Shane Byrne
- Professor, Planetary Sciences
- Professor, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 269-1022
- Gerard P. Kuiper Space Sci., Rm. 524
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- sbyrne@arizona.edu
- Ph.D. Planetary Science
- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, United States
- M.S. Planetary Science
- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, United States
- M. Phys. Astrophysics
- University of Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (2005 - Ongoing)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2003 - 2005)
- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California (2003)
No activities entered.
2024-25 Courses
PTYS 920 (Spring 2025) -
Planetary Geol Field Std
PTYS 590 (Spring 2025) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2024) -
Remote Sens Planetary Surfaces
GEOS 551 (Fall 2024) -
Remote Sens Planetary Surfaces
PTYS 551 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
PTYS 920 (Spring 2024) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2023) -
Evol Planetary Surfaces
GEOS 554 (Fall 2023) -
Evol Planetary Surfaces
PTYS 554 (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
PTYS 920 (Spring 2023) -
Independent Study
ASTR 499 (Spring 2023) -
Planetary Geol Field Std
PTYS 590 (Spring 2023) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2022) -
Independent Study
ASTR 499 (Fall 2022) -
Remote Sens Planetary Surfaces
GEOS 551 (Fall 2022) -
Remote Sens Planetary Surfaces
PTYS 551 (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
PTYS 920 (Spring 2022) -
Planetary Geol Field Std
PTYS 590 (Spring 2022) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2021) -
Evol Planetary Surfaces
GEOS 554 (Fall 2021) -
Evol Planetary Surfaces
PTYS 554 (Fall 2021) -
PTYS 900 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
PTYS 920 (Spring 2021) -
Remote Sens Planetary Surfaces
PTYS 551 (Spring 2021) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
PTYS 920 (Spring 2020) -
Planetary Geol Field Std
PTYS 594A (Spring 2020) -
Evol Planetary Surfaces
GEOS 554 (Fall 2019) -
Evol Planetary Surfaces
PTYS 554 (Fall 2019) -
PTYS 900 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Honors Thesis
ASTR 498H (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
PTYS 599 (Spring 2019) -
Planetary Geol Field Std
PTYS 594A (Spring 2019) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2018) -
Honors Thesis
ASTR 498H (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
PTYS 920 (Spring 2018) -
Planetary Geol Field Std
PTYS 594A (Spring 2018) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2017) -
Evol Planetary Surfaces
GEOS 554 (Fall 2017) -
Evol Planetary Surfaces
PTYS 554 (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
PTYS 920 (Spring 2017) -
PTYS 920 (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
PTYS 920 (Spring 2016) -
Planetary Geol Field Std
PTYS 594A (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Hansen, C., Byrne, S., Calvin, W., Diniega, S., Dundas, C., Hayne, P., McEwen, A., McKeown, L., Piqueux, S., Portyankina, G., Schwamb, M., Titus, T., & Widmer, J. (2024). A comparison of CO$_2$ seasonal activity in Mars' northern and southern hemispheres. \icarus, 419, 115801.
- Landis, M., Dundas, C., McEwen, A., Daubar, I., Hayne, P., Byrne, S., Sutton, S., Rangarajan, V., Tornabene, L., Britton, A., & Herkenhoff, K. (2024). New, dated small impacts on the South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD), Mars, and implications for shallow subsurface properties. \icarus, 419, 115977.
- McEwen, A., Byrne, S., Hansen, C., Daubar, I., Sutton, S., Dundas, C., Bardabelias, N., Baugh, N., Bergstrom, J., Beyer, R., Block, K., Bray, V., Bridges, J., Chojnacki, M., Conway, S., Delamere, W., Ebben, T., Espinosa, A., Fennema, A., , Grant, J., et al. (2024). The high-resolution imaging science experiment (HiRISE) in the MRO extended science phases (2009\textendash2023). \icarus, 419, 115795.
- Rangarajan, V., Tornabene, L., Osinski, G., Dundas, C., Beyer, R., Herkenhoff, K., Byrne, S., Heyd, R., Seelos, F., Munaretto, G., & Dapremont, A. (2024). Novel quantitative methods to enable multispectral identification of high-purity water ice exposures on Mars using High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) images. \icarus, 419, 115849.
- Zurek, R., Tamppari, L., Johnston, M. D., Murchie, S., McEwen, A., Byrne, S., Seu, R., Putzig, N., Kass, D., Malin, M., & Cantor, B. (2024). MRO overview: Sixteen years in Mars orbit. \icarus, 419, 116102.
- Almeida, M., Read, M., Thomas, N., Cremonese, G., Becerra, P., Borrini, G., Byrne, S., Gruber, M., Heyd, R., Marriner, C., McArthur, G., McEwen, A., Pommerol, A., Perry, J., & Schaller, C. (2023). Targeting and image acquisition of Martian surface features with TGO/CaSSIS. \planss, 231, 105697.
- Dundas, C. M., Mellon, M. T., Posiolova, L. V., Miljkovi{\'c}, K., Collins, G. S., Tornabene, L. L., Rangarajan, V. G., Golombek, M. P., Warner, N. H., Daubar, I. J., Byrne, S., McEwen, A. S., Seelos, K. D., Viola, D., Bramson, A. M., & Speth, G. (2023). A Large New Crater Exposes the Limits of Water Ice on Mars. \grl, 50(2), e2022GL100747.
- Izquierdo, K., Bramson, A. M., McClintock, T., Laferriere, K. L., Byrne, S., Bapst, J., & Smith, I. (2023). Local Ice Mass Balance Rates via Bayesian Analysis of Mars Polar Trough Migration. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 128(10), e2023JE007964.
- O'Brien, P., & Byrne, S. (2022). Degradation of the Lunar Surface by Small Impacts. \psj, 3(10), 235.
- O'Brien, P., & Byrne, S. (2022). Double Shadows at the Lunar Poles. \psj, 3(11), 258.
- Perry, J. E., Heyd, R., Read, M., Tornabene, L. L., Sutton, S. S., Byrne, S., Thomas, N., Fennema, A., McEwen, A., & Berry, K. (2022). Geometric processing of TGO CaSSIS observations. \planss, 223, 105581.
- Sori, M. M., Becerra, P., Bapst, J., Byrne, S., & McGlasson, R. A. (2022). Orbital Forcing of Martian Climate Revealed in a South Polar Outlier Ice Deposit. \grl, 49(6), e97450.
- Becerra, P., Byrne, S., & Brown, A. J. (2021). Corrigendum to ``Transient bright ''Halos`` on the South Polar residual cap of mars: Implications for mass-balance'' [Icarus 251 (2015) 211-225]. \icarus, 357, 114272.
- Dundas, C. M., Becerra, P., Byrne, S., Chojnacki, M., Daubar, I. J., Diniega, S., Hansen, C. J., Herkenhoff, K. E., Landis, M. E., McEwen, A. S., Portyankina, G., & Valantinas, A. (2021). Active Mars: A Dynamic World. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 126(8), e06876.
- Dundas, C. M., Mellon, M. T., Conway, S. J., Daubar, I. J., Williams, K. E., Ojha, L., Wray, J. J., Bramson, A. M., Byrne, S., McEwen, A. S., Posiolova, L. V., Speth, G., Viola, D., Landis, M. E., Morgan, G. A., & Pathare, A. V. (2021). Widespread Exposures of Extensive Clean Shallow Ice in the Midlatitudes of Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 126(3), e06617.
- O'Brien, P., & Byrne, S. (2021). Physical and Chemical Evolution of Lunar Mare Regolith. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 126(2), e06634.
- Byrne, S., Hayne, P., Calvin, W., Tamppari, L., Kleinb{\"ohl}, A., Smith, I., & Becerra, P. (2020). Climate Orbiter for Mars Polar Atmospheric and Subsurface Science (COMPASS). LPI Contributions, 2099, 6013.
- Cook, C. W., Bramson, A. M., Byrne, S., Holt, J. W., Christoffersen, M. S., Viola, D., Dundas, C. M., & Goudge, T. A. (2020). Sparse subsurface radar reflectors in Hellas Planitia, Mars. \icarus, 348, 113847.
- Cook, C., Byrne, S., Viola, D., Drouet, d. C., & Mikucki, J. (2020). Detection Limits for Chiral Amino Acids Using a Polarization Camera. LPI Contributions, 2099, 6018.
- Cook, C., Byrne, S., d'Aubigny, C. D., Viola, D., Mikucki, J., & Ellis, W. (2020). Detection Limits for Chiral Amino Acids Using a Polarization Camera. The Planetary Science Journal, 1(2), 46.
- Herkenhoff, K., Byrne, S., Dundas, C., Baugh, N., & Hunter, M. (2020). HiRISE Observations of Recent Phenomena in the North Polar Region of Mars. LPI Contributions, 2099, 6059.
- Landis, M., McEwen, A., Daubar, I., Hayne, P., Byrne, S., Dundas, C., Sutton, S., Britton, A., & Herkenhoff, K. (2020). South Polar Layered Deposits Near-Surface Properties Inferred from a Dated Impact Crater. LPI Contributions, 2099, 6025.
- Martellato, E., Bramson, A., Cremonese, G., Lucchetti, A., Marzari, F., Massironi, M., Re, C., & Byrne, S. (2020). Martian Ice Revealed by Modeling of Simple Terraced Crater Formation. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 125(10), e06108.
- McEwen, A., Sutton, S., Bramson, A., Byrne, S., Petersen, E., Levy, J., Golombek, M., Williams, N., & Putzig, N. (2020). Phlegra Montes: Candidate Landing Site with Shallow Ice for Human Exploration. LPI Contributions, 2099, 6008.
- Obbard, R., Sarrazin, P., Vo, N., Zacny, K., & Byrne, S. (2020). In Situ MicroCT Instrument for the North Polar Layered Deposits of Mars. LPI Contributions, 2099, 6078.
- Smith, I. B., Hayne, P. O., Byrne, S., Becerra, P., Kahre, M., Calvin, W., Hvidberg, C., Milkovich, S., Buhler, P., Landis, M., Horgan, B., Kleinb{\"ohl}, A., Perry, M. R., Obbard, R., Stern, J., Piqueux, S., Thomas, N., Zacny, K., Carter, L., , Edgar, L., et al. (2020). The Holy Grail: A road map for unlocking the climate record stored within Mars' polar layered deposits. \planss, 184, 104841.
- Sori, M., Bramson, A., Byrne, S., James, P., & Keane, J. (2020). Gravitational Constraints on Mid-Latitude Ice... And the Need for More Gravity Data at Mars. LPI Contributions, 2099, 6026.
- Wei, G., Byrne, S., Li, X., & Hu, G. (2020). Lunar Surface and Buried Rock Abundance Retrieved from Chang'E-2 Microwave and Diviner Data. The Planetary Science Journal, 1(3), 56.
- Bapst, J., Byrne, S., Bandfield, J., & Hayne, P. (2019). Thermophysical Properties of the North Polar Residual Cap using Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 124(5), 1315-1330.
- Bapst, J., Byrne, S., Bandfield, J., Hayne, P., & Piqueux, S. (2019). Thermophysical Evidence for Recent Accumulation and Ablation of Water Ice at the North Pole of Mars. LPI Contributions, 2089, 6328.
- Bramson, A., Byrne, S., Bapst, J., Smith, I., & McClintock, T. (2019). A Migration Model for the Polar Spiral Troughs of Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 124(4), 1020-1043.
- Byrne}, S., Hayne, P., Beccerra, P., & Team, {. (2019). Climate Orbiter for Mars Polar Atmospheric and Subsurface Science (COMPASS): Deciphering the Martian Climate Record. LPI Contributions, 2089, 6450.
- Chilton, H., Schmidt, B., Duarte, K., Ferrier, K., Hughson, K., Scully, J., Wray, J., Sizemore, H., Nathues, A., Platz, T., Schorghofer, N., Schenk, P., Landis, M., {Bland, }. M., Byrne, S., Russell, C., & Raymond, C. (2019). Landslides on Ceres: Inferences Into Ice Content and Layering in the Upper Crust. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 124(6), 1512-1524.
- Combe, J., Raponi, A., Tosi, F., De, S., Carrozzo, F. G., Zambon, F., Ammannito, E., Hughson, K. H., Nathues, A., Hoffmann, M., Platz, T., Thangjam, G., Schorghofer, N., Schr{\"oder}, S., Byrne, S., Landis, M. E., Ruesch, O., McCord, T. B., Johnson, K. E., , Singh, S. M., et al. (2019). Exposed H$_2$O-rich areas detected on Ceres with the dawn visible and infrared mapping spectrometer. \icarus, 318, 22-41.
- Duarte, K., Schmidt, B., Chilton, H., Hughson, K., Sizemore, H., Ferrier, K., Buffo, J., Scully, J., Nathues, A., Platz, T., Landis, M., Byrne, S., Bland, M., Russell, C., & Raymond, C. (2019). Landslides on Ceres: Diversity and Geologic Context. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 124(12), 3329-3343.
- Dundas, C., McEwen, A. S., Diniega, S., Hansen, C., Byrne, S., & McElwaine, J. (2019). The formation of gullies on Mars today. Geological Society of London Special Publications, 467, 67-94.
- Landis, M., Byrne, S., Combe, J. -., Marchi, S., Castillo-Rogez, J. .., Sizemore, H., Sch{\"orghofer}, N., Prettyman, T., Hayne, P., Raymond, C., & Russell, C. (2019). Water Vapor Contribution to Ceres' Exosphere From Observed Surface Ice and Postulated Ice-Exposing Impacts. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 124(1), 61-75.
- Landis, M., McEwen, A., Daubar, I., Hayne, P., Byrne, S., Dundas, C., Sutton, S., Britton, A., & Herkenhoff, K. (2019). Mars' Polar Layered Deposits Geology and History as Revealed by Impact Craters. LPI Contributions, 2089, 6335.
- Ruesch, O., Quick, L., Landis, M., Sori, M., {\v{C}adek}, O., Bro{\v{z}}, P., Otto, K., {Bland, }. M., Byrne, S., Castillo-Rogez, J., Hiesinger, H., Jaumann, R., Krohn, K., McFadden, L., Nathues, A., Neesemann, A., Preusker, F., Roatsch, T., Schenk, P., , Scully, J., et al. (2019). Bright carbonate surfaces on Ceres as remnants of salt-rich water fountains. \icarus, 320, 39-48.
- Sori, M. M., Bapst, J., Becerra, P., & Byrne, S. (2019). Islands of ice on Mars and Pluto. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 124(10), 2522-2542.
- Thomas, N., Cremonese, G., Perry, J., Almeida, M., Banaszkiewicz, M., Bapst, J., Becerra, P., Bridges, J., Byrne, S., Conway, S., Deppo, V., Debei, S., El-Maarry, M., Fennema, A., Gwinner, K., Hauber, E., Heyd, R., Hansen, C., Ivanov, A., , Keszthelyi, L., et al. (2019). The Effects of Past and Current Geologic Processes Observed by the CaSSIS Imager Onboard ESA's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. LPI Contributions, 2089, 6156.
- Bapst, J., Byrne, S., & Brown, A. (2018). On the icy edge at Louth and Korolev craters. \icarus, 308, 15-26.
- Bapst, J., Byrne, S., Bandfield, J., & Hayne, P. (2018). Thermal Properties of the North Polar Residual Cap. LPI Contributions, 2086, 4026.
- Bramson, A., Byrne, S., Bapst, J., & Smith, I. (2018). The Mass Balance of Mars' Spiral Troughs. LPI Contributions, 2086, 4023.
- Cook, C., Brmson, A., Byrne, S., Viola, D., Holt, J., Christoffersen, M., & Dundas, C. (2018). Searching for Subsurface Ice in Hellas Planitia Using SHARAD. LPI Contributions, 2086, 4041.
- Dundas, C., Bramson, A., Ojha, L., Wray, J., Mellon, M., Byrne, S., McEwen, A., Putzig, N., Viola, D., Sutton, S., Clark, E., & Holt, J. (2018). Exposed subsurface ice sheets in the Martian mid-latitudes. Science, 359, 199-201.
- Hamilton, C. W., Byrne, S., Barnard, K. J., Rodriguez, J. J., Morrison, C. T., Palafox, L. F., & Savage, R. (2018). A Bayesian Approach to Sub-Kilometer Crater Shape Analysis using Individual HiRISE Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, PP(99), 1-11. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2018.2825608
- Herkenhoff, K., Byrne, S., & Sutton, S. (2018). HiRISE Observations of Recent Phenomena on the North Polar Layered Deposits, Mars. LPI Contributions, 2086, 4021.
- Landis, M., Byrne, S., Dundas, C., Herkenhoff, K., Whitten, J., Mayer, D., Daubar, I., & Plaut, J. (2018). Surface Ages of the South Polar Layered Deposits, Mars. LPI Contributions, 2086, 4017.
- O'Brien, P., Byrne, S., & Hayne, P. (2018). Investigating Sub-Resolution Cold Traps with a Landscape Evolution Model. LPI Contributions, 2087, 5029.
- Sori, M., Sizemore, H., Byrne, S., Bramson, A., Bland, M., Stein, N., & Russell, C. (2018). Author Correction: Cryovolcanic rates on Ceres revealed by topography. Nature Astronomy, 2, 995-995.
- Sori, M., Sizemore, H., Byrne, S., Bramson, A., Bland, M., Stein, N., & Russell, C. (2018). Cryovolcanic rates on Ceres revealed by topography. Nature Astronomy, 2, 946-950.
- Sori, M., Sizemore, H., Byrne, S., Bramson, A., Bland, M., Stein, N., Russell, C., & Raymond, C. (2018). Cryovolcanic History of Ceres from Topography. LPI Contributions, 2045, 2007.
- Thomas, N., Cremonese, G., Almeida, M., Backer, J., Becerra, P., Borrini, G., Byrne, S., Gruber, M., Gubler, P., & Heyd, R. (2018). CaSSIS - Targeting, Operations, and Data Reduction. European Planetary Science Congress, 12, EPSC2018-145.
- Thomas, N., Cremonese, G., Almeida, M., Banaszkiewicz, M., Becerra, P., Bridges, J., Byrne, S., & Da Deppo, V. (2018). CaSSIS - First images from science orbit. European Planetary Science Congress, 12, EPSC2018-141.
- Titus, T., Brown, A., Byrne, S., Colaprete, A., & Prettyman, T. (2018). Mars Volatile Mission Concept: Mars Ice Condensation and Density Orbiter. LPI Contributions, 2086, 4016.
- Tornabene, L., Seelos, F., Pommerol, A., Thomas, N., Caudill, C., Becerra, P., Bridges, J., Byrne, S., Cardinale, M., Chojnacki, M., Conway, S., Cremonese, G., Dundas, C., El-Maarry, M., Fernando, J., Hansen, C., Hansen, K., Harrison, T., Henson, R., , Marinangeli, L., et al. (2018). Image Simulation and Assessment of the Colour and Spatial Capabilities of the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. \ssr, 214, 18.
- Becerra, P., Sori, M., & Byrne, S. (2017). Signals of astronomical climate forcing in the exposure topography of the North Polar Layered Deposits of Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 62-70.
- Sori, M., Bapst, J., Bramson, A., Byrne, S., & Landis, M. (2017). A Wunda-full world? carbon dioxide ice deposits on Umbriel and other Uranian moons. Icarus, 290, 1-13.
- Sori, M., Byrne, S., Bland, M., Bramson, A., Ermakov, A., Hamilton, C., Otto, K., Ruesch, O., & Russell, C. (2017). The vanishing cryovolcanoes of Ceres. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 1243-1250.
- Viola, D., McEwen, A., Dundas, C., & Byrne, S. (2017). Subsurface volatile content of martian double-layer ejecta (DLE) craters. Icarus, 284, 325-343.
- Byrne}, S., {Sori}, M., {Russell}, P., {Pathare}, A., {Becerra}, P., {Molaro}, J., {Sutton}, S., {Mellon}, M., & Team, {. (2016). Why Icy Cliffs are Stressed Out and Falling to Pieces. LPI Contributions, 1926, 6022.
- Daubar, I., Dundas, C., Byrne, S., Geissler, P., Bart, G., McEwen, A., Russell, P., Chojnacki, M., & Golombek, M. (2016). Changes in blast zone albedo patterns around new martian impact craters. Icarus, 267, 86-105.
- {Bapst}, J., , S. (2016). Mass Balance Estimates of Louth Crater Water Ice and Climatic Implications. LPI Contributions, 1926, 6097.
- {Becerra}, P., {Byrne}, S., , M. (2016). Searching for a Climate Signal in Mars' North Polar Deposits. LPI Contributions, 1926, 6037.
- {Bierson}, C., {Phillips}, R., {Smith}, I., {Wood}, S., {Putzig}, N., {Nunes}, D., , S. (2016). Stratigraphy and evolution of the buried CO2 deposit in the Martian south polar cap. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 4172-4179.
- {Bramson}, A., {Byrne}, S., , J. (2016). Preservation of Excess Ice in the Northern Mid-Latitudes of Mars. LPI Contributions, 1926, 6074.
- {Brown}, A., {Calvin}, W., {Becerra}, P., , S. (2016). Martian north polar cap summer water cycle. Icarus, 277, 401-415.
- {Brown}, A., {Calvin}, W., {Becerra}, P., , S. (2016). The Martian North Polar Summer Water Cycle. LPI Contributions, 1926, 6044.
- {Buczkowski}, D., {Schmidt}, B., {Williams}, D., {Mest}, S., {Scully}, J., {Ermakov}, A., {Preusker}, F., {Schenk}, P., {Otto}, K., {Hiesinger}, H., {O'Brien}, D., {Marchi}, S., {Sizemore}, H., {Hughson}, K., {Chilton}, H., {Bland}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Schorghofer}, N., {Platz}, T., , {Jaumann}, R., et al. (2016). The geomorphology of Ceres. Science, 353, aaf4332.
- {Combe}, J., {McCord}, T., {Tosi}, F., {Ammannito}, E., {Carrozzo}, F., {De Sanctis}, M., {Raponi}, A., {Byrne}, S., {Landis}, M., {Hughson}, K., {Raymond}, C., , C. (2016). Detection of local H$_{2}$O exposed at the surface of Ceres. Science, 353, aaf3010.
- {Dundas}, C., {McEwen}, A., {Byrne}, S., {Hansen}, C., , S. (2016). HiRISE Observations of Martian Mid-Latitude Geomorphology: Implications for Recent Climate. LPI Contributions, 1926, 6102.
- {Hansen}, C., {Portyankina}, G., {Diniega}, S., {Bourke}, M., {Bridges}, N., {Byrne}, S., {Dundas}, C., {Hayne}, P., {McEwen}, A., , N. (2016). A Decade of Imaging Mars' Seasonal Polar Processes with HiRISE. LPI Contributions, 1926, 6032.
- {Hayne}, P., {Hansen}, C., {Byrne}, S., {Kass}, D., {Kleinb{\"o}hl}, A., {Piqueux}, S., {McCleese}, D., {Diniega}, S., , G. (2016). Snowfall Variability and Surface Changes in the Polar Regions of Mars. LPI Contributions, 1926, 6012.
- {Landis}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Daubar}, I., {Herkenhoff}, K., , C. (2016). A revised surface age for the North Polar Layered Deposits of Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 3060-3068.
- {Landis}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Daubar}, I., {Herkenhoff}, K., , C. (2016). Surface Age and Resurfacing Rates of the North Polar Layered Deposits, Mars. LPI Contributions, 1926, 6013.
- {Platz}, T., {Nathues}, A., {Schorghofer}, N., {Preusker}, F., {Mazarico}, E., {Schr{\"o}der}, S., {Byrne}, S., {Kneissl}, T., {Schmedemann}, N., {Combe}, J., {Sch{\"a}fer}, M., {Thangjam}, G., {Hoffmann}, M., {Gutierrez-Marques}, P., {Landis}, M., {Dietrich}, W., {Ripken}, J., {Matz}, K., , C. (2016). Surface water-ice deposits in the northern shadowed regions of Ceres. Nature Astronomy, 1, 0007.
- {Ruesch}, O., {Platz}, T., {Schenk}, P., {McFadden}, L., {Castillo-Rogez}, J., {Quick}, L., {Byrne}, S., {Preusker}, F., {O'Brien}, D., {Schmedemann}, N., {Williams}, D., {Li}, J., {Bland}, M., {Hiesinger}, H., {Kneissl}, T., {Neesemann}, A., {Schaefer}, M., {Pasckert}, J., {Schmidt}, B., , {Buczkowski}, D., et al. (2016). Cryovolcanism on Ceres. Science, 353, aaf4286.
- {Sori}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Hamilton}, C., , M. (2016). The Importance of Ice Flow at the North Pole of Mars. LPI Contributions, 1926, 6001.
- {Sori}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Hamilton}, C., , M. (2016). Viscous flow rates of icy topography on the north polar layered deposits of Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 541-549.
- {Thompson}, M., {Zega}, T., {Becerra}, P., {Keane}, J., , S. (2016). The oxidation state of nanophase Fe particles in lunar soil: Implications for space weathering. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 51, 1082-1095.
- Becerra, P., Byrne, S., & Brown, A. J. (2015). Transient bright ''halos'' on the South Polar Residual Cap of Mars: Implications for mass-balance. icarus, 251, 211-225.
- Bramson, A. M., Byrne, S., Putzig, N. E., Sutton, S., Plaut, J. J., Brothers, T. C., & Holt, J. W. (2015). Widespread excess ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 6566-6574.
- Brown, A., Michaels, T., Byrne, S., Sun, W., Titus, T., Colaprete, A., Wolff, M., Videen, G., & Grund, C. (2015). The case for a modern multiwavelength, polarization-sensitive LIDAR in orbit around Mars. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 153, 131-143.
- Dundas, C. M., Byrne, S., & McEwen, A. S. (2015). Modeling the development of martian sublimation thermokarst landforms. icarus, 262, 154-169.
- Molaro, J. L., Byrne, S., & Langer, S. A. (2015). Grain-scale thermoelastic stresses and spatiotemporal temperature gradients on airless bodies, implications for rock breakdown. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 120, 255-277.
- Piqueux, S., Byrne, S., Kieffer, H. H., Titus, T. N., & Hansen, C. J. (2015). Enumeration of Mars years and seasons since the beginning of telescopic exploration. icarus, 251, 332-338.
- Viola, D., McEwen, A. S., Dundas, C. M., & Byrne, S. (2015). Expanded secondary craters in the Arcadia Planitia region, Mars: Evidence for tens of Myr-old shallow subsurface ice. icarus, 248, 190-204.
- {Hansen}, C., {Diniega}, S., {Bridges}, N., {Byrne}, S., {Dundas}, C., {McEwen}, A., , G. (2015). "{Agents of change on Mars' northern dunes: CO$_{2}$ ice and wind}". icarus, 251, 264-274.
- Becerra}, P., {Byrne}, S., {Mattson}, S., {Pelletier}, J., {Herkenhoff}, K., & Team, {. S. (2014). Martian Polar Stratigraphy from Stereo Topography. European Planetary Science Congress 2014, EPSC Abstracts, Vol.~9, id.~EPSC2014-647, 9, EPSC2014-647.
- Daubar, I. J., Atwood-Stone, C., Byrne, S., McEwen, A. S., & Russell, P. S. (2014). The morphology of small fresh craters on Mars and the Moon. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 119, 2620-2639.
- Dundas, C. M., Byrne, S., McEwen, A. S., Mellon, M. T., Kennedy, M. R., Daubar, I. J., & Saper, L. (2014). HiRISE observations of new impact craters exposing Martian ground ice. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 119, 109-127.
- McEwen, A. S., Dundas, C. M., Mattson, S. S., Toigo, A. D., Ojha, L., Wray, J. J., Chojnacki, M., Byrne, S., Murchie, S. L., & Thomas, N. (2014). Recurring slope lineae in equatorial regions of Mars. Nature Geoscience, 7, 53-58.
- Ojha, L., McEwen, A., Dundas, C., Byrne, S., Mattson, S., Wray, J., Masse, M., & Schaefer, E. (2014). HiRISE observations of Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) during southern summer on Mars. icarus, 231, 365-376.
- {Becerra}, P., {Byrne}, S., , A. (2014). Transient Bright Halos on the South Polar Residual Cap of Mars: Implications for Mass Balance. European Planetary Science Congress 2014, EPSC Abstracts, Vol.~9, id.~EPSC2014-634, 9, EPSC2014-634.
- {Russell}, P., {Byrne}, S., , A. (2014). Active Landslide Erosion of Mars' North Polar Cliffs: Current Rates, Causes, and Implications. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- {Thomas}, N., {Cremonese}, G., {Banaszkiewicz}, M., {Bridges}, J., {Byrne}, S., {da Deppo}, V., {Debei}, S., {El-Maarry}, M., {Haubner}, E., {Hansen}, C., {Ivanov}, A., {Kestay}, L., {Kirk}, R., {Kuzmini}, R., {Mangold}, N., {Marinangeli}, L., {Markiewicz}, W., {Massironi}, M., {McEwen}, A., , {Okubo}, C., et al. (2014). The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) for ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter. European Planetary Science Congress 2014, EPSC Abstracts, Vol.~9, id.~EPSC2014-100, 9, EPSC2014-100.
- Christian, S., Holt, J. W., Byrne, S., & Fishbaugh, K. E. (2013). Integrating radar stratigraphy with high resolution visible stratigraphy of the north polar layered deposits, Mars. icarus, 226, 1241-1251.
- Daubar, I. J., McEwen, A. S., Byrne, S., Kennedy, M. R., & Ivanov, B. (2013). The current martian cratering rate. icarus, 225, 506-516.
- Hansen, C. J., Byrne, S., Portyankina, G., Bourke, M., Dundas, C., McEwen, A., Mellon, M., Pommerol, A., & Thomas, N. (2013). Observations of the northern seasonal polar cap on Mars: I. Spring sublimation activity and processes. icarus, 225, 881-897.
- Beyer, R. A., Stack, K. M., Griffes, J. L., Milliken, R. E., Herkenhoff, K. E., Byrne, S., Holt, J. W., & Grotzinger, J. P. (2012). An atlas of mars sedimentary rocks as seen by Hirise. SEPM Special Publications, 102, 49-95.
- Caudill, C. M., Tornabene, L. L., McEwen, A. S., Byrne, S., Ojha, L., & Mattson, S. (2012). Layered MegaBlocks in the central uplifts of impact craters. icarus, 221, 710-720.
- Dundas, C. M., Diniega, S., Hansen, C. J., Byrne, S., & McEwen, A. S. (2012). Seasonal activity and morphological changes in martian gullies. icarus, 220, 124-143.
- Hvidberg, C. S., Fishbaugh, K. E., Winstrup, M., Svensson, A., Byrne, S., & Herkenhoff, K. E. (2012). Reading the climate record of the martian polar layered deposits. Icarus, 221(1), 405-419.More infoAbstract: The martian polar regions have layered deposits of ice and dust. The stratigraphy of these deposits is exposed within scarps and trough walls and is thought to have formed due to climate variations in the past. Insolation has varied significantly over time and caused dramatic changes in climate, but it has remained unclear whether insolation variations could be linked to the stratigraphic record. We present a model of layer formation based on physical processes that expresses polar deposition rates of ice and dust in terms of insolation. In this model, layer formation is controlled by the insolation record, and dust-rich layers form by two mechanisms: (1) increased summer sublimation during high obliquity, and (2) variations in the polar deposition of dust modulated by obliquity variations. The model is simple, yet physically plausible, and allows for investigations of the climate control of the polar layered deposits (PLD). We compare the model to a stratigraphic column obtained from the north polar layered deposits (NPLD) (Fishbaugh, K.E., Hvidberg, C.S., Byrne, S., Russel, P.S., Herkenhoff, K.E., Winstrup, M., Kirk, R. [2010a]. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L07201) and show that the model can be tuned to reproduce complex layer sequences. The comparison with observations cannot uniquely constrain the PLD chronology, and it is limited by our interpretation of the observed stratigraphic column as a proxy for NPLD composition. We identified, however, a set of parameters that provides a chronology of the NPLD tied to the insolation record and consistently explains layer formation in accordance with observations of NPLD stratigraphy. This model dates the top 500m of the NPLD back to ∼1millionyears with an average net deposition rate of ice and dust of 0.55mma -1. The model stratigraphy contains a quasi-periodic ∼30m cycle, similar to a previously suggested cycle in brightness profiles from the NPLD (Laskar, J., Levrard, B., Mustard, F. [2002]. Nature, 419, 375-377; Milkovich, S., Head, J.W. [2005]. J. Geophys. Res. 110), but here related to half of the obliquity cycles of 120 and 99kyr and resulting from a combination of the two layer formation mechanisms. Further investigations of the non-linear insolation control of PLD formation should consider data from other geographical locations and include radar data and other stratigraphic datasets that can constrain the composition and stratigraphy of the NPLD layers. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
- Molaro, J., & Byrne, S. (2012). Rates of temperature change of airless landscapes and implications for thermal stress weathering. Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets, 117(10).More infoAbstract: Thermal stress weathering may play a role in the evolution of terrestrial-planet landscapes, particularly those without atmospheres, by contributing to rock breakdown, regolith production, and crater degradation. Damage occurs in the form of microscopic cracks that result from a thermal cycle or thermal shock. Terrestrial studies typically evaluate the efficacy of this process by measuring the rate of surface temperature change (dT/dt), using a damage threshold of 2 K/min. While the extent of this damage is unknown, we investigate its relative efficacy by modeling rates of temperature change on various airless surfaces. The magnitude of dT/dt values is primarily controlled by sunrise/set durations on quickly rotating bodies, such as Vesta, and by distance to the sun on slowly rotating bodies, such as Mercury. The strongest temperature shocks are experienced by highly sloped east- or west-facing surfaces. Hot thermal shocks (dT/dt > 0) tend to be stronger than cold shocks (dT/dt < 0), and on some bodies, daytime shadowing may produce higher dT/dt values than those caused by diurnal sunrise/set if the topography is optimally oriented. We find that high dT/dt values are not, however, always correlated with high temperature gradients within the rock. This adds to the ambiguity of the poorly understood damage threshold, warranting further research on the topic that goes beyond the simple 2 K/min criterion. © 2012. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
- Hansen, C. J., Bourke, M., Bridges, N. T., Byrne, S., Colon, C., Diniega, S., Dundas, C., Herkenhoff, K., McEwen, A., Mellon, M., Portyankina, G., & Thomas, N. (2011). Seasonal Erosion and Restoration of Marsrsquo Northern Polar Dunes. Science, 331, 575-.
- McEwen, A. S., Ojha, L., Dundas, C. M., Mattson, S. S., Byrne, S., Wray, J. J., Cull, S. C., Murchie, S. L., Thomas, N., & Gulick, V. C. (2011). Seasonal Flows on Warm Martian Slopes. Science, 333, 740-.
- Phillips, R. J., Davis, B. J., Tanaka, K. L., Byrne, S., Mellon, M. T., Putzig, N. E., Haberle, R. M., Kahre, M. A., Campbell, B. A., Carter, L. M., Smith, I. B., Holt, J. W., Smrekar, S. E., Nunes, D. C., Plaut, J. J., Egan, A. F., Titus, T. N., & Seu, R. (2011). Massive CO$_2$ Ice Deposits Sequestered in the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars. Science, 332, 838-.
- Sharma, P., & Byrne, S. (2011). Comparison of Titan's north polar lakes with terrestrial analogs. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(24).More infoAbstract: The discovery of hydrocarbon lakes in the polar regions of Titan offers a unique opportunity to compare terrestrial lakes with those in an extraterrestrial setting. We selected 114 terrestrial lakes formed by different processes as analogs for comparison with the 190 Titanian lakes that we had mapped in our previous study. Using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) C-band backscatter data and the SRTM Water Body Data (SWBD), we carried out an assessment of manual mapping versus existing automated mapping techniques, and found the automated techniques to produce as good representations of the lake shorelines as the manual mapping in the terrestrial dataset. We then calculated and compared terrestrial and Titanian shoreline statistical parameters including fractal dimension, shoreline development index and an elongation index. We found different lake generation mechanisms on Earth produce "statistically different" shorelines. However, we cannot identify any one mechanism or set of mechanisms to be responsible for forming the depressions enclosing the lakes on Titan, on the basis of our statistical analyses. Copyright © 2011 by the American Geophysical Union.
- Banks, M. E., Byrne, S., Galla, K., McEwen, A. S., Bray, V. J., Dundas, C. M., Fishbaugh, K. E., Herkenhoff, K. E., & Murray, B. C. (2010). Crater population and resurfacing of the Martian north polar layered deposits. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 115, 8006.
- Diniega, S., Byrne, S., Bridges, N., Dundas, C., & McEwen, A. (2010). Seasonality of present-day Martian dune-gully activity. Geology, 38(11), 1047-1050.
- Diniega, S., Glasner, K., & Byrne, S. (2010). Long-time evolution of models of aeolian sand dune fields: Influence of dune formation and collision. Geomorphology, 121, 55-68.
- Dundas, C. M., & Byrne, S. (2010). Modeling sublimation of ice exposed by new impacts in the martian mid-latitudes. Icarus, 206(2), 716-728.More infoAbstract: New impacts in the martian mid-latitudes have exposed near-surface ice. This ice is observed to slowly fade over timescales of months. In the present martian climate, exposed surface ice is unstable during summer months in the mid-latitudes and will sublimate. We model the sublimation of ice at five new impact sites and examine the implications of its persistence. Even with generally conservative assumptions, for most reasonable choices of parameters it is likely that over a millimeter of sublimation occurred in the period during which the ice was observed to fade. The persistence of visible ice through such sublimation suggests that the ice is relatively pure rather than pore-filling. Such ice could be analogous to the nearly pure ice observed by the Phoenix Lander in the "Dodo-Goldilocks" trench and suggests that the high ice contents reported by the Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer at high latitudes extend to the mid-latitudes. Our observations are consistent with a model of the martian ice table in which a layer with high volumetric ice content overlies pore-filling ice, although other structures are possible. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
- Dundas, C. M., McEwen, A. S., Diniega, S., Byrne, S., & Martinez-Alonso, S. (2010). New and recent gully activity on Mars as seen by HiRISE. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, 7202.
- Fishbaugh, K. E., Byrne, S., Herkenhoff, K. E., Kirk, R. L., Fortezzo, C., Russell, P. S., & McEwen, A. (2010). Evaluating the meaning of ldquolayerrdquo in the martian north polar layered deposits and the impact on the climate connection. icarus, 205, 269-282.
- Fishbaugh, K. E., Hvidberg, C. S., Byrne, S., Russell, P. S., Herkenhoff, K. E., Winstrup, M., & Kirk, R. (2010). First high-resolution stratigraphic column of the Martian north polar layered deposits. Geophysical Research Letters, 37(7).More infoAbstract: This study achieves the first high-spatial-resolution, layer-scale, measured stratigraphic column of the Martian north polar layered deposits using a 1m-posting DEM. The marker beds found throughout the upper North Polar Layered Deposits range in thickness from 1.6 m-16.0 m +/-1.4 m, and 6 of 13 marker beds are separated by ∼25-35 m. Thin-layer sets have average layer separations of 1.6 m. These layer separations may account for the spectral-power-peaks found in previous brightness-profile analyses. Marker-bed layer thicknesses show a weak trend of decreasing thickness with depth that we interpret to potentially be the result of a decreased accumulation rate in the past, for those layers. However, the stratigraphic column reveals that a simple rhythmic or bundled layer sequence is not immediately apparent throughout the column, implying that the relationship between polar layer formation and cyclic climate forcing is quite complex. Copyright © 2010 by the American Geophysical Union.
- Hansen, C. J., Thomas, N., Portyankina, G., McEwen, A., Becker, T., Byrne, S., Herkenhoff, K., Kieffer, H., & Mellon, M. (2010). HiRISE observations of gas sublimation-driven activity in Marsrsquo southern polar regions: I. Erosion of the surface. icarus, 205, 283-295.
- Holt, J. W., Fishbaugh, K. E., Byrne, S., Christian, S., Tanaka, K., Russell, P. S., Herkenhoff, K. E., Safaeinili, A., Putzig, N. E., & Phillips, R. J. (2010). The construction of Chasma Boreale on Mars. Nature, 465(7297), 446-449.More infoPMID: 20505721;Abstract: The polar layered deposits of Mars contain the planets largest known reservoir of water ice and the prospect of revealing a detailed Martian palaeoclimate record, but the mechanisms responsible for the formation of the dominant features of the north polar layered deposits (NPLD) are unclear, despite decades of debate. Stratigraphic analyses of the exposed portions of Chasma Borealea large canyon 500 km long, up to 100 km wide, and nearly 2 km deephave led most researchers to favour an erosional process for its formation following initial NPLD accumulation. Candidate mechanisms include the catastrophic outburst of water, protracted basal melting, erosional undercutting, aeolian downcutting and a combination of these processes. Here we use new data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to show that Chasma Boreale is instead a long-lived, complex feature resulting primarily from non-uniform accumulation of the NPLD. The initial valley that later became Chasma Boreale was matched by a second, equally large valley that was completely filled in by subsequent deposition, leaving no evidence on the surface to indicate its former presence. We further demonstrate that topography existing before the NPLD began accumulating influenced successive episodes of deposition and erosion, resulting in most of the present-day topography. Long-term and large-scale patterns of mass balance achieved through sedimentary processes, rather than catastrophic events, ice flow or highly focused erosion, have produced the largest geomorphic anomaly in the north polar ice of Mars. © 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
- McEwen, A. S., Banks, M. E., Baugh, N., Becker, K., Boyd, A., Bergstrom, J. W., Beyer, R. A., Bortolini, E., Bridges, N. T., Byrne, S., Castalia, B., Chuang, F. C., Crumpler, L. S., Daubar, I., Davatzes, A. K., Deardorff, D. G., DeJong, A., Alan Delamere, W., Dobrea, E. N., , Dundas, C. M., et al. (2010). The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) during MROrsquos Primary Science Phase (PSP). icarus, 205, 2-37.
- Reufer, A., Thomas, N., Benz, W., Byrne, S., Bray, V., Dundas, C., & Searls, M. (2010). Models of high velocity impacts into dust-covered ice: Application to Martian northern lowlands. Planetary and Space Science, 58(10), 1160-1168.More infoAbstract: The detection of fresh impact craters with bright floors and ejecta (arising from fresh clean water ice) in the northern lowlands of Mars (Byrne et al., 2009b, Science 325, 1674), together with observations of polygonal structures and evidence from the Phoenix probe, suggests that there are substantial water ice deposits just below the surface over large areas. Specifically in cases of the larger craters observed, the impacts themselves may have raised the temperature and the pressure of the water ice deposits locally to values which allow phase changes. In this paper, we use smoothed particle hydrodynamics to model hyper-velocity impacts. We estimate peak shock pressures in a solid water ice target covered by a layer of loose material, modeled by pre-damaged dunite. In addition, we account for the possibility of a thin layer of sub-surface water ice by using a three-layer model where the ice is surrounded by dunite. We find that the peak shock pressures reached in the simulated events are high enough to produce several 1001000 kg of liquid water depending upon the impact parameters and the exact shock pressure needed for the phase change. A difficulty remains however in determining whether liquid is generated or whether a type of fluidized ice is produced (or indeed some combination of the two). We also note that the process can become rather complex as the number of layers increases because of reflections of the shock at sub-surface boundariesa process which should lead to increased fluidization. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
- Sharma, P., & Byrne, S. (2010). Constraints on Titan's topography through fractal analysis of shorelines. Icarus, 209(2), 723-737.More infoAbstract: Titan's north polar hydrocarbon lakes offer a unique opportunity to indirectly characterize the statistical properties of Titan's landscape. The complexity of a shoreline can be related to the complexity of the landscape it is embedded in through fractal theory. We mapped the shorelines of 290 of the north polar titanian lakes in the Cassini synthetic aperture radar dataset. Out of these, we used a subset of 190 lake shorelines for our analysis. The fractal dimensions of the shorelines were calculated via two methods: the divider/ruler method and the box-counting method, at length scales of (1-10) km and found to average 1.27 and 1.32, respectively. The inferred power-spectral exponent of Titan's topography (β) from theoretical and empirical relations is found to be ≤2, which is lower than the values obtained from the global topography of the Earth or Venus. Some of the shorelines exhibit multi-fractal behavior (different fractal dimensions at different scales), which we interpret to signify a transition from one set of dominant surface processes to another. We did not observe any spatial variation in the fractal dimension with latitude; however we do report significant spatial variation of the fractal dimension with longitude. A systematic difference between the dimensions of orthogonal sections of lake shorelines is also noted, which signifies possible anisotropy in Titan's topography. The topographic information thus gleaned can be used to constrain landscape evolution modeling to infer the dominant surface processes that sculpt the landscape of Titan. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.
- Byrne, S. (2009). The polar deposits of mars. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 37, 535-560.More infoAbstract: The tantalizing prospect of a readable record of martian climatic variations has driven decades of work toward deciphering the stratigraphy of the martian polar layered deposits and understanding the role of the residual ice caps that cover them. Spacecraft over the past decade have provided a massive infusion of new data into Mars science. Polar science has benefited immensely due to the near-polar orbits of most of the orbiting missions and the successful landing of the Phoenix spacecraft in the northern high latitudes. Topographic, thermal, radar, hyperspectral, and high-resolution imaging data are among the datasets that have allowed characterization of the stratigraphy of the polar layered deposits in unprecedented detail. Additionally, change within the residual ice caps has been monitored with spacecraft instruments for several years. These new data have provided a golden opportunity to understand the interplay between the martian orbit, climate, and polar ice. Copyright © 2009 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved.
- Byrne, S., Dundas, C. M., Kennedy, M. R., Mellon, M. T., McEwen, A. S., Cull, S. C., Daubar, I. J., Shean, D. E., Seelos, K. D., Murchie, S. L., Cantor, B. A., Arvidson, R. E., Edgett, K. S., Reufer, A., Thomas, N., Harrison, T. N., Posiolova, L. V., & Seelos, F. P. (2009). Distribution of Mid-Latitude Ground Ice on Mars from New Impact Craters. Science, 325, 1674-.
- Brown, A. J., Byrne, S., Tornabene, L. L., & Roush, T. (2008). Louth crater: Evolution of a layered water ice mound. Icarus, 196(2), 433-445.More infoAbstract: We report on observations made of the ∼36 km diameter crater, Louth, in the north polar region of Mars (at 70° N, 103.2° E). High-resolution imagery from the instruments on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft has been used to map a 15 km diameter water ice deposit in the center of the crater. The water ice mound has surface features that include roughened ice textures and layering similar to that found in the North Polar Layered Deposits. Features we interpret as sastrugi and sand dunes show consistent wind patterns within Louth over recent time. CRISM spectra of the ice mound were modeled to derive quantitative estimates of water ice and contaminant abundance, and associated ice grain size information. These morphologic and spectral results are used to propose a stratigraphy for this deposit and adjoining sand dunes. Our results suggest the edge of the water ice mound is currently in retreat. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
- Byrne, S., Zuber, M. T., & Neumann, G. A. (2008). Interannual and seasonal behavior of Martian residual ice-cap albedo. Planetary and Space Science, 56(2), 194-211.More infoAbstract: The Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA), functioning as a high-resolution radiometer, has observed several appearances of the Martian residual ice caps. We examine these data to quantify both seasonal behavior and interannual differences. The northern residual cap (NRC) was found to be mostly stable with the exception of one, previously identified, region of strong variability. Interannual change in the extent of the NRC appears to be small and reversible on timescales of 1 or 2 years. The NRC has an elaborate seasonal evolution of albedo. Annuli of fine-grained CO2 and water frost, which track the inner and outer edges of the seasonal CO2 cap, cause large temporary brightenings. The NRC albedo is stable from just after solstice to Ls 150°, after which albedo decreases steadily. This late-summer darkening can be explained by shadowing within the rough topography of the NRC, leading to a lower limit on topographic relief of 80 cm. The southern residual cap (SRC) appears stable in extent. As has been previously discovered, its seasonal frost albedo behavior appears to be correlated with insolation. However, residual CO2 appears not to share this characteristic; we use this behavioral difference to infer net deposition of CO2 ice on the SRC during 1 out of 3 years. Uncharacteristically, the SRC abruptly darkens at Ls 320° in 1 Martian year (year beginning April 2002). Circumstantial evidence suggests atmospheric scattering by dust is responsible. The 2001 global dust-storm appears, either, to have had no effect on the polar cap albedos, or, resulted in slightly brighter ice deposits. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Russell, P., Thomas, N., Byrne, S., Herkenhoff, K., Fishbaugh, K., Bridges, N., Okubo, C., Milazzo, M., Daubar, I., Hansen, C., & McEwen, A. (2008). Seasonally active frost-dust avalanches on a north polar scarp of Mars captured by HiRISE. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, 23204.
- Winebrenner, D. P., Koutnik, M. R., Waddington, E. D., Pathare, A. V., Murray, B. C., Byrne, S., & Bamber, J. L. (2008). Evidence for ice flow prior to trough formation in the martian north polar layered deposits. icarus, 195, 90-105.
- Herkenhoff, K. E., Byrne, S., Russell, P. S., Fishbaugh, K. E., & McEwen, A. S. (2007). Meter-Scale Morphology of the North Polar Region of Mars. Science, 317, 1711-.
- McEwen, A. S., Hansen, C. J., Delamere, W. A., Eliason, E. M., Herkenhoff, K. E., Keszthelyi, L., Gulick, V. C., Kirk, R. L., Mellon, M. T., Grant, J. A., Thomas, N., Weitz, C. M., Squyres, S. W., Bridges, N. T., Murchie, S. L., Seelos, F., Seelos, K., Okubo, C. H., Milazzo, M. P., , Tornabene, L. L., et al. (2007). A Closer Look at Water-Related Geologic Activity on Mars. Science, 317, 1706-.
- Koutnik, M. R., Byrne, S., Murray, B. C., Toigo, A. D., & Crawford, Z. A. (2005). Eolian controlled modification of the martian south polar layered deposits. icarus, 174, 490-501.
- Schaller, E. L., Murray, B., Pathare, A. V., Rasmussen, J., & Byrne, S. (2005). Modification of secondary craters on the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits. Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets, 110(2), 1-12.More infoAbstract: Secondary crater fields are important stratigraphic markers that can shed light on resurfacing processes that have occurred since their formation. We examine the morphologies of secondary craters formed from the ejection of material from two large impacts on the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD): McMurdo crater at 84.5°S, 0°W, and an unnamed impact at 80.8°S, 284°W. The morphologies of these secondary craters allow us to impose constraints on the modification history of the SPLD. We have quantified crater morphologies using data sets from the Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey missions. We find a complete lack of secondary craters smaller than 300 m in diameter in both crater fields, which implies that at least the upper 30 m of the deposits have been resurfaced since the time of these impacts. Secondary crater depth-to-diameter ratios are low (average of 0.016), indicating that significant degradation has occurred since their emplacement. We find that vertical resurfacing alone is not enough to explain the observed depth-to-diameter distribution and suggest that viscous relaxation of craters coupled with a small amount of vertical resurfacing best fits the data. In the McMurdo field, high depth-to-diameter craters are found preferentially on steeper terrain associated with scarps cutting through the secondary field. This observation suggests that crater modification exhibits a dependence on slope. We comment on possible mechanisms that may explain this observation. The morphologies of secondary craters on the SPLD point to modification processes without lunar parallel and not yet fully modeled for Mars. Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union.
- Byrne, S., & Ivanov, A. B. (2004). Internal structure of the Martian south polar layered deposits. Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets, 109(11), 1-20.More infoAbstract: We investigate the three-dimensional (3-D) stratigraphic structure of the south polar layered deposits (SPLD) on Mars. Prominent bench-forming layers exposed on SPLD scarps were observed and mapped in three dimensions using high-resolution topographic and imaging data sets. Using the 3-D location of exposures of one of these strata, we can accurately describe the shape of that layer using simple mathematical functions. Analysis of these functions and the surface topography can be used to reliably predict where on other scarps this layer is exposed. In general this bench-forming layer (and its surrounding strata) is not flat and is well approximated as a parabolic dome near the center of the SPLD. Its curvature indicates that when deposited it was draped over a topographic dome similar in size to that of the present day. The scarps in which this layer is exposed must have formed subsequently and have not been significantly modified by flow processes. The basement topography exercises some control over the shape of the interior strata in extreme cases. Our successful layer-fitting technique illustrates the regional uniformity in layer formation and the lack of major internal defects (such as faulting) within the SPLD. We have mapped exposures of what appear to be this layer in scarps farther from the center of the deposits. The position of these exposures can be used to modify the modeled parabolic shape at the periphery of the SPLD. These peripheral elevations provide constraints on the role of flow in the overall shaping of the SPLD. Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union.
- Jerolmack, D. J., Mohrig, D., Zuber, M. T., & Byrne, S. (2004). A minimum time for the formation of Holden Northeast fan, Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(21), L21701 1-5.More infoAbstract: The recently discovered deposits of a channelized fan located northeast of Holden Crater preserve a history of vertical and lateral accretion and avulsion of many channels, indicating water flowed freely across the surface of the fan during its construction. These sedimentary deposits, however, do not unambiguously discriminate between a deltaic or purely riverine origin for the feature. By using a numerical model describing fan construction solely by river channels, we estimate a minimum formation time of several decades to centuries. A minimum value for the total volume of transporting fluid required to construct the fan is modest, 900 km3 , and may not have required precipitation. Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union.
- Byrne, S., & Ingersoll, A. P. (2003). A sublimation model for Martian south polar ice features. Science, 299(5609), 1051-1053.More infoPMID: 12586939;Abstract: In their pioneering work, Leighton and Murray argued that the Mars atmosphere, which at present is 95% carbon dioxide, is controlled by vapor equilibrium with a much larger polar reservoir of solid carbon dioxide. Here we argue that the polar reservoir is small and cannot function as a long-term buffer to the more massive atmosphere. Our work is based on modeling of the circular depressions commonly found on the south polar cap. We argue that a carbon dioxide ice layer about 8 meters thick is being etched away to reveal water ice underneath. This is consistent with thermal infrared data from the Mars Odyssey mission.
- Byrne, S., & Ingersoll, A. P. (2003). Martian climatic events on timescales of centuries: Evidence from feature morphology in the residual south polar ice cap. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(13), 29-1.More infoAbstract: Flat-floored, quasi-circular depressions on the southern residual cap of Mars have been observed to expand rapidly. Analysis of the size distribution combined with modeling of the growth process yields information about the ages of these features. We report on properties of a population of these features within a selected study area. We find a narrow size distribution that indicates a common formation time and a finite period during which new features were forming. Some change in environmental conditions occurred during this period, which we date at several Martian decades to centuries ago depending on modeled growth rates. We report on THEMIS data that reveals the nature of larger features outside our study area. Underlying water ice is exposed on the flat floors of these depressions near the outer walls. These features may record more than one growth phase, indicating that conditions conducive to growth may switch on and off with characteristics timescales of Martian centuries.
- Piqueux, S., Byrne, S., & Richardson, M. I. (2003). Sublimation of Mar's southern seasonal CO2 ice cap and the formation of spiders. Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets, 108(8), 3-1.More infoAbstract: In this paper we define and describe morphological features that have colloquially been termed "spiders" and map their distribution in the south polar region of Mars. We show that these features go through a distinct seasonal evolution, exhibiting dark plumes and associated fan-shaped deposits during the local defrosting of the seasonal cap. We have documented the seasonal evolution of the cryptic region and have found that spiders only occur within this terrain. These observations are consistent with a geyser-like model for spider formation. Association with the transparent (cryptic) portion of the seasonal cap is consistent with basal sublimation and the resulting venting of CO2 gas. Also consistent with such venting is the observation of dark fan-shaped deposits apparently emanating from spider centers. Spiders are additionally confined to the polar layered deposits presumably due to the poorly consolidated and easily eroded nature of their upper surface.
- Byrne, S., & Murray, B. C. (2002). North polar stratigraphy and the paleo-erg of Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets, 107(6), 11-1.More infoAbstract: An accurate self-consistent way of coregistering the imaging and topographic data sets of the Mars Global Surveyor mission was developed and used to begin a stratigraphic analysis of the northern polar region. A distinct change in the layering style exists at a definite stratigraphic horizon near the base of the north polar layered deposits. Occurrences of the contact between two distinct layered units can be mapped hundreds of kilometers apart at nearly the same Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) elevation. The lower layered unit has a consistent association with sand dunes, leading to the conclusion that it is an eroding sand-rich deposit that predates most of the overlying north polar layered deposits, which exhibits the expected features of a dust-ice mixture. These results suggest that an areally extensive erg was in existence before the present ice cap and that the present circumpolar erg is likely composed of material reworked from this older deposit. The volume of this lower unit is estimated to be on the order of 105 km3. The presence of this deposit implies that there existed a period in Mars' history when there was no icy polar cap. A dramatic climatic change leading to the deposition of the upper layered (icy) unit in the present-day polar layered deposits represents a major event in Mars' history. However, owing to uncertainties in the mechanics of layered deposits formation, such an event cannot be dated at this time.
- Koutnik, M., Byrne, S., & Murray, B. (2002). South polar layered deposits of Mars: The cratering record. Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets, 107(11), 10-1.More infoAbstract: Data from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) and Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) instruments aboard the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) were used in a detailed search of a selected part of the South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD) for impact craters. Impact craters with diameters from 0.8 to 5 km were identified from a MOLA-derived shaded relief map and were primarily validated using individual MOLA tracks and, in select cases, MOC narrow angle images. The resultant crater population determined in this study is at least four times the density of the crater population previously recognized. From these new statistics, we estimate the mean apparent surface age of the SPLD to be 30-100 Ma, depending on the established production model isochrons used. All of these craters are considerably shallower than other Martian craters in the same diameter range. We attribute this shallowness to be the cause of the lower detection rates of previous studies. There is a correlation between crater depth and rim height, which suggests that both erosion and infilling have affected the crater forms. A similar study of the north polar layered deposits uncovered no craters in this diameter range. A limited population of craters smaller than 800 m was uncovered in higher-resolution MOC narrow angle images. These do not appear to have been degraded to the same degree. This separate population implies a surface exposure age of only 100,000 years and perhaps indicates an event that erased all small craters and degraded and infilled the larger ones.
- Murray, B., Koutnik, M., Byrne, S., Soderblom, L., Herkenhoff, K., & Tanaka, K. L. (2001). Preliminary geological assessment of the Northern edge of ultimi lobe, Mars South Polar layered deposits. Icarus, 154(1), 80-97.More infoAbstract: We have examined the local base of the south polar layered deposits (SPLD) exposed in the bounding scarp near 72°-74°S, 215°- 230°W where there is a clear unconformable contact with older units. Sections of layering up to a kilometer thick were examined along the bounding scarp, permitting an estimate of the thinnest individual layers yet reported in the SPLD. Rhythmic layering is also present locally, suggesting a similarly rhythmic variation in environmental conditions and a recorded climate signal at least in some SPLD strata. Locally, angular unconformities may be present, as has been reported for the north polar layered deposits (NPLD) and may likewise imply intervals of subaerial erosion in the SPLD. The outcropping layers display a broad range of weathering styles and may reflect more diverse conditions of depositions, erosion, and diagenesis than might have been expected from simple aeolian depostion modulated only by astronomically driven climatic fluctuations. An unexpected finding of our study is the presence of locally abundant small pits close to the bounding scarp. These quasi-circular, negative, rimless features probably originated as impact craters and were modified to varying degrees by local endogenic processes, as well as locally variable blanketing. A nominal exposure age for the most heavily cratered region in our study area is about 2 million years, and the crater statistics appear consistent with those for the overall SPLD, although there are large uncertainties in the absolute ages implied by the crater size-frequency statistics, as in all martian crater ages. Another new finding is the presence of mass wasting features along the steepest portion of the retreating bounding scarp as well as a number of examples of brittle fracture, consistent with large-scale slumping along the bounding scarp and probably also ancient basal sliding. Both subhorizontal and high angle faults appear to be exposed in the bounding scarp, but the dips of the faults are poorly constrained. These fractures, along with the relatively undeformed layers between them, suggest to us that whatever horizontal motion may have taken place outward from the central cap region was accomplished by ancient basal sliding rather than large-scale glacial-like flow or ice migration by differential ablation, as proposed recently for the northern permanent cap and underlying NPLD. We have also obtained the, first direct estimate of the regional dip of the SPLD, around 2-3* outward (northward) in one area. © 2001 Elsevier Science.
Proceedings Publications
- Byrne, S., Landis, M., Russell, P., Shore, G., & Sutton, S. (2024, mar). Icy Cliffs are Stressed Out and Falling Apart. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Byrne, S., Landis, M., Russell, P., Shore, G., Sutton, S., & Wolff, M. (2024, jul). Icy Cliffs are Stressed Out and Falling Apart. In 8th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, 3064.
- Cook, C., & Byrne, S. (2024, jul). Ice Accumulation and Flow in Hellas Basin: Implications for Banded Terrain. In 8th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, 3064.
- Cook, C., & Byrne, S. (2024, jul). The Glacial History of Mars Recorded in Concentric Crater Fill. In 8th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, 3064.
- Cook, C., & Byrne, S. (2024, mar). Ice Accumulation and Flow in Hellas Basin: Implications for Banded Terrain. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Cook, C., & Byrne, S. (2024, mar). The Glacial History of Mars Recorded in Concentric Crater Fill. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Landis, M., Byrne, S., Daubar, I., Dundas, C., Hayne, P., Herkenhoff, K., McEwen, A., Rangarajan, V., Russell, P., Shore, G., Sutton, S., Tornabene, L., & Wilcoski, A. (2024, jul). ``Polar'' Opposites: Distinct Recent Activity at Mars' Polar Ice Deposits Suggests Divergent Histories. In LPI Contributions, 3007.
- McEwen}, A., Byrne, S., & Team, {. (2024, jul). The Future of High-Resolution Orbital Imaging of Mars. In LPI Contributions, 3007.
- McEwen}, A., Byrne, S., & Team, {. (2024, mar). The Future of High-Resolution Orbital Imaging of Mars. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Nelson, D., Williams, D., Black, S., Byrne, S., Carr, B., Hamilton, C., Hayes, A., Hunter, M., & Ponterio, Z. (2024, mar). Planetary Data Training Workshops in GIS, Photogrammetry, and Planetary Data Management. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Phillips, M., & Byrne, S. (2024, mar). The Space Imagery Center at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Russell, P., Shore, G., Byrne, S., & Landis, M. (2024, jul). Active Mass-Wasting Processes on Steep Mars North Polar Scarps. In 8th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, 3064.
- Shore, G., Landis, M., Byrne, S., Hayne, P., Sutton, S., & Wilcoski, A. (2024, jul). Variability of Ice Lenses in North Polar Layered Deposits Craters on Mars. In 8th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, 3064.
- Singh, C., Byrne, S., Golombek, M., Trautman, M., Dundas, C., & Williams, N. (2024, jul). Machine Vision Boulder Detections on Martian Ice Sheets. In LPI Contributions, 3007.
- Singh, C., Byrne, S., Golombek, M., Trautman, M., Dundas, C., Crocco, R., & Williams, N. (2024, mar). The Origin of Boulders on Martian Ice Sheets. In 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3040.
- Sori, M., Bapst, J., Becerra, P., Bramson, A., Byrne, S., Checketts, B., Durham, A., Horgan, B., Lawrence, I., McGlasson, R., Patel, N., Petrini, E., Tikoo, S., & Zorzi, A. (2024, jul). Climate Records of Outlying Polar Ice Deposits on Mars. In 8th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, 3064.
- Thomas, N., Almeida, M., Pommerol, A., Read, M., Geiger, B., Patel, M., Byrne, S., & Sutton, S. (2024, jul). CaSSIS Observations of Atmospheric Forward Scattering from Limb Pointings. In LPI Contributions, 3007.
- Wilcoski, A., Landis, M., Shore, G., Hayne, P., & Byrne, S. (2024, jul). 3D Thermal and Vapor Diffusion Modeling at the Poles of Mars. In 8th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, 3064.
- Cook, C., & Byrne, S. (2023, mar). Subglacial Sediment Deformation in Hellas Basin: Testing a Possible Origin for the Banded Terrain. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Dundas, C., Mellon, M., Posiolova, L., Miljkovic, K., Collins, G., Tornabene, L., Rangarajan, V., Golombek, M., Warner, N., Daubar, I., Byrne, S., McEwen, A., Seelos, K., Viola, D., Bramson, A., & Speth, G. (2023, mar). The Limits of Ice on Mars: Ice Exposed by a Large New Impact Crater at 35\textordmasculineN. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Izquierdo, K., Laferriere, K. L., Bramson, A., McClintock, T., Byrne, S., Bapst, J., & Smith, I. (2023, oct). A Bayesian modeling approach applied to migrating polar troughs to infer ice deposition rates on Mars. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 55.
- McEwen}, A., Byrne, S., Hanson, C., & Team, {. (2023, mar). The High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) in the MRO Extended Science Phases (2009-2022). In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- O'Brien, P., Hayne, P., Landis, M., & Byrne, S. (2023, mar). Seasonal Illumination at the Lunar Poles: Partial Double Shadows and Super-Volatile Stability. In LPI Contributions, 2806.
- Cook, C., Byrne, S., & Sori, M. (2022, mar). Formation of the Banded Terrain of Hellas Planitia, Mars. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Hayne, P., Byrne, S., Smith, I., Banfield, D., Barba, N., & Giersch, L. (2022, mar). Advancing Mars Polar Science with Micro-Landers. In Low-Cost Science Mission Concepts for Mars Exploration, 2655.
- McEwen, A., Byrne, S., & Hansen, C. (2022, sep). Results from MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE), 2006-2022. In European Planetary Science Congress.
- Mcewen, A., Block, K., Schaller, C., Baugh, N., Hansen, C., Byrne, S., Ebben, T., Bergstrom, J., & Delamere, W. A. (2022, jul). The Future of the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). In 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July, 44.
- O'Brien, P., & Byrne, S. (2022, mar). Can Small Impacts Explain the Moon's Smooth Surface?. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- O'Brien, P., & Byrne, S. (2022, mar). Cooler Than Cool: Doubly Shadowed Regions at the Lunar Poles. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- O'Brien, P., & Byrne, S. (2022, nov). Mapping Lunar Double Shadows with Digital Terrain Models. In Lunar Polar Volatiles Conference, 2703.
- Smith, I., Calvin, W., Becerra, P., Landis, M., Byrne, S., Hayne, P., Bapst, J., Chmielewski, A., & Delaune, J. (2022, mar). Bifrost: Mars Polar Science Enabled by a Low-Cost Helicopter. In Low-Cost Science Mission Concepts for Mars Exploration, 2655.
- Sori, M., Bramson, A., Byrne, S., James, P., Ojha, L., & Wagner, N. (2022, mar). Gravity Science Constrains the Presence and Volume of Mid-Latitude Ice Sheets on Mars. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Sutton, S., Chojnacki, M., McEwen, A., Kirk, R., Dundas, C., Schaefer, E., Conway, S., Diniega, S., Portyankina, G., Landis, M., Baugh, N., Heyd, R., Byrne, S., Tornabene, L., Ojha, L., & Hamilton, C. (2022, mar). Revealing Active Mars with HiRISE Digital Terrain Models and Orthoimages. In 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2678.
- Becerra, P., Bramson, A., Brown, A., Byrne, S., Coronato, A., Diniega, S., Galofre, A. G., Hayne, P., Horgan, B., Hvidberg, C., Landis, M., Obbard, R. W., Pascuzzo, A., Plaut, J. J., Portyankina, G., Putzig, N., Rabassa, J., Smith, I., Sori, M., , Tamppari, L., et al. (2021, may). The Importance of the Climate Record in the Martian Polar Layered Deposits. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Brown, A., Videen, G., Byrne, S., Zubko, E., Diniega, S., Heavens, N., Mishchenko, M., Schlegel, N., Kim, S., Becerra, P., Conway, S., Choi, Y., Herkenhoff, K., Meyer, C. R., Mischna, M., Harrison, T. N., Colaprete, A., Hayne, P., Jeong, M., , Obbard, R. W., et al. (2021, may). The case for a multi-channel polarization sensitive LIDAR for investigation of insolation-driven ices and atmospheres. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Cook, C., Byrne, S., & Sori, M. (2021, mar). Deformation of the Banded Terrain of Hellas Planitia, Mars. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Daubar, I., Beyer, R. A., Hamilton, V., McEwen, A., Bardabelias, N., Brooks, S. M., Byrne, P. K., Byrne, S., Calef, I., Castillo-Rogez, J., Diniega, S., Gulick, V. C., Hamilton, C. W., Jha, D., Keresztur, A., Nunn, C., Schenk, P., & Sutton, S. S. (2021, may). Extended Missions in Planetary Science: Impacts to Science and the Workforce. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Diniega, S., Putzig, T., Byrne, S., Calvin, W., Dundas, C., Fenton, L., Hayne, P., Hollibaugh, B. D., Holt, J., Hvidberg, C., Kahre, M., Mischna, M., Morgan, G., Oehler, D., Portyankina, A., Rogers, D., Sizemore, H., Smith, I., Soto, A., , Tamppari, L., et al. (2021, may). White Paper Summary of the Final Report from the Ice and Climate Evolution Science Analysis group (ICE-SAG). In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Dundas, C., Byrne, S., Chojnacki, M., Diniega, S., Daubar, I., Hamilton, C., Hansen, C., McEwen, A., Portyankina, G., & Sizemore, H. (2021, may). Current Activity on the Martian Surface: A Key Subject for Future Exploration. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Hayne, P., Paige, D., Ingersoll, A., Aharonson, O., Byrne, S., Cohen, B., Colaprete, A., Edwards, C. S., Foote, E. J., Greenhagen, B. T., Hendrix, A., Hermalyn, B., Horanyi, M., Liu, Y., Lucey, P. G., Malphrus, B. K., McCord, T. B., Poston, M. J., Sanders, G. B., , Sch{\"orghofer}, N., et al. (2021, may). New Approaches to Lunar Ice Detection and Mapping. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Jakosky, B., Byrne, S., Calvin, W., Curry, S., Ehlmann, B., Eigenbrode, J., Hoehler, T., Horgan, B., Hubbard, S., McCollom, T., Mustard, J., Putzig, T., Rucker, M., Wolff, M., Wordsworth, R., Meyer, M., & Zurek, R. (2021, may). Mars, The Nearest Habitable World \textemdash A Comprehensive Program For Future Mars Exploration. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Landis, M., Byrne, S., Hayne, P., Piqueux, S., & Wilcoski, A. (2021, mar). Interannual Variability of Ice Within North Polar Layered Deposits Craters on Mars. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Landis, M., Dundas, C., Hayne, P., McEwen, A., Daubar, I., Byrne, S., Sutton, S., Britton, A., & Herkenhoff, K. (2021, aug). Two Dated Small Impacts on the South Polar Layered Deposits, Mars, and Implications for Near-Surface Properties. In 12th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting, 12.
- O'Brien, P., & Byrne, S. (2021, mar). Surface Residence Times of Regolith on the Lunar Maria. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Sarrazin, P., Obbard, R., Vo, N., Zacny, K., Hinman, N., Lafuente, B., Bishop, J., Chen, J., Blake, D., Bristow, T., Rampe, E., Byrne, S., & Eckley, S. (2021, may). In situ microCT for planetary exploration. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Smith, I., Calvin, W., Smith, D., Hansen, C., Diniega, S., McEwen, A., Thomas, N., Banfield, D., Titus, T., Becerra, P., Kahre, M., Forget, F., Hecht, M., Byrne, S., Hvidberg, C., Hayne, P., Head, I., Mellon, M., Horgan, B., , Mustard, J., et al. (2021, may). Solar-System-Wide Significance of Mars Polar Science. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Smith, I., Hayne, P. O., Byrne, S., Becerra, P., Kahre, M., Calvin, W., Hvidberg, C., Milkovich, S., Buhler, P., Landis, M., Horgan, B., Kleinb{\"ohl}, A., Perry, M. R., Obbard, R., Stern, J., Piqueux, S., Thomas, N., Zacny, K., Carter, L., , Edgar, L., et al. (2021, may). Unlocking the Climate Record Stored within Mars' Polar Layered Deposits. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Whelley, P., Achilles, C. N., Baldridge, A. M., Banks, M. E., Bell, E., Bernhardt, H., Bishop, J., Blank, J. G., Bower, D. M., Byrne, S., Clark, J., Crown, D. A., Crumpler, L. S., Czarnecki, S., Davies, A., Wet, A., Dean, J. W., Dibb, S., Dong, C., , Edgar, L. A., et al. (2021, may). The Importance of Field Studies for Closing Key Knowledge Gaps in Planetary Science. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Williams, D., Anderson, R. C., Byrne, S., Costard, F., Hayes, A., Jaumann, R., Mouginis-Mark, P., Muller, J., Oberst, J., Schultz, P. H., Spray, J. G., Stopar, J., Sutton, S., & Watters, T. R. (2021, may). RPIFs to PDUCs: New Planetary Data Utilization Centers to support NASA's Planetary Data Ecosystem. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Zurek, R., Campbell, B., Byrne, S., Calvin, W., Carter, L., Clancy, R., Ehlmann, B., Garvin, J., Kahre, M., Kerber, L., Murchie, S., Putzig, N., Salvatore, M., Smith, M., Tamppari, L., Thomson, B., Diniega, S., Lock, R., Bridges, N., , Whitley, R., et al. (2021, may). Mars Next Orbiter Science Analysis Group (NEX-SAG): White Paper Report to the 2023-2032 Planetary Sciences and Astrobiology Decadal Survey. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53.
- Becerra, P., Herny, C., Valantinas, A., Byrne, S., Thomas, N., & Conway, S. (2020, sep). Avalanches of the Martian north polar cap. In European Planetary Science Congress.
- Byrne, S. (2020, jan). Accounting for varying accretion flows in X-Ray Transient Binary Black Hole Systems. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#235, 235.
- Chojnacki, M., McEwen, A., Byrne, S., Hansen, C., Daubar, I., Beyer, R., & McArthur, G. (2020, mar). HiWish: The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) Suggestion Tool. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Cook, C., Byrne, S., & Sori, M. (2020, mar). Deformation of the Banded Terrain of Hellas Planitia, Mars. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Dundas, C., Williams, K., McEwen, A., Byrne, S., Mellon, M., & Bramson, A. (2020, mar). The Distribution of Ice Exposures on Mars. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- O'Brien, P., & Byrne, S. (2020, mar). Sub-Resolution Permanent Shadowing on Airless Bodies. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Sori, M., Bland, M., Byrne, S., Castillo-Rogez, J., Ermakov, A., Evans, A., Johnson, B., Park, R., Raymond, C., & Scully, J. (2020, mar). An Ice Shell on Ceres. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Byrne, S., Hayne, P., & Becerra, P. (2019, Sep). Climate Orbiter for Mars Polar Atmospheric and Subsurface Science (COMPASS): Deciphering the Martian Climate Record. In EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 2019.
- Cook, C., Bramson, A., Christoffersen, M., Byrne, S., Holt, J., Viola, D., Dundas, C., & Goudge, T. (2019, Mar). Radar Constraints on the Thickness of Subsurface Ice Near Hellas Planitia, Mars. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Cook, C., Viola, D., Byrne, S., & Drouet, d. C. (2019, Mar). Detection Limits for Chiral Amino Acids Using a Polarization Camera. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Landis, M., Prettyman, T., Byrne, S., Yamashita, N., Scully, J., Schorghofer, N., Castillo-Rogez, J. .., Sizemore, H., & Raymond, C. (2019, Mar). Survival of Water Ice and Hydrated Salts at Occator Crater, Ceres. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- O'Brien, P., Byrne, S., & Zega, T. (2019, Mar). Lunar Landscape Evolution and Space Weathering. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Putzig, N., Diniega, S., Byrne, S., Calvin, W., Dundas, C., Fenton, L., Hayne, P., Hollibaugh, B. D., Holt, J., Hvidberg, C., Kahre, M., Mischna, M., Morgan, G., Oehler, D., Portyankina, G., Rogers, A., Sizemore, H., Smith, I., Soto, A., , Tamppari, L., et al. (2019, Mar). Results from the Ice and Climate Evolution Science Analysis Group (ICE-SAG). In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Russell, P., Parra, S., Milkovich, S., Becerra, P., & Byrne, S. (2019, Mar). Visible and Topographic Texture of the North Polar Residual Cap of Mars. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Sori, M., Bapst, J., Becerra, P., & Byrne, S. (2019, Mar). The Paleoclimate Record of Outlier Ice Deposits Near the Martian Poles. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Thomas, N., Cremonese, G., Almeida, M., Backer, J., Becerra, P., Borrini, G., Byrne, S., Gruber, M., Heyd, R., Ivanov, A., Keszthelyi, L., Marriner, C., McArthur, G., McEwen, A., Okubo, C., Patel, M., Perry, J., Pommerol, A., Re, C., , Read, M., et al. (2019, Mar). CaSSIS on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter: Operational Approach. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Thomas, N., Cremonese, G., Almeida, M., Banaszkiewicz, M., Bapst, J., Becerra, P., Bridges, J., Byrne, S., Conway, S., Deppo, V., Debei, S., El-Maarry, M., Fennema, A., Hauber, E., Heyd, R., Hansen, C., Ivanov, A., Keszthelyi, L., Kirk, R., , Kuzmin, R., et al. (2019, Mar). CaSSIS: Overview of Imaging in the First 9 Months of the Prime Mission. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Wei, G., & Byrne, S. (2019, Mar). A New Method to Simulate Chang'E Brightness Temperatures Using Thermal Constraints from Diviner Data. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
- Bapst, J., Byrne, S., & Bandfield, J. (2018, mar). Recent Accumulation of Water Ice at the North Pole of Mars?. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Bramson, A., Byrne, S., Bapst, J., & Smith, I. (2018, mar). The Role of Sublimation in the Migration of Mars' Spiral Polar Troughs. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Brown, A., Bapst, J., & Byrne, S. (2018, mar). Observations of a New Stabilizing Process for Surface Water Ice on Mars. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Buhler, P., Dickson, J., Ehlmann, B., Ingersoll, A., Byrne, S., Tao, Y., & Muller, J. (2018, mar). Prospects for Measuring Vertical Change on the Martian Residual South Polar Cap Using HiRISE Digital Elevation Models. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Cook, C., Bramson, A., Byrne, S., Viola, D., Holt, J., Christoffersen, M., & Dundas, C. (2018, mar). Searching for Subsurface Ice in Hellas Planitia Using SHARAD. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Landis, M., Byrne, S., Combe, J., Marchi, S., Castillo-Rogez, J. .., Sizemore, H., Sch{\"orghofer}, N., Prettyman, T., Hayne, P., Raymond, C., & Russell, C. (2018, mar). Impact-Driven Production of Ceres' Surface Ice Patches and Their Exospheric Contribution. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Landis, M., Byrne, S., Dundas, C., Herkenhoff, K., Whitten, J., Mayer, D., Daubar, I., & Plaut, J. (2018, mar). Surface Ages of the South Polar Layered Deposits, Mars. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- O'Brien, P., Byrne, S., & Hayne, P. (2018, mar). Ceres' Global Surface Roughness: Implications for Sub-Resolution Cold Traps. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Parra, S., Milkovich, S., Byrne, S., Russell, P., & Becerra, P. (2018, mar). Variations in Texture of the North Polar Residual Cap of Mars. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Smith, I., Byrne, S., & Hayne, P. (2018, jul). Unlocking the Climate Record Stored Within Mars' Polar Layered Deposits. In 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 42.
- Sori, M., Sizemore, H., Byrne, S., Bramson, A., Bland, M., & Russell, C. (2018, mar). Ceres' Cryovolcanic History. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Viola, D., Byrne, S., Drouet, d. C., Williams, B., & Rizk, B. (2018, mar). Detecting Chiral Biosignatures on Europa with the C-LIFE Polarized Microscope. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.
- Combe}, J., {Raponi}, A., {De Sanctis}, M., {Tosi}, F., {Ammannito}, E., {Byrne}, S., {Giacomo Carrozzo}, F., {Hayne}, P., {Hughson}, K., {Johnson}, K., {Landis}, M., {Mazarico}, E., {McCord}, T., {Pieters}, C., {Ruesch}, O., {Singh}, S., {Raymond}, C., {Russell}, C., & Team, {. (2016, oct). Exposed H$_{2}$O-rich areas detected on Ceres with Dawn Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 48.
- Schmidt}, B., {Hughson}, K., {Chilton}, H., {Scully}, J., {Platz}, T., {Nathues}, A., {Sizemore}, H., {Bland}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Marchi}, S., {O'Brien}, D., {Schorghofer}, N., {Hiesinger}, H., {Jaumann}, R., {Lawrence}, J., {Buczkowski}, D., {Castillo}, J., {Schenk}, P., {Sykes}, M., , {De Sanctis}, M., et al. (2016, mar). Ground Ice on Ceres?. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Bapst}, J., , S. (2016, mar). Louth Crater Water Ice as a Martian Climate Proxy. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Becerra}, P., {Byrne}, S., , M. (2016, mar). Searching for a Climate Signal in Mars' North Polar Deposits. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Becerra}, P., {Byrne}, S., {Sori}, M., {Sutton}, S., , K. (2016, mar). Stratigraphy of the North Polar Layered Deposits of Mars from High-Resolution Topography. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Bramson}, A., , S. (2016, mar). Implications of Martian Excess Ground Ice Stability. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Breitenfeld}, L., {Dyar}, M., {Tague}, T., {Wang}, P., {Mertzman}, S., {Byrne}, S., {Crowley}, M., {Leight}, C., , E. (2016, mar). Quantifying Mineral Abundances in Mixtures Using Raman Spectroscopy: Calculating Raman Coefficient Using a Diamond Reference. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Brown}, A., {Calvin}, W., {Becerra}, P., , S. (2016, mar). The Martian North Polar Water Cycle. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Byrne}, S., , M. (2016, mar). The Space Imagery Center: A NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Diniega}, S., {Hansen}, C., {McEwen}, A., {Dundas}, C., , S. (2016, jul). A summary of present-day gully formation and activity on Mars. In 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 41.
- {Dyar}, M., {Breitenfeld}, L., {Carey}, C., {Bartholomew}, P., {Tague}, T., {Wang}, P., {Mertzman}, S., {Byrne}, S., {Crowley}, M., {Leight}, C., {Watts}, E., {Campbell}, J., {Celestian}, A., {McKeeby}, B., {Jaret}, S., {Glotch}, T., {Berlanga}, G., , A. (2016, mar). Interlaboratory and Cross-Instrument Comparison of Raman Spectra of 96 Minerals. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Hagerty}, J., {Anderson}, R., {Byrne}, S., {Hager}, M., {Hayes}, A., {Jaumann}, R., {Mouginis-Mark}, P., {Muller}, J., {Schultz}, P., {Spray}, J., {Watters}, T., , D. (2016, mar). The NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility Network: A Globally Distributed Resource for the Planetary Science Community. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Landis}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Daubar}, I., {Herkenhoff}, K., , C. (2016, mar). Surface Age and Resurfacing Rates of the North Polar Layered Deposits, Mars. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Landis}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Schorghofer}, N., {Schmidt}, B., {Raymond}, C., , C. (2016, mar). Behavior and Stability of Ground Ice on Ceres: Initial Clues from Dawn. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Lawrence}, S., {Hagerty}, J., {Gaddis}, L., {Archinal}, B., {Radebaugh}, J., {Byrne}, S., {Sutton}, S., {DellaGiustina}, D., {Thomson}, B., {Mazarico}, E., {Williams}, D., {Skinner}, J., {Hare}, T., {Fergason}, R., , J. (2016, mar). The Mapping and Planetary Spatial Infrastructure Team (MAPSIT): Addressing Strategic Planning Needs for Planetary Cartography. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Lepore}, K., {Giguere}, S., {Boucher}, T., {Byrne}, S., {Fassett}, C., , M. (2016, mar). Univariate vs. Multivariate Models for Predictions of Major and Trace Elements from LIBS Spectra With and Without Masking. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Molaro}, J., , S. (2016, oct). Thermally induced stresses in boulders on airless body surfaces: Implications for breakdown. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 48.
- {Molaro}, J., {Hayne}, P., , S. (2016, mar). Thermally Induced Stresses in Boulders on the Moon: Implications for Breakdown. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Ruesch}, O., {Platz}, T., {Schenk}, P., {McFadden}, L., {Castillo-Rogez}, J., {Byrne}, S., {Preusker}, F., {O'Brien}, D., {Schmedemann}, N., {Williams}, D., {Li}, J., {Bland}, M., {Hiesinger}, H., {Sykes}, M., {Kneissl}, T., {Neesemann}, A., {Schaefer}, M., {Nathues}, A., {Roatsch}, T., , {Pasckert}, J., et al. (2016, mar). Ahuna Mons: A Geologically-Young Extrusive Dome on Ceres. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Ruesch}, O., {Platz}, T., {Schenk}, P., {McFadden}, L., {Castillo-Rogez}, J., {Quick}, L., {Byrne}, S., {Preusker}, F., {O'Brien}, D., {Schmedemann}, N., {Williams}, D., {Li}, J., {Bland}, M., {Hiesinger}, H., {Kneissl}, T., {Neesemann}, A., {Schaefer}, M., {Pasckert}, J., {Schmidt}, B., , {Buczkowski}, D., et al. (2016, oct). More diversity for volcanism: Ceres' Ahuna Mons from Dawn's Framing Camera data. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 48.
- {Schmidt}, B., {Chilton}, H., {Hughson}, K., {Scully}, J., {Sizemore}, H., {Nathues}, A., {Platz}, T., {Byrne}, S., {Bland}, M., {Schorghofer}, N., {O'Brien}, D., {Marchi}, S., {Hiesinger}, H., {Jaumann}, R., {Russell}, C., {Raymond}, C., Science, {., & Team}, O. (2016, oct). Icing in the Cake: Evidence for Ground Ice in Ceres. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 48.
- {Schorghofer}, N., {Byrne}, S., {Mazarico}, E., {Platz}, T., {Prettyman}, T., {Schmidt}, B., {Schroeder}, S., {Sizemore}, H., {Tosi}, F., {Raymond}, C., , C. (2016, mar). The Permanently Shadowed Craters of Ceres as Seen by the Dawn Spacecraft. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Sori}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Bapst}, J., {Becerra}, P., {Bramson}, A., , M. (2016, mar). A Wunda-full World? Testing the Plausibility of Carbon Dioxide Frost on Umbriel. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Thomas}, N., {Cremonese}, G., {McEwen}, A., {Ziethe}, R., {Gerber}, M., {Br{\"a}ndli}, M., {Erismann}, M., {Gambicorti}, L., {Gerber}, T., {Ghose}, K., {Gruber}, M., {Gubler}, P., {Mischler}, H., {Jost}, J., {Piazza}, D., {Pommerol}, A., {Rieder}, M., {Roloff}, V., {Servonet}, A., , {Trottmann}, W., et al. (2016, mar). The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System for ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- {Viola}, D., {McEwen}, A., {Dundas}, C., , S. (2016, mar). Subsurface Volatile Abundance in a Martian Double Layer Ejecta Crater. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 47.
- McEwen, A., Daubar, I., Ivanov, B., Oberst, J., Malhotra, R., JeongAhn, Y., & Byrne, S. (2015, mar). "{Current Impact Rate on Earth, Moon, and Mars}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Bapst}, J., , S. (2015, mar). "{Martian Icy Outliers and Climate History}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Becerra}, P., {Byrne}, S., {Sutton}, S., {Pelletier}, J., {Sori}, M., , K. (2015, mar). "{Martian Polar Stratigraphy from HiRISE Stereo Topography}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Bramson}, A., {Byrne}, S., {Sutton}, S., {Putzig}, N., {Martellato}, E., {Cremonese}, G., {Plaut}, J., , J. (2015, mar). "{A Study of Martian Mid-Latitude Ice Using Observations and Modeling of Terraced Craters}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Breves}, E., {Breitenfeld}, L., {Ketley}, M., {Roberts}, A., {Dyar}, M., {Fassett}, C., {Sklute}, E., {Lepore}, K., {Marchand}, G., {Rhodes}, J., {Vollinger}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Crowley}, M., {Boucher}, T., , S. (2015, mar). "{Cr, Ni, Mn, Co, Zn, and S Standards for Use in Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy on Mars}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Byrne}, S., {Hayne}, P., {Becerra}, P., & Team}, {. (2015, mar). "{Evolution and Stability of the Residual CO2 Ice Cap}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Daubar}, I., {Golombek}, M., {McEwen}, A., {Byrne}, S., {Kreslavsky}, M., {Schmerr}, N., {Banks}, M., {Lognonn{'e}}, P., {Kawamura}, T., , F. (2015, mar). "{Measurement of the Current Martian Cratering Size Frequency Distribution, Predictions for and Expected Improvements from InSight}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Daubar}, I., {McEwen}, A., {Byrne}, S., {Kreslavsky}, M., {Saper}, L., {Kennedy}, M., , M. (2015, may). "{Current State of Knowledge of Modern Martian Cratering}". In Issues in Crater Studies and the Dating of Planetary Surfaces, 1841.
- {Landis}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Daubar}, I., {Herkenhoff}, K., , C. (2015, mar). "{Reinterpreting the Impact Craters of the North Polar Layered Deposits, Mars}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Landis}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Daubar}, I., {Herkenhoff}, K., , C. (2015, may). "{Impact Craters and Surface Age of the North Polar Layered Deposits, Mars}". In Issues in Crater Studies and the Dating of Planetary Surfaces, 1841.
- {Lepore}, K., {Boucher}, T., {Breves}, E., {Dyar}, M., {Fassett}, C., {Sklute}, E., {Marchand}, G., {Rhodes}, J., {Vollinger}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Breitenfeld}, L., {Ketley}, M., {Crowley}, M., {Roberts}, A., , S. (2015, mar). "{Nickel Calibration for Use in Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy on Mars}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Martellato}, E., {Cremonese}, G., {Lucchetti}, A., {Bramson}, A., , S. (2015, sep). "{Modeling of Terraced Craters on Mars}". In Bridging the Gap III: Impact Cratering In Nature, Experiments, and Modeling, 1861.
- {Molaro}, J., , S. (2015, apr). "{Thermoelastic stresses on airless bodies and implications for rock breakdown}". In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 17.
- {Molaro}, J., {Byrne}, S., , S. (2015, mar). "{Thermoelastic Stresses on Airless Bodies: Comparing Macro- to Microscopic Breakdown Processes}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Schmidt}, B., {Scully}, J., {Chilton}, H., {Hughson}, K., {Sizemore}, H., {Bland}, M., {Schenk}, P., {Nathues}, A., {Platz}, T., {O'Brien}, D., {Byrne}, S., {Schorghofer}, N., {Ammanito}, E., {Russell}, C., {Raymond}, C., {DeSanctis}, M., {Marchi}, S., {Li}, J., {LeCorre}, L., , {Reddy}, V., et al. (2015, nov). "{Geomorphological evidence for pervasive ground ice on Ceres from Dawn data}". In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 47.
- {Sori}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Hamilton}, C., , M. (2015, mar). "{Is Viscous Flow Important at the Martian Poles?}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Thompson}, M., {Zega}, T., {Keane}, J., {Becerra}, P., , S. (2015, mar). "{The Oxidation State of Fe Nanoparticles in Lunar Soil: Implications for Space Weathering Processes}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- {Thompson}, M., {Zega}, T., {Keane}, J., {Becerra}, P., , S. (2015, nov). "{The Oxidation State of Nanophase Fe Particles in Lunar Soil: Implications for Space Weathering}". In Space Weathering of Airless Bodies: An Integration of Remote Sensing Data, Laboratory Experiments and Sample Analysis Workshop, 1878.
- {Viola}, D., {McEwen}, A., {Dundas}, C., , S. (2015, mar). "{Inferring the Subsurface Structure of Double Layer Ejecta Craters from Overlying Secondary Craters}". In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 46.
- Becerra}, P., {Byrne}, S., {Mattson}, S., {Pelletier}, J., {Herkenhoff}, K., & Team, {. (2014, jul). Polar Stratigraphy from HiRISE Stereo Topography. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {Bramson}, A., {Byrne}, S., {Putzig}, N., {Mattson}, S., {Plaut}, J., , J. (2014, jul). Thick, Excess Water Ice in Arcadia Planitia. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {Bramson}, A., {Byrne}, S., {Putzig}, N., {Mattson}, S., {Plaut}, J., , J. (2014, nov). Distribution and Compositional Constraints on Subsurface Ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Byrne}, S., {Hayne}, P., {Becerra}, P., & Team}, {. (2014, jul). Evolution and Stability of the Residual CO2 Ice Cap. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {Byrne}, S., {Russell}, P., {Pathare}, A., {Becerra}, P., {Molaro}, J., {Mattson}, S., {Mellon}, M., & Team}, {. (2014, jul). Icy Polar Cliffs: Stressed Out and Falling to Pieces. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {Daubar}, I., {McEwen}, A., {Byrne}, S., {Kreslavsky}, M., {Saper}, L., , M. (2014, jul). New Dated Impacts on Mars and an Updated Current Cratering Rate. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {Daubar}, I., {McEwen}, A., {Byrne}, S., {Kreslavsky}, M., {Saper}, L., , M. (2014, sep). New Dated Impacts on Mars and the Current Cratering Rate. In 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 1800.
- {Dundas}, C., {Byrne}, S., , A. (2014, jul). Clean Ground Ice on Mars: Evidence from Spacecraft, Fresh Craters, and Thermokarst. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {Dundas}, C., {Diniega}, S., {McEwen}, A., {Hansen}, C., , S. (2014, jul). Eight Years of Gully Activity on Mars. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {Hansen}, C., {Byrne}, S., {Bourke}, M., {Bridges}, N., {Diniega}, S., {Dundas}, C., {McEwen}, A., {Mellon}, M., {Pommerol}, A., {Portyankina}, G., , N. (2014, jul). New Advances in Understanding Northern Seasonal Processes on Mars. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {Hayne}, P., {Piqueux}, S., {Paige}, D., {Pilorget}, C., {Kass}, D., {Kleinboehl}, A., {Schofield}, J., {Shirley}, J., {Heavens}, N., {Byrne}, S., , D. (2014, jul). The Polar Radiation Budget of Mars from Multi-Annual Infrared and Solar Observations. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {Landis}, M., {Byrne}, S., {Daubar}, I., {Herkenhoff}, K., , C. (2014, nov). Reinterpreting the Impact Craters of the North Polar Layered Deposits, Mars. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Martellato}, E., {Cremonese}, G., {Lucchetti}, A., {Massironi}, M., {Marzari}, F., {Bramson}, A., {Byrne}, S., , S. (2014, nov). Ground Ice on Mars: Numerical Modelling of a Terraced Crater in Arcadia Planitia. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Mattson}, S., {McEwen}, A., {Bridges}, N., {Byrne}, S., {Chojnacki}, M., {Daubar}, I., {Dundas}, C., , P. (2014, nov). Active Mars Revealed through HiRISE DTMs and Orthoimages. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {McEwen}, A., {Bridges}, N., {Byrne}, S., {Chevrier}, V., {Chojnacki}, M., {Conway}, S., {Cull}, S., {Dundas}, C., {Gulick}, V., {Hansen}, C., {Masse}, M., {Mattson}, S., {Murchie}, S., {Ojha}, L., {Paige}, D., {Pommerol}, A., {Schaefer}, E., {Thomas}, N., {Toigo}, A., , {Viola}, D., et al. (2014, jul). Recurring Slope Lineae on Mars. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {McEwen}, A., {Byrne}, S., {Chevrier}, V., {Chojnacki}, M., {Dundas}, C., {Masse}, M., {Mattson}, S., {Ojha}, L., {Pommerol}, A., {Toigo}, A., , J. (2014, may). Recurring Slope Lineae and Future Exploration of Mars. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 16.
- {Molaro}, J., , S. (2014, jul). Grain-Scale Thermoelastic Stresses on Phobos and Implications for Rock Breakdown. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {Molaro}, J., , S. (2014, nov). Thermoelastic Grain-Scale Stresses on Airless Bodies and Implications for Rock Breakdown. In AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 46.
- {Russell}, P., {Feleke}, S., , S. (2014, jul). Landslide Erosion Rates of North Polar Layered Deposit Cliffs and the Underlying Basal Unit. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {Thomas}, N., {Cremonese}, G., {Banaszkiewicz}, M., {Bridges}, J., {Byrne}, S., {da Deppo}, V., {Debei}, S., {El-Maarry}, M., {Hauber}, E., {Hansen}, C., {Ivanov}, A., {Kestay}, L., {Kirk}, R., {Kuzmin}, R., {Mangold}, N., {Marinangeli}, L., {Markiewicz}, W., {Massironi}, M., {McEwen}, A., , {Okubo}, C., et al. (2014, jul). The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) for ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter.. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- {Viola}, D., {McEwen}, A., {Dundas}, C., , S. (2014, jul). Expanded Craters in Arcadia Planitia: Evidence for $\gt$20 Myr Old Subsurface Ice. In Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791.
- Hayne, P., Paige, D., Ingersoll, A., Judd, M., Aharonson, O., Alkali, L., Byrne, S., Cohen, B., Colaprete, A., Combe, J., Edwards, C., Ehlmann, B., Feldman, W., Foote, E., Greenhagen, B., Liu, Y., Lucey, P., Malphrus, B., McClanahan, T., , McCleese, D., et al. (2013, October). New Approaches to Lunar Ice Detection and Mapping: Study Overview and Results of the First Workshop. In Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group.More infoPage: 7043; LPI Contribution No. 1748
Poster Presentations
- Becerra, P., Byrne, S., & Brown, A. (2014, March). Transient Bright "Halos" on the South Polar Residual Cap of Mars: Implications for Mass Balance. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/17-21/14; Page: 1388; LPI Contribution No. 1777
- Becerra, P., Byrne, S., Mattson, S., Herkenhoff, K., & Team, H. (2014, March). Martian Polar Stratigraphy from HiRISE Stereo Topography. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/17-21/14; Page: 2408; LPI Contribution No. 1777
- Bramson, A., Byrne, S., Putzig, N., Mattson, S., Plaut, J., & Holt, J. (2014, March). Thick, Excess Water Ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/17-21/14; Page: 2120; LPI Contribution No. 1777
- Chojnacki, M., McEwen, A., Dundas, C., Mattson, S., Ojha, L., Byrne, S., & Wray, J. (2014, March). Geologic Context of Recurring Slope Lineae in Coprates Chasma. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/17-21/14; Page: 2701; LPI Contribution No. 1777
- Daubar, I., Geissler, P., McEwen, A., Dundas, C., Byrne, S., Russell, P., & Bart, G. (2014, March). Changes in New Impact Blast Zones over Three Martian Years. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/17-21/14; Page: 2762; LPI Contribution No. 1777
- Hansen, C., Diniega, S., Bridges, N., Byrne, S., Dundas, C., & McEwen, A. (2014, March). Wind and Dry Ice: Agents of Change on Mars' North Polar Erg. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/17-21/14; Page: 1667; LPI Contribution No. 1777
- Landis, M., Byrne, S., & Daubar, I. (2014, March). Reinterpreting the Impact Craters of the North Polar Layered Deposits, Mars. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/17-21/14; Page: 2661; LPI Contribution No. 1777
- Mattson, S., Kilgallon, A., Byrne, S., McEwen, A., Herkenhoff, K., Okubo, C., Putzig, N., & Russell, P. (2014, March). Meter-Scale Pits in Mars' North Polar Layered Deposits. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/17-21/14; Page: 2431; LPI Contribution No. 1777
- Molaro, J., & Byrne, S. (2014, March). Grain-Scale Thermoelastic Stresses on Airless Bodies and Implications for Rock Break-Down. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/17-21/14; Page: 1179; LPI Contribution No. 1777
- Russell, P., Byrne, S., & Dawson, L. (2014, March). Active Powder Avalanches on the Steep North Polar Scarps of Mars: 4 Years of HiRISE Observation. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/17-21/14; Page: 2688; LPI Contribution No. 1777
- Becerra, P., Byrne, S., & Brown, A. (2013, Fall). Dust-Driven Halos on the Martian South Polar Residual CAP. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013.More infoAbstract #P41A-1913
- Becerra, P., Byrne, S., & Brown, A. (2013, March). Frost Halos on the South Polar Residual Cap of Mars. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/18-22/13; Page: 1284; LPI Contribution No. 1719
- Bramson, A., Byrne, S., Mattson, S., & Plaut, J. (2013, March). Terraced Craters and Subsurface Ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/18-22/13; Page: 2905; LPI Contribution No. 1719
- Bramson, A., Byrne, S., Putzig, N., Plaut, J., Mattson, S., & Holt, J. (2013, Fall). Thick subsurface water ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013.More infoAbstract #P43D-05
- Byrne, S., Becerra, P., Diniega, S., Dundas, C., Geissler, P., Hansen, C., McEwen, A., Russell, P., & Thomas, N. (2013, Fall). Mars: Cold, windy and occasionally unstable (Invited). American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013.More infoAbstract #P31C-05
- Byrne, S., Russell, P., Pathare, A., Becerra, P., Molaro, J., Matson, S., & Mellon, M. (2013, March). Fracturing the Icy Polar Cliffs of Mars. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/18-22/13; Page: 1659; LPI Contribution No. 1719
- Daubar, I., McEwen, A., & Byrne, S. (2013, March). How Accurately can we Dates Recent Climate Change on Mars?. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/18-22/13; Page: 2977; LPI Contribution No. 1719
- Dundas, C., Byrne, S., McEwen, A., Mellon, M., Wu, M., Daubar, I., & Saper, L. (2013, Fall). Observations of Ice-Exposing Impacts on Mars over Three Mars Years. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013.More infoAbstract #P31C-07
- Hansen, C., Byrne, S., Bourke, M., McEwen, A., Pommerol, A., Portyankina, G., & Thomas, N. (2013, March). HiRISE Images and Investigation of Northern Spring on Mars. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/18-22/13; Page: 1805; LPI Contribution No. 1719
- Hvidberg, C., Fishbaugh, K., Winstrup, M., Svensson, A., Byrne, S., & Herkenhoff, K. (2013, April). Climate variations recorded by the North Polar Layered Deposits on Mars. EGU General Assembly 2013. Vienna, Austria.More infoDates: 04/07-12/13; Page: 13106
- McEwen, A., Dundas, C., Mattson, S., Toigo, A., Ojha, L., Murchie, S., Thomas, N., Wray, J., Byrne, S., & Chojnacki, M. (2013, September). Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) in Equatorial Mars. European Planetary Science Congress 2013. London, UK.More infoDates: 09/08-13/13; id.EPSC2013-846
- McEwen, A., Dundas, C., Mattson, S., Toigo, A., Ojha, L., Wray, J., Chojnacki, M., Byrne, S., Murchie, S., & Thomas, N. (2013, Fall). Recurring Slope Lineae in Mid-Latitude and Equatorial Mars. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013.More infoAbstract #P31C-10
- Molaro, J., & Byrne, S. (2013, Fall). Modeling grain-scale thermoelastic stresses on airless bodies. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013.More infoAbstract #P52A-04
- Molaro, J., & Byrne, S. (2013, March). Microphysical Modeling of Thermoelastic Stresses on Airless Surfaces. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/18-22/13; Page: 1790; LPI Contribution No. 1719
- Russell, P., Byrne, S., & Pathare, A. (2013, March). Geographic Variation and Seasonal Evolution of Steep North Polar Scarps on Mars. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/18-22/13; Page: 2940; LPI Contribution No. 1719
- Viola, D., McEwen, A., Byrne, S., & Dundas, C. (2013, Fall). Mapping secondary crater fields in Arcadia Plantia, Mars: Implications for subsurface ice. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013.More infoAbstract #P41A-1918
- Becerra, P., Byrne, S., & Team, H. (2012, March). CO_2 Frost Halos on the South Polar Residual Cap of Mars. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/19-23/12; LPI Contribution No. 1659; id.2513
- Cull, S., Dundas, C., Mellon, M., & Byrne, S. (2012, March). CRISM Observations of Fresh Icy Craters in Mid- to High-Latitudes on Mars. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/19-23/12; LPI Contribution No. 1659; id.2145
- Daubar, I., Geissler, P., McEwen, A., Dundas, C., & Byrne, S. (2012, Fall). Repeat Observations of New Impact Sites on Mars: Changes in Blast Zones. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2012.More infoAbstract #P21C-1850
- Daubar, I., McEwen, A., Byrne, S., & Kennedy, M. (2012, March). Seasonal Variation in Current Martian Impact Rate. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/19-23/12; LPI Contribution No. 1659; id.2740
- Dundas, C., Diniega, S., Hansen, C., Byrne, S., & McEwen, A. (2012, Fall). Monitoring Gully Activity in Martian Winter. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2012.More infoAbstract #P24B-04
- Mattson, S., Russell, P., Byrne, S., Kirk, R., Herkenhoff, K., & McEwen, A. (2012, March). Production and Error Analysis of Polar Digital Terrain Models from HiRISE. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/19-23/12; LPI Contribution No. 1659; id.2659
- McEwen, A., Byrne, S., Dundas, C., Mattson, S., Murchie, S., Ojha, L., Schaefer, E., Thomas, N., & Wray, J. (2012, September). Recurring Slope Lineae: Evidence for Present-Day Flowing Water on Mars?. European Planetary Science Congress 2012. Madrid, Spain.More infoDates: 09/23-28/12; id. EPSC2012-276
- McEwen, A., Dundas, C., Byrne, S., Mattson, S., Ojha, L., Schaefer, E., & Wray, J. (2012, Fall). Recurring Slope Lineae in Valles Marineris, Mars. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2012.More infoAbstract #P21C-1857
- McEwen, A., Dundas, C., Diniega, S., Byrne, S., Bridges, N., & Hansen, C. (2012, Fall). Present-Day Surface Changes on Mars: Implications for Recent Climate Variability and Habitability. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2012.More infoAbstract #P14A-03
- Milkovich, S., Byrne, S., & Russell, P. (2012, March). Variations in Surface Texture of the North Polar Residual Cap of Mars. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/19-23/12; LPI Contribution No. 1659; id.2226
- Molaro, J., & Byrne, S. (2012, Fall). Thermal Weathering and Bedrock Erosion On Airless Bodies. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2012.More infoAbstract #EP41F-0847
- Molaro, J., & Byrne, S. (2012, March). The Effect of Rotation Rate and Semi-Major Axis on the Efficacy of Thermal Stress Weathering. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/19-23/12; LPI Contribution No. 1659; id.1154
- Ojha, L., McEwen, A., Dundas, C., Mattson, S., Byrne, S., Schaefer, E., & Masse, M. (2012, March). Recurring Slope Lineae on Mars: UpDatesd Global Survey Results. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/19-23/12; LPI Contribution No. 1659; id.2591
- Russell, P., Byrne, S., Pathare, A., & Herkenhoff, K. (2012, March). Active Erosion and Evolution of Mars North Polar Scarps. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/19-23/12; LPI Contribution No. 1659; id.2747
- Sharma, P., & Byrne, S. (2012, Fall). Global surface roughness of Titan. DPS meeting #44American Astronomical Society.More info#201.01
- Sharma, P., & Byrne, S. (2012, March). Modeling of Titan's Surface Processes Constrained by Shoreline Fractal Analysis and Comparison with Terrestrial Analogs. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX.More infoDates: 03/19-23/12; LPI Contribution No. 1659; id.1567
- Heldmann, J., Bramson, A. M., Byrne, S., Beyer, R., Carrato, P., Cummings, N., Golombek, M., Harrison, T., Head, J., Hodges, K., Kennedy, K., Levy, J., Lim, D. S., Marinova, M., McEwen, A., Morgan, G., Pathare, A., Putzig, N., Ruff, S., , Scheiman, J., et al. (2021). Accelerating Martian and Lunar Science through SpaceX Starship Missions.
- Byrne, S. (2003). History and current processes of the Martian polar layered deposits.