Heather L. Carlisle
- Associate Clinical Professor
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 626-6446
- Nursing, Rm. 305A
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- hlc@arizona.edu
Biography Coming Soon
Click here to make an appointment
Mobile phone: 520-210-8252
- Advanced Practice Certificate Nursing, Psychiatric-Mental Health
- Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, United States
- Graduate Certificate Elder Law
- Mitchell-Hamline School of Law, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
- Graduate Certificate Health Law for Healthcare Professionals
- University of Arizona, Rogers School of Law, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Advanced Practice Certificate Nursing, Palliative Care
- California State University, San Marcos, San Marcos, California, United States
- Advanced Practice Certificate Nursing, Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- DNP Nursing
- University of Arizona, Tuson, Arizona, United States
- Implementing a Clinical Practice Guideline on the Use of Capnography in Monitoring for Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression on Medical-Surgical Units
- Advanced Practice Certificate Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Graduate Certificate Nursing, Rural Health
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Graduate Certificate Public Health
- University of Arizona, Zuckerman College of Public Health, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- M.S.N. Nursing
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Promoting Cardiovascular Health Among Newcomers from the Former Soviet Union. The University of Arizona
- B.S.N. Nursing
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Ph.D. Geography
- University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United States
- Environment and Security in the Aral Sea Basin
- M.A. Geography
- University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United States
- The Pre-Soviet Roots of the Aral Sea Crisis: A Reinterpretation of Environmental Degradation in Post-Soviet Central Asia
- B.A. Geography
- University of California, Davis, Davis, California, United States
Work Experience
- Cathexis Psychedelics (2021 - Ongoing)
- Fedko Emergency Physicians (2020 - Ongoing)
- Southern Arizona VA Healthcare System (2016 - 2018)
- University of Arizona Nursing and Health Associates (2015 - 2016)
- United Health Group (2014 - 2015)
- University Medical Center (now Banner UMC) (2011 - 2014)
- University Medical Center (2008 - 2011)
- Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing
- National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence (NHCGE), Fall 2020
- Service Award for Professional Excellence in Veteran-Centered Care
- Southern Arizona VA Healthcare System, Fall 2018
- Integrative Nursing Fellowship (INF)
- University of Arizona, College of Nursing, Summer 2018
- Veteran's Administration Honorable Service Award
- Veteran's Administration, Fall 2017
- Award of Distinction in Clinical Practice
- Sigma Theta Tau International - Beta Mu Chapter, Spring 2017
- First Place, Best Practice Category, Mary Hanna Memorial Journalism Award
- American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses, Spring 2016
- Please see cv for complete list of honors/awards
- Spring 2014
Licensure & Certification
- Registered Nurse, Arizona State Board of Nursing (2008)
- Adult Nurse Practitioner, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (2010)
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, Arizona State Board of Nursing (2010)
- Pain Management Nurse, American Society of Pain Management Nursing (2011)
- Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (2011)
- Hospice & Palliative Care Nurse (CHPN), Hospice and Palliative Care Nurses Association (2014)
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP), American Association of Nurse Practitioners (2021)
- Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP), American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (2014)
- Advanced Hospice & Palliative Care Nurse (ACHPN), Hospice & Palliative Care Nurses Association (2017)
Palliative care, end-of-life care, existential distress, psychedelic medicine and therapy, gerontology, acute and sub-acute care, pathophysiology, doctor of nursing practice curriculum
Clinical scholarship in palliative care, end-of life care, opioid safety, difficult conversations, psychedelic treatment, nurse practitioner education.
2024-25 Courses
Adv Physio+Pathphysio
NURS 501 (Spring 2025) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2025) -
Evidence Based Practice
NURS 751 (Spring 2025) -
Intro to Palliative Care
NURS 689 (Spring 2025) -
Care of Acutely Ill Old Adults
NURS 685 (Fall 2024) -
Clinical Residency: AGACNP
NURS 617 (Fall 2024) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Fall 2024) -
Population Health
NURS 753 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Adv Pharmacotherap/Nurs
NURS 572 (Summer I 2024) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Summer I 2024) -
Diag+Mgmt Chrn+Acute Ill
NURS 616 (Summer I 2024) -
Eval Meth/Safe+Qual Impr
NURS 752 (Summer I 2024) -
Palliatve Care II: Adv Concept
NURS 613B (Summer I 2024) -
Adv Physio+Pathphysio
NURS 501 (Spring 2024) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2024) -
Diag+Mgmt Chrn+Acute Ill
NURS 615 (Spring 2024) -
Intro to Palliative Care
NURS 689 (Spring 2024) -
Care of Acutely Ill Old Adults
NURS 685 (Fall 2023) -
Clinical Residency: AGACNP
NURS 617 (Fall 2023) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Fall 2023) -
Population Health
NURS 753 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Summer I 2023) -
Eval Meth/Safe+Qual Impr
NURS 752 (Summer I 2023) -
Independent Study
NURS 699 (Summer I 2023) -
Palliatv Care I: Fundamentals
NURS 613A (Summer I 2023) -
Adv Physio+Pathphysio
NURS 501 (Spring 2023) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2023) -
Intro to Palliative Care
NURS 689 (Spring 2023) -
Care of Acutely Ill Old Adults
NURS 685 (Fall 2022) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Summer I 2022) -
Palliatve Care II: Adv Concept
NURS 613B (Summer I 2022) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2022) -
Evidence Based Practice
NURS 751 (Spring 2022) -
Intro to Palliative Care
NURS 689 (Spring 2022) -
Care of Acutely Ill Old Adults
NURS 685 (Fall 2021) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Summer I 2021) -
Palliatv Care I: Fundamentals
NURS 613A (Summer I 2021) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2021) -
Intro to Palliative Care
NURS 689 (Spring 2021) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Fall 2020) -
Independent Study
NURS 699 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Summer I 2020) -
Palliatve Care II: Adv Concept
NURS 613B (Summer I 2020) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2020) -
Intro to Palliative Care
NURS 689 (Spring 2020) -
Clinical Residency
NURS 693A (Fall 2019) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Summer I 2019) -
Palliatv Care I: Fundamentals
NURS 613A (Summer I 2019) -
Clinical Residency
NURS 693A (Spring 2019) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2019) -
Intro to Palliative Care
NURS 689 (Spring 2019) -
Clinical Residency
NURS 693A (Fall 2018) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Summer I 2018) -
Palliatve Care II: Adv Concept
NURS 613B (Summer I 2018) -
Clinical Residency
NURS 693A (Spring 2018) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2018) -
Clinical Residency
NURS 693A (Fall 2017) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Palliatv Care I: Fundamentals
NURS 613A (Summer I 2017) -
Clinical Residency
NURS 693A (Spring 2017) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2017) -
Intro to Palliative Care
NURS 689 (Spring 2017) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Fall 2016) -
Theory Ldrshp & Org Mgmt
NURS 650 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Summer I 2016) -
Palliatve Care II: Adv Concept
NURS 613B (Summer I 2016) -
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2016) -
Intro to Palliative Care
NURS 689 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Carlisle, H. L. (2018). Palliative Care. In Wagner, K. D., Hardin-Pearce, M. G., Brenner, Z. R., & Krenzer, M. High-acuity Nursing. 7th edition(pp 3-45). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.
- Jungquist, C. R., Quinlan-Colwell, A., Vallerand, A., Carlisle, H. L., Cooney, M., Dempsey, S. J., Dunwoody, D., Maly, A., Meloche, K., Meyers, A., Sawyer, J., Singh, N., Sullivan, D., Watson, C., & Polomano, R. C. (2020). American Society for Pain Management Nursing Guidelines on Monitoring for Opioid-Induced Advancing Sedation and Respiratory Depression: Revisions. Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, 21(1), 7-25.More infoThis report presents up-to-date evidence and expert consensus-based revisions to the ASPMN 2011 guidelines that inform interprofessional clinical decision-making for hospitalized adults receiving opioid analgesics.
- Carlisle, H. (2015). Promoting the use of capnography in acute care settings: an evidence-based practice project. Journal of perianesthesia nursing : official journal of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses, 30(3), 201-8.More infoOpioid-induced respiratory depression (OIRD) is a life-threatening complication of opioid analgesia. End-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring (capnography) has been shown to detect early signs of OIRD earlier than other commonly used monitoring methods. The goal of this evidence-based practice project was to promote the standardized use of capnography to reduce the incidence of OIRD. The project included an updated nursing protocol, an electronic order trigger, improved access to capnography monitors, and staff education about OIRD risk assessment and the use of capnography. A survey of registered nurses was also conducted to gather their perceptions on the ease of use and effectiveness of capnography. Twelve months after introducing the intervention there was an increase in monitoring frequency, with 2.56 times more patients at high risk for OIRD being monitored with capnography than at baseline. Of the 171 registered nurses surveyed during this project, 99% perceived the portable capnography monitors as easy to use and interpret. However, 71% reported systems issues in obtaining the monitoring equipment, and 65% reported problems with patient adherence. The intervention succeeded in increasing the number of high-risk patients being monitored with capnography and reducing the number of cases of OIRD.
- Carlisle, H. L. (2014). The case for capnography in patients receiving opioids: learn why capnography is essential for detecting respiratory depression.. American Nurse Today, 9(9), 22-27.
- Lacasse, C. L., Perez, L. J., Shea, K. D., Bilbo, L. L., Phillips, L. R., Martin Plank, L. M., Carlisle, H. L., & Donovan, S. A. (2023, April).
Supporting Healthy Aging in Diverse Populations: A Specialty BSN Education Program
Cheryl Lacasse, Linda Perez, Kim Shea, Mary O'Connell, Laurel Bilbo, Linda Phillips, Lori Martin Plank, Heather Carlisle, Stephanie Donovan, April 20, 2023
. Western Institute of Nursing Conference. Tucson, AZ: Western Institute of Nursing. - Lacasse, C., Perez, L., Shea, K., O'Connell, M., Bilbo, L., Carlisle, H. L., Phillips, L., & Martin-Plank, L. (2023, April). Supporting Healthy Aging Across Diverse Populations - An Educational Immersion Experience.. 56th Annual Nursing Research Conference of the Western Institute of Nursing (WIN), Phoenix, AZ, April 19-22, 2023.. Phoenix: Western Institute of Nursing (WIN).
- Carlisle, H. L. (2021, October). Age-friendly Emergency Departments. Wildcat Interprofessional Gerontology Group Grand Rounds. Virtual: Wildcat Interprofessional Gerontology Group.
- Pacheco, C. L., Hall-Lipsy, E. A., Weinstein, J., Michaels, C. L., Carlisle, H. L., & Kennedy, A. K. (2016, July). Practice Based Research and Inter-professional Clinical Education Activities to Improve Chronic Pain Management in Primary Care. 43rd Annual Rural Health Conference & 11th Annual Performance Improvement Summit. Flagstaff, Arizona: Arizona Center for Rural Health.More infoLightening Round Poster Presentation
- Carlisle, H. L. (2015, December). Practical Pain Management. Nursing Grand Rounds. Tucson: Banner University Medical Center.
- Carlisle, H. L. (2013, November). Painless Pain Management for Nurse Practitioners. UA Nursing & Health Associates. Continuing Education Lecture Series. Tucson: UA Nursing & Health Associates.
- Carlisle, H. L. (2013, April). Implementing Best Practices to Reduce Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression in Med-Surg: RN perceptions of end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring. DNP Practice Inquiry public defense. Tucson: University of Arizona, College of Nursing.
- Carlisle, H. L. (2013, March). Acute-on-Chronic Pain Management in the Hospital Setting. University of Arizona Medical Center Pain Management Symposium. Tucson: University of Arizona Medical Center.
- Carlisle, H. L. (2013, May). Acute-on-Chronic Pain Management in the Hospital Setting. Tucson Nurses Week Foundation Showcase. Tucson: Tucson Nurses Week Foundation.
- Carlisle, H. L. (2013, November). Implementing Best Practices to Reduce Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression in Med-Surg: RN perceptions of end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring. Faculty Candidate Presentation. Tucson: University of Arizona, College of Nursing.
- Carlisle, H. L. (2013, October). Pain Management in the Hospital Setting.. Professional Development Institute, Salem Health System. Salem, OR: Salem Health Hospital.
- Carlisle, H. L. (2012, May). RN-led Initiative to Reduce Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression. Tucson Nurses Week Foundation Showcase. Tucson: Tucson Nurses Week Foundation.
Poster Presentations
- Carlisle, H. L., Martin-Plank, L., & Perez, L. (2023, April).
Enhancing Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Working with Older Adults - An Educational Approach Using an Unfolding Case Study.
. Western Institute of Nursing Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, April 2023. - Perez, L. J., Carlisle, H. L., & Martin Plank, L. M. (2023, April). Carlisle, H., Martin-Plank, L., & Perez, L. (2023) Enhancing Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Older Adults - an Unfolding Case Study (poster). Western Institute of Nursing, Tucson, AZ . Western Institute of Nursing. Tucson, AZ: Western Institute of Nursing.
- Carlisle, H. L. (2021, October). Nonmedical Use of Prescription Medications Among Older Adults in the United States. National Hartford Center for Gerontological Nursing Excellence Conference. Virtual: National Hartford Center for Gerontological Nursing Excellence.More infoTitle: Nonmedical Use of Analgesics Among Older Adults in the US from 2009 to 2019Background and Significance: Early in the 21st century, the number of older adults using drugs for non-medical purposes was projected to increase by 2020 due to the large size of the “baby boomer” generation, the increased longevity of this generation, and the higher prevalence of illicit drug use among them during youth. Such a trend would have implications for gerontology nurses and policymakers.Objective: The objective was to examine trends in non-medical use of prescription pain medications (NMUPM) among adults over the age of 50 by comparing results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) from 2009 and 2019 (the most recent year for which data is available).Methods: Data was extracted from the NSDUH. Weighted cross tabulations were calculated for responses to questions about the use of specific pain relievers non-medically, and the timeframe when last used (within the last 30 days, the previous 12 months, and longer than 1 year ago). For the 2019 survey, questions were added about the user’s purpose for taking the medication non- medically.Results: From 2009 to 2019, lifetime NMUPM rates decreased among people aged 50-64, but increased among adults aged ≥65.Discussion and Conclusion: The results indicate that the problem of NPUPM is greater among adults >age 65 than of those aged 50-64 and is increasing. Of people aged ≥50 who endorsed having used pain relievers for a nonmedical purpose, over ten percent had done so within the past 30 days. Although most use them for sleep and relaxation, a significant proportion use them for emotional/pleasure reasons, and 3% consider themselves to be physically dependent. More research will be needed to determine whether NPUPM among adults ≥50 increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Kennedy, A. K., Michaels, C., Carlisle, H. L., Weinstein, J., Hall-Lipsy, E. A., & Pacheco, C. L. (2019, April). Practice-Based Research to Improve Chronic Pain Management in Primary Care. Annual Interprofessional Rural Health Conference. Tucson: AZ.
- Michaels, C., Carlisle, H. L., Kennedy, A. K., Weinstein, B. M., Hall-Lipsy, E. A., & Pacheco, C. L. (2018, April). Practice-Based Research to Improve Chronic Pain Management in Primary Care. Annual Interprofessional Rural Health Professions Conference. Tucson, AZ: AHEC.
- Kennedy, A. K., Michaels, C., Carlisle, H. L., Weinstein, J., Hall-Lipsy, E. A., & Pacheco, C. L. (2017, April). Practice-Based Research to Improve Chronic Pain Management in Primary Care. Arizona Annual Interprofessional Rural Health Conference. Flagstaff, AZ: AzAHEC.
- Szalacha, L. A., Carlisle, H. L., Davis, M. P., Prettyman, A., Prettyman, A., Davis, M. P., Carlisle, H. L., Szalacha, L. A., Szalacha, L. A., Szalacha, L. A., Davis, M. P., Davis, M. P., Prettyman, A., Prettyman, A., Carlisle, H. L., & Carlisle, H. L. (2017, April). Evaluation of Nurse Practitioner Student Clinical Skills Using a Synchronous Video System. National Organization for Nurse Practitioner Faculties Conference.
- Tenney, T., Carlisle, H. L., Estrada, N. A., Davis, M. P., Davis, M. P., Estrada, N. A., Tenney, T., & Carlisle, H. L. (2017, April). Quality Assurance in Doctoral Nursing Education. 50th Annual Nursing Research Conference of the Western Institute of Nursing (WIN).
- Carlisle, H. L. (2016, June). Pain Management in Hospitalized Elders with Dementia. American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) Annual Conference.
- Carlisle, H. L., Prettyman, A., Davis, M. P., & Szalacha, L. A. (2016, October). Evaluation of Nurse Practitioner Student Clinical Skills Using a Synchronous Video System. American Nurses Association (ANA) Annual Conference.
- Pacheco, C. L., Hall-Lipsy, E. A., Weinstein, J., Michaels, C. L., Carlisle, H. L., & Kennedy, A. K. (2016, April). Practice Based Research to Improve Chronic Pain Management in Primary Care. 4th Annual Interprofessional Rural Health Professions Conference. Tucson, Arizona: Arizona Area Health Education Centers.
- Rigney, T., Carlisle, H. L., Poedel, R., & McRee, L. (2016, September). Preceptor Toolkit video series. Online video series.. University of Arizona, College of Nursing.
- Carlisle, H. L. (2013, May). Implementing a clinical practice guideline on the use of capnography in monitoring for opioid-induced respiratory depression on medical-surgical units. Proquest Dissertations (DNP Project).
- Carlisle, H. L. (2010, May). Promoting cardiovascular health among newcomers from the former Soviet Union. Proquest Dissertations (Master's Thesis).