Olshansky, Y., & Rasmussen, C. (2017). Biogeochemical control points in a water-limited critical zone. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Espinosa, N. J., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., & Gallery, R. E. (2017). Microbial Community Activity And Plant Biomass Are Insensitive To Passive Warming In A Semiarid Ecosystem. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Gebhardt, M., Espinosa, N. J., Blankinship, J. C., & Gallery, R. E. (2017). A meta-analysis of soil exoenzyme responses to simulated climate change. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Gebhardt, M., Espinosa, N. J., Fairbanks, D., & Gallery, R. E. (2017). The Role of Microbes in Biogeochemical Cycles: Linking Responses to Ecosystem Processes and Environmental Change II. In 2017 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Jimenez, J. R., Raub, H. D., Jong, E. L., Muscarella, C. R., Smith, W. K., & Gallery, R. E. (2017). Soil Microbial Activity Responses to Fire in a Semi-arid Savannah Ecosystem Pre-and Post-Monsoon Season. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Lybrand, R., Austin, J., Schroeder, P. A., Zaharescu, D., & Gallery, R. (2017). CROSS-SCALE PERSPECTIVES ON MINERAL WEATHERING IN THE CRITICAL ZONE. In GSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA-2017.
- Lybrand, R., Zaharescu, D. G., & Gallery, R. E. (2017). Helium Ion Microscopy: A Promising Tool for Probing Biota-Mineral Interfaces. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Rasmussen, C., Olshansky, Y., Mcintosh, J. C., Gallery, R. E., Brooks, P., & Chorover, J. D. (2017, December). Biogeochemical control points in a water‐limited critical zone. In AGU Fall Meeting.
- Raub, H. D., Jimenez, J. R., Gallery, R. E., Sutter Jr, ,., Barron-Gafford, G., & Smith, W. K. (2017). Evaluating the Effects of Fire on Semi-Arid Savanna Ecosystem Productivity Using Integrated Spectral and Gas Exchange Measurements. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Espinosa, N. J., Gallery, R. E., & Fehmi, J. S. (2016). Microbial Community Activity is Insensitive to Passive Warming in a Semiarid Ecosystem. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Espinosa, N. J., Gebhardt, M., Fairbanks, D., & Gallery, R. E. (2016). Integrating Biogeochemical and Microbiological Approaches to Understand Ecosystem Processes and Responses to Environmental Change I. In 2016 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Fairbanks, D., Cook, C., Chorover, J., Gallery, R. E., & Rich, V. I. (2016). Microbial community recovery post-fire in a high elevation mixed conifer catchment in response to varied precipitation regime.. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Gebhardt, M., & Gallery, R. E. (2016). Integrating remote sensing hyperspectral data and point measurements to map soil properties across a landscape. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- McIntosh, J. C., Zapata-Rios, X., Rasmussen, C., Brooks, P. D., Gallery, R. E., Pelletier, J. D., & Chorover, J. (2016). Changing Energy Inputs at Earth's Surface Translates to Differences in Water Availability, Weathering Rates, and Biotic Activity at Depth. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Moravec, B. G., White, A. M., Paras, B., Sanchez, A., McGuffy, C., Fairbanks, D., McIntosh, J. C., Pelletier, J. D., Gallery, R. E., Rasmussen, C., & others, . (2016). Coring the deep critical zone in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory, Valles Caldera National Preserve, Northern New Mexico. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Fairbanks, D., Green, K., Murphy, M. A., Shepard, C., Chorover, J., Rich, V. I., & Gallery, R. E. (2015). Effects of redox fluctuations on microbial community ecology post-wildfire in a high elevation mixed-conifer catchment in northern New Mexico.. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Gallery, R. E., & Moore, D. J. (2015). Microbial Controls of Biogeochemical Cycling I. In 2015 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Gallery, R. E., Aronson, E. L., Fairbanks, D., Murphy, M. A., Rich, V. I., & Hart, S. C. (2015). Tools and perspectives for a unified approach to understanding microbial ecology in the critical zone. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Gebhardt, M., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., & Gallery, R. E. (2015). Soil degradation and amendment effects on soil properties, microbial communities, and plant growth. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Lybrand, R. A., Gallery, R. E., Trahan, N. A., Dynes, E., & Moore, D. J. (2015). Disturbance-driven Changes in Soil Exoenzyme Activity and Biogeochemistry of Colorado Forests. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Murphy, M. A., Fairbanks, D., Chorover, J., Rich, V. I., Gallery, R. E., & Boyer, J. C. (2015). Soil Microbial Nitrogen Cycling Responses to Wildfire in a High Elevation Forested Catchment in Jemez Mountains, NM. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Fairbanks, D., Murphy, M. A., Frost, G., Chorover, J., Gallery, R. E., & Rich, V. I. (2014). Impact of fire, landscape position, aspect, and soil depth on microbial extracellular enzyme activities in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory.. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Gallery, R. E., O'Shea, C., Kwiecien, A., Predick, K., & Archer, S. R. (2014). Long-term Effects of Shrub Encroachment and Grazing on Soil Microbial Composition and Function. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Murphy, M. A., Fairbanks, D., Chorover, J., Gallery, R. E., & Rich, V. I. (2014). Impact of Wildfire on Microbial Biomass in Critical Zone Observatory. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Chorover, J., Perdrial, J. N., Field, J. P., Pelletier, J. D., Pohlmann, M. A., Losleben, M. V., Lasharr, K., Amistadi, M., Brooks, P. D., McIntosh, J. C., & others, . (2013). Fluid Chemistry Dynamics Before and After Fire in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Garcia, K., Shaffer, J. P., Sarmiento, C., Zalamea, P. C., Dalling, J. W., Davis, A., Baltrus, D. A., Gallery, R. E., & Arnold, A. E. (2013). Diversity and evolutionary relationships of bacteria affiliated with tropical seeds and seed-associated fungi. In PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 103.
- Moore, D. J., Trahan, N. A., Dynes, E. L., Zobitz, J. M., & Gallery, R. (2013). Modeling carbon cycle responses to tree mortality: linking microbial and biogeochemical changes. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Shaffer, J. P., Gallery, R. E., Baltrus, D. A., & Arnold, A. E. (2013). Phylogenetic relationships and diversity of endohyphal bacteria of plant-associated Pezizomycotina. In PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 103.
- Gallery, R. E. (2017, Aug). Plant-fungal interactions cause negative feedbacks in tropical forest seedling communities. Ecological Society of America (ESA). Portland, OR: ESA.
- Gallery, R. E. (2017, Dec). Abstract B53I-04 Soil microbial responses to climate warming in Northern Andean alpine ecosystems. American Geophysical Union (AGU). New Orleans, LA: AGU.
- Gallery, R. E. (2017, Feb). Plant-soil feedbacks influence forest community diversity and recovery.. Michigan State University, Department of Plant Biology. Michigan State University: Michigan State University, Host: Dr. Maren Friesen.
- Gallery, R. E. (2017, March). The ecology of soil microbes: predicting activity and feedbacks in semi-arid and tropical forests.. Department of Biology, Northern Arizona University. Northern Arizona University: Northern Arizona University, Host: Dr. Nancy Johnson.
- Gallery, R. E. (2017, Oct). Predicting microbial activity in semi-arid grasslands and forests: How can remote sensing tools help?. University of Delaware. Delaware: University of Delaware, Host: Dr. Delphis Levia.
- Lybrand, R., & Gallery, R. E. (2017, Oct). CROSS-SCALE PERSPECTIVES ON MINERAL WEATHERING IN THE CRITICAL ZONE. Geological Society of America. Washington State: Geological Society of America.
- Bryan, M., Alyssa, W., Ben, P., Andres, S., Dawson, F., Mcintosh, J. C., Pelletier, J. D., Gallery, R. E., Rasmussen, C., & Chorover, J. D. (2016, Winter). Coring the deep Critical Zone in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone. 2016 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco CA: American Geophysical Union.
- Dawson, F., Christopher, S., Margretta, M., Rasmussen, C., Chorover, J. D., Virginia, R., & Gallery, R. E. (2016, July). Microbial biogeochemistry at the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. Invited Speaker: Aqua Diva CZO. Jena, Germany. Jena, Germany: Jena, Germany.
- Gallery, R. E. (2016, February). Soil ecology and community diversity from semi-arid to tropical forests. Invited Speaker: Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. University of Wisconsin-Madison: University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Gallery, R. E. (2016, November). The ecology of soil microbes: predicting activity and feedbacks in semi-arid and tropical forests. Invited Speaker: Department of Biological Sciences, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia. Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia: Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia.
- Gallery, R. E. (2016, October). The ecology of soil microbes: predicting activity and feedbacks in semi-arid and tropical forests. Invited Speaker: Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Montana State University. Montana State University, Bozeman, MT: Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
- Mcintosh, J. C., Mcintosh, J. C., Xavier, Z., Xavier, Z., Rasmussen, C., Rasmussen, C., Paul, B. D., Paul, B. D., Gallery, R. E., Gallery, R. E., Pelletier, J. D., Pelletier, J. D., Chorover, J. D., & Chorover, J. D. (2016, Winter). Changing Energy Inputs at Earth’s Surface Translates to Differences in Water Availability, Weathering Rates, and Biotic Activity at Depth. 2016 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco CA: American Geophysical Union.
- Mcintosh, J. C., Xavier, Z., Rasmussen, C., Paul, B. D., Gallery, R. E., Pelletier, J. D., & Chorover, J. D. (2016, Winter). Changing Energy Inputs at Earth’s Surface Translates to Differences in Water Availability, Weathering Rates, and Biotic Activity at Depth. 2016 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Union Session. San Francisco CA: American Geophysical Union.
- Rasmussen, C. (2016, Winter). B22B-05 Beyond clay - using selective extractions to improve predictions of soil carbon content. 2016 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco CA.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, August). Changes in soil function after fire and insect disturbance.. Ecological Society of America (ESA). Baltimore, MD: Ecological Society of America (ESA).More infoEcological Society of America (ESA), Baltimore, MD. (Oral) Moore, D.J.P., Trahan, N., Dynes, E., Lybrand, R., & R.E. Gallery. Changes in soil function after fire and insect disturbance.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, August). Invited talk at IGNITE Symposium: When tiny things rule the world. The unseen majority: what we know, and still need to know, about tropical microorganisms.. Ecological Society of America (ESA). Baltimore, MD: Ecological Society of America (ESA).
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, August). Symposium: Ecology in the Critical Zone. Microbial ecology in the high elevation mixed conifer critical zone.. Ecological Society of America (ESA). Baltimore, MD,: Ecological Society of America (ESA).More infoCoauthors: D. Fairbanks, V. Rich, M. Murphy, R. Lybrand, N. Trahan, D.J.P Moore.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, December). Disturbance-driven changes in soil exoenzyme activity and biogeochemistry of Colorado Forests.. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting.More infoAmerican Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Invited talk) Lybrand, R.A., Gallery, R.E., Trahan, N.A., Dynes, E., and Moore, D.J. Disturbance- driven changes in soil exoenzyme activity and biogeochemistry of Colorado Forests.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, December). Soil Microbial Nitrogen Cycling Responses to Wildfire in a High Elevation Forested Catchment in Jemez Mountains, NM.. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.. San Francisco, CA.: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA..More infoAmerican Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Poster). Murphy M, Fairbanks D, Gallery R, Chorover J, Rich V. Soil Microbial Nitrogen Cycling Responses to Wildfire in a High Elevation Forested Catchment in Jemez Mountains, NM.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, July). Biodiversity: New perspectives with observatory science.. Building Global Ecological Understanding (BGEU). University of Delaware: Building Global Ecological Understanding (BGEU).
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, July). Idiosyncratic plant-microbe interactions in tropical forests. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC). Honolulu Hawaii: Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC).More infoAssociation for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), Honolulu Hawaii. (Oral) Gallery, R.E., E. Rojas, M. Muriel, & S. Mangan. Idiosyncratic plant-microbe interactions in tropical forests.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, June). Soil microbial responses to disturbances; how community composition and activity may inform our understanding of local biogeochemical cycling.. United States Geological Survey (USGS). Lakewood, CO.: United States Geological Survey (USGS).More infoEspinosa, N.J., R.E. Gallery. Soil microbial responses to disturbances; how community composition and activity may inform our understanding of local biogeochemical cycling.
- Chorover, J. D., Chorover, J. D., Pelletier, J. D., Pelletier, J. D., Breshears, D. D., Breshears, D. D., Mcintosh, J. C., Mcintosh, J. C., Rasmussen, C., Rasmussen, C., Brooks, P. D., Brooks, P. D., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Gallery, R. E., Gallery, R. E., Ferre, P. A., Ferre, P. A., Meixner, T., , Meixner, T., et al. (2014, September). The Catalina-Jemez CZO: Transformative Behavior of Energy, Water and Carbon in the Critical Zone II. Interactions between Long and Short Term Processes that Control Delivery of Critical Zone Services.. National Critical Zone Observatory All-Hands Meeting.
- Gallery, R. E. (2014, July). Results from the NEON Microbiology Pilot Study - What have we learned?. Advanced Analysis of Genomic Data in Microbial Ecology Research. Boulder, CO: NEON.
- Gallery, R. E., Bagchi, R., Gurr, S., & Lewis, O. (2014, August). Invited Speaker: Complex plant-pathogen interactions maintain tropical forest diversity.. Ecological Society of America (ESA). Sacramento, CA: Ecological Society of America (ESA).More infoInvited speaker to organized session “Ecosystem and Community Effects of Native and Invasive Diseases”
- Rocca-Serra, P., Walls, R., Parnell, J., Gallery, R. E., Zheng, J., Sansone, S., & Gonzalez-Beltran, A. (2014, October). Modeling a Microbial Community and Biodiversity Assay with OBI and PCO OBO Foundry Ontologies: The Interoperability Gains of a Modular Approach.. Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (IBCO2014). Houston, TX.
- Gallery, R. E. (2013, April 18). Plant-microorganism interactions in plant communities. Invited Speaker: Department of Biology. Flagstaff, AZ: Northern Arizona University (NAU).
- Gallery, R. E. (2013, November 25). Microbial controls of plant community diversity and ecosystem processes. Invited Speaker: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Tucson: University of Arizona.
- Gallery, R. E., Bagchi, R., & Lewis, O. (2013, July). Diversity and host affinity of plant pathogenic fungi in a tropical seedling community.. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC). San Jose, Costa Rica: Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC).
- Gallery, R. E. (2012). Presented project results and discussed outreach ideas at the Amazon-PIRE Annual Meeting. Amazon-PIRE Annual Meeting. Tucson, AZ.
- Gallery, R. E. (2012, April). Herbivores and Pathogens Maintain Species Diversity in Tropical Seedling Communities. Invited Speaker: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UC Santa Cruz. UC Santa Cruz: UC Santa Cruz.
- Gallery, R. E. (2012, April). Pathogens Maintain Species Diversity in Tropical Seedling Communities. Invited Speaker: Department of Plant Sciences, UA. UA: Department of Plant Sciences.
- Gallery, R., Bagchi, R., Gurr, S., & Lewis, O. (2012). Host range and the diversity-enhancing role of seedling pathogens in a Neotropical forest. 96th ESA Annual Meeting, Earth Stewardship: Preserving and enhancing the earth's life-support systems. Austin, TX.
- Gallery, R. E. (2011). Presented project results and discussed outreach ideas at the Amazon-PIRE Annual Meeting. Amazon-PIRE Annual Meeting. Tucson, AZ.
- Gallery, R., Bagchi, R., Gurr, S., & Lewis, O. (2011). Host range and the diversity-enhancing role of seedling pathogens in a Neotropical forest. 96th ESA Annual Meeting, Earth Stewardship: Preserving and enhancing the earth's life-support systems. Austin, TX.
Poster Presentations
- Chorover, J. D., Root, R. A., Gallery, R. E., & Ederer, A. (2023, December). Mineralogical Controls on Chemical Depletion Patterns in the Santa Catalina Mountains. AGU 2023. San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union.More infoAmong several soil forming factors, climate and lithology may be thought of as co-evolving controllers of soil type that act on the system from the top-down and the bottom-up, respectively. The downward hydraulic forcings from precipitation events give rise to dissolution-precipitation reactions and subsequent translocation of secondary minerals, which are typically more fine-grained than the minerals from which they were derived. Chemical enrichment-depletion patterns (a.k.a., “tau plots”) are commonly used to assess the extent of alteration of a geochemical weathering profile, and these enrichment patterns are generally controlled by the distribution of soil minerals. Depletion of large primary mineral particles enriched in mobile elements and accumulation of smaller secondary mineral particles enriched in less mobile elements is commonly observed but few studies have provided direct correlation of geochemical and mineralogical datasets. Varying levels of agreement between mineral assemblage and associated chemical enrichment may convey key process linkages that could be further elucidated with particle size analysis (PSA). In addition to helping define size ranges of well-characterized soil mineral particles, full spectrum PSA, as conducted with laser diffractometry, can reveal spikes along the particle size distribution at specific depths indicative of mineral precipitation patterns, which are hypothesized to have a distinct chemical signature (e.g., Al and Si enrichment). We collected PSA, tau plot, and quantitative mineralogical data for two catenas on the same lithology but subject to different climates in the Santa Catalina Mountains. We postulated that differences in soil development in 2-dimensional cross-sections were dependent on effective precipitation and hillslope hydrology. Differences in particle size down the soil profile and along each catena sequence was found to be largely controlled by variation in moisture content: more moisture (in the toeslope and higher in elevation) resulted in a smaller average particle size. These variations in full spectrum PSA were related to correlated variation in mineralogical composition and chemical enrichment-depletion patterns.
- Colella, A., Mann, S. N., Murphy, P., Minor, J. J., Pearl, J., Barnes, M., Swetnam, T., Gallery, R. E., & Barron-Gafford, G. A. (2016, April). Critical Zone Science in the Anthropocene. American Association of Geographers, Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
- Gallery, R. E., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., Moore, D. J., & Espinosa, N. (2019, Fall). Buried woodchips or biochar as a means of soil restoration: Effects on microbial activities, soil carbon cycling and plant cover in a semiarid ecosystem. AGU annual meeting. San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union.
- Espinosa, N., & Gallery, R. E. (2017, June). Stability of microbial activity in an experimentally warmed dryland. Soil Ecology Society. Soil Ecology Society, Ft. Collins, CO: Soil Ecology Society.
- Espinosa, N., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., & Gallery, R. E. (2017, Dev). Microbial Community Activity And Plant Biomass Are Insensitive To Passive Warming In A Semiarid Ecosystem. American Geophysical Union (AGU). New Orleans, LA: AGU.
- Gallery, R. E., & Lybrand, R. (2017, Dec). EP53B-1718 Helium Ion Microscopy: A Promising Tool for Probing Biota-Mineral Interfaces. American Geophysical Union (AGU). New Orleans, LA: AGU.
- Gallery, R. E., Mcclaran, M. P., & Kariuki, S. (2017, Fall). How does recreational camping affect cover-mediated soil microbial activity?. RISE (Research Insights in Semi-arid Ecosystems) Syposium. Tucson, AZ: CALS and USDA ARS.
- Gebhardt, M., & Gallery, R. E. (2017, June). Woody shrub encroachment alters ecosystem processes: Linking imaging spectroscopy and microbial biogeochemistry. Soil Ecology Society. Soil Ecology Society, Ft. Collins, CO: Soil Ecology Society.
- Gebhardt, M., Espinosa, N., Blankinship, J., & Gallery, R. E. (2017, Dec). B14B-02: A meta-analysis of soil exoenzyme responses to simulated climate change. American Geophysical Union (AGU). New Orleans, LA: AGU.
- Gebhardt, M., Sparks, E., & Gallery, R. E. (2017, June). Inquiry-based STEM education for high school students: strengths, possibilities, and opportunities to get involved. Soil Ecology Society. Soil Ecology Society, Ft. Collins, CO: Soil Ecology Society.
- Jimenez, J., Raub, H., Jong, E., Muscarella, C., Smith, W. K., & Gallery, R. E. (2017, Dec). Soil Microbial Activity Responses to Fire in a Semi-arid Savannah Ecosystem Pre- and Post-Monsoon Season. American Geophysical Union (AGU). New Orleans, LA: AGU.
- Kariuki, S., Mcclaran, M. P., & Gallery, R. E. (2017, Summer). How does recreational camping affect cover-mediated soil microbial activity?. Soil Ecology Society Biennial Meeting. Ft Collins, CO: SoilEcology Society.
- Bryan, M., Alyssa, W., Ben, P., Andres, S., Dawson, F., Mcintosh, J. C., Pelletier, J. D., Gallery, R. E., Rasmussen, C., & Chorover, J. D. (2016, Winter). Coring the deep Critical Zone in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone. 2016 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco CA: American Geophysical Union.
- Dawson, F., Chelsea, C., Chorover, J. D., Virginia, R., & Gallery, R. E. (2016, Winter). Microbial community recovery post-fire in a high elevation mixed conifer catchment in response to varied precipitation regime. 2016 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco CA: American Geophysical Union.
- Espinosa, N., & Gallery, R. E. (2016, August). Stability of microbial activity in an experimentally warmed dryland. 2016 International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME). Montreal, Canada: International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME).
- Espinosa, N., Moore, D. J., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., & Gallery, R. E. (2016, Winter). Effect of coarse woody debris on microbial activity in a semiarid ecosystem. 2016 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco CA.
- Martha, G., & Gallery, R. E. (2016, Winter). Integrating Remote Sensing Hyperspectral Data and Point Measurements to Map Soil Properties Across a Semiarid Landscape. 2016 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco CA.
- Espinosa, N., Moore, D. J., Rasmussen, C., Fehmi, J. S., & Gallery, R. E. (2015, Nov). Some like it hot: soil extracellular enzyme activity and respiration are unresponsive to warming treatments in two semi-arid soils. Institute of the Environment (IE) GradBlitz. Tucson, AZ.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, April). Impact of Wildfire on Microbial Abundances in the Jemez Critical Zone Observatory.. Earth Day SWES-X. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.: Earth Day SWES-X.More infoEarth Day SWES-X, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. (Poster) Murphy M, Fairbanks D, Gallery R, Chorover J, Rich V. Impact of Wildfire on Microbial Abundances in the Jemez Critical Zone Observatory.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, April). Measuring and Modeling Soil Microbial Enzyme Activity Post-Fire in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory.. Earth Day SWES-X. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ: Earth Day SWES-X.More infoEarth Day SWES-X, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. (Poster) Fairbanks, D, M Murphy, G Frost, C Shepard, C Rasmussen, J Chorover, V Rich, and R Gallery. Measuring and Modeling Soil Microbial Enzyme Activity Post-Fire in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, December). Effects of redox fluctuations on microbial community ecology post-widlfire in a high elevation mixed-conifer catchment in northern New Mexico.. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.. San Francisco, CA.: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA..More infoAmerican Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Poster). Fairbanks, D, K Green, M Murphy, C Shepard, J Chorover, R Gallery, V Rich. Effects of redox fluctuations on microbial community ecology post-widlfire in a high elevation mixed- conifer catchment in northern New Mexico.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, December). Soil degradation and amendment effects on soil properties, microbial communities, and plant growth.. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.. San Francisco, CA.: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA..More infoAmerican Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Poster), Gebhardt, M., Fehmi, J.S., Rasmussen, C., Gallery, R.E., Soil degradation and amendment effects on soil properties, microbial communities, and plant growth.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, June). Topographic Controls On Soil Microbial Enzyme Activity Post-Fire in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory.. Soil Ecology Society Biannual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO.. Colorado Springs, CO.: Soil Ecology Society Biannual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO..More infoSoil Ecology Society Biannual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO. (Poster) Fairbanks, D., M. Murphy, C. Shepard, G. Frost, C. Rasmussen, J. Chorover, V. Rich, & R.E. Gallery. Topographic Controls On Soil Microbial Enzyme Activity Post-Fire in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory.
- Gallery, R. E. (2015, October). Response of soil microbes to climate change in semi-arid systems.. Research in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ: Research in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium.More infoResearch in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. (Poster) Espinosa, N.J., Gallery, R.E., Response of soil microbes to climate change in semi-arid systems.
- Gebhardt, M., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., & Gallery, R. E. (2015, Dec). Soil degradation and amendment effects on soil properties, microbial communities, and plant growth. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
- Frost, G. L., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., & Gallery, R. E. (2014, October). Feedbacks between plant biomass and soil microbial activity in a field-based experimental warming treatment. Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems RISE. Tucson, Arizona.
- Frost, G., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., & Gallery, R. E. (2014, November). Feedbacks Between Plant Biomass and Soil Microbial Activity in a Field-based Experimental Warming Treatment. Environmental Grad Blitz. Tucson, AZ: Institute of the Environment.
- Frost, G., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., & Gallery, R. E. (2014, November). Mineland revegetation: plant biomass and soil microbial activity in a field-based experimental warming treatment. CALS poster forum. Tucson, AZ.
- Gallery, R. E., O'Shea, C., Kwiecien, A., Predick, K. I., Archer, S. R., Gallery, R. E., O'Shea, C., Kwiecien, A., Predick, K. I., & Archer, S. R. (2014, December). Long-term effects of shrub encroachment and grazing on soil microbial composition and function. American Geophysical Union Annual Meetings. San Francisco, CA.
- Gallery, R. E., O'Shea, C., Kwiecien, A., Predick, K., & Archer, S. R. (2014, December). Long-term effects of shrub encroachment and grazing on soil microbial composition and function.. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meetings.. San Francisco, CA.: American Geophysical Union.
- Gebhardt, M. M., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., & Gallery, R. E. (2014, November). Soil Treatment Effects on Microbial Activity and Nutrient Cycles in Semiarid Environment. Environmental Grad Blitz. Tucson, AZ: Institute of the Environment.
- Murphy, M., Fairbanks, D., Chorover, J. D., Rich, V., & Gallery, R. E. (2014, December). Impact of Wildfire on Microbial Biomass in the Critical Zone Observatory.. American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA: AGU.
- O'Shea, C., Predick, K. I., Gallery, R. E., & Archer, S. R. (2014, August). Sonoran Desert soil microbial community response to vegetation change and cattle grazing. Annual Science Teacher Preparation Conference. University of Arizona: UA College of Education.
- O'Shea, C., Predick, K. I., Gallery, R. E., Archer, S. R., O'Shea, C., Predick, K. I., Gallery, R. E., & Archer, S. R. (2014, April). Sonoran Desert soil microbial community response to vegetation change and cattle grazing. Earth Week. University of Arizona.
- O'Shea, C., Predick, K., Gallery, R. E., & Archer, S. R. (2014, April). Sonoran Desert soil microbial community response to vegetation change and cattle grazing.. Earth Week. University of Arizona..
- O'Shea, C., Predick, K., Gallery, R. E., & Archer, S. R. (2014, August). Sonoran Desert soil microbial community response to vegetation change and cattle grazing.. Annual Science Teacher Preparation Conference. University of Arizona: UA College of Education. University of Arizona.
- Rich, V., Fairbanks, D., Murphy, M., Frost, G., Chorover, J. D., & Gallery, R. E. (2014, December). Impact of fire, landscape position and soil depth on extracellular enzyme activities at the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory.. American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA: AGU.
- Garcia, K., Schaffer, J., Sarmiento, C., Zalamea, C., Dalling, J., Davis, A., Baltrus, D. A., Gallery, R. E., & Arnold, A. E. (2013, August). Diversity and evolutionary relationships of bacteria affiliated with tropical seeds and seed-associated fungi. Mycological Society of America (MSA). Austin, TX: Mycological Society of America (MSA).
- Gebhardt, M., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C. -., & Gallery, R. E. (2013, Oct). Soil biotic indicators for improving native plant establishment in disturbed southwestern grasslands.. 10th Annual RISE symposium. Tucson, AZ.
- Gebhardt, M., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C. -., & Gallery, R. E. (2013, Oct). Soil biotic indicators for improving native plant establishment in disturbed southwestern grasslands.. AGU Chapman Conference. BioSphere II, Tucson, AZ: AGU.
- Kwicien, A., Predick, K. I., Archer, S. R., Rasmussen, C. -., & Gallery, R. E. (2013, October). Mesquite and cactus abundance on a grazed and protected Sonoran Desert grassland site. Annual Research Insights in Semi-Arid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium. University of Arizona: SNRE and USDA ARS.
- Kwicien, A., Predick, K. I., Archer, S. R., Rasmussen, C. -., & Gallery, R. E. (2013, October). Mesquite and cactus abundance on a grazed and protected Sonoran Desert grassland site. Research Insights in Semi-Arid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium. University of Arizona: SNRE and USDA ARS.
- Moore, D. J., Trahan, N., Dynes, E., Zobitz, J., & Gallery, R. E. (2013, December). Modeling carbon cycle responses to tree mortality: linking microbial and biogeochemical changes. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union.
- Moore, D., Trahan, N., Dynes, E., Zobitz, J., & Gallery, R. E. (2013, December). Modeling carbon cycle responses to tree mortality: linking microbial and biogeochemical changes. American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union (AGU).
- O'Shea, C., Gallery, R. E., Predick, K. I., & Archer, S. R. (2013, October). Sonoran Desert soil microbial community responses to vegetation change and grazing. Annual Research Insights in Semi-Arid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium. University of Arizona: SNRE and USDA ARS.
- O'Shea, C., Predick, K. I., Gallery, R. E., & Archer, S. R. (2013, July). Sonoran Desert soil microbial community response to vegetation change and cattle grazing. Natural Science for Teachers Program Annual Meeting. University of Arizona: UA Dept Education.
- Schaffer, J., Gallery, R. E., Baltrus, D. A., & Arnold, A. E. (2013, August). Phylogenetic relationships and diversity of endohyphal bacteria of plant-associated Pezizomycotina. Mycological Society of America (MSA). Austin, TX: Mycological Society of America (MSA).
- Blevins, K., Gallery, R., Docherty, K., Travers, P., King, G., & Kao, R. (2011, August). NEON Soil Microbe Prototype. 96th ESA Annual Meeting. Austin, TX.
- Blevins, K., Gallery, R., Docherty, K., Travers, P., King, G., & Kao, R. (2010, Fall). NEON Soil Microbe Prototype. 96th ESA Annual Meeting.
- Shaffer, J., Gallery, R., BaltrusDA, ., & ArnoldAE, . (2010, Fall). Phylogenetic relationships and diversity of endohyphal bacteria in tropical seed-associated fungi. Not Provided in APROL.
- Gallery, R. E., Archer, S. R., Mcclaran, M. P., Mcclaran, M. P., Archer, S. R., & Gallery, R. E. (2019, February). Woody Plant Proliferation in Rangelands: Local Aboveground-Belowground Feedbacks with Landscape Consequences. Final Report, Hatch Project 233588 ARTZ-1360540-H12-199.
- Gallery, R. E., & Tellez, M. (2018, August). UA must do more to help immigrant, DACA students. Arizona Daily Star. https://tucson.com/opinion/local/michelle-t-llez-rachel-gallery-ua-must-do-more-to/article_c5dbfdfd-88fa-50ff-8cc2-791969a3b1ab.html
- Bagchi, R., Swinfield, T., Gallery, R. E., Lewis, O. T., Gripenberg, S., Narayan, L., & Freckleton, R. P. (2014, OCT). Testing the Janzen-Connell mechanism: pathogens cause overcompensating density dependence in a tropical tree. ECOLOGY LETTERS.
- Walls, R. L., Guralnick, R., Deck, J., Buntzman, A., Buttigieg, P. L., Davies, N., Denslow, M. W., Gallery, R. E., Parnell, J. J., Osumi-Sutherland, D., & others, . (2014). Meeting report: advancing practical applications of biodiversity ontologies.
- Kao, R. H., Gibson, C. M., Gallery, R. E., Meier, C. L., Barnett, D. T., Docherty, K. M., Blevins, K. K., Travers, P. D., Azuaje, E., Springer, Y. P., & others, . (2012). NEON terrestrial field observations: Designing continental-scale, standardized sampling, Ecosphere, 3, 115.
- Gallery, R. E. (2011, Fall). NEON 2011 Science Strategy: Enabling Continental-Scale Ecological Forecasting. http://www.neoninc.org/science/sciencestrategyMore infopgs 1-55