Linda J Perez
- Principal Lecturer
- (520) 626-6163
- Nursing, Rm. 247
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- ljperez@arizona.edu
- M.S.N. Nursing
- Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- MHA Administration
- Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- U of A Old Main Brick Award
- U of A CON, Spring 2023
- Daisy Award Nominee
- University of Arizona, Fall 2020 (Award Nominee)
- Bear Down Award
- Alumni Association, Fall 2019
- Nexus Sumit Award 2018
- National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, Summer 2018 (Award Nominee)
- Annual Service Awards 2018
- University of Arizona, Spring 2018
- Fabulous Fifty Nurses
- Tucson Nurses Week Foundation, Spring 2018
- McGaffic, Monroe adn Rogers Memorial Award for Clinical Teaching
- University of Arizona College of Nursing, Spring 2016
Licensure & Certification
- Diversity in the Classroom Workshop Series, University of Arizona (2017)
- Basic Quality and Safety Certificate, Institute for Helath Care Improvement (2022)
- Integrative Nursing Faculty Fellowship, University of Arizona (2017)
- Registered Nurse, Arizona State Board of Nursing (1990)
- Medical Surgical Certification, ANCC (2011)
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Spring 2025) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Independent Study
NURS 399 (Summer I 2024) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Spring 2024) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Independent Study
NURS 399 (Summer I 2023) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Spring 2023) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Independent Study
NURS 399 (Summer I 2022) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Spring 2022) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Independent Study
NURS 399 (Summer I 2021) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Spring 2021) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Independent Study
NURS 399 (Summer I 2020) -
Provider of Care I: Pract Comp
NURS 509B (Summer I 2020) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Spring 2020) -
Trans to Prof Nurs Role
NURS 479 (Spring 2020) -
Trans to Prof Nurs Role
NURS 479 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Honors Thesis
NURS 498H (Spring 2019) -
Trans to Prof Nurs Role
NURS 479 (Spring 2019) -
Honors Thesis
NURS 498H (Fall 2018) -
Nurs Ldrshp+Mgt Hlth Sys
NURS 478 (Fall 2018) -
Trans to Prof Nurs Role
NURS 479 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Spring 2018) -
NURS 694 (Spring 2018) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Leadership/Patient Center Care
NURS 641 (Summer I 2017) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Spring 2017) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Quality and Safety Management
NURS 654 (Summer I 2016) -
Fndtions in Nursing Care
NURS 356 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Lacasse, C. L., Lacasse, C. L., Perez, L. J., Perez, L. J., Shea, K. D., Shea, K. D., Bilbo, L. L., Bilbo, L. L., Phillips, L. R., Phillips, L. R., Martin Plank, L. M., Martin Plank, L. M., Carlisle, H. L., Carlisle, H. L., Donovan, S. A., & Donovan, S. A. (2023, April).
Supporting Healthy Aging in Diverse Populations: A Specialty BSN Education Program
Cheryl Lacasse, Linda Perez, Kim Shea, Mary O'Connell, Laurel Bilbo, Linda Phillips, Lori Martin Plank, Heather Carlisle, Stephanie Donovan, April 20, 2023
. Western Institute of Nursing Conference. Tucson, AZ: Western Institute of Nursing. - Godfrey, T. M., Pool, N. M., Koithan, M. S., & Perez, L. J. (2020, December). Maintaining Academic Enrichment During a Pandemic: A Virtual Summer Intensive for Underrepresented Students. Inaugural Diversity SymposiumAmerican Association of Colleges of Nursing.
- Perez, L. J. (2019, April/ Spring). UAHS Faculty LGBTQ + Interest Groups. 2018 -2019 Diversity Series. UAHS: Office of Diversity and Inclusion.More infoPresentation with Medicine, Pharmacy and Public Health related to Diversity and Inclusion of the LGBTQ community.
- Perez, L. J. (2019, November/Fall). Yuma Friends UAHS Recruitment of High School Students. UAHS Recruitment of High School Students in Yuma, AZ. Yuma, Arizona: Yuma Friends.More infoWith Medicine, Pharmacy, and Public Health, speak to graduating seniors from all Yuma, Arizona schools to recruit students into the health science fields.
- Perez, L. J. (2019, September/Fall). Tips of Enhancing Student Engagement Using technology. CATS Presentation. College of Nursing: University of Arizona.More infoPresentation on additional ways to engage students using software that is available and engaging and innovative for the new generation of students.
- Kiser, L. H., Kiser, L. H., Perez, L. J., & Perez, L. J. (2018, March). Integrative Nursing and Transforming Nursing Education. Third International Nursing Conference. Hermosillo, MX: Universidad de Sonora.
- Perez, L. J. (2018, February). Giving Feedback to students based on QSEN/nof Competencies. CATS Presentation. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona.More infoDisseminated information obtained at Elsevier Nursing conference on how to best give students feedback in the clinical meeting using both Nurse of the Future Competencies and QSEN Competencies.
- Perez, L. J. (2018, March). Overview of Integrative Nursing and Integrative Therapeutics. 3rd Congreso Internacional De Enfermeria. Hermosillo, Sonora Mexico: Universidad De Sonora.
- Perez, L. J. (2018, November). Nursing Admission Information. Yuma Health Science Day - Recruiting event at High schools. Yuma, Arizona: Yuma Friends.More infoPresented information about the U of A Nursing program to recruit students from under represented areas.
- Perez, L. J. (2018, September). Global Health Challenges in the US-Mexico Borderlands. Tucson Rotary Club Conference. Tucson , Arizona: Tucson Rotary Club.More infoPanel Presentations on understanding of the global health challenges in the US-Mexico borderlands, the greatest global/border health challenges that are seen in the workplace today, and how Rotary can help support the continued mission and work.
- Perez, L. J., & Lacasse, C. L. (2018, May). Nurse of the Future Competencies: Are You a Nurse of the Future or the Past?. Tucson Nurses Week Foundation. Ventana Canyon Tucson Arizona: Tucson Nurses Week Foundation.More infoThe purpose of this presentation is to describe the link between the Nurse of the Future Competencies and nursing practice in the future. it is also to begin a dialogue about the future of health care and nursing
- Perez, L. J., Goldsmith, M. M., & Pool, N. M. (2018, October). Integrative Nursing Faculty Fellowship: BSN Curriculum Transformation. University of Arizona Homecoming Research Intensive. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona.More infoInformation disseminated on Integrative Nursing Faculty fellowship, how this was integrated into a BSN curriculum and how it is utilized in the Nursing Research Class.
Poster Presentations
- Martin Plank, L. M., Carlisle, H. L., & Perez, L. J. (2023, April). Carlisle, H., Martin-Plank, L., & Perez, L. (2023) Enhancing Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Older Adults - an Unfolding Case Study (poster). Western Institute of Nursing, Tucson, AZ . Western Institute of Nursing. Tucson, AZ: Western Institute of Nursing.
- Godfrey, T. M., Perez, L. J., & Lacasse, C. L. (2021, June). The Arizona Nursing Inclusive Excellence Program: Shifting the education paradigm. Diversity Impact Summit. Virtual format: American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
- Perez, L. J., Godfrey, T. M., & Lacasse, C. L. (2021, October). Cultivating and Supporting Diversity in the Future Nursing Workforce. Arizona Nurses Association. Phoenix: AzNA.More infoThis poster presentation discussed how our ANIE program is meeting the need to continue comprehensive support structures for admission and retention of under-represented students in the profession and workforce to meet the needs of our increasing diverse patient populations in the nation.
- Pool, N. M., Godfrey, T. M., Perez, L. J., & Koithan, M. S. (2020, December). Maintaining Academic Enrichment During A Pandemic: A Virtual Summer Intensive for Underrepresented Students. AACN DIversity Symposium. Virtual: AACN.More infoPoster Demonstration of the virtual summer intensive experience for underrepresented students under the ANIE HRSA Grant. An explanation of how this very effective in person intensive was transitioned to a successful virtual intensive.
- Perez, L. J., & Lacasse, C. L. (2018, January). Innovative Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Baccalaureate Students. Elsevier Nursing Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada: Elsevier.More infoPoster Presentation. Nurses play a key role in providing palliative care and many feel inadequately prepared to provide this care. Integrated learning activities focused on palliative care help nurses develop a critical skill set to meet complex patient needs. Competencies and Recommendations for Educating Undergraduate Nursing Students and Preparing Nurses to Care for the Seriously Ill and their Families (2016) provide a foundation for faculty guided knowledge application activities.
- Grammater, K. C., Challenger, K. L., & Perez, L. J. (2017, May). Infusing Integrative Nursing Techniques into the First Semester Curriculum of a Baccalaureate Program. Tucson Nurses Week Conference and Healthy Fair. Tucson, AZ: Tucson Nurses Week Foundation.